Pastor: Fr. James Herrera Email: [email protected] Office Telephone: 503-792-4231 Parish website: www.shstl.org Office Hours: Tuesday—Friday 9 am—4 pm Horario: Martes a Viernes 9 am—4 pm Sacred Heart-St Louis Parish is a Catholic community of Christian believers devoted to the Holy Eucharist. We strive to build Gods Kingdom by inviting all to faith for- mation, Sacred Liturgy, Evangelization and outreach. ^************************************************************************************************************** La Parroquía Sagrado Corazón-San Luís es una comunidad Católica de creyentes Cris- tianos devotos a la Santa Eucaristía. Nos esforzamos para construir el Reino de Dios al invitar a todos a la formación de fe, a la Liturgia Sagrada, a la Evangeliza- ción y a la ayuda de la comunidad entera. You may continue to reach us in the office during office hours (above) by phone or email. We will continue to be your moral and spiritual support during this time of difficulty. Please, if you have any questions or need any help of any kind: groceries, medicine, small jobs, etc., give us a call in the office. ________________________________________ Puede continuar comunicándose con nosotros en la oficina durante las horas de oficina mencionadas anteriormente por teléfono o correo electrónico. Continuaremos siendo su apoyo moral y espiritual durante este momento de dificultad. Por favor, si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda de cualquier tipo: comestibles, medicamentos, pequeños trabajos, etc., llámenos a la oficina. Sacred Heart-St. Louis Catholic Parish Parroquía del Sagrado Corazón-San Luís 605 7th Street, Gervais, OR 97026

Sacred Heart St. Louis Catholic Parish Parroquía del …...2020/04/26  · Sacred Heart Catholic School 503-792-4541 [email protected] 503 Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Contest: Congratulations

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Page 1: Sacred Heart St. Louis Catholic Parish Parroquía del …...2020/04/26  · Sacred Heart Catholic School 503-792-4541 shssecretary@shstl.org 503 Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Contest: Congratulations

Pastor: Fr. James Herrera Email: [email protected]

Office Telephone: 503-792-4231 Parish website: www.shstl.org

Office Hours: Tuesday—Friday 9 am—4 pm Horario: Martes a Viernes 9 am—4 pm

Sacred Heart-St Louis Parish is a Catholic community of Christian believers devoted to the Holy Eucharist. We strive to build

God’s Kingdom by inviting all to faith for-mation, Sacred Liturgy, Evangelization

and outreach. ^**************************************************************************************************************

La Parroquía Sagrado Corazón-San Luís es una comunidad Católica de creyentes Cris-tianos devotos a la Santa Eucaristía. Nos

esforzamos para construir el Reino de Dios al invitar a todos a la formación de

fe, a la Liturgia Sagrada, a la Evangeliza-ción y a la ayuda de la comunidad entera.

You may continue to reach us in the office during office hours (above) by phone or email. We

will continue to be your moral and spiritual support during this time of difficulty. Please, if you have any

questions or need any help of any kind: groceries, medicine, small jobs, etc., give us a call in the office.


Puede continuar comunicándose con nosotros en la oficina durante las horas de oficina mencionadas anteriormente por teléfono o correo

electrónico. Continuaremos siendo su apoyo moral y espiritual durante este momento de dificultad. Por favor,

si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda de cualquier tipo: comestibles, medicamentos, pequeños trabajos, etc.,

llámenos a la oficina.

Sacred Heart-St. Louis Catholic Parish Parroquía del Sagrado Corazón-San Luís

605 7th Street, Gervais, OR 97026

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Acts 2:14, 22-33, 1 Peter 1:17-21 Luke 24:13-35

Brief Reflection: Let us rejoice in the good news of salvation: Jesus is God’s promise fulfilled. The joy of the Easter season is still with us as we rejoice in the risen Christ. He is truly present to us in the celebration of the Mass. He is the promise fulfilled, and we are nourished with his Word, and his body and blood. Just like those on the road to Emmaus, we know him in the breaking of the bread. LITURGY OF THE WORD : In the first reading, Peter pro-claims to the Jews and all in Jerusalem that Jesus, commended to [them] by God, was also killed by them. But that God raised him up. Peter writes that all have been ransomed by the pre-cious blood of Christ. In the Gospel, two disciples traveled from Jerusalem to Emmaus, discussing all that had happened. Jesus joined them, but they did not recognize him until they sat for a meal and he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them.


will continue to remain open.

