that It- rnrleilj A cutter of n whllai- rt tarn fruit i notrU oman la- sn lu try rote cf- Ftntwr nn Ray i m n of mulatlnj linn llnrr- Srpl 0- he bot- tlilUn4 d to SI ned In Heating ate lr T n about re- swtt of it been oMble flee 00- ot Nt- 8lka ns are t aum- hlth ftlpll- dsllt tIS of unld- nma QJro 1I0llta- lIrallnl lIan 01- rSlllle totter JAnet Itterii- t a II d- nlh of srii an < OIleD e ta ge- n ci rkor at be- tbu ee- aI ednd I Luvo or- fles bile god 2eLj last es the al be- rn oct I- Iiy liii- tzps erIe cm the hm vas link t4et- ht ct tlirI- ez and gull him jut iun- rtI rn r pAll r T bl- C fri thn- ublta t be- ex guT I At etgd- lalir liynr- tIIq FR- It iun I 1ndiN- irned lnhlIt- Iuchth ti I Lf- lIn thy pJu flu A crday- ut the form then t 55 not rcn to- ha to- td of- prit LI few eruuuan- Ti I O 0- itiqil und w w lets Is ft I lit ire luteS glO ugh 4 Ill > THE SUN TUESDAY MAY 7 1901 17 u IN DRAMATIC REPETITION TUB rLAra THAT nxrxoDicx- OH COVWWTJTD TfSSTEKDA- YDrnralng In t Balcony Performed A- ta MatiBMClMr One nor Mlmlcir AbandJuM Theatrical UY Une La t Moult of the Heaao Otis Skinner Baja ai Eleanor spring tour a Bftloonr only oneday In even the big cltln They cams to tl Knickerbocker yesterday afternoon Il performance was a little more than a of that whloh WM pralspd at a Wallac tnatlnca last autumn as Robson ha gained In facility M Cotulanc If- Moyne was more tlrralr poised a 7A Queo and even Mr Bklnnern admirable fluent a Xorbirt aeemrd a little surer 1erhot some of the adjustment and polish was di to the new stage direction of Oscar Engl All that It possible to give dramatl titpeot to Brownings poem with It Ion stretches of unthratrio diction and alma entlrn lack of motion fa done In tht find Intelligent delivery Browning enthualaf- thoiild be delighted by It and others pieasm at least An before tho bill Included Land ot Desire The audlent- WM large appreciative and responsive Chauncey Oloott maths a shift of play lai night at thn Fourteenth Street by revlvln Sweet InnlaoHrra lust year addition t hi Irish repertory It IK the bent of th Piton plecea prettily romantlo and puttln Mr Oloott Into the most favurabln vlnw hla ardent followers The song about th- plmlvf fly the oldfat ilotied mother th love of ODonoughoe and the heautU of Innlicnrra received with enthi- laim Ralph Stuart enacted with captlvatln virility the hero of Darken lUiMu th weeks reproduction by the Ireenwall com- p ny at the American and wsa to be credlte besides with excellent Mauo direction a the scenes of the Himlnn melodrama wer presontcd under his control with an Imprei- ilvenesi thnt remarkable In a regain Monday shift There was llttla o unreadiness In thn action Roil at a- In the very liberal mounting s Lott- Mnthtcurn the new leading sctreos ap reared to good advantage She Is youn end beautiful Daniel Rnnitmann a star vIMtor wit the Donnelly mpany at the Murray Hill n was not now In Dr Jekyll sail Mr Hyde but It had b en away back tho Steven on story wait flr t on the utmct thAt h played two At the Acnd- emy Music nnc o th whir more extrnvrtgant than li lildpoii embodiment of evil WHS an In- irrew lve revelation to thn audience Hi- hendlshheM and tii JtkM wa n xtron contrast of ttrbane Mr Rnndman- lias lout none of the stability which long ic made him famous The same romjuny that lately Introducei Are You a at Wallsoks unit wen thence on a the Hnrl m Opir and the merry rare with unquenched This rarne to In German trout Berlin will recross tho ocean tn English to London there Charles Frohman will u e It at on of his Anna Held made a New York at the Grand In Papas Wife dollery he was Accompanied by the uiual bevy o pretty women smart costumes Walt Comedy Company one of th Itinerant repertory began term at with Uu nn In which Bell Stevenson was heroine A oomlo opera called Nell Owrn wa given br Maud Daniel company at Ko t Dials TMterday It had been advertise a new and programme credited It t- Ilobert Planquetta but memory does recall any work of hU by that name Th management protested Ignorance of where It bad been before but thought It was new to America and had perhaps used In England Nell Owyn obvlousl Is some one of the famous numer- ous reohrlstened In order to catol any Interest that have beer excltei In character by Ada llehnn Itenrlrtti- Crosman Marie um notorious aotresn The l In not ttve of Its plot Is like a bundred other in French opera Two noblemen thera e a In order to the village bells of a ml she elopes with an ardent tenor lover A counts relief rich women In varloui disguises the set of actIve Is one of these women who re- named She azures as an Irish a Normandy dairymaid a wandering and a century A cosmopolitan This system of an pier to a suggests Taming of the Shrew HI tHrived u Natlon O hallo of the devlco of adverti lnc n summer retort br It name to a reproduction A Midsummer Dream Th noblemen Nell Owyn guru called liuck and imial comic opera monarch In turned II and plot such of either as U dl Is thn manner of oldlimn and Offenbach boulTe The music seams to l e but the orches- tra at Kosttr A HUls a morn ileiinlte valuation tAble Tho lerdfr con- duct men and the slniers with on hand plays thn with thn other The plot Is not t ridanlo bcrniite evt much dlnlouue has hi en onilttcd Mill only one th slneer1 enunciates Thn one Post Mason has a good barytone enough for tenor very musical It was as a mimic that Chiy Txifins mid her reentrance yetcrday at Keith In t week at Keiths In Ho tnn she appeared In a rirnmntlo sketch that proved ntlsfartnrv She would not substitute for It her budget of Imitations rn wa subjected to discipline In that ho was made to oppenr nt the hnurs when the lo er jpeelnltles nr hoard Rather than vonlrlhuto to the upp u hour show fhe returned to the form of effort In which hn been uniformly Mirresifti In VBitdovllIn That in a simple euHtumx or whIle her lair hnnclnc loo e her to hiiuhten pallor nf her face Her list of indtntinns W H enoiich to hint nt rnmpleto rcpcntnm for last weeks Rtuhtornneis on tli part f th Imitator Cnmllln I Arvlll not of likiTes fny- Ifnipletnns manner of ulniflnir WM i Marie Dresners vrn A nnij In tTititiitlmi- of slay Irwin wan nmuiInc with ih ilumr Irwin hut faintly letter were Blven of Dan Dnlv and of VVHI- Iiulll Tt Then the fnmllinr