Constellation Project Student Information Name _______________________________ _ My constellation is ___________________________________. Objective 1: Create and present a slideshow informing the class about the science and mythology of your chosen constellation. Objective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation For this project, you will need to use printed and online resources to research a constellation. A variety of websites have been listed on the Stars & Constellations page of the Kid Zone at http://sciencespot.net/. Use the information on this page to help you as you research your constellation. You will be given research worksheets to help you gather the necessary information for your project. You should fill these out prior to beginning your slideshow and poster. Refer to the provided rubric for specific information on the content of the project. Students will be allowed to choose to work individually or in small groups. Success on this project involves staying on task and meeting mini deadlines to insure the completion of this project on time. Late projects will receive a penalty. Extremely late projects will not be accepted. Don’t forget that a bibliography is required. Include at least 3 references on the back of your worksheet. If it is a book, include the title and author. If it is a website, provide the title and URL. Please check the provided bibliography format guide

SAMMIS SCIENCE CLASSsammisscienceclass.weebly.com/.../constellation_project.docx · Web viewObjective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation

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Page 1: SAMMIS SCIENCE CLASSsammisscienceclass.weebly.com/.../constellation_project.docx · Web viewObjective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation

Constellation ProjectStudent Information Name ________________________________

My constellation is ___________________________________.

Objective 1: Create and present a slideshow informing the class about the science and mythology of your chosen constellation.

Objective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation

For this project, you will need to use printed and online resources to research a constellation. A variety of websites have been listed on the Stars & Constellations page of the Kid Zone at http://sciencespot.net/. Use the information on this page to help you as you research your constellation.

You will be given research worksheets to help you gather the necessary information for your project. You should fill these out prior to beginning your slideshow and poster. Refer to the provided rubric for specific information on the content of the project.

Students will be allowed to choose to work individually or in small groups. Success on this project involves staying on task and meeting mini deadlines to insure the completion of this project on time. Late projects will receive a penalty. Extremely late projects will not be accepted.

Don’t forget that a bibliography is required.Include at least 3 references on the back of your worksheet. If it is a book, include the title and author. If it is a website, provide the title and URL.Please check the provided bibliography format guide for more specific information on completing a bibliography correctly.

Want extra credit?Make a constellation viewer! You may use a variety of materials and designs to create a viewer to help other students identify your constellation in the night sky! The viewer must provide an accurate view of your constellation and be labeled with the constellationÕs name as well as your name.

Due Date: _____________________________

T. Trimpe http://sciencespot.net/

Page 2: SAMMIS SCIENCE CLASSsammisscienceclass.weebly.com/.../constellation_project.docx · Web viewObjective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation

To make film canister constellations:1. Make a miniature diagram of the constellation that will fit inside the lid of a film canister. 2. Cut out diagram and center inside the lid. 3. Use a sharp tool to punch out the positions of the stars.4. Also punch a small viewing hole on the other end of the canister.5. Write the name of the constellation on the outside of the container. 6. Replace lid and hold up to the light!

Excellent Resources:- Constellations for Every Kid by Janice VanCleave - one of my favorite resources! - Ranger RickÕs Nature Scope: Astronomy Adventures - contains background info and worksheets on an assortment of astronomy topics. - Visit the links listed on the Astronomy page of the Kid Zone - http://sciencespot.net/Pages/kidzone.html - for more information on constellations.

Page 3: SAMMIS SCIENCE CLASSsammisscienceclass.weebly.com/.../constellation_project.docx · Web viewObjective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation

Aries Cygnus Phoenix

Auriga Draco Pisces

Aquarius Eridanus Puppis

Aquila Gemini Sagittarius

Bootes Grus Scorpius

Cancer Hercules Taurus

Canis Major Hydra Ursa Major

Canis Minor Leo Ursa Minor

Capricornus Lepus Vela

Cassiopeia Libra Virgo

Centaurus Lyra

Cepheus Ophiuchus

Cetus Orion

Columbia Pegasus

Page 4: SAMMIS SCIENCE CLASSsammisscienceclass.weebly.com/.../constellation_project.docx · Web viewObjective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation

Name _____________________________________________________________ Class _____________________

Constellation Poster and Slideshow Project

Category Strong – 5ptsMeets Expectations – Needs Strengthening – Area of Concern –

