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Sam & Dave New York

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Dear Birthparent

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SAM & DAVEForever Families Through Adoption1-866-922-3678

Page 2: Sam & Dave New York

SAM & [email protected] • samdavenewyork.com

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Dear Birthparent, Hello and thank you for taking a moment with us.

We won’t bother trying to tell you we couldn’t possibly know what you’re going through because, well, that just feels like way too much of an understatement. But we do want you to know that we think you are an incredibly courageous and selfless person, and most of all we want you to know that this immensely difficult decision you are making is enabling two people who love each other more than life to start the family they want more than anything in the world to have.

We hope that you will take a moment to review read about who we are, and that it will help you to see what we have to offer, and how much love we have to give to your baby.

We are not complex people, we are not the hippest of the hip, and we do not travel across the globe every weekend or own a chateau in France. We are just two simple people, who have loved each other since we were teenagers, grew up together, have laughed and cried and loved and lost, and now, having established our place in this world and built a house and home for ourselves, are ready to share the life we love with a child, hopefully with your help.

Again, we applaud your courage and thank you for even considering us.

Sam (left) and Dave (right)


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How did you meet?

At 19 years old, we can tell you for a fact that neither of us thought we would be meeting our soulmate that night, but that was exactly what had happened. “Love at First Sight” is NOT how we would describe our first encounter, but sometimes love can find you when you least expect it.


The Night We Met

Sam: A mutual friend of ours decided we just had to meet each other, and so she convinced us to go out in a group to a “Disco Night” in the city. The only thing I really remember about that night is pulling up to David’s house and seeing him standing on the corner, in the rain, wearing sunglasses on his head.

David: (laughing) That was part of my outfit!! I thought I looked good.


David: (bursts out laughing)

Sam: Our friend kept trying to push us together that night.

David: All I remember is that I got lost in the club and was walking down this winding staircase and Sam was standing at the bottom and I was like, “Great…that guy.” (laughs)

Sam: We still actually have the ticket from that night, Dave kept it.

Over the next couple of weeks, we kept running into each other and the chemistry between the two of us grew. We had fallen in love.

The WeddingWhat was your wedding like?David: We were only 24 when we got married in June of 2006, and decided on a small wedding.

Sam: It was at a friend’s two-story loft. We set up some tables, food, and champagne, and our wedding cake. I wore a black linen suit and Dave wore a white linen suit, and we had our immediate families there.

David: We kind of came full circle, because the first thing that pops into my mind again is me standing at the top of the stairs, the ban-ister was wrapped in little white lights and I was looking down the stairs again at Sam standing there with the minister while our song played.

Sam: It was really personal, we wrote our own vows and had our families standing around us and it was just really genuine.



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David: It was perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing.

There have been so many wonderful moments over the last 12 years that we wish we could share with you. Those were just a couple of milestones, but there has been so much laughter, some tears, some struggles. We have seen a lot and had many adventures and some heart aches together, but what we really pride ourselves on is our ability to support each

other, to carry each other through hard times, and to come out of everything we have faced as a stronger couple and even more in love.

What started out as two complete-ly opposite people butting heads, turned into a deep and meaningful connection. We aren’t just a married couple, we’re best friends. We learn from each other and our differenc-es, though we have found over the years that our core values; family,

home life, and parenting are very much the same.

Our parents on both sides of the family met young, married young, and loved each other very deeply. They taught us what soul mates look like and that while marriage can be hard work, love is what makes a family. We hope to teach that to your child as well.

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ILY“Family is not an important thing,

it’s everything.”Michael J. Fox


Love is the reason we want to start a family.

Both of us come from very close, tight knit families. We both grew up to cherish the family values we were raised on, and now that we are grown and established, there is nothing in the world we want more than to raise a child.

The indescribable love of our family, the bond that comes from growing together, from living, and loving, disagreements and making up, and laughing. The happy memories and even the trials will make up our family.

We want to teach our child to find the beauty in people’s differences instead of fearing them. That the whole world is out there for them, they just have to reach out and grab it. To instill the importance of a strong education, Sam’s drive, strong work ethics, immovable loyalty to the ones he loves, and David’s passion, creativity, and emotion.

We know we can’t even begin to comprehend what you are feeling. We just hope to offer you some peace in knowing that sometimes in the middle of pain and tragedy hope blooms, and what you are doing, should you decide to choose us as the adoptive parents, is enabling us to have the family we have always wanted and hopefully the kind of family you feel your baby deserves.

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Family Room: Cozy places to curl up and read together or watch mov-ies or TV, places for storage, and even a window seat for the dog. Our family room is where life happens and we gather most often.

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Kitchen: The heart of our home, lots of windows and little touches, we try to fill our kitchen with music, good smells, and laughter as often as possible. Everyday begins and ends in our kitchen.

