Sample Quiestions

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  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    Question 1

    Which of the following statements is correct?

     Your answer:

    a) Marketing is the term used to refer only to the sales function

    within a rm.

    Correct answer:

    d) Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for

    creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging oerings

    that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at



    In their denition of marketing, the merican Marketingssociation !M" concentrates on stakeholders# value $y

    dening marketing as #the activity, set of institutions, and

    processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and

    exchanging oerings that have value for customers, clients,

    partners, and society at large# !M, %&&'".

    Page reference: (

    Question 2

     )he term marketing refers to*

     Your answer:

    b) advertising and promotion activities.

    Correct answer:

    c) a philosophy that stresses customer value and satisfaction.


     )he +hartered Institute of Marketing !+IM" denes marketing as*

    #)he management process of anticipating, identifying and

    satisfying customer reuirements prota$ly# !+IM, %&&-". )he

    rench denition of Marketing refers to #the endeavour of

    adapting organi/ations to their competitive markets in order to

    in0uence, in their favour, the $ehaviour of their pu$lics, with an

    oer whose perceived value is dura$ly superior to that of the

    competition# !1endrevie, 12vy, and 1indon, %&&(". In contrast, the

    M concentrates on #customer value# $y dening marketing as

    #the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,

    communicating, delivering, and exchanging oerings that havevalue for customers, clients, partners, and society at large# !M,

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    Page reference: (

    Question 3

    In the history of marketing, when did the production period end?

     Your answer:

    b) In the early -3&&s.

    Correct answer:

    c) In the -3%&s.


     )he development of marketing was rst characteri/ed $y a

    production period that occurred $etween the -43&s and -3%&s.

     )his period of marketing was characteri/ed $y a focus on physical

    production and supply, where demand exceeded supply. )here

    was little competition and the range of products was limited. )his

    phase took place after the industrial revolution. Most marketing

    historians regard marketing as an invention of the twentieth

    century !5eith, -3(&" and most marketing texts present the

    development of marketing as a four6stage seuence.

    Page reference: 3

    Question 4

    marketing philosophy summari/ed $y the phrase #a stronger

    focus on social and ethical concerns in marketing# is

    characteristic of the 777777777 period.

     Your answer:

    b) sales

    Correct answer:

    d) societal marketingFeedback:

     )he societal marketing period, from the -34&s to the present day,

    is characteri/ed $y a stronger focus on social and ethical

    concerns in marketing. )his phase took place during the

    #information revolution# of the late twentieth century !8nright,


    Page reference: 3

    Question 5

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    Which skills and capa$ilities will marketers need to increasingly


     Your answer:

    b) digital and social media marketing.Feedback:

     )he marketing department of the future, however, increasingly

    needs to em$race the rapid evolution of digital channels !e.g.

    ace$ook, )witter" and the increasing availa$ility of customer

    data that derives from marketing research, customer relationship

    management systems, sales force data, and we$ statistics

    !+lawson, %&--". )his means that marketers will increasingly

    need to have skills and capa$ilities in social media marketing.

    Page reference: -&

    Question 6

     )here are 77777777 main types of $uyer6seller exchanges in


     Your answer:

    a) ve

    Correct answer:

    d) three


     )here are three main types of $uyer6seller exchanges in


    -. In the rst exchange type, the exchange takes place $etween

    the police who protect the general pu$lic from re and provide

    emergency planning activity and services, and the pu$lic who

    support them in return, sometimes politically through signing

    petitions to keep them in service in a particular locale, andespecially through their national and local taxes.

    %. In the second exchange type, the one we are pro$a$ly more

    familiar with as consumers, we enter a shop and purchase the

    necessary goods $y paying for these with money or $y

    credit9de$it card.

    :. In the third type of exchange, we have a manufacturer, and a

    retailer. ;ere, the retailer purchases goods from the manufacturer

    through a credit facility, e.g. payment in :& days, and expects

    any damaged goods to $e returna$le, and wants the goods

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    delivered on certain types of pallets at a certain height, within a

    particular time limit. In return, the retailer undertakes to pay a

    wholesale !i.e. trade discounted" price.

    Page reference: -:6-<

    Question 7

    In relationship marketing rms focus on 7777777777 relationships

    with 7777777777.

     Your answer:

    b) long6term= customers and suppliers


    >elationship marketing is an evolution of the marketing concept=

    there is a shift in focus from the need to engage in short6term

    transactions towards the need to develop long6term customer

    and supplier relationships. >elationship marketing concerns not

    only the development of longer6lasting relationships with

    customers, $ut also the development of stronger relationships

    with other external markets.

    Page reference: -4


    further :s are incorporated into the marketing mix*

     Your answer:

    b) process people and promotion.

    Correct answer:

    d) physical evidence, process and people.


     )o illustrate how marketing needed to market services dierently,

    @ooms and @itner !-34-", incorporated a further :s into themarketing mix as follows*

    -. hysical evidence6to emphasi/e that the tangi$le components

    of services were strategically important, e.g. potential university

    students often assess whether or not they want to attend a

    university and a particular course $y reuesting a copy of

    $rochures and course outlines, looking at graduate employa$ility

    statistics, or $y visiting the campus.

    %. rocess6to emphasise the importance of the service delivery.

    When processes are standardi/ed, it is easier to manage

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    customer expectations, e.g. A;1 International Bm$;, the Berman

    international express, overland transport, and air freight

    company, is a master at producing a standardi/ed menu of

    service options, e.g. track and trace delivery services, which are

    remarka$ly consistent around the world.:. eople6to emphasi/e the importance of customer service

    personnel. ;ow they interact with customers, and how satised

    customers are as a result, is of strategic importance !see +hapter

    -% for a more detailed discussion of the extended mix".

    Page reference: -

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    covered eight functions*

    6 rovide market intelligence and customer insight

    6 rovide strategic marketing direction for the organi/ation

    6 Aevelop the customer proposition

    6 Manage and provide marketing communications6 Fse and develop marketing and customer information

    6 1ead marketing operations and programmes

    6 Work with other $usiness functions and third parties

    6 Manage and develop teams and individuals.

    Page reference: -&= Dee igure -.%

    Question 11

    Which of the following is not an element of the marketing mix? Your answer:

    b) roduct.

    Correct answer:

    c) )arget market.


     )arget market is not an element of the marketing mix. )he

    marketing mix comprises*

    6 product* the oering and how it meets the customer need, its

    packaging and la$elling6 place !distri$ution"* how the product is delivered to meet the

    customers# needs

    6 price* the cost to the customer, and the cost plus prot to the


    6 promotion* how the product#s $enets and features are

    conveyed to the potential $uyer.

    Page reference: -%

    Question 12

     )he term #marketing mix# descri$es*

     Your answer:

    b) a series of $usiness decisions that aid in selling a product.

    Correct answer:

    d) a $lending of strategic elements to satisfy specic target



  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    Geil @orden developed the concept of the Marketing Mix in his

    teaching at ;arvard Fniversity in the -3C&s, although he did not

    formally write the theory up until -3(

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


     Your answer:

    b) sales.

    Correct answer:

    d) value.

    Feedback: )he M concentrates on #stakeholder value# $y dening

    marketing as #the activity, set of institutions, and processes for

    creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging oerings

    that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at

    large# !M, %&&'".

    Page reference: (

    Question 16

    critical marketing perspective is the process of determining*

     Your answer:

    b) how places compete with each other.

    Correct answer:

    c) the worth and impact of marketing activities.


    @ecause marketing#s contri$utions to society are not necessarily

    all good, it is important that we develop a critical approach tounderstanding marketing. )his allows us to constantly evaluate

    and re6evaluate marketing, to improve it, so that marketing

    continues to operate in a desira$le manner within society.

    critical approach to marketing can help us to understand the

    nature of marketing knowledge. #Marketing can then $e learned

    from the many varieties of market that exist rather than

    concentrating on $randed, mass consumption products in

    developed economies# !8aston, %&&%", as marketing is so often

    portrayed.Page reference: 2$2!

    Question 17

    When customer expectations regarding product uality, service

    uality, and value6$ased price are met or exceeded, 77777 is


     Your answer:

    c) a uality rift

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    Correct answer:

    a) customer satisfaction


    customer orientation is concerned with creating superior value

    $y continuously developing and redeveloping product and serviceoerings to meet customer needs through product uality and

    value6$ased pricing. )o do this, we must measure customer

    satisfaction on a continuous $asis, and train and develop front6

    line service sta accordingly.

