Epi News San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. November, 2015 Volume 40 Number 11 SDES’s 45th Anniversary Rhipsalis pilocarpa Found in Brazil Stems cylindrical, densely bristly Flowers yellowish white, the base of the flowers bristly Photo by Linda Sinkovic

San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. · 5 ESA Diamond Jubilee . 6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event. 9 Installation Banquet & Holiday Party. 12 Safari Park Work Party. January 2016. 13 General

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Page 1: San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. · 5 ESA Diamond Jubilee . 6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event. 9 Installation Banquet & Holiday Party. 12 Safari Park Work Party. January 2016. 13 General

Epi News

San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc.

November, 2015 Volume 40 Number 11

SDES’s 45th Anniversary

Rhipsalis pilocarpa

Found in Brazil Stems cylindrical, densely bristly

Flowers yellowish white, the base of the flowers bristly

Photo by Linda Sinkovic

Page 2: San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. · 5 ESA Diamond Jubilee . 6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event. 9 Installation Banquet & Holiday Party. 12 Safari Park Work Party. January 2016. 13 General

President's Corner “Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn."

- Elizabeth Lawrence

This year probably won’t be the best for fall color in San

Diego due to the unseasonably warm weather. Enjoy

autumn’s beauty with a walk through Balboa Park.

Pecan, Fremont cottonwood and Chinese flame trees will

display gold and yellow foliage. Look on the corner of

Quince and 6th Avenue for American sweetgum trees—

the best tree for fall color in Southern California—with

brilliant shades of red and orange. My pecan tree’s leaves

are still green, so we need to wait for some cooler

weather before we will see some color.

Our updated website, sandiegoepi.com, will be up and

running in a few weeks. The first draft will be ready by

November 5th and it won’t be long after that that it will

go live. We will have full access to the website and will

be able to make changes. But you needn’t wait for the

updated website to access the many articles that are

available. There is information regarding various potting

mixtures, how to make cuttings and label them, how to

start cuttings in either potting soil or perlite, how to

harvest seeds and many more topics.

I’m looking forward to seeing you at the November

meeting on Thursday, the 12th ,when we will enjoy all of

the photos displayed for the epi photo contest.

Please Note:

The November General Meeting will be on

Thursday November 12th instead of the normal Wednesday. This change is due to

the Veterans Day Holiday on Wednesday

November 11th, the second Wednesday of the month. Casa del Prado will be closed

for the holiday.

November, 2015 SDES Epi News Page 2

Society Officers and Directors

President Janice Wakefield

[email protected] (619) 464-1086

1st Vice President Velma Crain (pro tem)

[email protected] (619) 421-4785

2nd Vice President Gina Contreras

[email protected]

Treasurer Tim Paule

[email protected] (619)-443-0826

Recording Secretary Cindy Decker

[email protected] (619) 972-9664

Corresponding Secretary Beth Jackson

[email protected] (858) 638-0956

Membership Secretary Humberto Contreras

[email protected]

Director (2014-15) Victoria Chapman

[email protected] (619)221-0027

Director (2014-15) Marie Dempewolf

[email protected] (619) 573-5060

Director (2015-15) Jerry Moreau

[email protected] (619) 208-7654

Director (2015-16) Oliver Lapuebla

[email protected] (619) 793-6683

Director (2015-16) Mildred Mikas

[email protected] (760) 690-1124

Coordinators & Committee Chairperson:

Sales Events Cindy Decker

Librarian Marie Dempewolf

Garden Caravan Mildred Mikas

Installation Banquet Mildred Mikas

Safari Park Jerry Moreau

EpiNews Co-Editor Jerry Moreau

EpiNews Co-Editor Linda Sinkovic

[email protected]

Past President Ron Crain

[email protected] (619) 421-4785

‘Degas Dancer’ photo by Jerry Moreau

Page 3: San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. · 5 ESA Diamond Jubilee . 6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event. 9 Installation Banquet & Holiday Party. 12 Safari Park Work Party. January 2016. 13 General

Calendar of Events

2015 November

7 Fall Plantstravaganza

Cuyamaca College

12 (Thur) General Meeting

14 Safari Park Work Party

18 Board Meeting

28 Safari Park Work Party


5 ESA Diamond Jubilee

6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event

9 Installation Banquet &

Holiday Party

12 Safari Park Work Party

January 2016

13 General Meeting

Meeting Programs — Velma Crain

Pre-Meeting Workshop: Last month’s pre-meeting workshop covered harvesting epi fruit for seeds

to use for hybridizing. Ron Crain also discussed "monstrose" growth in plants.

