SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR-No. 85 TAMPA, FLORIDA. MONDAY, MAY 17, 1965 PRICE FIVE CENTS SA Government Elections Postponed Ed Coris , l Marine Geology Students To Study Under Water increasing population can only aggravate the existing p roblems or water pollution . Students Informed Too Late · By JOHN ALSTON Of the Campus Staff On the Inside Underwater Rockhunters Marine geology students of Dr. William H. Taft excavate t·ock samples at a ..depth of 17 feet in the Ba· bamas. USF students will do similar work at the mari· time base in Petersburg.

SA Government Elections Postponed...SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR-No. 85 TAMPA, FLORIDA. MONDAY, MAY 17, 1965 PRICE FIVE CENTS SA Government Elections Postponed Ed Coris , l Marine Geology Students

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Page 1: SA Government Elections Postponed...SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR-No. 85 TAMPA, FLORIDA. MONDAY, MAY 17, 1965 PRICE FIVE CENTS SA Government Elections Postponed Ed Coris , l Marine Geology Students


SA Government Elections Postponed Ed Coris,


Marine Geology Students To Study Under Water

increasing population can only aggravate the existing problems or water pollution .

Students Informed Too Late·

By JOHN ALSTON Of the Campus Staff

On the Inside

Underwater Rockhunters Marine geology students of Dr. William H. Taft

excavate t·ock samples at a ..depth of 17 feet in the Ba· bamas. USF students will do similar work at the mari· time base in ~t. Petersburg.

Page 2: SA Government Elections Postponed...SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR-No. 85 TAMPA, FLORIDA. MONDAY, MAY 17, 1965 PRICE FIVE CENTS SA Government Elections Postponed Ed Coris , l Marine Geology Students

Sorry, Joe. No Do.ugh! HOW MANY students are there

on campus who would like to have ~ scholarship, a loan, or a campus JOb, and who cannot get one be­cause they don't have the necessary 2.000 grade point average?

We would like to know. Kermit J. Silverwood, director of financial a~d, sa:ys that job scarcity is causing his off1ce to turn away many appli­cants with averages balancing on th~ 1.9 mark. Most scholarships re­qmre above a 2.0 grade standing (lr "C" average. The loan policy here_ also sticks to the 2.0 average requrrement.

Where does this leave Joe Sad­dlesneakers, who must have finan­cial help or a job to stay in college? Silverwood says, simply: "The President (of the university) makes the rules."

IN THE MEANTIME, Joe Sad­dlesneakers needs to buy books, or school supplies. He tries the text­Qook lending library in the base­ment of the USF library. He can't get what he needs there. He tries the office of financial aids for a loan. But it turns out that Joe let JUs grades slip while working off campus. Sorry, Joe. No dough.

_ "How can I make ~ 2.0 average WJthout books?" quenes Joe logi­cally.

We'd like to help Joe out. True, he might to able to make more money by working off campus. But if Joe is like a lot of USF students he came to this university becaus~ of its accent on learning. He wants to stay as close to it as he can, and immerse himself in the unending list of stimulating educational ac­tivities here.

He wants to be exposed to the thoughts and ideas of some of the greatest minds on e a r t h. Minds such as those of Dr. Henry Win­throp, Dr. Hans Juergensen, Wes­ley Davis, Dr. Edgar Hirschberg, Dr. Elton Henley and the incom­parable Dr. John W. (Knocky) Parker.

WHY COULDN'T somebody come up with a loan fund to help Joe stay here and boost his grades without having to worry about such mundane things as eating or having' a place to live. A loan could be made on a probationary basis for one trimester at a time. The' stu­dent's progress, gradewise, could be used to determine whether or not to continue the financial aid. It's a gamble, but remember, too it would be only a loan. And it might return immeasurable divi­dends in service to this country.

SA Needs Help Now Those lazy, hazy, crazy days of

summer seem to be giving the Stu­dent Association no end of trouble.

Seems that a goodly number of SA workers resigned or dropped out of school in the wake of last trimester's grade lists. Others have found lucrative employment in summer jobs. • There are now 22 openings in

1lle Student Association legislature, dne on the Student Board of Dis­~pline and Appeals, and two per-

• Movie Review

sons have already been appointed to vacated Senate seats.

Now, more than ever, the SA is in need of interested persons to swell its ranks and make it work.

The time for griping about stu­dent government is over.

If you have the qualifications, sign up this week to run for an of­fice. And even if you don't have the time, just take two minutes to vote on Thursday.

It may sound trite but it's true. If you don't vote, don't gripe!

1Fool Killer1 Moves Fast By JOSEPH KEMPSTER

,Campus Movie Critic If you h&ve ever harbored a desire

to suddenly get up in a room full of people and slip out into the night and ije gone forever, you should see "The

Pool Killer." This movie is well worth seeing. It is

I{ study of a runaway hoy, played by

Edward Albert and a wandering misan­thrope , played by Anthony Perkins. The s_tory is tightly drawn with very few superfluities. It moves rapidly and pow­erfully from the outset and maintains

this pace until the end. ALBERT runs away from a "clean''

home where "things are done proper"

and the word of the Lord is invoked in Dormal speaking as frequently as blas­phemies pour from the mouth of a sailor.

He heads West and stops off for two weeks at the house of an old hermit.

The old man tells Albert the story of the

Fool Killer. "Boy," he says. "you are a fool , jes'

like me and it would pay ya to look out for the Fool Killer. He"s got a gleaming ax and he goes aroun' killing fools like you and me 'cause we is always doing somethin' that ain't proper, somethin' that we can see some seuse to, but other folks can't. He woulda got me, boy, but he seed I got married to a clean woman

and he figured I was gonna pay plenty'

soz he didn't cut my head off." THE BOY leaves the old man and

meets up with Perkins, who plays Milo, a name given to him after he· suffered

amnesia as a re~ult of wounds incurred during the Civil War.

Albert confides in Milo and tells him of his desire to head West and get rich and build a big mansion and have a fine carriage. Milo r~acts by saying it's a fool

dream. "Be like me," he says. "All I want is

to be able to eat when I want to, talk to folks if I want to or not talk to them, and

see the world." Milo deserts Albert after a revival

meeting Albert talked him into going to. He deserts him because Albert let him­

self be saved. Then Albert is taken iQ by some good

people and becomes adjusted to living with them when Milo shows up again. Albert forces a meeting between Milo and the folks he's staying with.

WHAT FOLLOWS is inevitable. Al­bert is trying to reconcile two different worlds and cannot. He should have chosen but could not and forces events to choose for him. The story ends with him a~cepting the choice made for him and yearning more hungrily than ever

for the other.

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: This past week. I went to the Cash­

Ier's Office to cash a check. Upon pre­

senting my check to the cashier, I dis­covered that I had last term's ID card with me, instead of the present student identification card. I was informed by the cashier that my c h e c k wouldn't be

cashed. I asked to speak with Mr. Melendi,

the gentleman in charge of the Cashier's

Office. I showed him my present food card as proof that I am in school this

~erm._ The _food card also has my student ldentifiCatwn number printed on it.

I mentionea that I cash at least two checks a week and that the cashiers all know me hy name and know that I am m school this trimester. Finally, I ex­plained to him that I had to meet my dale and catch the bus downtown and I didn 't have any money on me. He still

refused to let me cash my check, stating

that I must present my ID card.

All of us agree. that no institution

can be run without rules. However there are times when persons should us~ comjllon sense. The ID card shows your student number, but so does your food card. Secondly, since I am known by all the cashiers, there was no question that I was in school and that I had the money in the bank. I have been cashing checks in the Cashier's Office for seven terms now. Mr. Melendi, didn't deny what I stated was true, but insisted that a rule is a rule.

Man is said to be superior to a ma­chine because man can think and has the ability to reason. Apparently, Mr. Me­lendi did not use his good judgment. I

hope he can correct this situation other­wise, I would advise replacing hiU:.


The Campus Edition . A special edition of The Tampa' Times pub­

lished weekly by journalism students of the Uni·

versity of South Florida.

Member, Associated Colle(iate Press

Editor · · · · · · . Lauren A B tt A · t t Ma · · · · · · · · · · • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • · · ce enne . E~~~r~~l Pa nagin~ Editor .••••••.••..•••...... Jeffrey L. Bialek

ge Editor ........•.............. . . Mary Ann Moore

DEPARTMENT EDITORS Religion-Jeffrey L. Bialek

Staff Writers . Jo Ann Cummings, Joan Davidson, Peggy Fullerton Rosalie

Fle1s~haker, Dorotby Laker, Maxine Levine, Donald Phillips, Lynda

Rus~mg, Ma_ry Sanders, Ronald Shaw, Ruth Smith, Electra Sutton 1\'lanan Harns, Cerita Ludwick and Kathy Manetta. '

Ad. VIsor . ...... . ............. .. ...... . .. . ...... . . Steve Yates

Deadli.t~e. for co~y is 1 p.m. Wednesday for the following

Monday edition. _Offices are lo~ated in the University Center,

Room 222, Extens10n 619. Deadline for letters is 1 p.m. Monday.

• •

Social Notes •••

Secretaries Feted With Floral Tribute

Orchid corsages (artificial)

blossomed on attire or a VIP c a m p u s g To u p (genuine)

'Wednesday in a "salute to sec­

retaries" program.

The floral tribute to some 100

secretaries who help make the

campus wheels go 'round was

part of the annual "thank you''

given by bosses and associates

at a get-together in the library.

A colorful touch was added by

a display of hats made by some

of the secretaries. He's Ou-u-t!

The program was arranged

by the Personnel Benefit Sub­

committee headed by Duane

Lake. Members are Joan Mc­

Kee, Mrs. Beulah Rugh, Bill

Durkin and Dr. Donald Allen.

