Sarah Swanton best of me portfolio

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Page 2: Sarah Swanton best of me portfolio

Sarah SwantonTel no: 07883800945

Brief: Lindt Packaging re-design This was a self directed brief to re-design the current Lindt chocolate packaging, I decided that the current packaging needed a new look so I decided to give it an art deco aesthetic. The colours of the hair and the dress represent the flavours of the chocolate.

[email protected]

Page 3: Sarah Swanton best of me portfolio

[email protected]

Brief: Monograph Booklet

This brief was broken up over four days, I was given a word to work with ‘Disintegration’. Day one my task was to find out more about my word, what it meant, it’s synonyms and antonyms. Day two my task was to photograph places and objects that were associated with my word. Days three and four my task was to experiment with colours, shapes and layouts. Once all the experimentation work was completed I had to compile a booklet 8 pages in length.

Sarah SwantonTel no: 07883800945

Page 4: Sarah Swanton best of me portfolio

[email protected]

Brief: University of Cumbria Student Union re-design (Chosen design)

The student union approached us and asked us to re-design their student union, they wanted the new identity to be applicable to students young and mature but also be fun at the same time. The idea behind my idea was to make the logo look like a speech bubble to represent people talking about the UCSU again. The colour scheme is designed to be different from every other SU that existed.

Sarah SwantonTel no: 07883800945

Page 5: Sarah Swanton best of me portfolio

[email protected]

Brief: D&AD Whiskey Packaging/ Roses: Advertising a new brand

I chose the whiskey brief from the D&AD list of briefs, the brief was to design a new brand of whiskey for women in the 21st century. My idea is to promote the use of whiskey in cocktails, I chose a cocktail shaker as the vessel so that when the whiskey is finished the cocktail is a free gift. The roses brief was to promote a brand new product so I decided to advertise my whiskey.

Sarah SwantonTel no: 07883800945

Page 6: Sarah Swanton best of me portfolio

[email protected]

ISTD: Apollo 13 - Pass

I chose to use Apollo 13 for the ISTD brief ‘it happened on this day’ I created two books in one. One half of the book depicts the events that happened, the other side of the book which has to be turned upside down to read depicts the scenario of the astronauts not making it back to earth. This book will be submitted to ISTD in March.

Sarah SwantonTel no: 07883800945

Page 7: Sarah Swanton best of me portfolio

[email protected]

YCN: Package the perfect picnic

A YCN competition brief to package the perfect M&S picnic based on an event or theme; I decided to choose a festival as my theme. All the packaging and the vessel it comes in has to reflect this theme.

Sarah SwantonTel no: 07883800945

Page 8: Sarah Swanton best of me portfolio

[email protected]

Dissertation Manifesto

A complete manifesto including posters, dissertation in booklet form, badges and A2 manifesto. The manifesto is intended to promote women’s careers in advertising.

Sarah SwantonTel no: 07883800945



Advertising has been a largely male dominated industry since it began, as advertising evolves

through the 21st century; the industry must take a long look at it’s ideas towards women. Advertising

needs women and women must to feel they can compete in the industry.




Creativity INTUITION

1.) WORK HARD!Hard work always had been the key to success for women in the advertising, you can’t make it to the top on good fortune alone.

2.) BE CURIOUS ABOUT ADVERTISINGAs Graphic Design students you should be actively seeking out advertising as inspiration, it’s communication design at it’s best and a highly rewarding vocation for women.

3.) COMPLETE ADVERTISING BRIEFS WHILE STUDYINGIf you find that while studying Graphic Design, advertising briefs are sometimes not readily available, question the reasons why and seek out advertising briefs for yourself.

4.) ACCEPT CRITICISM & LEARN FROM IT!One of the main pitfalls that hinders women’s elevation in advertising is not being able to take being criticised, many take it too seriously and therefore are considered weak.

5.) WOMEN MUST BE SEEN AS EQUALAbove all the other points in this manifesto, this is the most important; whether it be a woman applying for a job or pitching an idea, women must be seen in equal standing to men.

6.) DON’T BE INTIMIDATED BY THE INDUSTRYFor too long women have shyed away from advertising because of it’s male dominance. It’s time for women to be able to apply for jobs in advertising and think nothing of it.