    Page reference: 4

    Question 1

    market orientation recogni/es that*

     Your answer:

    b) market intelligence relating to current and future customer

    needs is important.


    Aeveloping a market orientation refers to #the organi/ation6wide

    generation of market intelligence pertaining to current and future

    customer needs, dissemination of the intelligence across the

    departments, and organi/ation6wide responsiveness to it# !5ohliand Haworski, -33&". Do a market orientation doesn#t Eust involve

    marketing, it involves all aspects of a company, and gathering

    and responding to market intelligence. I.e. customers# ver$ali/ed

    needs and preferences, data from customer surveys, sales data,

    and information gleaned informally from discussions with

    customers and trade partners.

    Page reference: 4

    Question 1!

    our competing philosophies strongly in0uence the role of

    marketing and marketing activities within an organi/ation. Which

    if the following is not a component of market orientation?

     Your answer:

    b) rota$ility orientation.


    Aeveloping a market orientation refers to #the organi/ation6wide

    generation of market intelligence pertaining to current and futurecustomer needs, dissemination of the intelligence across the

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    departments, and organisation6wide responsiveness to it# !5ohli

    and Haworski, -33&". Do a market orientation doesn#t Eust involve

    marketing, it involves all aspects of a company, and gathering

    and responding to market intelligence. I.e. customers# ver$ali/ed

    needs and preferences, data from customer surveys, sales data,and information gleaned informally from discussions with

    customers and trade partners. Aeveloping a market orientation

    means developing customer orientation, competitor orientation

    and inter6functional coordination.

    Page reference: 4

    Question 2#

    In order for exchange to occur*

     Your answer:

    b) organi/ed marketing activities must also occur.

    Correct answer:

    d) each party must have something of value to the other party.


    Marketing is a two6way process. It#s not Eust a$out the marketing

    organi/ation doing all the work. )he customer also has a strong

    input. In fact, not only must they specify how we might satisfycustomer needs as marketers, $ecause marketers are not mind6

    readers, $ut they must also pay for the product or service. In the

    mid6-3'&s, there was increasing $elief that the underlying

    phenomenon in marketing related to the exchange process

    $etween $uyers and sellers and associated supply chain

    intermediaries. 8xchange relationships might not only $e

    economic, such as a consumer $uying groceries, $ut social as

    well, such as the service undertaken $y the social worker on

    $ehalf of society paid for $y government !@ago//i, -3'C".Page reference: -:

    Which of the following is not part of the external marketing


     Your answer:

    c) roduct.

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    In order to make sense of the external environment we use a

    framework known as 8D)18. )his is $y far the easiest and one of 

    the most popular frameworks with which to examine the externalenvironment. )his techniue was formerly referred to as 8D)

    analysis $ut the recent rise in concern and awareness attached to

    ecological and climatic issues has impacted on most

    organi/ations. 8D)18 therefore stands for the olitical,

    8conomic, Docial, )echnological, 1egal, and 8cological


    Page reference: :'

    uestion %

     )o$acco advertising is now virtually $anned in all marketing

    communication forms in many countries around the world. )his

    can $e explained as an in0uence of*

     Your answer:

    d) ecological environment.

    Correct answer:

    b) legal environment.


    ;ere we can see how the legal environment has in0uenced

    advertising certain products. )he legal environment covers every

    aspect of an organi/ation#s $usiness. 1aws and regulation areenacted in most countries ranging from the transparency of

    pricing, the prevention of restrictive trade practices, minimum

    wages and $usiness taxes, product safety, good practice in

    packaging and la$elling, the a$use of a dominant market

    position, to codes of practice in advertising. s such it is very

    important for marketers to understand the implications that the

    law, and changes in the law, can have on marketing activities.

    Page reference: 

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    uestion :

    rm has decided to alter its pricing and promotional strategies

    in response to slower than expected Eo$ growth and declining

    personal incomes. )he rm is responding to changes in its*

     Your answer:

    a) socio6cultural environment.

    Correct answer:

    c) economic environment.


     )he rm is responding to changes in the economic environment.

    +ompanies and organi/ations have to develop an understanding

    of the economic environment in which they operate and trade.

     )his is not least $ecause a country#s economic circumstances

    have an impact on what economists term factor prices within a

    particular industry for a particular rm or organi/ation. )hese

    factors could include raw materials, la$our, $uilding and othercapital costs, or indeed any other input to a $usiness.

    Page reference: :36o$ert is a marketer for a glo$al consumer products company. ;e

    is working on the promotional campaign designed to reach a

    target audience in a new international market. >o$ert is working

    hard to make sure that the promotional campaign is clearlyunderstood $y the nation#s consumers and doesn#t oend

    anyone. Which of the factors in the external environment is he

    $eing in0uenced $y?

     Your answer:

    b) +ompetitive environment.

    Correct answer:

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    a) Docio6cultural environment.


    >o$ert is in0uenced $y the country#s socio6cultural environment.1ifestyles are constantly changing and consumers are constantly

    shifting their preferences over time. +ompanies that fail to

    recogni/e changes in the socio6cultural environment, and change

    their goods9service mix accordingly, typically fail.

    Page reference: 

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    c) socio6cultural aspects.

    Correct answer:

    b) suppliers


     )he external marketing environment uses the 8D)18 acronym,

    which includes the following factors* political, economic, socio6

    cultural, technological, legal, and ecological. It is important to

    note that some of these factors are more important than others in

    any particular industry. )he acronym is used to identify possi$le

    macroenvironmental factors impacting upon any particularorgani/ation at a given time.

    Page reference: (&

    uestion '

    Marketing decision makers in a rm must constantly monitor

    competitors# activities 6 their products, prices, distri$ution, and

    promotional eorts 6 $ecause*

     Your answer:

    b) the actions of competitors may threaten the monopoly

    position of the rm in its industry.

    Correct answer:

    d) new product oerings $y a competitor with the resulting

    competitive variations may reuire adEustments to one or morecomponents of the rm#s marketing mix.


    +ompetitors are part of an organi/ation#s performance

    environment and can directly in0uence the success of our

    marketing activities. In analysing the competitors within an

    industry, we are interested in dierent types of goods and

    services that competitors oer in dierent market sectors. +larkand Montgomery !-333" call this process of identication of

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    competitors the supply6$ased approach $ecause it considers

    those rms who supply the same sorts of goods and services as

    your own rm. ;ence it is imperative to constantly monitor

    competitor#s activities to ensure we have dierential advantages

    in our operations.Page reference: CC

    uestion 4

     )he phenomenon that customers are happy to work with

    companies and organi/ations to solve pro$lems is referred as*

     Your answer:

    c) customer co6creation.

    Correct answer:

    a) crowd6sourcing.


    Whitla !%&&3" suggests that the role and process of crowd$sourcing is to identify a task, or group of tasks, which are

    currently conducted in6house. )hese activities are then released

    to a #crowd# of outsiders who are invited to perform the task on

    $ehalf of the company for a fee or pri/e. )his new approach can

    help marketers gain insights into $oth new product9service

    development and marketing communications.

    Page reference: 

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


     )he emergence of new technologies can su$stantially aect not

    only high6technology $usinesses $ut non6technology $usinesses.

    8xamples include aspects of technology that impact upon

    productivity and $usiness eJciency !e.g. changes in energy,

    transportation, information, and communication technologies".Gew technology is increasingly changing the way that companies

    go to market through moves towards more email and we$6$ased

    marketing, and greater eJciency in direct and data$ase

    marketing techniues !Dclater, %&&C".

    Page reference: 

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


     Your answer:

    b) Dtakeholder analysis

    Correct answer:

    a) 8nvironmental scanning


     )o understand how the external environment is changing,

    organi/ations need to put in place methods and processes to

    inform them of developments. )he process of doing this is known

    as environmental scanning. 8nvironmental scanning is theprocess of gathering information a$out a company#s external

    events and relationships, to assist top management in its

    decision making, and so develop its future course of action

    !guilar, -3('".

    Page reference: enault#s L8 electric car range.Page reference: 

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    uestion -:

    Marketing managers cannot control 7777777777777 $ut they can at

    times in0uence it.

     Your answer:

    c) the external environment


     )he external environment is characteri/ed in two main ways. In

    the rst, the elements do not have an immediate impact on the

    performance of an organi/ation, although they might do in thelonger term. In the second, although the elements can in0uence

    an organi/ation, it is not possi$le to control them. )he external

    environment is $asically uncontrolla$le, $ut the other three

    answers are part of the marketing mix.