The squeeze is on as Ed Worley of the SAT's tries to ~!ide u~der Joe McAleer of the Staffers. Looking on IS ump1re Pete Silver. The Staffers won the game 12-4. (USF Photo)

Pouring c off e e were Mrs.

Mozelle Stockwell, Mrs. Ouida

W. Mahoney, Mrs. Mildren Sin­

gletary and Mrs. Sara Howell.

Serving coffee and tea were

Mrs. Nan Rutherford. Mrs.

Boots Carlton, Joyce McKee,

Joan McKee and Mrs. Rugb.

Staffers Outhit Stud.ent Affairs

Spring Goes To Their Head Floral frills blossomed on colorful headdt·ess dis­

played at the campus salute to secretaries program last week. Modeling secretary-made bats from left Jan Chryzanowski, Joann Dabbs and B~ulah Rugh:

(USF Photo)

Burry Unburdened

l).S. Dominican Policy Is Termed Failure

Hostesses for the occasion

w e r e Mrs. Mildred Winters,

Mrs. Ann Mulder, JoAnn Dabbs,

Mrs. Rose-Lane Revels, Mrs.

Marie Clark and Mrs. Margaret

Hamilton. Mrs. Lois Dick was

in charge of the hat display.

Helvey Given Science Award

The American Institute of Aeronautics presented T. C. Hel­vey, assistant professor of con­tinuing education at USF, with its annual award for his contri­butions in astronautical science

By ALLEN J'. BU.RRY Of the Campus Staff

"to pre v e ,;_ t anotller Cuba." and cybernetics. Even if we grant tl f II U _ Helvey received the award at

. . le u a e a dmner meetmg of the Insti-

A year ago we were entering gabon of CommuDist presence, tute at the St. Petersburg Yacht

the long,_ bot _sum~er of racial ~e~e persists the haunting s~s- Club last Friday night. He has

tur~ml 1n MISSISSippi. The at- PICI~? that a!! IS not well With also had an article, "Extra-Ter-

ten~wn recently our_ amlgos. Our eyes are not restrial Life," published in the

focused on Ala- ~err eyes, _and Thomas Mann recent March issue of Science

bam a has faded IS a ad Vl so r to a United Educaion Magazine.

f a s t, as t h e States pres1dent, not a Domini-

American citizen can patriot. Archaic Instruments recovers f r o m All who are genuinely con- F d • C the emotional jag cerned with the welfare of our eature In oncert t h a t character· neighbors to the Sout11 must Musical instruments popular

ized the vica1·i- raise forcefully with our govern- in the 17th ar.d 18th. centuries

ous participation ment the question of when the will be heard in a chamber mu-

By TOl\1 GATES Campus Sports Editor

As the hot summer weather continues, the 1-M .summer soft­ball leagues have begun with great enthusiasm.

In the Faculty Le3;gue, the Staffers, led by Dr. Robert Goldstein, Charles Schrader, Hubert Wright, Joe McAleer and Ron Willis carried their team to an easy 12-4 victory over the Student Affairs team.

Coffee House To Give Poetry

The Reader's Theat.re Council will conduct a coffee house through the summer trimester, on Wednesday during the free hour.

Here is the schedule: May 19-UC 108 June Z-UC 108 June 16-UC 264-265 June 30-FH 101 July 14-UC 108 July 28-UC 108

All poets on campus who would like to read their poems or have thep~ read during the June 2 coffee house should sub­mit their work to Mrs. Dino in the Speech Department or to Lucille Gigante, UC box 2414. Poets will he notified if se­


in the March, United States will grasp t h e sic concert tomorrow night at

Vi. e t Nam is fundamental proposition t h a t 8:30 in FH lOl. Former Student Wins s t i I I with us, c h an g e must come in Latin Featured will be John Tartag- K 1 K 11 h

growing worse or Burry America. Must any people who lia on the viola d'amore; Patri- dentaraot USeF dy, w oTw.as at stu1-1

b tt · d · . c· Ste b bl kfl te d urmg nmes er

e er, dependmg on who you es1re a better life turn against Ia n erg on oc u an Jin 1964 h b d · d d

read this morning. The United the United States and toward Don Owens on baroque trumpet. Miss Flo,ridaas ~n r:. JU J~A States is caug~t in a situa~ion an_other system for even a flick- Ed w_ a r d _Preod~r !lnd A_r~in contest. The U:vinneer ~: Miss

only part of 1ts own makmg, ermg hope? Watkins Will assist on VIolin; USA will go on t th Miss

where we build up strength to IT JS PROFOUNDLY disturb- Rodolfo Fernandez, cello, and Universe competitio~. e

Gil Hertz and Dick Bowers led the SAT's in defeat.

In the other game, Mainte­nance overpowered the Regis­trar Rebels 17-l. Bob Macon Don Vincent, Tom Howard and Dave Crouch led the Mainte­nance team with three hits each. Deller and Brooks led the de­feated with great fielding plays.

In the st)ldent's Independent League, Arete outhit Senior Ac­counting 12-7. Phi Sigma Zi was tromped by the Senior Account­ing team 12-4. One grand slam borne run was hit by John Goree. In the Residence Hall League, Alpha 3 East romped Alpha 2 East by a score of 13-3. A home run by Russell Avery and three hits each by Andy Whitehead and Tom Moore clinched the victory for Alpha 3

East. In the Women's softball league,

Eta bombed FIA 15-1. Eta, with a bolstered crew of Physical Ed­

ucation majors, set the pace of a Women's Intramural league by winning the first game. They were led by Mabel King, Ann Frets and Linda McLellan. FIA was led through the bitting of Karen Little and Monica Harty.

These games are scheduled in coming weeks:


Hot Heads vs. Senior Accounting Arete va. Phi Sigma Zi FlA vs. Tri·Sis

\ Tuesday Beta Ground West vs. Alpha 2- East

~~af.:r~5~sM~~~t~~~' ~ebels Wednesday

A I ph a 2. East vs. Beta 2 West Beta 2 East vs. Beta Ground West Eta vs. FIA

Tbursda.r Areta vs. Hot Heads Alpha 3 East vs. Beta Ground East SAT's vs. Rebels Staffers vs. Maintenance

convince the Communists t11at ing that the United States is Gary >_Volf, harpsiChord.

we want to get out where planes seen in Latin Amer· tl Music heard will include Vi- Annual Event Cons1"dered ' Lea as le valdi's "C on c e r t f v· 1

bomb and soldiers shoot, and world power wJ1ich wants to , . ,. o or 1o_,a

money flows like blood. maintain exploitation and pre- ~ Amo1e, Allesandro Sca;,latti s

Those who persist in asking vent the legitimate aspirations .,Qua_rtet for Blockflute, and

for a quiet rationale for our of the 1 T r 1 o for Blockflute, VI o 1 a

policy a statement beyond the It ispe~p ~-f "tel . d'Amore, and Basso Continuo,"

Carnival Held in UC li h

, . o m lDl y more 1m- by J J Quantz "M b

c c e, a posture grounded m a portance to the well-being of our Th. , · . · ay e next year we'll have resentatives of 20 companies.

viable goal for the future, are nation that we ally ourselves t the conc_ert lS free and open cotton candy and candy apples The vendors represented such

ed f b t . . o e 'PUblic.

accus o e r~ylng our gov- With those who dream, work and --------- to carry the carnival theme," corporations as A. B. Dick, Roy-

ernment by calling our resolve sacrifice for a better world than T d L Ron Keller, chairman of person- al , Smith-Corona, Victor, a n d

into question. that we rush the Marines in to ape eCtUreS 3M Corp.

Th D t f .

nel development sub-committee, T

e epar ment o State 1s bolster every failing military R 1 R • d he carnival was started by

sendmg out staff members to junta in Latin America. U eS eVISe said. Keller as an aid to the depart-

convince tbe ~ampuses of our Perhaps _ just perhaps _ we Lectures recorded on tape by Keller was referring to the ment oCfices _which want to

land that all IS well, that be- had no alternative in the Do- Educational Res 0 u r c e 5 are busmess machine carnival in prov1de for eqtnpment in budget

Y?nd the seeming expensive lminican Republic, but tbe land- placed in the audio laboratory, the UC ballroom Tuesday. He requ~sts this July. Keller said

atmlessnes_s o~ our. action_s, a ing or the Marines signals a AD 180, under the following hopes that the carnival W1luid ~at if these off1ces knpw what

grand destgn IS bemg fulfilled. disturbing failure of u.s. policy procedures : b ff . IS _on the market and what the

THE DOMINICAN REPUB- Papa Bird may not be worried. l. Taped lectures not re- ecome an annual a atr at USF. pnces _are, ~ey would be much

LIC may h ave a ~unctio?in_g but the chickens are increasing: quested by ~aculty for replay Between S25,~ and $30,?00 Wiser m their spending.

government by the time this IS 1y coming home to roost are placed m the laboratory w or t h of bus1ness mach1ne A number of representatives

printed, but the problems the · within 24 hours. equipment was exhibited by rep- saw the carnival as a great sue-

situation has raised will be with s d · 2. Taped lectures requested cess. Glenn Brown of the A. B.

us for some time. tu ents fOL" class replay witllin two days CIC and NCICA Dick Corp. remarked, "The

We are told that Communists after being recorded are placed turnout has been very good. The

were behind the revolution, that I in the labor_atory within 24 May Form •interest has been quite high

they gained control, and that im· , R • hours after bemg replayed. Former members of CIC . d compared to manY business

mediate action was necessary 1 ece I ve Therefore, delays in taped . . an mac tune c o n v e n t i on s rve

lectures reachi.ng the laborarory NCICA mterested m ~arming a worked with." <.,

\ are the result of scheduled local NCICA group may drop a Although Keller was in charge

Campus Forum Grants classroom functions. Students card to L. s. Lippincott, 13762 of the project, he said that

PI P should not request ~aped lee- 74th Ave. N., Largo, Fla. ~any de~artments contributed

anS rogram tures from Educational Re- • m presentmg the carnival. P ro·

• sou~ces. All taped lectures will Tampa Po11ce Band curement contacted the ven-

On V1et Nam Four USF students have re· be m the laboratory within 24 Performs T • ht dors ; personnel supplied there-

A new group called the ceived traineeship grants in the hours after schedul_ed use and On I~ f r e s h m e n t _s; educational

Campus Forum has made final field of special education. cannot be heard until after such The Tampa Pollee Dance resources P_rov1ded the music,

preparations for a program on The grants of $1,600 a year scheduled use. B~nd, led by Sgt. A. L. Ford, and the office of the registrar

"Should the U.S. Get out of were awarded to Mrs Mar will perform today· at 8 p.m. decorated the baliroom.

