Salamis - Birthplace of Freedom and Democracy

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Our island Salamina (land of the Homeric king named Ajax and the tragic poet Evripidis) is the nearest to Piraeus island (4

miles), with continuous (24/7) ferry connection to Perama (only 3 miles away from the main harbor of Piraeus). Salamina is

one of the most well-known historical places in the greater Athens area (the historic Salamina battle, in 480 BC).

Recently, our Municipality has developed a strategic business plan to promote tourism on our island, with specific focus on

History, Religion and Culture.

It will be our pleasure to inform you about this plan in person and to present you the specific details about the docking and

anchoring of your company’s cruise ships in the (very safe) harbor of Salamina, any time at your convenience.

Please allow me to mention some of the many benefits you ‘ll have:

•You will pay much less than what is required to pay in the harbor of Piraeus.

•The harbor of Salamina is geographically extremely safe. This is also indicated from its name: Koulouri (the island’s capital)

which is translated to“circle” in English, meaning that this harbor is actually a “circle” providing physical protection for the

ships (attached a photo of the area).

•Salaminians (traditional fishermen and sea businessmen) will gladly offer help and support to any of your cruise ships’

needs. Your Clients will have alternative opportunities to visit such as: Many historical places (where the Salamis Battle took place in 480BC,the Ancient city of Salamis , the famous

Tumulus of Salamina Fighters , the famous poet Evripidis’s cave (discovered in 1994 by the Salaminian archeologist

Prof. Lolos), the great fighter’s Karaiskakis’ grave (1821) etc.).

The historical Folks and Arts museum of Salamis, the modern Evripidion theatre etc.

The famous (female) monastery of Panagia Faneromeni (11th century), the church St. Nicolaos “Lemonia” (17th

century) etc.

The house of the famous Greek poet Aggelos Sikelianos (1884-1951).

A nice walk in the sea-side of Koulouri (Salamina’s capital), Eantion and Selinia village having a coffee or lunch just

at the seaside, in the many cafeterias and traditional taverns.

They can have organized tours to Athens (Acropolis, Historical Museum, Sounion etc.) with busses from the Salamina

coast (it will only take 1 hour to the Acropolis and approx. 2 hours to Sounion).

It will be a great pleasure to meet you and discuss all the details of this proposal Mr Christos Maridakis –Executive Advisor

of the Mayor (Culture and Tourism – Tel 210 4672 279 ,697 9653 105) and Mr Kyriakos Maridakis - Advisor of the Mayor

(Tourism and Culture development ) (responsible for this project), will be at your disposal at any time and for any question

and/or clarification you may have.

Kyriakos Maridakis – Hotel Director mob. (0030) 697 466 1062 Email : [email protected]

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Mayor of Salamis Mr. Giannis Tsavaris welcomes you to the historic island of the Homeric king Ajax, the tragic poet Evripidis and the birthplace of Freedom

and Democracy from the Hellenic epic win of the Battle of Salamis.

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The 23 stars symbolize the 23 Greek city-states participated for the first time as united state in the battle of Salamis (Athens, Corinthos, Aigina, Megara, Sparti,Sikyon, Epidaurus, Amvrakia, Eretria, Trizina, Naxos, Hermionis, Lefkas, Ceos, Styra, Kythnos, Croton, Chalkis ,Tinos, Limnos, Milos, Sifnos and Serifos) From the left the legendary King AIAS OR AJAX at Salamis where he honored as a local hero and there were temples and statues of ebony as well as in Athens. On the right we have KICHREA the first mythical king of Salamis, in the middle the Queen Salamina where our historic island got its name, under the Trireme from the epic victory of the Battle of Salamis and on the find in vine leave as a hallmark of the former historic Town hall of Ambelakia-Ancient Salamis.

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Salamis is the birthplace of the Homeric hero, Ajax, the great tragedian Euripides, and the creative venue of our national poet, Angelos Sikielianos. Additionally, Salamina was the beloved place of hospitality and refuge of Georgios Karaiskakis, a national hero of the Greek War of Independence. Salamina is renown throughout the world as the site of the greatest naval engagement in world history, which took place in the straits between the island and the mainland in 480 B.C. There, the Greek victory over Persian despotism assured the salvation, flourishing and expansion of Greek civilization to the

West, and to the of the world.

