SAMPLE - 7 Functions of Apostolic Leadership Volume 1

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7 Functions of Apostolic Leadership Volume 1 Mentoring, Coaching, Discipling, Counseling, Teaching, Managing


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SAMPLE - 7 Functions of Apostolic Leadership Volume 1 Mentoring, Coaching, Discipling, Counseling, Teaching, Managing Copyright © 2018 by Global Business Ministries International All rights reserved 196 Rienert Avenue,Edleen Ext. 3 Kempton Park 1619Gauteng Republic of South Africa1st Printing July 2018Published by Global Business Ministries International E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: www.gbm-bookshop.com All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the publisher.Scripture quotations are taken from the Global Business Ministries (GBM) version of the Bible. Original Teaching By Les D. Crause

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Table of Contents

Apostolic Function No. 1 - Apostolic Mentorship 7

Chapter 04 - What a Mentor is and Does 7

There is More For You 14

About The Author 17

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What a Mentor is and Does

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Chapter 04 What a Mentor is and Does Page !7

Apostolic Function No. 1 - Apostolic Mentorship

Chapter 04 - What a Mentor is and Does

What is a mentor? A lot of people have many different ideas of what a mentor is. I looked up the definition online and they have quite a good one on Wikipedia which I want to share with you here. It goes like this.

Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person.

The mentor may be older or younger than the person being mentored, but he or she must have a certain area of expertise. It is a learning and development partnership between someone with vast experience and someone who wants to learn.

Confusion About Mentorship

A mentor is not exactly all that we have been taught through the years. I so often hear people saying,

“This person is my mentor.”

The other day I read how someone said,

“I have accepted this person as my lifetime mentor.”

I thought, “You don’t have a clue what a mentor is do you?”

Mentorship is either made too little or too much. Some people think a mentor is just like another person that they learn something from. They listen to one of his teachings or they read his book, and now he is their mentor.

Others seem to think of a mentor as being the one person in your life who tells you what to do, advises you and you look up to for the rest of your life.

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You need to understand what mentorship is, because as we look at the seven apostolic functions, mentorship is one of them. So we need to bring mentorship into its right place, and understand exactly what it is and how it should be done.

Origin of the Word Mentor

What exactly then does mentor mean? Where does this word come from?

It was actually only used in the English language from the 18th century. The word mentor comes from Greek mythology. I didn’t bother writing down all the names but you can go and look it up online.

There was some famous king in Greek mythology who had an old trusted friend whose name was Mentor. When he went away, he took this friend Mentor, and put him in charge of his son to take care of him while he was away.

Over time this thing began to change. Within Greek mythology one of the Greek goddesses was taking the image of Mentor and started advising and counseling people. You can go and read the whole thing if you want to but we don’t care about Greek mythology.

The point is, it started there until some French guy wrote a book on it and started to use the word mentor. In the 18th century his book became very popular and the word started to come into our English language.

Today we hear this word thrown around all the time. Nobody really knows what it is, but I keep hearing people saying,

“I need a mentor. Will you be my mentor? Where do I get a mentor?”

A Mentor in Scripture

Where is the word mentor mentioned in the Scriptures? Where can you find it? Have you looked? You won’t find the word mentor mentioned in it.

The Scriptures were written a long time ago and they weren’t interested in Greek mythology. However there is a term that

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is used in Scripture which I have translated as mentor, because I think it is the closest Scriptural term.

This is a term that we don’t use anymore, but it was used back there. In the old King James Version it was translated as schoolmaster.

What is a schoolmaster? A school master was usually a trusted servant; someone that the main guy could trust to take care of his kids, especially his sons. He was almost like a chaperone, who would watch over them while they were still too young and immature to know what they were doing.

He was there to take care of them, to advise them and to guide them, until the child was old enough to be considered an adult in his own right. Until then the child couldn’t even go out without the school master being with him.

This term occurs three times in the New Testament. As I have now been retranslating our version of the Bible, I have decided to put the word mentor in place of where the old version used schoolmaster.

I decided this because today we don’t know what a schoolmaster is. We don’t have any such thing in our modern society. Some cultures might know it but generally we don’t.

The best Scripture which illustrates this is 1 Corinthians 4:15, where Paul says this in the original version.

For you may have ten thousand instructors in Christ, but you have not many fathers.

I have translated it like this.

You may have ten thousand mentors in Christ, but you do not have many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I fathered you by means of the gospel.

In Galatians 3:24 and 25 Paul says,

Therefore the law was our mentor to bring us to Christ…

The law was a guiding force before we became Christians. It was a temporary thing there to regulate us until we came to Christ. He says,

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… that we might be justified by faith. But once faith has arrived we are no longer under a mentor.

Mentorship is Not Permanent

I think this Scripture beautifully illustrates the exact role of a mentor; where it starts and where it ends. Mentorship is always temporary. It is never permanent.

It is there if you lack knowledge or experience. The mentor is there to make up for your lack of knowledge or experience; to be there to impart of his or her knowledge and experience in order to help you, to guide you and to bring you to maturity.

A Quick Work

The function of a mentor is to bring you up to scratch very quickly, instead of learning things the hard way by that old thing known as ‘The School of Hard Knocks’. You keep bumping your head until you start to think,

“It is not such a good idea to bump my head.”

Do you know this old saying? It says,

“I stopped hitting myself over the head, because it felt so good when I stopped.”

Sometimes it takes a while for us to realize that what we are doing is all wrong. A mentor can come in and say,

“Hey, what are you doing that for? You don’t have to do that.”