f- I etty in I nnd t hy at Iternlnnlt i omplftliic nn Imilnir that was riintlnii nis- nniitln1 pvin nt the very few point whin nilrfiTv wi r l The Html week nf The Prle of Peim- becin nt the llrnadway lleli n- njilin i ive ne ti III liit of her perform nnci in The Twin Sisters nt Time citanirei In mt lit r IlnWHrd In Oiptnln Milks of the Ilnr o Ma at Wlnthmp In Tlie rlml r nt th ind llrthi Vilt- zlneer In Flnrodnrii at the Casino Tin other tutu ycr nire 1nder Two Hie- nt tliA Tiirden at the Kmpire When Kniuhthniul Was In Klowcr nt the Criterion t ihi rinl of MuM r vi r lim nt tin Repub- lic Dalys Tho 1rliin Iiontia th llerild Sli tn Noll t Wid nnd th Quiet at the Miulleon Knrli nt fbi Proctor thmlros ii fur nf full or tieirlv Slid n fen t lh At the Street onmei ClnderollH- HI School nit Max cinHnnttl Illllo Wi ern anil the ImlirtyK a variety folk Con fil on nnd Murnv nnd Line were nt the Pahre Pink I mlnoi nnd lt were for the street and nt the Fifth AVetnin Midinio riiterlly tieiiin Us ln t week Hurt and the lnCial- Ifts Tlii inet pMtcr at ln tor ivns- litiided by Hildi Thim and Nut M Will Of the llirlc A Sennintr lljIM a plei ine lull hesded by Kdmund and Milliin llurkharl- llielMvev rtrrlntf of linrlettan- llylnf and vnrlitv ho Throne rulerod it ai t week t th New York Some ini rp ilne now lions of niotln i lIT jim vrro put to n- nt the Kilen MII Andrew Mark n h hi runtom will try a nay for next e nn out of town this spring Haven ami 13 tire the for Tom Moore Theodore Hurt The songs will bn Moores verges and Macks- inuflo BItE Left Ia fIT the well o one Rob Ion lire a with- In malt stop The or wee Wit lon o when fut IAn and it utudy Ion Opera Iou e Her the eomlo for a fuU 1 the the t the not Jut un other or tlii o n tea Iwo Ie I ole I Crti or might come to new Charmer ThInk of The his ole Int ton Iri1 r n Turn bin San nl Irk I I r hal 1 1 r a repeti- tion MISS Mrs heart Kate i was weru it agalr hail BieIow liii n sung beer It reient Interpreters elI Inn- keepers as la Cbocoiati Ihte pretty lire she the mu I li wit ii knit irk limit u I pint ii t ion tliw i its tIm lii nit fgiiI s I 41 1oi ii1 ultrA s flu iintnniciiq hilt intl ii tie ion t ii iA lilt o ft nut dc ront I Ii irl I i iflii t t I n hon ii In i mud ill tin e I uutio Till w tit > < ¬ < > < ¬ < > > ° KxniaiTiox OF GLASS- It Is a part nf the purpono of the Ait Club to foster the Industrial with this end In view It holds periodical e hlbltlons The present one con 11 of artist The phrase Is the clibs and may be imd stood to menu irlnss Into which the oKralc has put some personal xprenlon for li eluded aro a number nf crotei iues lent r Mr A W lralif which only In tht wli sense can ho revkonmi rtl tlc They HI in dmlvii bottles for example form of a woman or beast or flMi or Intenii to show theIr makers Ingenuity anti kll as In one case where it boil of flowers Is Insert on the bottom Inside n narrownecked boltl or In another where whiskey nnd water m be poured from eeparatn compartments of H tame vessel These and many morn ot- no clo ply In touch with th uncouth pica salty and etrtvlnits after beauty of makers who had the laudable desire of golr outside tho bMten track sail of putting romi thing of themselves into their work tlint la willing tn accept It a artlttlo But havlr- etretched the limit so far why not wide them to Include other things overlooked In th exhibition Fur example then are no spec men here of American glass Intended f domestic use coptclally table war Sure this Is a brunch of the craft In which all ni very much Interested Wo know too American manufacturers Imvn reached a hit level of excellence In material while nome firms produce cut gins tht represent lh highest possible skill of tl craftsman though It may be overloaded wit decorations And the latter may be fornu rather than Individual Hut whatever be actual degree of eood or had It should liiv- bfcu included a nn objnct lesnon U Is ver- Interettlnc to look at specimen of iiiei- Koman ware as lent by Mr A D Vorco an Mr Dlkran O hclckinn but they liar little practionl bearing on the artistic dovclo lineal of the Klas lnduntry this shin wide club h s In view for thnlr beauty irl e ceice does not result from mans ski but from the action of time anti chinlcal- iIy nil means show these to mark the hh- torlcnl period of the art and perchance t Clvn a modern craftsman a hint for color hut equally show the litter periods espeolall the development In our own country nhovo nil In the direction which concern exerr ono must closely that of the fui dishing of our homes How difficult It It to buy simple thing which will not be offensive to good tate Forms are ugly and unmeaning ill suited t the purports of the article and the decora ton it either commonplace or barbiroutl profuse To remedy thU evil rife through out all our domestlo Induttrlrs and at same to encourage our producers ti artistic efforts whloh art b ln made by other nation who are dread erlou competltorn In our market and eli bwome morn so unless our manufacturer lUltet similar tactics would uenin t represent the that Is help- Ing to solve horizon gestix by exhibition is too narrow It may b- lepllnd that the club Is anxious that It ex- tilbltlons should nut h i oms mere trad shows an objection of Rome force on tin race of It but scarcely proof against scrutiny the boundary between commerce and ar In uoli an Industry as glass Is a very vagu on The Tiffany Kavrlle glass for example the Imprest of ono mans taitn ni Inventiveness but It Is handled afterward n- t commercial product while th Cburvl has and Decorating Company though It aim I artlttlo must surely transact Its bUI In some measure seconding to corn infrclul considerations Indeed It Is Jut through this leavening of commerce with art or thl bringing of business enterprise ti servIce of art whichever way you cboosi- o regard It that the arttatlo development if the In a large degree can bn ex The Favrtl itlass so prollflo In sirprls and endleis tn variety defies any tttemp scheduls It acctirafly Yet tho exsm here nay perhaps l n roughly divided Into those specimens of which the material ipproxlmates to opacity and thoso which reach toward transparency Of the latter here tire some very beautiful examples wIth more feeling for form than Is usual