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History of Salamis Island According to myth, the island was named ‘’Salamina’’ by the legendary King Kychreas as a tribute to his mother, Salamina, Aegina’s sister, and one of the 50 daughters of the River God Assopos. In ancient times, Salamina was also known as ‘’Pityoussa’’ (Pine tree smothered), also as ‘’Skyras’’ (after the legendary ancient hero Skyros) and ‘’Kychreia’’ (after King Kychreas). Moreover, even in ancient times, the island was also known as ‘’Koulouri’ after Cape Kolouris (now known as ‘’Pounta’’) at which an ancient settlement and port were built in the 4th century B.C.

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Mythology - Ancient History The river God Assopos ruled the island after killing its first king, Ofis. The Sea God, Posedon, fell in love with Assopos’ daughter, Salamina, and the fruit of their union was Kychreas, who was half man and half snake and who became ruler of the island. Kychreas produced a daughter named Glaffki (the blue Eyed) who married Telamon, son of the King of Aegina, Aeakos. Upon succeeding Kychreas, Telamon fathered two sons: Ajax (through Perivoia, who was the daughter of Alkathos, the King of Megara) and Teucros (through his marriage to Issioni). The two brothers participated in the Trojan War with 12 ships. Ajax was then ruler of the island and was described as one of the bravest Greeks. His end, however, was tragic. He committed suicide upon his defeat by Odysseus for the prize of Achille’s weapons and armor in the funeral games organized to commemorate the Achille’s death. At war’s and, Teukros returned to the island in the company of Eurissakis, Ajax’s son by Tekmissa. Once there, Teucros was confronted with the anger of his father, Telamon, for failing to avenge the death of his brother. As a result, Teucros abandoned the island, proceeded to Cyprus and founded a city that he named ‘’Salamina’’. Eurissakis, in the meantime, ruled the island and fathered a son, Filaeus, who, in turn, acquired Athenian citizenship and gave the island of Salamina to Athens. For several centuries, however, Salamina was the ‘’Apple of Discord’’ between Athens and Megara. For a time, Salamina fell under the hegemony of Megara. It was only after intervention of Solon did Athenian rule over Salamina become final. During the Persian Wars, the people of Salamina provided invaluable assistance to Athens against the invaders, most notably during the epic sea battle which took place in 480 B.C. In an incredible confluence of history, the tree great tragedian of Greece ‘’met’’ during the battle. Aeschylus, the eldest of the three, fought in it. Sophocles, then a teenager, participated in the victory celebration. Finally, perhaps the greatest tragic playwright of the three, Euripides, was born on the island on the day of the battle. Recent excavations, which began in 1994 by archaeologist Dr. Yannos Lolos, have brought valuable findings to light. One example is the discovery of the cave of Euripides where, according to historical sources, he wrote his immortal works. On the footpath leading to the cave, the ruins of the Temple of Dionysous were discovered. Additionally, even more recent excavations in the southern part of the island, in the area now known as ‘’Kanakia’’ have yielded the ruins of the Homeric-era settlement. In its later history, Salamina suffered numerous invasions, such as those of the Macedonias and Peloponnesians. In between the ebb and flow of war and peace and, especially during the period between 350 B.C. and 318 B.C.,the island was able to mint its own

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Ajax or Aias

Ajax is the son of Telamon, who was the son of Aeacus and grandson of Zeus, and his first wife Periboea. He is the cousin of Achilles, the most remembered Greek warrior, and elder half-brother of Teucer. In Homer's Iliad he is described as of great stature and colossal frame, the tallest and strongest of all the Achaeans, but for his cousin Achilles in skill-at-arms, and Diomedes to whom he lost a sparring competition as well as the 'bulwark of the Achaeans'. He was trained by the centaur Chiron (who had also trained his father, Telamon, and Achilles' father Peleus), at the same time as Achilles. Apart from Achilles, Ajax is the most valuable warrior in Agamemnon's army (along with Diomedes), though he is not as cunning as Nestor, Diomedes, Idomeneus, or Odysseus. He commands his army wielding a huge shield made of seven ox-hides with a layer of bronze. Most notably, Ajax is not wounded in any of the battles described in the Iliad, and he is the only principal character on either side who does not receive personal assistance from any of the gods who take part in the battles. Trojan War In the Iliad, Ajax is notable for his abundant strength and courage, seen particularly in two fights with Hector. In Book 7, Ajax is chosen by lot to meet Hector in a duel which lasts most of a whole day. Ajax at first gets the better of the encounter, wounding Hector with his spear and knocking him down with a large stone, but Hector fights on until the heralds, acting at the direction of Zeus, call a draw: the action ends without a winner and with the two combatants exchanging gifts.

