“E-Learning Management System” QUESTIONNAIRE Part I Profile of Respondents Full Name(optional): ___________________________ Age : ___________________________ Gender : ___________________________ Civil Status : ___________________________ Highest Educational Attainment: __________________________________________ Major/Area of Specialization: __________________________________________ Position : ___________________________ Status : ___________________________ Years of Teaching Experience : _____________

Sample Questionnaire and Raw Data

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Page 1: Sample Questionnaire and Raw Data

“E-Learning Management System”


Part I

Profile of Respondents

Full Name(optional): ___________________________

Age : ___________________________

Gender : ___________________________

Civil Status : ___________________________

Highest Educational Attainment:


Major/Area of Specialization:


Position : ___________________________

Status : ___________________________

Years of Teaching Experience : _____________

Page 2: Sample Questionnaire and Raw Data


What is the Perception of the Respondents towards Online Learning?

Instruction: Please rate the statement below according to the scale provided.

Please check within the box that corresponds to your answer.

5 = Strongly Agree 4 =Agree 3 = Undecided 2 = Disagree 1 = Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

1. In online learning, programmes have a global target audience as people from all walks of life can learn at their own pace and their own place; this allows professionals to place learning around their busy schedule.

2. Online learning can help students that are globally dispersed to view the lectures from faculty and subject experts in real-time.

3. Internet technology is easy to access.

4. The use of this technology will enhance the ability to learn and improve the productivity of the student.

5. Participating in the online sessions on your own will allow you to concentrate better.

6. In online learning, students can ask any number of questions. As faculty is not physically present, the students can easily post their queries without any hesitation.

7. Participating in discussion is more freely in the virtual classroom than in the traditional lecture.

8. Web-based learning makes learning interesting and engaging because of graphics, pictures, animations and visuals. This leads to significantly higher retention level among the students.

9. Online learning environment is more conducive to learning than the traditional classroom.

10. In online learning, the school will improve the quality in educational process.

Page 3: Sample Questionnaire and Raw Data


How would the Administration and Instructor Assess the need for E-learning in terms of the following?

A. Technical Factors

Instruction: Please rate the statement below according to the scale provided. Please check within the box that corresponds to your answer.

5 = Strongly Agree 4 =Agree 3 = Undecided 2 = Disagree 1 = Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

1. There is sufficient bandwidth to implement and sustain eLearning.

2. There are sufficient accessible computers available to implement and sustain eLearning.

3. E-Learners and eTeachers are able to access appropriate resources.

B. Academic Factors

5 4 3 2 1

1. The eLearning course was designed and structured to meet the aims, objectives and the general requirements of the course.

2. The eLearning resource materials are adequate to sustain learning.

3. The eLearning enhance course delivery.

Page 4: Sample Questionnaire and Raw Data

C. E-learner Factors

5 4 3 2 1

1. The eLearners know they are ready to embark on eLearning course.

2. E-Learners must need personal skills and competence to enable them to successfully participate in the eLearning course.

3. All eLearners must know and understand what they are required to do to gain maximum benefit from the course so as to meet the course eLearning requirements.

D. Program Cost and Training Delivery

5 4 3 2 1

1. Development costs. The cost of developing training in online learning will vary depending on the intricacy of the instructional materials. If course material is designed internally, it can be developed quicker than by an external contractor.

2. Preparation time and post-class activity: An e-learning course does not require preparation time which includes setting-up the room and getting materials ready for the class and post-class activity which includes clean-up of the room and reviewing participant evaluations, which is a cost savings.

3. Material cost: E-learning does not require a materials cost such as duplicating, printing, collating, binding, and storage which is a cost savings and a time saver for the instructor.

4. Instructor travel costs: Travel costs are not required for E-learning courses because training can be anywhere and anyplace.

5. Learner’s opportunity costs: A learner will need only half the time to cover the same material in an online class as they would in an instructor-led class. Because e-learning usually occurs at the employee’s desk, there is little or no interference time before and after class.

Page 5: Sample Questionnaire and Raw Data

6. Physical classroom: E-learning does not require plenty of classrooms.

7. Consistency: In e-learning, message can be delivered consistently to the students.

8. Timeliness. E-learning can be delivered anytime it is convenient for the learner. 

9. Velocity: E-learning has a speed to developed and delivered because training can occur at any specific location or locations.

