Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral

Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral elce A R · January 23, 2013 | 3 Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral is a welcoming community called by God to worship, grow spiritually, promote

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Page 1: Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral elce A R · January 23, 2013 | 3 Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral is a welcoming community called by God to worship, grow spiritually, promote

Welcoming, Serving, & Growing Together

2012 Annual ReportSaint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral

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2012 Annual ReportContents2 - 2012 Meeting Agenda

3 - Cathedral Mission

3 - Vestry Commissions

4 - 2012 Minutes

5 - Senior Warden Letter

6 - Commission Reports

12 - Vestry Nominees

16 - Transition Process

17 - Property Committee

18 - Finance & Stewardship

Annual Meeting AgendaJanuary 27, 2013

Welcome and Introductory Remarks - Bishop Prior

Bishop Caldwell’s Remarks

Approval of the 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes

Sr. Warden’s Remarks - Rich Simons

Presentation of the Nomination Slate - Sandy Penning

Elections - Bishop Prior

• Call for Nominations from the floor

• Call for Close of Nominations and Vote

Financial Report - Rich Maier

Retiring Vestry Member Recognition - Rich Simons

• David Christopherson

• Dick Cisek

• Arlene Goter

• John Nuechterlein

• Sandra Penning

• Rich Maier - Treasurer

Closing Prayer - Bishop Caldwell

Hymn - Ode to Joy

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Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral is a welcoming community called by God to worship, grow spiritually, promote reconciliation, offer passionate hospitality, and serve and lead in the example of Jesus Christ. In the Anglican tradition of scripture, tradition, and reason, we respect and thrive on diverse views, independent thinking, and thoughtful discussion as we love and serve God together.

Our Core AspirationsWe Welcome All who enter Saint Mark’s are valued and welcomed wherever they may be on their faith journey. We invite all to rejoice with us in the diversity and oneness of the Body of Christ.

We Serve Saint Mark’s has a long history of actively serving both the Cathedral community and the community at large. We give back to God in response to all that God has given us. We serve others and each other through God’s abundant blessings of time, talent and treasure.

We GrowScripture and The Book of Common Prayer are the primary sources upon which we build a life of prayer. Opportunities for life-long spiritual growth are found in worship, friendship, Christian education and small group ministries.

We Worship Saint Markans are deeply committed to sacraments, liturgy and music that reflect and express our Episcopal and Anglican tradition. Our worship is at the center of our Christian life together.

We Lead As a cathedral, we desire to nurture relationships within the diocese and further develop our role in diocesan leadership. We reach out to the churches of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota by sharing resources and by inviting Episcopalians from throughout Minnesota to participate in the life of their Cathedral.

We Reconcile Reconciliation always involves God’s justice; attending to the poor, the marginalized and the earth. As Christians, we are called to be peacemakers, reaching out in friendship to all others and working with them to find common ground. From personal discord to global hostilities, we are guided on the journey of reconciliation by prayer and hospitality as inspired by the Rule of Benedict. We seek to share these with others.

Our Mission & VisionCathedral Commissions2012 Vestry

Senior Warden Rich Simons [Communications, Pastoral Care] [email protected]

Junior Warden Sally Cuningham [Property, Stewardship] [email protected]

Treasurer Rich Maier [Human Resources, Finance] 612-377-3148 | [email protected]

Chancellor Dick Nowlin [email protected]

Vestry Members Rachel Babbitt [Outreach, Youth Formation] [email protected]

David Christopherson [Finance, Stewardship] [email protected]

Dick Cisek [Finance, Stewardship, Music] 651-484-3685 | [email protected]

Kate Cravens [Welcoming, Adult Formation] [email protected]

Doug Eichten [Liturgy, Welcoming] [email protected]

Mary Beth Farrell [Welcoming, Adult Formation] [email protected]

Arlene Goter [ Music, Outreach] 651-221-0749 | [email protected]

Bob Johnson [Outreach, Pastoral Care] [email protected]

Warren Maas [Property, Human Resources] [email protected]

Matt Meyers [Communications, Youth Formation] [email protected]

John Nuechterlein [Music, Liturgy] [email protected]

Sandra Penning [Communications, Music] 651-690-3421 | [email protected]

Minnie Steele [Welcoming, Outreach] [email protected]

Tony Winer [Outreach, Adult Formation] [email protected]

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2012 Annual Meeting Minutes

4 | 2012 Annual Report

February 5, 2012 Bishop Brian Prior called the annual meeting to order shortly after 10 A. M. He welcomed everyone and emphasized the phrase, “thy will be done,” from the Lord’s Prayer.

In reviewing the past year, outgoing Sr. Warden Fred Moore made three major points

• Appreciation for the vestry’s work which included many extra meetings

• Dean Spenser Simrill received a severance package which approximated one year’s compensation

• A warning about divisions in the congregation

Georgianna Smith explained the nominating committee’s process. There had been thirty-seven names placed in nomination. Dick Cisek read the slate:

• Sr. Warden Rich Simons• Jr. Warden Sally Cuningham• Treasurer Rich Maier• Chancellor Dick Nowlin (Appointed Position)


• Rachel Babbit• William (Bill) Block Jr., MD• David Christopherson 1 year• Doug Eichten• Bob Johnson• Matt Meyers 2 years• John Nuechterlein 1 year• Minnie Steele

One nomination was made from the floor. Lynette Reini-Grandell was nominated for Sr. Warden.

Paper ballots were distributed. The tellers counted them at the end of the meeting. During the announcements at the 11 a.m. service, Bishop Prior announced that Rich Simons had won the vote for Sr. Warden.

There was a unanimous vote for Episcopal Church in MN Convention delegates. They are incumbents:

• Gary Aamodt• Inez Bergquist• John Beukema• Helen Hansen• Jim Huber• Rich Simons (current alternate)• Susannah Smith• Minnie Steele• Louise Simons (alternate delegate)• Mary Huber (alternate delegate)

Finance Committee chair David Page presented the financial report in treasurer, John Beukema’s absence. The highlights include:

• 2011 ended with a surplus of $78,000 instead of a projected $119,000 deficit. This is largely due to an unexpected $104,000 additional distribution from Cathedral trust funds.

• The Opening Our Doors Capital Campaign pledges continue to come in. We have the resources to meet our current obligations for the completion of the organ project, kitchen update, exterior building repairs. The parking lot upgrade is still pending due to city permitting issues.

