Questions? Email: [email protected] or Facebook me at: Kevan Kruse Missed a class? DVD’s & notes are available at facebook page “Prophecy Days.” The New Strategy For World Domination? With the continued technological supremacy of the west, the Muslim’s have had to come up with a new strategy for making the world to “submit” to Islam. This new strategy involves actually creating Muslim on Muslim violence whereby creating a host of refugees. These refugees are then taken into other nations by their good graces and benevolence. But none of the refugees are Christian, because they kill them. In Europe, they are often provided with welfare giving them free room, board and free health care. Since Europe’s population is imploding and the Muslim’s population is exploding, it is only a matter of time before the Muslims will be the majority in Europe. We may be only as few as 5-10 years in some countries and 20-25 years in others from seeing this happen. The brutal, worldwide persecution of Christians during the past year makes 2015 “the most violent and sustained attack on Christian faith in modern history,” according to a watchdog organization that has been monitoring Christian persecution for decades. Once the refuges are in the countries, especially ones with welfare. Next they begin to form neighborhoods that drive our non-Muslims. Soon they begin to protest politically and ask for sharia law in their neighborhoods. Even moderate Muslims are targets because they can send in the radical Imams and seek to radicalize the moderates. Sharia law openly opposes the laws of most free countries in the world and is incompatible with most of the articles of the constitution of the United States. The best way to vet a Muslims is also probably over their adherence to Sharia law versus the laws of the country they are emigrating into. No – Go Zones Soon these neighborhoods do not have any police or any non-Muslims. They can be havens for anything. So the protests begin and the violence begins in order to create unrest and terror. This is what America needs to hear, as they are thinking about taking in Muslim refugees. Cologne Germany saw over 500 sexual assaults in just 3 nights related refugee violence. Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel, Oct 17. 2010: “The beginning of the 1960’s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany… We kidded ourselves 1

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Questions? Email: [email protected] or Facebook me at: Kevan Kruse

Missed a class? DVD’s & notes are available at facebook page “Prophecy Days.”

The New Strategy For World Domination?With the continued technological supremacy of the west, the Muslim’s have had to come up with a new strategy for making the world to “submit” to Islam. This new strategy involves actually creating Muslim on Muslim violence whereby creating a host of refugees. These refugees are then taken into other nations by their good graces and benevolence. But none of the refugees are Christian, because they kill them. In Europe, they are often provided with welfare giving them free room, board and free health care. Since Europe’s population is imploding and the Muslim’s population is exploding, it is only a matter of time before the Muslims will be the majority in Europe. We may be only as few as 5-10 years in some countries and 20-25 years in others from seeing this happen.

The brutal, worldwide persecution of Christians during the past year makes 2015 “the most violent and sustained attack on Christian faith in modern history,” according to a watchdog organization that has been monitoring Christian persecution for decades. Once the refuges are in the countries, especially ones with welfare. Next they begin to form neighborhoods that drive our non-Muslims. Soon they begin to protest politically and ask for sharia law in their neighborhoods. Even moderate Muslims are targets because they can send in the radical Imams and seek to radicalize the moderates.

Sharia law openly opposes the laws of most free countries in the world and is incompatible with most of the articles of the constitution of the United States. The best way to vet a Muslims is also probably over their adherence to Sharia law versus the laws of the country they are emigrating into.

No – Go Zones

Soon these neighborhoods do not have any police or any non-Muslims. They can be havens for anything. So the protests begin and the violence begins in order to create unrest and terror. This is what America needs to hear, as they are thinking about taking in Muslim refugees. Cologne Germany saw over 500 sexual assaults in just 3 nights related refugee violence.


Chancellor Angela Merkel, Oct 17. 2010: “The beginning of the 1960’s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany… We kidded ourselves a while. We said: ‘They won’t stay’. But this isn’t reality… The approach to build a multicultural society has failed, utterly failed.”


751 no-go zones – Zones Unrbaines Sensibles – with 5 million Muslims – French State has lost control. In Paris, Lyons, Marseilles and Toulouse, thousands for Muslims close off streets during Friday prayers stopping business and trapping residents. Some mosques broadcast into the streets.


12 cities targeted to be autonomous enclaves of Sharia Law “Islamic Emirates” of: Birmingham, Bradford, Derby, Dewsbury, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Lupton, Manchester, Sheffield, Waltham Forest NE London and Tower Hamlets East London. Mohammed is the #1 name for newborns.Britain Prime Minister David Cameron admitted integration of Muslims into British society has failed: “Under the doctrine of multiculturalism, we have encouraged the different cultures to live separate lives apart from each other… We have tolerated these segregated communities behaving in ways that have run counter to our values.”


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Anne Choudary of Islam4UK London Daily Express, Oct. 15 2009: “We request all Muslim in the united Kingdom. To join us and declare. We have had enough of democracy and man made law… We will call for a complete upheaval of the British ruling system, its members and legislature, and demand full implementation of Sharia in Britain.”


Brussels is now 20% Muslims. “Mohammed is #1 name given newborns. Several neighborhoods have become “no-go” zones - Kure gem district and Molenbeek district. Police officers are frequently pelted with rocks by Muslim youth.


40 “no-go” zones in Holland, which include neighborhoods in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht. Southern Holland is mostly Muslim.Serene Kern Hudson New york, Aug. 2011: “Dutch government says it will abandon the long standing model of multiculturalism that has encouraged Muslim immigrants to create parallel society within the Netherlands.”Dutch Interior Minister Donner, Aug. 2011: “Dutch government will distance itself from the relativism contained in the model of multicultural society.”


Malmo is more that 25% Muslim with no-go zones for non=Muslims. Gothenburg’s Back district – Muslim youth hurl petrol bombs, point lasers at police. Angered district – more that 15 police cars have been destroyed. Rosemary district – Fire & emergency workers refuse to enter without police escorts.#1 crime is Muslim immigrants raping women.


Nov 7th, 2011: Rape Epidemic of Norwegian girls direct result of Muslim immigration. “Back in May it was reported that every rape assault in the city of Oslo in the last five years had been committed by a person with a nonwestern’ background – a Norwegian euphemism for Muslim. Now it turns out that there have been twice as many rapes assaults in Oslo so far this year.”

Other Stunning Statistics

91% were on food stamps 73% were on welfare even worse in Europe Norway Muslim immigrants 10 times more likely to be on welfare Yeah the problem is most crime in Europe is actually due to these Muslim immigrants and especially the rape epidemic.In Finland, the Sons of Odin has developed as a group of vigilantes to help protect women from rape.In Denmark Muslim crime make up 8 of the top nine.In Oslo, the capital of Norway, 100% of the rapes were due to non-Westerners. Sweden is now the number one rated capital of the world one in four will be raped.

Muslim Brotherhood

Started in Egypt in 1928. “Allah is our objective, the Quran is our constitution, the prophet is our leader and Jihad is our way. Death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations.”

Groups implicated with the Brotherhood: Muslim Students Association, 1963; North American Islamic Trust, 1971; Islamic Society of North America, 1981; American Muslim Counsel, 1990; Muslim American Society, 1992; International Institute of Islamic Thought, 1980s.

The Holy Land Foundation trial in 1991 revealed that the Brotherhood’s goal is destroying US and Western civilization from within, including camps for weapons training and infiltrating the FBI and CIA.


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Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal

2002 – donated $27 million to families of suicide bombers. After 9?11, donated $5000,000 to “Center for America Islamic Relations.” CAIR has terrorist ties. Carries our Lawfare – Jihad with lawsuits. Donated $20 millon to Harvard and Georgetown for Islamic study. 2005 – bought interest in NewsCorp (7% - Fox WSJ)

Brilliant Strategy

Take advantage of diversity, multi-cultureless & freedom of religion to immigrate, then organize and take over politically.RELIGIOUS – IMMIGRATE – Complete control of peoples’ religious lives through Sharia Law.POLITICAL – INCREASE - Complete control of peoples’ secular lives through Sharia Law.MILITARY – ELIMINATE – resulting in Terrorism and Killing Infidels, Jews and Christians.

Highly effective combination of positive and negative emotions:

Debts canceled. If slave – freed. If jihad – get booty / women. If die, get heaven with even more booty and women. Religious Fervor / competition. Fear of death and hell

Land For Peace

This history of Islam proves that there is no making peace with radical Islam. The Palestinians were never the native people of Palestine. The entire region was wiped out of the Jews, Christians and other people groups living there. Those who converted to Islam lived. The crusades were the answer of the northern Europe to the call from the people groups of the Holy land to come and help them. The Bible is very clear that Israel was given to His people for a perpetual inheritance.

Terrorism In 2015

Negotiating with radical Islamists is useless. They will make a treaty to gain strength and then break the treaty. This all permitted in the Quran. Even as the Iran deal went through they admit to funding terror. 2015 saw a record number of Christian genocide and persecution than any other time in modern times. 1.5 million Christians have been killed in Syria alone. ISIS has real intentions of infiltrating and attacking America. So wearing burkas, making the Iran deal and bowing to Sheiks is not the way to help our cause and send the right message.

Two Phases of Religious / Political / Military Plan

Mecca Phase – In this Religious phase the goal is to get a foot in the door. They would actually push for democracy because they believe they and manipulate it into Sharia Law laterMedina Phase – This is the political and then militant phase where they seek to establish a world Caliphate.


