Saint Joseph Parish 173 Albion Street, Wakefield MA 01880 Seventh Sunday of Easter May 24, 2020

Saint Joseph Parish 173 Albion Street, Wakefield MA 01880 ...Pope Saint Gregory and the Saint Michael the Archangel Church history is full of stories when prayer proved powerful against

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Page 1: Saint Joseph Parish 173 Albion Street, Wakefield MA 01880 ...Pope Saint Gregory and the Saint Michael the Archangel Church history is full of stories when prayer proved powerful against

Saint Joseph Parish 173 Albion Street, Wakefield MA 01880

Seventh Sunday of Easter

May 24, 2020

Page 2: Saint Joseph Parish 173 Albion Street, Wakefield MA 01880 ...Pope Saint Gregory and the Saint Michael the Archangel Church history is full of stories when prayer proved powerful against

2 May 24, 2020



Anne Grant, Music Director

Maureen Miller, Accountant

Lisa Palmere, Inner Healing Ministry

Mary Coles, Bulletin Editor

Alex Canto, Facilities Manager

Caleb, Parish Dog


Mari Laiosa, Grade 1, 2

Sharon Keith, Grades 3-8

Fr. Ron Barker, Grade 10

Carissa Thekaekara,

Grade 9, Youth Minister

Diane Murphy, Administration


MON – FRI 9:30 AM-2:30 PM

Phone: 781-245-5770

Fax: 781-246-2423


15 Gould Street,

Wakefield, MA 01880

Dr. Joseph Sullivan, Principal

Alayne Flynn, Administrator

Phone: 781-245-2081 www.stjosephschoolwakefield.org



173 Albion Street,

Wakefield, MA 01880

Fr. Ron Barker, Pastor

Merry Nordeen, Administration


“A 21st Century Learning Community based on

Timeless Catholic Values.”

Enrolling Pre-K through Grade 8

WEEKEND Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil Mass:

4:00 PM

Sunday Mass

7:30 AM

9:00 AM (Family Liturgy)

11:00 AM

5:30 PM

DAILY Mass Schedule

Monday - Friday Mass

6:45 AM, 9:00 AM

Saturday Mass 9:00 AM

Confessions Saturday 3:00 to 3:45 PM or by appointment.

ADORATION Hours Parish Holy Hour Every Sunday: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Chapel Hours 7:00 AM - Midnight

Adoration (M, T, TH ) 10:00 AM - 12 AM

Wednesday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Friday 10:00 AM - 10:30 PM

Page 3: Saint Joseph Parish 173 Albion Street, Wakefield MA 01880 ...Pope Saint Gregory and the Saint Michael the Archangel Church history is full of stories when prayer proved powerful against

3 May 24, 2020



Dear Parishioners, When the word came down that we were able to have Mass again, there were many responses such as - Praise the Lord, Finally, It is about time, I am excited. Yes, we are now able to gather to celebrate the Eucharist. We have many restrictions but at least we can come together and offer worship, especially the sacrifice of Jesus. This is what is needed at such a time. When we celebrate Mass it is both a sacrifice and a meal. We make present on the altar the sacrifice of Calvary. This is the sacrifice that paid the price of our salvation. We ask for God’s mercy and offer the sacrifice that paid for our sins. Many mystics feel that this pandemic is to bring to our minds that we have been unfaithful to God and have sinned by turning away in disobedience. We need to offer the sacrifice to make reparation our sins. These past few months, we have reduced the offering of the sacrifice for our sins. We neglected to do what is one of the most important things to do if we believe what the sacrifice of the Mass is all about. Yes, let us offer the sacrifice of the Mass but also offer ourselves as servants of the Lord, turning away from sin, calling on the mercy of God and being committed to walking faithfully in His ways. May the Lord heal us from this pandemic. This is Memorial Day weekend. It is the unofficial start of summer. On Memorial Day we remember all our beloved dead especially those who died in service to their country. As Christians, death brings to mind our faith. For the faithful Christian, death is not the end of life but a change of life. This belief is one of the fruits of our Easter celebration. Jesus is the One who by His resurrection overcame the power of sin and death. We are now sharers in the power of His resurrection. This is a good weekend to pray for our beloved dead as it is one of the spiritual works

of mercy. Some souls may be in the process of purification (Purgatory) and in need of our prayer and sacrifices. You may notice that at every Mass, we pray for our beloved dead in our Eucharistic Prayer. As we pray for the dead, we help them in their journey from Purgatory to Heaven. May our beloved dead rest in peace and enjoy eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. Weather permitting, the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Monday will be celebrated at Forest Glade Cemetery. If you join us, bring a lawn chair.

