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Sample Copy. Not For Distribution.The book will surely enable you to learn the methods of effective and successful study for successful and satisfying life. It will make your personal

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    Why Should I Study?

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    ISBN: 978-93-85247-76-7

    Price: ` 199.00

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    Why Should I


    Dr. K. S. Deepak



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    Dedication Dedicated to the great Almighty and

    my beloved family...

    as always!!!

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    About The Author Dr. K S Deepak, is a Professor in Pharmacy

    Institute in Hyderabad. He is Doctorate (PhD)

    in Pharmacy, Masters (M.A.) in Psychology

    and Bachelors degree (B.Ed) in Education. He

    is basically from a rural area of Maharashtra.

    Teaching is his passion so he left lucrative

    corporate job and joined teaching profession.

    He occasionally writes on his facebook page

    regarding current social issues. He has deep interest and care for

    the cause of Education and environmental issues. He believes,

    everyone has potential we need to recognise and develop it. He

    plans to write many educational books and this is his first book in

    this cause.

    He can be reached at [email protected].


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    About The Book “Why Should I Study” is about understanding the importance of

    study in our life. It‟s an interesting book, which tells us what is the

    true meaning of study, why it‟s important to study regularly, what

    we will gain by studying and may lose by not studying. It explains

    relation between success, happiness and satisfaction and it tries to

    show us the ways for selecting the study which is most suitable for

    us. The book will surely enable you to learn the methods of

    effective and successful study for successful and satisfying life. It

    will make your personal and professional life more contented.


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    I need to be thankful to various persons, authors, websites and

    other sources for providing me inspiration and direction for

    making this book a reality.

    It would not be easy to write this book without referring so

    many resourses, these ideas are backbone of this book.

    Many stories used in this book are either folk stories or

    taken from open sources. I am thankful to original authors of the


    This is an attempt to explain things which may be already

    told by others with my opinion, conviction and perception to

    inspire people to realise their true strength and potential and act


    Direct or indirect contribution of all known and unknown

    contributors is acknowledged. Thank you!


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    Introduction I was taking my evening walk in the neighborhood and suddenly I

    heard a mother shouting and scolding a boy, probably her son, who

    was barely about 10 years old. „I told you to study and I am finding

    you drawing cartoon pictures on the book? What will you do? Ha!

    Stop this and just study the books”, she was yelling at him. “Every

    day I have to be like a watchman guarding over him all evening to

    make him study.” she told me when I stopped and was watching

    her. I asked the boy what is the problem. He told very innocently,”

    Everybody tell me to study but I don‟t understand why should I

    Study when I don‟t like it at all?”

    I remembered my childhood, When I was a school going

    child, I used to be very confused and angry as everybody use to tell

    me and remind me that I should study and get good grades. But

    everyone used to forget to tell me why should I study and what

    will I achieve if I study. I also hated math and history and can‟t

    justify why should I study and score well in all the subjects I am

    studying. Though I was a very bright student I lost my interest in

    studies and was at the verge of quitting studies as an

    undergraduate. I was finding it very hard to study the subjects

    which don‟t interest me to just write and pass the exams. It‟s when

    I joined my job I understood what the need of studies is and I

    subsequently finished my postgraduate and doctorate in pharmacy.

    Due to renovated interest in study I was also able to finish my

    masters in Psychology.

    I thought the problem is same even after 25 years. There is

    very less progress in educating small children to know the answer

    of question why should I study? And I decided to give my version

    of the reasons for the same question. This is why I started writing

    the book Why Should I Study?

    If we observe most of the great persons in different fields

    were born in ordinary conditions and likely had very normal

    ordinary parents. What made them great in their fields? What is the

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    specialty of these great people which make them very special,

    great, legends?

    You ask any teenager or any young person in any part of

    world you will notice that everybody wants to become rich and

    famous. Everybody wants to be rich and great but very few

    become in reality. There is simple example from a life of very

    famous musician which I have read somewhere. One day at the age

    of 60 he was performing before a royal meeting. After his

    wonderful performance the king said,” Wow! What divine music!

    Where you have learned this? I can give my life for this kind of

    music.” The musician calmly said,” I have already given my life to

    learn the music!” This story tells us that everybody wants to be

    rich famous and great but only those who not only dream but also

    work tirelessly towards the achievement and realization of the

    dream become great, rich and famous.

    Thus those who become somebody in their life or at least

    improved their life and status remarkably were those who were

    constantly trying to fulfill some or other requirement in achieving

    what they were dreaming. This constant and persistent desire made

    them master of many other things so that they were capable of

    sustaining whatever pressure they got on their way to reach to the

    desired destination. This struggle, drive, zeal to get the things of

    interest is nothing but study.