During this month’s pre-meeting workshop, Ron will plant epi seeds and show slides of epi sprouts and

seedlings. Because we are meeting on Thursday the pre-meeting workshop will not be in Room 104...please

join us Thursday November 12th, in Room 101 at 7:00 pm for the workshop!

October Program: Last month we enjoyed seeing some of the small hybrids created by Wressey

Cocke...many favorites appeared on the screen. Thanks to Jerry Moreau for presenting the program and to

ESA President Robert Kuettle for creating it.

November Program: This month we will learn about the Epiphytic Cacti species, Rhipsalis. This

program created and presented by Linda Sinkovic. Check out Linda's article on page 9 and the cover photo of

Rhipsalis pilocarpa for a preview. Please join us on Thursday, November 12th in room 101! Also this month is the annual photography contest, see information regarding the contest on page 4.

Don’t forget the November General Meeting will be on Thursday November 12th due to the Veteran's

Day Holiday!!!

Inside This Issue

President’s Corner 2

Meeting Program 3

Calendar of Events 3

Now Is The Time 4

Safari Park Report 4

Election — Slate of Officers 5

Installation & Holiday Banquet 6

Off-Season Blooms 6

An Afternoon with Wressey Cocke 7

ESA Diamond Jubilee 8

Get Your Facts First 9

Photo Contest 11

November, 2015 SDES Epi News Page 3

‘Honeycomb’ ‘American Beauty’ Photos by Jerry Moreau

Page 4: San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. · 5 ESA Diamond Jubilee . 6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event. 9 Installation Banquet & Holiday Party. 12 Safari Park Work Party. January 2016. 13 General

Watch weather reports for freezing temperatures. In

areas that freeze, plants can be protected for a short

period with newspaper, but plastic sheeting will

provide more durable protection.

If epis are subjected to hail, rinse the ice off

immediately. Prolonged contact with ice can

damage the plants more than the impact of the hail


Protect against strong winds. Plants in hanging pots

are subject to broken branches as they bump into

other pots or are knocked to the ground.

Withhold fertilizers as plants become semi-dormant.

Avoid over-watering. Epis require less watering

during the cool, rainy season.

Winter rains are good for epis. Collect rainwater in

opaque containers and cover containers to keep

debris out. Don’t let pots on benches sit in puddles

of water.

Continue to keep an eye out for snails and slugs.

Keep plants and containers free of debris.

Monitor plants for root fungus diseases.

Discoloration of branches just above the soil level

may indicate problems below the soil.

Check fruit for ripeness.

The cooler weather is wonderful and allowed us to get some good work done while out at the Epi Display. This

month we were able to finish the fertilizing, continued repotting plants and potted up cutting and repotting, and

we are continuing to organize plants. The plants are growing and looking good. There were a few flowers but

nothing like this past spring.

Helping out these past work parties were Sandra Chapin, Humberto & Gina Contreras, Ron & Velma Crain, Cindy

Decker, Bob Holzinger, Dennis Hughes, Jerry & Betsy Markle, Mildred Mikas, Jerry Moreau, Mary Nash, Tim

Paule, Paul Vanderploeg, and Janice Wakefield.

The next work parties will be November 14th & 28th.

Safari Park Epi Display House — Jerry Moreau

Now is the Time

November, 2015 SDES Epi News Page 4

4 day old tiger cub at the Safari Park

Velma Crain locked in the Epi Display House at

the Safari Park. She went in to take pictures and

her husband locked her in, not knowing she was


Roger & Sandra Chapin working a sale at

Cuymaca College, May 2005

‘Little Guy’

Page 5: San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. · 5 ESA Diamond Jubilee . 6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event. 9 Installation Banquet & Holiday Party. 12 Safari Park Work Party. January 2016. 13 General

President: Janice Wakefield

1st VP (Programs): Open

2nd VP (Mother’s Day

Show Coordinator): Gina Contreras

Recording Secretary: Dennis Hughes

Corresponding Secretary: Beth Jackson

Membership Secretary: Humberto Contreras

Treasurer: Tim Paule


Nominated for a 2-year term:

Karl Almryde (1st term)

Cindy Decker (1st term)

Jerry Moreau (2nd term)

To serve the 2nd year of their 2-year term:

Van-Ahn Le (appointed to complete

Oliver Lapuebla’s term)

Mildred Mikas

November, 2015 SDES Epi News Page 5

Slate of Officers for Elections 2016

The society would like to thank the committee for all their good work putting together this slate of officers. Thank you Mil-

dred Mikas, chairwoman and committee members: Sandra Chapin, Cindy Decker, Patricia Frank, and Laura Johnson for

your dedicated service toward SDES. Thank you to all the members volunteering to serve on the board.