In tils ware many Indeed of really ejqulslta- mrlty of outline and eleganco of matt heir color too Involves liquidity which mAny will feel to be ore of the essential mantle of the material yet not without chief In one piece for example a oalyt- n a slender stem transparency and trans ncency are combined while the flare of the Ip Is frosted ThIs group of vnses may not- e so distinctive and original as many ol Ir Louis C Tiffanys other creations but hey represent a vein Into which ono may ho will dig for their beauty io animated with sunshine and vivacity mvlne also qualities of mystery and sub lety By a train of thought perhaps not iltogethr sequential one find sell hlnkln of a large Jarshaped vas which lands coon a cncn containing example of rldefent nnttiuen That the latter are eautlfill need not bo snld hut their beauty siip rsonsltlve In comparison with he Jar which I of pale azure color deeper trnnslurent In the two thick handles and transparent on the boulder then lacdnc toward the foot In A fro ted well if ttrieidhbluUh white This lower fart mystery above is purity of color and u the deep color of the handle as well a the boldly modelled webalanced form of virility and wholesotnenex- ne remembers that lrlde en e l n ririMliift if decay and has ei n It In th scum on sta tart noUoine water wbl th man who that jar hud PtMv yltnls and i i put nf thitn Into work ont It still remAin A e e Is shown by Collier A Co filled with perlnien moth of table wore by rof KopptnB of Berlin Their to lie lower form though It has been without any thought of securing urlou analogies the shapes being very nd drawlni upon the flower chiefly nr proportion of stem to calyx nnd for e uMtenos of outline It IH H fn rinalln- nre and one regrets that the artl t H ringer pursuing It In the small pieces Two llur Inter tin3 eiainpli of flermnn work rotH CnlniinoKhrenfelil ore shown In a mail collect inn lent br Mr Henry Wyekrff- lelknnp n tumbler of while das eoornted with green enatnnlled knohi and Itnlnlihlnc thread linn the other a lung erkcd wine itlnss the tent pale HP en Hnd n imply designed rlen ts hlnssom nn Ih itoni of the howl Modern Krenoh work represented by s me pieie from shop f Kuillf liiill evitiiile hiih of cniirayed- nrk whom Hit upper surfare has hon re loved by nrld and h nn undr layer r itlnt of another rolnr and of nninellliit- ml fruit delcn emriha iAO often r es nf filam- Soni examples of windows nro shown nionit thiu by Inlui ln with very foul esi n of a woman In voluinl drapery ealedonrttouerlilin Ktrnrturn- l h ut with tho k around her h conieptlon Is In 1 remarkah egren- Invateil nnd upllftlntr for the ooor onn- nnot speak flu light upon ih front f the si I stronger than that whirl Is ehlnd surfire it ne svl lhle- he Chnrrh nnd Wit l ecoratln Company i reprt ented by two window n vi lt or lie Man designed In Von Oakley nil A landxrapn window liv p sperrv forirnT t n himiwnn piere if y I nlamvd design and c lir frankly simple i Its rang nf tone hut admirably enuring effect Intended The IH litter ling a an of results obtained y building up with tfpnrste piece of glni- ubscqiiently f ed Into a M mass It atonal whimsical In their one that t It I b I I t and i the Imf pablO the cub for nets the curt to pIe b hop freely I ones one a Ion mid hi mac aim t n I I In which tliiair h- I h A I Inn Inly I ii I I II I I Ji glasis lie heel tIm these this bears pooled the oem nit a coins the ii opt ii Ono tie u I lie diimriit Inn tc verhiiii ii wit one I rae lou a ni pie v ii flit II his lie example < < < < < < SAVE YOUR SKINH- ow to Preserve and Beautify- the Skin and Complexion- Tn preserve purify and beautify tho skin ami prevent rousliiiess oily chapping ninl many other tormo of Milii no other or I for i moment to bu coinpircil with CUTICUKA SOAT because no other snap rcichtg the cause viz tAf rloggtd irritated or inflamed condition of the SAVE YOUR HAIR How Prevent Hair Scalp Humors and Dandruff Cleanse the scalp anil hair thoroughly itl a warm shampoo of CrTt- cun SMi warm water nnd n of CtincurtA purest of emollients gently rubbed Into the This simple refreshing nnd Inexpensive will clear thn scalp mind butt of crusts and Huothe Irritated itching curfaceii tho hair follicle supply the roots with unit iiiiurlliwent anil mako tho grow whulenome and healthy scalp SAVE YOUR HANDSH- ow to Make the Hands Soft and White in a Single Night Bathe and soak the hand on retiring lu u hot lather of CDTicnnA SOAI Dry thoroughly and anoint freely with Ointment tho cure of Wear during the nl ht old loose kll gloves with the ends cut ofl Fur red chapped hands dry itching feverl h nails finger end this owe night treatmtnt IH Dimply wonderful aad u blessing to alt adlicted with core chapped rou h or hands Complete Eilernal and Internal Treatment Humir 125 ntCtTlClDA SiVI Ke lh skin or rnnn and Jrslfs alit rnttrn lh- tnirkNitif cutirU CVTICI OIXTMKM live Inntittillv chit lie u Hin ramiitloa and Irtltntljii nojtlif and anilCtTICIMA ltKfOlVKN I Zr lotmil rdilriuM lot Us i A H1NU1K SIT li ofln tljt evctejthumor lo ot Mir hfn nil hub Sold lhtoa hout the wurM I n o euer I t j t for Every to cur blotches y Chill hum linger roans itt cod teal uiiitiripiI to slut eli ha untO surprUliiElv good ijualltle In foliage and sky though It lacks the fore and decorative lading obtained by leadlnc Two very charming flower wludow are shown bv Henry Whitman iJcipltn the emissions noted above th- ihlhltloti U full of Interest and suugentlon It will remain open until May o and run b vlslteil by iireientlni ft member card o by writing to the Secretary of the club S Thirtyfourth street A Illi Atlfndsnr t tile Perfnrnuniw nf lluuiinr 1 ut The Theodor Drury Opera which annually make its dusky dMjul when brighter llchl of oiieri tire extinguished was hnflrd Ust Caiingle lyp ii- ulliiioioeziistaauuiitrr o erik II HiarunT Tho selntlon s urtistirnlly appropriate and parlti of Krense paint Tact Mny tin- sameslngirsappeared the Lilnitton liUeOp r Cnrtneu audience room lait ni lit wits union It bad been then U VWIH cioMjvd to uTo- cutlon Toilet were brilliant proeramru ei- hautetl enily In the evening unit the o tickets stopped before the ciirtninruso liktorson the Kldewolk did u llnurl hlnir bust and nrrival dl persei- ro Tint irnatiT