What Political/ Military System has America faced in the last 70 years that had 1) Global Conquest and 2) Treated non-adherents as non-equals?

Immigrating Terror? 30% of refugees are sympathetic to ISIS. 80% of refugees believe that Sharia Law should be the law of the land and not our constitution. 58% believe that criticism of Islam should not be covered under free speech in America. Europe 92% of Saudis admit that ISIS is consistent with Islamic law and 30% in America agree.

Human Rights


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May 31, 2011: CBS News covers how a 19 year old girl named Katya Koren from Crimea was stoned to death for participating in a beauty pageant in the Ukraine. The murderer, Bihal Gaziev, told the police that Katya had violated the laws o Sharia and he has no regrets about her death.

March 29. 2011 – CNN covered a story about a 14 year old girl named Hena Akhter, in Bangladesh’s Shariatpur district, was raped by her 40 year old uncle, The imam from the local mosque ordered 101 lashes delivered swiftly, deliberately in public. Hena dies after 70.

Jan 29, 2012 in Kingston Ontario – Islamic Afghan man and polygamous wife killed a co-wife and ther three teenage daughter, accusing them of being too westernized and treacherous whores and invoked the devil to defecate on their graves. The judge described the “cold blooded, shameful murders” a “twisted concept of honor.”

March 2012: LA Times and Oscar winning documentary called “Saving Face” that highlights the plight of more than 150 acid attacks on Pakistani women each year.

April 23, 2009 CNN Presents: Lifting the Veil – Child Brides

UNHOLY ALLIANCE between radical Left and radical Muslim

ACLY/Atheist/Homosexual Agenda & Fundamentalist Muslim CountriesProhibit public Judeo-Christian expression Prohibit public Judeo-Christian expression

Muslim Inroads80% of prison inmates that convert to any religion are Muslim, which adds up to 20% total population.The influence of Islam on Rap music is also starting to resonate.With the shootings in Dallas we have now seen a connection of the shooter, Xavier Johnson, to the Black Nationalist group and to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who called for the killing of whites. Incidentally, Obamas minister the Rev. Wright is one of Farrakhan’s biggest allies and has said many similar things.Just google Islamberg and you will find out about Muslim-only towns in America where Jihadis learn warfare tactics right here in America. Currently, there are 35 of them in 22 states.Cair, the Council On Islamic Relations, has an advisor at the White House, the dept justice, the FBI and Homeland security.

The Big IdeaJust as Christians want to imitate Jesus – AKA - WWJD, Fundamentalist Muslims want to imitate Mohammed – WWMD.

What Mohammed permitted is “HALAL” AND WHAT HE DID NOT PERMIT IS “HARAM.”

The Problem is that no matter what you see the Muslims do on TV with regards to terrorism, you can show that Mohammeed did the same things!

The governments around the world know all of this, so why are they importing them?

This is being allowed simply because they want to create a crisis big enough so that they can use it for their own agenda of creating a one world government. The other win for them is that once the chaos starts they get to get ride of what they call radical Christians, AKA - the ones who believe their Bibles. Right now they are identifying us through persecution related to the LGBT laws.

What the Quran teaches about the Bible

The Quran repeatedly and emphatically states that the Torah and Gospel - we take this to stand for the Old and New Testaments - are revelations by the same God as the God of the Quran.

"Say ye: 'We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ismail, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses, and Jesus, and that given to all prophets from their Lord: WE MAKE NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ONE AND ANOTHER OF THEM." (S. Baqara 2:136).

"Allah! There is no God but He, - the Living, the Self subsisting, Eternal ... He sent down Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) ... as a guide to mankind." (S. Al-i-Imran 3:2-3).


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"0 ye who believe! Believe in Allah, and His Apostle - and the scripture which He sent before them". (S. Nisaa 4:136).

"It was We who revealed the Law (to Moses); therein was guidance and light ... if any do fail to judge by the light of what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) unbelievers ... We sent Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him: We sent him the Gospel: Therein was guidance and light ... a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah. LET THE PEOPLE OF THE GOSPEL JUDGE BY WHAT ALLAH HATH REVEALED THERE lN. IF ANY DO FAIL TO JUDGE BY THE LIGHT OF WHAT ALLAH HATH REVEALED, THEY ARE (no better than) THOSE WHO REBEL. Judge. . . what Allah hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires ... "(S. Ma-ida 5:44,46,47,49).

"People of the Book! ... Stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that hath come to you from YOUR LORD. It is the revelation that has come to thee from THY LORD." (ibid. vs. 68).

"The Quran is ... a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it". (S. Yi'inus 10:37). "If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the

Book from before thee. The truth had indeed come to thee from thy Lord." (ibid. vs. 94). "AND DISPUTE YE NOT WITH THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK ... BUT SAY: WE BELIEVE IN THE


"This is a book which We have revealed, bringing blessings, and confirming (the revelations) which came before it: that thou mayest warn the Mother of Cities and all around her." (Sura 6:92).

"Before thee, also, the apostles We sent were but men, to whom We granted inspiration: If ye realize this not, ASK OF THOSE WHO POSSESS THE MESSAGE (Sura 21:7).

We can clearly see that the Quran presupposes the divine revelation of "the Book" and its unpolluted content at the time of the prophet Mohammed. The Quran critisises, however, the twisting and misinterpretation of "the Book":

"Ye People of the Book! Why do ye clothe truth with falsehood and conceal the truth, while ye have knowledge? (S. Al-i-Imran 3:71).

"There is among them a section who distort the Book with their tongues: (as they read) you would think it is part of the Book, but it is no part of the Book." (S. ibid. vs. 78). (All emphasis in the quotations is my own).

If there is anything that comes out very clearly, it is that the Quran is emphatic that the Torah and the Gospel are revelation from God. This is what Christians believe too. The Quran says in this regard:

"No change can there be in the words of Allah" (Sura 10:64) "There is none that can alter the words of Allah" (Sura 6:34).

The Problem is that Allah HIMSELF does change his words as we will see later.

Allah is a Different God

While Allah can be a general word of God, the issue is is this the God of the Quran or the Bible. For purposes here I will use Allah as the god of the Quran and Yahweh and Jesus as the God of the Bible. While most Muslims believe that Christians worship the same God because of the Qurans extolling the Bible itself, they also believe the Mohammed had to be sent because of how Christians and Jews have perverted God’s message. I believe that what we will show here is that they are two very different pictures of God.

The Muslim “Allah” probably comes from the Aramaic compound term “al-ilah,” which means “the god.” It is a generic term for the highest god of the people, and it was used in Arabia for centuries before Muhammad came on the scene. Apparently it was one of the 360 gods worshipped in the ka’aba in Mecca, and was the chief god for the Quraysh tribe, which was the tribe Muhammad belonged to.

Corruption Of The Bible Since Mohammed

According to Muslims, the Bible has been corrupted, but the Bible, or “the Book,” must not have been corrupted in 610 AD when Allah told Mohammed: If thou (Mohammed) art in doubt concerning that


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which We reveal unto thee, then question those who read the Book that was before thee. Verily the Truth from thy Lord hath come unto thee. (Sura 10:94)

How can the Bible be corrupt when we have intact Bibles from the third century, long before Mohammed was even born? History and archaeology prevent one from arguing that the Bible has undergone any change since its official canonization in A.D. 324. In fact almost all portions of the New Testament in their present form were in general circulation among the churches of the Second Century A.D. It was by general agreement at a Council of the bishops of 318 churches that all these were fully recognized and accepted as Apostolic and inspired. When Mohammed referred to "the Book" or "Taurat" or "Injil", he referred, no doubt, to what was in circulation in Arabia in his day and age. If words mean anything at all, then Mohammed referred to this "Book" (al-Kitab) as revelation. We take this as an established fact on the strength of the above evidence, unless it can be proved wrong.

When it comes to similarities between the Bible and the Quran, the issue is who was copying who? Answer: The one who said it first or in this case the one who is older. The problem is that there was no way to change the Bible Mohammed was exposed to, because there were too many copies and it was written into too many languages.

The evidence for faithfulness of the Bible is so good and especially the dead sea scrolls validating the “Old Testament” that Muslim scholars frequently explain that the understanding / “interpretation” of the “text” of the Law of Moses and Gospels were corrupted, but not the text. Therefore, the Law of Moses and Gospels should be read by Muslims, as one of the six articles of Islamic faith, but it is banned in many Muslim countries. The Quran requires belief in the Scriptures: the Law of Moses-Torah ( Taurat-Tawrat ), the Psalms of David ( Zabur ) and the Gospels of Jesus ( Injeel-Injil ).

Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham (Ibrahim) and Ishmael (Ismail) and Isaac (Ishaq), and Jacob (Yaqoub), and the tribes, and that which Moses (Musa) and Jesus (Isa) received . (Sura 2: 136 & Sura 5:68) Pickthal Translation.

Those who think the Law of Moses and the Gospels were corrupted cannot explain which verses were corrupted, when they were corrupted or by whom. If the Law of God passed down to Moses and through the Gospels could be corrupted by mortal man, then so could the Qur’an. Why did God allow the Bible to be corrupted and not the Qur’an?


If “the book” was true, but now it is not true, then there are two options. Is Allah not powerful enough to keep the book from being corrupted or is Allah unwilling to keep the book corrupted?

