same question all the time…. “How should I use my crystals ... · 8. Add an assortment of water friendly crystals to an outdoor fountain to foster tranquility and create a relaxing

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Page 1: same question all the time…. “How should I use my crystals ... · 8. Add an assortment of water friendly crystals to an outdoor fountain to foster tranquility and create a relaxing
Page 2: same question all the time…. “How should I use my crystals ... · 8. Add an assortment of water friendly crystals to an outdoor fountain to foster tranquility and create a relaxing

11 Ways to Work with Crystals and Rules for Using Them

I get asked the same question all the time…. “How should I use my crystals?” And I give the same

answer all the time. It’s up to you. Doesn’t matter what you do, as long as they’re near you they’re

going to do their job. So my final answer…it’s up to YOU how you want to work with them and

what feels right to you. It’s going to be different for different people, so just trust your intuition

and go with what feels right to you personally. Stumped for some ideas? Here’s a few for you.

1. Wear them! Whether you’re into earrings, bracelets, anklets, necklaces, whatever your

preference is, as long as they’re near your body they know they have a job to do.

2. Make a crystal grid. I made one for wealth and prosperity and you can find a template ebook

here. It works. My business had a massive increase right after I put it up and two months later this

girl got herself a brand new jeep. Then I bought a new house. Bigger.

3. Meditate with them. Just hold them or place them on your body and destress with your sparklies.

4. Carry them in your purse. Green aventurine is a great one for this. Just throw it your wallet or

make your own mojo bag to attract wealth.

5. Stick them in your car. Yellow jasper is awesome for protecting you while you travel.

6. Feng shui your house with crystals. Place them around the house in bowls on windowsills,

tables, where ever you can.

7. Get crafty. You can make all kinds of things with crystals…sun catchers, wire wrapped jewelry,

a mosaic table, a garden path. Just use your imagination.

8. Stick them out in the garden or on your property.

9. Use them for massage and body work. Ever had a hot stone massage? Who says the stones have

to be boring? Pick the ones that fit your purpose and use those instead.

10. Stick them in your bra. Sounds crazy, but I know a few people who wear their crystals this

way. For the sake of comfort, I recommend staying with smaller stones. Or you can go traditional

and just carry some in your pocket.

11. Make your own ritual or magic spell with your crystals. Full moon? Head on outside at night

with your stones and set your intentions with candles, ribbons, and the whole 9 yards. I also have

a crystal spell ebook for you here.

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My One Rule for Working with Crystals

1. There is no such thing as a bad stone, and no reason to toss one in the trash. If your crystals

aren’t working with you, have a flaw, or you’re just not feeling them, find another way to repurpose

them. When I get flawed stones, like polished tumble stones with chips that I can’t sell, they go

straight into my bird bath or my garden beds outside.

That’s my one and only personal rule. If it doesn’t work it gets returned to Mother Nature because

I cannot bear to throw a stone in the garbage. That’s it. Otherwise, there are no rules as far as I’m


10 Ways to Use Crystals Outside Your Home

1. Have a garden or potted plants? Put moss agate crystals in the garden or pot to help them thrive

or spray them with rose quartz water.

2. Keep hematite or smoky quartz at your front door for protection.

3. Having an outdoor party? Decorate with bowls of red calcite to keep the energy high.

4. To silence noisy neighbors bury a moonstone crystal near your property boundary on their side.

5. Are power lines going through your property? Use fluorite or lepidolite to reduce

electromagnetic pollution.

6. Keep a jade crystal in your mailbox to attract money and opportunities into your life.

7. Bury agate stones along your property boundaries or driveway to protect you from intrusion.

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8. Add an assortment of water friendly crystals to an outdoor fountain to foster tranquility and

create a relaxing environment. Tigers eye, jasper, aventurine, jade, and sodalite are ideal.

9. Purify your outdoor water by hanging a quartz or shungite crystal under the water spout.

10. Hang crystals in your windows to catch the light, reduce negative energy, and improve the


12 Ways to Use Crystals in the Garden

1. Place quartz crystals at each corner of your garden bed and one in the center and you have a

crystal grid to encourage the overall growth and health of plants. All of the quartzes and other

stones that contain large amounts of quartz will also discourage aphids, slugs, snails, and ants.