PRAYER FOR SPIRITUAL COMMUNION My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the

Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I

cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated

from You. Amen.

Please support Sacred Heart by using Amazon Smile https://smile.amazon.com/ch/

and by purchasing scrip www.shopwithscrip.com or www.benefit-mobile.com

A PLACE OF SANCTUARY thegrotto.org A History of Welcome: The Grotto has been welcoming visitors for almost 100 years. We look forward to our centennial celebration in 2024.

Gardens are closed at this time

Water in the Scriptures

Throughout the scriptures, water is an im-portant symbol:

"All you who are thirsty, come to the water!" Isaiah 55:1

Jesus tells the Samaritan woman at the well, "Everyone who drinks this water will thirst again. But whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty again." John 4:13-14

"Beside Restful waters He leads me, He re-freshes my soul." Psalm 23:2

The church uses water to bless, to baptize, and to wash feet in imitation of Jesus on Holy Thursday.


The Christus Statue is located on the lower level at The Grotto.

Chapel of Perpetual Adoration Capilla d e O r a c i ó n

Open Hours/Horas Disponibles: Wednesday/miercoles 10-11 am

Friday/viernes 2-3 pm

Chapel Coordinators / Coordinadores de Capilla 12 midnight-5 am Carol Kuschnick 503-792-4419 6 am-11 am Pilar Zamora 503-792-4424 12 noon-5 pm Carole Rosa 503-423-7663 6 pm-11 pm Sandi Belleque 503-508-0971

Come to the Water

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TERCER DOMINGO DE PASCUA Hechos 2:14, 22-33, 1 Pedro 1:17-21

Lucas 24:13-35 Breve Reflexion: Alegrémonos de las buenas nuevas de salvación: Jesús es la promesa de Dios cumplida. La alegría de la temporada de Pascua todavía está con no-sotros, regocijémonos en Cristo resucitado. Él está realmen-te presente para nosotros en la celebración de la Misa. Es la promesa cumplida, y nos alimentamos con su Palabra, y su cuerpo y sangre. Al igual que en el camino a Emaús, lo conocemos al partir el pan. LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA: SEn la primera lectura, Pedro proclama a los judíos y a todos en Jerusalén que Jesús, encomendado a [ellos] por Dios, también fue asesinado por ellos. Pero ese Dios lo levantó de entre los muertos. Pedro escribe que todos han sido rescatados por la preciosa san-gre de Cristo. En el Evangelio, dos discípulos viajaron de Jerusalén a Emaús, discutiendo todo lo que había sucedido. Jesús se unió a ellos, pero no lo reconocieron hasta que se sentaron a comer y él tomó pan, lo bendijo, lo partió y se los dio.

Websites offering Online Streaming of Masses

The Archdiocese of Portland will once again be live streaming the 11 am Sunday Mass from The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and hope to do so moving forward until the current health crisis is over. https://www.archdpdx.org/live-masses

St. Edward https://www.sainteds.com/ Daily Mass in English and Spanish

Bishop Barron's Word on Fire https://www.wordonfire.org/daily-mass/ For Spanish language Daily & Sunday Mass from Spain You Tube search magnificat.tv or go to this link http://www.magnificat.tv misa de hoy.