Why does the Quran not clearly state that the Bible was polluted and exactly what was polluted and how?

Begetting A Son & The Trinity

The Trinity and the Immaculate Conception: Islam assumed the Bible to teaches that Jesus was "begotten", i.e. sexually conceived. "It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son", we read. But immediately the biblical position is presented: "Glory be to Him! When He determines a matter, he only says to it 'be', and it is." (Sura 19:35).


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This is an error on their part, because this in not what Christians believe. In the original Greek the word "monogenes" is used, which means "only born". That God by the word of His power was the initiator of the pregnancy. This is clearly reflected in the Qur'an (Sura 19:16-22) just as it is in the Bible. The Bible, does not indicate a begetting act or sexual intercourse. The whole concept of the "begotten" son is based on a misconception.

While Christians do not believe in multiple Gods they do believe in the Trinity or the triune nature of one God. The Trinity is blasphemous to a Muslim. They believe that polytheism has crept into the scriptures and Christian beliefs. The first and greatest prayers of Musims and Jews sound the same. This is why the Shahada states; there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. The Hebrew Shema states "Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one" 

This will be a difficult point to get across to a Muslim and frankly there have been many debates over the centuries before Messiah came as to what His true nature would be. The idea of how God can become a man is not something we can fully understand and there are probably more denominational divisions in Christianity over this subject than any other.

Keys To Reaching Muslims

As far as the Trinity, the Muslims see the apostle Paul as the man who perverted Christianity my ascribing divinity to Jesus. They don’t believe that Matthew, Mark and John (may not believe in Luke’s gospel at all) prove the divinity of Jesus. Persuading them is not a easy task using just those three. They also don’t believe in the death of Jesus, but this is something that even sceptics will admit to 98% of the time. The major other key is the empty tomb and resurrection, but taking everything into account from history, the eye witnesses and the death and teachings of the disciples is why many have come to Christ. If Christians have the resurrection, then almost all the other cards fall into place.

The Old Testament & The Quran Compared

The Bible is not a self verifying book, it can be verified from outside the Bible. However, since there are 45 different authors who wrote the 66 books over 1500 years, the Bible is also an excellent verification of itself and that is how many books did not make it into the cannon.

The Quran is a self-verifying book and defies all outside analysis. Revelation comes from only one prophet who recited it and no one wrote it down in his lifetime.

Mankind was created in the image of God. Gen 1 Mankind was not created in the image of God.Monotheistic, Trinitarian, (Isaiah 43:10, 44:6-8, Matt. 28:19, 2 Cor. 13:14).

Monotheistic (5:73, 112:1-4), but denies the Trinity (5:73).

The Bible teaches that mankind was born into sin and is therefore sinful.

The Quran teaches that mankind is mostly good.

The Bible speaks of atonement of sins through the sacrifice of blood. This was started at Passover and completed by the Cross & Resurection.

The Quran teaches a salvation of works that includes praying many times a day, trips to Mecca, reading the Quran and of course Jihad.

Yahweh is the same yesterday, today and today. Allah does whatever, whenever and however he wills.God is our Father in Heaven and we can know Him. Jer. 24:7 Jer. 31:34

Allah is not our father. Allah is a remote distant being, not truly personal, knowable, or approachable and never really reveals anything about himself. (see earlier notes)

God hates sin – see the 10 commandments, but that he loves mankind enough to send His only Son, so that whoever believes on Him shall have everlasting life. John 3:16

Allah hates: Transgressors (2:190), Ungrateful wicked creatures (2:276), reject of faith (3:32; 30:45), do wrong (3:57, 140; 42:40), arrogant, vainglorious (4:36; 16:23; 31:18; 57:23), Those given to excess (5:87), Wasters (6:141; 7:31), Treacherous (8:58).

The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and "God is love" [Allahu muhibba] is absent from the


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gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. (Ex 34:6-7)

attributes of God, but Allah does love men who do good works. (2:195 etc.) Will produced a people he will love. (5:57) Moses 20:39.

Yahweh’s attributes are based on his unchanging nature rather than his powerful will, all his attributes are equal and promote trustworthiness rather than capriciousness. This means that believers can know God and be sure of his attributes.

Allah’s powerful Will is his defining attribute, which, because it provides no basis for relationship, often promotes capriciousness.

YHVH cannot be tempted by evil and neither tempts anyone with evil; evil being understood as referring to immorality and sin. James 1:13

The Quran teaches that Allah is the author of evil: Verily, the hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but it is He Who deceives them. And when they stand up for As-Salat (the prayer), they stand with laziness and to be seen of men, and they do not remember Allah but little. S. 4:142 Hilali-Khan S. 3:54, 7:99, 8:30, 10:21.

The paradise of Yahweh is one that is devoid of such carnality, being filled with the infinite love and joy of God instead. Hence, the believers' reward is to dwell with God forever in eternal glory:"Jesus answered and said to them, 'The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those who are counted worthy to attain that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; nor can they die anymore for they are equal to the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection." Luke 20:34-36"The kingdom of God is not food or drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Romans 14:17 - "And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Revelation 21:3-4

In Allah's paradise, we find sexual and carnal pleasures for believers to engage in throughout eternity:But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portions is Gardens, beneath which rivers flow, every time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they say: "Why, this is what we were fed with before," for they are giving things in similitude; And they have therein damsels (Arabic - Houris ) pure (and holy); and they abide therein (forever)." S. 2:25But to those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, We shall soon admit to Gardens, with rivers flowing beneath, their eternal home. Therein they have damsels pure and holy; We shall admit them to shades, cool and ever deepening. S. 4:57Of a rare creation have We created the Houris, and We have made them ever virgins, dear to their spouses, of equal age with them for the people of the right hand. S. 56:35-38But for those who fear Allah is a blissful abode, enclosed gardens and vineyards, and damsels with swelling breasts (Arabic - Kawa'eb), their peers in age, and a full cup. S. 78:31-34

God spoke further to Moses and said to him, "I am Yahweh (YHVH) and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty; BUT BY MY NAME, YAHWEH, I did not make myself known to them." Exodus 6:2-3 Therefore, Christians can use Allah as a title or a generic noun for the true God, but not as the personal name for the God of the Holy Bible.

Muslims insist that Allah is not a title, but the personal name of the God of Islam. This becomes problematic since according to the Holy Bible the name of the God of Abraham is Yahweh/Jehovah, not Allah. This contradicts history that says that the name Allah existed 100’s of years earlier and was one of 360 gods in Arabia.

The Bible gives many names for YHVH: El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty; Yahweh (Lord, Jehovah); Jehovah Nissi (The Lord My Banner); Jehovah-Raah (The Lord My Shepherd); Jehovah Rapha (The Lord That Heals); Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord Our Righteousness); Jehovah

The Qur’an’s many names for Allah include: Abaser, Afflictor, All Compelling Subduer, Avenger, Bringer of Death, Bringer of Judgement, Destroyer, Distressor, Giver of Dishonor, Greatest of All Deceivers, and Harmer. If someone wants to be like this god, you can see why this is a


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Mekoddishkem (The Lord Who Sanctifies You); El Olam (The Everlasting God); Elohim (God)Jehovah Jireh (The Lord Will Provide); Jehovah Shalom (The Lord Is Peace); Jehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts)



Since Muslims believe that Jesus was perfect and sinless and they also believe in the Torah (which teaches that the penalty for sin was death and that salvation occurred through the blood sacrifice of a unblemished lamb) why cant Jesus be the perfect unblemished Lamb of God that was slain from the foundation of the world just as John the Baptist said in 1 John 1:29 & 36 &3:5. In revelations, we are also called to the supper of the Lamb. Rev 2:7; 3:20; 19:9.

The New Testament & The Quran Compared

There is one God in three personas— the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

There is only one god and that god has no parents, no children, or no equal.

The Holy Spirit is part of God that lives inside our bodies and walks and talks with us. He will bear witness of Jesus (John 14:26, 15:26).

The Holy Spirit is the angel Gabriel (2:97, 16:102).

Salvation by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8-9). Salvation by sincerity and works (3:135, 7:8-9, 21:47, 49:14, 66:8-9).

The Devil is a fallen angel (Isaiah 14:12-15).

The Devil, Satan, is not a fallen angel, but a fallen Jinn. (2:34, 7:12, 15:27, 55:15). This also means that Satan is a candidate for who Mohammed first spoke to in the cave because he thought it was a jinn.

Man is fallen, a sinner (Rom. 3:23). Man is basically good.Disciples were Christians (Acts 11:26). Jesus’s Disciples declare themselves Muslims (5:111).Worship on Sabbath (Exodus 20) then later on Sunday (Rom. 14:5-6, Acts 20:7, 1 Cor. 16:1-2).

Worship on Friday (62:9).

Makes numerous prophecies (Isaiah 53, Micah 5:2, etc.).

Makes no prophecies.

In heaven we are not taken in marriage. Matt 22:30 Heaven is mostly for males and each man will have many virgin wives.

Question: how can the Father of Jesus be the God of Mohammed??

How can the Muslims have the 6th level of Hell called Hawiyah that is reserved just for the Christians. And yet they both still worship the same God?


Jesus was a religious leader. Jesus never led armies or had generals

Mohammed was a religious leader, a political leader and a military leader (he led armies and had generals).

Jesus never killed anyone. Jesus lived a life of servant hood and goodness.