2. Hematite at the bottom of a plant pot encourages rooting.

3. Use carnelian to encourage growth.

4. Any kinds of stones can be used as a mulch because it shades the roots and helps keep the soil

from drying out. Weeds won’t be competing for nutrients and water. Unlike organic mulches,

stones don’t need replacement every year.

5. Moonstone brings calmness and fertility to your plants by harnessing the moons energy.

6. Use rose quartz for roses. Rose quartz will help blooms maintain their petals longer and prevent

the edges from turning brown as they fade.

7. Herb gardens can benefit from hematite or smoky quartz

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8. Moss agate or tree agate is the ultimate gardener’s stone for any plant. Plants respond to moss

agate with a spurt of growth and an abundance of new leaves.

9. If your plants have been stressed try placing some amethyst or blue lace agate stones around

them for a calming effect.

10. Place quartz or shungite in a bird bath to purify the water for your winged visitors.

11. Make a crystal elixir for watering your plants. Use the ideas above or come up with your

own…carnelian for encouraging growth, blue agate to relieve stress, hematite or smoky quartz to

encourage rooting.

12. Using wire cages to prop up your plants? Hang crystals off the cage to bring in some great

energy and add some sparkle to your garden.

9 Awesome Crystals for Health

1. Malachite: For overall general health

2. Calcite: For bone issues. Arthritis, broken bones, teeth, joints…

3. Bloodstone: For blood and circulatory issues. Bloodstone for the blood! (Red jasper is another

good one.)

4. Jade: For longevity, so you have lots of birthdays.

5. Rose Quartz: For beauty, skin, and hair care.

6. Opals: For vision.

7. Hematite: For muscle issues and cramps

8. Moonstone: For menopause

9. Carnelian: For increased energy

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6 Rocks for a Rockin’ Love Life

Rose Quartz: Well known as a love stone, rose quartz encompasses all kinds of love…parental

bonding, the romance stuff, forgiveness, and self-love.

Rhodonite: The love healer…use it when you need to overcome love traumas, to manifest

forgiveness, and help your heart become emotionally stronger.

Rhodochrosite: This is the rock you want to snag yourself a soul mate.

Ruby and Garnet: The passion stones…the rocks that will turn up the heat in your love life. Use

with caution. May need to be accompanied with a cold shower if things get out of hand.

Emerald: The stone that will test true long lasting love, emeralds are said to change color if your

lover is unfaithful.

4 Crystals to Help Mend a Broken Heart

1. Apache Tears… The name of the stone holds the story of how Apache Tears were formed…the

ultimate stone for overcoming grief of the loss of a loved one.

2. Blue Lace Agate…Its calming blue color will soothe and offer guidance as you navigate through


3. Dravite Tourmaline…It lifts numbness around the heart, releasing anxiety and emotional pain.

4. Rose Quartz…It mends the heart from all types of wounds and bathes you in healing light.

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9 Crystals for Weight Loss

1. Detox with Iolite…

Iolite removes toxins from the body and reduces fatty deposits

2. Boost Metabolism with Sodalite, Sunstone, and Tigers Eye…

Sodalite cleanses the organs, boosts the immune system, and strengthens the metabolism.

Sunstone is an energy and metabolism booster that increases your personal power and will, as well

as life force energy. Tigers Eye increase motivation and speeds metabolism.

3. Reduce your Appetite with Apatite, Blue Lace Agate, and Amethyst…

Apatite increases the willpower associated with resisting those foods that can lead to weight gain.

Blue Lace Agate is your Just say NOOO crystal for binge and boredom eating. Amethyst helps

reduce addictive cravings and bloating, and is useful for removing toxins and purifying your body.

4. Pull it all together with Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz…

Clear quartz magnifies the energy in the other stones and helps them work in unison. Rose Quartz

helps us with emotional detox, self-esteem, and self-love. If we haven’t reached a weight loss goal

in record time it’s okay because with rose quartz we learn to love our body anyway.