Viet Nam," to be presented Lamphier, Mrs. Margar~t Roi- Job Interview in the UC Ballroom. USF spent less than $20 on the

Thursday at 1:25 p.m. in UC ers, Mrs. Mary L. Penn, and University of Florida, grad- Also aPPearing will be carmval.

252. Cosmo Re, by the United States uate program in health and hos- singer Nadine Williams, Miss S J b

The plans call for two speak- Office of Education. pita! administration bachelors Tampa of 1965, and jazz aero- ummer 0 s Open

ers to present opposing views The candidates are all seniors degree in business 'admin istra- batist Renee LaFountain. Any male student interested

on the topic. All students are in- and are majoring 1n the field tion. Admission is free and no in a camp counselor position

vited to attend the session and of special education. s p e c i a 1 . reserve tickets are required. for all or part of' the summer

present their own opinions, ac- education includes the teaching ~'%~iHff<l2£-i&W,7.4'N.~ should contact Murphy Osborne

cording to Ed Caris, chairman and training of handicapped and S h d l DJ Hosts UC Dance Ext. 479. in Alpha 145 immedi~ of the committee. . retarded persons. C e U e . Br~oke Chamberlain will be ~e~~ ;~~::. are positions open

The pttrpose of the forum Tbe grants will begin in Sep- dtsc Jockey for a f r e e stereo

group is to "provide an avenue temher and will run for one Of E t d · UC 1 K through which students can not year. The candidates were ven s .Pa~~eu~~~l midn~;lh~~~~daf;o~as~ arate Demonstration

only voice their opinions, but chosen by their expression of ~IONDAY ual dress will be· in order.· The Kar~te Club will stage · a

become e_ducated about issues interest in the area and by other 9:30 a.m.-Concept of the 1 demonstration on karate Frl·day


Absurd UC 203

oremost m their minds," Coris academic criteria. 8:00p.m. soundsations "Tam- Madison Avenue Set in Argos 233 at 4:40 p.m.

said. Committee members will This was the second year that ~~;;dr,olice Dance uc 248 F • • Students are mv1ted to at-

try to acquaint themselves with USF has won grants in this TUESDAY eatured In Fhck tend this performance and also

th · d 9:30 a .m.-Hillsborough County

ese 1ssues an present a pro- field. Dr. Leonard Lucito and ~~ard of Health Mee5c 47 "The Best of Everything," a tbe regular meetings each Man-

gram on it. Robert Dwyer of tbe education 1:25 p.m.- uc corree Hour uc 108 movie taken from the best sell- day and Friday in Argos 233 at

Sertoma Club Gives $1,000

department expressed pleasure 8'30 p.m.-~~;tber Music ConFH 101 ing novel about Madison Ave- 4:40 p.m.

that the students received the WEDNESDAY nue's white U t "ll 1' 25 p.m.-Readers' Theater co ar se ' WI be R d c h A .I b

awards. Councn '"Coffee shown Friday and Saturday at ea Y aS Val a le H~"dt~sDAY uc 108 7:30 p .m. in FH 101. Admission All USF staff a n d faculty

A check for $1,000 was pre­sented to the University of South Florida last week by the Down­

Why? town Sertoma Club of Tampa to Each week t11e "Why?" col­

aid the university in providing umn will attempt to answer

loans for needy and worthy stu- your questions. Queries can be

dents. . . on any phase of university life .

The contnbutlon was part of I You send us the questions and

a Sertoma memorial fund which, we 'll take them to the proper

wtth matchmg funds from the authorities for the answers.

Nation~l Defense Education Each question must be sub­

Ac_t, Wl!l eve~tually provide the milted in writing and signed.

umverstty wtth $50,000 for stu- Names will be withheld upon re-

dent loans. quest.


