Written by Anne M. Warshaw Illustrated by Jill Carey © 2015 MISSION PROPELLE INC. 5 S3 5 CEO DOTTIE TOV GUIDED READING QUESTIONS 1. PAGE 2: What skills did Dottie and Gertie learn over the summer? 2. PAGE 4 (AFTER 1ST PARAGRAPH): How do you think Dottie and Gertie feel when Leonard says girls can’t build things? How would you respond to his comment? 3. PAGE 6: What skills could you contribute to the website? 4. CONNECT: What is your dream job? What other career options are available to you, today and in the future? 5. REFLECT: Who showed the most gumption in this story? SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL TAKEAWAY In this story, Dottie shows AMBITION. AMBITION is a strong desire to reach a goal and the willingness to work hard to reach it.

S3 5 5 CEO Dottie Tov

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Written by Anne M. Warshaw Illustrated by Jill Carey

© 2015 mission propelle inC.

5S3 5

Ceo DoTTie ToV

GUiDeD reADinG QUesTions

1. pAGe 2: What skills did Dottie and Gertie learn over the summer?

2. pAGe 4 (AFTer 1sT pArAGrApH): How do you think Dottie and Gertie feel when leonard says girls can’t build things? How would you respond to his comment?

3. pAGe 6: What skills could you contribute to the website?

4. ConneCT: What is your dream job? What other career options are available to you, today and in the future?

5. reFleCT: Who showed the most gumption in this story?

soCiAl-emoTionAl TAKeAWAY

in this story, Dottie shows AmBiTion.

AmBiTion is a strong desire to reach a goal and the willingness to work hard to reach it.


inspirinG Women

mrs. Tov raised her eyebrows and peered over her magazine. “Would you look at, that Dot?! Kath Carter is the first female CEO of Steinem & morrison, a big fancy banking company.”

Dottie’s eyes widened. she studied the cover of the magazine. Kath stood tall, proud and confident.


“How do you become a Ceo?” Dottie inquired.

“Ceos lead companies. You can be a Ceo now. You don’t have to wait until you are grown up!” Just then, lola walked into the room. “Did somebody say Ceo?” she asked with excitement in her voice. “little sis, you’re looking at one!” lola went on to explain her babysitting business.

“So basically,” she finished, “My job is to coordinate schedules, collect money, and advertise my services. it’s fun leading a company!” “so that’s how you afford to go to the movies with your friends!” Dottie exclaimed. “i want to be a Ceo too!”

“You can! But first, you’ll need a business idea. What problem do you want to solve?” lola inquired.

Dottie thought for a moment and looked around the kitchen. Then, it clicked. “Breakfast is the problem!” Dottie declared. “sometimes people don’t eat a healthy breakfast because they are too busy. i can give them a healthy start by selling them nutritious, home-baked muffins!”

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“Awesome job identifying a problem, Dot. How are you going to sell breakfast to people on their way to work?” lola followed up.

“mom, can you take me to the train every morning to sell muffins?” Mrs. Tov pondered this for a moment. “if you want to wake up early during your summer break to help start your business, i am all for it!” she decided.

After her tenth customer Dottie turned around and squealed. “lola i am doing it! i have my own business!” Dottie beamed with excitement.

“You had an idea and put it into action. What’s more is you did this all on your own. You are one cool 10-year-old, Dottie. Don’t ever change,” lola said. Dottie smiled, turned around and started shouting for her next customers.



DoWn To BUsiness

Dottie called all of the kids on her block together and explained that she was going to sell muffins at the train each morning. After hiring the most reliable neighbor kids, she scheduled shifts, working around camps and vacations.

That night Dottie baked 20 muffins, made signs for her table and packed up for the morning. she woke up early with business materials in tow, headed to the train with mrs. Tov and lola.

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“Get your breakfast! Don’t go to work hungry!” Dottie shouted as people shuffled to the train.

“I’ll have one muffin please,” a tall man said as he handed Dottie a dollar bill.

“Thank you sir,” she replied.

Lola helped Dottie sell a few more muffins, each customer kinder then the next. “Thank you for all of your help, lola. You are helping me manage all of these hungry people!” Dottie giggled.