1 San Gabriel Mission High School IB French ab Initio (Y2) Guidelines and Expectations Teacher: Mrs. Eugenie Heilweil Consultation Hours: by appointments only Room: 218 Phone: (626) 282-3181 x 149 E-mail: [email protected] Course Description: Prerequisites: IB French ab initio 1 During the 2nd year of the course French ab initio students will be involved in many different forms of communication and exposed to a wide variety of texts. They will be encouraged to get involved in class discussions about written texts, informal conversations, everyday scenarios and emails. Students are expected to develop accuracy and fluency in expression and control over vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and intonation. A range of texts are accessed in the course. Language skills are not developed in isolation but through the use of a wide range of contemporary materials such as web pages, advertisements, newspaper and magazine articles, catalogues, forms, instructions, and much more. Assessment will be both formative and summative and fully in accordance with IB criteria. Required Materials: Textbook: Panorama Francophone Level 1and 2 (2014); author: Irene Hawkes Cahier d’exercices by Danièle Bourdais et Sue Finnie (will be distributed by the teacher) Binder with dividers /Composition notebook (journal) at least 200 sheets -9 ½ in x 7 ½ in iPad or computer IB Handout guidelines (distributed by the teachear-1 st day of school) Course Objectives/Learning Outcome: There are five assessment objectives for the language ab initio course. Students will be assessed on their ability to: 1. Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the intercultural elements related to the prescribed topics 2. Communicate clearly and effectively in a range of situations 3. Understand and use accurately the basic structures of the language 4. Understand and use an appropriate range of vocabulary 5. Use a register and a format that are appropriate to the situation.

San Gabriel Mission High School IB French ab Initio (Y2 ... · Individual oral (25 marks) (10 minutes): 25% Three-part oral internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated

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Page 1: San Gabriel Mission High School IB French ab Initio (Y2 ... · Individual oral (25 marks) (10 minutes): 25% Three-part oral internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated


San Gabriel Mission High School

IB French ab Initio (Y2) Guidelines and Expectations

Teacher: Mrs. Eugenie Heilweil Consultation Hours: by appointments only

Room: 218

Phone: (626) 282-3181 x 149 E-mail: [email protected]

Course Description: Prerequisites: IB French ab initio 1 During the 2nd year of the course French ab initio students will be involved in many different forms of communication and exposed to a wide variety of texts. They will be encouraged to get involved in class discussions about written texts, informal conversations, everyday scenarios and emails. Students are expected to develop accuracy and fluency in expression and control over vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and intonation. A range of texts are accessed in the course. Language skills are not developed in isolation but through the use of a wide range of contemporary materials such as web pages, advertisements, newspaper and magazine articles, catalogues, forms, instructions, and much more. Assessment will be both formative and summative and fully in accordance with IB criteria.

Required Materials:

Textbook: Panorama Francophone Level 1and 2 (2014); author: Irene Hawkes Cahier d’exercices by Danièle Bourdais et Sue Finnie (will be distributed by the teacher) Binder with dividers /Composition notebook (journal) at least 200 sheets -9 ½ in x 7 ½ in iPad or computer IB Handout guidelines (distributed by the teachear-1st day of school)

Course Objectives/Learning Outcome: There are five assessment objectives for the language ab initio course. Students will be assessed on their ability to: 1. Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the intercultural elements related to the prescribed topics 2. Communicate clearly and effectively in a range of situations 3. Understand and use accurately the basic structures of the language 4. Understand and use an appropriate range of vocabulary 5. Use a register and a format that are appropriate to the situation.

Page 2: San Gabriel Mission High School IB French ab Initio (Y2 ... · Individual oral (25 marks) (10 minutes): 25% Three-part oral internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated


Grading and Evaluation Grading is in accordance with IB standards. You will be graded according to the IB rubrics, but your quarter grade will be judged on performance and growth. Assessments will be scored on the following criteria:

Internal: Productive skills, interactive and receptive skills.-Individual oral assessment for 10 min. This will be recorded and send to the IB examiners.

External: Paper 2- Language, Message and Format Written Assignment: Description, Comparison, Reflection, Register, Language and Formal requirements.