• The 2012 budget has been delayed. More than ninety pledging units from last year have not been heard from yet. Each of those individuals and families have been contacted. A new budget will be in place within the next month.

Several retiring Ministry members were recognized:

• Michael Summerfield, Adult Formation

• Don Browne, Lector

• Margie Johnson, Library Committee Chair

• Alfred Moore, Sr. Warden

• Lynette Reini-Grandell, Jr. Warden

• John Beukema, Treasurer

• Catherin Henne, Vestry

• Jane Lund, Vestry

• David Page, Vestry

• Georgianna Smith, Vestry

• Susan Travis, Vestry

After a closing prayer the Annual Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Travis, retiring Clerk

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From the Senior WardenWelcome to 2013! 2012 was a very busy year with nearly every aspect of our community under review. When Sally and I took over leadership last year we brought a strong focus on simply “Doing Church” - music, liturgy, adult formation, youth formation, outreach, and welcoming. The feedback has been very positive; our attendance has grown

throughout the year ending with a huge Christmas season, our pledge campaign had very positive engagement with over 60 new pledges and pledge increases outpacing decreases four to one. As one member commented “things seemed to have settled down and that’s just what we needed.” I agree.

I am pleased to observe that the vestry is performing in a healthy and professional manner. As you will recall we have a new operating model composed of twelve commissions that manage every aspect of Saint Mark’s. These commissions “connect the dots” of our faith community activities and provide for feedback and adjustment. Three commissions update the vestry at each meetings and this peer reporting facilities communication and accountability. Finally the vestry owns and lives with its decisions in creating stable outcomes.

The vestry also appointed a Governance Task Force to review all of our by-laws, rules, procedures, and policies for effectiveness and transparency. It also looks to clarify or confirm the various institutional relationships of the Cathedral, Foundation, Chapter, Vestry, and ECMN. The members of this task force are Joanne Christ, Doug Eichten, Warren Mass, Tony Winer, and Pat Betsinger and all have been very active in working through their list.

While we ended 2012 in a positive financial situation, 2013 looks to be very challenging due to health care increases and a number of full year costs that were only partial in 2012. The Finance Committee, with Brian Crist leading, is focused on closing any budget gaps that exist and developing a multi-year path to a sustainable budget with a reduced draw on our endowment. Owning and managing our financial situation is certainly one of the tasks that must be accomplished prior to calling the next dean.

A number of capital campaign projects were completed this year. Of course the organ refurbishment completed with a resounding opening shortly after Easter. Thanks to Rich Maier for his project management of the kitchen and elevator upgrades. The heating and air conditioning controls upgrades will complete in January and will result in better comfort and cost savings. Work on the lighting and sound system is beginning. Security and computer systems upgrades remain to be worked. The remaining large project is the parking lot. This has been frustratingly slow due to the city requirements on what we can do with our own property as well as the changing neighborhood development which has reduced our options external to our property. We have decided to go ahead with upgrading the parking lot on our property this spring, including the addition of the expanded drop off area. This will not be enough of an increase in parking slots for the long term given the neighborhood construction but needs to be done in any event. We continue to work with ECMN and their property in looking towards joint long term solutions.

People occasionally ask about a Dean’s search. The process in ECMN is to have a Discovery Committee who determines the profile of the dean and then a separate Search Committee that finds a slate of candidates that meet this profile. It is the Chapter (vestry) that makes the final selection. The Chapter has stated that for this process to start our commission structure must be functioning and our governance reviewed and any recommendations put in place. This is best for Saint Mark’s so it attracts the best people from which to select and only fair to candidates so they fully understand the community with which they will engage. I believe we are well down the path of these objectives and hope to start our Discovery process sometime this year.

It has been a busy 2012 and Sally and I thank everyone for the patience, love, and commitment. You have placed a great deal of faith and expectation in the vestry and wardens and I hope that we have all delivered strong outcomes. I often comment that we have 100 things to do and we’re on number 62. We can’t do them all at once but we continue to work on the list week after week. Our faith community has made great strides and we believe that the momentum will continue in 2013.

Richard Simons Sr. Warden

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6 | 2012 Annual Report

Cathedral CommissionsMusic The purpose of this commission is to support the Canon Musician and the clergy in all efforts to ensure a strong, vibrant music program at the Cathedral, and to integrate it with other programs or initiatives as appropriate. As a voice of the congregation, it serves as their primary liaison with the Vestry. We are thankful to Canon Musician Ray Johnston for providing strong leadership in a year many extraordinary events. Highlights include:

• After an 18-month hiatus, the installation of our new, refurbished organ was the most significant event of the year. Featured during the final concert of the 2011/2012 Music Series on Saturday May 19, and dedicated in worship on Sunday, May 20. Music of Handel, Parry and Walton showcased the instrument in grand style.

• Dedicatory recital of new instrument by renowned organist Jeremy Filsell on Sunday, September 30th. 250 people attended.

• Presented the acclaimed St. Thomas Choir from New York City on Thursday, September 27th. 280 Attended.

• Cathedral Choir maintained a full schedule of services and special concerts, including a performance of the Bach Mass in B Minor on March 24th.

• Under the leadership of Harriet McCleary, the Cathedral Choristers began singing with the Cathedral Choir once a month. Feedback from the congregation has been very positive, and growth of a children’s program is considered one of our primary goals.

• The Small Singers, under the leadership of Rebecca Poppke, continue to flourish, and have sung in services four times throughout the year.

• The Cathedral Choral Society performed twice during the year - once during the organ celebration in May and once on November 17th to present the St. Cecilia Mass by Charles Gounod.

Thanks are due to the team of volunteers who play organ at the 8:00 a.m. service; Martin Stachnik, Paul Fedora, Allen Sever, Andrew Maggio, Allan Johnson, and Philip Lowe.

Liturgy Liturgy is at the core of Saint Mark’s. The Liturgy Commission represents the Music Program, Altar Guild, Lectors, Greeters, Cathedral Ushers, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Clergy, Adult and Youth Acolytes and Vergers.

During the year, the Liturgical Commission made the successful transition from three Sunday morning Services to two, coordinated and implemented plans for Easter and Christmas Services, and successfully arranged to present Evensong Services every Sunday, starting in January 2013. Also, the Commission coordinated and assisted in presenting Services for the Episcopal Church in Minnesota, such as confirmations and ordinations.

A Preacher Guild has been formed to permit more individuals to preach during the Services on Sunday morning. To eliminate the “intermission effect” of having Sunday morning announcements during the Service, announcements are now given before the Service starts.