Mohammed killed an estimated 3,000 people, including beheading 700 Jews in Medina

Jesus never owned slaves. Mohammed received a fifth of the slaves taken in battle, including African slaves, as he was Arab. Muslims were the biggest reasons why slaves were for sale around the world.

Jesus never married Mohammed had at least 11 wives, plus slave wives, concubines, and women taken in battle. Muslim apologists do not deny Mohammed’s actions, but respond that King David was a prophet who killed


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people, led armies, owned slaves and had wives.Jesus elevated the position of women and treated them with love, respect, and forgiveness making them part of His ministry.

Mohammed allowed his followers to have as many women as their right hand could posses and that a woman could hardly go to heaven and that her testimony is worth half of a man’s.

Jesus never forced his followers to believe. When his sayings were not understood, “many of his disciples, when they had heard this said, ‘This is a hard saying, who can hear it?’...Many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him. Then Jesus said to the twelve, ‘Will ye also go away?’ Then Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.’” (John 6:31-69)

Mohammed forced his followers to continue believing, saying in the Hadith al-Bukhari (Vol. 9, Bk. 84, No. 57): “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him.”

Jesus Christ gave His life as a sacrifice for many; washed His disciples feet and said that the “greatest” in His kingdom are the “least.”

Mohammed demanded that his followers sacrifice themselves for him and that the greatest in his kingdom were the ones who won more battles, took more spoils and slaves.

Jesus did not permit followers to lie and rape. Mohammed permitted followers to lie to spread Islam and to rape infidel women taken in battle.

Jesus never avenged insults, but forgave. Mohammed avenged insults, ordering Ibn Khatal and his slave girls killed for making fun of him in poems.

Jesus never tortured anyone. Mohammed had the chief of Khaybar tortured to get him to reveal the location of the tribe’s treasure.

None of Jesus’ Apostles led armies, but instead spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire by loving their enemies and dying for their faith.

All the Caliphs and Sultans led armies.

In the first 300 years of Christianity, there were ten major persecutions by the Romans, resulting in thousands of Christians being killed in the Coliseum and fed to the lions. Never once did Christians lead an armed resistance against those who attacked them.

In the first 300 years of Islam, Muslim armies conquered Arabia, Persia, the Holy Land, North Africa, Spain, Southern France, Central Africa, and invaded vast areas of Asia and Asia Minor.

Jesus was immaculately conceived and was the Son Of God. John 3:16, Mark 1:1

Jesus was conceived of a Virgin, but somehow He is not the Son of God? (Surah 19:35) (Surah 4:17, Surah 19:35) (9:30).

Jesus is God in flesh (Col. 2:9). Jesus is not God (5:17, 75).Taught God was our Father Taught Allah was not our father.Jesus lived a perfect life. Jesus lived a perfect life. (Surah 19:16-22)Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified according to the Fathers will. John 10: 7-18

Mohammed struggled with suicide. Surah 96

Jesus died on the cross. (1 Pet. 2:24). Jesus did not die, it only appeared that way. Surah 4:156-159:

Qur’an says Jesus says “And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive.",” Surah 19:30-35:

Sura 3:55 states that Jesus was raised up:Jesus rose from the dead (John 2:19-20). Jesus did not rise from the dead.None of the following: Jesus spoke as an infant, brought clay to life and

people back to life. (Surah 5:110; see Surah 57:27) Details from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas considered simply as Christian fiction.


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Miracles, numerous are recorded (1 Cor. 15:3-5, etc.).

Records no miracles, but Quran is miracle.

Jesus ascended into heaven. Jesus ascended into heaven - did not die or did He??Jesus was crucified and was raised from the dead. Shortly afterward went to heaven and He was perfect

Muhamed did not know where he was going when he died and yet he lived a perfect life. Hadithy 5:266 ”By Allah, though I am the Apostle of Allah, yet I do not know what Allah will do to me.”

Jesus will return and destroy the kingdoms of this world and set up His kingdom.

Jesus will return with Mohammed and Jesus will destroy all the Jews & Christians.

There is no command in the Old Testament for Jews to subdue the world to Yahweh by force.

The Quran is 114 Chapters – 6666 versus.

What Does The Quran Say About Jesus and Mohammad??

Name of Jesus used 25 times Name of Mohammad used 4 timesName of Jesus’ mom Mary is woman’s name in the Quran and she even has her own chapters - #3 * #19.”

Name of Mohammad’s mom, or wife or female children is in the Quran

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was born with out original sin, never committed sin, and was ever a virgin. Ch 3:34 onward. Quran 50 verse 23 says Mary went to heaven with her physical body.

Mohammad’s mother was born in sin, was a sinner, and therefore died in her sin.

Jesus is the “word of God” Ch 3:45-55 Not the “word of God”Jesus is the “spirit of God.” Q 3:45-55 Not the “spirit of God”Jesus spoke when he was very small like 2 days old. Did not speak when he was small.Performed miracles – healed a man who was blind and another of leprosy.

Never performed miracles.

Jesus can give life: created a live bird out of mud breathed into it and it came alive and he also gave life to dead people.

Never brought anything to life.

Jesus did not die and went straight to heaven, He is still alive, and He will come again.

Died (maybe of poison) and did not even know if he was going to heaven, but he is dead currently and will not come again (although some believe he will come again.

Clearly even the Quran portrays that Jesus was a prophet greater than Mohammad.

Asking a Muslim cleric how did God create the universe?? Answer: through the word.

Next question: Is the word creator or creation?? Answer: word of God is the creator, which means that Jesus is creator and God!

Taken from: Mario Joseph Testimony - https://www.facebook.com/DrAndrewDoan/videos/727597013965574/


Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you (Matt. 5:44)


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Resist not evil (Mat. 5:39) If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to them the other (Mat. 5:39) z If someone takes your coat, give them your shirt (Mat. 5:40)

If someone make you carry something one mile, carry it two (Mat. 5:41) Forgive and you shall be forgiven (Mat. 6:14) Judge not, that ye be not judged (Mat. 7:1) Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy (Mat. 5:7) Blessed are the peacemakers (Mat. 5:9) Treat others the way you want to be treated (Luke 6:27-36) Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt not kill, but I say who ever is angry with his brother is in

danger of the judgment (Mat. 5:21-22) Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, whatever you do to the very least you have done unto

me (Mat 25:40)


Infidels are your sworn enemies (Sura 4:101) Be ruthless to the infidels (Sura 48:29) Make war on the infidels who dwell around you (Sura 9:123, 66:9) Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day (Sura 9:29) Strike off the heads of infidels in battle (Sura 47:4) If someone stops believing in Allah, kill him (al-Bukhari 9:84:57) Take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends (Sura 5:51, 60:13) Never help the disbelievers (Sura 28:86) Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them (Sura 2:191)

Even today, 6 out of the 7 main divisions within Islam believe it is ok to kill someone if they leave the faith. With most sects, they are allowed to beat or even kill their wives and their children given the right situation. Just like the mafia, once you get in or are born in you can never get out.

Be Careful

Muslims believe Mohammed was perfect and you cannot criticize him at all, but you could technically criticize Allah. Why they cannot take any criticism of Mohammed or talk about it objectively is because of their passion and due to the cherry picking information they have received about Mohammed. The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands cut off. To criticize someone for treating those of other religions harshly is to acknowledge the example of Jesus is superior to the example of Mohammed. When the Crusades are criticized, a question to be asked is: “Are you condemning or justifying?” Are you condemning the Crusades fought in the name of religion? If so, then you are condemning Mohammed and the Caliphs who fought in the name of religion. Or are you justifying Mohammed and Caliphs for fighting in the name of religion by saying other religions did it too? Either way, the spreading of religion by force is contrary to Jesus’ example, but not contrary to Mohammed’s example.

Islam & Common CoreIslam is being covered by 20 to 30 pages in some textbooks, while Christianity's only be covered in one or two pages. The actual curriculum can take six weeks to cover Islam, while Christianity is not being covered all. The worst problem is that they paint a completely false Islam and a false picture of Mohammed. To contrast what is being said in these texts: “Jesus said He was the messiah”; “Mohammad was Allah’s only true prophet.” Mohammed is portrayed as being peaceful and women are treated with equality, as we have and will continue to show is completely false. Some of the ownership of Fort Hill and McGraw, (one of the big three for textbooks) is Islamic in nature, which might explain this obvious slant.


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If you look at the differences between the God of the Bible and the God of the Quran, there is no way to reconcile the two. They are simply opposites. Each would say the other is worshiping Satan. However, according to the Muslims, Satan is Jinn and not a fallen angel. This becomes a problem because as we have shown, Mohammed originally accredited his initial recitations to Jinn and not the angel Gabriel.