10. Ease of updating: Because e-learning material typically is delivered from a central database, it enjoys the flexibility of being easily updated. New material can be added, old material can be updated, and mistakes corrected in a single location.

Page 6: Sample Questionnaire and Raw Data


How would the Respondents Evaluate the Importance of E-learning in terms of Teaching and Learning?

Instruction: Please rate the statement below according to the scale provided. Please check within the box that corresponds to your answer.

5 = Very Satisfied 4 = Satisfied 3 = Somewhat Satisfied 2 = Somewhat Dissatisfied 1 = Very Dissatisfied

5 4 3 2 1

1. All students and teachers will have access to advanced information technology in their classrooms, schools, communities and homes.

2. All teachers will use technology effectively to help students achieve high academic standards.

3. All students will have technology and information literacy skills.

4. Research and evaluation will improve the next generation of technology applications for teaching and learning.

5. Digital content and networked applications will transform teaching and learning.

Page 7: Sample Questionnaire and Raw Data

Online Learning Traditional Learning


How would the respondents assess the differences between the Traditional Learning and the Online Learning?

Instruction: Please rate the statement below according to the scale provided. Please check within the box that corresponds to your answer.

5 = Excellent 4 =Good 3 = Satisfactory 2 = Fair 1 = Poor

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

1. Course development.

2. Instructional efficiency.

3. Cost savings such as the material cost and travel expenses.

4. Accuracy in assessing the students.

5. Reduction of travel time and energy.

6. Improving the skills/knowledge of the students.

7. Students’ willingness to engage in learning.

8. Students’ quick understanding in the discussed lesson.

9. Easiness in delivering the course content at the same time by a large volume of students.

10.Better outcomes in terms of learning and knowledge retention.

Page 8: Sample Questionnaire and Raw Data


How would the Respondents Assess the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Proposed System in Learning Process?

Instruction: Please rate the statement below according to the scale provided. Please check within the box that corresponds to your answer.

5 = Excellent 4 =Good 3 = Satisfactory 2 = Fair 1 = Poor

5 4 3 2 1

1. Enables the conduct education anywhere, anytime and to anyone

2. Facilitates self-paced learning

3. Better Learning Outcomes

4. Better Access

5. Cost Savings

6. Extensive Use of Latest technologies

7. Lectures/Chat sessions can be reviewed multiple times.

Page 9: Sample Questionnaire and Raw Data

Respondents’ Perception towards Online Learning.

5 4 3 2 1 Total WX

1. In online learning, programmes have a global target audience as people from all walks of life can learn at their own pace and their own place; this allows professionals to place learning around their busy schedule.

14 6 20 4.7

2. Online learning can help students that are globally dispersed to view the lectures from faculty and subject experts in real-time.

17 3 20 4.85

3. Internet technology is easy to access.

20 20 5.0

4. The use of this technology will enhance the ability to learn and improve the productivity of the student.

19 1 20 4.94

5. Participating in the online sessions on your own will allow you to concentrate better.

18 2 20 4.9

6. In online learning, students can ask any number of questions. As faculty is not physically present, the students can easily post their queries without any hesitation.

20 20 5.0

7. Participating in discussion is more freely in the virtual classroom than in the traditional lecture.

13 7 20 4.65

8. Web-based learning makes learning interesting and engaging because of graphics, pictures, animations and visuals. This leads to significantly higher retention level among the students.

15 5 20 4.75

9. Online learning environment is more conducive to learning than the traditional classroom.

14 6 20 4.7

10. In online learning, the school will improve the quality in educational process.

20 20 5.0

Page 10: Sample Questionnaire and Raw Data

Evaluation of the Administration & Instructors towards the Need for E-learning in terms of Technical factors, Academic factors, E-Learner’s

Factors, Program Cost and Training Delivery.

A. Technical Factors

5 4 3 2 1 Total WX

1. There is sufficient bandwidth to implement and sustain eLearning.

3 5 8 4.38

2. There are sufficient accessible computers available to implement and sustain eLearning.

8 8 5.0

3. E-Learners and eTeachers are able to access appropriate resources.

4 4 8 4.5

B. Academic Factors

5 4 3 2 1 Total WX

1. The eLearning course was designed and structured to meet the aims, objectives and the general requirements of the course.