8:00 a.m.-Naval Aviation om- will be 25 cents. members who find themselves

~~~~andidate s. uc Lobby in need of extra money for that

1'25 p.m.~~J;! t_:~:~~~ u::;c25;6~ Arete Is Planning forthcoming vacation, may ap-

7:oo p.m.-s. A. Le:Jlslature uc 252 I!!" S ply for vacation loans at the

8:00 p.m.-Tampa urnan Rela· rlrst ummer Event Credit Union Office in AD 145

tion;,Rc~Atil UC 202 8:00 a m.- Naval Aviation 0£1i· A rete is planning its first so- (ext. 511). Office hours are

cer Candidate cia! event for the summer fo1· 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except

12:45 p.m.-~~~~ Aviation 5o#E Lobby l\1ay 29. A party is sched uled holidays.

~':,'~,i;andidate at the Men's Garden Club

7:30 p.m.-Movie, "The nest uc 204 Arete has also elected officer~ Exchange To Close or Everything

3~ FH 101 f tl 9:00 p.m.-Dance uc 248 Eolr le s u m mer trimester. This is the last week you can

SATURDAY ected president is Don Walk · k 7:30 p.m.-Movie, "'The Best . . . • PIC up books or money frpm


of Everything'" FH 101 er. Robm K1rk, Rtck Neuman the Student Association Book

. p.m.-French Club Dance uc 248 and Buddy Parks were elected Exchan e. G d

w~,;~~~~<IM''~*'ti"''l"?ill§! board members. be pick!d up ~~ ~CorzzC:.sh can


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Page 3: SA Government Elections Postponed...SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR-No. 85 TAMPA, FLORIDA. MONDAY, MAY 17, 1965 PRICE FIVE CENTS SA Government Elections Postponed Ed Coris , l Marine Geology Students


~leve1&n~ a:~s't ~:l~on ab


sEcoND GAME CAMP C,QQ K I N G 1\tETS 6-8, REDS 2·5 ~:~~~1: ;5. ~g_~.-A"~~~.wo~rv~·r. 7tJ~~~: b ~~~~f!te ss a~ 2 ~ ~~~~n cl •: f ~ Clndnnatl -~~St ~!!lEYork ab r h ~'!~8;.ch~~~~: SB- Aaron. SF-Klim·

~ l LBumpe 2hb 41 00 21 Sych_IH~I1b ~ l l EASY VARIED Jlose2blf 43 01 10 "f},aMuslll2b 1 2 12 PITOBING SUMMARY

3 ~ c~~0tfi 4 0 0 G=~~~ 1

JI 0 0 0 I ~:~~rf rf 44 10 21 LeKnL wls :rlllbS 33 1 11 Lemaster . ... . .. ~ ~ ~ Er 8 :S s~

! 3 ~~~t~ri ~ : g ! f.~Tb';~otf: i ~ l o son ranep 1 o Carroll . . . . . ... . . 2lf.s 4 2 2 1 1

0 0 N • f 4 0 1 Mal n 3b 4 o 1 yg~~';'o":ii!': g ~ *?Jph~~ & g 0 Osinski --------· 1 2 0 0 1 1

0 0 F Ol'IJ:'P c • 0 0 B zoo ed ss 4 0 1 Edwards c 3 0 0 S - 1~3b 4 1 1 O'Dell (W, ;.2) .- 2 0 0 0 0 2

g 201 ~~~m!~: 1 g g ~~·tt P i g ~ By ARCHIE BLOUNT ¥;ft~~~,' :s! g ~ ~E~",~gref l o0 o1 ~~~~ga~: .. ::.: : : ~v.. i ~ g ~ ~

0 0 I h 1 0 0 Keough ph 1 0 0 C'Im'aro e 3 1 1 B'dschun (L, 3-1) 2 4 3 1 1 0

THE TAMPA TIMES, Monday, May 17, 1965 15


No Cho.king Up For· Sue Maxwell

Howser ss 5 1 3 Bl~s•ame 2b 5 Brown 2b 6 2 2 M'Mull'n 3b 6 WJlgner If 5 1 l King r£- 4 Moran ph 1 0 0 Howard Jf 4 Colavito rf 5 0 2 Lock cf 1 Salmon rf 1 1 0 Chance lb 5 Alvis 3b 5 0 1 Held cf-If 4 Davalillo c.f 5 0 2 Brumley c 3 Hinton Lb 4 0 2 Br"kman ss 4 Carreon c 3 0 0 M'C'm,k p 3 W'tfield ph 1 0 l Klrkl'nd ph 1 ~~~~=l~z pr ~ ;; ~ i~~~r~~~ P~h ~

1 I Wc er P 2 1 1 Times Sports Writer Sham sky ph 1 o o Fisher p 3 o 1 Roebuck · -· · · ·- · V.. 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 ood 2b T-3:3L A-16.632. MUSKOGEE Okla (11')-" 0h sue Maxwell, $1,275 . __ .. . 71·72·70 213

0 00 Totals 35 3 10 Totals 27 4 a c k ' h b b th d 'nf' t I Totals 32 2 7 Totals 31 6 9 ' . I Kathy Cornelius, $845 ... -. 68·75-75--218

Terryp 3 0 0 o Detroit .. . ____ .... 000 000 201-3 amp coo mg as ecome O easier an 1 Ini e Y more Cincinnati -· . -·- ---- 000000002-2 CUBS 5-2, DODGERS 3·3 gosh, I thought I was choking Mickey Wright, $8~5-- __ 7~·72-72-:?.13

Bo~~~-McAuliiie; -i.umiie 1g~ ~s?1!:~ ~aried than it ~as even ten y~ars ago. The tremendous. advances N'kwBt_:_~~so'n 2·,- -:Mc:Mui.Zn1,o ~:;-t FD<n GAME up. 1 said 'Sue, don't blow it." ~':.~hy KJ,J;R!~i-t~~$491 • ::: ~~:~tll=~~~

Luplow II 1 1 0 - - 8 -14 ski 3, Conigliaro. E-L. ThOmas. m food processmg and packagmg have brought an amazmg range Smith 2, Fisher. DP- New York 2. Chlcaco ab r h L. Anceies •b r b1 Sue Maxwell was recalling Marlene .H~gge, $491 _ ..... 77·72·71- 220

Totals 46 7 15 Totals 41 DP-Detroit 4 LOB-Detroit 9, Bos· f d ts ·th· h f tb td k LOB-Cincinnati 4, New York 4. 2B- Landr'm cf 4 2 2 Wills ss 5 0 S>bll GnC!m, $491- ...... ... 73-74·73-220

One out when winning run scored. ton 6. 2B-Horton 2 McAuliffe. HB 0 pro uc W1 In reac 0 e ou oor coo - McMillan, Fisher. HR~Pinson (5), Beckert 2b 5 1 1 Parker lb 5 0 2 the mental battle she fought Mary MUis, $340 . _ ....• .. 73·76·72-221

Cleve!and - --·--· ---- 200 000 005 oo--7 - McAuliffe (3), Yas~emski(7),Conig. Modern metals have wrought a revolution in lightweight Lewis (3> , McMillan() ), Smith (2). Williams If 4 1 2 Davis cf 5 o 1 .,.- k d Sandra Spuzlch, $340 .. . .. 75·73·73-221

Washin~on -- -- - 003 000 301 01-8 liuo (8) S Schilling ' IP H R ER t;B SO Santo 3b 5 I 2 Fai rly rf 4 0 0 after tWO uJ"!VeS struc trees an Marilynn Smith, S255 ... , , 77·73·73-222

D:J!lillo.""H'1:;ton~aA~'uu~~IaKl;~g ~: ;IT~ING SUMMARY hig~-heat stoves, nones ticking pans, and other make-life-easier ~~~~ <L. 3-3) . ~ ~ t ~ } g ~~~· s~b ! g ~ ~:g~~~ 2~ ~ ~ ~ threatened her lead in Sunday's ~;~~~a R~i."~~·~.~2~g_,5-.:::::: JW:Jt:m

Howard 4, Held. E- Howarq, Chance S (L 12) r l::l -'J E: B~ S~ eqUipment. Craig . _ . . .. . _.. V.. 3 2 2 0 0 Bertell c 5 0 1 Griffith If 3 0 0 final round of the Muskogee Margie Masters, $205 . - . 76-76·7:1.-224

LoBD::-c~r;:!f~~d i'o. ~v":;~~.:f."n i: R':.=a __ : __ : _. 2 2 1 1 1 2 The_ result is that the av~r~ge camp~ng group. today can Y.:'~ra~~ . _.:::.:: ·.: : J% g g g ~ ~ ~~~k'.":ns ;c ~ g ~ ?~~:;~~~ ~h ~ g ~ Civitan Open Golf Tournament. ~~~r:. 'i.~n~i'.!~ds1 !,J90:: _ ~tft~t:~~

r!-~'ii'~:\iv;~el.f1a.2'J;!~~3 · <4~.cru;: ~ff.fd'Jng· -::·::· : i { g g ~ ~ cookFas mterestingly andhas efflClently as.1~ has: n;md t?th ~itha'ift <W,_3·_3_> :: 8~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~~edyh3b J: ~ ~ BUT "then I birdied l4 and afc:-~ila M~cis~:g~g . $135_ ~::~gr-~~

Mullen (4) . SB- Hioton. S- Blaslngame. M•q•tte <W, 5-2) 8% 10 3 3 1 2 or many campers, owever, camp coo ery. egms WI an T-2:24. Podres P 3 o o that was when I knew I had it," Peggy Wilson, $135 77·79-73-229

SF-Alvis. Radatz ---- · · 'h 0 0 d 0 0 0 old-fashioned wood fire Despite its inconveniences they prefer crawf'd ph 1 1 o . Sandra McClinton . $120 - 73-77-8~230

PITCHING ISPUMIIH lARREYR BB so ~~i~;. f"A~t8~.en ID 3r · to keep the fundament~! art of fire building alive: rather than SRCOND GA~lE - - - she continued. Ruth Jessen, $107 · · · ·- - 80.73·78-231

OlncinnaU •I> r b New York ob r b Totals 40 5 11 Totals 37 3 10 It was the first victorv for the Beth Stone, $107 .. - .. 80·74-77- 231

Terry -· · · · · · -· · · .6% 10 6 6 3 4 A'S 7-4, TWINS 4-2 to submit to the portable pressure stove, or worse, the lodge Rose 5 2 4 Klaus 2b 4 1 1 Chicago . _ ... _ .. ___ . __ . 001 000 ooo 4-5 ' Belsy Cullen. $100 . - ...... 82-80-71- 233

~1e'l1"'ahon_.::::: :: J),t ~ ~ ~ g g FIRST GAME dining room down the road. This is laudabl~ but must be done Harper lf 4 o 1 M'Mman ss 5 o 1 Los Angeles . . . . . . . . ooo 010 ooo 2- 3 23-year-old Miss Maxwell , a •

McDowell Y.I o o o o 1 MI t b h K c b b 1 h I k::'~&~.~ rl s 1 1 Lewis rl 3 2 1 RBI- Williams 2, Santo, _Banks, Ber· professional for less than two Mike Eyerly GUides

Donovan rr:: 1:2)"" ¥, I 1 1 0 o ' v·r~~~~~ass 15 ~ 1 c ·~~~~;ls if"s 0 0 strictly according to the firelsafety rllu es at eac campbslte. Johnson3b l A i ~~~~~nlb ~ l ~ ~~:.6.:1~~~~ i:l~a';,"~~~. 1~-&·;.:: years since she left Oklahoma's, p h 904 To w.·n

McCormick . ----- .7 8 2 2 2 I Ro!Uns 3b 3 1 0 Causey ss 4 0 0 Many campgrounds Wil not a OW fires to be Ui t allY· Perez 1b 4 0 0 Cowan cf 0 0 0 Cbkago 9, Los Angeles 6. 2B- Lan· ...._ k d . - d h OrSC: , e

Ridzik .. -- .. · ·- -.IV.. 2 3 2 1 0 Oliva rl 5 1 1 Loc'w'd ph 1 0 0 h b t · lr d t bl' h d f' 1 Ch 1 g ills Coleman ph 1 0 0 Chr 'top'r If 3 0 1 drum 2, Santo, Williams, Clemens, amateur ran S an JOlOe t e

Br!dges ...... .. .. O O 1 O O O Killeb'w lb 5 o 1 Gentile 1b 5 1 3 W ere u m a ea Y es a IS e rrep aces. arcoa r P l't' h 3 1 2 Hi k if o o o VANCOUVER (JP) Mike

K!me --- .. .... --- II.J 3 1 o 0 o Hall c( 5 2 3 Blanch'd rf 5 1 1 llsually may be used anywhere. In most wilderness areas a fire c!Jctc~0as ';. 4 o o s.ilt~1~ 2 2 tJ. Johnson, Parker. ~~·~~it BB so Ladies Profe.ssional Goli As so- -

Rtchert -.... · .. · .. '1.! 0 0 0 0 0 Allison 11 5 o o Green 2b 5 3 4 1 h f h 1 d Ellis P o o o Swoboda cf 4 1 1 Jackson (W, 3.3) _ 1o 10 3 3 1 2 ciation's national tour. Eyerly of Salem, Ore., drove his

Narum -.-- .. ---- 1 2 0 0 0 0 Battey c 5 0 2 Charles 3b 5 2 2 permit is required. The loca ranger, or t e owner 0 t e an Tsltourls p 2 0 0 Snahn p 1 0 0 Pod 9 6 1 1 2 5

Ortega <W. 3-4) --1 0 0 0 0 ° Kt d 11 2b 5 o 2 B 3 o o h' h th f" ill b b "It · -t ~g~~sk~ph i o o c' niz'aro c 1 o o P'r::.~kl- ,-l,," O:ii % 2 3 3 1 1 Her consistent play won her closed Porscbe 904 through a

B~:~:r;~~d {a~~n To ~~~ in SUI. ~~i.~ pb ~ g ~ r:{~w~ji ~ g g on wC~~ect~g ~i~e':.,ood ~en~~ to c~~ ~s~:n:p~omise between the 0 0 Miller -· · · · · -· ·- V.. 3 1 1 0 0 the golf LPGA Rookie of the torrential downpour Sunday and

· · SECOND GA'tE Kaat Pr o o 0 Hseagw1_,1-soPn ph 21 0° 01 ideal and the available. Hardwood such as oak or hickory is a~~f:il'.ti 35 5 12 Totals 30 8 11 HBP-By Miller, Pena. T-


' Year award last year. won the Player's Pacific West-

" --'- -010 02l 1oo-5 SECOND GAME d S C Ch

Cleveland ab r h washinrton ab • b L'hem'n c 1 o 1 best, particularly for cooking because it burns hot and lasts a New York- · -·--· -.. ··- --610 010 OOx-.a b Playing before a partisan gal- ern Cana a ports ar am-

H 5 0 2 BI' ' 2b 3 1 0 a!.~!;S2~0~0~~ ~·s,S'J-\i~.c~~~~~~: ~!!,ceil~ cf •; l ~ Will':~:Ies "} ~ 1 lery, Miss Maxwell ended the pionship.' He lapped every other

~~~~~:x ~ r r ~~~~ 3b ! g I ~ ~~~al~ut .:~en4 ..!l-nnin~·~~ scored. ~~~:cai~~e:Lc\~-N~;R~~~··r· Eb'1J~ ~~~.2~ : ~ g ~~~~:~lb i g ~ 54-hole tournament with a five- driver in the 18-car field to win

DavaliJlo cl 1 0 1 Howard If 4 1 1 Mmnesola -- --·-- -- --- 000 120 010 ()-4

Cincinnati 10, New York 6. 2B-Robin· Santo 3b 3 0 1 F•airly rf 4 0 2 stroke . advantage . over . three first prize money of $750.

