SAT Vocabulary 3 By Jeff Carlin and Desiree Dunn

SAT Vocabulary 3

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SAT Vocabulary 3. By Jeff Carlin and Desiree Dunn. Laud. Verb ~ To praise, to applaud. People that support the president constantly laud him when he makes speeches. Belabor. Verb ~ To go over repeatedly, or to an absurd extent. The teacher belabored the point of learning about grass. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: SAT Vocabulary 3

SAT Vocabulary 3

By Jeff Carlin and Desiree Dunn

Page 2: SAT Vocabulary 3


Verb ~ To praise, to applaud

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People that support the president constantly laud him when he makes speeches.

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Verb ~ To go over repeatedly, or to an absurd extent.

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The teacher belabored the point of learning about grass.

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Charmingly rural.

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The town was a bucolic post card town.

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To shorten or condense

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The insane looking beaver likes to abridge wood.

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To cause to happen.

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The zombie attacked and induced Seaun to fight back.

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Noun/Adjective ~ Lawlessness; an absence of government or control.

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The crowd was in total lawlessness; it was anarchy.

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Adjective ~ Sneaky; unnoticeable.

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Sneaky Cat, is very discreet; he'll sneak up on you when you least expect it.

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Verb ~ To say again; to repeat.

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The Ms. America contestant asked for the host to reiterate his question.

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Adjective ~ Easy to shape or bend.

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With enough force, the body-builder makes the metal look malleable, or easy to bend.

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Adjective ~ Absurd; ridiculous.

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Your accusation is absurd, ludicrous even; he isn't obsessed!

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Image SourcesAnarchy: http://playingspoons.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/14299491_e6875c21e6.jpg

Discreet: http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kw7165PeXd1qahts4o1_500.jpg Belabor: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?  Reiterate: http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/10/8/128679769454138760.jpg

Malleable: http://blogs.courierpostonline.com/intotheoutside/files/2010/11/Barry.Sonny_3.jpg

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Image Sources (cont.)Ludicrous: http://roflrazzi.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/celebrity-pictures-yngwie-malmsteen-ridiculous-obsessed.jpg

Abridge: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_GLN6dF7MVVk/TS8FMyezR9I/AAAAAAAAAIY/ssRTkFY5Xdk/s1600/effi-shorten-it.jpg

Bucolic: http://wandamann.typepad.com/.a/6a00e553bc02c988330120a7acf01d970b-320wi

Induce: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGZZCRYW3oUW-rprhE4zxzQoirP3CnzY5lixR2IGWQHvduUJa5