All are welcome. An entrance ramp and push-bar automatic door is located at the eastern entrance of the church. Reaching out from the heart of Oak Park Parish Office 188 S. Oak Park Avenue Oak Park, Illinois 60302; Telephone: 708-848-4417; Fax Line: 708-848-0049 Parish Center Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 8pm, Friday, 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 3pm; Sunday 9:00am - 1pm Visit the parish web-site at stedmund.org. You may also e-mail us from the web-site. Follow us on Twitter at: St. Edmunds-Oak Park or @edmunds_oakpark June 11, 2017 Saint Edmund Parish Echoes Parish Administration and Staff Rev. John McGivern, Pastor Ms. Peggy Leddy, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Maria Allori, Development Director Deacon Thomas Dwyer, Parish Business Manager Mr. Donald Giannetti, Parish Assistant Mrs. Kathleen Halfpenny, Director of Music Mrs. Christine A. Rousakis, Manager, Parish Office Mr. Al Vargas, Facilities Manager Rev. John Lucas, In Residence Rev. Gene Gratkowski, Weekend Presider Rev. John O’Callaghan, S.J., Weekend Presider School of Religious Education 200 S. Oak Park Avenue Oak Park, Illinois 60302 School of Religious Education Telephone: 708-848-7220 · RE/Fax Line: 708-386-5616 Visit the parish web-site at stedmund.org. You may also e-mail us from the web-site. Religious Education Program Administration and Staff Mrs. Janet Bennick, Coordinator of Religious Education · Ms. Kaydee Sproat, Program Secretary

Saint Edmund Parish Echoes 17 Echoes.pdf · Mr. Al Vargas, Facilities Manager Rev. John Lucas, In Residence Rev. Gene Gratkowski, ... Sgt. Ramiro D. Banda, US Marine Corps Gunnery

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Page 1: Saint Edmund Parish Echoes 17 Echoes.pdf · Mr. Al Vargas, Facilities Manager Rev. John Lucas, In Residence Rev. Gene Gratkowski, ... Sgt. Ramiro D. Banda, US Marine Corps Gunnery

All are welcome. An entrance ramp and push-bar automatic door is located at the eastern entrance of the church.

Reaching out from the heart of Oak Park

Parish Office 188 S. Oak Park Avenue Oak Park, Illinois 60302; Telephone: 708-848-4417; Fax Line: 708-848-0049

Parish Center Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 8pm, Friday, 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 3pm; Sunday 9:00am - 1pm

Visit the parish web-site at stedmund.org. You may also e-mail us from the web-site. Follow us on Twitter at: St. Edmunds-Oak Park or @edmunds_oakpark

June 11, 2017

Saint Edmund Parish Echoes

Parish Administration and Staff Rev. John McGivern, Pastor Ms. Peggy Leddy, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Maria Allori, Development Director Deacon Thomas Dwyer, Parish Business Manager Mr. Donald Giannetti, Parish Assistant Mrs. Kathleen Halfpenny, Director of Music

Mrs. Christine A. Rousakis, Manager, Parish Office Mr. Al Vargas, Facilities Manager Rev. John Lucas, In Residence Rev. Gene Gratkowski, Weekend Presider Rev. John O’Callaghan, S.J., Weekend Presider

School of Religious Education 200 S. Oak Park Avenue Oak Park, Illinois 60302

School of Religious Education Telephone: 708-848-7220 · RE/Fax Line: 708-386-5616 Visit the parish web-site at stedmund.org. You may also e-mail us from the web-site.

Religious Education Program Administration and Staff

Mrs. Janet Bennick, Coordinator of Religious Education · Ms. Kaydee Sproat, Program Secretary

Page 2: Saint Edmund Parish Echoes 17 Echoes.pdf · Mr. Al Vargas, Facilities Manager Rev. John Lucas, In Residence Rev. Gene Gratkowski, ... Sgt. Ramiro D. Banda, US Marine Corps Gunnery

Staff Notes Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trini-

ty. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself… The whole history of salvation is identical with the history of the way … the one true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, reveals himself to men. [GCD, 47]” (CCC, 234). It goes on to explain that God makes himself and his will known through his Son. The Lord Jesus Christ comes to us not only through the Father but in the Holy Spirit. God’s will was than humans should have access to the Father, through Christ, the Word made flesh, in the Holy Spirit, and thus become sharers in the divine nature. (CCC, 51) All our readings today demonstrate the activity of our Triune God in salvation history. Although when the New Testament was written, the doctrine of the Trinity was not yet worked out. It took several centu-ries, but the Council of Nicaea in 325 gave us the Ni-cene Creed. But even before that time the Bible gives us many stories that describe the activity of our Triune God in salvation history. The First Reading comes just after the story about the Israelites making a golden calf and offering sacrifices to it (Exodus 32). Even though God pro-nounced judgment against the people he came down to meet Moses on the mountain and gave him the Ten Commandments. In this way he revealed his true nature by reinstating the covenant with Israel demonstrating that God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, faith-ful and kind. In the Second Reading Paul says that God ex-tends grace through the Father, love through the Son, and fellowship through the Spirit, so that humanity can live in love and fellowship with one another. Later Theologians would see this as an example of the