7 1 8 4.88

2. The eLearning resource materials are adequate to sustain learning.

8 8 5.0

3. The eLearning enhance course delivery.

4 4 8 4.5

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C. E-Learner’s Factors

5 4 3 2 1 Total WX

1. The eLearners know they are ready to embark on eLearning course.

1 7 8 4.13

2. E-Learners must need personal skills and competence to enable them to successfully participate in the eLearning course.

7 1 8 4.88

3. All eLearners must know and understand what they are required to do to gain maximum benefit from the course so as to meet the course eLearning requirements.

2 6 8 4.25

D. Program Cost and Training Delivery

5 4 3 2 1 Total WX

1. Development costs. The cost of developing training in online learning will vary depending on the intricacy of the instructional materials. If course material is designed internally, it can be developed quicker than by an external contractor.

8 8 5.0

2. Preparation time and post-class activity: An e-learning course does not require preparation time which includes setting-up the room and getting materials ready for the class and post-class activity which includes clean-up of the room and reviewing participant evaluations, which is a cost savings.

7 1 8 4.88

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3. Material cost: E-learning does not require a materials cost such as duplicating, printing, collating, binding, and storage which is a cost savings and a time saver for the instructor.

8 8 5.0

4. Instructor travel costs: Travel costs are not required for E-learning courses because training can be anywhere and anyplace.

8 8 5.0

5. Learner’s opportunity costs: A learner will need only half the time to cover the same material in an online class as they would in an instructor-led class. Because e-learning usually occurs at the employee’s desk, there is little or no interference time before and after class.

4 4 8 4.5

6. Physical classroom: E-learning does not require plenty of classrooms.

8 8 5.0

7. Consistency: In e-learning, message can be delivered consistently to the students.

2 6 8 4.25

8. Timeliness. E-learning can be delivered anytime it is convenient for the learner. 

4 4 8 4.5

9. Velocity: E-learning has a speed to developed and delivered because training can occur at any specific location or locations.

8 8 5.0

10. Ease of updating: Because e-learning material typically is delivered from a central database, it enjoys the flexibility of being easily updated. New material can be added, old material can be updated, and mistakes corrected in a single location.

7 1 8 4.88

Page 13: Sample Questionnaire and Raw Data

Evaluation of the Respondents towards the Importance of E-learning in terms of Teaching and Learning.

5 4 3 2 1 Total WX

1. All students and teachers will have access to advanced information technology in their classrooms, schools, communities and homes.

16 4 20 4.8

2. All teachers will use technology effectively to help students achieve high academic standards.

15 5 1 20 4.75

3. All students will have technology and information literacy skills.

19 1 20 4.95

4. Research and evaluation will improve the next generation of technology applications for teaching and learning.

12 8 20 4.6

5. Digital content and networked applications will transform teaching and learning.

13 7 20 4.65

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Online Learning Traditional Learning

Assessment of Respondents towards the Differences between the Traditional and Online Learning.

5 4 3 2 1 Total WX 5 4 3 2 1 Total WX

1. Course development.

9 9 2 20 4.8 6 2 12 20 2.7

2. Instructional efficiency.

15 5 20 4.75 2 15 3 20 2.95

3. Cost savings such as the material cost and travel expenses.

20 20 5.0 16 4 20 1.8

4. Accuracy in assessing the students.

14 4 2 20 4.6 4 16 20 2.2

5. Reduction of travel time and energy.

18 2 20 4.9 3 17 20 1.15

6. Improving the skills/knowledge of the students.

9 11 20 4.45 3 3 14 20 2.45

7. Students’ willingness to engage in learning.

13 5 2 20 4.55 4 6 10 20 2.07

8. Student’s quick understanding in the discussed lesson.

8 11 1 20 4.35 2 9 9 20 1.65

9. Easiness in delivering the course content at the same time by a large volume of students.

18 2 20 4.9 4 16 20 1.2

10. Better outcomes in terms of learning and knowledge retention.

18 2 20 4.9 15 5 20 1.75

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Respondents’ Assessment towards the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Proposed System in Learning Process.

5 4 3 2 1 Total WX

1. Enables the conduct of education anywhere, anytime and to anyone

18 2 20 4.9

2. Facilitates self paced learning20 20 5.0

3. Better Learning Outcomes13 7 20 4.65

4. Better Access17 3 20 4.85

5. Cost Savings15 5 20 4.75

6. Extensive Use of Latest technologies

20 20 5.0

7. Lectures/Chat sessions can be reviewed multiple times.

19 1 20 4.95