iiiidltorluni bull inielit lieen to v- iniixic Judti front tli tlmt Mood nli conn of street and Seventh avenue Iryliiir to its way down Into tlu iiii iitihes nnd Hut the ullii- of thd IiulUliiiit were lint lute arrival hid to pay the of ibeu lanliiiit- Inild wer flower and entliuslasm for the HliiRers All of them were So were tlin of the ori liestni Its conductor Muurl Arnold kept tho players o their who ha made in tier profesnliti- during the misled tin bmior nn rita shower on a prlinti- loniiu first roi e and the ln t nf fell at her feet Theodore ho was impresario first tenor eeneral direntor of boie d respon to the satis- faction of his iidtnirer In the ainllenee who u point if eniplmsl init their Indebted to th entcrtauiment MM Homer IMnkey Sheldon Savarro Win other Important and their achievement rtd not this prevailing mood Mr Drury ih close of the that h would repeat II Ouarany at Iarlt In AUKUst company cuviirn riY musKD rncrxixJl- fmbrM Who Thonghl It Imprnprr want 8 S Snpcrlnlendfnl In lf lin but lie Wont The trouble In the Franklin Avenue Pres- bvterlan Church In llronklyn over the re- cent interdiction by session of the church of tho play The Ilter whlih was to have been pre etited under the direction of the Voting IVoplts Society nit yet been nsltleil The Rev Clmrles IMwards the partor and till the member of the session derided tliet The MMer was riot a proper to ne jireseriled I nn oiidliiifo of iliurrh meinber Mr K M f tin1 Siindny school vnsrfhpoiiMiilifiirltsselHitiiiii Over church now united in n to the seHsinn re oui tlnif hut body i k for Mr iNtisr- eslgtmtlon us of Sunday school VII on ha fir d llned tn send In hi re iiinlin and In hl rifu il- he tins the liirkltitf of tin lliird f liv whom n iomiiilltee was iii iolntd to wait nil the session find tick It in ncnll reriio t fur the re lirniitlii They huve threatened Mid t In i nodr if Mr ilun4w- illidMwid i upon The rnnirnverity It I iiiny lead to the serension of H score or more member from church Amrrlran Knglnrers Its Irartlrable Tm- llr Thnn asoooonoo II F and twenivibren other Amen ran etiRln TH who hnve litcn nearly two yenta surveying the Siinniirtinn route for nn Isthmian Hnil retuniid vesterday- ibinrd Hif tln Line iinmldi Alleghimv- Ihiy ny hull tht rnle prnlirulili ant thai tht niay In with lietnltturn of han f i which i the ninoiint set Hi I itd Suites Chief lnirmeer 1 Itolirle Miller wh been in Knrge of ilm Hiirviyitii imrty will lucre iion with other r of ennlnnersi- nillitiliMl oniminilnn lop iUrn by Judge Minnm llnlil ln NEW INvrs May B lu tlie Simeon II- Inhlwln f Ccinnei t ut Suprttne Court nd irofi ir li1 tie Viilf liw si hool IKM- u t pte iMi l 11ram i tho lulitd- hiinb f this iirv fr Dm iMinhiiw of indi- Idiial Mlver in lie uc l at ioinmuniiii- i rvi e They tier yoliirdny for tutu rM llnie- hlrago llnmieopathlr Cnllrce Admit Women- CiurAon Mitt flAt nnnuil meeting f of the Chi nB lltiur pnihli I ulleai It vvsl- otermineil inndiut women in MII e iuul IM inn itli men II i ine of fit Inrircs nnd b st- julppod sfhnnl m tliTonn ry Wrcllhy Iurmfr rommltud SnltlileA- MIANT ft Merman llier a farmer years old ttlin n uburhnn rond- f Albnnv miiiinlHed snirtie by hanging u hi this wbilo ttniporarily- leringed ww worth snis Mint T nm Jam WVIfh t nl on the srhonner St wills Llwern this l J airf SIP i tnt tryIng to knit l Ilgnrs in s trunk lie ni hei by NUtf ommiwltinfr NnifHt- Iustnma IMtfrlnr rtrllM tfrotlnl yrttrrilay kflwil f fnly piff which tttr mniMlfd III a to Irk nf c J VMsir nijnarrKfit hy impugns KJ air Mltrrit lo ihiut J the I 7 Wet virnroi tlt tlFl cut wa lathe saIl f I fled roll ift I rtll 1 Ic lull Ill mad t Ith his ill IlnMHA 117 I hil I I I lt I lord I I HIt UrI I 70 I I rnr I f or he Ihe 1 h wool r little Mrs IN Evening Company the tight the I itt Ave house Iii liietiqnit the hess f lie huSh lid lull ii ii char- t iv a i II nit inis ii Ii niflaW t in e iI at o siir enttIiit ntti it Ito it tIC a tech snit bit r or performance the bite VIiuon- t hats iit it jifl Miirifl tiliiisnt i lie rca cite re t Iii It thee CINII hire fur a i I I lit usa ii t Ii lit li i o I lip l the I lie Cl ci k Itohilo nit ii 4 tlillliiroTul t lit Mat i i D lit rn I a u I iii A Cram which Sill muht tea A rhtrp that hail tales bottom the la > U ¬ ¬ < > > > < < MA III Mi lrKIIUIKrtUl- MATflir ALUANAC Till naT Sun rises 4M Sun 701 I Moos rhei 1017 limn wAiritTiiis nAY Sandy llnok llil loor rdlOin Hell iat Arrl dltiMAV May 8- S ii IhmnpXKi LUtipiml April J- STra f ttrjrr Unx1fim Itakkrr April 7t- JeMfy limlirk lirl inl ho Mnntaiia Ornna 17 S lanBtiti Grange Crlrhtun U ril l ri S Ii utvll nd SrMrnhiitst Ilullriiinra Aptil 3 SsKhln William Ilurlra April IT- vi lirlawate DaTls Dublin April 3 Ss Nurth Aniilla April 17 Ss lluiln jrrwin 1Miilm Hi rsr lbn Tftrlll Mnrsriilxi April- S Carilibor Smit Ousdiloup Ss Innrr Sstifnt Aqundllli Hi Ml Vfnion rn I- S Krs r U VIII JlnnUBO llav April It- S Allrthanv l w Kliuitim Apnl 20 KnUn ranrnUrl Iliiiif Apll M S r t llennftt Ol en Hanri Miy t- Ss Pml ii liars New OrlMm May I V Kl 1iwo lloyd i ntlfans May I S n ll ira Wm 1i aril Mruaswlflr Mar Si Mtnnt Mats linilimore 4 hunk J II ilatifl Mllihll Satlll flier Arm Iirl S iiJIfht il hl Huliln fl ta Oanooine fronT New York at Ilarr- S Prtninslo Victoria Luke twin New York al 5U Wtlhrtm den Oromf from New Tot al- Roitli Si SKifU1 ru Irran Iftw York tat Itotterdam Urard- anBD mow roRKm POBTI- M Ilobrntollnn frura Olbrtltar for Ntw Tork- UUTOOIKU almusiura 141 I OOP ll- ISPOH M 1 CO p M 3 CO U in 00 A M 12 COM ir in- s wS P if- fO P M 1 CO p M 1 on p M 3 00 P M 10 00 A M 10 PO A M- Ofl A II 11 WM- u fiO A M 1 00 P M 1 on p M- S 00 clou HIT of WathlniMn lon IMAM- Ranald Oreeada lOffl Kl Mar NVw Orleans ComtnotiF l nif Wwn Norfnllr SI Paul Southampton C 30 A M fittmanlc s So A M- rr1f nd Anmnp 10 00 A M Mallla Naplr1- l wrnj n U Ofl M lllldfbrind North Mraill MM- iulldhall Yucatan Jf ITf ri on Norfolk Fufrst Phtaarrk Htm hurt OAH- LaCbsmpainf lien rr rirrmrn- Vlnrrnio Ilorln Armr IMAM IrfMrla I rmirta 7 oft A M Kintlaco Nissan Kl Paso llamlllon SorfolU- rnlmlru city lotus lllndiio- ienrilo ruia de Palermo 1eronlc- HI Mont Adtane Maello- ManllflU South atS Nymnhrr- Woidiwortb Ktrabo II II Meter El Slid llftprrla- ji 1malne- rampanla St l nil