    Page reference: :'

    uestion -<

    s technology continues to oer more dierent methods forshopping online, manufacturers and traditional retailers are

    nding themselves in direct competition with each other. In this

    case, unless marketing managers understand 77777777, retailers

    cannot intelligently plan for the future.

     Your answer:

    b) the economic conditions which in0uence the growth of


    Correct answer:

    d) their competitors# strategies, the economic conditions which

    in0uence the growth of technology and changing social attitudes

    towards it


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    @y understanding all elements of the marketing environment to

    considering the degree to which an organi/ation can in0uence the

    various forces acting on it. )he external environment, for

    example, consists of the political, social, and technological

    in0uences, and organi/ations have relatively little in0uence oneach of these. )he performance environment consists of the

    competitors, suppliers, and indirect service providers who shape

    the way an organi/ation achieves its o$Eectives. ;ere,

    organi/ations have a much stronger level of in0uence. )he

    internal environment concerns the resources, processes, and

    policies that an organi/ation manages in order to achieve its


    Page reference: C-

    uestion -C

     )he external environment*

     Your answer:

    b) does not change over time.

    Correct answer:

    d) must $e continually monitored $y marketing managers.


     )o understand how the external environment is changing,

    organi/ations need to put in place methods and processes to

    inform them of developments. )he process of doing this is known

    as environmental scanning. 8nvironmental scanning is theprocess of gathering information a$out a company#s external

    events and relationships, to assist top management in its

    decision making, and so develop its future course of action

    !guilar, -3('".

    Page reference: 

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     )he dierentiation of a rm#s products or services to promote

    environmental responsi$ility is referred to as*

     Your answer:

    c) me6too $randing.

    Correct answer:

    b) eco6$randing.


     )his is eco6$randing. )his is the dierentiation of a rm#s

    products or services to promote environmental responsi$ility.

    8xamples include Auchy Kriginals, the @ritish rince of Wales#

    food $rand, the )hai 5ing @humi$ol#s Bolden lace $rand, or the

     )oyota rius la$elled as #mean $ut green#. nother example is @

    !formerly @ritish etroleum" who changed their logo to a green

    and yellow 0ower petal and sun synthesis called the ;elios, and

    changed their slogan to #$eyond petroleum#. )his re0ected their

    intended shift to meeting the world#s energy reuirements using

    more sustaina$le sources.Page reference: 

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    new competitors will enter the market, the threat posed $y

    su$stitute products, and the $argaining power of $oth $uyers and

    suppliers. )hese in turn aect the fth force* the intensity of

    rivalry $etween the current competitors. orter called these

    varia$les the ive orces of +ompetitive Industry nalysis.Page reference: C%

    uestion -4

    Which of the following characteristics would usually make a

    market less competitive?

     Your answer:

    d) Dtrong $argaining power among suppliers.

    Correct answer:

    a) ;igh $arriers to entry.


    orter suggests that competition in an industry is a composite ofve main competitive forces. )hese are the level of threat that

    new competitors will enter the market, the threat posed $y

    su$stitute products, and the $argaining power of $oth $uyers and

    suppliers. )hese in turn aect the fth force* the intensity of

    rivalry $etween the current competitors. orter called these

    varia$les the ive orces of +ompetitive Industry nalysis. n

    organi/ation needs to determine a competitive approach that will

    allow it to in0uence the industry#s competitive rules, protect it

    from competitive forces as much as possi$le, and give it a strongposition from which to compete.

    Page reference: C%

    uestion -3

     )o evaluate an organi/ation#s Dtrategic @usiness Fnits !D@F", the

    @oston +onsulting Broup developed a portfolio performance

    framework that characteri/es some of the D@Fs as*

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


     Your answer:

    d) cash outs.

    Correct answer:

    a) uestion marks.


    Kne of the popular methods for assessing the variety of

    $usinesses or products that an organi/ation has involves the

    creation of a two6dimensional graphical picture of the

    comparative strategic positions. )his techniue is referred to as aproduct portfolio or portfolio matrix. In the @oston +onsulting

    Broup !@+B" matrix, uestion marks !also known as #pro$lem

    children#" are products that exist in growing markets $ut have low

    market share. s a result there is negative cash 0ow and they are


    Page reference: C(6C'

    uestion %&

     )he uadrant of the @oston +onsulting Broup !@+B" matrix that

    represents $oth a high market share and a high rate of market

    growth includes the*

     Your answer:

    a) cash cows.

    Correct answer:

    c) stars.


    Kne of the popular methods for assessing the variety of

    $usinesses or products that an organi/ation has involves the

    creation of a two6dimensional graphical picture of the

    comparative strategic positions. )his techniue is referred to as aproduct portfolio or portfolio matrix. In the @oston +onsulting

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    Broup !@+B" matrix, stars are most pro$a$ly market leaders $ut

    their high growth and market share has to $e nanced through

    fairly heavy levels of investment.

    Page reference: C(6C'


    Which of the following is the most recent stage of marketingevolution?

    A) Marketing department era

    B) Production era

    C) Sales era

    D) Marketing company era


    Which of the following is NOT included as a basic idea in thedefinition of marketing concepts?

    A) Total company effort

    B) Profit

    C) Productivity

    D) ustomer satisfaction


     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is defined as the difference between

    the benefits a customer sees from a market offering and the costs ofobtaining those benefits"

    A) ustomer value

    B) Satisfaction scale

    C) Profit margin

    D) ompetitive benefit

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    4 CORRECTThe ode of #thics is a federal law introduced into legislation by the$merican Marketing $ssociation"

    A) True

    B) %alse

    5 CORRECTWhich of the following is NOT included in the marketing managementprocess used by the marketing manager to achieve its ob&ectives?

    A) Planning marketing activities

    B) 'aising funds to finance the marketing pro&ects

    C) ontrolling marketing plans

    D) (irecting implementation of the marketing plans


    Which of the following parts are included in the marketing mi)?

    A) Product* place* promotion* and price

    B) ompetition and customer satisfaction

    C) +uying* selling* transporting and storing

    D) Profit* distribution* and advertising

    7 CORRECT$ channel of distribution is any series of firms ,or individuals- who

    participate in the flow of products to final user or customer"

    A) True

    B) %alse"



     !!!!!!!!!!!! is defined as communication with large numbers of

    customers at the same time"

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    A) Personal selling

    B) Sales promotion

    C) Mass selling

    D) $ll of the above



    The marketing concept applies to production firms* but not to service


    A) True

    B) %alse



    .n a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!orientation* the role of marketingresearch is to determine customer needs and how well the company

    is satisfying them"

    A) Marketing

    B) Production

    C) +oth of the above

    D) None of the above





    The marketing concept means that an organi/ation aims the ma&orityof its efforts at satisfying customers* at a profit"

    A) True

    B) %alse




    When a manager focuses on making whatever products are easy toproduce* and then trying to sell them* that manager has a

     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! orientation"

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    A) Marketing

    B) Production

    C) Sales

    D) Profit



    Which of the following is NOT consistent with a manager having a

    marketing orientation?

    A).nventory levels are set with customer re0uirements and

    costs in mind

    B)ustomer relationship focuses on customer satisfactionbefore and after sale* leading to a profitable long1runrelationship

    C)%ocus of advertising is on product features and how productsare made

    D)Packaging is designed for customer convenience and as a

    selling tool



    Often* the best way to improve customer value* and beat thecompetition* is to be first to satisfy a need that others have not evenconsidered"

    A) True

    B) %alse



    .t is more costly to retain current customers by satisfying theirneeds* than to get new customers by taking them away from a


    A) True

    B) %alse

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions




    .n addition to businesses* the marketing concept is also applicable to !!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    A) 2overnment agencies

    B) 'eligious groups

    C) %ine arts organi/ations

    D) $ll of the above



    The controllable variables a company puts together to satisfy a

    target group is called the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    A) Marketing strategy

    B) Marketing mi)

    C) Strategic planning

    D) Marketing concept



    $ marketing strategy is a written statement of a marketing plan* andthe time1related details for carrying out the strategy"

    A) True

    B) %alse

    1. Sumit Khanna is a marketing manager faced with planning marketing strategies during times of

    inflation. He should be aware that inflation causes consumers to

    [A]Purchase more goods and services to support their pschological well!being such as counseling

    and stress management training

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    ["]Decrease their brand loyalty to products they have traditionally used 

