saliva digestion.txt

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  • 7/27/2019 saliva digestion.txt


    vSaliva pH (the measure of acidity vs alkaline) levels can vary, but some recommend eating such that your saliva is between 7.0 and 7.4 pH. Since we usually define "neutral" pH as 7.0, the above ideal level means your saliva should be neutral or slightly alkaline. Dr. L. Scott Brooksby of Las Vegas, NV conducted a study of every patient that entered his prosthodontic practice during 2004. He foundthat 70% of the cavities in his practice occurred in patients that had a pH of7.0 or less. He found that patients with a pH above 7.6 had much higher levels of tartar or calculus buildup on their teeth. He suggested that the ideal pH should be between 7.4 and 7.6. The best time to measure your salivary pH is immediately upon rising- before puttinganything (not even water) into your mouth. A low pH is the first sign that something is amiss, prior to an organ malfunctioning, prior to cancer, or just aboutany other disease being diagnosed. Think of your salivary pH as nature's way ofgiving you a non-painful warning so that you can do something about it while youstill have time. You can learn (via instand download) much more about how salivary pH can be a tool for you to monitor your health at www.livelifewellinfo.comwhere my book "Your Health = Your pH: How To Reverse Illness & Gain Vitality" is(you can read the first 2 chapters for free on line).

    Pretty much right. Amylase hydrolyses the ether bonds (ie breaks them by addinga water to them) between the sugars in starch, which is a polymer of sugars alljoined together.

    The HCl will denature (unfold) the amylase (as noted at the bottom of the link you provided), disrupting the shape of its active site, therefore it won't work anymore. Enzymes are just chains of amino acids joined together that curl and fold up into a very specific shape that gives them activity. Various things can cause unfolding, like heat, chemicals (called chaotropes) and large changes in pH from the optimum that the enzyme is not designed to handle.

    1) digestion is the break down of large complex and insoluble food into small simple soluble molecules for the body to absorb it. starch is a complex, the bodyhave to find a way to break down starch, so the body produces salivary amylase in the mouth to begin the break down of starch into maltose. amylase works in thepH of alkaline.2) hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach and one of its function is to ch

    ange the acidic pH to acidic. salivary amylase can only work in the pH of alkaline so when hydrochloric acid change the pH to acidic the the effect of the salivary amylase will decrease until it stops. but that doesn't say that, that's where the break down of starch ends, as the food goes down into the duodenum the pHwill change to alkaline and the pancreas will produce pancreatic amylase to continue the break down of starch into amylase. i hope that this bit of informationwill be of use to you. :)