Our groups have worked on crating a greater emphasis on recycling, including addition of blue bins.

Saint Mark’s Ushers and Greeters held their annual joint meeting in October. Everyone felt it was successful.

In addition to all this, the members of the Commission have been working on improving the sound system in the Cathedral Nave. Experts have been consulted. Volume monitors have been installed at the Lectern and in the Pulpit. Speakers are being training in speaking more clearly, louder and more slowly. In the near future, equipment may be installed to assist members and visitors wearing hearing aids. The effectiveness of the audio in the Nave will continually be assessed.

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Cathedral Commissions

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Youth Formation Engaging and exciting opportunities to explore and grow in faith - that’s what the Children and Youth Formation Commission is all about. During 2012, the commission supported Children Minister Mary Lusk and Youth Minister Stacey Olson in putting together great programs for our 2012-2013 program year.

During the fall of 2012:

• Children’s worship during the 10:30 a.m. service allowed kids the opportunity to experience music and stories at an age-appropriate level, and allows for more bonding with this aspect of our community.

• Sunday morning spaces are always buzzing with energy and interesting projects (using wood scraps to build personal nativity scenes); allowing 4-5th graders to use music as a way to bring their group together, and to think about their music in a special worship time. We are using class room spaces this year, instead of refectory, and that has been positive for the children.

• “All About the Bible”, with Bishop Bruce helped kids experience about 25 bible stories in about 25 minutes!

• Jr. High and Sr. high youth groups had lots of attendance!!!

• Christmas Pageant had 80 participants of all ages! New members, long-time attendees as well as friends and grandchildren of members.

• Youth Peer Ministry trainings - allows Saint Mark’s teenagers opportunity to learn mentoring skills for their peers

• October confirmation retreat was in collaboration with Christ Church Grand Rapids and had 12 youth, with 3 peer mentors.

• Fall St. Paul Teens Encounter Christ Retreat (youth criseo program) had 4 St. Mark youth

• Sr. High visited Temple Israel and a Hindu Temple in their study of other religions

In 2013, our ministries are looking forward to: Peer Ministry Training for Sr. High Youth in January, a Jr. High lock in during March, joining in St. Paul Teens Encounter Christ Program in April, and celebrating at multi-generational Family Fun Night in April.

Adult Formation The Adult Formation Commission works to support continued faith exploration and formation for our adult members and guests.

In 2012, the Adult Forum approximately doubled the number of attendees each Sunday. The Commission attributes this to the Sunday morning schedule change as well as the lack of competition from other adult programming.

The next item they’re pleased to announce is that they’ve had assistance from the Property Commission and the Communications Commission. This has led to an inventory, cleaning out obsolete items, and improved storage for equipment in the Auditorium. Filming of Adult Forums has been underway and will soon be available on the Cathedral’s web site and the Adult Education Facebook page.

We would like to add new members to the commission. Anyone who has an interest in spiritual growth, faith formation, or education would be very welcome. The commission meets about four times a year.

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Cathedral CommissionsPastoral Care The Pastoral Care Commission was recently formed to coordinate and provide physical, spiritual, and emotional support to the Saint Mark’s community. Our mission is to discern and respond actively to a wide variety of individual needs in a respectful and compassionate way. We strive to instill Christ’s spirit of unconditional caring throughout the congregation. The ministry of Pastoral Care is an expression of our identity as a Christian community. Through our Baptismal Covenant each of us has gifts of ministry to offer others through such activities as praying, visiting, providing food and comfort, and attending to others in times of illness, transition, grief, or difficulty.

The Pastoral Care Commission is gathering information on all the ways pastoral care is taking place at Saint Mark’s and discerning how we can enhance, develop, and support our gifts for providing care in such ministries as:

• Eucharistic Visitors, who bring Communion to those unable to attend Sunday services.

• Visits to those in hospital or nursing homes in long term care.

• Clergy and Shared Ministry Team on call pastoral support.

• Downtown Churches Grief Coalition.

• Prayer requests and healing services.

• Companions to individuals in discernment during family and career transitions.

• Offerings of Spiritual Direction.

• Prayer Shawl Ministry.

• Special needs of guests attending Monday and Sunday Night Suppers and Warm Space.

In addition to these current ministries, the Pastoral Care Commission is discerning the need for two new ministries in 2013.

The first is Stephen’s Ministry. This is a model for ministry used nationally among all denominations. People from the congregation are given intensive leadership training who then provide extensive training of lay persons to be Stephen’s ministers so that they may form caring relationships with those facing periods of crisis, difficulty, transition, or long term care.

The second ministry is Clearness Committees. This is a model that has been used by the Society of Friends and others to assist individuals seeking clarity in important decisions in their lives through a confidential and nonjudgmental group process.

The Pastoral Care Commission looks forward to providing updates to you on a regular basis during the year as the Holy Spirit inspires our pastoral care efforts. If you have any questions or comments please let us know.

Lowell Johnson (Chair), Canon Richard Norman, Rich Simons, and Bob Johnson

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Cathedral CommissionsCathedral Life The Cathedral Life Commission is involved in ‘Building Community that Nurtures and Strengthens our People’ by providing passionate hospitality and ensuring all who enter our space will be valued and welcomed. We celebrate our diversity, along with our oneness in Christ. Our commission coordinates and plans activities with this mind.

2012 saw the return of the Fall Arts Festival; a multi-day event that included music, an arts festival, community meals and a Sunday service that opened with a bagpipe processional. The many volunteers and coordination of ministries beautifully illustrated the theme of “the Mosaic of God.” We continued with core events as well including Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Easter Brunch and Christmas Eve Potluck Supper.

Additionally, the commission is moving beyond events to begin to touch and support other ministries whose work is part of parish/Cathedral life. This effort will continue into 2013 in an effort to foster a sense of connection in all of our parish life activities; from First Americans First, to Book Club, to Grief Support. We invite others to co-minister with us in many ways including food preparation, event coordination, event planning, serving and communications.

The commission members for the Vestry are Minnie Steele and Mary Farrell and the Committee co-chair is Tom Kane with our staff liaison Mary Lusk. We are deeply grateful to Mary as well as other tireless volunteers including Suwah Tobah, Candi Wallace, Chris and Laura Walters, Louise Simons and Jane Lund.

Welcoming Commission The Commission represents the work of Greeters, Cathedral Ushers, Newcomers Ministry, Sunday Morning Hospitality and Adult Education.