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Extra tips:

~Keep a bowl full of crystals right next to the fridge to help control binge eating.

~Keep your stones cleansed and full of energy with a sage smudge or by setting out in moonlight.

~Boost your energy to exercise more with carnelian and red jasper.

~Throw some citrine into the recipe to help manifest your weight loss desires.

Top Stones to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression. Most people tend to slow down a little

in the winter and experience the winter blues and SAD can be extremely disabling. SAD is the

result of the winter season when the days are shorter. We sleep more, become sedentary, crave

carbs, gain weight, and avoid social interaction. Psychologically, we can become depressed. We


When picking out crystals to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder think in terms of light and color

therapy. Orange and yellow are the colors that are going to pack the biggest punch…these are the

stones of the sun and give us exactly what we’re craving.

1. Sunstone- carries a strong anti-depressant vibrational energy and the solar energy of the sun

2. Carnelian- manifests vitality and creativity

3. Amber- its energy is warming and solar and has been linked to the Sun Gods Ra and Helios.

4. Citrine- lifts dark moods and encourages optimism

5. Fire Opal- relieves indifference and feelings of emptiness

6. Orange calcite- a stone of happiness with an uplifting energy

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Top Crystals for Girl Issues

To Increase Fertility…Carnelian, Chrysoprase, Moldavite

To Survive Menopause…Citrine, Lepidolite

To Quell Cramps…Citrine, Chrysocolla, Magnesite, Malachite, and Serpentine

To Relieve Anxiety…Larimar, Agate, Apophyllite, Blue Calcite

To Boost the Sex Drive…Ruby, Garnet, Tourmaline (red, pink, or brown)

Gemstones Cures for Depression and Anxiety

For sleep: Amethyst, rose quartz, or hematite. Amethyst can be placed under your pillow or on a

bedside table. Rose quartz should be placed on the floor next to your bed. Wearing hematite around

your neck at night can also help with relaxation. Just before you go to sleep or to help you relax

any time, try holding amethyst on your forehead or rose quartz on your heart for a few minutes.

To elevate your mood: Sunstone and amber are the two I would recommend most. Both are stones

associated with the sun, which can lift depression and help you rediscover the sunnier side of life.

Sunstone is a stone of vitality and cheerfulness, more effective when worn in the sun. Amber is a

more calming stone that can lift depression and absorb negative energy. Amber should be worn in

direct contact with your skin, but shouldn’t be left out in the sun or it can become brittle.

For depression and anxiety: Tigers eye, turquoise, malachite, and rhodonite are all good stones, in

addition to amber and sunstone. I suggest either wearing a piece, touching your skin, or keeping

one with you all the time as a touch stone whenever the feelings start to hit you. Aquamarine is

another good one to use as a touch stone, especially useful if you suffer from panic attacks.

Top Ten Gemstones for Anxiety

1. To reduce a headache and let go of stress, place an amethyst stone on your head or neck where

there is pain for 5-10 minutes.

2. To relieve PMS or cramps, hold a piece of moonstone next to your pelvis for 10 minutes.

Repeat each day for a week.

3. To calm anger, carry an agate gemstone with you at all times. When you feel yourself getting

angry hold it in your hand and breathe deeply.

4. To boost self-confidence place a chrysocolla stone on your throat and visualize yourself as a

happy, positive person. Repeat daily until you’re ready to put your Wonder Woman boots on.

5. To manifest a positive future, sit in a quiet room holding a piece of labradorite. Breathe deeply

and visualize your dreams, allowing the wisdom and strength of labradorite to increase your


6. To calm driver aggression place a piece of blue lace agate on your dashboard.

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7. To soothe nerves and tension, place a piece of turquoise on your solar plexus chakra on your

upper abdomen and breathe deeply until you feel calm again.

8. To relieve depression, place a chalcedony stone on your forehead while holding it in your


9. To find more coping strength, place yellow jasper on your upper abdomen in the solar plexus

chakra area to attract energy and stamina.