3pts 1pt 0 ptsStar Map Stars of the Star map shows general Star map provided,

constellation are but constellation not No star map providedlocation of constellation

plotted on star map included

Mythological Full color picture,Full color picture with

Black and whitestars missing or black No mythologicalFigure shows stars within

and white picture withpicture with stars

figure includedfigure missing from figurestars included

Constellation is Constellation isConstellation represented neatly, Constellation is Not providedrepresented neatly andcolorfully and provided

clearlycreativelyName, Nickname, #

3 out of 4 provided 2 out of 4 provided 1 or none providedof stars, and names ofstars included

Brightest star,magnitude, Type, 4 out of 5 provided 2 or 3 provided 1 or none provided

Sciencecolor, and temp correctly correctly correctly

provided correctlyRequirements Season, month, 3 out of 4 provided 2 out of 4 provided 1 or none providedhours, and degrees

correctly correctly correctlyprovided correctly3 correct 3 correct constellationsconstellations provided and special Requirements Requirements notprovided and special features partially partially met providedfeatures fully

explainedexplainedMyth is very detailed, Myth is detailed, story Story line lacks detailstory line flows and and flow, poorly

Myth - line flows and has ahas a clear purpose, organized, charactersMyth not included

Contents characters are fullypurpose, characters are

are not developed,developed and mostdeveloped and all some requirements

requirements are metrequirements are met met

Myth - Typed, no spelling or Typed, minor errors inTyped, numerouserrors in spelling

Myth not includedMechanics grammatical errors, spelling and/or

and/or grammar,very neat grammar, and neat and/or messy

Poster Creative andPoster is put together Poster is not put Poster is missing

neatly and together neatly and many requirements.Presentation decorative, excellent

appropriately, nice appropriately, poor Very poorpresentationpresentation presentation presentation


Proper format, correct use of quotations and citations where

neededProper format

Sources listed with some missing

information or format errors

Numerous errors or not present

LATE PENALTY: -5 PTS TOTAL: _________/ 55

Name _________________________________HR ____________ Date _____________

Page 5: SAMMIS SCIENCE CLASSsammisscienceclass.weebly.com/.../constellation_project.docx · Web viewObjective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation

Science Requirements – Rough Draft

The Name of my constellation is: ____________________________________________The Nick Name of my constellation is: _______________________________________

There are _____________ stars in my constellation.The names of my stars are: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The name of the brightest star in my constellation is __________________ with a magnitude of (+/-) ___________. This star is a Type ___________ (O-M) star and the color of this star is _____________ with a surface temperature of ____________degrees Kelvin.

The best season to see my constellation is ________________________, especially in the month of _______________________.

On a star map, you can find my constellation at ____________________ right ascension with a declination of ________________________ . It is right next to the constellations _________________________, __________________________ and__________________________.

A special feature found in my constellation is: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 6: SAMMIS SCIENCE CLASSsammisscienceclass.weebly.com/.../constellation_project.docx · Web viewObjective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation

Name ______________________________________HR ______Date_______________

Myth Rough Draft - due on: _______________

by Liz


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Page 8: SAMMIS SCIENCE CLASSsammisscienceclass.weebly.com/.../constellation_project.docx · Web viewObjective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation


Myth is typed in the following format:

First and Last name top left

Page 9: SAMMIS SCIENCE CLASSsammisscienceclass.weebly.com/.../constellation_project.docx · Web viewObjective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation

Date Top Right

Font: 12 pt Times New Roman

Skip one line

Line Spacing: 1 ½

Center – Title of Myth

Margins: 1 inch

Page 10: SAMMIS SCIENCE CLASSsammisscienceclass.weebly.com/.../constellation_project.docx · Web viewObjective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation

Skip 2 lines

Not to exceed 2 pages

Body of Myth

Page 11: SAMMIS SCIENCE CLASSsammisscienceclass.weebly.com/.../constellation_project.docx · Web viewObjective 2: Create a poster displaying the information you have gathered about your constellation

Myth Requirements: Be sure to answer these questions:

What is the purpose of your myth? ( to explain natural phenomena, to explain the

creation of the world, to teach people moral lessons, to explain some historical event, to

explain some ancient religious practices, to reveal the common hopes and fears of

mankind, to explain how a figure appeared in the stars)





Main Character’s name and purpose:




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List the Gods, Goddesses, Demi-Gods and Mortals in your story and what their role

in the story is.








Why was your constellation placed in the sky?





Why is the constellation visible during that time of the year? Why did you place it

where you did?





What is the meaning of the name for your brightest star?




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Other notes:






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