Muhammad himself admitted that he was possessed by a devil: ‘Anas reported that Gabriel appeared before the Apostle of Allah (Muhammad), while he was playing with some boys. Gabriel took him, laid him down, pierced his heart, and took out a clot of blood. Then he said, “This is the portion of you possessed of a devil.” Next, he washed it in a gold cup with water from the well Zamzam. Thereafter sewed him up and took him back to where he found him…’ (Attended by Muslim. Al-Hadis, Volume 4 page 367)

Muhammad himself admitted that he was possessed by Satan at one time: ‘Have you, then, seen Al-Lat and Al-Uzza? And Manat, the third one, the other? These are exalted females (sublime ones), Mounting nearer and nearer to Allah And truly their intercession may be expected. (Al-Qur’an, Sura 53 verse19-20, and the Satanic verses in bold letters)

The Satanic verses were present in the original version of the Qur’an when Muhammad was trying to woo the Meccans who believed in many gods including the pagan idols Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat. Later on, when he was in a more commanding position, he conveniently edited out these embarrassing verses, admitting that they were inspired in him by Satan.“We have not sent a messenger or prophet before you but when he recited, the Devil would intrude into his recitation. (Al-Qur’an. Sura 22 verse 53)Muhammad admitted that he had a Jinn (demon) up his nose. (Al-Hadis. Volume 4, Book 54, No.516)Muhammad said that bad dreams are from Satan. (Al-Hadis. Volume 4, Book 54, No. 513)Muhammad had his own resident demon, the one-eyed Dajjal. (Al-Hadis. Volume 3, page 803)

That he was possessed by a Jinni - for him, with his beliefs, an evil spirit - was his first thought, and only gradually did he come to the conviction that this was divine inspiration, and not diabolical obsession. (MacDonald, The Religious Attitude and Life in Islam, p. 33).

The Qur'an itself states that the Quraysh specifically charged that Muhammad was indeed majnun - "a man possessed" (Surah 44.14 - in Surah 37.36 it is sha'irimmajnun, "a poet possessed") and that a jinn had seized him (Surah 34.8). On many occasions Muhammad is consoled in the Qur'an against such charges, for example: maa anta bini 'mati rabbika bimajnun - "Thou art not, by the grace of thy Lord, mad or possessed" (Surah 68.2, cf. also Surah 81.22), and is cleared of the charge that he is seized with a jinn (Surah 7.184). These constant declarations in the Qur'an that the revelations were not from diabolical sources yield the impression that Muhammad's fears in this respect were not confined just to the first two visions he had.


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Muslims dogmatically claim that it was the angel Gabriel who came to Muhammad, yet the Qur'an only once refers to Jibril as the medium of the revelation (Surah 2.97) while stating elsewhere that it came down with the Ruhul-Amin, the Faithful Spirit (Surah 26.193). The identification of Gabriel as the Qur'anic messenger is significantly only made in a very late passage of the Qur'an after Muhammad had had many dealings with Jews and Christians. The very fact that Muhammad himself initially had feared that a demonic figure had appeared to him and that he compared his experiences with those of the poets in Arabia who were also believed to be possessed by jinn nonetheless gives considerable support to the suggestion that his visions were possibly occultic.

Problems With IslamViolence and Force

Since the most obvious part of our own reality is our belief that we have choices in life, then if there is a God, He must have created us this way. Why then would He then create a religion of violence that forces us into compliance? He could do that himself in the first place or at any time since then.

A religion of violence? This seems like an oxymoron because everyone believes that God is loving or at least indifferent. Probably the first criticism that an atheist will lay at the feet of a Christian is the crusades or the inquisition. While we have explained the true reason for the crusades here, the inquisition is also easily explained by the fact that Christians don’t believe the church should be a dictating government. Because that happened, the church became corrupted because “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Wherever the power is, that is where power hungry men will go even if it means joining the church and the same is true today!

Again the contrast here is that the God of the Bible is best described as love. The word love as it applies to the way Allah feels about humanity is simply absent as we have previously pointed out.

The Logos & Logic

The Greek brings this out more than any other translation in the word LOGOS. LOGOS is logic or reasoning expressed by words.

In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God. Mark 1:1 This is the foundation of God. God created things in a logical orderly way that is above all consistent, which allows us to actually get to know something about God with confidence.

18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18

The picture that the Bible gives is always the same. God is consistent, He doesn’t change and He is knowable. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He does not want or allow anyone to change His words and heaven and earth will pass away, before that happens.

Muslims & The Bible

If Muslims believe in the Torah (1st five books of the Bible), the Psalms and the Gospels, why don’t they believe them? Because they believe that the Bible from somewhere between 600 A.D. to the present has been corrupted. However, this is provably wrong.

We actually have intact Bibles from the 3rd century, at least 200 years before Mohammed lived. There are well over 20,000 manuscripts of the New Testament from all over the world and in many different languages that date to before 600 AD. These texts can be compared to look for their differences, but they have shown very few. The fact that we have so many is why we have caught the ones we know of today.

As far as the Old Testament, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has shown that the Old Testament from a time much older than Christ let alone Mohammed have been faithfully translated all the way to today. We also have the Greek Septuigant, which is older than the oldest texts we have (Mazoretic Text) of the Old Testament


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that also can be compared to what we have today. So this claim of the Bible being corrupted is provably false.

Even if the claim that the Bible has been corrupted, the next question is have the 10 Commandments also been corrupted? It is unlikely that a Muslim would say that they have. So the next question is why did Mohammed break them so often and why are Muslims allowed to break them today??

The Bible claims to be the inspired word of God that are often spoken in the first person. While the Quran does claim to be inspired words from God, it does not spoken in first person in a lot of places with no contradictions.

The Quran has many contradictions that Muslim readily admit to. They either try to blend the two verses or they believe that the earlier versus are cancel by the later versus, which is again is called Abrogation.

To me these apparent changing of Allah mind or Mohammed’s mind is evidence that proves that the Quran not the same God of the Bible. We have given many scriptures that all scripture has to agree and that God cannot change. YHVH will not give contradictory statements to different prophets. This is why it is so incredible to get 45 different prophets writing 66 books over 1500 years to agree. Yet the Bible claims to have no contradictions, because God is the same yesterday and today. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words will not pass away. Matt 24:35, Luke 21:33, Mark 13:31.Especially, when only one prophet writes one book and has difficulty in this area. (see https://www.openbible.info/topics/god_being_the_same)

Contradictions In The Quran

Be careful when you bring these issues up. We are not trying to insult the Muslim faith because that betrays the love of the Gospel of Christ. The truth is that if you mention any of these issues you need to do so in the context of having a caring relationship. However even the casual read of the Quran and Hadith leave us with questions.

If Mohammed was such a stud to visit all of his wives 3 times a day, then why did he only have one child? Muslims and Mohammed believe in “No compulsion in religion,” but they clearly will threaten someone in order to convert them.

John The Baptist

The angel, announcing the birth of John the Baptist (Yahya) to his father, says: "We bring thee tidings of a son, whose name shall be John: we have not caused any to bear the same

name before him" (Sura 19:7 according to George Sale's translation). "No namesake have We given him aforetime" (according to A.J. Arberry's translation). "that name we have given to none before him" (Palmer's and Rodwell's translation).

This is incorrect. Johanan, the Hebrew form of John (Jahveh's Gift) was quite a common name, mentioned in the Old Testament. Yusuf Ali in his translation transliterates this statement therefore as "on none by that name have We conferred distinction before." His explanation: "... for we read of a Johanan ... in II Kings 25:23."

Polytheism In Islam?

The great black stone in Mecca represents 360 idols and the house of god. Supposedly it was built Abraham and Ishmael. The black stone fell from heaven. Muslims have to circle 7 times as part of their pilgrimage and salvation. The problem is that the entire thing was all there before Islam came into being and Mohammed just adopted it. However, history shows that not only was the stone and ritual there prior to Mohammed, but that the beliefs associated with the stone communicate Polytheism and not Monotheism. That is why some in Islam / ISIS want to Blow it up.


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Other Important Contradictions:

Contradiction 1- Who was the first Muslim?

Muhammad (6.14), Moses (7.143), Some Egyptians (26.49-51), Abraham (2.127-133)

Contradiction 2- Who brings revelation to Muhammad?

Angel Gabriel (2.97), Holy Spirit (16.102)

Contradiction 3- Pharaoh's Moral Character

Evil Doer (28.39), Accepted Yahweh (10.90)

Contradiction 4 - Number of days for Allah to destroy Ad.

One (54.19), Several (41.15-16), Eight Days, Seven Nights (69.6-7)

Contradiction 5- Number of angels talking to Mary

One (19.17), Several (3.42)


According to the Quran Allah reveals a verse only to have it canceled out a short time later: None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten but We substitute something better or

similar- Knowest thou not that Allah has power over all things? S. 2:106 When We substitute one revelation for another- and Allah knowest best what He reveals (in stages)-

They say, "Thou art but a forger"; But most of them understand not. S. 16:101This leaves us with the difficulty of having a God who does not remain consistent and often changes his revealed purpose. This being the case, how is one to know that the promises of such a Being in regard to eternal security can be trusted? Just as he changes his mind in relation to the revelation, he can also decide to change his mind in regard to the believer's ultimate destiny without anything stopping him from doing so. This is different from Yahweh of the Holy Bible who does not change and as such can be totally trusted in fulfilling all his promises:

God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should repent. Has he said, and will he not do? Or has he spoken, and will he not make it good? Numbers 23:19

For I, Yahweh, do not change. Malachi 3:6 If we are faithless, he remains faithful; he cannot deny himself. 2 Timothy 2:13 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 Because the God of the Bible is immutable he can promise, "Heaven and earth will pass away but my

words will never pass away" (Matthew 24:35).


The Quran contains historical errors, which implies: 1) that Allah is not an Omniscient Being, since an all-knowing Being would be able to accurately recall historical events; 2) Muhammed was not a faithful reciter or that he was a forgetful reciter. Below is a list of just some of the many problems we find in the Quran.

