Save Water Speech

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  • 8/15/2019 Save Water Speech


    Save Water Speech 2

     A very good morning to the respected teachers, my dear friends and other gathered people here. As we are here to celebrate this occasion, I would

    like to speech on the topic of save water. Now-a-days, lack of useful water in our surrounding areas is the most serious topic which needs to

    be working out urgently. Three-fourth of the earth surface is covered by the water however there is lack of drinking water on the earth (only 1 %. The

    level of drinking water on the earth is getting down and dirty because of various industrial sources day by day. !t is very serious matter that we are

    losing the useful water on the earth. "ach human body consists of #$% water which make clear that how the water is important for us as a prime

    elements and responsible for life on the earth. ater circulates itself in the universe through the process of evaporation and rain.

     A well developed human body contains an average of &' liters of water however suffers dehydration at a very small loss of '.# liters. e)she starts

    feeling weak, irritable, fatigue, di**iness, nervousness, headaches, etc. e all should improve the habit of water saving and conservation in our home

    and outside. ere are some points which can help us in save water outside the doors+

    • e should use water according to the need and reuirement and never over-water our lawn they need watering every $ to # days (summer

    season, every 1 to 1& days (winter season and almost not in the rainy season.

    • e should water the lawns especially in the early morning or late evening because due to the low temperature and low wind speed it can

    not be lost through evaporation and totally used by the plants.

    • e should not water the streets, driveways or sidewalks, all are wastage of water.

    • e should use water-efficient methods of irrigation (micro and drip irrigation, soaker hoses, etc while sprinkling over plants or other place.

    • !f a lawn cut higher, it encourages roots of the plants go deeper and holds more soil moisture thus reuire less water from outside.

    • e should never fertili*es (or only sometimes according to need our lawns because it increases the need of more water.

    • prinklers or hoses can not be left unattended as they may loss appro/imately 0 gallons of water in few hours.

    • ar washing should be done on the green ground or lawn otherwise prefer commercial car wash as they recycles water.

    • e should avoid ornamental water features like fountains in the lawn as show piece.

    • There should be filter system in the individual swimming pools.

    • 2ulching techniue also helps plants to retain soil moisture for long time.

    • e should try to plant some native and drought resistant plants, grasses, ground covers and shrubs in the lawns as they do not need more

    water to survive.

    • There should not be any leakage in the water pipes in the home and in case of leakage, hose washers can be used between spigots and

    water hoses.

    Thank 3ou

    ave ater peech 1

    4ood morning to the e/cellencies, respected teachers and my dear colleagues. ! would like to speech on a very important topic 5save water6 today at

    this special occasion. As well all know that how the water is important for the continuation of life on the earth. !t is the most basic need of everyone

  • 8/15/2019 Save Water Speech


    (human being, animal, plant and other microorganisms. ater is the uniue source of life, without water we cannot imagine the life here. 7ife on other 

    planets is not possible 8ust because of the absence of water. !t is considered as the most important among other known celestial bodies. Almost three-

    fourth area of the earth is covered by the water and it constitutes around 0-# % of the living world. !t seems that water is endless renewable source

    on the earth because it is regenerated and redistributed all over the earth through evaporation and rain. !t arises a uestion in our mind that if water is

    renewable source then why we should worry for water and try to conserve it.

     Actually, there is only 1% of the water on the earth which is usable to us. And other water bodies have unusable water to us such as 9#% salty sea

    water, '% water in the form of glaciers and polar ice caps. :nly 1% water is here for us over which a huge population all over the world is depended for 

    the survival. ;eath is more possible in the lack of water than the lack of food. !t again arises a uestion in our mind that why we are so late in reali*ing

    the need of water saving and conservation. ince the life of each and every living things on the earth depends on water, then scenario will get worse if 

    useful water become dirty or started reducing. A water looking fresh and drinkable from outside can be mi/ed with the harmful and to/ic elements

    through various sources like industries, factories, sewer, etc and cause illness and death if ingested by animals, plants or human beings. ere are

    some tips which really will help us to save water+

    • 2, community newsletters,

    bulletin boards, banners, etc.

  • 8/15/2019 Save Water Speech


    our life. ater involves in almost all the processes in our body such as digestion, elimination, assimilation, respiration, maintaining body temperature,

    etc. !t is reuired to remove the thirst of our body. e can live for days without food however cannot imagine to live without water more than a day. The

    level of useful drinking water (only 1% on the earth is very less and other water is salty and not useful to the living beings. ater is reuired by

    everything like plants, animals, microorganisms, human being, etc to fulfill the body reuirements. ;o we imagine that what will happen if the drinking

    water get finished a day or get polluted. 3es, it is the main uestion which has opened the eyes of everyone and start saving water at every place we

    belong like home, surrounding area, office, school, college, etc.

    e have to save and conserve our drinking water from e/tra spend as well as being polluted by following various techniues of water conservation.

    ?ow-a-days, in the world of technological improvement and industriali*ation, the safe water is getting polluted to a huge level on daily basis by getting

    mi/ed with hundreds of tons of to/ins and impurities (as industrial wastes. There are many water treatments used to make dirty water clean and

    bacteriologically safe however many times they have been proved ineffective because of the presence of certain pathogenic bacteria (giardia and

    cryptosporidium after test. ometimes the presence of to/ic chemicals and inorganic minerals are also found causing various diseases. !n order to be

    safe from the diseases, a mass of people has started drinking mineral water. !f we regularly destroy and soiled our drinking water, surely there would

    be a day soon when we get pure water (labeled as o/ygen enriched, free to/ic materials, radioactive and chemical compounds. ere are some points

    helping how to better save drinking water+

    • e should not waste water by draining it without purpose. All the taps should be closed properly to avoid unnecessary water drainage.

    • ;o not waste water by irrigating lawns unnecessarily. 7awn needs water every $ to # days in the summer whereas every 1 to 1& days in


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    meeting all the water demands. @educing the level of fresh drinking water is very serious issue for this huge worldwide population

    and increasing need of people for water especially in the manufacturing and agricultural irrigation. ater conservation is necessary

    to fulfills the goal of future generations. !t reduces the use of energy because water management reuire around 1$% of the total

    electricity consumption. !t also involve in the habitat conservation for the local wildlife and migrating waterfowl. !t reduces need of 

    building other dams or water diversion infrastructures.

    !n order to conserve fresh drinking water we need to reduce water loss, avoid damaging natural water uality and improve water 

    management practices. There are many water conservation programs run by the government in order to solve the social problems

    related to water at the local level (municipal water utilities or regional governments. ome common strategies are like public

    outreach campaigns, reduce outdoor water use, etc.

     According to the .. "nvironmental