10. To relieve lovesickness, place rose quartz next to your bed while sleeping.

5 Gemstones to Keep in Your Workspace

1. Smoky Quartz…to banish negativity

2. Fluorite…to absorb electromagnetic radiation. Fluorite is also great for organization.

3. Lapis…for mental stability, clarity, and stress alleviation

4. Orange Calcite…to boost creativity

5. Kyanite...to improve communication skills

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8 Ways to Use Crystals in the Dining Room

1. Calcite: Use Red or Orange Calcite on your table to energize a party atmosphere with its fire

element vibrations.

2. Clear Quartz: Put clear quartz points in the bottom of a vase of cut flowers in your centerpiece

to make your blooms last longer.

3. Garnet and Rhodochrosite: If you’re planning a romantic dinner, place garnet and rhodochrosite

around your candlesticks to reinforce your romantic feelings and passion for each other.

4. Amethyst: Place tumbled amethyst on your windowsills to soften the energy.

5. Aqua Aura Quartz: Place aqua aura quartz clusters or points around fresh food or produce bowls

with the points facing inward towards the bowl to keep your food fresh and the flavors vibrant.

6. Apatite: If you’re eating a big meal but want to keep your diet on track, keep apatite in your

pocket or wear apatite jewelry to help boost metabolism.

7. Use crystals as place card holder props for assigned seating at a table.

8. Keep chrysoprase in your pocket while eating to prevent indigestion.

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11 Ways to Use Crystals in the Bathroom

Crystals can be used in bath water or placed around the edge of the bath tub to wash away the

stress and strain of the day, release any negative emotions, refresh us, soothe us, and revitalize our

energy. Water is a great conductor of energy and the healing powers of the crystal will be directed

to where it is intended. Whether you place one stone in your bath or experiment with different

combinations, gemstones are an inexpensive way to make that hot winter bath more of a spa

experience in your own home.

1. Jade: Soak your feet in warm water with a jade stone to restore energy and energize the nervous


2. Citrine: Steam and condensation in the bathroom can make the atmosphere heavy and

oppressive. Place citrine on a shelf or windowsill in the bathroom to brighten the ambiance and

keep the atmosphere light.

3. Aquamarine: Keep aquamarine on the side of the bathtub to create a calming environment and

reduce stress.

4. Rose Quartz: Bathe with rose quartz in the tub to relieve the stress of a traumatic day.

5. Amethyst: For restful sleep, take a hot bath with an amethyst stone before going to bed.

6. Himalayan Salt: Use Himalayan Salt in place of typical bath salts for nourishing and

replenishing the skin. (Himalayan salt will dissolve in water)

7. Clear Quartz: Place clear quartz in your water tank or attach them to pipes to soften hard water.

8. Tree Agate: Live plants in your bathroom will stay healthier with a tree agate gemstone plopped

in their pot.

9. Moonstone: Moonstone placed in a bowl in the bathroom will have a serene, calming effect on

the atmosphere.

10. Petrified Wood: Petrified Wood placed in the bathroom will help balance the elements.

11. Aventurine: Aventurine placed in the tub is useful for soothing and all around healing.

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Top 10 Gemstones for Holiday Survival

1. Fluorite…the organization stone, to survive the endless shopping, cooking, and scheduling

2. Smoky Quartz…the grounding stone, to keep yourself grounded and calm and eliminate stress

3. Tiger Iron…the refuge stone, to survive family conflict

4. Pyrite…the energy saving stone, to relieve anxiety, frustration, despair, and fatigue

5. Snowflake Obsidian…the empowering stone, to deal with loneliness

6. Tourmaline…the balancing stone. Black tourmaline will help you navigate the stress of crowds.

Pink tourmaline will give you stamina and tact in stressful social settings.