~r!f;~~ r£ ~ ~ ~ ~~rJ'~~ 1b ~ ~ g K'ii'~~~o11~ 2',' :a;;1i; · J!~~.1 ~;.ru.,: ~g;e;'H~~il'a'v~~~~!· f:~g;a;. 3~8), ~/'.".!;~;~ r£ l 8 ~ ~~gge~y 3b & g g golfers bunched at 2l8-Mick- Several dr ivers in high-pow-

Hinton d 4 1 2 Brumley c 4 o ~)" Green 2J Charles 3~ Vbem•n. E - Bryan. s ·th (3) SB H R b" SF B t 11 3 o 1 Lefeb e 2b 3 1 1 · h K th C I' d

Salmon 1b 1 1 0 Br'kman ss 3 0 1 Causey. DP- Minnesota 1. LOB- Min· H~:r,.,,_ . - arper, 0 mson. - st'.Jw~rt"ss 0 0 0 Torbo;~ c 1 0 1 ey Wng t, a Y orne IUS an ered car s dropped out Of Sun-

:':~~~e;d 1b ~ l ~ ~~:Ui/!'e~~ i g g &~~:ltfel0'3~e~~~ali!Z h~~~~ long time. But at popular public campgrounds be happy with Ellis (L, s.t) ... IP% ~ ~ ER BB so Pena ss 2 o o Ros'boro c 2 o o Judy Kimball. Her 213 equalled day's rae!!' because of the heavy

Tiantp 4 o o Cun'ham ph o o o Hall (7), Oliva <6> , Green 2 <4>· Gen. almost anything you can scrounge. ·Eisewhere look for dead trees Tsitouris ...... .. . 4V.. 5 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~f(h l g g }'~1':::~~ W f g ~Miss Wright's total in winning rain, including Dave Ridenour

Totals 35 ,1 9 K~::~1: Ph 3~ ~ : tile <8

>' ;~';;';N~Ju5:;;;r::B so ~~~e s::~~~~~g. They are less likely to be wet than those that ¥,¥.\;1" (~~: :j _-;> . : : j 7 ~0 g g ~ ~ R'novspy c 0 g g Drysdale P 4 1 1 th;h~iv~::t~:e~t:~~~ Y~~;day. ~in~:~~ Francisco, last year's

~:~~/:lfon- -::::·:· :: :· :l:: ~~Grant --- ...... 5% 7 2 2 ~ 5 La~P:.:.By-Tsitour~. dpa~);oD.Jfaii. ~~~~·out ;ehe2,. ~J.:'iai~n ~~or~J:O She held her own through the --------------

RBI- Heid 2, King, Azcue 2, Whit' ~::;;s~~ .. ::.:::: f¥.. J ~ ~ o ~ IN A SEVERE RAIN, when all wood seems wet, split a <Smtthl . T- 2:41. A- 18.536. Chicago -----··· ......... 100 000 001- 2 turn, but an approach shot

field 14 , Alvis . E - Held, McMullen, gt ,~ 1 0 o 1 o dl Los An"'eles 011 000 001- 3

Brown: DP-Cleveland 2. Washington ~.:\~~~n<L~"o.iJ··:: ~ 3 1 1 0 2 large log and cut strips from the center for tinder and kin ing. GIANTS 9-4, ASTROS 5-3 RBI~Wi!Uairls:sanio," i>arker, Fairly, struck a tree neear the No. 10

2- LOB-Cleveland 4. Washington 5. s - 7 8 3 2 1 4 Use your drJ'est fuel to get the fire going. A really bot fire will Tracewsk_L E- None_ DP- Chicago L gr·een and cost her a bogey She

2B-Alvis. Wagner. HR-Azcue (1)~ eg UJ · · · · · · · · · · (First Game) LOB- ChJca'o 41 Los Angeles 9. 28- ·

Whitfield (4 ) , Held (5 ). ~~':.~t<W; 1·0) ::_ ~ ¥, g . 8 g g r dry out wood that is wet or green. Throw a tarp over your fire- Houston ab T h s. Fr'e'sco n r h Santo, Williams, Lefebvre. Drysdale. three-plltted 12, then anot her

PITCBING~u:~~~Ri& BB so HBP- By Segul, Rollins. T-3:15. wood at night to protect it from dampness. ~~r,f~~rlf ~ l ~ lf:·A~~",';',V ~ l ~ ~~B~~e~io~n~liams. Stewart, Wills. drive went into a tree coming

Tiant <W. 2-2) . _ 9 6 3 3 3 1 second Game Clear the groupd of leaves, roots and humus within a one- ~~;;::~ ~~ ~ 1 ~A{;~~~efb 1b 1 ~ & PITCHING J.U~'IltrlR BB so in on 13.

*f3~~er. (.~:. ~:~>. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~'.:11~1~s •: ~ ~ ~·~~·n·~;'lf •t I ~ yard radius of the fire site. Combustible humus may be inches Astpro'te 3b 3 o 1 Mays cf 3 2 2 Koonce ____ . _ ...... 7 s 22 2 2 4 She called the second tree-

Bridges ------ -.- 2 1 0 0 0 0 Kindall 2b 2 0 0 Landis cf 4 1 3 deep. Scrape down to bare earth. ~~~~ t~ ~ g ~ ~~,nr cl ~ g ~ tt;~;:;n:~ av. 06~> J% ~ ~ i } ~ stopped drive a "steer job-I

RiKwc~P:~,Ti~i-.·n-!acedBn- ~d1 gmeoe.~ ;Tn~62th_0

3.1. 0 A~ ~~';:iP;;o ph} g ~ ~Y.t;~~~6b ~ g ~ Tinder starts a fire. It must be finely cut or shredded and ~;=~~·~· 1 ~ g ~:!re'f~t 3b 2 ~ g 2 WPA~~ 73~mdaJe, Landrum. T- was getting away from the trees

~ Klll'bi"w 1b 4 1 1 Ma'hews rl :. 0 o very dry. Tiny pine twlgs, cedar or white birch bark. small pine Giusti p o o o Lanier 2b 4 1 1 ' · - ' · on the other side" of the fair-

12,630. Hall cl 3 0 1 Green 2b 3 0 0 d M'K' · 3 0 1 p 1 4 1 1 C


Detroit ab r h Boston ab M'A'lilfe ss 4 0 0 Green cl 4 Lumpe 2b 4 0 0 Jones 3b 4 Cash lb 4 0 1 Y'st.r'ski lf 3 Kaline rf 4 0 0 Geiger If 0 Horton If 4 0 1 Mantilla 2b 3 Northup cf 2 0 2 L. T'mas lb 4 Freehan c 3 0 0 C'nigl'ro rl 3 Wert Jb 2 0 0 Bressoud ss 4 Brown ptt 1 0 0 R yan c 4 W'k,h ' m p 2 0 0 Wilson p 2 G. T'm's pb 1 0 0

Allison 11 2 o o Charles 3b 4 1 o cones, dried leaves or weeds all are good. Candle stubs, waxe Fox ;~Ie P 1 0 1 Maagr~:hlf P 4 0 2 ARDS 6-5, PIRATES 3·1 way. 1t cost her another bogey.

r~~a~b c -1 ~ ~ ~~u~;~ is ~ ~ ~ milk cartons, dry paper or cardboard also Will serve. Kindling Totals 36 5 10 Totals 38 9 13 St. Louts .ti~S~ .~~t::;.rcb ab r h It was here, she said. that she

r b Battey ph o o o Talbot P 3 o 1 takes over when the tinder is exhausted. Large twigs or finely Houston 100 001 021 5 Flood c! ~ ~ g {lfrild~ ~~ ~ o0 11

forced herself to relax. It paid

1 o Sligman P 2 0 0 D.-ab'sky P 1 0 0 split wood are best for this. Good kindling should catch fairly San Francisco . -_- _-_- -.. ·_- 160 000 30x= 10 ~::"~·~a rf 2 o 1 Clemente r1 4 1 1 off. She moved onto the green

i ~ ~X:::~P~rph g g g easily, but last long enough to ignite a substantial part of the co~:J-l;f0Ma"i's.2'H~J~: ~!tl~r.2'J~~: ~~~~o3nb rf ~ l ~ g'e':t"J!~: 1b t ~ i of the 335-yard 14th hole with

~ ° Kostro 2b

1 0 0 split logs that will be your principal fuel. ~~1:.];;;;;~%~"7. Df.;,-Bl~.!c~:~gis5co 2~ Groat ss • 1 3 Alley_2b 3 o 1 her second shot, then sank a 20·

o ~ Totals 29 2 6 Totals ooo321"p~ F•~e shapes vary. The important thing is to leave plenty -Fox, Morgan. HR-Morgan <2l, Wynn ~h,cte 1b 44 01 10 cSchofdiellld •• 24 oo 2o footer for a birdie 3 ·and sewed

0 1 Minnesota .. .. .. .. .. ...... 010 vv- ..... (5), Staub (5) ~ McCovey (8) . Mays .~.uc . arve r c ran. a c . .

o o Kansas City .... -- ...... 000 01111x--4 of air spaces. Ventilation is what counts. Build the fire 'In criss· (131, Hart (0, Haller <2>. Javier 2b 4 o 1 PagiiaronJ c 2 o O up the tttle. Her vtctory was

o 1 RBl-HaU. HarrelBon, Causey, Lach· J'k t JP n R ER BB SO Gibson p t 1 I Cardwell p 1 0 0

1 0 \5ll~in!;-~:'1~'*~~~s tgitj•~inLOii cross squares, like a cabin; stack it in a cone, 1 e a epee; or Giusti <L, s-1> __ . 1~ 7 5 5 0 0 Mota ph 1 o o worth $1,275. .

