SAMRUDHI MICROFINANCE SOCIETY Divya Boddu-007 Dhaval Parmar-025 Sachin Lakade-032 Raj Saxena-035 Shiraj Sherasia-039 Teena Deuri-043 Zahid Anwar-048

Samrudhi Micro Finance Society

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Page 1: Samrudhi Micro Finance Society


Divya Boddu-007

Dhaval Parmar-025

Sachin Lakade-032

Raj Saxena-035

Shiraj Sherasia-039

Teena Deuri-043

Zahid Anwar-048

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INTRODUCTION- A VERY SAD SITUATION India is said to be the home of one third of the

world’s poor. The World Bank estimates that over 600 million people in India are below poverty line !!!

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To bridge this gap, SAMRUDHI set out its operations in Gulbarga District, Karnataka , in the month of May, 2007 by using a using a fast track model-drawn upon the positive features of 'Grameen' methodology'.

SAMRUDHI is non profit organization registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960.

Mr.Sanju Kumar, Founder & CEO

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SAMRUDHI believes that the “poor are bankable”; they have “credit discipline”, and they have potential to improve income and productivity and can make profit. Access to

basic financial services can significantly increase socio-economic opportunities for

poor families and in turn help improve their standard of living"

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Mission “Our mission is to empower the poor and

underprivileged to become economically self-reliant by providing cost effective and need based financial services in a financially sustainable manner”

Vision“ SAMRUDHI's vision is to provide financial

services to 200,000 poor households in Indiaby 2013 and to become most preferred developmental & livelihood service provider.”

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CULTURE & CORE VALUES Core values set the norms of behaviour for

everybody in the organization. The following Core Values are the basis of competitive advantage, but not the reason for just following them. Thus they need to be deeply held beliefs and are meant to be expressed through day-to-day behaviors of all.

Professional (in management), Proactive (positive & down to the business) & Prosperous (self-sustainable flourishing organisation)

Realistic (practical & down to earth), Receptive (open for new ideas & innovations) & Responsible (for what we do)

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CONTD…. Strategic (in every action), Simple

(uncomplicated operations) & Speedy action

Transparent (in every action we perform), Trustworthy (to all the stakeholders) & Technology Savvy

Cooperative (with all the stakeholders), Competitive (in terms of products and services) & Customer oriented (to achieve satisfaction and delight)

Innovative (in products and processes), Instrumental (in implementation of objectives) & Influential (in policies)

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To organize rural poor, Dalits, tribal women and underprivileged groups for their development and empowerment through community participation and to create opportunities for socially disadvantaged, distressed and economically poor to get livelihood support.

To offer cost-effective livelihood based financial services to the rural and urban poor households.

To become most preferred livelihood opportunity

provider in the operational area by establishing SAMRUDHI Micro Fin Society as a highly professional & suitable service organization.

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eight district of northern Karnataka and expand into other part of the state and slowly expand its operation to the part of AP and Maharashtra & in the first two year.

SAMRUDHI has initiated operations through one branch office in Gulbarga town of Karnataka

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Governance, experience and strategy

Management and operations


1 Well qualified and experienced board 2 Innovative and diversified products and channels to suit market needs 3 Good strategic change in terms of building the organisational structure

1 Improvement in the development of more secure and flexible information systems

2 Good tracking system for overdues 3 Well developed financial planning and control systems

1 Improvement in portfolio quality 2 Productive deployment of assets in the loan portfolio

3 High yield to APR

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Samruddhi has had an interesting growth pattern over the last three years.

While the key indicators of scale – portfolio and number of active clients – have shown consistent growth, there has been a slight decrease in the average loan size since the last rating

Growth in the portfolio can therefore be attributed to an increasing number of clients rather than an increase in the loan amounts given to these clients.

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By comparison, staff productivity in terms of portfolio handled by the field staff, has declined

Due to a marked increase in the number of CSAs recruited

This increase in the number of CSAs was due to new units being opened in Maharashtra and AP.

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There has been a marginal improvement in the PAR ratio for Samruddhi

Was mainly due to a rapid portfolio growth

The subsequent improvement in the ratio by about 0.5% is, therefore, a more realistic indicator of delinquency management

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WHAT SAMRUDHI DOES… SAMRUDHI uses the pioneering Grameen Bank

(Bangladesh) model to provide Micro-Loans , Micro-Insurance to the poor.

SAMRUDHI provides small & manageable loans to the poor.

Its main targets are rural & urban poor women because they are the most marginalized and tend to use resources more productively than men do.

Women undertake small, manageable enterprises rather than risky ventures that could bankrupt families

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OPERATIONAL METHODS SAMRUDHI adapted the pioneering Grameen

Bank (Bangladesh) approach to local modification.

It lends to five-member groups of women and designates the group member the ultimate guarantor of each of its members.

If one member does not repay, no individual in the group is eligible to receive another loan.

Default member’s loan has to be paid by remaining members of the group.

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Social Collateral. The poorest do not have physical assets that can be used as security. Instead,borrowers organize themselves into groups that take collective responsibility for repayment of one another's loans.