In S. 17:1 we are told that Muhammad was taken to the farthest Mosque, Masjid al-Aqsa. The problem with this is that the Aqsa Mosque had not been erected since Abd al-Malik only built it in AD 691. It cannot be referring to the Temple in Jerusalem since that was destroyed by the armies of the Roman general Titus in AD 70.

S. 18:9-26 alludes to several men and their dog who slept for approximately 309 years only to be awakened in perfect condition.

According to S. 18:83-98, Alexander the Great called Zhul Qarnain, "the Two Horned One," was a Muslim who traveled till he found the Sun literally setting in a muddy spring. When we keep in mind


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that the title "the Two Horned One" was a title given to Alexander in pre-Islamic times, the Muslim attempts of trying to deny this fact utterly fails.

According to S. 4:157 the unbelieving Jews boasted by saying, "We killed the Messiah Jesus the son of Mary, the apostle of Allah." The only problem with this is that the unbelieving Jews never admitted that Jesus was Messiah and would not have killed him if they had believed that he was their long-awaited Messianic Deliverer. The unbelieving Jews had Jesus killed because they believed he was a false Messiah:

"And they began to accuse him, saying, ‘We have found this man subverting our nation. He opposes payment of taxes to Caesar and CLAIMS to be Christ a king.’" Luke 23:2 NIV

Christians are accused of worshiping Mary and Jesus as two gods apart from the true God: And behold! Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, Worship me and my

mother ... " S. 5:116 Christ the son of Mary was no more than an apostle- many were the apostles that passed away before

him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how Allah doth make His Signs clear to them ... S. 5:75

In blasphemy indeed are those that say that Allah is Christ the son of Mary. Say: "Who then hath the least power against Allah, if His Will were to destroy Christ the son of Mary, his mother, and all - every one that is on the earth..." S. 5:17

There are also purposely stories of False history to paint the picture of Mohammed that they want. A good example is the supposed mercy Mohammed showed Mecca when he conquered them. 

Historical Error 1: The crucifixion of Jesus.

Surah 4:157-4:158 denies the crucifixion of Jesus as historical event, however, even without reference to the New Testament, the crucifixion of Jesus can be established to have occurred with high probability. The crucifixion of Jesus is referenced by historians of the first and second century as well as Jewish writings, such as Josephus (Antiquities 18:63-64), Tacitus (Annals 15.44), The Talmud (Sanhedrin 43a), Lucian (Death of Peregrine 11-13) , and Mara Bar Serration (Syriac Manuscript 14,658).

Historical Error 2: Crucifixion in Egypt

The Quran speaks of Crucifixion in Egypt in 3 verses: Quran 7:124, 26:49, 20:71, all 3 verses are in the context of the Exodus story in the Torah, which occurred around 1450-1200 BC. Archeologically, there is no evidence that crucifixion was used in Egypt in the time period 1450-1200 BC. The Egyptians executed people by impaling a pointed stake through victims. Centuries later, the Romans executed people by fastening the victim to a cross with rope or nails, and they called this crucifixion. Crucifixion defines a method of execution used by the Romans and the techniques of impalement used by the ancient Egyptians cannot by definition be referred to as crucifixion.

Historical Error 3: St. Sinai Leveled to the Ground?

Surah 7:143 claims that after Allah revealed himself to Moses at Mt. Sinai, the mountain was "leveled to the ground" (Sahih International Translation), while the Muhsin Khan translation claims that Sinai collapsed to dust. Today, Mt. Sinai remains standing.

Historical Error 4: Haman

Surah 40.38 misidentifies Hamam, the minister of the Persian King Ahasuerus (from the book of Esther), as the minister of the Pharaoh in the time of Moses.

Historical Error 5: The Trinity

The Quran makes an error when making reference to the trinity in Surah 4:171, which states that "People of the book" (Christians) include Mary in the trinity. The New Testament nor any early Christian writings hold this position, while holding that the trinity consists of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

More Confusion Over The Trinity


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This presumes that since Mary ate food and could be destroyed by Allah she could not possibly be divine. This gives the misleading impression that Christians believe that she is more than simply human. In fact, the Quran proceeds to accuse Christians of worshiping three gods:

"They do blaspheme who say: Allah is the third of three (inallaaha thaalithu thalaatha)" S. 5:73 "... so believe in Allah and His apostles. Say not three (thalaatha): desist: It will be better for you: for

Allah is one Allah ..." S. 4:171The errors in the Quranic teaching on what Christians believe becomes apparent to anyone familiar with the basics of Christian doctrine. Firstly, Christians have never taken Mary as a goddess alongside God. Secondly, Christians have never said God is three or the third of three which istritheism, three separate gods forming a unity; as opposed to Trinity, ONE God who exists in Three distinct yet inseparable Personas: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.Thirdly, Christianity has never taught as part of its doctrine that Jesus is the third Person of the Trinity. Rather, he is the Second Person or only person in the Trinity, with the Holy Spirit being the third Person/Persona of the Godhead. Matthew 28:19Fourthly, Muslims believe that Allah of the Quran is the same as God the Father of the Holy Bible since they do not believe in God the Son, Jesus Christ, nor in God the Holy Spirit who to Muslims is the angel Gabriel. This again causes a problem since if Allah is indeed the same Person as God the Father then the Quran is wrong in saying that Christians believe that the Father is the third of three. Christians teach that the Father is the First Persona of the One True Godhead, not the third deity of three gods.And finally, Christians do not believe that Allah is the Messiah, or that God is the Messiah since this implies that Jesus is the entire Godhead, which would be modalism. The correct and biblical statement is that Jesus is God, since this suggests that although Jesus is fully God by nature he is not the only Person who shares the essence of Deity perfectly. The Bible also teaches that both the Father and the Holy Spirit are fully God.

Mary the Mother of Jesus is confused with Mary the sister of Aaron and Moses, the daughter of Amram: Behold! The wife of Imran (i.e. Amram) said, "O my Lord! I do dedicate unto thee what is in my

womb"... When she was delivered, she said: "O my Lord! Behold! I am delivered of a female child ... I have named her Mary... " S. 3:35, 36

"And Mary the daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity.." S. 66:12. "... They said: O Mary! Truly an amazing thing hast thou brought! O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not

a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste." S. 19:27-28 "Then Mary (Heb. Mariam), the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took the timbrel in her hand ..." Exodus

15:20 "The name of Amram's wife was Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, who was born to Levi in Egypt; and to

Amram she bore Aaron and Moses and their sister Miriam." Numbers 26:59This is an error of nearly 1400 years! How could Moses' sister Mary be Jesus' mother, making Moses his uncle? Muslims give two responses in trying to deal with this anachronism. First, it is stated that the expressions "sister of Aaron" and "daughter of Amram" refers to Mary's lineage, i.e. that Mary was a descendant of Aaron and Amram of the tribe of Levi. Unfortunately for Muslims, this assertion cannot possibly be the case since Mary was a daughter of Judah and a descendant of David:In the book of Hebrews we are told that, "it is evident that our Lord ( Jesus ) arose from Judah, of which tribe Moses spoke nothing concerning priesthood" Heb. 7:14. And, "I ( Jesus ) am the Root and Offspring of David, the Bright Morning Star." Revelation 22:16


The Quran claims to be in pure Arabic speech: We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran, in order that ye may learn wisdom. S. 12:2 "An Arabic Quran, wherein there is no crookedness..." S. 9:28 And We know very well that they say, "Only a mortal is teaching him." The speech of him at whom they

hint is barbarous- and this is Arabic, pure and clear. S. 16:103But according to Arabic scholars the Quran is not in pure Arabic, containing dozens of foreign words:

Abariq, S. 56:18, Persian


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Adam, S. 2:34, Akkadian Araik, S. 18:31, Persian Firdaus, S. 18:107, Pahlavi Fir'awn, S. 73:15, Syriac Habr, S. 9:31, Hebrew (Haver) Istabraq, S. 18:31, Persian (Istabar) Sakina, S. 2:248, Hebrew Sijjil (baked clay), S. 105:4, Persian Taghut (idols), S. 2:257, Syriac (Teghutha) Zakat, S. 2:110, Syriac (Zkhutha) Zanjabil (ginger), S. 76:17, Pahlavi

Muslims respond by presuming that all living languages adopt words from other cultures, and it is therefore not an error for the Quran to contain foreign words. This argument only works in regard to imperfect human beings who continually adopt and adapt to other cultures and customs. Unfortunately for Muslims, this argument will not work for an all-powerful Being who is the Originator of human language. 

There are two schools of thought about the words of the Quran. Some believe that it is the words themselves and not the understanding of the words that make a difference. With such a view, one has to conclude that in the Muslim faith it is not as important to understand God as it is to accepting him and obeying him. Again, this goes hand in hand with the idea that you can not really have a relationship with Allah. This is also why the Muslims have not tried to translate the Quran and Hadith into every language in order to reach people with this “good news” because many of them believe that everyone must learn Arabic in order to ever get anything our of the Quran.

This is a stark contrast to the view of Christians, as they continually share and translate the Bible into as many languages as possible. The Gospel speaks for itself in every language.