The Newcomer’s Ministry team calls each visitor as soon as possible after their visit. Everyone is impressed with Saint Mark’s and appreciates the call. To accomplish this, greeters gather names and contact information from as many visitors as possible each Sunday morning. The Cathedral Office sends out information to the visitor as soon as possible. Our Newcomer’s Ministry has also helped organize several well-attended Newcomers Lunches at the Cathedral this year.

The new Service program of a Sunday 8:00 a.m. Service and a 10:30 a.m. Service has made it possible for our Sunday Morning Hospitality group to host two Coffee Hours, one after each Service. Team’s have been organized to host these events, provide treats and greet everyone in the Fireplace Room. Also, plans that improved parking during Christmas Services were implemented.

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Cathedral CommissionsOutreach Committee/Commission The Outreach Committee meets 6 times a year, as mandated by the Cathedral constitution. The committee has lacked a clear charter and mission and is working to answer what role they should play in support of various outreach ministries at the cathedral. The Commission members have attended the Outreach Committee’s meetings to gain more knowledge about the various ministries within the Cathedral. The Outreach Committee and Commission members are working to find a working structure and plan to better define the committee/commission roles in outreach ministry support. During 2012, several outreach ministries saw transition and growth, while other ministries continued to serve our neighbors as they have been in past.

Bag Lunches: The Bag Lunch ministry is in a period of transition, given the announcement of the Episcopal Community Services closure at the end of 2012. ECS has funded approximately 2/3 of the sandwich cost but more importantly, distributed

the lunches on a daily basis to anyone who stopped by and asked for one. The remaining third of the funding, from the Cathedral Warm Space budget, provided sandwiches for Warm Space every Thursday. The number of people served has increased yearly, with this year’s total being approximately 550 more than last year as of September. The total for 2011 was 4445 lunches. Options for continuing include moving the distribution point to the Cathedral or Groveland Food Shelf.

Covenant Program/ECS: The ECS operations shutdown in 2012 means the discontinuation of the Covenant program. The social services for that program provided by ECS cannot be replaced by the Cathedral.

Diversity and Faith: First Americans First continues to support First Nations Kitchen on selected Sundays. Diversity in Faith will be participating in plans for an ecumenical event commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Lincoln’s signing of the Emancipation Proclamation.

Groveland Food Shelf: This is a free food distribution program operated out of the basement of Plymouth Congregational Church near downtown Minneapolis. Groveland was established in 1974 by Plymouth, and Saint Mark’s became a full partner in the effort the following year. The Groveland Board now includes representation from a variety of additional downtown churches and organizations, as well as Plymouth and Saint Mark’s. Saint Mark’s currently has two seats assigned to it on the Board. The Food Shelf operates five days per week, for about three hours each day, chiefly during the morning hours. Members of the Saint Mark’s congregation

volunteer regularly at Groveland. Groveland serves substantial numbers of clients each month.

Monday Night Supper: The Monday night meal is distinct that it is for youth and young adults. MNS continues to depend on food from the Trader Joe’s donation, supplemented by Second Harvest.

Sunday Night Supper: SNS is part of the Downtown congregations serving meals on Sunday nights. Saint Mark’s serves on the second Sunday each month and cooks the same meal each time. Since private funding of the program ended in January 2012, Saint Mark’s will have to provide for its funding in the yearly budget.

Neighborhood Involvement Program (NIP): This is a multi-functional community services operation that is located in a former residential property on Hennepin Avenue South near 24th Street (across the street from Kowalski’s supermarket). Saint Mark’s, along with other community organizations, founded the NIP in 1968. At that point, it was chiefly a used-clothing service for those in need. NIP no longer operates a used-clothing program. Its current operations include a medical clinic, a dental clinic, a sexual-violence and sexual-abuse recovery center and a mental health center. The program also arranges for ‘chore work’ to be done for seniors, such as lawn-mowing and snow-shoveling. In addition, there are youth programs operated at various in-school locations, particularly in North Minneapolis. In the community, the NIP is sometimes known as the Uptown Clinic. Various members of the Saint Mark’s congregation are on the paid staff, regularly volunteer professional services, and serve on the Board of Directors.

Sheltering Arms Foundation: The relationship between Saint Mark’s and the Foundation is through grants and advocacy. There is no formal relationship and the Commission will need to consider how we want to proceed.

Next Steps for Outreach Commission:• Assess Saint Mark’s role in connection to our ECS

programs. ECS is shifting away from direct service programming, so we as an outreach commission will need to see how that impacts programming.

• Funding for outreach shows a significant gap in our budget. Donations and volunteers coordinate most programs, which poses challenges to consistency and coordination/burnout.

• Need to find a way to gather statistics on our outreach programs.

• Need to define the Outreach Council.

Outreach Commission Members: Arlene Goter, Tony Winer, Minnie Steele, and Rachel Babbitt

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Cathedral CommissionsHuman Resources Saint Mark’s Cathedral has had a Human Resources (HR)Committee for years. This committee primarily advised Senior Clergy and Administrative Leadership on HR issues. With the development of the commission process, the Human Resources Committee was expanded to include Executive Committee members and changed its name to the Human Resources Commission.

Current members are: • Bob Johnson (Chair), a Major Gift Fund-raiser and

former Roman Catholic Priest• Warren Maas, Executive Director - Project Pathfinder, Inc.• Susan Melrose, Human Resources - Thrivent Financial• Rich Maier, Human Resources Consultant• Katy Donofrio, Graduate Student, Human Resources &

Industrial Relations - U of M.

In 2012, the Human Resources Commission assisted Cathedral staff in the hiring process of two new employees, partially completed a compensation analysis of Cathedral salaries and began a process that will lead to a recommendation to the Executive Committee on a strategic philosophy dealing with all benefits.

Additional tasks to be considered are: handbook, conflict resolution, staffing levels, job descriptions, evaluation process, non-stipendiary individuals’ needs (continuing education, leave), set HR policy, exit interviews, and church safety issues (safe church). However, the impact of the change in health care plans has taken priority and the Commission will be spending considerable time in 2013 on this subject.

Communications The Communications Commission works to support communication of our Cathedral mission and ministries and to promote Saint Mark’s to surrounding community. Commission members meet every month to review upcoming communications and promotional opportunities, look at ways to improve coordination with ministries, and assess improvements to our messages.