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The second fight between Ajax and Hector occurs when the latter breaks into the Achaean camp, and fights with the Greeks among the ships. In Book 14, Ajax throws a giant rock at Hector which almost kills him. In Book 15, Hector is restored to his strength by Apollo and returns to attack the ships. Ajax, wielding an enormous spear as a weapon and leaping from ship to ship, holds off the Trojan armies virtually single-handedly. In Book 16, Hector is able to disarm Ajax (although Ajax is not hurt) and Ajax is forced to retreat, seeing that Zeus is clearly favoring Hector. Hector and the Trojans succeed in burning one Greek ship, the culmination of an assault that almost finishes the war. Ajax manages to kill many of the other Trojan lords, including Phorkys. Achilles was absent during these encounters because of his feud with Agamemnon. In Book 9, Agamemnon and the other Greek chiefs send Ajax, Odysseus and Phoenix to the tent of Achilles in an attempt to reconcile with the great warrior and induce him to return to the fight. Although Ajax speaks earnestly and is well received, he does not succeed in convincing Achilles. When Patroclus is killed, Hector tries to steal his body. Ajax is the man who fights to protect the body, and he takes it back safely to Achilles at the camp. Ajax, assisted by Menelaus, succeeds in fighting off the Trojans and taking the body back with his chariot; of course, the Trojans had already stolen the armor and left the body naked. Ajax's prayer to Zeus to remove the fog that has descended on the battle to allow them to fight or die in the light of day has become proverbial. Like most of the other Greek leaders, Ajax is alive and well as the Iliad comes to a close. Later, when Achilles dies, killed by Paris (with help from Apollo), Ajax and Odysseus are the heroes that fight against the Trojans to get the body and bury it next to his friend, Patroclus. Ajax, with his great shield and spear, manages to drive off the Trojans, while Odysseus pulls the body to his chariot, and rides away with it to safety. After the burial, both claim the armor for themselves, as recognition for their efforts. After several days of competition, Odysseus and Ajax are tied for the ownership of the magical armor which was forged in Mount Olympus by the god Hephaestus. It is then that a competition is held to determine who is the more elegant speaker. Odysseus proves the better, and is given the armor. Ajax is furious about it, and falls to the ground, exhausted. When he wakes up, he is under the influence of a spell from Athena. He goes to a flock of sheep and slaughters them, imagining they are the Achaean leaders, including Odysseus and Agamemnon. When he comes to his senses, covered in blood, and realizes what he did, with diminished honor he decides that he prefers to kill himself rather than to live in shame. He does so with the same sword Hector gave him when they exchanged presents. (Iliad, 7.303). From his blood sprang a red flower, as at the death of Hyacinthus, which bore on its leaves the initial letters of his name Ai, also expressive of lament (Pausanias 1.35.4). His ashes were deposited in a golden urn on the Rhoetean promontory at the entrance of the Hellespont. This account of his death is from the play, Ajax (Sophocles); in Pindar's Nemeans, 7, 8; Isthmian 4; and in Ovid's Metamorphoses, 13.1. Homer is somewhat vague about the precise manner of Ajax's death but does ascribe it to his loss in the dispute over Achilles's shield: when Odysseus visits Hades, he begs the soul of Ajax to speak to him, but Ajax, still resentful over the old quarrel, refuses and descends silently back into Erebus. Like Achilles, he is represented (although not by Homer) as living after his death in the island of Leuke at the mouth of the Danube (Pausanias 3.19.11). Ajax, who in the post-Homeric legend is described as the grandson of Aeacus and the great-grandson of Zeus, was the tutelary hero of the island of Salamis, where he had a temple and an image, and where a festival called Aianteia was celebrated in his honour (Pausanias 1.35). At this festival a couch was set up, on which the panoply of the hero was placed, a practice which recalls the Roman Lectisternium. The identification of Ajax with the family of Aeacus was chiefly a matter which concerned the Athenians, after Salamis had come into their possession, on which occasion Solon is said to have inserted a line in the Iliad (2.557-558), for the purpose of supporting the Athenian claim to the island. Ajax then became an Attic hero; he was worshipped at Athens, where he had a statue in the market-place, and the tribe Aiantis was named after him. Pausanias also relates that a gigantic skeleton, its kneecap 5 inches (130 mm) in diameter, appeared on the beach near Sigeum, on the Trojan coast; these bones were identified as those of Ajax