I will be available for confession this week on Saturday, May 30, from 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. in the chapel or by appointment. May Jesus continue to shepherd you in all of your needs. God love you,

Page 4: Saint Joseph Parish 173 Albion Street, Wakefield MA 01880 ...Pope Saint Gregory and the Saint Michael the Archangel Church history is full of stories when prayer proved powerful against

4 May 24, 2020



When Prayer Proved Powerful Against Plague ~ Edwin Benson, Return to Order

Public officials dealing with the coronavirus have forgotten one measure—the importance of prayers. Such a consideration is discarded by a secular society that does not believe that God can act upon the nature He created. Prayer is thus ineffective.

History proves otherwise. The Church recorded countless cases of individuals and societies that were saved by the power of prayer. Modernity has preferred to adore Science as a new god that can do all things. The recent statements of two very public figures reflect this secular attitude.

One such remark came from Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York. He was indirectly congratulating himself for his efforts to slow down the virus. The day after Easter, he said, “The number is down because we brought the number down. God did not do that. Fate did not do that. Destiny did not do that. A lot of pain and suffering did that.”

The second statement came from Chicago’s Cardinal Blaise Cupich. In an interview with a local TV station, Cardinal Cupich said, “God doesn’t allow us to have a religion into a magic formula where we say a prayer and think things are going to go away… we have to make sure we keep each other safe.” He gave his opinion about the best way to deal with the crisis. “[H]uman solidarity is something we need to rely on in this moment.”

These statements are troubling, especially during this crisis. They discourage the role of God and prayer when they are most needed. They also show how far modern society has fallen. Public officials would do well to look back to the wisdom of the past and reclaim the power of humility, penance and prayer. Holy Mother Church offers cures that go far beyond Cardinal Cupich’s “human solidarity.”

Pope Saint Gregory and the Saint Michael the Archangel

Church history is full of stories when prayer proved powerful against plague. Three cases will serve to illustrate what can happen when a fervent people appeal to God.

In the year 590, Rome was a plague-ravaged shell of its former self. Civil authority was almost non-existent. An earthquake made life even more tenuous. The area was split between Catholics, followers of the Arian heresy and pagans. On February 7, 590, Pope Pelagius II perished. His successor was Pope Saint Gregory the Great.

The new pope organized a procession around the city on April 25. Small processions began in various parts of the city and marched toward the church of Saint Mary Major. There Pope Gregory waited, holding a miraculous image of The Blessed Mother painted by Saint Luke. As the procession passed the tomb of Emperor Hadrian, all of the participants saw the Archangel Michael on top of the massive tomb, sheathing a flaming sword.

The crowd broke into prayer: “Regina Coeli laetare, Alleluia! (Queen of Heaven, rejoice, Alleluia!) Quia quem meruisti portare, Alleluia! (Son whom you merited to bear, Alleluia!) Resurrexit sicut dixit, Alleluia! (He has risen as He said, Alleluia!) The air cleared, and the plague ended. Hadrian’s castle-like tomb was re-christened Castel Sant’Angelo. A statue of Saint Michael was placed on the roof of the building. It remains there as a reminder to the city of its deliverance.


Page 5: Saint Joseph Parish 173 Albion Street, Wakefield MA 01880 ...Pope Saint Gregory and the Saint Michael the Archangel Church history is full of stories when prayer proved powerful against

5 May 24, 2020


Saint Rocco

Saint Rocco was a French nobleman born about the year 1340. Orphaned as a child, Rocco gave away his possessions and went on a pilgrimage to Rome. He had nearly reached the Eternal City when he passed through plague-infested Acquapendente. He spent the next several weeks caring for the sick and dying until he contracted the disease. He retired to a cave, fed by a miraculously-occurring spring and bread brought to him by a dog. After recovering, he continued to travel through Italy and died shortly after returning to France. After death, he rapidly gained a reputation for miraculous cures.

Shortly after Saint Rocco’s death, Italy was ravaged by a series of cholera infestations, and many found cures by appealing to him. In 1414, the Council of Constance was threatened when the plague arrived in the city. The local bishop ordered processions in honor of Saint Rocco, and the outbreak ceased. From that point on, Saint Rocco’s fame increased greatly, and he was venerated over a wide area for centuries for his intercession in time of pestilence.