You can then learn very quickly. You can also be led into new experiences with the guidance of someone who has a bit more knowledge and experience than you.

Develops One Quality Only

The main role of a mentor is to develop in you a specific quality that you desire and that is needed. So the mentor is a kind of a teacher, but not just a teacher.

The mentor is a person who is there to influence you and mold you. He or she is there to guide you, and to help you

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come up to scratch and reach the goal that you desire. The mentor can help you to get there very quickly, because they have the knowledge and perhaps the experience that you don’t have yourself.

And so mentorship is always limited. It has a limited period of time. Mentorship is never ever continual, and once it is complete it doesn’t need to be repeated.

Once you have been mentored to develop a specific quality, the mentor’s job is done. You have learned what needs to be learned, and you don’t need to learn it again.

So can you see that a mentor is there, just for a specific period of time and to accomplish a specific task in you? Once they have finished accomplishing that the mentorship relationship is over and you don’t need to be mentored in that again.

Develops Many Possible Things

Because of that, it is possible for you to have many mentors. Paul was a bit extreme and said that you could have 10,000 mentors. Well how many qualities do you need to develop? What goals do you have, and what kind of aspirations do you have in life?

Are you happy just to develop normally? I was never one of those. Are you happy just to finish your school qualification and get a nice job? Are you happy to get a degree, qualify in some professional thing, and do that for the rest of your life?

Are you happy to rise up, become the Pastor of a church and be a pastor for the rest of your life? I was never one of those. Some people are, and if that is all that you desire to be, find somebody who can mentor you and help develop in you the qualities that you need.

The mentor only develops one quality and it is done. If you have many qualities that you want to develop, you may have to find many different mentors, each of them who have expertise in the particular thing that you are wanting.

You will enter into a mentorship relationship with that person and they will help to develop that quality in you. Then once it is done it is over.

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One Mentor At A Time

It goes without saying that you can only have one mentor at a time, otherwise you will bite off more than you can chew. People who want to do three or four study courses at the same time are not going to make it. Some people write to us and they want to enroll in our school.

They say, “I am just busy finishing a Master’s Degree in this subject.”

I say to them, “Come back when you are finished. What do you want to join us for now if you are busy studying already? Are you trying to be clever?”

They have too many irons in the fire. You are going to learn shortly that as a mentor you have to set the terms and conditions.

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End of Sample

We Hope That You Were Blessed By This Sample Download

Here is what you will find in the full version of 7 Functions of Apostolic Leadership Volume 1

EBook Sections:

1. Introduction to the Apostolic 2. Apostolic Function No. 1 - Apostolic Mentoring 3. Apostolic Function No. 2 - Apostolic Coaching 4. Apostolic Function No. 3 - Apostolic Discipling 5. Apostolic Function No. 4 - Apostolic Counseling 6. Apostolic Function No. 5 - The Apostolic Teacher7. Apostolic Function No. 6 - The Apostolic Manager

Purchase the full ebook now to discover the first 6 functions that all Apostles should know.

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Also look out for the second book in the series entitled:

7 Functions of Apostolic Leadership Volume 2 - Spiritual and Apostolic Parenting - The 7th Function

Continue reading for a list of other ebooks available from GBM International

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There is More For You

There is More For You

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More Ebooks and Teachings

If you are interested in more teaching from Les D. Crause and the GBM Team then look out for some of these books on the GBM Bookshop: www.gbm-bookshop.com

All of the following books are available from GBM bookshop and other online retails stores.

Books By Les D. Crause

Apostolic Books

The Apostolic Calling

The Apostolic Minister

The Apostolic Entrepreneur

Building the New Church

Business and Success Books

The Blessing Code

Fulfill Your Destiny

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There is More For You

The Way to Success

Keys to Self-Motivation

Making Your Dream Come True

The New Way of Blessing Part 1 - Discovering Your Blessing

The New Way of Blessing Part 2 - Using Your Blessing

The New Way of Business Part 1 - Keys to Creativity

Developing Business Relationships

Four Weeks With God in Business

The God Kind of Business

The God Way to Wealth

The Practice of Business

Psychology in Business

Seven Pillars of Business Success

Harvesting Your Desire

Ministry and Doctrine Books

Bible Doctrine Made Easy

Counseling God's Way

Solving Counseling Problems

Conversational Prayer

Ministering in God's Power

Spiritual Transformation

Your Spiritual Journey

Finding God's Perfect Match

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There is More For You

Living With God's Perfect Match

Unleash Your Talents

Prophetic Books

Prophet in a Box

Perfecting Your Prophetic Ministry

Prophetic Ministry Made Easy

Prophetic Visions and Dreams

Reaching Prophetic Office

Functioning in Prophetic Office

Praying With Power

Books From Daphne J. CrausePraying With Power

Four Factors in Financial Prosperity

Daily Good News Volume 1 - First Quarter

Daily Good News Volume 2 - Second Quarter

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About The Author

About The Author

Les D. Crause is the Founder and Apostolic Father of Global Business Ministries International (www.gbmi.co.za)

Always working on the cutting edge, Les is paving the way for the End Times Church and also rising up to set a standard in both Ministry and Business. His influence is reaching to all nations, all genders, and all classes of people.

Having spent years in preparation, Les has put together a ministry that combines the three roads that God has shown him.

These roads are: The Ministry Road, The Business Road and the Social Road.

This will result in the ultimate vision that God gave Les years ago. He showed that those in the End Times Church would walk on three roads at the same time, and that this would produce the greatest church of all time.

Les has produced many books and resources on different subjects and continues to provide teaching and training to help extend the Kingdom of God into the earth.

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