7. Malachite…the health stone, to reduce travel sickness and keep your overall health intact

8. Apatite…the fat busting stone, to boost your metabolism after holiday meals

9. Peridot…the money stone, to keep your wallet full after all that shopping

10. Carnelian…the vitality stone, to help you overcome exhaustion and keep your spirits up

Top 10 Gemstones for New Year’s Resolutions

1. To keep on track with a diet: Apatite

2. To give up smoking or drinking: Amethyst

3. To attract a soul mate: Rhodochrosite

4. To attract wealth: Aventurine

5. To attract luck: Tigers Eye

6. To keep focused: Onyx

7. To stay healthy: Malachite

8. To increase passion: Garnet

9. To increase vitality and zest for life: Sunstone

10. To increase spiritual development: Iolite

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Gemstones, Feng Shui, and the House of Bagua

Feng shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago. It can guide you in

balancing the energies of any given space. There are several different schools of feng shui and

versions of the house of bagua (that grid in my picture.) What I’m giving you here is a basic

guideline and my interpretation of which stones will work best in each part of your home. Crystals

can be used to enhance and reduce the elements of energy in each part of your home or room. If

some area of your home is missing the elemental energy, you can use a crystal of the appropriate

energy to bring the balance back. If an area has too much of the wrong energy, a crystal of the

appropriate energy can be used to counteract that inappropriate energy.

Above is a depiction of the feng shui house of bagua and some ideal stones to use in each part of

your home. The front door, is the actual front door of your house (or apartment), not a commonly

used garage or side entrance, and not the main door to a multi-unit building.

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10 More Weird Ways to Use Crystals

1. Use pyrite on your work desk to keep creative ideas flowing.

2. Place lepidolite on your nightstand to alleviate nightmares.

3. Keep a quartz point at the bottom of a vase to prolong the life of cut flowers.

4. Keep hematite outside under your doormat to provide a protective shield from negative energy.

5. Place rutilated quartz on your back to alleviate back pain.

6. Hold fluorite on your forehead to fight flu viruses and congestion.

7. Carry yellow jasper with you when you travel to alleviate travel sickness.

8. Keep aura quartz in your fruit bowl or vegetable bin to keep your food fresher longer.

9. Use jade in a foot bath for an instant energy booster.

10. Carry aquamarine with you if you are prone to panic attacks.

7 Unique Ways to Use Fluorite

1. Keep a fluorite stone on your computer or tape one to your cell phone to reduce radiation


2. Hold a green fluorite stone on your forehead to clear congestion from a cold, or place on your

chest if you have the flu.

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3. If you are working on a creative project but have trouble focusing, keep fluorite and hematite

on your desk to reduce confusion and help you achieve your goals.

4. Carry fluorite and yellow jasper with you when you travel to prevent motion sickness.

5. Keep fluorite next to your bed to alleviate nightmares.

6. Hold fluorite on a bruise to heal it quickly. (Rhodonite also works!)

7. If you are starting a fitness program wear fluorite to improve balance, coordination, and


11 Uses for Amethyst You May Not Know About

1. Placed under your pillow, amethyst prevents nightmares.

2. Wear amethyst or keep an amethyst cluster in your room to alleviate migraines.

3. Combine amethyst with chrysoprase during meditation to reach a deeper state and help you


4. Place two large pieces or several smaller pieces of amethyst in an area of your home infected

with negative energy or geopathic stress to neutralize the negativity.

5. Keep amethyst and citrine (or ametrine) in the southwest section of your living room to promote

happy relationships, increase chances of meeting a new partner, and strengthen existing


6. Place tumbled amethyst stones near your work phone to protect you from frustrating

conversations and help you handle difficult situations.

7. At the end of a difficult day circle your body with amethyst while standing to restore your

energetic field and dissolve any negativity or unhealthy emotions.

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8. Gently rub a polished amethyst stone over your body to heal acne.

9. Combine amethyst with aragonite to reduce mood swings.

10. Wear amethyst or keep it in your pocket when travelling to dangerous areas for protection.

11. Combine amethyst with black tourmaline and clear quartz to make a crystal grid for protection.

10 Tips for Rose Quartz

1. Placed next to your computer, rose quartz can help prevent eye fatigue and headaches.

2. Rose quartz can be placed in every corner of your bedroom to improve the quality of sleep.

3. Rose quartz stimulates circulation and has a refreshing effect when worn.

4. Placed around the house, rose quartz can clear negative energy.

5. You can make a rose quartz essence by soaking a stone in mineral water and leaving it in the

sun for several hours. Pour the liquid into a mister bottle and spray around your home to remove


6. Combine rose quartz with citrine and aventurine to attract wealth and success.

7. If you need to de-stress when you’re feeling fragile, take a warm bath with a rose quartz stone

in your water.