Page 6: San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. · 5 ESA Diamond Jubilee . 6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event. 9 Installation Banquet & Holiday Party. 12 Safari Park Work Party. January 2016. 13 General

Holiday Installation Banquet Wednesday Dec. 9, 2015 at 6:30

Let’s start off the Holiday Season with SDES Installation Banquet! Join us for an

evening of fun, fellowship, an (optional) gift exchange and door prizes.

We will be at The Butcher Shop Restaurant in Kearny Mesa.

Dinner choices are either Filet Mignon or Salmon. Your dinner comes with salad, main

course, dessert, coffee or tea and wine.

Optional Gift Exchange Bring a $15.00 wrapped NEW garden related gift. Something you would like to receive.

The Dinner price is $ 30.00 for members and $60.00 for non members. SDES offsets the

difference. It’s SDES way of saying Thank Y ou for a good year. Honorary Life Members

are invited as our guest.

A Suggestion - last year some members gave their family a holiday gift - tickets to our

Installation Dinner. Why not consider this for your friends or family?

You can purchase your tickets at the November meeting. See Gerry Mikas - All Credit Cards Accepted.

All reservations must be paid by Dec 1st! That’s when we pay the restaurant in advance and give them total

count of those attending.

Make your check payable to SDES Dinner

Send your check with your dinner choices to:

Gerry & Mildred Mikas

3502 Avenida Amorosa

Escondido CA 92029

Questions: just call Mildred @ 760-690-1124

Or email @ [email protected]

November, 2015 SDES Epi News Page 6

Off-Season Blooms

SDES Epi Shirts

Wear at Sales, Shows & Events

The time is right - to order your White SDES shirt with either a

Purple or Peach Epi or Black SDES shirt with a Peach Epi

bloom. The cost is $30.00 for either women’s or a men’s shirt.

Sizes Small to 3X . They make great Christmas gifts too!

Join the group, show your Epi Spirit and wear your shirt at all

our spring & fall sales & events or meetings.

Call Mildred & Gerry Mikas to order 760-690-1124 or e-mail

your order to [email protected] then send us a check or pay at a


Sandra Chapin: ‘Bambi’, ‘Beautie Wegner’,

‘Chopin’, ‘Crystal Claret’, E. caudatum,

‘Jalisco Disco’, ‘Jalisco Grace’

Jerry Moreau: E. hookeri ssp. hookeri

Don Patterson: ‘Eddie Huey’

Linda Sinkovic: W. bradei, W. frohningiorum,

H. undatus and E. hookeri ssp. hookeri

Janice Wakefield: ‘Ruby Pinwheel’

Safari Park: ‘Al Bustan’, ‘’Beautie Wegener’,

Becky Dell’, E. anguliger, E. hookeri ssp.

hookeri, E. oxypetalum, E. pumilum,

‘Heliotrope’, ‘Herbert S. Irwin’, ‘

George’s Favorite’

Page 7: San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. · 5 ESA Diamond Jubilee . 6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event. 9 Installation Banquet & Holiday Party. 12 Safari Park Work Party. January 2016. 13 General

November, 2015 SDES Epi News Page 7

(continued from October 2015 Epi News.)

The best cross that Mr. Cocke has done is that of ‘Ruby

Snowflake’ and ‘Tassel’. This is known as the fifties

cross. It has produced many outstanding flowers. Mr.

Cocke's favorite flower is from this cross. It is ‘Curtain

Call’. Another of his good cross is that of ‘Lilac Time’ x

‘Mon Cheri’. Both flowers are variegated and the cross

was done in hopes of getting some variegated flowers. But

the cross did not produce any variegated flowers. There

are some excellent flowers from this cross. Most of the

plants from the above crosses, as well as many of his

hybrids have gone to the nurseries in the area where they

have been made available to the public. Many of the

flowers have been named by the

nurseries, rather than by Mr.

Cocke himself. Another good

cross is that of ‘American

Sweetheart’ and ‘Ruby

Snowflake’ and back again. Mr.

Cocke did not do the cross but

raised the plants. Many of the

plants were later given to Ken

Nores. Many of the plants are

now available at Hurst Nursery.