We hope that all adult parishioners involved in parish ministries and volunteer efforts received their invitations in the mail informing them of the Volunteer Appreciation Party planned especially for all of you. The party takes place at 6:30pm in Murphy Hall and on the parish green on Saturday, June 17th. We’ve worked hard to make sure that everyone who is involved in one way or another received an invitation. There is the possibility that we overlooked someone. If that is the case, please call the parish office and we’ll get an invitation in the mail to you right away! We want all our volunteers to join us for this special way to say “thank you.”

activities of the Trinity. The Gospel also highlights God’s activity in salvation history. God the Father is described as giving the greatest gift of love to the world – his only Son – and the Son is described as doing the work of the Father. The Spirit is not mentioned here, but later in John’s Gos-pel account we hear that the Spirit is the Advocate sent to be with the believer after Jesus’ return to the Father. I think that the Holy Spirit usually gets short shrift in most of our prayers. It seems to me that we must pray harder to this Advocate to help us in this world so full of terrorism, violence and hatred. While Jesus himself is not physically present in this world, the Holy Spirit is present and we need to recognize and lis-ten to the murmurings of the Third Person of the Trinity. O Most Holy Trinity, one God, yet Three Persons, you are the mystery in which we live. Teach us to be faithful witnesses to you, proclaiming Good News in many ways throughout our day. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Kathy Halfpenny Director of Music

Adapted from “At Home with the Word 2017” written by Philip Hor-rigan (LTP, 2016). Prayer adapted from “Daily Prayer 2017 by Mary C. Dumm and Randall R. Phillips (LTP, 2016)

Summer Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 8:30am; Saturday: 8:30am; 5:30pm (Sunday Anticipatory) Sunday: 9am, 11:00am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:15pm (located in west end of north transept) Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Call the Parish Office. A Minister of Care is also availa-ble to bring Holy Communion to our parish sick and homebound.

Sacrament of Marriage In order to schedule a wedding, you or your parents must be registered, participating parish members for at least one year prior to setting the date. Sacrament of Baptism for Infants Parents are asked to register at least 2 months in advance to attend the preparation class. Please note that the date of Baptism is not confirmed until parents complete the class. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Adults seeking to complete initiation or inquiring about becoming Catholic may call the Parish Office for information.

Page 3: Saint Edmund Parish Echoes 17 Echoes.pdf · Mr. Al Vargas, Facilities Manager Rev. John Lucas, In Residence Rev. Gene Gratkowski, ... Sgt. Ramiro D. Banda, US Marine Corps Gunnery

Offertory for Weekend of June 3/4

Budgeted…………………………………….. $14,350.00 Weekend collection…………………………. $14,353.00 Deficit-to-date…………………………..…..-117,901.64

June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month

Intimate Partner/Dating Abuse

Domestic Violence Help Line: 877-TO END DV (877-863-6338) Sarah’s Inn (Oak Park) www.sarahsinn.org 24-hour Crisis Line: 708-386-4225 Teen Dating Abuse Hotline: 866-331-9474

Week at a Glance Sunday June 11 9:00am Coffee and… Murphy Hall 9:00am Bundle Weekend Parking Lot 11:00am Anointing Mass Church Monday June 12 2:00pm Eucharistic Adoration Church 7:00pm Peace and Justice Murphy Hall Wednesday June 14 7:00pm Bridge Murphy Hall Saturday June 17 9:30am Centering Prayer N. Transept 6:30pm Volunt. Apprec. Party Murphy Hall Sunday June 18 4:00pm Green Team Murphy Hall

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Ministers Needed

At the 9am mass each Sunday, chil-dren are invited to the front of the altar for a blessing from the assem-bly. They are then sent forth (to the church sacristy) to hear the word of God in age-appropriate and engag-ing ways. A trained Catechist leads

the children in this prayer. They return at the offertory. Though not a difficult ministry, it is a very important one. Provided materials include: Sunday readings, prayers and activities. Training is minimal and a brief Archdiocesan requirement for safety of children is required. We now have 4 adults catechists but we need more. Please pray about and consider joining our ministry. If interested, call Janet Bennick in the RE Office: 708-848-7220 or e-mail her: [email protected].

School of Religious Education Registration is now open for the 2017/18 RE program. Forms may be obtained on the parish web-site at: sted-mund.org. Click on Religious Education link. Or contact the RE office at 708-848-7220, or e-mail program coordi-nator, Janet Bennick at: [email protected].