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Η Σαλαμίνα με τις ανεξάντλητες φυσικές ομορφιές, τους γραφικούς κολπίσκους, την πλούσια βλάστηση, κυρίως πεύκα, ελαιόδεντρα και αμπέλια, τα εντυπωσιακά αξιοθέατα, τα αξιόλογα αρχαία μνημεία, τις υπέροχες παραλίες και τη σύγχρονη τουριστική υποδομή, καταφέρνει να κρατά αμείωτο τον ενδιαφέρον των επισκεπτών. Το νησί της Σαλαμίνας είναι γνωστό από την αρχαιότητα, αφού εδώ έγινε η ενδοξότερη ναυμαχία της Ελλάδας, μεταξύ Ελλήνων και Περσών, το 480 π.Χ. Στο νησί υπάρχουν δύο πανέμορφα πευκοδάση. Το δάσος της Φανερωμένης, που προσφέρεται για περιπάτους και τζόκινγκ, και το δάσος των Κανακίων, όπου διεξάγονται αγώνες mountain bike. Πρωτεύουσα του νησιού είναι η σύγχρονη πόλη της Σαλαμίνας, για τους ντόπιους Κούλουρη, που διατηρεί όμως ακόμη το παραδοσιακό της χρώμα, χάρη στις γραφικές παραδοσιακές γειτονιές της.

Η πόλη της Σαλαμίνας συγκεντρώνει πολλά αξιοθέατα. Η Ακτή Καραϊσκάκη με τους φοίνικες σε όλο της το μήκος, που οδηγεί στην παραλία της Κούλουρης, θυμίζει εξωτικό τοπίο. Εδώ θα βρείτε και πολλές εκκλησίες παραδοσιακής αρχιτεκτονικής με θαυμάσιες αγιογραφίες. Επισκεφθείτε το μητροπολιτικό ναό του Αγίου Μηνά, την Παναγία του Μπόσκου ή Καθαρού με τις εκπληκτικές τοιχογραφίες του 1758, το εκκλησάκι του Αγίου Γεωργίου που έχει χτιστεί στα θεμέλια πρωτοβυζαντινής βασιλικής του 6 ου αιώνα, και τον ιερό ναό του Αγίου Δημητρίου, της παλαιότερης εκκλησίας στη Σαλαμίνα, όπου σώζονται τα οστά του ήρωα Γεώργιου Καραϊσκάκη. Η πόλη διαθέτει επίσης Μουσείο Λαϊκής Τέχνης και Ιστορίας που στεγάζεται στο Δημαρχιακό Μέγαρο, και βιβλιοθήκη όπου φιλοξενούνται 3.500 τόμοι. Στα Παλούκια, το υπαίθριο Ναυτικό Μουσείο με τα κανόνια και τις τορπίλες αποτελεί ένα εξαίσιο θέαμα. Μην παραλείψετε να επισκεφθείτε το λόφο των Μύλων, όπου δεσπόζουν οι δύο ανεμόμυλοι, κτίσματα του 18 ου αιώνα, αλλά και το μεγαλύτερο και αξιολογότερο βυζαντινό μοναστήρι του νησιού, τη Μονή της Φανερωμένης.

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Άλλες περιοχές με σημαντικά αξιοθέατα είναι τα Αμπελάκια, όπου βρίσκεται η ακρόπολη της αρχαίας Σαλαμίνας, ο Τύμβος των Σαλαμινομάχων , ο Αρχαίος Λιμένας ,τα Περιστέρια με το περίφημο σπήλαιο του Ευριπίδη που ήρθε στο φως ύστερα από ανασκαφές, και το καταπράσινο Αιάντειο, όπου υπήρχε εκτεταμένος πρωτοελλαδικός οικισμός. Η Σαλαμίνα, εκτός από τα θαυμάσια αξιοθέατα, τα τοπία με την πλούσια βλάστηση, και τη σπουδαία ιστορική διαδρομή έχει να επιδείξει και πολλές υπέροχες ακτές, με εντυπωσιακές φυσικές ομορφιές και συνεχή εναλλαγή αμμώδους και βοτσαλωτής παραλίας. Η νότια ακτή του νησιού προσφέρει ιδανικότερες παραλίες για κολύμπι και ψάρεμα. Πιο γνωστές είναι οι παραλίες: Κανάκια, Περιστέρια, Γυάλα, Σελήνια, Σατιρλί και Παναγία. Στη βόρεια ακτή του νησιού υπάρχει η όμορφη παραλία της Φανερωμένης με ψιλή άμμο. Η Σαλαμίνα, το πανέμορφο αυτό νησί του Αργοσαρωνικού, χάρη στις συνεχείς εναλλαγές των τοπίων, τον ιστορικό πλούτο, τους πρόσχαρους και φιλόξενους ανθρώπους, αλλά και τη σύγχρονη υποδομή, υπόσχεται να σας προσφέρει αξέχαστες διακοπές.

