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Sample Copy. Not For Distributionsubmitting my fee,” she said arranging money in ascending order. Ayaan had told to the teacher that he would pay his fee in two or three days. And

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Who Knocked at Her Heart

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© Copyright, 2018, Amaan Khan

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ISBN: 978-1-5457-2443-9

Price: ` 205.00

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Who Knocked at Her



Amaan Khan



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For you

I have lived a true life with you. Now I don’t need

anything. You will be in all my stories and therein

somewhere in the characters of the stories. I am

busy writing you in my life again. I have learned

prediction and it would not bother you. I can have

you in my life through imagination. You will play

the main role and will be the heroine or Princess of

my kingdom of imaginations in all the stories.

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Amaan Khan


Chapter 1

First Interaction with

A Stranger Girl ____________________________________________________________________________________

This was the first year of Ayaan’s post-graduation;

he was not new to the university, he was doing post-

graduation after the gap of two years in the same

university from where he had completed his

bachelor. He knew her because at the beginning of

the first year of his post-graduation. He and She

were two students who took admission in MBA at

the same date. They met in the admission cell when

she needed a pen for filling her admission form. She

was shaking her pen because it was not working

properly. Ayaan was also there to take admission in

M.B.A. He was also filling his admission form

sitting in front of her seat. A small drop of ink fell

on his form, he looked at her and then noticed, she

was trying to write something on her admission

form but the pen was pausing frequently. So, he

stopped filling his form and offered his pen to her

from which he was filing his form, whereas he did

not have another. He offered it to her because he

could have another one from the teacher who was in

the cabin which was just behind him. But when he

offered it to her, she refused to take it from him by

nodding her face. He insisted her to take that.

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Who Knocked at Her Heart


“Take this pen I can ask from sir for another

one,” He said to her leaving his chair. She took it

with thanking him.

“Thank you very much for that,” she said

penning on the form.

In between, Ayaan went to his class teacher

who had taught him in his graduation. He had

taught him five subjects when he was in B.com


“Sir, my pen is not working properly, it is

pausing at the time of writing on the form,” Ayaan

lied to the teacher. Ayaan knew that it was her pen

which was not working properly, but he lied to his

teacher that it was his pen.

The teacher gave a pen to him after asking his

colleague, if his colleague had an extra pen. Ayaan

knew that the teacher would not refuse him to give a

pen. After taking it from the teacher, Ayaan went

back to sit where he was filling his form.

“Your form had flown from here,” she said

giving that to Ayaan. “Thank you for this,” he said

putting the form on the table.

He completed his form and went back to the teacher

to give back pen. He thanked his teacher for his

kindness. The words uttered by the teacher were

quite impressive for him.

“No need to say thank, you are like our child.

We are not just your teachers, we are like your

parents too,” Teacher said to Ayaan.

He returned to the girl, but she was not there on

her seat. He searched her here and there by

rounding his head from the seat.

“Here is she,” he mumbled as he saw her.

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Amaan Khan


She was submitting her form to the teacher who

was sitting in the cabin which was near to

admission cell gate. Ayaan took out his cell phone

from the right pocket to see the time. It was ten to

eleven. Meanwhile, she came back on her seat,

started writing something in the form. He noticed

her form. She was still filling the admission form.

Apart from that, he noticed on her form. She was

also taking admission in M.B.A. He squinted for a

while on her form and saw her name on the form.

“Sara” He mumbled her name and turned his face

when he felt if she noticed to him squinting at her


“Has she noticed me while mumbling her

name?” He thought.

He took a sigh of relief when he didn't get any

change in her body language.

“No, she didn't notice you,” he said to himself

in his mind.

She was busy on the last line of the form,

finished her form. She again went to the teacher

where she visited before. Now the teacher accepted

her form. Ayaan was gazing her from his seat, his

eyes were following her where she was going

through. As she returned to him, he turned his face

from her to save him from noticing by her. On the

way from the cabin to her seat, he just noticed her

putting her documents in the bag which she was

carrying with her. She returned to her seat and gave

back his pen.

“Thank you,” she said giving back Ayaan’s

pen. “You are most welcome,” he replied putting

his pen in the bag. “Are you taking admission in

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Who Knocked at Her Heart


MBA too?” Ayaan questioned her. “It means, Are

you too here for taking admission in MBA?” she

asked instead. “By the way, my name is Sara,” she

told her name giving her hand towards him. “Sara”

a voice interrupted in their conversation. She took

back her hand and turned her face to see who was

there. It was a teacher from the table where she just

returned. They could not shake hands. She started

going back to the teacher.

“Wait here, I am coming back to you,” she said

to Ayaan going towards the teacher.

She submitted her form. The teacher said to her

that he would contact her after two days. She

returned to Ayaan. From here, Ayaan’s friendship

started with Sara. They talked to each other for a

while in the admission cell then they left the

admission cell when she asked him to come to the

canteen with her.

“I am feeling hungry, I did not have breakfast

properly,” she said putting her right hand on her


They came out from the admission cell, went

towards the canteen. The canteen was near to the

admission cell. There was a garden full of flowers

in front of the canteen. As they stepped into the

canteen, they saw there were seven tables in the

canteen. They went to the last one which was just

near to the window and occupied the chairs. Ayaan

looked for someone to come to them to take the

order. But no one was there except the counterman

who was at the payment counter. There was a notice

on the wall which was indicating that there was

self-service. So, Ayaan went to him and ordered

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Amaan Khan


four samosas. The counterman gave that to him. He

returned to her with two plates of samosas having

two each in the plate with one packet of sauce with

each plate and they started eating that.