Cable/Satellite viewing of Masses If you have cable or satellite, you can watch daily and Sunday Masses on EWTN (Eternal Word News Network) Masses are at 5 am, 9 am, 4 pm, 9 pm PST. You can watch these livestreamed or after Mass at this website https://www.ewtn.com/tv. Scroll down and on the left side of the screen is a box for the daily Mass. Click that box and it will bring up a window of the Mass. Click the arrow in the screen and it will play.

Mass on the Radio On the radio at Mater Dei Radio on channel 88.3 FM KBVM at 5 am, 12 noon and 8 pm.

You can also visit these websites: http://www.livemass.net/ https://www.youtube.com/wordonfirevideo/videos, https://mass-online.org/, http://www.catholictv.org/watch-live

¿Ofertorio del domingo? ¡Te necesitamos! Sagrado Co-razón-San Luis confía en ti! Como parroquia, dependemos de sus continuas con-tribuciones y administración durante este tiempo. Si puede, le pedimos que continúe con su generoso apoyo, puede: -envíe sus sobres a la parroquia PO Box 236, 97026 - déjelos pasar por la oficina parroquial -O dar EN LÍNEA haciendo clic en el enlace provisto o yendo al sitio web de la parroquia shstl.org La colecta del ofertorio dominical es para la operación diaria de nuestra parroquia y sus programas. Puede esta-blecer una donación única o una donación recurrente a nuestra parroquia.

Financial Stewardship

Needed Weekly: $ 6,000

Para la lengua española Diario & Domingo Misa de España en You Tube busque magnificat.tv misa de hoy o ir a este enlace http://www.magnificat.tv misa de hoy.


Mi Jesús, Creo que estás presente en el Santísimo

Sacramento. Te amo por encima de todas las cosas y deseo recibirte en mi alma. Como no

puedo recibirte en este momento sacramentalmente, entra al menos espiritualmente

en mi corazón. Te abrazo como si ya estuvieras allí y me uno completamente a ti. Nunca permitas

que me separe de ti. Amén.

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Sacred Heart Catholic School 503-792-4541 [email protected]

Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Contest: Congratulations to William Schnurbusch (8th grade) and Joseph Sanchez (7th grade) for being named Zaner-Bloser National Handwriting Contest State winners.

School Office: The school office will be closed until the governor lifts the stay at home order. If you have any questions or concerns, please, call or email and Mrs. Schnurbusch or Mrs. Hill will get back to you as soon as they can. Spring Fling: our annual Spring Fling Dinner and Auction has been rescheduled for May 30, 2020, with the doors opening at 4:30 pm. We have great food, wonderful auction items and great company! Tickets are $50 each. You may phone or email the office for more information. Spring Fling Raffle Tickets: Spring Fling Raffle tick-ets are available from the school office or from a school family. Tickets are $10 each. Prizes are $1000 Cash, $500 Cash and $250 Cash. The drawing will be held at the Spring Fling. You do not need to be present to win.

←↔ Please be informed that Fr. James will keep

these Mass intentions for his daily private Mass. After we resume Mass, we will get back on track with all

previously scheduled Mass intentions. ____________________________________

Tenga en cuenta que el p. James mantendrá estas

intenciones de la misa para su misa privada diaria.

Después de reanudar las misas, volveremos al camino con todas las intenciones de la misa previamente



Sunday, April 26 +Dan Messer

Monday, April 27 +Ron Belleque

Tuesday, April 28 Armstrong family intention

Wednesday, April 29 +Johanna Grassman

Thursday, April 30 +Carl Nibler

Friday, May 1 +deceased KC’s

Saturday, May 2 Maria Rodriguez

Sunday, May 3 Parishioners

Escuela Católica del Sagrado Corazón 503-792-4541 [email protected]