Doorstep Banking. Providing financial services in the villages enables the rural poor to collect thatday’s wages and avoid the costs of travel to mainstream banks. The illiterate poor are also unable to complete loan applications, which often require several trips.

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CUSTOMIZED PRODUCTS. SAMRUDHI designs loans with small, weekly

repayments corresponding to wage structures, consumption and income generating loans to prevent emergency “distress sales” and small first loans to inculcate credit discipline and collective responsibility. Interest and loan repayments are made equal for easy comprehension.

Focus on Women. SAMRUDHI works exclusively with women because they are the most marginalized among the poor and because they tend to invest the majority of their income into the household and for their children. Women also typically undertake small, manageable activities

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Loan purposes

− Farm loans − Non-farm loans − General purpose loans

Delivery channels

− Direct to clients − Direct with Joint Liability Groups − Self-help groups − Through on-lenders

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PARTNERDonor:-Asha for Education:-It is a non profit,volunteer-run Action group

dedicated to radical change in India by focusing on basic education ,in belief that education is a critical requisite for socio-economic change

Indians for Collective ActionIt was founded in 1965 by Indian students in Berkeley. Its objective is to support innovative ,

community-initiated development projects that empower low income people in India.

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Sharada MACS & Thrift Ltd.Hyderabad based Sharada’s Women Association for Weaker Sections (SWAWS) supported SAMRUDHI through a Short-Term Loan of INR 0.7 millions through Sharada Mutually Aided Cooperative Society and Thrifts Ltd.

Initiatives for Development Foundation (IDF) Grassroot work for R&D IDF supported SAMRUDHI through term loan of Rs.2.2 million .

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Mix Market:- It is a global web-based MFI platform,

which provide information to various MFI network, public & private fund that invest in microfinance.

Sa-Dhan:- Sa-Dhan was designed and developed as

that platform to share, understand and learn the different perspectives, competencies and experiences, the source and legitimacy of the microfinance in India.

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The heart of SAMRUDHI is in its Management Information System (MIS) integrated with accounts that enables the electronic capture of all transaction such as, loan, repayment, loan outstanding, credit history, trail balances at field staff & management level.

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Captures socio-economic information of a client Tracks loans and savings transactions at the

field Generation of pre-computed and pre-calculated

values for expected transactions pertaining to a day

Automated posting of vouchers into Accounts Module

Configurable product, loan purpose, income and poverty definitions

Linkage to Performance Monitor Scalability – helps for rapid expansion

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Samruddhi has an adequate infrastructure base of Rs 5.8 million as on 31 December 2009

The fixed assets mostly include computers and other such professional equipment and some furniture and office equipment

The utilisation of fixed assets is extremely appropriate and efficient.

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KEY FEATURES OF SAMRUDHI'S ACCOUNTS MODULE   Configurable Chart of Accounts Accounts can be defined at 3 levels Maintains day book, ledgers, cash book, bank

book etc Maintains financial statements like balance

sheet, income statement and trial balance Automated Year Closing and creates the

opening Trial Balance for the next financial year

Linkage to Performance Monitor 

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Samruddhi’s credit performance is reasonable with a cumulative repayment rate of 97.3%

The PAR60 has also been improving, though not adequately, over the previous ratings

Samruddhi’s portfolio is reasonably well diversified with about 48% of loans disbursed during the year for a variety of non-farm activities, 22% for cropping, another 22% in animal husbandry and agri-allied and a small 8% for housing and general purpose

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Samruddhi has diversified its lender base

Cash security, still continues to form an important source of funds and has increased to 8.9% of total liabilities and equity

This could be due to an approximate 40% increase in portfolio as well as the introduction of a cash security component across products

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Samruddhi has utilised its assets well with 72% being deployed in loans and about 10% in short term investments

These investments have been made from the unutilised equity funds and the focus is on instruments that have minimum risk followed by those which give good returns

Due to their efficient investment policy, the organisation has a low cash balance of around 2%.

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Strengths Weaknesses

•Well qualified and experienced Board • Innovative and diversified products and channels to suit market needs • Good strategic change in terms of building the organisational structure •

Low depth of coverage in existing villages


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Strengths Weaknesses

•Professionally trained and stable managerial cadre • Improvement in the development of more secure and flexible information systems • Good tracking system for overdues • Well developed financial planning and control systems

•Relatively relaxed system for the appraisal of loan to SHG federations •The graduation of senior FXs to UHs has left the FX levels to relatively new staff

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Strengths Weaknesses

•Improvement in portfolio quality •Productive deployment of assets in the loan portfolio • High yield to APR • Good equity mobilisation and capital adequacy •

•Moderate portfolio quality and continues to be weak in the older areas • Low ROA •

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Name:-Devaki. Took loan from

SAMRUDHI to invest in her vegetable business.

Now she earn 150-200 every day

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Name:- Shainaz Begum Availed Rs. 5000/- loan to

invest in seasonable businesses, such as mango, banana & grape sales.

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Name:-Gundamma Availed loan from

Samrudhi Earn 100-150 every


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