Mehmet Tolgay Cirakoglu Research and Design Planning / Sample Works

Sample Work from Mehmet Tolgay Cirakogly

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Mehmet Tolgay Cirakoglu

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Mehmet Tolgay CirakogluResearch and Design Planning / Sample Works

Page 2: Sample Work from Mehmet Tolgay Cirakogly

Who am I?

Design Planning and Research

Siemens Corporate ResearchUser Experience Designer

McDonald’s CorporationDesign Research Intern

Institute of Design + Stuart Graduate School of Business, IITMA in Design Planning and Research + MBA

Visual Communication Design

4+ ArchitectureSenior 3D Artist & Visual Communication Designer

Saglik BahcesiJunior 3D Artist & Visual Communication Designer

Sabanci UniversityBA in Visual Communication Design

Princeton, NJSept 2011 - Present

Oak Brook, ILJune 2010 - Sept 2010

Chicago, ILSept 2008 - May 2011

Istanbul, TRAug 2006 - May 2008

Istanbul, TRMay 2005 - Aug 2006

Istanbul, TRSept 2000 - Feb 2005

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What do I do? How do I do?




Ethnographic ResearchMarket ResearchAnalysis

I use human centered design methods & design thinking to develop innovative concepts for

new portfolio strategies •new services•new interactions•

Set StrategyDevelop Design Solutions

Develop InsightsExplore and Define Opportunities

Page 4: Sample Work from Mehmet Tolgay Cirakogly


The Problem:To identify a new market for a touch screen application and create a relevant experience.

The Solution:Magnette, a new tablet device application that facilitates the exploration of new fashion styles, bringing people with similar tastes together and encouraging socializing outside the virtual world.

research / design planning / interaction design

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1. Understanding the Context & Developing Insights Research

We started the project with a primary research focused on the capabilitites of the technology and market analysis. We chose to investigate the possibilities and leverages touch screen interface technologies can provide to brick & mortar retailers. We decided to focus on garment retailers and fashion magazines not only because it is a big market, but also still as a major influence on fashion decisions, magazines haven’t been able to redefine themselves after the wide adoption of e-book readers and tablet devices. This phase was followed by a secondary research to better understand the most current and pertinent expectations and aspirations of the stakeholders.

Solution Principles

Business PrincipleCreate an advertising platform that uses digital content to promote fashion retail products.

Design PrincipleUse the next generation of digital media to help consumers develop their sense of style/fashion.

value web

research / design planning / interaction design

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2. Exploring Opportunities & Prototyping Prototyping

Through paper prototyping and user testing, our team developed an interaction model that is least intrusive to the experience of reading a digital magazine, but also easy-to-use, engaging and memorable.

paper prototyping & user feedback

research / design planning / interaction design

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3. The Solution The Concept

Magnette adds a layer of fashion ads to the magazines, providing the user with affordable and similar versions of the garments shown in the pictures. It can be turned on and off anytime.

Magnette also helps users to browse each others’ favorites and arrange a shopping trip together. With extensions to use in-store, Magnette extends virtual experience and socialization into the physical world.

On the business side, Magnette is a platform for retailers to advertise their collection with accurate targeting and to gather detailed user analytics, while it is also a new revenue model for the publishers and a way to increase their subscriber base.

old value web new value web new value web - exchanges

research / design planning / interaction design

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Product Portfolio Planning for Magellanresearch / design planning

The GPS device market used to have only a handful of players with similar offerings, competing essentially on product performace and branding.

This portfolio planning project takes one of those players, the consumer branch of Magellan; and recommends a portfolio strategy to stay on top of the competition that is heated by changing customer trends and market dynamics.

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Product Portfolio Planning for Magellan

portfolio analysis

Research Approach

Due to time constraints of the project, I focused on a secondary research about the GPS market and competitive landscape by collecting information from market reports, consumer opinions, as well as Magellan’s and its competitors’ public data. I also conducted ethnographic interviews with consumers with different profiles to better understand the user perspective.

ethnoggraphic interview

competitive landscape audit


1. Understanding the Context

research / design planning

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Product Portfolio Planning for Magellan

2. Developing Insights & Defining Opportunities Key Findings

The GPS market is facing a drastic change. A market that was dominated by a few key players is seeing an increasing threat from substitutes and new market trends: the rapid adoption rate of mobile phones with GPS capabilities and a large number of applications that offer new uses for location information, such as Foursquare. Consequently, the market for GPS is growing at an impressive rate as it expands to new audiences, while the demand for personal navigation devices (PDN) is shrinking on the long term.