    [#]"u in small $uantities until inflation is over 

    [%]#onsume more meals awa from home


    &. 'hen Steve goes to the grocer store ever other week( he bus the same brands of coffee(

    milk( cereal( and dog food. )his tpe of buing behaviour is called

    [A]Routine response behaviour 

    ["]*+tensive decision making

    [#],imited decision making

    [%]Situation convenience


    -. f /ideocon engineers its washing machines to spin the clothes faster regardless of whether or

    not customers want that speed( then /ideocon has characteristics associated with

    [A]Production concept

    ["]Selling concept

    [#]0arketing concept

    [%]Product concept 


    . Poo2a( a #hartered Accountant( reads an article that states that #As receive the highest starting

    salar offers from consulting firms. )he article also states that marketing ma2ors start with lower

    salaries but surpass all other ma2ors3 salaries within ten ears. Poo2a doesn3t remember reading

    this last part of the article( 2ust the first part. )his is an e+ample of 

    [A]Selective distortion

    ["]Selective e+posure

    [#]Selective retention

    [%]Subliminal perception


    4. 'hen the demand for soft drinks grew b 1& percent in one ear( the demand for aluminum

    cans and glass bottles grew also. )he aluminum and glass industries are en2oing the effects of 

    [A]5oint demand

    ["]nelastic demand

    [#]Derived demand 

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    [%]6nitar demand


    7. 'rigle3s #hewing 8um ran an advertising campaign that targeted heav smokers. )he

    advertising indicated that 9when ou can3t smoke( chew 'rigle3s.9 )his is an e+ample of what tpe

    of segmentation:


    ["]Usage rate




    ;. 0unna 2umps out of his truck and runs into a

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions






    1B. 8eneral *lectric sells large home appliances both through independent retailers =department

    stores and discount houses> and directl to large housing!tract builders. )his is an e+ample of 

    [A]ntensive distribution

    ["]*+clusive distribution

    [#]Selective distribution

    [%]Dual distribution


    11. )he Cero+ corporation stas in touch with its customers through phone calls and greeting

    cards( periodicall sends out needs!assessment $uestionnaires( and designs new services to meet

    new needs. )his is an e+ample of relationship marketing based on


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    1. Ea2eev Kapoor is a chef in a new downtown restaurant. He has sent out press releases to the

    ma2or local media and has invited food critics to dine in his restaurant. Ea2eev is engaging in

    [A]Public relations

    ["]Personal selling

    [#]Sales promotion



    14. A rental car compan with the second largest market share runs advertisements showing how

    its customer service is superior to that of the largest competitor. )his is an e+ample of 

    [A]Comparative advertising 

    ["]#orrective advertising

    [#]Primar demand advertising

    [%]nstitutional advertising


    1. …………………refers to a brands objective (functional) attributes in relation to

    other brands.

    a. "rand position

    b. Product position

    c. "rand relationship

    d. "oth a and b


    2. …………defines what the brand thinks about the consumer, as per the


    a. "rand attitudeb. "rand positioning

    c. "rand relationship

    d. "rand image

     AnswerF a

    3. …………………includes two aspects of a brand – its associations and its


    a. "rand attitude

    b. "rand positioning

    c. "rand relationship

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    d. "rand image

     AnswerF d

    !. …………………includes all that is linked up in memor about the brand. "t could

    be specific to attributes , features, benefits or looks of brand.

    a. "rand attitude

    b. "rand Associations

    c. "rand relationship

    d. "rand image


    #. …………………..includes two visual si$nals of a brand – its character (e.$. %mul

    $irl, &illsbur dou$hbo) and its lo$o. 'oth are elements of brand identit.

    a. "rand attitudeb. "rand mage

    c. "rand Smbol

    d. "rand Positioning

     AnswerF c

    .………………….can be thou$ht of as a perceptual map of in which like products

    of the same compan (sa, toothpaste) are positioned ver close to one another

    and compete more with one another than with brands of other companies.

    a. "rand #omparison

    b. #annibaliDation

    c. Positioning

    d. "rand Associations

     AnswerF b

    . % marketer need to understand that some *$eneral traits+ of a brand name are

    a. *as to recogniDe

    b. *as to pronounce

    c. *as to memoriDe or recall

    d. All of the above

    e. Gone of the above


    -. lose up, /oordarshan, 0rooti, 'abool, 0air and ovel, 'and aid and jala are

    the eamples of………..

    a. %escriptive "rand Game

    b. Suggestive brand name


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    d. Gone of the above

     AnswerF a

    4. 5adak, 6ero, 7on, 0idji are the eamples of 


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    d. Health related positioning

     AnswerF b

    1#. Batch the correct

    1. #lose up i. ( &=iii>( -=i>( =iv>

    b. 1=ii>( &=iv>( -=i>( =iii>

    c. 1=iv>( &=iii>( -=ii>( =i>

    d. 1=ii>( &=iii>( -=iv>( =i> AnswerF c

    1. 9hich is not an eample of &ositionin$ b usa$e occasion and time of useC

    a. ,isterine night time rinse

    b. Gescafe 8reat start to the morning

    c. G) =nspiredLLlife begins at G)>

    d. %ominoMs ='hen families are having fun>

     AnswerF c



    "rand Smbol N "rand character O "rand logo

    "rand looks N "rand smbol O "rand name

    "rand Associations N ,ink up in memor with brands attributes( benefits and looks

    "rand mage N "rand associations O "rand Personalit

    MCQ: Firm uses any existing brand to introduce in market a new product, brand is

    classified as

     A.brand extension


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    C.parent brand

    D.product extension

    Answer A

    MCQ: Branding strategy is also called

     A.brand architecture

    B.branding rate

    C.brand earnings

    D.brand responsiveness

    Answer A

    MCQ: When companies combine existing brand with new brands, brands is called

    A.parent brand

    B.product extension

    C.brand extension


    Answer D

    MCQ: Parent brand if associated with multiple products in brand extension is called brand

    B.product extension


    D.parent company

    Answer A

    MCQ: Brand which is result of extension of brand or sub-brand is classified as

    A.brand extension

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    C.parent brand

    D.product extension

     )his is a form of non6personal communication, $y an identied

    sponsor, that is transmitted through the use of paid6for media*

     Your answer:

    b) ersonal selling.

    Correct answer:

    a) dvertising.


    dvertising is a form of non6personal communication, $y an

    identied sponsor, that is transmitted through the use of paid6for

    media.Page reference: '&<

    uestion %

     777777777777 is very eective at delivering messages to target

    audiences as it allows for explanation in a way that most other

    media cannot.

     Your answer:

    c) @roadcast

    Correct answer:

    b) rint


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    rint is very eective at delivering messages to target audiences

    as it allows for explanation in a way that most other media

    cannot. )his may $e in the form of either a picture or a

    photograph demonstrating how a product should $e used.

    lternatively, the written word can $e used to argue why aproduct should $e chosen and detail the advantages and $enets

    that consumption will provide for the user.

    Page reference: :3&

    uestion :

     )he use of entertainment material delivered through paid or

    owned media and which features a single company or $rand is

    referred to as*

     Your answer:

    c) @randed content


    @randed content refers to the use of entertainment material

    delivered through paid or owned media and which features asingle company or $rand. )he recent growth in the use of

    $randed content rests with a drive to realise the potential that

    #owned# media oers. %randed content ena$les conversations,

    particularly in social media, and this serves to raise a $rand#s

    prole and its credi$ility.

    Page reference: :34

    uestion <

    Media materials that are placed inside maga/ines or direct mail

    letters are referred to as*

     Your answer:

    b) Airect mail.

    Correct answer:

    d) Inserts.

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    Inserts are media materials that are placed inside maga/ines or

    direct mail letters. )hese provide factual information a$out the

    product or service and ena$le the recipient to respond to thereuest of the direct marketer.

    Page reference: :3:

    uestion C

    Fsers are a$le to create content and $ecome more involved with

    a $rand through*

     Your answer:

    d) )elemarketing.

    Correct answer:

    b) Knline communities.


    Aigital media and changes in consumer $ehaviour now ena$le

    audiences to not only generate their own content $ut also discuss

    and consider the opinions and attitudes of others. )his means

    that advertisers no longer have complete control over what is

    said a$out their $rands, who says it, and when. )he rise of online

    communities and social networking sites, $logging, wikis, and

    >DD feeds ena$le users to create content and $ecome more

    involved with a $rand.

