SACRAMENT of RECONCILIATION a sign of God’s forgiveness and healing love 11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission


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Page 1: SACRAMENT of RECONCILIATION a sign of God’s



a sign of God’s forgiveness and

healing love

11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

Page 3: SACRAMENT of RECONCILIATION a sign of God’s

Your membership began with the Sacrament of Baptism

welcome & belonging

Talk to Mum & Dad now...

Where you were baptised?

Who are your Godparents

Why they chose your name? 11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

Page 4: SACRAMENT of RECONCILIATION a sign of God’s

LOVE OF YOUR PARENTS They helped you to grow into

who you are today…

first teachers…

kindness honesty 11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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Talking to God or Jesus

Praying can help us find real comfort and peace in our hearts

What’s your favourite time & place to pray?

11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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Children’s Liturgy

Sunday Mass

Receive Sacraments

Grade 4 = Communion

Grade 6 = Confirmation Strawberry Fair 11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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Grade 3 = Reconciliation

Forgiveness hurt others

say sorry receive forgiveness

Healing feel better

repair forgive

11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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The Story of Zacchaeus

11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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Do you ever get in trouble?

• Oh yeah - for many things - untidy room and staying up too late and not going to bed.

• When I hit my sister.

• Yes - for talking in class when I should have been listening

Children on forgiveness…

How would you answer this question?

11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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What are the consequences of being in trouble?

• No electronic games or getting sent to my room.

• I get told off and sometimes get a punishment like "no screens"

• Being told off

Any more? 11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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• To teach me right from wrong.

• Because I have done something wrong and I deserved it

• ‘coz its the right thing to do - if I have done something wrong then I should be punished - actions have consequences.

Why do you think your parents might punish you?

Other ideas?

11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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• They sit down and explain the wrong things to me, they give me hugs.

• I just do because they love me.

• Because they stop talking about the issue

How do you know your parents forgive you?

How do you know? 11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

Page 15: SACRAMENT of RECONCILIATION a sign of God’s

• Forgiveness makes it ok

to go on

• We need forgiveness so we can feel better for our actions.

• Because if we didn’t forgive, everyone would hate each other

• So we don’t keep feeling guilty and sad.

Talk to Mum & Dad about why we need forgiveness?

What do you think?

11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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Douglas talks Forgiveness

Remember, God will always forgive you and he loves you very much

11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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unkind words

rude to our parents or teachers

be lazy

steal things

fight/hit out/push

disobey Sin

Sin 11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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1. admit what you have done

2. are sorry / have a change of heart /say sorry


11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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3. are forgiven

4. Act to put things right.. Make a fresh start! 11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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GOSPEL: The Story of Zacchaeus Reader: A man named Zacchaeus lived in the city of Jericho. He collected tax money from people. Tax money is what people pay to run their country. Zacchaeus was not fair. He took more money that he was supposed to. Most people didn’t like Zacchaeus at all Chorus: Not at all! Not happy Zacc! Reader: All of Jericho was excited. They’d heard that Jesus was coming to their city. Chorus: We want Jesus! We want Jesus! 11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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Reader: Zacchaeus heard that Jesus was a great man and wanted to see him too. But he had a little problem. In fact, being little was the problem. He was too short to see over the crowd. Chorus: Bad luck Zacc, stay at the back! Reader: Zacchaeus had an idea. He ran ahead of the crowd and climbed a big tree. ‘Now I am tall enough to see Jesus too.” Chorus: Zacc can spy from up on high. Reader: Jesus came by the tree and looked up. He saw Zacchaeus out on a limb. 11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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Jesus: Zacchaeus, hurry and come down.

I want to go to your house today.

Chorus: Huh? What’s going on? Surely you can’t

be serious Jesus?

Reader: Zacchaeus climbed down very quickly.

He was very excited. Jesus wanted to

come to his house!

Zacchaeus: Wohoo! I can’t believe it! Jesus picked


Reader: The people in the crowd were upset. They

didn’t think Jesus should be so kind to a

dishonest man. 11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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Chorus: Huh? What’s going on? You must be joking. Not happy J! Reader: At his house, Zacchaeus had a change of heart. He realized how much he had been missing the target. He decided to treat people fairly from now on. He told Jesus he would give half of his money to people who were poor. Chorus: Good on you Zacc! Good for them! Reader: Zacchaeus also wanted to give back four times the money that he had unfairly taken.

11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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Chorus: Wohoo! Good on you Zacc. Good for us!

We forgive you!

Reader: Jesus was pleased with Zacchaeus.

Jesus: “Today you and your whole household

have entered God’s family.”

Reader: Just like Zacchaeus, we can also choose

to do the right thing

Chorus: Yes we can! Yes we can!

11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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Closing Prayer Loving God, You are our friend always. We are good people but

sometimes we hurt one another.

We are sorry for the uncaring things we do.

Thank you for loving us all the time even when we make one another unhappy.

Help us to be more caring and thoughtful towards each other.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord,


Children please

stand up with

your tea light on.

Be still now … think about something you

are sorry for…. or about the person you hurt

11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission

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Other thoughts…. For your consideration:

1. Would this model/style of presentation work in your community. If so, how?

If not, what are the perceived barriers?

2. What have you learnt that may be helpful for your circumstance?

3. Has this presentation enriched/challenged you in your ministry? How?

• Family Faith Nights/Staff Formation:

Confirmation, 1st Eucharist & Reconciliation, Catholic Identity,

A Faith to Live By,

• AOFE website


• Presenter formation training. Please indicate your interest via email to Mary Ryan at AOFE

(Business card available as you leave today)

11/02/2017 Mary Ryan AOFE Used with permission