This prayer invoking his aid is especially appropriate in this time of the coronavirus. “O Great Saint Rocco, deliver us, we beseech you, from contagious diseases, and the contagion of sin. Obtain for us, a purity of heart which will assist us to make good use of health, and to bear sufferings in patience. Teach us to follow your example in the practice of penance and charity, so that we may one day enjoy the happiness of being with Christ, Our Savior, in Heaven. Amen.”

Bishop Belsunce Consecrates Marseilles to The Sacred Heart of Jesus

On May 25, 1720, the ship Grand Sainte-Antoine docked in Marseilles, France, with a load of fabric and silk from the Asiatic city of Sidon and eight dead crewmen. At the time, Marseilles was impoverished, and the decision was made to allow the ship to dock because of the value of its cargo. The plague that had killed the eight men spread to the city. Over the next year, the death toll was massive. The plague showed no signs of passing.

In June 1721, the Bishop of Marseilles, Henri Francois-Xavier de Belsunce de Castelmoron, decided to consecrate the city to Our Lord’s Sacred Heart. A large outdoor altar was built on the coast near the port. By July, the Bishop persuaded the local magistrate, Jean Pierre Moustier, to read the consecration. In July, the officials donned their ceremonial robes and led a public procession from the Basilica of Notre Dame de la Garde to the altar. Church bells pealed, and the local garrison’s cannons boomed, as the procession went to the newly-constructed altar. Bishop Belsunce met them, holding a gleaming monstrance containing the Blessed Sacrament. The consecration was offered.

Immediately, the plague began to abate. By September, the city was plague-free.

Such examples are just some of the many marvels found in the history of the Church. Imagine the results if the modern Church were to re-read these great stories of deliverance and take them to heart. However, it is only through prayer, penance and pardon that such scenes will once again occur.

Unfortunately, most people only have recourse to God when reduced to great suffering. When the god of Science fails, one can then hope that many will return to the one true God and implore his help and protection. And God will once again deliver the nation.

(Edwin Benson, Return to Order)


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6 May 24, 2020


Want to sleep peacefully? Pray this prayer of the night.

~ Elizabeth Scalia

The best way for a good night’s sleep is to reclaim your inner peace

and rest with a heart united to God.


Before I rest tonight, I must thank You for your love, beg Your pardon for my failings, and Your shelter from my interior storms. O my Lord, at this moment, all is calm, and sleep beckons me. It is Your world! I place all of my concerns into Your hands, and all of my fears into Your Sacred Heart, the Self-immolating gift that is never consumed. I believe in You. Although I cannot understand all that is before me, I know all things work toward the purposes of Your mysterious plans for my own good. And I trust in this. And I beg for the gift and grace to trust You even further, day by day. I ask this in the name of Christ Jesus, seeking the prayers of Mary, his Mother, and of my guardian angel and patron saint (Name). I will lie down in peace and sleep comes at once for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:9) Amen.

God in heaven, O Creator, O One who loved me into being… Now that the voices are silenced and the crowded world of projects and overwhelming noise is hushed, here, at my bed, I seek Your consolation. I believe in Your love, and I hope in You, and I pray You will grace me with the gift of faith, unfailing, the gift of wisdom, beyond my instincts, the gift of trust, which is so hard. I give glory and thanks to You for this day as it ends, and beg that You will give me eyes to see that in all things, You have been with me: in what was difficult, and what was easy, in what was anxious and what was peaceful. In those times I sought You out, or forgot to, You were with me, still, and I thank You. Today, I failed in love; You know this. I beg You to forgive me. Today, I lost my temper; You know this. I beg You to forgive me. Today, I was selfish; You know this. I beg You to forgive me. Today, I felt desolate, unsure, and afraid; I beg You to reach me, and to teach me again that You love me, and are near. That You are, O God, the safest of safe places, the wayside resting place, where I may catch my breath, and seek You out, before going on.

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7 May 24, 2020



PRAYER Intentions

Your prayers are requested for the deceased of our community and all of our parish benefactors, our sick, our military, especially our parishioners who are currently deployed to an active combat area and all those who have asked us to pray for them this week. Their names have been inscribed in our parish Book of Intentions in the Chapel. Please contact the rectory to add a name.

Reflection of the Week

People who know little are usually great talkers,

while people who know much

say very little.

No Line to Love

Sometimes when my Labrador retriever wants attention, he’ll take something of mine and parade it in front of me. One morning as I was writing at the desk with my back turned, Max snatched my wallet and ran off. But realizing I hadn’t seen him do it, he returned and nudged me with his nose - wallet in mouth, eyes dancing, tail wagging, taunting me to play. Max’s antics made me laugh, but they also reminded me of my limitations when it comes to being attentive to others. So often I’ve intended to spend time with family or friends, but other things occupy my time and awareness; and before I know it the day slips away and love is left undone.