Over 2012, the commission has looked a several plans for improving our communications: developed a communications schedule calendar to make it easier for ministries to coordinate submissions with communications, improved cathedral web site through new platform and updated design, increased promotion to broader community, and began piloting of video offerings for sermons, adult forums, and cathedral events.

In addition to these projects, the commission has plans in the works including the creation of online giving gateway, ‘green’ electronic parish mailing option, new resident mailings, and expanded promotion centered on key events.

Commission Members: Rich Simons, Sandra Penning, Matt Meyer, and Kim Mallon Dussault

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Vestry Nominees

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Rich Simons (Senior Warden) Rich and his wife, Louise, have been involved at Saint Mark’s for 17 years. During their time here, they have watched their children grow up in our faith community. They have a history of service including youth programs, mission trips, and in various leadership roles. Rich’s career as Director of the residential boiler business at Honeywell, and his experience in engineering, has been amply used in the service of Saint Mark’s through his work with the property committee. He also brings experience in business, marketing, and finance to his roles at our Cathedral. With his return to the Vestry, Rich brings a wealth of knowledge of the cathedral, and our community to our leadership.

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Rich’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s and the Episcopal Church in Minnesota has included: Senior Warden in 2012, Property Committee, the Dickens’ Dinner, Stewardship Committee, ECMN Real Estate Committee, ECMN Trustees, and Saint Mark’s Executive Committee (Vestry).

Sally Cuningham (Junior Warden) Sally has been a member since 1966 and has a long history of leadership and participation at many levels at Saint Mark’s and brings a co-operative leadership style, listening and discernment skills. She is concerned about the reconciliation process and the plans taking Saint Mark’s into the future.

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Sally’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s and the Episcopal Church in Minnesota has included: Junior Warden in 2012, served as a representative to Region 8, a representative to Diocesan Convention, a 2-term on the Vestry member, Co-Chair of an Arts Festival, Co-Chair of the Bishop Search Committee for Bishop Hampton, Lay Pastoral Associate, an E.F.M., Sunday School Teacher, and a Youth Leader. Currently Sally coordinates Warm Space volunteers, and is a Prayer Group member.

Paul Schelin (Co-Treasurer) “I was a long time employee of Control Data Corporation, (remember them), and, lately, Verizon. My responsibilities with these companies included managing a group of engineers, Product Management, (involving life cycle cost analysis), and negotiating Business Agreements. I mention these duties because they required more than a little knowledge of financial matters which I understand would be a significant advantage for a Treasurer. I have been a member of Saint Mark’s, with my wife Linda, since 1991. In fact, since Linda has been much more active than I over the years, I’m sure most of Saint Mark’s members know her more than I. Most importantly, I want you to know that I have great affection for Saint Mark’s and would be honored, if elected, to service as Treasurer.”

Dennis Christian (Co-Treasurer)

Forest (Dick) Nowlin (Chancellor) Dick, a life long Saint Markan, started in service to the cathedral as an acolyte, and continued his service as a volunteer for our Sunday School and as a Vestry member. Growing up, getting married, and raising a family, Dick has been a mainstay at the cathedral. In his role as leader, he brings over 40 years of legal experience, as well as his skills in teaching, social work, case management, collaboration, and program development. He is looking forward to continuing his service to the cathedral as Vestry Chancellor.

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Dick’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s has included: Chancellor in 2012, Sunday School Teacher, Vestry member.

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Vestry Nominees

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Katherine Aby “I allowed my name to be brought forward when affirmed as a believer with a fresh and forthright perspective on many topics.” Katherine has been a member of the Episcopal church for sixty-five years. Her spirituality developed in twelve step programs and a church retreat called Cursillo. She has explored and worshiped in many venues: the BWCA, the Roman Catholic Church, yoga, and retreat settings. In fact, she was once amazingly silent for a thirty-day retreat. As an outgoing attendee of 8 and 9 o’clock Sunday services, she is an unabashed talent spotter and problem solver. Katherine is unafraid of decision-making and brings her needs to prayer. She knows most of the staff by name. While finance is not a talent, Katherine knows how to make a budget reflect priorities. She cannot hold a musical tune but loves to sing.

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Katherine’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s has included: a lay reader, housekeeper in areas of the altar guild, organizer of supplies, retreat leader, writer of meditations, grounds worker, property committee member, children’s choir member, prayer group member, and teacher of children on Sundays.

Linda Brandt Saint Mark’s has been the spiritual home for Linda’s family for thirty years. Linda’s primary interest in serving on the vestry is to utilize the communication and listening skills garnered in her career as a public health nurse. As the founder and Executive Director of the Rural AIDS Action Network, she managed a staff of twelve with 3,000 volunteers around the state with funding from a combination of federal, state, and foundation grants. “I have retired and find that I have the time now to give back to the community of Saint Mark’s that has sustained me through times of losses and ill health. I will be open, honest, and enthusiastic as we discern our future.”

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Linda’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s has included: singer in the alto section of the Cathedral Choir and member of the founding committee that formed Warm Space.

Brian Crist “It is my fervent hope and prayer that I can use the gifts that I have been given coupled with my experience and knowledge of St. Mark’s, all the while keeping my weaknesses at bay, to assist in building up and growing Saint Mark’s to be a life affirming, open, vibrant and healthy place of worship and Gospel service for all who enter our doors. Ultimately, serving is about the Glory of God and not about any one individual or group of individuals or narrow interest. I want to be self-aware enough to know that by my words, actions and example I am always advancing the good news of God in Christ in the overall mission of St. Mark’s.”

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Brian’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s and Episcopal Church ministries has included: governance (Vestry, delegate to ECMN Convention, Wells Board secretary and treasurer, ECS Board secretary, Finance Committee chair, Advisory Council, Outreach Council, HR task force), liturgical (Eucharistic Minister, Acolyte, Greeter), and Outreach (volunteer for SNS, Music Series events, Covenant).

George Ewing Prior to returning to Minneapolis 2 ½ years ago, George was a member of St. John’s in Canandaigua, NY where he served as an usher, lay reader and member of the minister search committee. From 1985-1988, while teaching at the Breck School, he was a Saint Mark’s member (his oldest son was baptized here). “This is an interesting and exciting period of transition for Saint Mark’s as it reviews and evaluates its past and present in order to best define the Cathedral’s mission going forward, and I’m excited at the possibility of being selected to serve on the Vestry. My background has involved work in many areas including Human Resources, Finance and Communication as a newspaper publisher for 19 years and either President or member of several small to very large non-profit boards. These experiences have taught me the value of teamwork, focusing on the tasks at hand and recognizing both the large and small picture of challenges.”