“Are you graduated from here?” She asked

him. “Yes, I am not new to this university. I had

finished the bachelor degree from here two years

ago. I took 2 years gap after completing graduation

and now I am again here to take admission in

M.B.A.,” Ayaan told her biting a small piece of

samosa. “Why did you not pursue your post

graduation after completing your graduation by

then?” She questioned biting her Samosa. “I mean,

“Why did you take 2 years gap?”

“There was a problem so that I could not

pursue,” he said to her not telling everything about

why he had not pursued.

They discussed many more about their studies

and about their schooling life. They finished their

samosas. As they reached to payment counter, they

were eager to pay the bill.

“How much?” Ayaan asked to the counterman

and took out his wallet to pay the bill but until he

did that she put money to the payment counter.

“Keep your money I will pay the bill,” Ayaan said

snatching a hundred Rupees note from his wallet.

“Take it,” she said to the counterman. Then they left

for home.

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Who Knocked at Her Heart


Chapter 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________

Ayaan was in college canteen eating a burger there.

He was again here after one week of his first day at

university because the admission department had

messaged him.

“We are pleased to inform you that you are

capable to join our university so you can come to

the university by tomorrow for submitting your

further details and documents as we require as per

University guidelines,”

After taking all the information regarding his

classes, submitting all the documents and details as

they required. They told him, “He could join classes

from next Monday.” As he turned back, he saw Sara

was also there. He went to her. She was there, three

chairs away from him.

“How are you?” Ayaan asked her giving his

hand. They shook hands. “Have they messaged you

to come here?” She asked instead. “Yes, you know

our classes will start from next Monday,” He said.

“Yes, they have told me,” she replied snatching

money from her bag. “What are you waiting for?

Let’s go, eat something in the canteen,” he asked

her. “You go, I am coming behind you after

submitting my fee,” she said arranging money in

ascending order.

Ayaan had told to the teacher that he would pay

his fee in two or three days. And they allowed him

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Amaan Khan


to do so knowing that he was an ex-student. He

waited for Sara outside of admission cell. She came

out from the admission cell after submitting her fee

and they both went to the canteen.

Some students were playing truth and dare

beside them; the students were making noise and

laughing loudly. One of them started singing a song,

as they both entered the canteen.

“Tujhe Dekha to Ye Jana sanam, Pyaar hota hai

deewana sanam.”

Ayaan listened to his song and felt as if he used

to sing in the bathroom. He was a bathroom singer

for him. And other students were laughing and

singing with him gradually. They were trying to

tease him by singing with him. Ayaan sensed it by

their tone of singing.

After a while of listening to the song, “perhaps

they are singing after seeing both of us,” Ayaan

thought. “Or maybe, only because of Sara, as boys

do when they see girls, perhaps they are trying to


This question came to his mind because he had

listened that from his friends and elders, “Ragging

is a part of most of the colleges and Universities

these days. The senior of any university or college

tries to rag with new admission.”

But suddenly he noticed all of them, were busy

in their own activities. He noticed no one was

seeing here or there. The focus of all students was

on the student who was singing. Students were

playing truth or dare having a bottle.

The game can be played by two or more

players. We need a bottle to play that game. We put

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Who Knocked at Her Heart


the bottle on the surface of anything where we can

spin it. In this game, we have two options.

“Truth and dare.”

In dare-

We have to complete a task given by the

opposite player; task may be anything like “To

shout in public or to do the dance in public.”

In Truth-

We have to speak the truth which other person

is asking. “The truth may be anything related to

personal life or not.” To play this game we have to

require a bottle.

“This game is full of fun,” she said to him

pointing his finger towards the students who were

playing the game.

“Let's play this game,” he said. “Yes,” She said

with excitement.

He and Sara went to sit to play truth or dare.

Ayaan rounded his head to search the bottle in

whole the canteen but he could not find an empty

bottle there in the canteen. Meanwhile, he noticed

the students who were playing with the bottle had

stopped spinning the bottle. They all were collecting

their stuff from the table. One of them was on the

payment counter, pulling out his wallet. So Ayaan

went to them, asked for the bottle. They allowed

him to take the bottle. He took the bottle from the

table and thanked them.

“It is ok,” One of them said. “We are going to

take our classes so no need to say thanks.”

“It means the classes have started,” Ayaan

thought while going towards the table where Sara

was excitingly waiting for the bottle. “Perhaps they

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Amaan Khan


are new to the university.” He felt that because they

were in casual, and behaved well. “If the students

were not new to the university then they surely

comment something on us or try to rag us.” He

thought. He came back to the table with the bottle,

put the bottle on the table, and spin it. Sara won and

got a chance to give the options.

“Truth or Dare?” Sara asked him. “Truth,” He


The very first question she threw on Ayaan was

like weird for Ayaan.

“Do you have a girlfriend,” Sara asked to him.

The question which she asked from him

showed him that she was an open-minded girl.

When a girl could have the courage of asking that

type of question, so how could he have taken back

to himself.

“Yes, I had,” he said. “Who was she………

Ayaan interrupted when she tried to ask something

more from him about the girl.

“No, you can only ask one question after

winning a round,” he said. “Let’s spin again,” she

said as if she was keen to know more about his

girlfriend if she won that round too. Now she spins

the bottle. Ayaan won the round.

“Truth or dare?” he gave her options. “Truth,”

she chose. Meanwhile, he was thinking, “Wish she

choose the dare and I will give a task to laugh

loudly.” He wanted to see how much she was

careless about anything, but she chose truth. “Same

question,” he said holding the bottle in hand. “What

same question?” she asked him as if she did not get

what he meant.

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