8. To attract a soul mate, combine rose quartz and rhodochrosite.

9. To promote fidelity, keep a large rose quartz crystal next to your bed.

10. Cleanse your rose quartz stones under running water or among tumbled hematite stones and

recharge them by setting them on an amethyst geode overnight.

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7 Uses for Selenite

1. Selenite wands are commonly used to align the spinal column and promote flexibility.

2. Used with other gemstones, selenite will clear out any negative energy and recharge your other

stones. (The selenite bowls and charging stations are perfect for this!)

3. Rubbing a piece of selenite along its striations can help balance and stabilize your spiritual,

physical, emotional, and mental body system.

4. Placed next to your bed or under your pillow, selenite can encourage vivid dreams.

5. Desert Rose selenite is particularly useful for strengthening positive affirmations.

6. Placing selenite in each corner of your house will form a protective grid from outside influences

and encourage a calm, tranquil environment.

7. Orange selenite can help a woman recognize her femininity and supports the reproductive

system by activating the sacral chakra.

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12 Top Tips for Using Smoky Quartz

1. In feng shui smoky quartz should be placed close to the front door for protection.

2. For grounding combine hematite, black tourmaline & smoky quartz.

3. Hang a smoky quartz amulet in the bedroom to repel evil.

4. Placed on a bedside table, smoky quartz can help cure insomnia.

5. Wear smoky quartz jewelry to regulate blood pressure and balance the metabolism.

6. Combine smoky quartz and moonstone to alleviate PMS and stimulate the reproductive system.

7. Meditate with smoky quartz when you are depressed to alleviate your depression.

8. Bury smoky quartz stones at the boundaries of your yard to block geopathic stress on your


9. Combine smoky quartz with garnet or ruby to increase passion and help you accept your body.

10. Keep smoky quartz on your work desk to dispel negativity, relieve stress, and soak up

electromagnetic radiation.

11. To alleviate back pain, place a smoky quartz stone on the painful area for 15 minutes.

12. Smoky quartz should be cleansed under running water and recharged by placing on a clear

quartz cluster overnight.

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3 Tips for Using Moonstone

1. You can silence noisy neighbors by placing a stone outside next to your neighbor’s boundary.

Within a few days quiet and serenity should come.

2. Moonstone can help dispel confrontation with its soothing and balancing energy. Place one on

your desk at work to prevent office confrontations and reduce work stress.

3. Holding a piece of moonstone near your pelvic region or wearing moonstone jewelry can relieve

menstrual problems and PMS.

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Top 10 Tips for Using Carnelian

1. To enhance romantic relationships, place carnelian in the relationship corner of your home, the

far back right-hand corner.

2. Carnelian can be used to relieve pain and blockages. Place a carnelian stone over the source of

your pain for 15 minutes until your discomfort is relieved.

3. Boost your energy to exercise more by wearing carnelian.

4. Keep a bowl of carnelian, tigers eye, and citrine next to your front door to attract wealth and


5. Carnelian’s energy cleanses other crystals. Place a tumbled piece into a pouch with your other


6. For increased motivation at work and business success, keep carnelian in your pocket.

7. To stimulate the digestive and reproductive systems hold carnelian over your sacral chakra.

8. To alleviate apathy and increase confidence, wear carnelian in direct contact with your skin.

9. Wear a carnelian necklace to banish jealousy and inspire courage.

10. Carnelian should be cleansed under running water once a month and recharged in the sun.

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Healing Gemstones for Pets

Pets are usually considered to be a very close member of our family. We feed them, bathe them,

spend time with them, play with them, and love them with every part of our being. This includes

when they are sick, ailing, or healthy. We want to take care of them as best as we can, making sure

our companion will be with us for many years to come.

As humans, we are making a conscious shift toward prevention, integration and balance in our

own health and wellness. We owe it to our pets and ourselves to give the same attention to our

loving companion animals. Crystal healing can help with that.

Agate – Agates are known to be a helpful aid in developing telepathy and the balancing of energy.