    Page reference: :3%6:3:

    uestion (

    commercial activity, where$y one party permits another an

    opportunity to exploit an association with a target audience in

    return for funds, services, or resources is referred to as*

     Your answer:

    b) 8xchange.

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    Correct answer:

    c) Dponsorship.


    Dponsorship is normally associated with pu$lic relations $ut, with

    strong associations with advertising, has $ecome an important

    communication activity for many organi/ations. Dponsorship is a

    commercial activity, where$y one party permits another an

    opportunity to exploit an association with a target audience in

    return for funds, services, or resources !ill, %&&3". Krgani/ations

    are using dierent forms of sponsorship activities to generate

    awareness, $rand associations, and to cut through the clutter ofcommercial messages.

    Page reference: :34

    uestion '

     )his is a marketing communication tool that uses non6personal

    media to create and sustain a personal and intermediary free

    communication with customers, potential customers and other

    signicant stakeholders*

     Your answer:

    c) u$lic relations.

    Correct answer:

    a) Airect marketing.


     )he primary role of direct marketing is to drive a response and

    shape the $ehaviour of the target audience with regard to a

    $rand. )his is achieved $y sending personali/ed and customi/ed

    messages, often reuesting a #call6to6action#, designed to provoke

    a change in the audience#s $ehaviour. Airect marketing is used to

    create and sustain a personal and intermediary6free

    communication with customers, potential customers, and other

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    signicant stakeholders.

    Page reference: :4'

    uestion 4

     )his includes advertisements that contain #call6to6response#

    mechanisms such as telephone num$ers, we$site addresses,

    email and postal addresses*

     Your answer:

    c) Mass media advertising.

    Correct answer:

    a) Airect response advertising.


    Airect6response media are characteri/ed $y the provision of a

    telephone num$er or we$ address. )his is the mechanism

    through which receivers can respond to a message. Airect mail,

    telemarketing, and door6to6door activities are the main direct6response media, as they allow more personal, direct, and

    evaluative means of reaching precisely targeted customers.

    ;owever, in reality any type of media can $e used, simply $y

    attaching a telephone num$er, we$site address, mailing address,

    or response card.

    Page reference: :3%

    uestion 3

     )hese are events when groups of sellers meet collectively with

    the key purpose of attracting $uyers*

     Your answer:

    a) 8xhi$itions.


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    8xhi$itions are held for $oth consumer and $usiness

    markets. Krgani/ations $enet from meeting their current and

    potential customers, developing relationships, demonstrating

    products, $uilding industry6wide credi$ility, placing and taking

    orders, generating leads, and gathering market information. orcustomers, exhi$itions ena$le them to meet new or potential

    suppliers, nd out a$out new products and leading6edge $rands,

    and get up to date with market developments.

    Page reference: 

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    b) +orporate communication management.

    Correct answer:

    c) Marketing communication planning.


    Marketing communication planning is a systematic process that

    involves a series of procedures and activities that lead to the

    setting of marketing communication o$Eectives and the

    formulation of plans for achieving them. )he aim of the planning

    process is to formulate and convey messages to particular target

    audiences that encourage them to think, emote, $ehave orrespond in particular ways.

    Page reference: 

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    &&&&&&&&&&&& is also a form of sponsorship and represents a

    relationship $etween lm9) producers and managers of $rands.

     )hrough this arrangement, $rand managers are a$le, for a fee, to

    present their $rands #naturally# within a lm or entertainment

    event. Duch placement is designed to increase $rand awareness,develop positive $rand attitudes, and possi$ly lead to purchase


     Your answer:

    b) ield marketing

    Correct answer:

    a) @rand placement


    %rand '(ace"ent is also a form of sponsorship and represents a

    relationship $etween lm9) producers and managers of $rands.

     )hrough this arrangement, $rand managers are a$le, for a fee, to

    present their $rands #naturally# within a lm or entertainment

    event. Duch placement is designed to increase $rand awareness,develop positive $rand attitudes, and possi$ly lead to purchase


    Page reference: :33

    uestion -<

     )his marketing and communication tool oers a direct

    inducement or an incentive to encourage customers to $uy a


     Your answer:

    a) dvertising.

    Correct answer:

    c) Dales promotion.


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    Dales promotions oer a direct inducement or an incentive to

    encourage customers to $uy a product9service. )hese

    inducements can $e targeted at consumers, distri$utors, agents,

    and mem$ers of the sales force. Dales promotions are concerned

    with oering customers additional value, in order to induce animmediate sale.

    Page reference: :4'

    uestion -C

     )his is the use of inter6personal communications with the aim of

    developing positive feelings and stimulating $ehaviour*

     Your answer:

    a) Airect marketing.

    Correct answer:

    b) ersonal selling.


    ersonal selling involves interpersonal communication through

    which information is provided, positive feelings developed and

    $ehaviour stimulated. ersonal selling is an activity undertaken

    $y an individual representing an organi/ation, or collectively in

    the form of a sales force.

    Page reference: :44

    uestion -(

     7777777777777777is used to in0uence the way an organi/ation is

    perceived $y various groups of stakeholders.

     Your answer:

    a) Airect marketing

    Correct answer:

    b) u$lic relations

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    u$lic relations is used to in0uence the way an organi/ation is

    perceived $y various groups of stakeholders. Kne of the key

    characteristics that dierentiate pu$lic relations from the othertools is that it does not reuire the purchase of airtime or space

    in media vehicles, such as television maga/ines or online. )his

    means that these types of message are low cost and are

    perceived to $e extremely credi$le.

    Page reference: :4'

    uestion -'

     )his is the unpaid peer6to6peer communication of oftenprovocative content originating from an identied sponsor using

    the Internet to persuade or in0uence an audience to pass along

    the content to others*

     Your answer:

    a) iral marketing.


    iral marketing is referred to in terms of how the content 6 $e it a

     Eoke, picture, game or video 6 is communicated and it commonly

    involves the #unpaid peer6to6peer communication of provocative

    content originating from an identied sponsor using the Internet

    to persuade or in0uence an audience to pass along the content to

    others# !orter and Bolan, %&&(".

    Page reference: 

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    a) Integrated Marketing +ommunications !IM+".


    Integrated Marketing +ommunications !IM+" has $ecome apopular approach with $oth clients and communication agencies.

    Ideas a$out IM+ originated in the early -33&s and IM+ was

    regarded as a means of orchestrating the tools of the marketing

    communications mix, so that audiences perceive a single,

    consistent, unied message whenever they have contact with a


    Page reference: 

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    c) In6store media.


     )here are two main forms of in6store media, point6of6purchasedisplays and packaging. >etailers control the former and

    manufacturers, the latter. )he primary o$Eective of using in6store

    media is to get the attention of shoppers and to stimulate them

    to make a purchase.

    Page reference: :3-

     )he components of a product or service oer include*

     Your answer:

    a) core $enets, attri$utes or features, support and services, and

    customer loyalty programmes.

    Correct answer:

    b) core $enets, attri$utes or features, support and services, and

    potential $enets.


    Dee section on )he +omponents of the International roduct in

    chapter 3.

    Page reference: %4'6:%&

    uestion %

     )he new product development process involves a num$er of

    stages. )he $est estimate of the new product#s likely prota$ility

    is likely to $e made at which of these stages?

     Your answer:

    c) Market testing


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    Market testing provides a good indication of how well the product

    may $e doing if fully launched.

    Page reference: %4'6:%&

    uestion :

    Which of the following is GK) a $enet of product standardi/ation

    in international markets?

     Your answer:

    b) uicker return on investment returns

    Correct answer:

    d) Breater motivation $y local management


    Dee section on International roduct Management in chapter 3.

    Page reference: %4'6:%&

    uestion <

    n organi/ation em$arks on an international product strategy

    depending on a decision on a num$er of factors, which include*

     Your answer:

    c) Marketing mix support

    Correct answer:

    d) ll of the a$ove


    n organi/ation em$arks on an international product strategy

    depending on a decision on a num$er of factors, which include*

    the overall market o$Eectives, market and customer expectations,

    and marketing mix support. Dee section on roduct Dtrategy in

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    chapter 3.

    Page reference: %4'6:%&

    uestion C

    Which stage of the product lifecycle is marked $y falling costs

    and rising revenues?

     Your answer:

    c) Maturity stage

    Correct answer:

    b) Browth stage


     )he growth stage of the product lifecycle is marked $y falling

    costs and rising revenues. Dee section on roduct Dtrategy in

    chapter 3.