One of the flowers from this cross

is ‘Ethel Hurst’. One of the early

crosses produced a few plants that

were variegated. One of them

was kept for

the unusual

foliage. The

plant did not

bloom for

about twenty

five years.

About three

years ago it

decided to

bloom. It

has white


similar to

those of

‘Cooperii’. The plant has bloomed every year since.

Mr. Cocke has sent seed to many places including China

and Paraguay. As he has not received any information

back, he does not know what, if any, flowers may have

been produced from the seeds. He has received some seed

from species crosses from Clive Innes in England. Some

of the seeds sprouted and grew, but the cross did not

produce any good flowers. There is an excellent view

from the window toward the ocean, looking south and

west. The only problem now days is that there is a large

tree in an adjacent yard that prevents him from seeing the

ocean. If you look hard, you are able to get a glimpse of it

through the tree. Mr. Cocke hopes to be up and walking

around the first of the year. Because he is confined to a

wheel chair, he has not been able to go down to his see his

Epis. Right now he relies on Tony (Mr. Cocke's care-

taker) to take care of his plants

and to bring up any flowers that

are in bloom. Again I must

compliment Tony on his

excellent care of the plant.

Time to go out for a quick lunch.

Excellent restaurant, good

atmosphere and food. Then back

to the house for a last look

around. A quick trip down to

pick out a couple of plants to

take home with me. What a

difficult choice. It would have

been an easier choice if they


MR. WRESSEY COCKE By David Graham (reprint from the December 1992 Epi News)

Wressey Cocke and George French 1990c ‘Tassel’

‘Ruby Snowflake’ Epi pictures by Roger Chapin

Page 8: San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. · 5 ESA Diamond Jubilee . 6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event. 9 Installation Banquet & Holiday Party. 12 Safari Park Work Party. January 2016. 13 General

November, 2015 SDES Epi News Page 8

Wressey Cocke and Herbert S. Irwin

were all in bloom, so I had to take "pot luck" in hopes of getting a wonderful


Time to say my good byes. I find that I must ask one last question before I

leave. As I inquire as to Mr. Cocke's age, to find that he is 87 years young.

He will be celebrating another birthday

in a few months. My thanks to Mr.

Cocke for allowing me the time I have

spent with him. It is my hopes that his

article will give a small amount of

insight to those members who do not

live in Southern California, or have not had the opportunity to meet him. He has

done a great service to the Epi lovers of the world who have seen his flowers and

may even have some of his Epis in their


Epiphyllum Society of America

Diamond Jubilee You are all invited to attend the Epiphyllum Society of America’s 75th

Anniversary and Holiday Luncheon at the Monrovian Resturant in Monrovia,

CA. This event will be on Saturday, December 5th, beginning with a “social

hour” at 11:00 a.m. Cost will be $25.00 in addition to a no-host bar.

There will be an exhibition of the best of our epiphyllum memorabilia

collection from the ESA and members’ private epi collections. ESA will

pay tribute on the retirement of Chuck Everson & Jerry Williams of

Rainbow Gardens after 36 years in the business. The program will

feature special awards, a silent auction of rare epi cuttings, and

door prizes. Entertainment will be provided by singer/pianist Tommy


Get reacquainted with old friends and reminisce with other members who

made a difference in our 75 year history. Don't missed out on this once

in a lifetime historical celebration.

Questions should be directed to Jim Nones, 818.284.1199.

Reservations should be directed to Geneva

Coats, 909.438.8242. Checks/credit cards are accepted.

‘Curtain Call’

‘Ethel Hurst’

‘American Sweetheart’ epi pictures by Roger Chapin

Page 9: San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. · 5 ESA Diamond Jubilee . 6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event. 9 Installation Banquet & Holiday Party. 12 Safari Park Work Party. January 2016. 13 General

“Get your facts first, then you

can distort them as much as you


-Mark Twain

Growing epiphytic cactus has its pluses

and minuses, like any other interest or

occupation. Enjoying beautiful flowers is definitely a plus. So is the feeling of

accomplishment when you succeed

with a difficult to grow plant, or your seedling blooms for the first time. And

naturally, there are the minuses: a rare

plant dies, or pests chew up your plant,

or you knock over a plant and break all the branches.

We've all experienced those situations, but we keep growing because the

pluses outweigh the minuses. There's

another small minus I'd like to

mention,*1 and if you only grow epicactus hybrids this won't affect you

very much. If you grow

epicactus species, you will be affected by this and you

will need to be flexible about

it.*2 So what am I talking about? Basically, a plant's

scientific name can change.*3

Meaning you'll need to

update your plant tags every time it changes. And

possibly your reference

materials as well.