Ilniua- llrkU ilbiitltar Illbrilui- llamburr lull Gibraltar Mrs Orlfana Colon This Tt marttnr- LlTfrp ol london Southamptnn- M Mlcnnl- M lurla- Si tuna Frltav May 10 Hamburg IUPtpool hamburg OlMaltar harts tlrrrpool April 21 21 April ri so April f April 27 I May 1 April 27 May II April 3D April 2A April Afl- April Id 4 May 4 4 April 27 it- T a Popular t Ilnrnard The Treasurer of the tndercradunte Asto- latlon of Barnard College ha Jn t rotc iloted her annual report It appears that he receipts amounted to 1473 9 coil the xpen i wore 3vi M Mint n for tea Other Items fire Letter o freshmen ti w antI three telephone all at 10 cents wieh Business jlotirts- itr Wlnlnni Soothing flyrup for rhlldren teething softrn tar gums rrilucr Inntmitiallnn tRIO wind colic illarrhrrA a bottle For llraln Worker ant ovutaifi ntfou ys- irm IlMJ NT KIM I KM HA I In will prove esltil soil luiftnc IAIIK V Tllriiltll 2DZX3ID rOSTER On Mnnittv May I n rsnf VI Fo vr in th Slit yr r of ti of funrnl himflrr hON On Sdlurilny Mny 4 1BOI Ranmrt Ruyp ra Ion runrral atvlrr at Lite inldrnre 48 East 7Ui- M on Tiindiy moraine May 7 1101 at halt ptal In orlnrk lEInilly oral flower UrCAM On Salnrrlr May 4 0 at her te1- drnrr U PaM 414 Emma widow of James Mrholna MiCal- l1iinrnl nrrrlrrs al her ruldenrr st 10 A M Tuesday May 7 110- 1rMMH Al Chicago no Sunday thy 8 1901 itlienly nl heart failure at her Asm Monroe av Marl Sheldon wldon nf Ynuni Srammon riMPSONOn Sunday monilnn May B 1001 Marl IMywond nf Jatd A Tlmpson naed jean lleiatlrea and fitemla ate Inrlled to atirnd the funftal ser lee at her late resIdent 4 West ISatli Mteet nn Tue iay evenlni May 7 nt- nelorlJ Interment In Wimdlnwn cnmenlftire- nf family VAXDEUL On Smdy Uy S IDOI Caroline daughter nf Henjamln i ROll Carnllre M Vein dell Fiinersl fer lre al tier late reliente IS7 Ka M on Tuesday May 7 IWH al OSI A M Monday afternoon May IMI Marl anna Maria wife of Stephen Wood funeral services at e 0 Park at on Thursday May II IDOl at 12 oYlock Interment private II l Nil A WIllIam lIu u I Il ell ill i I hunts 1Ia It March OUT Car all r Mali 1 All lOOP I Sail 12 In SC A It 7hwJ t 700 A It S JIM Orleans Ill April 21 I i 11001 flhraltar 4 PlIIlO t Thtscsity M1 g S lrlnl nIl ultehn4 A VnnVlranla It I Sull1mt lon MA ilhiraittit lopnbllln than y lIe iDOl Nol hI I late f l ell I II I I t- aM On I sets II err ipn pi- M l tty i pIt 25 ape fe- t AiniIu Its mhuric Won off its Toriaeua ce S tilniul ccil Miii Ii tw tlccoMucrisrac wvtira Phi Todiy tpnll 2 2 May it 11 Bremeit Serita tiifle Due Sutiurtln Slav IiS slit cures lath a emIt age lit site fit WOOD 51 < > > < > < > > > Decide Immediately It is today tomorrow Tliursdiw or never so far as tli half price nnd little pay- ment privilege are concerned And if you now hesilnto to spnre just one single dollar to seiiiru inunodiatc posses- sion of this marvellous educational work how long will it take you to get ready to spare the full price nil in a lump You certainly cannot afford to let this opportunity of a lifetime go by Do not delay another day Delays are dangerous Cut out the firat payment blank this very moment and mail it with one dollar No further payment will be required for a full month And then only two dollars If you are nt a great distance from New York this paper may not reach you until Wednesday or Thuivdiy but if the postmark on the envelope containing your order indi- cates that it va mailed before C P M Thursday May 9lh you will still be eligible to this special offer tilE NEW CHAMBERS ENCYCLOPEDIA is right up to the present year in every respect Thousands of new subjects and topics not contained nor alluded to in any contemporary work Hundreds of colored maps fInd charts thousands of illustrations in the new and up to lute It is the Genuine Edinburgh and American Edition and can bo secured until next Thursday ONLY for half price SEND ONE DOLLAR and VOlt will receive tho full set of ten volumes in either cloth or half Russia binding We especially recommend tho Half Russia It is a handsome dark red very dur- able leather Then after tho delivery of tho books you may finish paying for them by making 17 two dollar payments for the cloth binding or 22 two dollar payments for the half Russia Payments are to bo made monthly y beginning ono mouth after tho date of the order j First Thousands of Bets of earlier editions of this work wore sold for A Payment more than one hundred dollars a set Blank HOW TO ORDER Send 1 with this order bhmk hInd specify tile bind- ing and umber of pay- ments which is 1 7 for cloth bound sots or 22 for half Kussin bindings dark red leather G P Putnuni Sons New York Ontlemen I eoclou t for hefln4- r payment on the faD net ol tV New Cbimbes Euclyclopifdbi and Atb In birdrnf I sfrte to balance In monthly payments ti each beginning ont month from the date of this order Address G P PUTNAMS SONS 2729 West 23d St New York Address Chambers Enc Dept I D1CII tlbtlitloll t 1 textall I II piT Num d4I1tln lIepJtaea T tWllbtiflItfDit JCW UbUCUUOt li I IT1IIi U I J t1L ik k i k I 1 S I i 4 the II biaibcJsoi7e5a1ta ¬ ¬ ¬ < + TO MJOIK Vfirfowr5 rutKC- nltacer Ietltlnn tti In Keep Faith With Thrin In ll Min f to a illl- NKwionT I I Mm n In i n vcrnl I n rottnscr In Hi outliprn tnrt f the ptntiH huMi mi Nirrncniiott liny- avny il In tht riiy la nl lK Unnif on time writer fur tlw iinrpnop nf iiinkiiii a hirbnr Irk Th JIOKW ii l tort it In an uiiflnllu ami irnrlliei It has grown up with wocil anti on fyojor- Thn onttncfn liivn talipn the malt r In unfit nml pr niir il n petition to prpwnt- HI th iiitctlnv f thi tllj oiinill inrnorrnw- niitht a klntf that ih city rnrry out it rind Inth rniniililiiic th wnik mutt making an puMli park Ainont th lfnir- nri Veli trr Tol liilumv A tor- Kmo IMwIn 1 Mnrcnn Teal fn y in Jnini riinrli Smith Arthur K itip- iil on KnhiifKtopJc Mrs Kntii h lirlllaM Spi iii r Inline V Puliir Simitil- V llnritfr V r Slnrnierhnrii I Iuil low Mi limp A irontmr I Mrs i IMlin VVIiiinM Wnrrrn It C- IVrby lniH litir I TiiwnM tiil Ilurdiii- iiml T W riinivv- Toltrnfj nml Sthoalsi- Ior llnji luiiiia Irn City funntrr P nireil fur nlleje sail EEGENTSA- T MV tout Itti riiA loin IMIOI Tel 4tin IHIIi V 107 StaIn ItriinklTii SACRED HEART ACADEMY Sfl rl IV rvicS i thnmiuliiirailmilc r mine n r our 0 fn trnil- pi