    Page reference: %4'6:%&

    uestion (

    t which stage in the International )rade +ycle does a country

    usually import foreign goods?

     Your answer:

    b) Browth stage

    Correct answer:

    a) Introduction stage


    country will usually import foreign goods at the introduction

    stage of the International )rade +ycle. Dee section on roduct

    Dtrategy in chapter 3.

    Page reference: %4'6:%&

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    uestion '

     )o have value, a $rand must oer which one of the following?

     Your answer:

    a) simple product range with a dened set of features.

    Correct answer:

    c) +onsistency, a reduced level of perceived risk for the $uyer,

    and a range of functional and emotional attri$utes which are of

    value to $uyers.


    $rand must oer consistency, a reduced level of perceived risk

    for the $uyer, and a range of functional and emotional attri$utes

    which are of value to $uyers. Dee section on Dtrategic

    International @randing in chapter 3.

    Page reference: %4'6:%&

    uestion 4

    +hoosing a suita$le international $rand name is an important, $ut

    often diJcult, part of the process that creates a strong and

    distinctive $rand. Which of the following statements a$out

    choosing a name for a new soft drink is FG)>F8?

     Your answer:

    c) )he name should have positive associations with the $enetsand features of the product.

    Correct answer:

    d) )he $rand name must $e modern and contemporary.


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    $rand name does not have to $e modern and contemporary.

    Dee section on Dtrategic International @randing in chapter 3.

    Page reference: %4'6:%&

    uestion 3

    ccording to ;olt !%&&

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    It is not more expensive to use the same $rand name. Dee

    section on Dtrategic International @randing in chapter 3.

    Page reference: %4'6:%&

    1.ompanies producing a variety of products and brands oftenestablish a !!!!! organi/ation"

    Your Answer


    Corre!" Answer

    product ,or brand- management

      product ,or brand- management


    anon sells its fa) machine to consumer* business* andgovernment markets" .n this case* where customers fall intodifferent user groups* a !!!!! organi/ation is desirable"






    ompanies that produce many products flowing into many

    markets may adopt a !!!!! organi/ation"

    Your Answer


    Corre!" Answer

    matri) management

      matri) management


    'ising customer e)pectations* evolving employee goals andambitions* tighter government legislation and pressure are all

    forces driving companies to practise !!!!!"

    Your Answer

    total 0uality management

    Corre!" Answercorporate social responsibility

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


      corporate social responsibility


    Some companies are blending their corporate social responsibility

    initiatives with their marketing activities in what is called !!!!!marketing"






    The 3say no to drugs3 campaign sponsored by an organi/ation isan e)ample of !!!!! marketing"

    Your Answer


    Corre!" Answer




     !!!!! addresses the what  and why  of marketing activities4 !!!!!addresses the who* where* when* and how "



    Strategy4 implementation



     !!!!! software provides a set of Web1based applications thatautomate and integrate such activities as pro&ect management*campaign management* etc"

    Your Answer

    #fficiency control

    Corre!" AnswerMarketing resource management

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


      Marketing resource management


    The heart of !!!!! control is management by ob&ectives"

    Your Answer


    Corre!" Answer




     !!!!! control aims to ensure that the company achieves the

    sales* profits* and other goals established in its annual plan"

    Your Answer


    Corre!" Answer




    Which of the following tasks would not be performed by product orbrand manager?

    Your Answer

    Preparing a sales forecast"

    Corre!" Answer

    $rranging for the financing of the new productlaunch"

      $rranging for the financing of the new product launch"


     !!!!! is the act of designing the company5s offering and image tooccupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market"

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    Your Answer


    Corre!" Answer




    ompanies can gain a strong competitive advantage through

    having better1trained people" This is called !!!!!"

    Your Answer

    human resources parity

    Corre!" Answer

    employee differentiation

      employee differentiation


    $s part of the strategic brand management process* eachcompany and offering must represent the !!!!!!!! in the mind

    of the target market"

    Your Answercell

    Corre!" Answer

    right kinds of things

      right kinds of things


    $ll marketing strategy is built on STP segmentation* targeting* and

    Your Answer


    Corre!" Answer



  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    The result of positioning is the successful creation of !!!!!!!!* acogent reason why the target market should buy the product"

    Your Answer

    a demand channel

    Corre!" Answer

    a customer1focused value proposition

      a customer1focused value proposition


    6sing the market approach* !!!!!!!! are companies that satisfy

    the same customer need"

    Your Answer


    Corre!" Answer




    Which of the following terms is most closely associated with the

    following statement7 3attributes or benefits consumers stronglyassociate with a brand* positively evaluate* and believe that theycould not find to the same e)tent with a competitive brand3?

    Your Answer

    brand concept

    Corre!" Answer




    (ouglas 8olt believes that for companies to build iconic leadershipbrands* they must assemble



    cultural knowledge"


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



     !!!!!!!! is a company5s ability to perform in one or more waysthat competitors cannot or will not match"



    ompetitive advantage



    There are three main ways to convey a brand5s categorymembership7 announcing category benefits* !!!!!!!!* andrelying on the product descriptor"

    Your Answer

    industry trade press

    Corre!" Answer

    comparing to e)emplars

      comparing to e)emplars



    To avoid confusing brand loyal customers* %ord presented the 91trainer as a 3sports wagon"3 With respect to ways of conveying abrand5s category membership* which of the following did %ord use

    with its new product?

    Your Answer

    using public relations to secure brand position

    Corre!" Answer

    relying on the product descriptor

      relying on the product descriptor

    Answer C

    CQ*s of %+,-. ,-,/00- 624

    M5)(%< all FIL es

    o(ed b .+ ,%. ,%88+

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    Question 9 7 of 15 tart ti"e: #:35:21 P ) ota( arks: 1


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    Question 9 1# of 15 tart ti"e: #:3:22 P ) ota( arks: 1


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    Question 9 13 of 15 tart ti"e: #:42:27 P ) ota( arks: 1

    Df a "arket is er "ature@ t

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    Question 9 4 of 15 tart ti"e: #:31:24 P ) ota( arks: 1

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  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


     )he positioning era

    uestion 4 of 14 = Start timeF B7F44F& P0 > )otal 0arksF 1)he changing market necessitates that managers must see the impact of all


    Select correct optionF



    &roduct line

    "enchmarks of $ualit

    uestion 7 of 14 = Start timeF B7F47F4 P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    'hich one of the following is related to the brand:

    Select correct optionF

    #ooking oil




    uestion ; of 14 = Start timeF B7F4;F- P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    'hen an brand of cooking oil is launched with new formula =for more safet of

    health>( it is the e+ample of which of the following:

    Select correct optionF

    *+tending our target market

    *+tending the definition of business

    7tendin$ our point of difference

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


     *+tending the entire positioning

    uestion ? of 14 = Start timeF B7F4@F14 P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    )he target audience for an advertising campaign is which one of the following:

    Select correct optionF

    nformation base on which to develop the campaign

    ,ocation and geographic distribution of persons

    Group of people toward whom the advertisements are directed

    Jverall goal of the advertising campaign

    uestion @ of 14 = Start timeF B;FBBF P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

     According to researches under brand perception( which of the following statements is

    GJ) )E6*:

    Select correct optionF

    &4 percent of customers spend no time in their decision making

    47 percent of customers spend less than ? seconds in decision making

    ;he brand messa$es must not be so simple and much focused

     #ustomers use little information in routine purchases of low involvement items

    uestion 1B of 14 = Start timeF B;FB&FB4 P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    Qou do not give the same treatment to a fake brand even if it carries the label that

    ma look genuine becauseF

    Select correct optionF

    ;he actual brand is not there

    )he actual product is not there

    )he actual brand is there

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


     Actual product is there

    uestion 11 of 14 = Start timeF B;FB&F4 P0 > )otal 0arksF 16suall brand managers ma not get into a large portfolio of brands due to some

    reasons. 'hich one of the following in GJ) the reason for the growth of brand


    Select correct optionF

    Jwing to growth

    Jwing to ac$uisition

    Eeed to have small portfolio


    uestion 1& of 14 = Start timeF B;FBF&4 P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    'hich one of the following options will be enhanced b delivering the ke benefits of

    a brand that are important to the customers:

    Select correct optionF





    uestion 1- of 14 = Start timeF B;FB4F4; P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

     RRRRRRRRRR is a reflection of what we pro2ected to send to the public.