Saint Mark’s Ministries: George’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s has included: for the past 1 ½ years George has worked with the both the senior and junior High School Youth Groups as well as a couple of Sunday Night Suppers.

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Vestry Nominees

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Betsy Hsiao Betty has been an active member of Saint Mark’s for most of her life -- since 1961. She is a co-owner of an international web-based business, using her communication, marketing, innovational and technical skills to create the business from scratch and keep it growing for the last 12 years. “I have a deep appreciation of Saint Mark’s and would be honored to use my skills and background serving as a Vestry Member.”

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Betsy’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s has included: member of the Altar Guild for 10 years, served on the Stewardship Committee and as a Sunday School teacher. Betsy has helped serve the needs of Saint Mark’s through various ministries and outreach activities such as Sunday Night Suppers, Christmas Senior Luncheons, pageant props and Women’s Guild.

James Huber Jim has been an active member of Saint Mark’s for many years. Professionally Jim has retired from the State of Minnesota as a senior leader in the Department of Human Services. In addition to Jim’s experience in stewardship and Episcopal Church governance, Jim’s experience in social service management makes him very desirable in providing leadership to the various outreach programs and the Outreach Commission.

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Jim’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s and the Episcopal Church in Minnesota has included: participation in several stewardship drives, Lay Eucharistic Ministry, and as a delegate to the annual convention. He has also been active with ECMN as an employee and a delegate to the national convention.

Susan Lynx About 8 years ago, Susan and her husband Bill found their church home at Saint Mark’s. “This has been a tremendous blessing to us - intellectually, culturally, and most importantly, in terms of the grace and challenges of being part of an ongoing spiritual fellowship. Vestry service is an opportunity for me to preserve and nurture our Saint Mark’s community using skills developed over a lifetime of experience as a registered nurse, union leader and personnel manager. Written and oral communication, committee teamwork, policy development and program administration are some of the skills that I offer. I imagine that there will be a lot for me to learn in order to participate meaningfully. Most of all I expect to be called on to be a sensitive and respectful participant in Vestry discussions, guided by prayer. ”

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Susan’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s has included: Susan’s main focus has been the LGBTQ Ministry (7 years and current) - a variety of roles including co-chair of the ministry, Pride and National Coming Out Day planning and implementation, and provider of the reception after the Sunday afternoon service on Pride weekend. Additional ministries include Acolyte and Chalice Bearer for Wednesday 7 AM Eucharist (1 year and current), Lay Eucharistic Visitor (current) and Meals On Wheels driver

Brian Myers Since relocating to the Twin Cities area two years ago Brian, his wife Kathy and daughter Kelsey (18) have regularly attended and been active in ministry at Saint Mark’s. While in Indianapolis, Brian and his family attended Trinity and Church of the Nativity where Brian served on the Vestry and as Junior and Senior Wardens. During his term on the Vestry Brian took part in a search to replace the interim rector and later the music director. Brian also led Junior and Senior Christian Ed classes for nine years. As a twenty-year business manager with 3M, Brian combines a good financial background with a passion for Christian Education and Community Service.

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Brian’s ministry involvement in his 2 years at Saint Mark’s has included: leadership of the Junior High Christian Education class and active in Saint Mark’s Habitat for Humanity group. His wife Kathy sings in the choir, and daughter Kelsey was recently confirmed at Saint Mark’s.

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Vestry Nominees

January 23, 2013 | 15

Sarah Nowlin Sarah has many years of active involvement at St. Mark’s. Her background is Elementary Education having taught for the Department of Defense overseas for 30 years. “I feel that by being on the Vestry I can help our faith community provide opportunities to share our gifts with each other and the wider world through outreach.”

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Sarah’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s and the Episcopal Church in Minnesota has included: much of Sarah’s volunteer time is spent in the Cathedral Book Shop where she connects and assists members and visitors with questions and purchases. She is also involved with Meals on Wheels weekly and volunteers in various other programs throughout the Cathedral as the need arises. Sarah also represents the Cathedral on the Episcopal Church Home Board as Chairman and as a Trustee on the Episcopal Homes Board.

John Nuechterlein John has been an active member of Saint Mark’s since 1998. John is President and CEO of the American Composers Forum based in St. Paul, and also serves on the board of the Minnesota Citizens for the Arts. He has degrees in organ and voice from Valparaiso University (Valparaiso, Indiana) and an MBA degree from the Kellogg School of Business at Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois).

Saint Mark’s Ministries: John’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s has included: singer in the Cathedral Choir since joining the Cathedral, and chair of the Friends of Saint Mark’s Music Series since 2003. He served on the Vestry in 2012 to complete a one-year vacancy, and served on both the Music as well as Liturgical commissions. He also served on the Organ Committee during the 2010 capital campaign. In 2007/2008 John co-chaired the 150th Anniversary Celebration Committee and the Sesquicentennial Oral History Project.

Tom Specht Tom first attended Evensong at St. Mark’s in September of 1971 at the suggestion of his music professor from UWRF where he was a student and was so impressed he kept coming back regularly. When he moved to Minneapolis in 1985, Tom was received by Bishop Anderson. Tom attends the Rite 1 service on Sundays and Rite 2 on Wednesdays. “I have a broad exposure to liturgy and music and I have been a psych nurse so understand communications and human resource issues.”

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Tom’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s has included: the All Souls Choir, the Altar Guild, head of the Monday night supper in the early 90’s, on the property committee in the mid 90’s. During the 2000’s, Tom has led Prayers of the People or read lessons at the early service on Sundays and been a chalice bearer on Sundays and Wednesday. Recently Tom has led Morning Prayer on Wednesday mornings, participated in ECAD the past two summers and will be assisting in Sunday school in February.

Sean Viehl Sean was raised in several Lutheran churches, where his church activities were music related: choir, accompanying choir on piano, and organ. He also served in Youth Group and attended and facilitated youth Bible Studies. He was Received into the Episcopal Church in 2000 at Church of the Holy Trinity, Lincoln, NE. Sean returned to the Cathedral in summer of 2011. “In my work in twenty years in hospitality and hotels I have trained staff, created systems of service, and created inventory control systems. In my human services experience, specifically in the field of developmental disabilities, I have provided direct care in addition to opening and managing a residential group home. I am running to offer my gifts of energy and my experience first to the service of our Lord Christ, and to the greater community of the Cathedral and my home parish.”