In the light of the analysis of the research my recommendation for Magellan was to secure a safe and well differentiated position in the market within 2 years by exploring new services and niche products.

I suggested two strategies to achieve this goal:

Use the competitive advantage of PNDs, focus •on niche markets and provide functions that cellphones can not.

Exit PDN business create a new business for •mobile devices.

The market for GPS devices has started to decline with the introduction of mobile devices with GPS abilities.


The market for Navigation Information Software for the consumer segment is rapidly growing and diversifying as a result.


Secure a safe and well differentiated position in the market within 2 years by exploring new services and niche products.

Strategy Options:

Use the competitive advantage of PNDs, focus on niche •markets and provide functions that cellphones can not.

Exit PDN business create a new business for mobile devices.•

research / design planning

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Product Portfolio Planning for Magellan

3. Portfolio Strategy & Design Propositions Concept Options

The last stage of the project was to develop a portfolio of offerings to support the proposed strategies.

I conducted a small workshop with 6 participants. A structured brainstorming session using personas, scenarios and a lot of post-its resulted in over thirty ideas. I narrowed down the number of ideas to 10 by using dynamic rank order scorecard.

strategic fit - revenue analysis

concept options

the workshop

research / design planning

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The Problem:Design a service to empower cancer patients during chemotherapy.

The Solution:Mind@Ease, a service designed to find the most suitable diet for the patient and the delivery method, to best accomodate varying needs depending on his/her lifestyle and health condition.

research / service design

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stakeholder needs

Primary Research

The primary research our team conducted revealed that nutrition is one of the most critical and overlooked needs of patients who go through chemotherapy.

A healthy nutrition contribute significantly to cancer patients’ recovery by helping them better cope with the symptoms, and by increasing their quality of life. However, patients and their relatives usually don’t receive well-prepared, personalised dietary support beyond basic information. Consequently, reports indicate that over 20% of cancer patients experience serious struggles with nutrition.

Secondary Research

We continued with an extensive secondary research into cancer patients’ concerns, available offerings at treatment centers and outside. Interviews with patients and their relatives yielded to further insights about problems surrounding nutrition, such as shopping, getting information, taste and cooking.

1. Understanding the Context

journey map

competitor service landscape

research / service design

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2. Exploring and Defining Opportunities Option Generation

The team used the findings from the primary and secondary researches in developing solutions to alleviate the pain points that the patients voiced.

We developed a template that allowed us to indicate the feelings of the patient, involved stakeholders and channels at the moment of service. This allowed the team to create a balanced and coherent portfolio of solutions.

research / service design

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3. Solution & Components The Concept

Mind@Ease is a service that supports the patients through every phase of chemotherapy. It by equipping the patients with a diet that is specifically tailored to them, facilitating support from relatives and providing the most convenient delivery, leveraging a network of partners.

At the very beginning of the chemotherapy, a dietician will create an individually customized diet taking the patient’s health condition and personal preferences into account. This periodically updated diet will consist of credible information as well as proven recipes that enables coordination between the patient, the dietician and the food delivery network.

The online component of the system enable the patient to easily place an order from the Mind@Ease food delivery partners, who in turn access the database to fill the order.

research / service design

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Evaluating The Art Institute of Chicago

Assessment of the user experience of The Art Institute of Chicago and recommendations for improvement.

research / design planning

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Evaluating The Art Institute of Chicago

1. Understanding the Context & Analysis The Problem

Museums are highly sophisticated systems that consist of a great number of elements ranging from communications to security, which have their sub-elements in turn. This level of complexity makes it difficult to identify how system elements influence each other as well as to isolate, analyze and evaluate the functions individually.

Research Approach

Our team started with a secondary research on museums in order to lay out the complete structure of the functions they require to have. On the other hand, we conducted a field research that included site observations and interviews with museum staff and visitors to gather information about the current state of the offerings at AIC. We used the rigorous full system evaluation techniques that The Structured Planning process includes to combine, analyze and synthesize the data we collected.

field research

research / design planning

function structure

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2. Defining Opportunities & Solutions Recommendations

The analysis of the data we collected surfaced the correlation between some distant factors, such as the impact of security staff on visitors’ appreciation of art works. The prioritization of our recommendations to the museum was based on the criticality and the severity of the problems that the tools helped to group, structure in a hierarchy and rank.

Furthermore, the systematic approach we used to evaluate the museum gave us the ability to benchmark AIC against other museums.

research / design planning / interaction design

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