Master Bedroom with Attached Nursery: We love a big comfy bed to fall into at the end of a long day. The bay window lets in lots of natural night, and best of all, the room directly connects to the nursery!

Nursery: Stained glass window, lots of light, a balcony to sit out on together on a warm day, and attached to the master bedroom, you just don’t get better. We look forward to decorating and plan to paint. Paint, plush area rug, crib, changing table, chandelier, rocking chair, sheer curtains…we really can’t wait for this part.


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You don’t truly understand what, “Man’s Best Friend” means until you have a dog like Freddy. Loyal, loving, and overflowing with personality and charm, Freddy isn’t just man’s best friend, he’s EVERYONE’S best friend!

How did you get him?

David: Freddy is just everything I ever wanted in a dog. I had a black lab growing up and as soon as we started discussing dogs it was another black lab, they are just the friendliest, most loving animals out there.

Sam: Dave says this now, but at the time he had told me he did NOT want me to bring a dog home.

David: (laughing) It’s true! I didn’t think it was a good idea at the time because back then (this was three years ago when Freddy was a baby) we lived in a 12th floor apartment! It was our anniversary and there was a knock on the door and I open it up and there is Sam, standing there with the smallest, most adorable puppy in his hands! It was love at first sight.

Sam: I knew that would happen.

How will Freddy be with the baby?

Sam: He is going to be the baby’s shadow. He gets so excited whenever he sees kids anywhere. They are going to have so many fun adventures together.

David: Labs are known for being great with kids.


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We absolutely LOVE our neighborhood and town. It’s not a very big town and it’s just overflow-ing with beautiful character homes, charming places, and the kind of people every town just can’t be without. Incredible that it’s only 45 minutes from Manhattan.

There’s the woman who just has to know ev-ery piece of gossip in everyone’s lives, the old-er man who can quote the town history all the way back to the eighteen hundreds, the former hippies who will tell you all about the sixties, the artists and, of course, the town meetings.

We know people up and down our street, all who have children, and even another adoptive family. It’s the kind of place where you go out to check the mail and either see someone you know or make a new friend. It’s the kind of town where you get together in a neighbors backyard for a barbeque or have some people just drop by because they knew you’d be home and there would be coffee and they want to chat. From the day we moved here we felt warmth and friendship, and an overwhelming sense of home.

We have our usual coffee shop, our usual restaurant where the waiters and waitresses know you by name, the bookshop, the barber-shop, the parks and playgrounds. It really is the perfect place to raise a family and our neigh-bors are anxiously waiting for us to bring home a baby. Your baby will have friends their own age and a support system already in place, playgrounds to play on, parks to explore, and most importantly a safe, culturally diverse, and embracing environment to grow up in.

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David My mom is my best friend. We are so much alike. She is always the first person I call when I have good news, a cooking question, and a stain that won’t come out, or just need someone to listen without passing judgment. We can sit and talk over coffee for hours on end. She was the best mother I could have ever asked for, and she is going to be a phenomenal grandmother!

Sam’s MomSamMy mom has always been the strongest one in the family. My Mom & Dad were always there for me, always supportive, no matter how crazy the idea. They were both loving, caring and nurturing parents and, since my Dad passed, my Mother has proved to be all the stronger, wiser and loving. She can’t be more excited to be a grandmother and spoil your baby!

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The SistersDavid My sisters are going to be very strong female role models. They are caring and nurturing and have endless amounts of love to give, but are also incredibly strong, opinionated and tough women. Melanie is a homebody like me, and incredibly artistic. Natalie is a career woman, and is incredibly bright, independent, and protective of the ones she loves. My sisters were always my heroes growing up; I can’t wait for them to be aunts!

The BrothersSamMy brothers are going to be fantastic uncles. Fareed is an accomplished IT Director for a university and he and his wife, Zahra, are well-traveled, intelligent and very compassionate people. Raheem, my youngest broth-er, works in same field at a private school. Raheem is also so kind-hearted and loyal, he is always willing to help people and he’s already planning how he’s going to help us with the nursery!I can’t wait for them to meet the baby!

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SamSign PiscesOccupation Vice President of a major international corporation“I love to work, and I work very hard. I like to push and challenge myself, but do I try to always remember we work to live and not live to work…and not to be late for dinner.”Favorite form of exercise RunningLikes Mystery Novels, Politics, Technology, and having a good laugh.Dislikes Peas, Paying full price for anything


DavidSign LibraOccupation HomemakerThis is my passion. I just get this wave of calmness when I know that the laundry is caught up, and the dishes are done and everyone is fed and happy. Sam works so hard in his job, I like knowing that after a long day Sam is coming home to a clean house and a homemade meal on the table. I like that we are a team, and it makes me feel good to take care of the people I love. Favorite form of exerciseKarate and Strength Training.Favorite Holidays: Thanksgiving and Halloween“Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because of that one mo-ment where you see all the best things in your life and are truly, genuinely thankful for them. Also the food. It is my dream to one day be able to make a big Thanksgiving dinner for a family of my own. “Likes Singing, Music, Cooking/Baking, and taking care of the house.Dislikes Dishonesty, Fakeness Favorite Color: RedVices Days of Our Lives, Ice Cream