Seniors and Adults with Disabilities Event All seniors and adults with disabilities are invited to a presentation and discussion of healthy and unhealthy relationships, especially between family members and/or caregivers, as part of Elder Abuse Awareness Month. Do you know that elder abuse often goes unreported? All seniors are potential victims of abuse, but those who are socially isolated and have mental impairment are more vulnerable. Learn how you can help and give support! A representative from Oak Park Township Senior Services will lead the conversation which will be held on Tuesday, June 13, 12:30 – 1:30pm, in Murphy Hall. The event is co-sponsored by the Domestic Violence Outreach Ministry teams from the Catholic parishes of Oak Park, River Forest and Forest Park. Light refreshments will be served. Please join us.

Domestic Violence. No excuse! Domestic Violence takes many forms. If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

For more info or if you need non-emergency help, refer to contact information below:

Elder Abuse

National Center on Elder Abuse: 855-500-3537 Illinois Dept. of Aging Elder Abuse Hotline: Home: 866-800-1409 Long-term care facilities: 888-206-1327 Elder Abuse Provider Agency: Oak Park Township Senior Services 708-383-8060; www.oakparktownship.org

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Page 5: Saint Edmund Parish Echoes 17 Echoes.pdf · Mr. Al Vargas, Facilities Manager Rev. John Lucas, In Residence Rev. Gene Gratkowski, ... Sgt. Ramiro D. Banda, US Marine Corps Gunnery


Spiritual Week at St. Edmund Parish We Pray for our Sick

Argene “Mamma” Giannetti,

mother of Frank and Don and long-time parishioner

Mass Time Altar Servers Lectors Commentator Cantors Extraordinary Ministers (Saturday) 5:30pm

G. LeBlanc R. Porter

S. Guerin B. Nelson

M. Guerin M. Gonzalez K. Ballard, M.E. Creighton, L. Hakes, J. Lewandowski, J. Reese, M.J. Reese

9:00am M. Wheeler J. Angone

L. Ochoa M. Bellmar D. Gregoire J. Biek, M. Biek, D. Dubowski, L. Johnson, T.


11:00am G. Allori M. Ozima

A. Caison M. Stroth

J. Zaklan M. Foster M. Allori, R. Allori, A. Koors, P. Nichols, S. Sassone

Liturgical Ministers for the Weekend of June 17/18

Readings for the Week Monday: 2 Cor 1:1-7; Ps 34:2-9; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 2 Cor 1:18-22; Ps 119:129-133, 135; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99:5-9; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 2 Cor 3:15 — 4:1, 3-6; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 116:10-11, 15-18; Mt 5:27-32 Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:33-37 Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; 1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58

Eternal Rest Grant unto These, O Lord

We give thanks for the men and women in our military.

One in Prayer with Loved Ones in the Military Ian Adams, US Navy Staff Sgt. Jason L. Anderson, US Army Capt. John Paul Andree, Pilot US Air Force Sgt. Ramiro D. Banda, US Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Boatman, US Marine Corps Specialist Brown, US Army Specialist Christopher Buscher, US Army, SPC Cpt. Jason Caboot Sgt. Thomas J. Dutton, 10th Mountain Division William Edwards, US Army Reservist Private Kristopher Ellis, US Marine Corps First Sgt. Daniel S. Greider US Army Sgt. Michael Hoover, Army Reserve Afghanistan Major Roselita Labbe, US Air Force Col. Matt Mangan, US Air Force Jonathan McLean, US Marine Corps Kristen Meyer, US Navy Lance Cpl. Robert Miller, US Marine Corps Cpt. Steven Nelson Lt. Col. Edward Nevera, US Air Force Jose Ortiz US Marine Corps Lance Corporal Dave Porter, US Army Col. Gregory P. Puccetti, US Army Gian Franco Solari, US Air Force Brian Walsh, First Lieutenant US Army Kimyatta Wellington, US Navy

Special Remembrances at Daily Eucharist Monday June 12 8:30am † Argene “Mamma” Giannetti Tuesday June 13 (Anthony of Padua) 8:30am † Deceased parishioners Wednesday June 14 8:30am Sadie Giannetti (living intention) Thursday June 15 8:30am † Edward A. Caron Friday June 16 8:30am † Frank Condon Saturday June 17 (Blessed Virgin Mary) 8:30am † Fr. Joe Ruiz 5:30pm † Peter, Theresa and Peter Jr. Grandolfo † Harold Bonus Sunday June 18 (The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ) 9:00am † Baldomero Garcia, † Magaly Vegas 11:00am People of St. Edmund † Haylie Winiewicz

Fr. John Paul Andree Clara Ballard Susan Becker Susan Benedict Susan Chicola

Annyce Dunbar Mary Evans Angela Mendoza Hannah Paist Neal Preston

Mike Scully Ethel Thomas Sadie Thomson

We are always looking for those willing to serve

as liturgical ministers! Contact Mary Lynn Dietsche at:

[email protected] for more information.

Upcoming Weddings

McKenzie Kula and Jeffrey Mason