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    Content List

    S.no Title Page

    1. What is Study? 1

    2. Why Should I Study 10

    3. Select your Study 23

    4. How to Study 39

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  • Why Should I Study?

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    1 What is Study?


    The first and foremost thing to develop interest in study is to

    understand what is the meaning of study?

    What actually is study?

    The word “study” cannot be confined to any one specific meaning

    as any activity which results in learning and improving something

    can be called study.

    The Study is a process of doing something, observing

    something keenly or imitating something so as to learn that

    “something” in such a way that you can be a good doer for that

    “something” whenever required, wherever required.

    When we are in school or college for education, studying is

    learning all the subjects either by reading the books, listening to

    the teachings and solving the exercises of those particular subjects.

    This can be thus mastering subjects related to academic

    specialties like Languages, Math, Science or Geography if one

    intends to get at least minimum education level and knowledge in

    that subject and use that in life either getting a job or setting a

    business or doing something for earning livelihood.

    In case of a sport when you aspire to become a

    sportsperson, the study is practicing that sport whole-heartedly and

    regularly. It also includes analyzing and taking the accurate steps

    needed to improve your particular weak or strong area in that sport.

    Same is true for whether you want to be musician, painter,

    business man, scientist or whatever you want to be, the basic

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  • What is Study?

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    principle never changes that “you have to study your chosen field

    if you want to make it count, make an impact

    Study also involves trying to learn and imitate some

    technical aspects of the field as the greats in that particular field


    One of very important aspect of study is finding new,

    improved, innovative techniques of doing or executing various

    aspect of the field you are studying.

    “The study is constantly observing, analyzing, learning, doing, practicing and thriving for improving some or other

    activity so as to master it for further application and utilization

    for much better professional, personal or social outcomes”.

    But just day dreaming and reading and discussing about the

    area of interest, without actually working on it is not study. It can

    be just a minor part of it.

    Study involves wholesome activity related to the “subject”

    you have chosen.

    Simply you can say studying is constant practicing,

    analyzing and again practicing till you achieve your predetermined


    “An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of

    preaching” - Mahatma Gandhi

    Let’s try to understand the concept of study illustrated with some

    examples from the life stories of people who are great in their

    respective fields.

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  • Why Should I Study?

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    Sachin Tendulkar:

    Everybody know Sachin, Little Master as he is called, is considered as best batsman in the word with a double century and

    century of centuries in cricket, his many records are unbreakable as

    it seems. Now think about Sachin Tendulkar, he has played cricket

    for 22 years representing Indian team.

    He played in all forms of cricket with same passion and efficiency

    as he used to play 20 years ago. He actually started when he was in

    school, at the age of 7 or 8. He is said to be most regular in practice

    sessions in morning and evening even after becoming best.

    Imagine how boring it would be to go to ground everyday in

    morning and evening for 3-4 hours and playing cricket for around

    35 years without losing interest and passion.

    “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice

    makes perfect”- Vince Lombardi

    For the little master the practice of cricket more specifically means

    practicing batting everyday in morning and evening. As he studied

    and till study, so he is “GREAT”.

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  • What is Study?

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    The words of one of the greatest NBA player Michael Jordan tell

    us everything.

    “I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost

    almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the

    game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over

    and over again in my life. And that is

    why I succeed”: -Michael Jordan

    Roger Federer

    The one who knows tennis must know Roger Federer is regarded

    as the “greatest” tennis player of all time. He has a record book of

    records in tennis. To name a few, he has won 17 grand slam titles,

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  • Why Should I Study?

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    more than any other men's singles player. He is the first ever men's

    singles tennis player to have reached 25 grand slam finals, 10 of

    them are consecutive. He is the player to be on top of the ATP

    Rankings for longest duration i.e. 302 weeks.

    He started as player when he was child. He was junior

    champion in Wimbledon 1998.After that he never looked back and

    dominated tennis. He is 34 year old and till he is able to play and

    beat younger players.

    For Federer practicing and perfecting game of tennis is

    study. He has focused all his energies on his selected study and

    that’s why he became Roger federer, The FedEx.

    His famous quote "Hang in there and hope for the best

    whenever things are down".

    How he achieved this? Everybody knows that he rarely

    misses practice

    There are legends like Sachin and Federer in all the sports

    who have done same thing to become “The Legend”.

    Lata Mangeshkar

    Have you heard about Lata Mangeshkar, the lady with golden

    voice. She started singing when she was barely 10 or 11 years old.

    She used to practice every day in morning and evening for long

    hours. She is above 86 years of age and till she sing songs for a 16

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  • What is Study?

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    year old actress of movie with same grace and sweetness. Imagine

    many old people can’t talk clearly at this age and she can sing for

    young girls.