Favorite Color BlueFavorite Holidays Christmas and Easter“I have always loved the Christmas season. Decorating the Christmas tree, finding that one perfect gift, but most of all because of the warmth you feel sitting around the tree with the family, laughing and making memories together.”Vices Reality TV, A Good Sale

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Sunday Drives One of our most favorite things to do on a Sunday is throwing a pot roast in the slow cooker and hopping in the car for a day of exploring the countryside. Listening to music, laughing, and just loving life all while spending a day together is what Sundays were made for.

Adventures With FreddyAnother thing we love to do is taking Freddy out for an afternoon of swimming, or playing at the dog park and watching him making friends and trying to get the dogs to hold the other end of a stick he’s found. Any outing with Freddy, even just a walk around the neighborhood, is bound to make you laugh a lot.

Exploring the CityWe love going into Manhattan every so often to visit old friends, take in a show, or do some good old fashion shopping! You can’t live so close to one of the greatest cities on earth and not take advantage of it!

HomebodiesThere is nothing like just curling up on the couch together with a bowl of popcorn and the dog at our feet and just hanging out in the home we love. We truly believe that home is where the heart is, and love to have our friends and family just hang out around the dining table, talking and laughing all at once. Those are the moments you look back on and smile about, things that make a family a family, and a home a home.


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Dear Baby, There is so much I want to say to you and somehow I don’t know how to write any of it down.

I want you to know that I will love you, always and unconditionally.

I want you to know that when I argue with you, or get upset about somethingyou did – even when it’s your fault – my feelings will always be coming from a place of love.

I want you to know that I admire you. I am proud of you. I am so grateful, every day, that you came into my life and that your mother chose us.

I want you to know that you didn’t just make us parents, you made us a family, you made us a home. The best day of our lives will always be the first day we held you in our arms.

I can’t wait to meet you. I can’t wait to see you crawl, see your first step, hear your first word, see your first school play, help you with your first big homework assignment, be there for you when that first girl/boy breaks your heart, teach you how to drive, see you off on your first date, take your picture when you leave for prom…the list is endless, but I want you to know I can hardly wait to watch you grow.

Lastly, I want you to know that we will do everything in our power to make you feel safe & loved, be healthy and live your dreams. Everything else is unimportant. You are, and will always be, everything to us.

Love Always,Dad

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Dear Baby, It’s funny, throughout this process, I keep being asked what I will expect from my child, and all I’m really worried about is what my child is going to expect from me! I may not always be able to give you everything you want, and at times I’m going to have to be the bad guy, but here are just a few of the things that you can expect from me:

I will tell you how things “used to be”. I will take care of you, and protect you, and love you unconditionally. I will carry on the traditions my family used to have: pizza and movie night, spending a Saturday driving from park to park, impromptu at home talent shows.When I say, “I love you more” I will mean it every time.I will tuck you in at night, and be the first thing you see in the morning. I will bake for your school, and you will always get first try.I will teach you to love life and appreciate all the little things. I will be there for every bad dream and every boo-boo. I will make sure you are eating your vegetables (even when you are an adult).I will wait up.Every time you fall in love and every heartache, I will be there to listen and serve ice cream. I will make mistakes, and I will make it right.I will be there for make believe and fireflies. I will see to it that whether you are a boy or a girl, you will be strong, confident, independent and capable. I will teach you to embrace the world instead of fearing it, and the world will love you back. And when you need me to stand back, I will…but I will always be ready to catch you if you fall.You will always have a place at home.These are just a few promises, only a fraction of what I have to offer you. I will always try my best to be whatever it is you need most.

And I will never let you forget, question, or doubt that you were meant to be our son or daughter as much as we were meant to be your parents. and that your mother made a loving difficult choice.

I love you.

Love Always, Pop


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Over the last 12 years that we’ve been to-gether, we’ve almost seen it all - a circus in Montreal, a Geisha tea ceremony in Tokyo, the bullfight in Madrid and the Louvre in Paris. Among these larger trips, we’ve taken a num-ber of shorter trips together including a week-end at skiing in Whistler, British Columbia, a tour of the White House in DC, enjoying a day at the beach in Ocean City Maryland and even visiting family over the weekend in Northern Connecticut.

Being so close to New York’s Grand Central Station in Manhattan does mean that we get to spend plenty of weekends enjoying the city that never sleeps – doing ev-erything from taking in a show to shopping in SoHo. And, better still, we’re only a two hour drive from New York’s famous Finger Lakes, where renting a cabin and fishing in the sum-mer is always in the cards.




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SAM & DAVEForever Families Through Adoption1-866-922-3678