“Η Ναυμαχία της Σαλαμίνας από πολλούς χαρακτηρίζεται ως η μάχη που επέτρεψε στον Ευρωπαϊκό πολιτισμό να εξελιχθεί και να φθάσει στο απόγειό του, μέσω της Ελληνικής Φιλοσοφίας και Φιλολογίας."

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In Salamina you can visit the following

museums and sightseeings:

• Municipality of Salamina Folk Art

and History Museum: It host exhibits

of the island’s history, including a

collection of local costumes, furniture,

agricultural tools, weapons and

ceramic items.

• Maritime museum: An outdoor

museum in the area of Paloúkia

exhibiting cannons and torpedoes.

• Ancient port: The ancient port is

located in the area of Ambelákia and

dates back to the 4th century BC. The

port contributed significantly to the

economic development of the ancient

city of Salamis. The famous naval

battle of Salamis also took place here.

Ambelakia is the oldest village on the

island, 4 km south of Salamina, and it

certainly worths a visiting!

•Kynosoyra : the famous Tumulus of

Salamina Fighters

• Churches and Monasteries like

Faneromeni Monastery, Ayios Nikolaos Kalyvitis and Ayios Dimitrios Church.

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Windmills. On the top of St.Nicolas hill across Patris hill also in the Town center.

Euripides Theater Panayia Eleftherotria Chapel. On Patris hill in the very center of the Town.

St. Phaneromeni historic convent 17th c.(paintings by G. Markou & burial place of J. Gouras ). North west of the island celebrating on August 23rd.

St. Nicolas Lemonia Historic Monastery 17th c.

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In the southern side of island beautiful beaches and creeks are existed as: NATO beach in Aianteio, Kanakia, Pyrgiakoni, Lamprano, Saterli, Kolones, Pigeons, Aias - Club, Kyriza, Lymniona, Giala and the Selenia. Also beautiful beaches you will see in the north-western side, as: Psilli Sand, Steno Faneromenis, Resti, Iliakti, St. Giorgi and in Vasilika. Also two organized Municipal Beaches are existed Beach ''Zefyros” which is found in Aianteio and beach ''Spithari'' that is found in Resti. The access in all these beaches is easy, with private car, with buses of KTEL Salamina or even with sea boats.

Municipal beach " Zefyros "


In the island exist two beautifully pine forests. The first is the Faneromeni forest that is found in the north-western side of island and is offered for running and the other one is the forest of Kanakion that is found in the southern side of island and is the biggest, nearest and unique lung of green of Western Attica. This forest is offered for "one-day" or "few-days" excursions.

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When you visit the island, do not lose the occasion to try the traditional platetsi, the koygkoygkoyloyari, moystokoyloyra, fried, and bread cooked in the timbers. In sea market you will find fresh fishes from fishering boats. Also in certain shops with tourist types you will find dolls dressed with the golden traditional costume of island as well as other souvenirs.


Lovingly hangouts that capture the heart of visitor are many in the centre of city as well as in other regions as: Selιnia, Aianteio and Kaki-Vigla. Do not omit to sit in the traditional ouzo - restaurant in order to eat fresh fishes, seafood and octopus roasted cooked in the coals. The island has many cafeterias where you can enjoy your coffee or your drink looking far away next to the sea enchanting the sun. Also the night life in the island is very intense. There are lot of Clubs not only for the youth but also for those who feel young, as well as a lot of shops with live music.