Assessments: Internal assessment: 45%

Individual oral (25 marks) (10 minutes): 25% Three-part oral internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB towards the end of the course. Part 1: Presentation of a visual stimulus (from a choice of two) by the student. Part 2: Follow-up questions on the visual stimulus. Part 3: General conversation including at least two questions on the written assignment.

Written assignment: A piece of writing, 200–350 words, demonstrating intercultural understanding and written in the target language. (20 marks) 20%

External Assessments: 55% of your IB marks. Two written exams- Paper 1 (1 hour 30 min): Understanding of four written texts. (40 marks) 30% Paper 2 (1 hour): Two compulsory writing exercises. (25 marks) 25%

Section A (7 marks): One question to be answered from a choice of two. Section B (18 marks): One question to be answered from a choice of three.

NOTE: Participation is a very important component. !!! Thus develops students' receptive and productive skills. In general participation includes: repeating vocabulary after the teacher /speaker, verbal communications/ presentations- mostly in the target language, discussions, active listening and taking notes, preparedness for class - bringing materials to class, turning in on all work at time.

Tests/ Quizzes = 20%;

Final Test = 20%;

Homework= 20%

Research/Presentation/Journal = 20%

Classwork/Presentation =20%

Grading Scale: A -100.00-89.50

B -89.49-79.50

C -79.49-69.50

D -69.49-59.50

F -59.49 and below

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Important: Your binder and journal (notebook) may include the following sections:

1. Personal Dictionary (Dictionnaire Personnel) (binder) - You choose the words to include. Words may be from text, articles, class, other contexts or sources. They must be appropriate for class. Definitions and an example in context should be included. Personal comments are allowed in English. Also you will receive from me vocabulary from the 20 topics we will study during the year.

3. Investigations (Investigations)- Choose 2 of your sources of information from your encounters- at least one non-internet source. Evaluate those two sources- it could be about different perspectives, points of view, how helpful or interesting they were and why. This part you have to write in your journal. This part and #2 will help you when working on your written assignment.

4. Mon Journal - This is a personal diary- writing about anything you want- progress on project, friends, anything. You must have at least one dated entry per week included. All writing is confidential. (at least 10 pages for each semester)! Some of the topics may be given from the teacher.

Here some of the most Useful Websites: The rest of the websites resources you will be able to find under my photo on the school website.

1. http://leconjugueur.lefigaro.fr/conjugaison/verbe/dire.html

2. http://www.podcastfrancaisfacile.com/englishmenu/conjugation-french-verbs.html

3. http://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/

4. http://fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us/~creitan/grammar.htm

5. http://www.french-online.de/grammar/content/english_french_table_of_content.htm

6. http://www.languagesonline.org.uk/Hotpotatoes/Index.htm

7. http://www.francaisfacile.com/index.php

8. http://www.leplaisirdapprendre.com/formations-professeurs-2014/

9. http://quizlet.com/jerempitas

10. http://go.hrw.com/gopages/wl-fr.html

Please visit my website for more information and resources!

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Classroom Policies/Behavior Guidelines:

1. We will not engage in activity that inhibits someone else from learning. You will be expected to be involved in class activities, including

talking, thinking and asking questions related to the current subject.

2. We will respect one another’s ideas and opinions by your words and behavior. We may disagree, but without being disagreeable.

3. Your cell-phone, iPad or computer will be turn off and will be placed on the right side of your desk. The cell-phone will be used only for

emergency or if the teacher asks you to work with in class. The same rule will be applied for the other type of technology. 4. Anyone caught cheating on any assignment or test will receive a zero, and her parents will be notified. Talking or communicating of any kind

during an exam will be considered cheating, even if you are finished.

5. Your homework, journal/notebook and a pen should be on your desk at the beginning of every class period so that we can start class promptly.

6. All others non-essential personal belongings, including book, bags, other subject textbooks, activity books, notebooks, etc. should be placed in

the designated area, any non -related class materials, found on your desk will be confiscated.

7. Fairness. I try to deal with you all fairly. Talk to me about concerns, because I will certainly talk to you.


Parents/Student Agreement Page:

I have read, understood and agreed to fallow the basic requirements, guidelines, and grading system for this course.

Student: ------------------------------------

(print ) Parent/Guardian: ----------------------------------

Student e-mail: ………………………… Parent e-mail and phone number (home & cell)


Date: ----------------------------------