How comforting to know that our heavenly Father is so great that He’s able to attend to each of us in the most intimate ways—even sustaining every breath in our lungs for as long as we live. He promises His people, “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you” (Isaiah 46:4).

God always has time for us. He understands every detail of our circumstances—no matter how complex or difficult—and is there whenever we call on Him in prayer. We never have to wait in line for our Savior’s unlimited love.

~ James Banks

James Banks. Our Daily Bread®, © 2020 by Our Daily Bread Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.



In Sunday School, they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam’s ribs.

Later in the week, his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and said, “Johnny what is the matter?”

Little Johnny responded; “I have a pain in my side. I think I’m going to have a wife.”

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8 May 24, 2020



MASS Intentions


9:00 AM Erin Pascal, Memorial Mass

4:00 PM Edward DiGurski, Jr.,

Birthday Remembrance

SUNDAY, May 24

11:00 AM George & Lorraine Fauvel

& George D. Fauvel,

Memorial Mass

5:30 AM Anthony J. Mieczkowski, Sr,.

50th Anniversary

MONDAY, May 25

6:45 AM Memorial Day Mass

9:00 AM Memorial Day - Forest Glade


9:00 AM Lorraine Tetreault,

15th Anniversary


9:00 AM Susan DeCorpo,

20th Anniversary


6:45 AM Mary Commito,10th Anniversary

FRIDAY, May 29

6:45 AM Annie Lee Thorn –Duncan,

Memorial Mass


9:00 AM Sarah Carapezza,

Birthday Remembrance

4:00 PM Patrick & Priscilla Granfield,

2nd Anniversary

SUNDAY, May 31

7:30 AM & 9:00 AM ~ No Intention

11:00 AM John Peach, Memorial Mass

5:30 PM Darien Sanford Castro,

Memorial Mass

Scripture for the week of May 24, 2020

24 SUN Acts 1:12-14/1 Pt 4:13-16/Jn 17:1-11a 25 Mon Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33 26 Tue Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a 27 Wed Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 28 Thu Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26 29 Fri Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19 30 Sat Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 31 SUN Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez

37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 20:19-23


View our St. Joseph Parish pre-recorded Mass On the Web at anytime:


On Wakefield Cable Access Television (WCAT) Comcast: Channel 3 Verizon: Channel 40

RCN: Channel 3

Masses are also available on EWTN at https://www.ewtn.com/tv

and Catholic TV at www.catholictv.org.


Saturday, May 30, 2020 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. in the Chapel


Electronic giving is available to parishioners. Please visit:

https://www.stjosephwakefield.org/giving/ and scroll to the bottom of the page

for more details to donate.


Because we do not currently have a weekly offertory collection, we will publish the offertory totals monthly. Thank you for your generosity.

Next Week Special Collection

Next week’s special collection (May 30-31) is the Seminary Offering, which supports the formation and training of seminarians in the Archdiocese of Boston for future service as priests.

Page 9: Saint Joseph Parish 173 Albion Street, Wakefield MA 01880 ...Pope Saint Gregory and the Saint Michael the Archangel Church history is full of stories when prayer proved powerful against

9 May 24, 2020


Saint Joseph School News The learning must go on!

Saint Joseph School is currently enrolling for the 2020/2021

school year

Mrs. Arulraj is our middle school science and math teacher. Her students are doing science labs at home in their kitchens! Each Monday, they receive a mission from Mrs. Arulraj which they try to complete by Friday. Missions include items commonly found in homes, but are optional just in case students do not have the materials. The pictures are from our first two weeks of remote learning where students explored the concept of surface tension. Mrs. Arulraj is also our 6th grade homeroom teacher! Remote learning for 6th grade is going well. Her students have adjusted to the routine and expectations of distance learning quite well. The lesson is taught via Zoom where students listen and ask questions. Mrs. Arulraj also encourages students to participate in the optional science lab every week. She is currently working on making science lessons more interactive by using a new tool called Nearpod. As their teacher, her goal is to keep the students engaged in their learning using the tools/skills at her disposal. We say mission accomplished! Great work!

Page 10: Saint Joseph Parish 173 Albion Street, Wakefield MA 01880 ...Pope Saint Gregory and the Saint Michael the Archangel Church history is full of stories when prayer proved powerful against

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