SAP 9-14 IT Pathway Employer Sponsored Pathways

SAP 9-14 IT Pathway Employer Sponsored Pathways. Background In an effort to increase the number of qualified IT professionals, multinational software

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SAP 9-14 IT PathwayEmployer Sponsored Pathways


In an effort to increase the number of qualified IT professionals, multinational software company, SAP, is partnering with high schools and

community colleges to create 9-14 pathways in IT where students earn college credit while in high school toward an industry-recognized degree.


SAP had partnered with:

• NYC Public Schools to open B-TECH Early College High School in the fall of 2014 (http://www.btechnyc.org/).

• Templeton High School in Vancouver (brochure included)

Now Boston!

Other Employer Sponsored Models

Schools Partners

Pathways to Technology Early College High School (P-TECH)


Chicago STEM Schools (5 schools)

IBM, Motorola, Verizon, Microsoft, and Cisco

Business Technology Early College High School (B-TECH)


Project Overview

• Influence design and development

• Curriculum Planning

A.S Degree Program:

• Internet Technology

– Offered by the Computer Information Technology Department

(Industry Partner)

(K-12 Partner) (Higher Education Partner)

IT Pathway

• Influence design and development

• Skills analysis• Work-based learning• Mentorships• Internships• SAP Certifications/UA

• Influence design and development

• Curriculum planning• Program design and student

supports• Pathways coordination• Integrated work-based


Key Stakeholders and Responsibilities

Project Overview

Potential pathways following Grade 14

1. SAP jobs, e.g., IT Associate, Pre- Sales Associate, Development

Associate, etc.

2. Work with SAP Customer/Partner

3. Continue on to earn 4-year degree (Bachelor’s)

(Industry Partner)

(K-12 Partner) (Higher Education Partner)

IT Pathway

Skills Mapping to Curriculum

8 Expertise Taxonomy06/17/13

Skills/Curriculum Map

Identify AS degree pathways

Order skills by complexity– Technical Skills vs.

Professional Skills

Connecting skills to courses & curricula

Developing an integrated scope and sequence

Providing work-based professional development for school staff

Skills Documentation

Identify entry level jobs– Validated by LM


Summarize expertise to perform entry level jobs

Develop job descriptions with defined competencies

Skills/Curriculum Map

Understand AAS degree requirements

Work with community college to develop course scope and sequence

Backwards map specific work-ready/21st Century skills to 9th grade

Determine set of academic outcomes, potential project topics and work-based learning opportunities

Provide professional development for school staff

Expertise Taxonomy06/17/13

Skills BHCC Corresponding Courses and Other Opportunities

CHS Corresponding Courses and Other Opportunities


IT Quality Management/Assurance

IT Release and Production Management

IT Deployment and Change Management

Risk Management

Scope Management

CIT216 - Visual Basic

CIT162 – Introduction to Networking

CMT111 - HTML/Dreamweaver

CIT162- Introduction to Networking

CIT268 or CIT270 - Windows Operating Systems or Linux Administration/Lab

Dual credit: Intro to IT Problem-Solving



Critical Problem Solving

Negotiation Skills

Planning Management

Time Management

Work-based learning team projects



Project planning

Daily integrated work-based learning with emphasis on project-based learning


Job Shadows


Skills Mapping to Curriculum

Work-based Learning

Career Awareness Career Exploration Career Immersion

• Guest speakers• Field trips• Career fairs• Mentorships

• Project-based learning

• Job shadows• Service learning• Internships• Mentorships

• Deep internships• Paid apprenticeships• Capstone project• Mentorships

  Middle School CollegeHigh School High School High School High School

How Charlestown High School students experience work-based learning


Work-based Learning

Short-term Work-based Learning Plan• Employees from SAP will participate in a month of service at Charlestown High School during

the month of October.• SAP will participate in recruitment activities such as daylong IT exposure events in

December.• SAP employees will participate in a job shadow day coordinated by the Boston PIC on

January 30, 2015. • SAP employees will participate in Mock Interview week, which will be held at the Boston PIC

offices in April 2015.

Summer• SAP will continue to participate in recruitment activities• SAP will organize Charlestown High School mentoring program and assign mentors Long-term work-based learning Activities• Career speakers• Co-teaching (workshop in a box)• Mentoring• Job shadows• Internships

Lessons Learned

• Will our students be competitive for jobs where candidates with Bachelor’s degrees are typically hired?• Making sure SAP is equipped to hire our students – working with their HR

department• What about other employers? SAP cannot accommodate everyone!

• There has to be an effort for to onboard employers. • JFF has a huge role in coordinating efforts between all of these stakeholders.

What’s our sustainability plan to ensure successful continuation? Is this a replicable model?

• Work with local liaison• Solidify work plan

• Bigger picture: How does JFF work with other districts to coordinate these efforts when at a distance? How do we build capacity for others to take on?


[email protected]

TEL 617.728.4446 FAX 617.728.4857 [email protected]

88 Broad Street, 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02110

122 C Street, NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC 20001


September October November December

1. MOUs and Agreements

2. Integrated Pathways Design

3. Work-based Learning

4. Marketing and Recruitment

5. Student Supports and Professional Development

Timing Overview (Sept. to Dec. 2014)

Tasks Accomplished: MOU Signed, Agreements defined and signed, developed course scope and sequence, curriculum alignment complete, SAP month of service complete, and recruitment program developed and December event executed.

January February March April May

1. MOUs and Agreements

2. Integrated Pathways Design

3. Work-based Learning

4. Marketing and Recruitment

5. Student Supports and Professional Development

Tasks Accomplished: Instructional support and professional development materials developed, SAP participates in job shadows and mock interviews, January recruitment activity complete, student support programs identified and master schedule for 2015 created.

Timing Overview (Jan. to May 2015)

June July August September

1. MOUs and Agreements

2. Integrated Pathways Design

3. Work-based Learning

4. Marketing and Recruitment

5. Student Supports and Professional Development

Tasks Accomplished: Professional development developed and delivered, summer bridge program developed and delivered, mentoring program developed and executed, PROGRAM LAUNCHED!

Timing Overview (June to Sept. 2014)