Saint Mark’s Ministries: Sean’s ministry involvement at Saint Mark’s has included: co-leader of Wednesday morning Bible Study, Eucharistic Visitor and Eucharistic Minister, lector, and Altar Guild. He also serves on the Adult Education Commission and develops Sunday morning Forums.

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Transition Process

16 | 2012 Annual Report




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Property Committee

January 23, 2013 | 17

The mission of the Property Committee of Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral is to Advise the Executive Committee and Clergy of the Cathedral on the best possible stewardship of the Cathedral and the 425 House, including planning for the maintenance, timely repair, prudent improvements of the buildings and grounds, and evaluating gifts and acquisitions.

This year has been a busy year for the Property Committee. Below are some of the projects that were completed in 2012 (or are pending):

• Holy Grounds/Warm Space - $1,200 (Capital Campaign Funds) Improving the kitchenette and putting down new carpeting.

• Youth Room Technology Package - $1500 from the Bishop’s Office - $500 from the Property Committee for additional funds if needed. $307.64 was reimbursed for painting the Youth Room.

• Vent cover and cap design to keep pigeons from nesting - $1200: MacDonald & Mack doing the design work.• MSI - up to $2,000: Remove HVA obstruction.• L&D Maintenance - $38,000 (Capital Campaign Funds): Kitchen repairs, improvements, & ventilation*.• Elevator Upgrade* - $77,253 (Capital Campaign Funds)• Cathedral Grounds/Flowers - $500: Plantings in Courtyard and general grounds improvements• Parlor furniture - $3,357 (Anonymous gift ): Recover and repair sofa and 2 chairs.• Chapter House - $900: Paint & repair walls and ceilings damaged by water.• Cathedral Doors - $840: Repair and restain 7 exterior doors.• Education Wing/Child Garden* - $4,285: Repair counter tops and other items to comply with the MN Department of

Human Resources request.• Roof Repair - $3,500• Side Stairs to the Cathedral Repair - $420: Clean existing gap and pack mortar in the top step of the side stairs leading to

Cathedral main entrance.• Small Dining Room Table - $1,600 ($1,000 from a gift given by Barbara Sills): Repair and restain table.• Sideboards - $1300: Repair and restain Sideboards in the Parlor, Fireplace Room, and Small Dining Room.• Chapter House - $1,294.14: New venetian blinds for windows (installation not included)• HVAC System - $32,975 (pending): Accepted the Metropolitan Mechanical bid to redo the HVAC System.

*Inspection regulations compliance.

In addition: The Property Committee Schedules Cathedral Cleanup Days, and a Cathedral Walk Through. Eight Directional Location signs have been placed around the Cathedral in 2012. The Property Committee is in the process of replacing the chairs in the Small Dining Room.

I would like to thank all the members of the Property Committee for their hard work in keeping the Cathedral an inviting place – Prentice Beadell, Dan Erie, Gary Gliem, Brian Golberg, Marilyn Hanneman, Michael Hobbs, Doug Potter, Terry Schlink, and Don Willeke. Pat Betsinger, Cathedral Administrator, has been a real support and help to the Property Committee for which we are most grateful. I would like to acknowledge the Sextons who have done a great job keeping the Cathedral clean and in good shape. The

Property Committee appreciates the hard work of all the staff.

Mary Pagnucco Chair

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Finance & StewardshipFinance Commission In 2012, Executive Committee members Matt Meyer and David Christopherson met several times with Finance Committee Chair Brian Crist and others on the Finance Committee. Besides the committee’s ongoing duties that involve operational budgeting and control, members are reviewing and refining its policies related to:

• the use of temporary restricted-account funds;• withdrawals from Saint Mark’s Foundation; and• dollar limits for discretionary budget-variance requests.

Three separate working-groups of the Finance Commission have been established to address other issues.

A) Development

• Stewardship (Sally Cuningham, Chair)• Generations/Planned Giving (Inez Bergquist & Kate

Oganovic, Co-Chairs)• Special Events (Chair to be filled)

B) Audit & Control (Matt Meyer & David Christopherson)

• Credit card scanning feasibility & audit-control study• Documentation of all risk-management and financial

policies and controls

C) Communications (Rich Maier & Larry Swandby)

• Scheduling• Clarity, transparency, and formatting• Coordination with the Communications Commission

Noteworthy accomplishments in 2012:

A) Took a new approach to stewardship in our “Gathering God’s Resources for Ministry” campaign and Consecration Sunday.

B) Generations last year welcomed 11 new members, who pledged to include Saint Mark’s in their estate plans. The lives of Harry Tashjian and Jane Wilson were remembered and honored during a September brunch at the Walker Arts Center.

C) Oversaw funds from our Opening Our Doors capital campaign: supporting the continuing restoration of our cathedral spaces.

Besides our wardens, the Finance Committee members who served last year were Chair Brian Crist, Treasurer Rich Maier, Secretary John Beukema, Cindy Lennie, David Page, Larry Swandby, Louise Simons, and Dick Cisek. No work would have been possible without the extraordinary efforts of Canon Administrator Pat Betsinger.

Generations Planned Giving Generations is a group of people who have decided to ensure that Saint Mark’s will always be here to provide a spiritual home for those who come after us. They are committed to supporting the mission of this church by including Saint Mark’s in their estate plan.

It is our belief that thoughtful and prayerful consideration should be made for the distribution of our material possessions so that we can provide for both our loved ones and for the church that has nourished us during our time on this earth.

Including Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in your estate plan is a way to make a significant statement of your values to your family and friends. Through careful planning we can ensure that future Saint Markans will experience and share that which we have found so valuable in our lives.

All gifts - both small and large - are important to future Saint Markans and guarantee that they will be able to worship, serve and carry out our mission as people of faith.

Summary of 2012

• 2 new Directors, Inez Bergquist and Kathleen Oganovic

• 11 new members

• Wrote 4 articles for the Outlook highlighting members’ faith journeys and why they have become members of Generations – John Richter, Alice and Harry Tashijian, Betty Hauge, Steve and Ginny Meulhberg.

• Provided an annual reception for current members and those interested in joining. At the reception we honored members who included Saint Mark’s in their estate plans with special thanks to Harry Tashijian and Jane Wilson.

• Directors joined the Minnesota Planned Giving Council.