To be fair, many of these


changes are due to new discoveries being made. Up

until fairly recently, the only

way to classify a plant was by

seeing how well its form and flowers

matched (or not)

with other similar plants. Now there

are DNA analysis

methods and

scientists can do comparisons at a very

low level to find which

species are related (or not).*4 For example, if it

turns out that Hatiora

gaertneri does not have that much in common with other

Hatiora species, then it probably

doesn't belong in that genus. It could be

put into another genus and (re)named Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri. *5

Lately all this name-changing business has been affecting me directly. I've

been researching Rhipsalis and related

genera for a presentation,*6 and there

are a lot of name changes involved. Some species are moved from one

genus to another. Some species

become obsolete as they are grouped in with another (previously-different)

species. It's been an adventure

following all the names and their changes.*7

If you want to learn a little bit about Rhipsalis and their name changes

through the ages, come see the

presentation at the November general meeting. In any case, enjoy your

offseason blooms!

Notes: 1. And maybe I'm the only one gets annoyed by

having to write yet another tag and change the

records? 2. And have a lot of plant tags on hand. 3. And the name can change as many times as needed. 4. Make no mistake, the taxonomists (the scientists

who do all this classification and naming) have a

tough job. 5. As it has been, see Feb 2015 'Get Your Facts First'.

(Make sure your tags are up to date). See Korotova et

al 2011 for details. 6. Come watch the presentation at the November

general meeting! Lots of photos, I promise. 7. You know, they say 'The only constant in life is

change' so the answer is to embrace change. And

make more plant tags as needed. References: Epiphyllum Society of America, Registry of Hybrids



WILHELM BARTHLOTT. 2011. 'What does it take to

resolve relationships and to identify species with

molecular markers?', American Journal of Botany 98

(9) 1549-1572. Accessed 17 October 2015, http://


Get Your Facts First -- Linda Sinkovic

November, 2015 SDES Epi News Page 9

‘Orange Icing’

‘April Showers’

Photos by Linda Sinkovic

‘Marmalade N’ Honey’

Page 10: San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. · 5 ESA Diamond Jubilee . 6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event. 9 Installation Banquet & Holiday Party. 12 Safari Park Work Party. January 2016. 13 General

November, 2015 SDES Epi News Page 10

Wressey Cocke Hybrids Cultivars from his 50th cross

‘Ruby Snowflake’ X ‘Tassel’




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Photos by

Roger Chapin





Page 11: San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc. · 5 ESA Diamond Jubilee . 6 SD Zoo Volunteer Event. 9 Installation Banquet & Holiday Party. 12 Safari Park Work Party. January 2016. 13 General


New memberships as well Renewals can be processed at our

secure web site:

Click here

Those who wish to receive Epi News via e-mail:

Single Membership $15.00 per year

Dual Membership $20.00 per year

International Membership $15.00 per year

Those who wish to receive a printed copy of Epi News: Single Membership $20.00 per year

Dual Membership $25.00 per year

International Membership $30.00 per year

Have You Moved? If you have moved or recently changed your physical OR

e-mail address, please let us know your new address so that you

can continue to receive your newsletter without interruption.

Send it to membership – at

PO Box 126127, San Diego, CA 92112-6127 OR

[email protected]

San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc (SDES)

P.O. Box 126127

San Diego, CA 92112-6127

Epi News is published monthly by San Diego Epiphyllum Society, Inc.

Editor– Jerry Moreau & Linda Sinkovic:

(619) 208-7654

[email protected] or [email protected]

SDES Web Site: www.SanDiegoEpi.org

Membership queries: [email protected]


November 12, 2015

The meeting is on Thursday this month due to the Veteran’s Day

Holiday falling on our normal meeting day.

Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Room 101, pre-meeting workshop 7:00 p.m.

Casa del Prado, Balboa Park

Next Board meeting:

November 18, 2015

At Sandra Chapin’s home

Details of How To Become A Volunteer at the Safari Park can be found on our website. Click on SanDiegoEpi.org

November, 2015 SDES Epi News Page 11

Annual Photo Contest this month! Don’t forget to bring your favorite Epi Photo(s) to the November meeting!

Criteria as follows:

Any size photo can be entered

Photos should be matted (not framed).

Write your name and the flower name (if known) on the back of the photo.

Categories will be single flower, multi-flower, “People’s Choice”, and

judges’ choices.

Winners of the single and multi flower category photos will be featured on

the covers of Epi News

Galen Pittman, 2006