ilrrali tn Icy I jnijiiin oul fir lien Ml- rtnU Afili IK W t tier N COLLEGE hlMIMi IV U Slnll IMACB- IASS 1 ill lltl A IT REGENTS 1820 East 42d St Ior I hlldren I Iii nn l ounlrj Till MHIWUVN SCIIIMII Slimmer Se lon FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN reniai Biil tltrn niiiiienl D 1tlmlllHn I I lriwnunn Ill Ulrritor 4 or lorl MaihlniElon Air A llefxit IMn- eUAMIAIIAN lltlllllKil MV 10IIU- Iliitliiri fnllrue The Miller School of Business SI lame llilllilln lial llriiailiiut- Shnrllianil Tipf trlllnic ll iikl eepln- IIAVnlll vtMVf i MMHl A Art rinrnAns llrlter Shniil 41 An Irlif THE PAINE UPTOWN isimllen- uivril IIIIOVIIMAV coit nvni ST- HUniwraii newrltinf lloikUfp Inc Kr jluh nr p4 nd nrc tic IMV ind etenlnc- fcrhmil of rhrtlfil Ciiltur w 44th ni SWIMMING and rhlldrto Ill t I I I fin nil nail Sill I 0 F J Q I 0 iii All REGENTS I UlOlnlI nl < h rllllU S C 04 Urklrr fr m- la Ij J J e its a lost uu thou rohuiiit oil hen hive fill Rent miii a 15 W 43d St 3 lit i ucat y oii4 S tnt ililOti frquiru di i Ii- I ns I 1 iegrupit < The ir 7 r- U < > > > > > > HEARTS Till Hrxik n lmr- ln 1 r r JOn 1IIANK lllHlh SKWHK M- II Mil 11111 osrmrn n- niei and Mr nt SfairyPnrk r s IK 4iir- JomtMir yrtrauts HVautrrt- m KAMI iji fir ptotif Call 1iHJ Mai 3l MILS I SKIilV- MAtf ANU rKMAIK- KUI IILHRAO ALL iuiriiins- 5f nt biealilni fiir ilffiifiill will In dlv- ml rd rum DJICJ and all cUlw u Iti pull Hr iKlvn nmre 14 N tin u- II A MBKHM i7 S 7h ionk 7 JM to in- lainlrene iiitrr r kltiiienmal iimka m- ih And liiinilrp r wrio d II Uniilil ICil H AM w AM rifsstii- n ilR rrfennie reiiii- iVTlMHiH MUl AM WAII IIKss In FI t J fiiriilnh rrterenri- Mr I SIKIV n lat M t t Mr I SltniV 10 lan 1W st- CIIAMIlKIIMMIi tn turiUfrto Park Inrush iriHil rrfrrmre SEKIV l K S l- ciilFTivr i nnk H ft in ItHkiilclpnii liiriiti C IK irinrnrt I SKFIV IB K l 1 I l ITO ril AVnrANCViTUnil- JIIISOA1III UltS 1IIUU- v iiu UAIU- Viiii i aiMv m lIT 311 sr wajis S3 rflrifif re iilrril- Mr l Pat SJd CiiiiK AM NlTltRHS ir litmilv nt In to tn Ynnkrr N V IK rrlrreinen- teiuli Ml I SCKIV 11 hJlsl JMIi- VMih en lo MnrriMoon N J Inn t lurniKh- rn l refrrmrr I SKllY til d nilSI IASS toirii tn vahinir tan 134 rrltjrnres rniullr- Ml I Hlrl 19 111t Wd IAfSIMinSi xil IHAMIIKHMAIU K a hull rtl laniT nil tIe city mate SJH relfrmier- rfimreit Mr L lit 1jitl M l- PIUITFSTANT IAUSDKEflS for prltalc family In tw ate l root rffrrooi ren n Mr I SKIitY 19 Eat t eDEUCE 1 Mag ii tlltrllfrlllillrs a Ullan1 I Il ill ST 1 rnA n lit All rl4rll5 wanted Inr tr I IY IaI cJ I 3 11 o It r SIL III La1 II ell IIn ttiui InIIr1I I ill toil 4iinmnit I 711 IJlIIIt inlliu1Jllhk S I aol s1 UfO SIS I CIIIII 11 1 IIAIlIiiIn io to OJJ I i I I Past I I 1i II S cmi lii i r i I IllU Itii cait AAA I lnflIitN ANU iui3rlQ littIrTIY IVISTTrTrIt lunch c 0 tin nut uitetu or it I ircs liermun Ieeeiri titil IdC- Iili 1i nlti erute in Aloi sllv lilt Ii mre 4 P at lIt tflI go d it- sFttMlllM to- PttilriI csiul retire Mrs Smirv uti s- tCihtiiIIdttlhl inuit I cages 3711 tfirflii ICt Ii irell g must ire null i it iiIItlet KlIV fat ate fair csr Mrs u I N flIt lSM a guges it it 23 ill 5 > < < < < > = = pamrsuc scrvantis- A u HIMH in ID KAM d it Ian rn- srni ii lst fain in ly aite Mr I n t V I VjtlluT N i ri lr I SKKIV 10 ia t M it AX nwliil Rirl fur V1- 1Wnntrfl 3Halrs i ins wANtrii OIT- Oa SSIN rrvUmn N V I Al li U A pond iiinn lr- IAVi Mil Ml i r im 11 Situations HVautrd tmnltu- nulH i I M1 Sn IIIAMAIII vitillll like vie l nnly In city rfffrnifi- iinn Tft lln arl- aIVillcx I HAiTMKSS wntirn a tuati i pritnie ininl In tv mil liutil li urellent Islet illen N It Sun 141 Hroa- dtXPKIIIIrit MAlli and fara tre a wl He nosiiliin III private lamily In riO he i of reletenre- M l i Nun niitii ii i i llrnarlva- iiii1 ss Niii i s iijiiriiif aTt- lim in irval tiinilly In i1 referent KC6- Ml Sul iifiUmn uinre Hi1 IMA t a Its i he t i MiM n ntuattua la pr family In rt K O biv- Slii ii uille tr iirmdilax- iiliiHut illlV i nMIl TKXT COOK r he- oMin IMSDM In pi nlr timlly In 111 retrretii M MO S m uptown offIce tSfi- jitUiiuoiH illtuitrd nftUf- fSKH I MAX Armenian pe V Kntllah Irenrh HIII HIT ti in city or wintry referemr U V l M t 4Slh It- Ilniiii MM inn STKKI riioiiicniRS roll Mem nud iniiHl mnriiii onlnanre firrre War imrlineiii iiMitJn Apr ia lOni Sealrdi- tN i n will l rrreiffil until i cv ii nml im fiirnihiiii r i Kiri ier- MKTI r ii s imift incii A ti l rapped MKlAltirli I jhill fi i HHll A I1 ahfll JWlin- Inill I olut iapieili Ill n Huh A I Ikrll i In A I diet I I uriell limn pnnndA writflit Ml tmirii Shell IMiiuni VMiuhli ll l ill In r e fur all r fireuiiiiiii r ruinhii u m appllra- llontohrlir urn A II I H IMI lnN rnit rj i grHTIIIS Went Inml Vjp 4 Iiil Sralfrl rirnprvMIl In r plii le will imivnl here unill i M June S IIKH fir i im ilo- Uunrtei ni p plmi tn till In n iei nr iin I nr all purl lirreil KIHI wriih- f CIa Offlftr I S rrnerrf- MII urntMiAJil nr nl inni rtiinlahrd- unmi apiiMeaiiiin ilrtrrv g M I s M A rhnliisAi Full iMuMNMi iiitDNAM1- MA Kill l VniirUin Arwiini Apnl senlirl iiru In Oupllroie will t reeeved uiil M Mi UK lit p nl iiimtemr I nrilnanie nnd Mat Including prnlerl n mill nrn Iwriir tills ol- hirne h rr ii till iHKVir r ij leather lie I nUligucn on aptl 1 ll In I I KAI- IlHV Innlillf- sAi s it- VMienallHtrfil Sew m Ma I l o riij iii f riiiir ami drllterlriK Sii- bsiiiiresiippnmn thin in tn UMt ilaya nr- Ini I IPII l he rerriird al nBre iinlll II nrlurk M nn May U Idl Information furnhliril on utinn containIng huh should he marktd fLit Suhilatepf Sloplt nd May K IPl anSi tdlrenard to Major D I roirmlMarr U S A m In StL 11 II lrolll1II soil I r t H- I sIll IS 1 111 I S Ill I ail rllIIeIIII SLI LV IP I- d atriagr Arply III s lit IIF 11 I 1 I II uptown lA II I tllttCt1I- m gii Ittiineberiu- S t iiii Ci I i li etp ni1 utral- i it i I if tri i 1 C fe gu it I cag rrii I a tat i i ptInitr l3 I4- di I ttX Ill I sunk store II i Ii ri iiitia bit i12 urn ii ill > LI i doc a 1 rest lot t- iii ii ant ito thing i ll tOj1fltt5 II Ii Iii itt here II I S eel iIWI 12 mini lint lVi ii i Inn ris n i tttuIlstl75 I i tie rulIr i i I ill nc lit c i I t I S lift Iii t etc hiS nIP 5 i rump hull ItLltM- I ill p tiitchsiti nn i I o 3 h i See loi I ii tim hilt t S > > > < > > > > > <