    Select correct optionF

    "rand identit

    "rand function

    'rand ima$e

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


     "rand positioning

    uestion 1 of 14 = Start timeF B;FB;F& P0 > )otal 0arksF 1 According to Scot %avis( how man ears are re$uired to change the brand


    Select correct optionF

    ;hree to five ears

    )wo to five ears

    )hree to si+ ears

    )wo to si+ ears

    uestion 14 of 14 = Start timeF B;FB?F44 P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    f a compan introduce same brand name for several product in different markets

    then compan is appling which one of the following brand strateg:

    Select correct optionF

    Product brand strateg

    ,ine brand strateg

    Eand brand strateg

    mbrella brand strate$

    &ra for all. thanks

    o(ed b C

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    B5;2! 'H%E/ B%E%G7B7E; > Iui? 1

    1# %&H" 2811

    Iuestion J 1 of 1# (

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    'rand identit

    'rand function

    'rand ima$e'rand positionin$

    Iuestion J ! of 1# (

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    Iuestion J of 1# (

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    Iuestion J 18 of 1# (

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    Iuestion J 13 of 1# (

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


      'rand mana$ement

    &roduct Bana$ement

    Barketin$ Bana$ement

    )otal 0arksF 1

     A companMs business model can be based on all of the fundamental factors


    Select correct optionF

    High $ualit



    ,ow $ualit

    uestion & of 14 = Start timeF 1&F&-F41 P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    Jb2ectives are the desired ends and RRRRRRRRRR is the means to achieve those


    Select correct optionF





    uestion - of 14 = Start timeF 1&F&4F1; P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    )he ke belief and core values of the brand is called its RRRRRRRRRR.

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    Select correct optionF




    uestion of 14 = Start timeF 1&F&7F4@ P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    ntroducing certain features in a consumer durable product( that customers ma see

    out of our brandMs

    character( can RRRRRRRR our abilit to sta contemporar.

    Select correct optionF





    uestion 4 of 14 = Start timeF 1&F&?F-4 P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    'hich of the following has to generate revenues( profits and net earning( whether

    establish through organic growth or ac$uisition.

    Select correct optionF

    "rand management



    "rand e$uit

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    uestion 7 of 14 = Start timeF 1&F-BFB1 P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    Jne of the top responsibilities of senior management is to developF

    Select correct optionF





    uestion ; of 14 = Start timeF 1&F-BF4? P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    )he business growth that takes place because of the internal working of the different

    parts within an

    organiDation is known as which of the following:

    Select correct optionF


    Jrganic growth

    Eapid growth


    uestion ? of 14 = Start timeF 1&F-1F4 P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    Strategic ob2ectives deal withF

    Select correct optionF

    Staging innovations

    Share value appreciation

    *arnings per share

    Eevenue growth

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    uestion @ of 14 = Start timeF 1&F--FB? P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

     According to researches under brand perception( which of the following statements isGJ) )E6*:

    Select correct optionF

    &4 percent of customers spend no time in their decision making

    47 percent of customers spend less than ? seconds in decision making

    )he brand messages must not be so simple and much focused

     #ustomers use little information in routine purchases of low involvement items

    uestion 1B of 14 = Start timeF 1&F-F-@ P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    'hich of the following is driving force for customersM focal point:

    Select correct optionF

    "rand picture

    "rand image

    "rand value

    "rand persona

    uestion 11 of 14 = Start timeF 1&F-7FB4 P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

     A chain of schools cannot create perceptions of good $ualit education to children

    unless its program of teaching relates to the central values ofF

    Select correct optionF




  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions



    uestion 1& of 14 = Start timeF 1&F-;F&B P0 > )otal 0arksF 1'hich of the following is the characteristic of personalit of a brand:

    Select correct optionF





    uestion 1- of 14 = Start timeF 1&F-?F41 P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

    )he more customers are knowledgeable of a brandMs promises( the more the are

    likel to beF

    Select correct optionF





    uestion 1 of 14 = Start timeF 1&FBF&& P0 > )otal 0arksF 1

     All of the following are the basic principles of a brand contract *C#*P)F

    Select correct optionF

    )ranslate into standards

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


     6ncover "ad Promises

    )otal 0arksF 1

    'hen we sa that brands are staing contemporar than it meansF

    Select correct optionF

    "ringing about innovations

    ,iving up to consumersM likes and e+pectations

    *ngaging into a brand contract

     All of the given options

    o(ed b C

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    a. #ompanies wanted to achieve scale economies.b. t supplemented financial management practicesc. t suited production and operations personneld. ompanies wanted to differentiate their products and hi$hli$ht

    distinctions in a competitive environment.3. 'rands like to sta contemporar because of

    a. Jthers do itb. Staing attractivec. pholdin$ the contractd. Gone of the given options

    !. 0eatures and attributes of brands translate into benefits and KKKKKKKKKKKKK are also fulfilled alon$ with these benefits.

    a. ustomer valuesb. "rand valuesc. JrganiDational goalsd. "rand associations

    #. % $ood brand contract

    a. Keeps customer perspective in viewb. %elivers promises made with customersc. 6nearths negative promisesd. %ll of the $iven options

    . ontinuousl renewin$ the difference makes our product KKKKKKKKKKKK.

    a. ,ook superior b. Highl unacceptablec. Got conforming with market standards of evolving changesd. onformin$ to the chan$in$ behavior and beliefs of customers

    . % brand>based model reveals the followin$a. 'h customers bu the brands the bu:

    b. 'hat are the underling motives for their purchasing brands of their preference:

    c. 'h companies keep their brands contemporar:d. %ll of the $iven options

    -. ;he most important factor in brand mana$ement is to ensure that our  KKKKKKKKKKK must be matchin$ with consumers+ perceptions.

    a. "rand pinnacleb. 'rand+s persona (pet)c. "rand associationsd. "rand value

    4. 9hile developin$ the brand picture, first of all, ou envisiona. Attributes

    b. Jbsessionsc. "enefitsd. %ll of the $iven options (pet)

    18. ;o have value, a brand must offer which one of the followin$Ca. A simple product range with a defined set of featuresb. A comple+ product range with a defined set of featuresc. onsistenc, a reduced level of perceived risk for the buer, and

    a ran$e of functional and emotional attributes which are of  valueto buers

    d. An identit through which the customer can trace the part responsiblefor suppling the product

    1. ;he elasticit of sales to sales promotion is KKKKKKKKKK that of advertisin$.

    a. ,ess than

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    b. *$ual to

    c. Greater than (pet)

    d. nversel proportional to

    2. % mi of different communication tools has a better chance of achievin$a. Jb2ectives


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    c. 'oth of the $iven options

    d. Gone of the given options

    -. %dvertisin$ KKKKK is capable to attract consumers onl if it is based on their 


    a. Eeach

    b. op


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    c. 8ood purchasing and suppl chain strategiesd. All of the given options

    3. 'rand identit is followed b KKKKKKKKK, which is a reflection of whatmarketers planed to send to the public.

    a. "rand valueb. 'rand ima$ec. Advertisingd. "rand personalit

    !. Hi$ht brandin$ increases KKKKKKKKKK of the product, which should bemore than that of the $eneric product.

    a. #onsumer revoltb. 0arket sharec. Profitd. :alue

    #. KKKKKKKKK are incurred b brands because of failures and Luestionablebusiness practices that ma increase costs and liabilities.

    a. "rand assets

    b. 'rand liabilitiesc. "rand e$uitiesd. 0arket failures

    . "ntroduction of more brands and etensions leads to KK with no newbenefits to consumers.

    a. Higher costb. 8reater revenuec. 'rand proliferationd. ncreased competition

    . 9hile definin$ the industr durin$ the analsis, brand mana$ers mustconsider

    a. )he range of products and services offered b the industr

    b. A picture of the geographic scope of the industrc. 'oth of the $iven optionsd. Gone of the given options

    -. ;he difference between compan+s present financial position and thefinancial objectives is known as

    a. ontribution $apb. #ontribution marginc.

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    d. Gone of the given options

    2. KKKKKKKKKKKKKK occurs b maintainin$ the brand contract while under$oin$

    innovations and modifications to sta current.

    a. Sustainabilit


  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    c. Save the actual brand image

    d. 0ill all the $aps in market

    -. 9hen the same brand name holds several products in different markets, it is

    known as the

    a. mbrella brand

    b. Source brand

    c. 0ulti!brand

    d. Eange brand

    4. 0actors affectin$ the choice of distribution channel include

    a. #ustomer value

    b. Sales revenues

    c. 'oth of the $iven options

    d. Gone of the given options

    18. KKKKKKKKKKK provides a $ood Lualit of service because of a direct

    interface with the customers, but it is epensive.

    a. %irect sales

    b. )elemarketing

    c. *!marketing

    d. %ll of the $iven options

    1. "n a specific strate$ic market plan, a profit centre that is self>supportin$ in

    terms of sales, markets, production, and other resources is known as

    a. Profit unit.