- MlllD-csota 8, Kansas City 9. 2B- pile it at random. McKenzie -·- · --- 6% 7 S 5 1 2 vF!-eeilse ph 11 o0 o1 Kathy Whitworth the tour's

d •t 'th Marichal (W, 6-3) 9 10 S s 2 2 ll'g ph . . , .

Totals 31 0 4 Totals ll Sa Hall, Landi~. BR- Lachemann (2). SB Arrange a fluffy pile of tinder at the base, SUITOUn 1 Wl BrHBandP-TB_y2.1M4

arichaL Brand. PB- Totals 35 6 10 Totals -36 -3 -10 l.eadmg. money _ W1.nner gomg

Detroit ................. -. 000 000 0~0 -Campanens. Landis. S- Causey. Zim- d h th i" t fl

Boston __ . ___ __ ____ . _____ 102 000 2ox-5 merman. kindling, and stack larger WOO W ere e trs ames can • · · st. Louis _. _ .. _ ... _ .. __ .. 030 001 011~ mto thts tourney bed Marlene

. , ;Burial"; lnsu~ance . ·" · Sold by . Mail_ . • • • You may be qttalliled for *1,000 life insurance • ; • 110 you will not burden your lond onet\ with funeral and other expenMa. This NEW policy is espeeially helpful to those ·between ott)

and 90. No medical examination necessary-OLD LINE LEGAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE. • • • No agent will call on you. Free information, no obligation. Tear out tbia ad right now. • • • Send your name, address and year of birth to: Central Security Life lnsuranee Co .. Dept. H·2013, 1418 West Rose­dale, Fort Worth 4, Texas.

RBI-Yastrzemslti, L. Thomas 2. E- PITOHING SUMMABY reach it. A well prepared flre needs only one match. After that Second Game Pi~~~~~~encteiiori,- -Aiiey·,· :0°Yi~. ~l. Hagge and Sybil Griffin for fifth

K aJine. DP-Detrolt 1. LOB-DetroJt 5 ~ IP B R EB BB SO t ill t k t t · to b d f Houston. ab r h S F 'nc'co ab r b

Boston 6. 2B-Cash, Horton, L. Thomas. Stigman __ .... -.. 6 7 2 2 3 7 a half hour is all the time i W a e 0 um ill a e 0 b b ' ab b White 2, Javier, Gibson. E--Javler. place with a 220 total. 0 e

&-Wilson. Klippst'n (L, 1-ll 2 4 2 2 1 1 h t 1 · 1 •tab! for roasting frying or baking Kaso ss • 4 ~ 1 M Alou lf 4 ~ 1 DP-St. Louis 1· LOB-St. Louis 4• ljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

PITCHING J.U~~~~ttRlR BB so ~~~~;k.Y · "(w; i.3)' ~li.J ~ ~ ~ ! ~ 0 i~w;~:c~0: sf~~!s h:at for cookin'g means enclosing it in ~~~·~,2b : ~ i ~:~~0v".11b ! ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~'R~GI~1~~· d~.-f~~~~~~: II W'k'h'm (L, 1·2) 7 7 5 4 3 3 Stock -..... -... -. % 0 0 0 0 1 f f' 1 E - d campers find that a long Staub rf 4 0 0 Mays cf 4 2 3 S-Shannon.C SF- Alley. y

Gladding _ _. _ 1 1 o o o o II'P-Stlgman. T-2:47. A-9,564. some kind o rrep ace. xpertence ' D' auch'p 1b 4 o o Bart 3b 4 o o PIT HINGJUl':~l~RER BB so

w~~~;::.~~~~ 'r-_!2:03. 0 0 1 8 CHIS OX 6 ~ ANGELS 2 4 fairly narrow fireplace will meet more needs than a square or r~l"e~blf ! g i Wllenp't 3b ~ g g Gibson (W. 7-0) .. 9 10 3 2 0 7

(FJ;:; Game) • round one. A small fire may be 1 built forb a rng;e p_ot. 0~ ex~ ~~lr.'b"~ c t 1 ~ ~:ni~~ ~b ~ A i gf~:.•ll .. <~ l -2) ~ ~ ! I ~ ~

M C'nn ,•s, Pabst ~;,~a~~~· cf •: ;; ~ g~:~,; •: r h tended for several. Or a good b aze can e ep gomg a on s:.nai::: Plb 1 g 0 s~:!"P" : 0 0 sisk ..... _. _... 2 3 2 2 o 1

Gotay 3b 4 1 o Wets 2b 3 t i end while bot coals are raked to the other for cooking. For Aspro'te 1b 1 1 1 WP, cardwell, Gibson 2. T- 2:18.

k Fre~oslss 4 0 1 Romano c 2 0 0 maximum heat, your grill or flre bars should be placed about Totals 35 3 9 Totals 31 4 10 Second Game

See To Repeat ~~~~lhb ~ g g ~~-:fg ~ ! ! 10. inches above the fireplace floor. ~~~~~~DClsco ·: : : .:: . .-::::l m ~~ l;~t~~~b \" i i ~~i~;~:h ·~b i g

In SP Races Clinton rl 4 0 0 Ward 3b 4 g ~ FIRE IS A DANGEROUS tool and must be handled with 2, R~~a'i _!1"~!;.c~am~l.oui>Jd __ <l_'l~ Flood cf 3 2 2 Clem'nte rf 4 0 0

!Z~0~ 2b ~ ~ ~ ::rth~f.!ln"r! ! o o0 care. Keep a bucket of water handy and watch for flying.sparks, Francisco I. LOB-Hourton.5, San ~~~:f~~ ~ ~ t kf'o~~~jf i g ~ ST. PETERSBURG-Sunshine D. Lee 1 0 0 Rob'son rf 3 0 f 1 Francisco 4- 2B-Mays. SB-Mays. s- White 1b 4 0 2 CJ'denon lb 4 o 1

8 ed Pearson ph 1 o 1 Berry cf 3 1 1 especially on a windy day. Heat rises; be .sure your rrep ace Shaw. Shannon r1 4 o o Alley 2b 4 o o

pe way has held only two Piersall ph 1 o 1 Buzh'dt p 3 o 0 h · b b s When leavmg camp even tern 1P B R ER BB so Uecker c 3 o 1 Pagli'onl c 3 o o

M F he P 1 o o is clear of over angmg ranc e . . ' . • Nott"bart <L, 0.3J 5 8 - 3 3 o o Washb'n P 2 o o Scboii"eld ss 3 1 1

onday night programs so far LS r lth t oth it tb d t nd o 2 1 1 o o 1

porarily <;louse your fire W wa er, sm er W1 11' • a w'::l!shicit---: ::-: 1 1 0 0 0 1 Gasllano ph 1 o o Veale p 2 o o

RAY GRAVES Summer School For Boys


WHERE Admiral Farragut Academy, St. PetersburCJ.

WHEN June J3. 19


Ages 9 thru 1Oth grade. Ris· lng seniors not accepted.


and Dave Mcinnis and Mike Totals 32 2 s Totals 31 6 8 scatter t'he ashes. Make certaln the fire is not smoldering under Sh;aw <W. 2-11 .- -- 7 6 2 2 o 4 Maz' skl ph 1 o o

P b t h d · t d th f Los Angel~s - - -- ·-- - 000 110 ooo-2 He 0 1 1 1 0 0

a s ave onuna e e ea- CI~J:f':_ Pe-arson; -- . siioc~f2y~ t".:t;f. the humus. Lin~'! :: :.::::: :- : v.. 2- o o o o Totals 32 5 IO_ Totals 32 1 6 Head Football Coach Ray STAFF Full • time student $75.00, day student $50.00 (plus meals I.

tu::lvg~~.ts~clnois, from Largo ~~7~~; f• r'~~los EAn~~\':in5. DJ~ Be caref'!l V(ith your flrel ~~~t your campsite will be just M~~!~a"}~cecl '. i .. ,;~ o in o8th~ H~nd ~~}::;~~~~~i ~; ~~t~; ·~~Y~ F*v~E~ Graoes and u. af F. coach·

cako 7. 2B-Knoop, Ward, Welss. H.R as beautiful next year as you e 1 . faced 1 man in 8th. WP-{)wens, T- E- None. DP- Pittsburgh 1- LOB-St. ing staff. with All America, SANCTIONED BY

and Pabst, from st. Pete, will -Skowron. SB-5mith. 8-Buzhardt. 2' 11• A-33,368. Louis 5, Pittsburgh 5. 2B- Flood, Wihte. Larry Dupree and Bobby Joe Florida High School Activl-

try to rack up their third straight PITCHINGJU~~RlR BB so ON GROAT SITUATION BRAVES 8, PHILS 6 ~~rl.:~~~ier, Virdon. &-Brock. Virgil, Green of the Chicago Bears. ties Association.

main event victories. Mcinnis May (L, 2·21 . --- 1% 3 5 5 4 3 Milwaukee ab r b Phll'd'pbla ab r b PITCHING SUMJ\IARY

will be driving his '56 Chevy in Eat~:~ -_-___ _._-_·:.: ~¥, ~ g g g ~ I ~~~·e·~s3b ~ ~ ~ ~~L~: .. ~rf ~ i ~ Washb'n (W, 3-1) r ~ ~ E:B~S~ Writ:o;~;fo~~~~~;·. ~~~i~~~0~c:t"go~0:~~e~OYS

which he won the feature Fri- Gatewood · -· ----- 2 1 1 1 1 1 K e Issues Rep ay Aaronrf 4 2 2 Allen3b 5 2 4 Purkey .......... 3 3 I 1 0 0