7.) BE YOUR OWN PERSONThroughout a women’s career, the most important point to remember is to always be your own person and not imitate others.

8.) HELP EACH OTHER Women have come a long way to gain some good standing in the advertising industry, don’t see each other as competition; help each other.

9.) MAINTAIN A GOOD SENSE OF HUMOUR No one likes to be too serious, another major reason women don’t succeed in advertising is their inability to laugh at themselves. A good sense of humour will get you further than you think.

10.) MAKE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS KNOWN No one likes to be too serious, another major reason women don’t succeed in advertising is their inability to laugh at themselves. A good sense of humour will get you further than you think.

11.) DON’T FALL INTO THE ‘BOYS CLUB’It seems logical to believe that thinking and behaving like a man will get you far, it may for a while but it’s hardly worth losing the respect of your female peers.

12.) ALWAYS STRIVE FOR MORENever believe enough is enough, always be hungry for more; the women at the top of their game are pit bulls and damn proud of it!

13.) ENCOURAGE THE YOUNGER GENERATIONYou’re doing well in your career so why not shout about it! There are millions of young women just waiting to graduate and break into the industry, tell them your story.








Advertising has been a largely male dominated industry since it began, as advertising evolves

through the 21st century; the industry must take a long look at it’s ideas towards women. Advertising

needs women and women must to feel they can compete in the industry.

1.) WORK HARD!Hard work always had been the key to success for women in the advertising, you can’t make it to the top on good fortune alone.

2.) BE CURIOUS ABOUT ADVERTISINGAs Graphic Design students you should be actively seeking out advertising as inspiration, it’s communication design at it’s best and a highly rewarding vocation for women.

3.) COMPLETE ADVERTISING BRIEFS WHILE STUDYINGIf you find that while studying Graphic Design, advertising briefs are sometimes not readily available, question the reasons why and seek out advertising briefs for yourself.

4.) ACCEPT CRITICISM & LEARN FROM IT!One of the main pitfalls that hinders women’s elevation in advertising is not being able to take being criticised, many take it too seriously and therefore are considered weak.

5.) WOMEN MUST BE SEEN AS EQUALAbove all the other points in this manifesto, this is the most important; whether it be a woman applying for a job or pitching an idea, women must be seen in equal standing to men.

6.) DON’T BE INTIMIDATED BY THE INDUSTRYFor too long women have shyed away from advertising because of it’s male dominance. It’s time for women to be able to apply for jobs in advertising and think nothing of it.

7.) BE YOUR OWN PERSONThroughout a women’s career, the most important point to remember is to always be your own person and not imitate others.

8.) HELP EACH OTHER Women have come a long way to gain some good standing in the advertising industry, don’t see each other as competition; help each other.

9.) MAINTAIN A GOOD SENSE OF HUMOUR No one likes to be too serious, another major reason women don’t succeed in advertising is their inability to laugh at themselves. A good sense of humour will get you further than you think.

10.) MAKE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS KNOWN No one likes to be too serious, another major reason women don’t succeed in advertising is their inability to laugh at themselves. A good sense of humour will get you further than you think.

11.) DON’T FALL INTO THE ‘BOYS CLUB’It seems logical to believe that thinking and behaving like a man will get you far, it may for a while but it’s hardly worth losing the respect of your female peers.

12.) ALWAYS STRIVE FOR MORENever believe enough is enough, always be hungry for more; the women at the top of their game are pit bulls and damn proud of it!

13.) ENCOURAGE THE YOUNGER GENERATIONYou’re doing well in your career so why not shout about it! There are millions of young women just waiting to graduate and break into the industry, tell them your story.




Advertising has been a largely male dominated industry since it began, as advertising evolves

through the 21st century; the industry must take a long look at it’s ideas towards women. Advertising

needs women and women must to feel they can compete in the industry.




Creativity INTUITION

Page 9: Sarah Swanton best of me portfolio

[email protected]

Art Direction - Ethereal Magazine

An art direction shoot taken from the work ‘Ethereal’, The photo’s are then translated into an editorial spread.

Sarah SwantonTel no: 07883800945