A real point of difference between Allah and Yahweh is that Yahweh swears by himself, since there is nothing greater for him to swear by:

For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself. Hebrews 6:13

For men indeed swear by the greater, and an oath for confirmation is for them an end of all dispute. Hebrews 6:16

Hence, every time God makes a pledge he swears only by himself to insure believers that he will do all that he promises:

"I have sworn by Myself; the word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that to Me every knee shall bow..." Isaiah 45:23

"I swear by Myself, says the LORD." Jeremiah 22:5Yet, Allah swears by things less than him:

Swears by the Quran By the Quran, full of wisdom. S. 36:2 By the Quran, full of admonition. S. 38:1 Swears by the sky and constellations By the sky and the night visitant S. 86:1 Nay verily: By the moon, and by the night as it retreateth, and by the dawn as it shines forth. S. 74:32-34 By the star when it goes down. S. 53:1 Swears by the pen By the pen and by the record which [men] write. S. 68:1 Swears by the city Nay I do swear by this city. S. 90:1 Swears by the Creation


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By the night as it cancels [the light]; by the day as it appears in glory; by the Creation of male and female. S. 92:1-3

The fact that Allah swears by practically anything and everything, while Yahweh swears only by himself, makes it very difficult for the two to be the one and the same God.

The Hadith

Sharia Law is derived from Quran – Hadith – Sirat – Ruling

Sharia Law dictates: what to eat, what to believe, how to dress, when to pray, in what direction to pray, what position to pray, how many wives to have, the correct way to beat a wife, who must accompany women in public, who can be your fiends, how to treat non-Muslims and whether to drink alcohol.

Hadith is 60,000 stories remembered about Mohammed by his wives and warriors and it was put together 250 years after Mohammed died. It is impossible to verify such a text as there are many competing texts and even the most respected texts disagree and have contradictions.

The idea that a recited story could remain true for 250 years no matter who is telling it is difficult to believe. Yet, most Muslims do believe it on an authority level just below the Quran.

Some of the autobiographies about Mohammed admit to changing some of the stories. When it comes to higher criticism, the Hadith does not hold up. The problem is that this is where most of the stories about Mohammed are so dismissing the Hadith = dismiss Mohammed. 

Cherry picking – differing sects simply use selective verses for selective stories about Mohammed to paint the picture that they want to paint and this is why there is so much diversity in the Muslim Faith.

The Authenticity of the Quran

The biggest problem with the Quran is that Mohammed could not read or write and Mohammed did not actually dictate it to a scribe when he received these visions. Instead, he recited it or memorized it. It is difficult that someone could accurately remember 23 years of recitation, but now be smart enough to write it down. In fact, the Quran means resuscitation and originally this was all passed on orally. It wasn’t until after Mohammed died that they began to see the need to actually write these saying down. Sahih Bukhari, the most respected source for the Hadith, in vol 6, book 61, Bukhari admits that later people recited the same versus differently.

The Quran is difficult to read, as it is not in any chronological order. There is only one story that actually goes from start to finish. Sometimes it is hard to put the right details with the right story. Most Muslims will admit that you need a commentary to understand it at all. This is a huge contrast to the Bible because anybody can read the bible.

When they did officially write these resuscitations down, it was compiled by Uthman, the third caliph (reign 644 to 656); a caliph being the political leader of a Caliphate (Islamic government). For this reason, the Quran as it exists today is also known as the Uthmanic codex. But that is not the whole story as we will see in a minute..

When they did write them down, it was very difficult to find the gather these verses together and write them down from memories. In some cases it was only 1 person that could recite parts of the Quran, which means there are parts that could have been left out and parts that are unreliable. Bukhari also testified that parts of the Quran were left out. Muslim scholars agree that this happened and they explain that Allah intended variance, double verses and that some verses would be lost. Once this compilation was finished, they destroyed all the other competing texts.


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There are those who the claim that a complete Qur'anic Codex existed during the time of Muhammad. This claim finds no support, since the first complete text was compiled during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, which occurred after Muhammad’s death. Narrated Zaid bin Thabit Al-Ansari:

'How can I do something WHICH ALLAH’S APOSTLE HAS NOT DONE?' I said to both of them, "How dare you do a thing WHICH THE PROPHET HAS NOT DONE? So I started locating Qur'anic material and collecting it from parchments, scapula leaf stalks of

date palms and from the memories of men (who knew it by heart). I found with Khuzaima two Verses of Surat-at-Tauba WHICH I HAD NOT FOUND WITH ANYONE ELSE.

The Battle of Yamama: The number of memorizers that died was 450:

“During the battle of Yamama, 450 reciters of the Qur'an were killed.” (The True Guidance - An Introduction To Qur'anic Studies. Zuhri reports,

'We have heard that many Qur'an passages were revealed, but that those who had memorized them fell in the Yemama fighting. Those passages had not been written down, and following the deaths of those who knew them, were no longer known; nor had Abu Bakr, nor `Umar nor `Uthman as yet collected the texts of the Qur'an. 

Despite the fact that this tradition contradicts Zaid’s own testimony that no Qur'anic text had been compiled in Muhammad’s time it does confirm, however, that other Qur'ans were in circulation at the time of Zaid’s codex. Owing to this fact, controversy evolved among the Muslims as they began accusing each other of tampering with the Book of Allah, which eventually led to the third Caliph Uthman taking drastic measures.'Hudaifa b. al Yeman came to `Uthman direct from the Aderbaijan and Armenian frontier where, uniting the forces from Iraq and those from Syria, he had had an opportunity to observe regional differences over the Qur'an.

"Commander of the faithful," he advised, "take this umma in hand before they differ about the Book like Christians and Jews." 

Uthman sent a copy to each of the main centers of the empire with the command that all other Qur'an materials, whether in single sheet form, or in whole volumes, WERE TO BE BURNED…' (Burton, pp. 141-142- citing Ahmad b. `Ali b. Muhammad al `Asqalani, ibn Hajar, "Fath al Bari", 13 vols, Cairo, 1939/1348, vol. 9, p. 18;)Hudhaifa infers in a second Hadith series,which reports textual differences, not only between the Muslims in Iraq and Syria, but also between rival groups of Iraqi Muslims.

We were sitting in the mosque and `Abdullah was reciting the Qur'an when Hudaifa came in and said, 'The reading of ibn Umm `Abd! [ie. `Abdullah] The reading of Abu Musa! By God! if I am spared to reach the Commander of the Faithful, I will recommend THAT HE IMPOSE A SINGLE QUR’AN READING!'

'Yazid b. Ma`awiya was in the mosque in the time of al Walid b. `Uqba, sitting in a group among them was Hudaifa. An official called out, 'Those who follow the reading of Abu Musa, go to the corner nearest the Kinda door. Those who follow `Abdullah's reading, go the corner nearest `Abdullah's house.' Their reading of Q 2.196 did not agree. One group read, 'Perform the pilgrimage TO GOD' The others read it 'Perform the pilgrimage TO THE KA’BAH.' 

It becomes obvious from these traditions that, contrary to popular Islamic teaching, contradictions and variant readings existed between the different codices. It is interesting to note that these variances gave rise to charges of corruption and textual perversion amongst the Muslim Umma, causing Uthman to burn texts written by eye and ear witnesses of Muhammad. Uthman then proceeded to make Zaid’s codex the official text, forcing others to accept his decision. 

See article: World's Oldest Quran Supports Claim That Muhammad Changed Text Already in Existence. http://www.christianpost.com/news/quran-muhammad-oldest-islamic-text-egypt-mosque-biggest-discovery-muslim-world-153293/#h8W0ST0qKxfmfSvI.01



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I John 2:22-23: "Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ / Messiah? He is Antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also."

The Link Between The Occult, Satan and the Quran

What do all these have in common?? The Quran says Lord of Sirius is God – “it is He Who is the Lord of Sirius, (Qur’an, 53: 49) He was two bow-lengths away or even closer. (Qur’an, 53:9) [He is] the Originator of the heavens and earth. When He decides on something, He just says to it, “Be!” and it is. (Qur’an, 2:117) Why is this so curious? Because Sirius is the “morning star.”  Isaiah 14:12 & (Luke 10:18) & Rev 9:1, refer to Satan as the false or falling morning star, whereas Revelation 22:16, reveals that Jesus is the true Morning Star. We also know that Lucifer in the Latin means “morning star.” This passage matches what the occult believe about Lucifer. He resides on the Dog Star (Sirius the only 5 pointed star) the brightest star by far in the heavens and that one-day he will come to earth. It can be called morning star because its appearance in the morning marks the summer solstice (dog days of summer) for the Egyptians and is linked to Anubis/Osiris. Lucifer is translated shining one, morning star. Morning star could also be Venus/mercury/Apollo, but the most occultist symbol in the world, the pentagram, reveals the distinguishing characteristic shape of this star.

The Muslims Belief In Prophecy

Could the Anti-christ be Muslim? The truth is that Muslims are looking for the return of the Mahdi – AKA Messiah to come just like Christians and Jews are. The problem is they believe Mahdi will return with Mohammed and kill all the Christians and the Jews because they did not follow Mohammed.

We have already shared an article called the Mahdi Does Not Negotiate and Neither Should We about how the Twelvers of Iran believe they have to create World War III before the Mahdi can come back. This fits with what I believe could happen before the Tribulation begins.