• Inez Bergquist and planned giving directors from Hennepin Methodist and Westminster Presbyterian lead a seminar on planned giving at churches during the MN Planned Giving Council conference.

• Gifts were made to Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral and the Foundation of over $60,000,

Cathedral Foundation The Cathedral’s Foundation is a 501(c) 3 organization and is governed by five directors elected annually by the Cathedral Chapter. It oversees the investments and stewardship of monies that have been gifted to the Cathedral’s Endowment. The annual distribution to the Cathedral is equal to 5.5% of the average market value of the Foundation’s net assets during the 12 calendar quarters prior to the year of distribution. The value of the endowment 12/31/2012 $5,121,198 (approximately). For information on the Endowments growth and payments in 2012, please contact Barbara Bencini at 952-232-4216.

18 | 2012 Annual Report

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Congregational StewardshipThis year for stewardship we tried a different approach to our giving based on the program New Consecration Sunday (probably underlined) by Herb Miller. It is a program embraced with great success by many different denominations. Some might say it is a risky thing to try something new during a time of transition when pledges typically drop off, but perhaps there is not a better time.

The congregation was informed of the new intention through a series of letters of invitation sent to their homes and in the wrapper and on our web site. Signs appeared announcing “It’s Coming November 11th.”

The committee invited Jonathan Morgan who is not a member of our congregation to be our leader. Members of the committee each took on different tasks. Some gave inspirational talks during the services telling the reasons for their faith commitment to Saint Mark’s and inviting us all to make reservations for the celebratory brunch. Others planned the fine meals which provided such wonderful opportunities for community.

Throughout the month we were encouraged to think about our giving from a spiritual perspective, what we are giving back to God, and to consider giving from our “ first fruits”.

Nearly 350 members of all ages attended the festive celebration and we received half of our commitments that day during the two services.

To date we have 345 pledges totaling $773,799. Of our pledges, 41 reduced their pledge, 108 stayed the same, 129 increased their pledge, and 67 made new pledges. I am thankful for all of you and for your ongoing commitment to Saint Mark’s.

I am grateful to the committee for their work: Bishop Bruce Caldwell, Pat Betsinger, Kate Cravens, Jim Huber, Patti Jurkovich, David Page, Linda Schelin - and the vestry, Cathedral leaders, office staff and custodians!

Gratefully, Sally Cuningham Jr. Warden

The Wells Foundation For about 130 years, the Wells Foundation and its precursor programs at Saint Mark’s Cathedral have supported an outreach mission to the local community. Wells continued to serve the community in 2012 through grant support of Episcopal Community Services. The Wells Annual Report can be found at www.wellsfound.org.

January 23, 2013 | 19

Treasurer’s Report - 2012 As of this writing, the Cathedral’s financial results are not yet final. However, it can be reported that the Cathedral will end the 2012 Fiscal Year with a surplus of approximately $23,000. This is favorable in comparison to the expected deficit envisioned by the budget of $25,661.

Primary reasons that explain these results:

• Non Pledge Income ended over budget by just over $10,000.

• Trust Income was budgeted low because the receipts were unpredictable prior to 2012 due to some tax law changes. We are now comfortable in our ability to predict this category and the 2013 budget will reflect this confidence. In 2012 the Cathedral received $55,727 more than budgeted in this category.

• Rental Income was significantly above budget by over $50,000 primarily because the Cathedral charged parking for the various contractors working on the two nearby construction projects. Those projects are approaching their completion and already the Cathedral’s parking lot has many more openings on weekdays, unfortunately resulting in less income.

• Expense Control in the areas of Administration, Building and Ministries resulted in an approximate savings of $83,000 compared to the budget. The primary drivers of these savings were less staff compensation (due to open positions) and less cost as a result of last winter’s warmer than normal temperatures.

• Book Shop Profit was a significant contributor to the Cathedral’s excellent results. The volunteer group that manages this ministry led by Susan Travis deserve a great deal of credit and appreciation for contributing just over $20,000 in profit for the Cathedral.

It has been the Cathedral’s practice to have a full scope audit completed every other year and a review performed in the middle years. Ryan Terry, Ltd performed a review audit of the 2011 full year results for the Cathedral, the Foundation of Saint Mark’s Cathedral and the Wells Memorial. The auditors continue to report no unexpected variances from proper accounting principles. A recommendation has been made to the Executive Committee to perform a full scope audit close to the end of its transition period. This would allow a new administration to have confidence in the financial activities prior to their tenure.

As a result of the positive 2012 financial results, the Cathedral enjoys a healthy reserve of over $165,000. Several years of such surpluses have contributed to this balance throughout the economic turmoil of the past five years.

I have enjoyed performing the duties assigned me at the last Annual Meeting. I wish to thank Canon Administrator Pat Betsinger and her staff for their wonderful support and patience.

Respectfully submitted,

Rich Maier Treasurer

Finance & Stewardship

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Cathedral Ministry Team

The Right Rev. Brian N. Prior, Bishop of Minnesota

The Right Rev. Bruce Caldwell, Transitional Spiritual Leader

The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman, Jr., Cathedral Canon

The Rev. Dr. Mildred L. Cox, Assistant Priest

The Rev. Pat Markie, Deacon

Raymond Johnston, Canon Musician

Mary Lusk, Children’s Minister and Director of Lay Ministries & Membership

Stacey Olson, Youth Minister

Patricia Betsinger, Canon Administrator

Kim Dussault, Director of Communications

Amanda Seifert, Administrative Assistant

Laura Hagen, Sexton

Charley Harris, Canon Sexton

Benny Henderson, Sexton

Cirilo Hernandez, Sexton

Wilbert Taylor, Sexton

Nursery Team

Lindsey Mattila, Lead Nursery Attendant

Melody Herbst Michael Quednau

Skye Hustad Tom Brandt

Shared Ministry Team

Terry Erickson The Rev. Roger L. Franzen

Helen Hansen The Rev. Siri Hauge Hustad

Lowell Johnson

Cathedral Executive Committee

Full Listing of Members from 2012 - Page 3

Executive Committee Advisory Council

Rich Simons, Senior Warden

Sally Cuningham, Junior Warden

Rich Maier, Treasurer

Brian Crist, Finance Committee Chair

Mary Beth Farrell, Ad Hoc Executive Committee Member

Pat Betsinger, Canon Administrator

Bishop Bruce Caldwell, Transitional Spiritual Leader


Inez Bergquist, Chair

Ministry Leaders of

Saint Mark’s