    How it’s possible? She is tirelessly studying and practicing

    music for more than 70 years. From early childhood when she

    started singing, she has constantly and consistently practiced

    without getting tired or either bored. For her this practice is

    STUDY. She studied without fail so she is able to stand for this

    long and till standing without being affected by age.

    “Don't practice until you get it right. Practice until you

    can't get it wrong...ever.” - Ziad K. Abdelnour

    Thomas Edison

    We are enjoying many comforts in life which are actually possible

    because of the efforts of one of the greatest scientist ever existed.

    He experimented, tirelessly throughout his life to achieve

    those experimental results he dreamed of and made them possible.

    Once he lost all the data in a fire accident, he did not get

    disappointed but from next day onward he started working more on

    his experiments. His famous quote is "Genius is one percent

    inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration."

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  • Why Should I Study?

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    ” I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't

    work.- Thomas A. Edison

    Like Edison you can check the biography of any scientist, on an

    average they have spent more than 80% of life in laboratories or

    libraries to get the scientific invention, theory or formula they

    wanted. Then only they have become what they are.

    Sanjeev Kapoor

    “Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice reduces the

    imperfection.” - Toba Beta

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  • What is Study?

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    He is a chef, a host, an author of cookbooks and a restaurant

    consultant. Many of you must have heard about him or have

    watched him on television cooking/ teaching many of the delicious

    dishes he has mastered or formulated. Now he is one of the top

    rated chefs not only in India but in world. He started at very young

    age and at an age of 50 years; he has same passion for cooking. His

    famous quote is

    “It (cooking) is my first love and I will always have time

    for it!

    For him perfecting the culinary art was STUDY. He studied

    his chosen field with interest and motivation and today he is one of

    the top persons in his profession.

    “Genius will only take you to 'good.' Practice will take

    you to Master.” - Mercedes Lackey

    There are scores of examples from every field in our country as

    well as in any other country who became what you call a legend, a

    maestro or great by studying their selected field of study tirelessly

    with great intent, interest, dedication and motivation. For instance

    Newton, Einstein, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Madona, Steven

    Spielberg, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln , Ang San Su Kee,

    Paulo Kohlo, Tiger Woods are name of a few such persons.

    If we try to find all the names of these persons who are

    successful and are leaders in their field who devoted their lives for

    study of their respective field, it will take more than 200 pages to

    just write only their names.

    Have you noticed many of above mentioned and not

    mentioned GREATS, though are leaders in their field; were not

    very good in school or college studies or doesn’t have a degree in

    formal college education?

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  • Why Should I Study?

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    Still, they are best students in their subjects/fields they have

    chosen and studied and that made the difference. They studied and

    studied and studied.

    We can also call that study as “Continuous, in-depth


    The most common thing in their life is that all these

    GREAT people do STUDY what they LOVED or love what they

    do STUDY!!!

    “You are what you practice most.” - Richard Carlson

    The life stories of all the great people have common suggestions

    which indicate that you have to study to become what you want. It

    doesn’t matter what is your area of interest or field of work the rule

    is same you have to study that field.

    The study of one aspect thus results in implementation of

    those learned aspects in other related aspects of field and

    personality. Our brain is like a series of bulbs of different colours.

    If you switch on one bulb others connected to it will also be

    switched on. The study of one specific field leads to enlightenment

    of all the other aspects related to that field and your personality.

    That’s why most of the LEGENDS have a well balanced

    professional, personnel and socially developed lifestyle as they go

    on studying.


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  • Why Should I Study?

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    2 Why Should I Study


    In general, the word "study" has two broad meanings, first one, the

    most common is to learn skills (generally get an education) by

    going to place where it is taught (generally school/college). The

    second meaning is practicing the things you have to do to

    accomplish those goals related to your skill.

    Considering aforementioned both the meanings, you can

    say that “Studying" is learning skills and getting knowledge,

    reviewing what you have learnt, improvising the skills and most

    importantly preparing for a performance or test to show the level

    of your skills.

    From previous chapter we can say that all the great people

    have studied some or other area extensively and tirelessly in their

    lifetime to become “GREAT” or “LEGEND” in their field of


    The study in any particular field has great benefits, actually

    how your personal, professional and social life will be is decided

    by which study you select and how do you study.

    Just to get the idea of various benefits of studying well, we

    will go through a Story of Two Brothers. The story of two

    brothers will explain most of the benefits of study.

    Once upon a time there was a village. There was a very

    prosperous and intelligent farmer who was respected by whole

    village. He had two sons named Raja and Naraja. Raja was average

    intelligent while Naraja was very brilliant. Raja needed lot of

    efforts to learn anything while Naraja can understand and learn

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