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Salamina Emergency Telephone Numbers SALAMINA MUNICIPALITY 210-4646000-4646100

EYDAP 210-4657511



POLICE 210-464651100-10


PORT POLICE 210-4677277



FILE DEPARMENT 210-4685199

BUSH RANGER 210-4671249

HEALTH CENTER 210-4651711- 4650150

HOSPITAL 210-4677279


TAXI DEPOT 210-4671575-210-4674743



BUS DEPOT 210-4671333

FERRY BOATS 210-4671494

FERRIES 210-4677293 4674720


D.E.H 210-4651119

MUSEUM & LIBRARY 210-4654180


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The transportation is dense. Per 15 minutes departs a small sea boat or ferry boat from Perama (duration 15 ') to Paloykia and reversely. Also the line Paloykia - Piraeus (duration 45 ')exists. The line of Ferry boat is not interrupted through the night. Line of Ferry boat exists even from Faneromeni in new Peramo (per 30 minutes, duration of 3 minutes). The transportation on the island is arranged by buses (KTEL) for each village as well as by taxis.


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Brothering of Municipalities of Salamis and 23 cities – states 28th of September 2011

Historic day for Salamis and for Greece after the brothering 22 Greek historians cities-States and Croton (Italy)who have participated in the

sea battle of Salamís 2461years before.

City Number of ships

City Number of ships

City Number of ships

Athens[61] 180 Corinth[62][63] 40 Aegina[55] 30

Chalcis[55][62] 20 Megara[62][64] 20 Sparta[63] 16

Sicyon[63] 15 Epidaurus[63] 10 Eretria[55] 7

Ambracia[64] 7 Troezen[63] 5 Naxos[55] 4

Leucas[64] 3 Hermione[63] 3 Styra[55] 2

Cythnus[55] 1 (1) Ceos[55] 2 Melos[1][55] (2)

Siphnus[1][55] (1) Serifos[1][55] (1) Croton[65]

Tinos 1 1

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Brothering of Municipalities of Salamis and 23 Hellenic cities – states

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Brothering of Municipalities of Salamis and Ammochostou Cyprus In 1998 were realised the Brothering of Municipalities of Salamina and

Ammochostou Cyprus, with participants the Mayors: Athanassios Makris and Andreas Poygioyros, which constituted one cultural fact with national dimension.

Ammochostos of Cyprus, successor city of Salamina of Cyprus which founded by Teykros Telamonios brother of Aianta, has, from centuries, historical bonds with the island of Salamina. This Bond has in general created fraternal feelings in the conscience of Salaminians for the residents of Ammochostou and to the Cypriot population. The Brothering of two historians and relatives of cities strengthens this bond and at the same time adds also the voice of protest of population of island of Salamina in the demand for fair and final solution of Cypriot problem.

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Th e Gr eat Bat t l e o f Sa l ami s 48 0 B . C .

« Forward, sons of the Greeks, Liberate the fatherland,Liberate your children, your women,The altars of the gods of your fathers And the graves of your forebears:Now is the fight for everything."

The Naval Encounter That Saved Greece - and Western Civilization

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It is true thou wretch, that we have left behind us our houses and our city walls, not deeming it meet for the sake of such lifeless things to being subjection; but we still have a city, the greatest in Hellas, our two hundred triremes. Themistocles before the Greek navy sailed to Salamis according to Plutarch

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The trireme was the most formidable ship ever designed for fighting with a ram." Functioning similarly to a modern frigate, the trireme represented the best that naval technology has to offer at that time, one of the most dangerous and effective weapons. The Greeks used the ram to punch a hole in an enemy ship below the waterline and sink it. This tactic was known as diekplous. The trireme when dressed for battle in Salamis was nothing else but a stripped-down water-borne projectile, propelled by human muscle power.

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World Heritage Memorial “Battle of Salamis “ Salamis “The birthplace of Freedom and Democracy”

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World Heritage Memorial “Battle of Salamis “ Salamis “The Βirthplace of Freedom and Democracy”

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World Heritage Memorial “Tomp of Salamina fighters “ Salamis “The birthplace of Freedom and Democracy”

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Από επιβίβαση επιβατών

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in Salamis

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Archaeological Museum. (1st Elementary School also Known as Kapodistriakon ) at P. Lembessis street, in the Town center .

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Residence place of our National poet Angelos Sikelianos. On the

main highway on the coast of Phaneromeni convent.

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St.John Kalivitis Chapel 10th c. Situatedin a pine tree forest , south the island towards Kanakia.

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St.Demetreus church (burial place of Karaiskakis , painting by P. Lembesis and art work by Y. Halepas ). Also in the Town center . The grave of national hero Karaiskakis

Folklore Museum & Salamina Municipal Library In the Municipal building. (Town Hall) .

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sunset at Salamis

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