Buzbardt (W, 4·0) 6% 5 2 2 2 4 ea n Torre c l 0 0 Stuart lb 3 0 1 Veale <L, 2-2) . - 8 8 5 5 3 6 P.O. lor 14415, Unlv. Station, Gainesville, Fla.

day bight at Golden Gate Speed- Flsber -· · ·····- -- 2II.J o o o o o Jonescl 1 o o H'rnst'ln1b o o oW 'J"~od~i-i- ~-·~- ~-·:i! .. ~· ~IL~1~0::_~o:._~o-~o~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

way while Pabst will be in his T-2'19· g~:r'1b ~ ~ f i~~~~~Ch ~ g ~ _ T-2'13· A- 11.081.

early model SECOND GAME h b v k Carty 11 5 0 1 Johnson II 2 0 1

Both driv.ers face plenty of ~-~~~~·cl ·~ ~ ~ g~:~lfl' ·: f ~ To c a rg es y eec ~f,!lr!:':r ~~ ~ g ~ ~ .. ~~~~ ~~ ~ g 011° Piersall!£ 4 0 0 Wels 2b 3 1 2 O'Dell p 1 0 0 Dal'mple c 2 0

eompetilion with many Tampa Fregosl ss 4 o o Romano e 3 1 2 Kllmc'k pb o o o wine ss 4 1

I te d 1 d rl model Adcock lb 4 o 0 Fishe[' P 1 0 0 Lemast~r p 1 o o Short p 4 o 1

a mo e an ea y Clinton rl 3 0 0 Skowron 1b 4 0 1 De IaHoz ss 3 0 0 B'dachun p 1 0 0

drivers expected to make the Sh'kley pil 1 o 1 McCraw 1b o 1 o Times Wire Report Johnson City, Tenn. Buddy

short haul across the Bay for the ~~P ~g l i nf.:"i~e~bss ~ ~ f BALTIMORE ,.. _ Johnny Baker of Charlotte was fifth. MllTotals 39 8 12 To~ 010 .4022063-814

Roaf c 2 0 0 Roblnson rf 4 0 0 l.lrl waukee · • · · · · · · · · · · . uv.r.

aclion on the tricky quarter-mile Rodgers c 1 o o Berry cf 4 o 2 Keane says infielder Dick Groat BOXING PW::r~Kr;tthews: · ·Aaro-:202,102o~/2~

oval. ~~".:.~~.\' rf ~ g ~ 'k"!':\~ c ~ g g asked for his help during re- Yesterday was a day of relax- Carty, Bolling, Kllmcbock, Callison 2.

Warmups begin at 7 p.m. with Smith 1r 1 o 1 ports of dissensions among the ation for .heavywei~ht challenger ~~: 'IJ;i:,':,',a'b~~iflf:i~~e ECAP'hli~

the first beat r a c e promptly Totals 34 4 7 Totals 32 5 9 St. Louis Cardinals last year Sonny Liston at his new train­

at 8. Los Angeles --- · --.. ·--- 000 000 022- 4 but be never asked Groat to ing camp in Poland Spring, Chicago _ _ __ --- ----- --- 000 020 30x-5

RBI - Hansen 2, Skowron, Romano, apologize for "talking out of Maine. Smith 2. Knoop 2. E-Adcock:, Knoap

S A R A S 0 T A 2, John. LOB-Los Angeles 4, Chicago line." A hard schedUle in a make-to. . 2B-Kno~p. 3B-Hansen. HR- t f th Knoop. s-WeiS. Keane, now manager of the shift gym was on ap or e

K E· N N E L

c L u B






NIGHT 8:10



PITCHING suMMABY New York Yankees, issued a ex-champ today as he goes into IPBR~-W

. Brunet <L, 1·2> . _ 6li.J 6 3 1 5 2 statement Sunday in response to his last week of training for hts

B. Lee ·--- --- -- - I% 3 2 0 1 0 statements made by Bill Veeck May 25 fight with Cassius Clay John (W, 3-0) .. _ 7 4 2 2 1 5 Fisher . ----- ----- 2 3 2 2 o 1 in the current issue of Sports at Lewiston.

?~~:fi"".e.!t7~s. in 9th. llillstrated. Funeral services for boxer

"There were eight or nine Sonny Banks who died. last week

New Yort?'~b 7; ~!~~~!,~ ab r b players who were not partlCU· from a brain injury in a fight c:.:IJ:.S~ r~~t~.Ylv3;.t~t~u~l~)':"lle­~i~ks: ph i ~ o BI~ cf ~ i l larly reluctant to let it be known we~e to be held today io De- ~: t"o~~~~:Nebo ~ : W:.a:.~eDSap'bixe

Rich'son 2b 5 1 ~ ~f."1a~y0J5 5 1 2 that the only thing wrong with trod. 3. Clear zone 7. Dorl Doll

Tresh cf 5 1 2 Brandt rf 0 0 0 th i U S and Japanese boXJ'ng of· 4. Circus Sunshine 8. Spinning Yarn Mantle If 4 o 1 Powelllf 3 o 1 the Cardinals was e r man- . . · · . - . SECOND RACE-Three-eighths mile

H. LOpez rl 3 o o Slebern lb 3 1 1 ager" said Veeck. "The most fiCJals made franttc long dts- -Grade D _<second hall daily double>:

Barker 1b 1 0 0 Orsino c 3 0 2 ' • t h ll 1 th' I. L. B.'s Wish 5. Toronto Tony Pepitone r1 • o 2 R. J'nson 3b 3 o o openly critical of the players tance elep one ca s ear Y 1S 2. Duke Larsen 6. Cbeatem Charlie

~~~:r~~ c ~ ~ g fic'&~t~ib ~ ~ ~ was Dick Groat, a team leader." morning to locate special six· ~: §~:c~{;':.~·der ~: ~~~b~"J'~ Twin

Bouton p o 1 o Palmer P 1 1 1 Keane said he would rather ounce gloves that threatened a THIRD RACE--Flve·slxteenths mUe-

Kubek ss 2 0 2 Snyder pb 1 0 0 t f I t · t tr · Tu Grade D · Miller p 1 o o not c o m m e n t "on mos o as -mmu e con oversy m es- 1. Paul's Wishbone s. King of Destin)'

Totals 33 5 8 Totals 32 7 10 day's wor~d title figh~ between ;: ~~~~~·~:rr;td ~: ~~~";~~,;:,~

New York ---- ....... . ... 004 001 OOD--5 bantamweight chalflpmn Eder 4. Solomon Jim 8. Lotta Vim

Baltimore ------· --· .. .. - 10120201x-7 Jofre of Br,az!'l and Japan's Na- _FGOraUdReTMH:RACE-Flve-slxteenU!s mile RBJ-Richardson~ Tresh, Mantle 2,

Kubek, Aparielo 2, Blclary 2, Slebern, sahiko (Fighting) Harada. 1. Aussle's F'tsteps 5. Ponomo

Palmer 2. E-Linz~ Brandt. DP-New 2 Mur'ing Stream 6 Jowami

Yoi·k 1, Baltimore 2. LOB-New York Veeck's optntons and asser- The trouble erupted after Jo- a: DuWul Dot 7: Sugar's sugar

if~N/~2;; ~8>.2~:;,n•<li, ~=~r tions" about the cricumstances fre's manager, Abraham Kat- ~:f[Ffl~'k:icE--T~e~~~'l,'if,~ mue-

m. Aparicio (2). SB-Blair. s-Mc· of his resignation as Cardinal zenelson, examined Japanese- f.r~?;J;; 1Y 5• Puroned

NallY. PITCIUNG SUMMARY manager after beating the Yan- made gloves and ruled them 2. Jane Time 6. Fast Cruiser


I IP H . R ER BB so kees in the World Series. He rough and .unsafe. He demanded ~: ~~Yc~~~;11.~· ~: Scmor~llHY~~~. Bouton . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 4 3 4 2 M d I ·' Hamilton __ . ___ . _ 1 2 o o o 1 said he felt compelled to an- safer ex1can-ma e g oves. SIXTH RACE-Five-sixteenths mue-

Mikkelsen (L, O-l ) 2% 4 10

1o 3o ~ swer Veeck's account "of the TENNNS f.r~~;ro~in 5_ Javit Blanco . . . . . . . . . 1f.J 0


McNallY ... --.. - m 4 4 4 2 3 Groat situation." Shaking o~f first set ~dness, 5: ~f.!~~~'lc' ~: ~~:~~g i~~~ws

L~'i:· .<~:. 1:0 > .: t%~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AUTO RACING ChuckMcKinleywonhissecond4.CheckedOut 8.CoroWlnDere

M~J~-PaiDi&: · 'r.!2,5f. J._J,740~ 3 Junior Johnson, winner at Atlanta Invitational Tennis .J~~~~!;i D~ACE - Flve·slxteenths

~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~iii! Darlington May 8, chalked up Tournament ti~le Sunday with a ~:rC'·~'Rt.f.!et.:'; ~:~~r,?6;.~ug I two more victories on the NAS- 3-6, 6-3, 6-1 victory over Ham 3. By Traffic 7. Questing Lass


3M COMPANY PRODUCTS Are you an experienced salesman with a proven rec­

ord of successful product sales and the need for

substantial income? Are you between 25 and 33,

mature, aggressive, and used to top-level selling?

One of the south's leading growth companies offers

opportunity and earnings limited only by your ability

and willingness to work.

For confidential interview call Mr. Hanna

tod~y. at Tampa 877-4089 between

4 P.M. and 7 P.M.

or Monday

Between 9 A.M. and 6 P.~.

CAR circuit during this week- Richardson. 4·~f~~¥kJW~~~-~·~~~!l'x~e'~fhs mile

end TRACK - Grade C: . · f El •t !d h L Aquarena 5. Lovely Lana

The wealthy chicken armer even years ago 1 wou ave 2. Kirkby 6. speed Beam

from Ronda, N.C., led all the been a world record, but as it is ~: ~~::'."~~~vel Ui~l~d'i B.

way and won the 200-lap late tbe 3.58.3 mile r~pped ~ff by Jim 1. ~~~~as~ACE--G~al!.~n~ 'NeJson

model auto feature at Bowman Ryun was a national btgh school 2. Plaidland 6. Nig's Joy

Gray Stadium in Winston-Salem mark and the best mile of the t I~~f.;\,"~~~~f1 ~:~~~~~edge

Saturday and then took the event season in this COllntry . TENTH RACE-Five·s Lxteenlhs ml!e

at Hickory Speedway Sunday. "I didn 't think I could do it," l.~~~~~s ~t~r 5. Winner's Tip

Second at Hickory was Ned the youngs~r said after his re- ;: 8ri~rD~~~~ ~: rr~~:i.I?:s':,n

Jarrett of Camden, S.C. He was markable vtctory in the Kansas 4. Rimpy 8. Irene Spence

followed by G . C. Spencer of In- state high scho9l track meet m~~J:7.r.'~: RACE - Three-eighths.

man, S.C., and Paul Lewis of Saturday. ~: ~;."i'.\v?n".:e ~: ~t;,r~~rh~~t\~~

Shufelt Column (Continued from Page 12)

when he hit the rail and before he had come to rest, the

pump pipe roll bars were also swept away. Rodgers suffered a severe cut jllst about the wrist and under·

went surgery Saturday night. Fifteen early models - out of a starting field of 35

finished the 20-lap feature. Only about the same number of

modifieds were remaining at the end. No, don't call in a head shrinker. It' s just happened too

many times on full moon racing nights . The next full moon on a racing night is Friday, Sept. 10.

Look out!

3. Janice A. 7. Tarot 4. Ga!e~s Song 8. Rocker 's Circus

Selections 1-Countess Nebo (2), Spinninc Yarn

on, Circus Sunshine (4) 2-Fast Eddy (8) , Chea.tem Charlie

(6) . Torento Tony Hi)

3--t5)t,t.a.80';!J:n0<.:) ,Ji!lnf4) or Desllny

4-Gunquest (8), Aussie's Footsteps (ll , Jowaml (6)

5--Pie Cully (1) , Fast Cruls'l!!r (6), Core Hi Dere <8•

~Ruaminl' Jack (6), Finmark (;U, Per£orm (1)

';-Prompt. Justi ce (4) , Questing Lass (;) , Okle Cbrls (8)

8-Lovely Lane (5), Aquarcna <lh Bellnd& B (8)

&-Kanno fH, Ample 's ~fodel (4), ~arty Nelson (51

10--Wtnner'• Tip (5l, Rlmpy (ol), Officer n .. y (6)

11-Great Fire (1) , Rocker Fa.shion <6>. Tarot 47) .



1. Balance both front wheels J. Add brake fluid if needed

2. Adjust brakes, all 4 wheels 4. Completely safety check your car NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR WEIGHTS OR BRAKE FLUID



6.0016.50.13 Tubelua:

·· also &.70-15 Tube-type at $11, 2 for $21. Blatkwalls $3.00 less per tire.

,..'.: ~ .. . Pric~s plus tu. and retreadable tires. · ·



E. Hillsboro Ave., Tampa, Fla. Hours 7:30 to 5:30 Daily


We will approve YOUr cred it based on credit cards from Sears, Ward,, Penney'*'

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,. '

Page 4: SA Government Elections Postponed...SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR-No. 85 TAMPA, FLORIDA. MONDAY, MAY 17, 1965 PRICE FIVE CENTS SA Government Elections Postponed Ed Coris , l Marine Geology Students

Fainting Less Violent She Seratehes, Yet I Phosphorous Light In Capsule Beer Reeord

CLE_YELAND, Tenn. (A') -Ben NEEDHAM, Mass. (A'} - Elec- phosphors in an electrical field. PRAGUE I!Pl -Czechoslovakia Keller's prized red and brown tronic display instruments in No bulbs or filaments are used claims a world record in beer hen had only one leg to stand electroluminescence will help in construction ~nd, unlike elec- drinking with a 124 liter er

1 tro-mechantcal 1 n s t t' u m ents, P

h .1

on. . . . ~pollo astronauts to a safe land- ~ they are not affected by irreg- capita consumption in 1964.

T an E PI epsy Attack Not wantmg to elimmate the mg on th~ moon. ular gravity fields. Consumption rose by 25:6

productive egg layer, Keller The instruments will consist liters compared with 1960, the

fashioned a peg leg of plastic of five numerical digits dis- Cast Addition Czechoslovak news agency CTK By W. C. ALVA~EZ, M.D .. was injured when she fell. One and ~eather t~ replace the limb played on a 2 by 4-inch flat sur- HOLLYWOOD (UPD _ Hugh reported.

Some people wnte to ask If woman knocked out several • lost m an accident. face The numbers will indicate G 'ff'tl b t t· Os Beer was by Iar the moit I . · n 1 1, es suppor mg car

a doctor can tell t 1e difference teeth; another nearly gouged Keller days the hen struts changes in the speed at which . . popular beverage. Next followed b · · · 11 h 'fi · 1 1 tJ ft · t 11 wmner 111 1959 has been added d .. th e tween ordmary harmless out an eye, while another broke maJestica Y on t e art1 Cia eg 1e moon era IS rave ng. ' soda water and lemoua es W1

fainting of a nervous woman a collar bone. and has leamed to scratch with Electroluminescence creates to the cast of "Oh, Dad, Poor 22.4 liters. Wine ranged fiftll

and an attack of epilepsy. Us- A patient of min~ complain- it. light through the excitation of Dad Eltc." with 4.8 liters .

ually I think a doctor can tell. ing only of nervousness and ' 1 have seen many ~ woman 1 abdominal pain. \vas an able · · · I horse-woman, who had been

"By sharing my lunch, we could split your lunch famt, and m almost all cases, brought up on a ranch. I money and get into the noon-hour poker game." I had no suspicion of an epi- learned that one day, while sit-

_______________________ 1leptic attack, because the ~'ing quietly i~ the saddle wail- ~

woman slowly sagged at the mg for her sister to come out

No Normal Prl.soner knees and crumpled down to of the house and join her, she tt fl Sh 'd suddenly fell off her horse. I le oor. e di not crash knew that that probably meant

to the floot', and hence, she was epilepsy, so I had electroen-s b • d v I h • never hurt. She did not split ephalograms made, and sure 0 n g 1 r a a C 1 het· scalp open, or knock out en?ugh, the report was typical I a tooth or hurt an eye, the way epilepsy. an epileptic can do.

WASHINGTON, May 17 (UPD about the structure and opera- [ TO SUM UP, then - the


-Underworld songbird Joseph tions of t11e Mafia. ALSO, ON reaching the floor, nervous woman who faints v.ala~hi probab~y will l~ve out The government hopes Va- l s~e lay quietly for a minute easily goes down to the floor lus ltfe m con!mement Isolated lachi will serve as an example or two and then .got up. There so gently that. she doe~ n?t l from other prisoners. to others in the underworld was no convulsiOn, and the hurt herself, whtle the epileptiC

Informed soUI·c~s said today that they can be protected if woman did not lie on the r.loor tends to fall so heavily that the government still had not de- they decide to break with their unconscious and breath 1 n g every so often 1he or she gets cided ~efinitely what to do with past and help in the war against h~avily, as many an epileptic hurl Valachi but there was a possi- crime. Wi ll do, for half an hour or 1 1 bility he might be 1·etumed to longer. ~any P e r s 0 n s are s o.wly the normal prison system. ALL OF those most directly Commonly the woman who dymg with often unrecogmzed

Valachi has lost most of what- associated with Valachi, how- fainted did so because she was ~~tle stro:e~h T~ ~~ot .. ~~~~t ever value he had to the gov- ever, agree that little of the nervously upset, or saw some ese: r?,a e 00 e · 1 e ernment as an infot·mer on the information he provided could blood, or was frightened. The Stro~es, by Dr. Alvarez. To secret underworld organization be used directly in prosecution. epileptic will fall often when ob~am y~ur co~y se~d ~~ cent~ known variously as the Mafia The information for the most there has been no bad mental an 1a s an~tphe ' se -a restset

d C N · · M ld f · t enve ope WI your reques o an osa ostra. part was too old to be used nnpresswn. en se om am , D . W lt C AI D t

· · but they can have epilepsy 1 · a er · varez, ep · BUT HE has become a sym- m the courts, they said. · TAM, Box 957, Des Moines,

bol, both to the government and Whatever value was obtained MANY A TIME 1 have been Iowa 50304. to the underworld. from his disclosures, they said, able to be fa irly certain that ---- ----

Underworld informants say was derived mainly from a lthe mother or aunt of an epi- Civil War Toll I there ~~ a $100,000 price on greater understanding of the lcptic child was not just a nerv- The Civil War, which ended ValachJ s head because he br~ke workmgs of the underworld and ous fainter, but an epileptic, April 9, 1865, cost 600,000 lives an o~th of secrecy. to. beco~e a gre~ter awareness of the I when I brought out the fact and the utter devastation of the the fu·st man to testify Ill public threat 1t presents. that on several occasions she South.



Furniture by American, Bassett, Berkline Recliners,· Vaughn • Bassett, Kroehler, Coleman, I

Lenoir House, Gate City, Superior, Florida Furniture Ind., Brady, Howard and many other

name brands from R&S Furniture Co., formerly at Leslie's Super Dept. Store. Dealers

Invited. All A·l Furniture; no Seconds or Damaged goods.




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