SAVE YOUR SKINH- Decidechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1901-05-07/ed-1/seq-7.… · noblemen Nell Owyn guru called liuck and imial comic opera monarch In turned II and

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Page 1: SAVE YOUR SKINH- Decidechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1901-05-07/ed-1/seq-7.… · noblemen Nell Owyn guru called liuck and imial comic opera monarch In turned II and

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YDrnralng In t Balcony Performed A-

t a MatiBMClMr One norMlmlcir AbandJuM Theatrical UY Une

La t Moult of the Heaao

Otis Skinner Baja aiEleanor spring tour

a Bftloonr only onedayIn even the big cltln They cams to tlKnickerbocker yesterday afternoon Ilperformance was a little more than a

of that whloh WM pralspd at a Wallactnatlnca last autumn as Robson hagained In facility M Cotulanc If-

Moyne was more tlrralr poised a 7A Queoand even Mr Bklnnern admirable fluenta Xorbirt aeemrd a little surer 1erhotsome of the adjustment and polish was dito the new stage direction of Oscar EnglAll that It possible to give dramatltitpeot to Brownings poem with It Ion

stretches of unthratrio diction and almaentlrn lack of motion fa done In tht findIntelligent delivery Browning enthualaf-thoiild be delighted by It and others pieasmat least An before tho bill IncludedLand ot Desire The audlent-

WM large appreciative and responsiveChauncey Oloott maths a shift of play lai

night at thn Fourteenth Street by revlvlnSweet InnlaoHrra lust year addition t

hi Irish repertory It IK the bent of th

Piton plecea prettily romantlo and puttlnMr Oloott Into the most favurabln vlnw

hla ardent followers The song about th-

plmlvf fly the oldfat ilotied mother thlove of ODonoughoe and the heautUof Innlicnrra received with enthi-

laimRalph Stuart enacted with captlvatln

virility the hero of Darken lUiMu thweeks reproduction by the Ireenwall com-

p ny at the American and wsa to be credltebesides with excellent Mauo direction a

the scenes of the Himlnn melodrama werpresontcd under his control with an Imprei-

ilvenesi thnt remarkable In a regainMonday shift There was llttla o

unreadiness In thn action Roil at a-

In the very liberal mounting s Lott-

Mnthtcurn the new leading sctreos ap

reared to good advantage She Is younend beautiful

Daniel Rnnitmann a star vIMtor wit

the Donnelly mpany at the Murray Hill

n was not now In Dr Jekyll sail Mr Hydebut It had b en away back tho Stevenon story wait flr t on the utmct thAt h

played two At the Acnd-emy Music nnc o th whir

more extrnvrtgant than li

lildpoii embodiment of evil WHS an In-

irrew lve revelation to thn audience Hi-

hendlshheM and tii JtkM wa n xtroncontrast of ttrbane Mr Rnndman-lias lout none of the stability which long ic

made him famousThe same romjuny that lately Introducei

Are You a at Wallsoks unit wenthence on a the Hnrl m Opir

and the merry rarewith unquenched Thisrarne to In German trout Berlinwill recross tho ocean tn English to Londonthere Charles Frohman will u e It at onof his

Anna Held made a New Yorkat the Grand In Papas Wife

dolleryhe was Accompanied by the uiual bevy o

pretty women smart costumesWalt Comedy Company one of th

Itinerant repertory beganterm at with Uu nn

In which Bell Stevenson washeroine

A oomlo opera called Nell Owrn wagiven br Maud Daniel company at Ko t

Dials TMterday It had been advertisea new and programme credited It t-

Ilobert Planquetta but memory doesrecall any work of hU by that name Thmanagement protested Ignorance ofwhere It bad been before but thoughtIt was new to America and had perhapsused In England Nell Owyn obvlouslIs some one of the famous numer-ous reohrlstened In order to catolany Interest that have beer exclteiIn character by Ada llehnn Itenrlrtti-Crosman Marie um

notorious aotresn The l In notttve of Its plot Is

like a bundred other in French operaTwo noblemen thera e a

In order to the village bellsof a ml she elopes with

an ardent tenor lover A countsrelief rich women In varloui

disguises the set of actIveIs one of these women who re-

named She azures as an Irisha Normandy dairymaid a wanderingand a century

A cosmopolitanThis system of an pier

to a suggestsTaming of the Shrew HI tHrived u

Natlon O hallo

of the devlco of adverti lnc n summer retortbr It name to a reproduction A

Midsummer Dream Thnoblemen Nell Owyn guru called liuck

and imial comicopera monarch In turned II

and plot such of either as U dlIs thn manner of oldlimn

and Offenbach boulTeThe music seams to l e but the orches-tra at Kosttr A HUls a morn ileiinltevaluation tAble Tho lerdfr con-