Agate is known as the “strength stone.” It is said to strengthen self-confidence and inner peace. It

might be just the thing for a jittery, shy or nervous pet. It also helps with skin conditions.

Amazonite – Amazonite is used to calm the nervous system and provide relief from turbulent

emotions. It is said to dispel sadness. Amazonite is a stone of expression if you feel your pet has

locked up parts of their personality.

Amethyst – Powerful multipurpose healer. It’s a great help if your pet is older and has arthritis. It

also aids the digestive tract, heart, stomach, skin, and teeth. The vibrations of amethyst can help

rid animals of fleas.

Aventurine – Helps pets adjust to a new environment. If you are going on vacation and either

boarding your pet or taking them with you, it’s a very stressful time for them. Their reactions are

the same as we humans. Placing a gemstone under a sleeping bed or where ever you pets decide

to spend the night will help them in adjusting to their new environment. This gemstone also works

as a guard for the body against various infections, stabilizes blood pressure, and encourages the

regeneration of your pet’s heart. It can also relieve pain and heal tumors, as well as many other

ailments and symptoms.

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Bloodstone – This stone contains a host of healing powers such as improving failing eyesight,

spleen disorders, lung congestion, neutralizing body toxins, and purifying the liver, intestines,

bladder, kidneys, and blood.

Blue Lace Agate – This beautiful stone works to treat several different symptoms and ailments

such as throat problems, arthritis, and infections, along with many other healing properties.

Carnelian – This gemstone works to treat a vast amount of symptoms and ailments such as

degenerative body conditions, kidney stones, gall stones, trauma resulting from abuse, abrasions,

cuts, and disorders within the spine, spleen, or pancreas, as well as many other ailments that your

pet could suffer from.

Citrine – Helps the digestive track and insomnia. Just like humans, animals can have problems

sleeping from time to time.

Clear Quartz – Quartz helps bring clarity to communication between animals and humans. Quartz

can come in handy when teaching a pet commands. Another very powerful healing gemstone,

citrine works to treat kidney diseases, pain, diarrhea, and other such symptoms and ailments.

Dalmatian Jasper – is known as the Fun stone. It is said to have uplifting qualities that will keep

your pet balanced and well adjusted.

Hematite – Helps the muscular system.

Howlite – decreases selfishness, stress, pain, and rudeness. It increases tact, gentleness, and

patience. Howlite is thought to help with bones, teeth, calcium levels and leg cramps.

Jade – Helps to increase longevity. Jade is considered to be a stone that gives confidence, self-

sufficiency and increased tolerance. Physically, Jade is thought to regulate the heartbeat, increase

vitality and help with the hips, kidneys and spleen.

Lapis Lazuli– Helps the immune system, leukemia and bone cancer pain.

Labradorite – This stone works to stimulate the mind, clear the eyes, aid in digestion, and reduce

instances of stress and anxiety within your pet, as well as many other healing properties.

Leopardskin Jasper – facilitates strength, courage and vitality. This would make it good for shy

pets. Leopardskin Jasper can help them with being more outgoing and aiding them with social

interaction with their own and other species.

Mother of Pearl – repairs deep wounds and brings a feeling of love and comfort to frightened or

nervous pets.

Ocean Jasper – a soothing stone. It can calm your pet and increase its patience. It is considered to

aid in digestion, improve nutritional assimilation and detoxify.

Red Jasper – This stone contains a number of healing powers such as improving poor circulation,

healing the liver, healing the kidneys, pain relief, eliminating energy depletion, healing blood

issues, as well as supporting the sexual, digestive, and circulatory organs.

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Rhodonite – works at rebuilding a more solid emotional foundation and is good for calming and

long-term emotional healing.

Rose Quartz – This is a wonderful gemstone if your pet has had surgery or has a wound. Rose

Quartz treats many different ailments including promoting closeness of love between pet and

owner, as well as healing deprivation and the kidneys. Rose Quartz can help your pet be more

receptive to your love.

Rutilated Quartz – This stone is a stone of hope and happiness. It has many healing powers, such

as relieving depression within your pet, as well as healing difficulties in breathing and cell


Smoky Quartz – helps to heal paw disorders. It also helps with the nervous system and swellings.