We have already detailed how the Bible details a war with Russia & a united Arab world (specifically Iran) and goes against Israel in Ezekiel 38 & 39. See article: WWIII - Russia announces military alliance with Iran - Putin vows to help accelerate Iranian nuclear program and defend Iran against western aggression. He also pledges to complete Iranian nuclear reactor

We have also shared how a Muslim Prophesy (taken from Forbes Magazine) details a 300-year-old Hadith that shows Barack Obama is the "promised warrior" or forerunner to the Hidden Imam (AKA – Mahdi) of Shiite Muslims who will conquer the world?According to the tradition, Imam Ali Ibn Abi-Talib (the prophet's cousin and son-in-law) prophesied that at the End of Times and just before the return of the Mahdi, the Ultimate Savior, a "tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West." Commanding "the strongest army on earth," the new ruler in the West will carry "a clear sign" from the third imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali. The tradition concludes: "Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us."

Khorasan: Behind the Mysterious Name of the Newest Terrorist Threat by Michael Crowley. Sept 2014The word Khorasan sheds important light on the grandiose, even apocalyptic vision that drives many Sunni radicals. The black flags of Khorasan are flying, which fulfills a Muslim prophecy referring to the call to a last jihad that proclaims that the Muslim messiah has come and that they must join his army, as they will now take over the world. We have seen that ISIS is flying black flags. What does this mean? There are two passages in the Hadith that are often cited as the inspiration for the flags.

“The black flags will come from the East, led by mighty men, with long hair and beards. Their surnames are taken from the names of their home towns and their first names are from a ‘Kunya.’”


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“Messenger of Allah said: If you see the Black Banners coming from Khurasan go to them immediately, even if you must crawl over ice, because indeed amongst them is the Caliph, Al Mahdi.”

Americans can never underestimate what Islamists believe and this is their prophetic timeline and they believe it! To us we might as well shout at the top of our lungs, Armageddon is here!

Summary Of The Differences

Relationship Theology

Muslims really don’t believe in a relationship with God. They simply believe that God is altogether different than us, but also much higher than us that to try and have a relationship with God is not possible and mostly blasphemous.In contrast, The Bible teaches that we were created in God’s image and that even from the Garden of Eden, God walked and talked with us i.e. – God had a relationship with us. That relationship was put at great length due to the fall of mankind, but god immediately implemented a plan of salvation. That salvation was not just salvation, because it was a full scale restoration of our relationship with God. Sure the Bible represents the message of God to humanity and the history of how God has dealt with nations, peoples and persons, but in the end you can argue all of the letters would never fix the loss of a face to face relationship. Mankind could never really know God unless He drew Himself onto the pages of history. This is why Jesus is the person who a religion into a relationship. Muslims disagree with all of this, even though they profess to believe in the Torah.

Who is Greater?

If we can both agree that “God is Great” - “Allahu Akbar”, then we have to ask, which religion portrays the greatest God? This approach can be applied to any difference in the two religions. For example the resurrection: which religion reveals the greater God? 1) Jesus escaped 2) Jesus obeyed His Father and willingly gave His life for the atonement of sin and what He laid down, He is so strong that He picked it back up again

Jesus is the Good Shepherd – Jesus Stands Alone!

John 10: 7-18: Then Jesus said to them again, “Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.   8   All who   ever   came before Me[ a ]   are thieves and robber s, but the sheep did not hear them. 9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have   it   more abundantly. 11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. 12 But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. 13 The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep. 14 I am the good shepherd; and I know My   sheep,   and am known by My own.   15   As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. 16 And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.17 “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again.18   No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.”

The Golden Rule

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you Matt 7:12

The Beatitudes

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.4 Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted.5 Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.


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6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.7 Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy.8 Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.9 Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.11 “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Come Unto Me

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 (KJV)

The Good Fight

To Muslims concessions are viewed as weakness and actually prove to them that they are right. When they win we give them the momentum they need to keep going. The challenge is how do we obey the Golden Rule.

The gospel is the most important thing, but preserving the right to share the gospel is the second most important thing.

There is an alliance between Islam and secular societies against the Christians. Upon every crisis the answer is always trust the government, but our faith says we trust God in every

crisis and seek His will and His protection. It is David versus Goliath and do we believe. Jesus referred to himself as the “I am” in John 8:58.

Napoleon:I know men and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between Him and every other person in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creation of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded His empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. (There is some controversy with this quote, but I felt that there is some reasons this is probably correct.)

The point here is that Mohammed did not do anything different than any of these men, but Jesus is altogether different than any of these men.

Loving The MuslimsAt the end of this study, while we have extolled the dangers and issues we have with radical Islam, the Quran and Mohammed, this completely leaves out the individuality of each Muslim. None of this study changes Christ’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves. Christ’s example is our example on how to deal with Muslims. To add the personal factor I highly recommend the book “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabil Qureshi. It simply shows how hard it is for a Muslim to see Jesus, but it is eye opening to see just how great some Muslims are and we must never loose site of that because this is how Jesus would see them .

How to Witness To A MuslimAs we have shown previously, Islam does not have the word love when it comes to how Allah feels about us. Allah is not describes as loving only merciful. In Islam, mankind is not created in gods image, we are not his children, and Allah does not have a relationship with us. In fact, he is nothing like us. Islam is a works based religion. We have to win Allah’s favor.

Christianity is the opposite of all these things. My favorite story that contrasts this that I have shared with Muslims is how Jesus is the only good Sheppard, which is found in John 10. Here Jesus says that He is the good Sheppard and that all the other people that have come to the sheep are thieves and robbers. He is the good Sheppard because He lays His life down for the sheep. What He lies down, He is able to pick back up again!!


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Now that is power brother!! Think about that. All world leaders and conquerors want the sheep to lay their life down for them (Mohammed certainly fell into this category), but Jesus says He leaves the 99 sheep just to go looking for that one lost sheep. No greater love has any man than he lays his life down one for the other. This is how you can discern the motives of Jesus versus Mohammed.

Islam Fulfills The End Times1. Provides the Terror & Chaos necessary for the control needed to establish a One World Government.2. Becomes Part of the One World False World Religion3. Probably fulfills the a great deal of the Persecution of Christians predicted in the Bible,4. Provides the revelation of What Brings The World To War With Israel

References: IS ALLAH THE GOD OF BIBLE? By Sam Shamoun -

http://www.answering-islam.org/Shamoun/god.htm Why I believe Islam and Islamic belief are false. http://peace-of-mind.net/islamic_belief.htm Web site: Answering Islam: http://www.answering-islam.org/authors/shamoun/quran_compilation.html Is the Quran Historically Reliable? By Matt Palumbo - http://www.debate.org/debates/Is-the-Quran-


Other Recommendations: Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity Feb 11, 2014 by Nabeel

Qureshi Understanding Muslim Teachings and Traditions: A Guide for Christians Sep 1, 2002, by Phil Parshall

Resources: www.CrescentProject.org Christ For All Peoples.org Descendant of Muhammad: Jesus Brought Me Back to Life After Being Stabbed Nearly to Death -


You Can Love Muslims Even If They Are Trying to Kill You, Nabeel Qureshi Tells Christians - http://www.christianpost.com/news/nabeel-qureshi-christians-can-love-muslims-even-if-they-are-trying-to-kill-you-160501/#8Q27flvZjis5HBLF.99

Israel, Islam and World War 3 – Dr. Forrest Pollockhttp://unitedchristianschurch.com/blog/2014/06/18/forrest-pollock-isreal-islam-and-world-war-3/

How Can You Help??http://callingallangelslive.com


Recommended Reading – See Book “Captive in Iran”

Current Events

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Why Did Senior Pentagon Analyst Lt. Col. Robert Maginnins Just Spend Two Days With Tom Horn & SkyWatch TV News Crew? To Confirm That, As The West Sleeps, ISIS Is Spreading Throughout The Middle East & Heading For U.Shttp://skywatchtv.com/2015/09/03/why-did-senior-pentagon-analyst-lt-col-robert-maginnins-just-spend-two-days-with-tom-horn-skywatch-tv-news-crew-to-confirm-that-as-the-west-sleeps-isis-is-spreading-throughout-the-middle-east-a/

Former CIA Director Tells TheBlaze TV: ‘I Would Be Surprised’ if Islamic State Didn’t Strike U.S. Homeland Soonhttp://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/11/23/former-cia-director-tells-theblaze-i-would-be-surprised-if-islamic-state-didnt-strike-u-s-homeland-soon/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=story&utm_campaign=ShareButtons

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Billy Graham's Warning to American Churches: 'Prepare for Persecution'Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/billy-graham-warning-american-churches-prepare-persecution-148764/#DPGaK7KujBqPlSm6.99

‘Proud to Be a Christian’: Read Poignant Statement From Family of Student Killed in Oregon Shootinghttp://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/10/02/proud-to-be-a-christian-read-poignant-statement-from-family-of-student-killed-in-oregon-shooting/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=story&utm_campaign=ShareButtons


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US Accepting Only 28 Christians vs. 5,435 Muslim Refugees, Despite ISIS' Unstoppable GenocideRead more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/obama-admin-accepting-only-28-christians-vs-5435-muslim-refugees-despite-isis-genocide-of-believers-165204/#OkLQYbCmvtvmJWJD.99

Israel, Islam and World War 3 – Dr. Forrest Pollockhttp://unitedchristianschurch.com/blog/2014/06/18/forrest-pollock-isreal-islam-and-world-war-3/