Concurso de escritura a mano Zaner-Bloser: Felicitaciones a Wi-lliam Schnurbusch (octavo grado) y Joseph Sanchez (séptimo gra-do) por ser ganadores del concurso nacional de escritura a mano Zaner-Bloser. Oficina de la escuela: La oficina de la escuela estará cerrada hasta que el gobernador levante la orden de quedarse en casa. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, llame o envíe un correo electrónico y la Sra. Schnurbusch o la Sra. Hill se comunicarán con usted lo antes posible. Spring Fling: nuestra cena y subasta anual de Spring Fling se ha reprogramado para el 30 de mayo de 2020, con las puertas abiertas a las 4:30 pm. ¡Tenemos excelente comida, maravillosos artículos de subasta y excelente compañía! Los boletos cuestan $ 50 cada uno. Puede llamar o enviar un correo electrónico a la oficina para obtener más información. Boletos de la rifa de Spring Fling: Los boletos de la rifa de Spring Fling están disponibles en la oficina de la escuela o en una familia de la escuela. Los boletos cuestan $ 10 cada uno. Los pre-mios son $1000 en efectivo, $500 en efectivo y $250 en efectivo. El sorteo se realizará en el Spring Fling. No necesitas estar presen-te para ganar. Scrip: no estará disponible durante el pedido de la estadía en el hogar. Regístrese en Benefit Mobile con la aplicación y compre scrip usando su teléfono inteligente. ______________________________________________

Debido al virus, no habrá cena de pollo o venta de plantas en mayo. Junto con ningún horario para terminar la primera comunión o confirmación hasta nuevo aviso.

Oramos para que todo vaya bien. Nue-vamente, por favor llame al (503) 792-4231 o envíe un correo electrónico a la oficina [email protected] o [email protected] si hay algo que necesite. El P. Santiago

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SACRED HEART-ST. LOUIS PARISHIONERS We are looking forward to the day when we can celebrate Mass together again!

In the meantime, we will do our best to communicate by various methods. FIND DAILY MASS HOMILIES FROM FR. JAMES ON shstl.org and many other

resources daily.

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Sunday Offertory? We need you! Sacred Heart-St. Louis Parish relies on you!

Thank you for your generosity and your con-tinuous donations! If you are able, we ask that you

continue your generous support. -mail your envelopes to the parish PO Box 236, 97026

-drop them by the parish office

-give ONLINE by going to the parish website shstl.org

-go to BILL PAY through your bank ONLINE

The Sunday offertory collection is for the day-to-day operation of our parish and its programs. You can set up a one-time donation or a recurring donation to our parish.

Gervais Community Food Bank has

permission from the warehouse to open the Food Bank at Sacred Heart every Wednesday from 1-4 pm and pro-vided that there are food items available. Please consid-er volunteering for this outreach to the community.

We had 60 families in need last week. The normal hand out at every other week this time is year is 35-40 fami-lies. ___________________________________________

Gervais Community Banco de Alimen-tos obtuvo permiso del almacén para abrir el Banco de Alimentos en Sacred Heart todos los miércoles de 1 a 4 pm, a partir de abril. Y siempre que haya alimentos disponibles. Por favor considere ser vol-untario para este alcance a la comunidad. Tuvimos 60 familias necesitadas la semana pasada. La distribución normal en este momento es 35 a 40 familias. There’s a new way to read your Catholic Sentinel.

It’s more important than ever to stay connected & unified. The Sentinel is your link to what’s happening in the archdiocese and beyond, with infor-mation you can trust, including health crisis updates, parish adaptations, news from the Vatican and Archbishop Sample’s messages. During this time, we’ve made these changes: New digital Catholic Sentinel Visit www.mysentinelnow.org for your free subscription to the Sentinel FLIP editions. It looks just like the print Sentinel and is easy and fun to navigate, flipping pages like you always have. Other options • A small number of paper copies will go to your parish to be placed in a safe place where you can pick one up and maintain social distancing. • To subscribe for home delivery, visit www.catholicsentinel.org and click “Subscriptions” at the top of the page or call 503-460-5407.

• Stay tuned to catholicsentinel.org, elcentinelacatolico.org or our Facebook and Twitter (@CatholicSentnl and @CentinelaEC) feeds