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    c. Barket analsis

    d. An investment b a foreign firm in local market

    !. run competitive advanta$es.

    'ased on this eample, centric, and all the decisions it

    makes are based on involvement of all in the or$ani?ation.

    a. 'rand based

    b. #onsumer based

    c. 0arketing

    d. #ompetition based

    -. Beasurin$ our brand+s performance means ou are

    a. Bana$in$ our brand ri$ht

    b. 0easuring our strategies

    c. 0aintaining our brand position

    d. 0aintaining our brand picture

    4. ritical success factors for a firm include

    a. #hanging lifestles and attitudes

    b. ow>cost production efficienc

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    c. "oth of the given options

    d. Gone of the given options

    18. &"% runs a series of television commercials that show its staff $oin$ out of 

    their wa to help customers. %n important secondar audience for these

    ads is

    a. )he civil aviation authorit

    b. #ompetitors

    c. &"% emploees

    d. All air travelers

    1. 9hich one of the followin$ form of asset the brand has KKKKKKKKKKC

    a> )angible assets

    b) "ntan$ible assets

    c> #urrent assets

    d> Price

    b) &erformance

    c> Social image

    d> Jur self concept

    3. 9ith the effort of team of professionals in a compan, produce end product

    which is related to the KKKK.

    a) 'rand creation

    b> dea creation

    c> "rand management

    d> 0arketing management

    !. % differentiated product ma be uniLue in the marketplace, but it will onl be

    successful under which of the followin$ circumstancesC

    a) "f it satisfies customersN needs

    b> f the price differential is minimal

    c> f the brand can be classed as aspirational

    d> %ifferentiated products will alwas be successful

    #. hoosin$ a suitable international brand name is an important, but oftendifficult, part of the process that creates a stron$ and distinctive brand.

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    9hich of the followin$ statements about choosin$ a name for a new soft

    drink is E;H7C

    a> )he name should be memorable and eas to pronounce

    b> )he name must be checked b e+perts to ensure it doesn3t infringe on another

    compan3s brand name

    c> )he name should have positive associations with the benefits and features of

    the product

    d) ;he brand name must be modern and contemporar

    . 9hich of the followin$ is the indicator of brand stren$thC

    a> "rand reputation

    b> Patents and rights

    c> Perceived brand valuesd) Growth rate

    . ;here are lot of customers have the knowled$e of brand. ;he are inclined to

    be bound into a contract. % customer bound b a contract is known as


    a) oal customer

    b> %ifficult customer

    c> Potential customer

    d> Personal computer

    b> #rocker

    4. @/evelopin$ bud$ets and steerin$ resources into strate$ are critical areas

    of success,A orrelates which of the followin$ strate$.

    a> #rafting strateg

    b) "mplementin$ strate$

    c> *valuating strateg

    d> Performing strateg

    18. ;he process of establishin$ and maintainin$ a distinctive place in the

    market for an or$ani?ation or its specific product offers is known as


    a> Profiling b> Profiling Segmentation

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    c> Segmentation d) &ositionin$

    I.1 KKKKKis ether the head of marketin$ department or a major brand and is

    responsible for the brand strate$ and its implementation, important for


    performance of the brand.

    a) hief 'randin$ Dfficer 

    b> #hief *+ecutive officer 

    c> President of compan

    d> %irector of #ompan

    I.2 KKKKKKKKKK shows how consistent customers are in buin$ our brand,

    how lon$ the have been buin$ and how lon$ the ma buC

    a) ustomer loaltb> "rand loalt

    c> Product loalt

    d> #ompan loalt

    I.3 ;he brand stature construct is eLuivalent to

    a) 7steem multiplied b knowled$e

    b> %ifferentiation multiplied b knowledge

    c> Knowledge multiplied b relevance

    d> *steem multiplied b differentiation

    I.! ;his pricin$ model offers opportunit to set different levels of pricin$ for

    different needs is known as KKKKKKKKKK.

    a) Skim pricing

    c> /alue!in!use pricing

    d> Strategic account pricing

    I.# "f a compan introducin$ a new brand under the source brand or endorsin$

    brand strate$ to $ain the benefits of brand power, ou a$ain are in a position

    to char$e a KK.

    a) &remium price

    b> Skimming price

    c> 0arket based price

    d> Eetail price

    I. KKK is a mode of direct marketin$ owes to well structured communicationsin the form of catalo$s.

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    a) ;elemarketin$ b> Sales promotion

    c> Advertising d> Publicit

    I. %dvertisin$ is part of sales promotion b creatin$ awareness and

    comprehension that form a level of KKKKKKKKKK.

    a) ustomer pull

    b> #ustomer push

    c> #ustomer loal

    d> #ustomer image

    I.- KKKKK of ad means how man times ou should epose our tar$et

    customers to our messa$e.

    a) 0reLuenc b> #op

    c> #op strateg d> 0edia

    I.4 9hat purpose does an advertisin$ cop servesC

    a> Provides a degree of continuit in a brandMs advertising

    b> Help a brand achieve distinctiveness

    c> Provides a common benchmark on which all concerned in the compan and the

    agenc can evaluate the merits of advertising submissions

    d) %ll of the $iven options

    I.18 ;he ima$e of brand is the KKKKKKKKKK with customer.

    a) %ctual association

    b> /ision

    c> Positioning

    d> Personalit traits

    I.1 % brand based or$ani?ation provides which of the followin$ benefitsC

    a> #larit of role b> #ommitment to brand growth

    c> A collective responsibilit d) %ll of the $iven options

    I.2 KKKKK lets ou to have our loal customer+s lifetime worth in terms of our 

    brand+s purchasin$.

    a) ifetime value of a customer  b> ,ifetime value of a brand

    c> ,ifetime value of a compan d> ,ifetime value of a market

    I.3 KKKKKKKKKK lets ou to have a clear picture of the number of customers or

    usa$e of our brand in comparison with competition.

    a) Barket share b> "rand share

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    c> Product share d> #ustomer share

    I.! KKKKKKKKKKK works best under the circumstances of hi$h differentiation

    that $ives ou a sustainable advanta$e in a Lualit conscious market.

    a> /alue!in!use PricingF b) Segment pricing d> Strategic account pricing

    I.# 9hich of the followin$ strate$ $ive the benefit of premium pricin$C

    a) mbrella strate$ b> ,ine brand strateg

    c> Product brand strateg

    d> "randing strateg

    I. /eliver services offered b restaurants and other food chains in our

    market on phone calls are eamples of

    a> Sales promotion b) /irect marketin$

    c> Publicit d> Personal selling

    I. /uration of KKKKKKKKKK should be short and should not be repeated too


    a) 0arket promos

    c> "rand promos d> Product promos

    I.- %n effective advertisin$ campai$n

    a> Eevolves around a strong single idea b> Should appeal to self interestof customer 

    c> 0ust not wander off  d) %ll of the $iven options

    I.4 ;he term @stor boardA is specificall related to

    a) ;: commercial b> Gewspaper *ditorial

    c> 0agaDine ad d> Press release

    I.18 KKKKKKKKKK evokes a hierarchical set of customer response effects – i.e.

    buildin$ awareness, comprehension, intentions, and actions.

    a> %istribution b) ommunication

    c> 0erchandiDing d> "randing

    I.11 ;o keep our brand into reco$nition, it is important to KK accordin$ to an

    effective throu$h plan.

    a) %dvertise b> Position

    c> Place d> 0arket

    I.12 "nKKKKKKKKKK, internal workshop consistin$ of important aspects of

    *detailed strate$ic definition+ and *objectives of the brand+ is arran$ed.a) 'rand charterin$ b> "rand planning

  • 8/19/2019 Sample Quiestions


    c> "rand e+tension d> "rand e$uit

    I.13 %part from the *four &s+ of marketin$ mi, the three additional elements of

    service brands are people, process, andKKKKKKKKKK.

    a) &hsical evidence b> Phsiological evidence

    c> Pschological evidence d> Packaging

    I.1! % KKKKKKKKKK or$ani?ation is customer>centric, and all the decisions it