This is a wonderful grounding stone and helps to remove negative energy. This gemstone works

to relieve pain, strengthen muscles, regulate body fluids, and reduce stress, as well as heal ailments

within the stomach, nerve tissues, reproductive system, heart, legs, and hips.

Snowflake Obsidian – thought to be restful and serene. It would be useful for easily agitated pets.

Helps to protect from physical and emotional harm. Can provide balance during times of change.

Sodalite – calms nervousness, great for traveling as it promotes calmness during travel. If your pet

gets car sick, try Sodalite. This stone is used specifically for healing mental conditions such as

panic or phobias. It releases the negative energy from within your pet, as well as many other

healing influences. Sodalite is said to instill confidence to the shy or timid it is good for increasing

interactivity and socialization. Sodalite is thought to balance body energy levels via thyroid,

pituitary, lymph, and other glands.

Tigers Eye – helps to calm in the midst of chaos. Helps eye, throat and reproductive system

problems. Tigers Eye is helpful in mending broken bones and to strengthen the spine. Great for

energetic dogs!

Turquoise – Helps with just about everything including protection. This healing stone is amazing

as a confidence booster if your pet shows signs of being shy or nervous. Turquoise is an excellent

grounding stone as its vibrations give peace of mind. This stone works to neutralize over-acidity

within the body, relieves gout, viral infections, stomach issues, and rheumatism, as well as

stimulating muscular strength and growth.

Unakite – a stone with gentle but powerful energy. It is good for separation anxiety.

Yellow Jasper – Yellow jasper can heal issues within the endocrine system, can promote the health

of the kidneys and intestines, and treat disorders of the stomach, as well as digestive issues. There

are many other healing properties of this gemstone as well, such as easing issues of abandonment,

especially when you leave for work or have to leave the animal for 24 hours.

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Why and How to Cleanse your Crystals and Gemstones

Crystals take on energy from their surroundings and if you don’t cleanse them regularly the energy

you feel may be the equivalent of wearing somebody else’s clothing, which is a kind of yucky

energy. You want your crystals attuned to you and working with you, not the postal carrier who

delivered them, and not me who packed them in giant wads of bubble wrap and tape before

shipping them out.

The info below is meant as a quick guide only. I cannot encompass every method out there or put

disclaimers for every stone in existence, so do your homework first. If in doubt, moonlight is my

personal favorite method of cleansing stones because it will never harm them and it’s easy. If

something special is happening up in the sky, like a full moon, new moon, or eclipse, all the better.

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7 Easy Ways to Cleanse your Crystals

Water – Water is a universal cleanser…ocean water, spring water, lake water, or any water filtered

by nature. Place your stones in a clear glass container, immerse them, and put the bowl in the

sunlight for a few hours or just hold them under running water. (Note: certain gemstones are

sensitive to water including selenite, pyrite, lapis, malachite, and turquoise.)

Smudging – The smoke from sage, cedar, frankincense, myrrh, and sweet grass all work. Just hold

your stones in the smoke for a few moments. Placing your incense or herbs in an abalone shell

while burning will improve the cleansing process. Alternatively, you can place your crystals in the

abalone shell and pass the entire shell through the smoke.

Moonlight – One of the easiest, safest ways to cleanse your crystals, just place your stones in the

direct light of the moon. Some people also bury their crystals in the earth under the light of a full

moon to take advantage of the magnetic force of the moon and earth. Doing this during a full moon

or lunar event will be more effective.

Visualization – Find a quiet place to sit with your crystals and visualize a white light surrounding

the crystal and removing any negative energy.

Sunlight – Place your crystals outside on a sunny day and allow them to soak up the sun’s energy.

Rice – Bury your crystals on a bed of brown rice overnight and the rice will absorb and transmute

any negative energy.

Other Crystals – placing a stone on a quartz cluster or selenite or next to carnelian, citrine, or

kyanite will cleanse it.

© 2017 Christine N. Bossie

This book is copyrighted and may not be reproduced or transmitted by any means for commercial

purposes without consent of the author.

Contact Info: [email protected]