duct men and the slniers with on handplays thn with thn other The plot

Is not t ridanlo bcrniite evtmuch dlnlouue has hi en onilttcd Mill onlyone th slneer1 enunciates Thnone Post Mason has a good barytone

enough for tenor verymusical

It was as a mimic that Chiy Txifins midher reentrance yetcrday at Keith In t

week at Keiths In Ho tnn she appeared In arirnmntlo sketch that proved ntlsfartnrvShe would not substitute for It her budgetof Imitations rn wa subjected to disciplineIn that ho was made to oppenr nt the hnurswhen the lo er jpeelnltles nr hoardRather than vonlrlhuto to the upp uhour show fhe returned to the form of effortIn which hn been uniformly MirresiftiIn VBitdovllIn That in a simpleeuHtumx or whIle her lair hnnclnc loo eher to hiiuhten pallor nfher face Her list of indtntinns W H

enoiich to hint nt rnmpleto rcpcntnm forlast weeks Rtuhtornneis on tli part f thImitator Cnmllln I Arvlll

not of likiTes fny-Ifnipletnns manner of ulniflnir WM i

Marie Dresners vrnA nnij In tTititiitlmi-

of slay Irwin wan nmuiInc with ihilumr Irwin hut faintly letter

were Blven of Dan Dnlv and of VVHI-Iiulll Tt Then the fnmllinr f-

I etty in I nnd t hy at Iternlnnlt i

omplftliic nn Imilnir that was riintlnii nis-

nniitln1 pvin nt the very few point whinnilrfiTv wi r l

The Html week nf The Prle of Peim-becin nt the llrnadway lleli n-

njilin i ive ne ti III liit of her performnnci in The Twin Sisters ntTime citanirei In mt lit rIlnWHrd In Oiptnln Milks of the Ilnr o Ma

at Wlnthmp InTlie rlml r nt th ind llrthi Vilt-

zlneer In Flnrodnrii at the Casino Tinother tutu ycr nire 1nder Two Hie-nt tliA Tiirden at the KmpireWhen Kniuhthniul Was In Klowcr nt the

Criterion t ihi rinlof MuM r vi r lim nt tin Repub-

lic Dalys Tho 1rliin Iiontiath llerild Sli tn Noll t Wid

nnd th Quiet at the Miulleon

Knrli nt fbi Proctor thmlrosii fur nf full or tieirlv

Slid n fen t lh Atthe Street onmei ClnderollH-HI School nit Max cinHnnttl Illllo Wi

ern anil the ImlirtyK a variety folk Confil on nnd Murnv nnd Line were nt thePahre Pink I mlnoi nnd ltwere for the street and nt the FifthAVetnin Midinio riiterlly tieiiin Us ln t

week Hurt and the lnCial-Ifts Tlii inet pMtcr at ln tor ivns-litiided by Hildi Thim and Nut M WillOf the llirlc A Sennintr lljIM

a plei ine lull hesded by Kdmundand Milliin llurkharl-

llielMvev rtrrlntf of linrlettan-llylnf and vnrlitv ho

Throne rulerod it ai t week t thNew York Some ini rp ilne nowlions of niotln i lIT jim vrro put to n-

nt the Kilen MIIAndrew Mark n h hi runtom will try a

nay for next e nn out of town this springHaven ami 13 tire the

for Tom Moore Theodore HurtThe songs will bn Moores verges and Macks-inuflo


Left Ia

fIT thewell o one

Rob Ion lire a with-

In malt stop








and it utudy


Opera Iou eHer the eomlo

for a fuU





unother or tlii

o n


Ie I


Crti or might come tonew Charmer ThInk






r n

Turn bin

San nl















weru it

agalr hailBieIow liii



It reient Interpreters



as la Cbocoiati






I li wit ii knit


uI pint ii t ion




lii nit

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1oiii1 ultrA s


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KxniaiTiox OF GLASS-

It Is a part nf the purpono of theAit Club to foster the Industrialwith this end In view It holds periodical ehlbltlons The present one con 11 of artist

The phrase Is the clibs and may be imdstood to menu irlnss Into which the oKralchas put some personal xprenlon for li

eluded aro a number nf crotei iues lent rMr A W lralif which only In tht wlisense can ho revkonmi rtl tlc They HI

in dmlvii bottles for exampleform of a woman or beast or flMi or Inteniito show theIr makers Ingenuity anti kllas In one case where it boil of flowers Is Inserton the bottom Inside n narrownecked boltlor In another where whiskey nnd water mbe poured from eeparatn compartments of Htame vessel These and many morn ot-

no clo ply In touch with th uncouth picasalty and etrtvlnits after beauty ofmakers who had the laudable desire of golroutside tho bMten track sail of putting romithing of themselves into their work tlintla willing tn accept It a artlttlo But havlr-etretched the limit so far why not widethem to Include other things overlooked In thexhibition Fur example then are no specmen here of American glass Intended fdomestic use coptclally table war Surethis Is a brunch of the craft In which all nivery much Interested Wo know tooAmerican manufacturers Imvn reached a hitlevel of excellence In materialwhile nome firms produce cut gins thtrepresent lh highest possible skill of tlcraftsman though It may be overloaded witdecorations And the latter may be fornurather than Individual Hut whatever beactual degree of eood or had It should liiv-

bfcu included a nn objnct lesnon U Is ver-

Interettlnc to look at specimen of iiiei-Koman ware as lent by Mr A D Vorco an

Mr Dlkran O hclckinn but they liarlittle practionl bearing on the artistic dovclolineal of the Klas lnduntry this shin wide

club h s In view for thnlr beautyirl e ceice does not result from mans skibut from the action of time anti chinlcal-iIy nil means show these to mark the hh-

torlcnl period of the art and perchance t

Clvn a modern craftsman a hint for colorhut equally show the litter periods espeolallthe development In our own countrynhovo nil In the direction which concernexerr ono must closely that of the fuidishing of our homes

How difficult It It to buy simple thingwhich will not be offensive to good tateForms are ugly and unmeaning ill suited t

the purports of the article and the decoraton it either commonplace or barbiroutlprofuse To remedy thU evil rife throughout all our domestlo Induttrlrs and atsame to encourage our producers ti

artistic efforts whloh art b lnmade by other nation who are dreaderlou competltorn In our market and eli

bwome morn so unless our manufacturerlUltet similar tactics would uenin t

represent the that Is help-

Ing to solve horizon gestixby exhibition is too narrow It may b-

lepllnd that the club Is anxious that It ex-

tilbltlons should nut h i oms mere tradshows an objection of Rome force on tinrace of It but scarcely proof against scrutiny

the boundary between commerce and arIn uoli an Industry as glass Is a very vaguon The Tiffany Kavrlle glass for example

the Imprest of ono mans taitn niInventiveness but It Is handled afterward n-

t commercial product while th Cburvlhas and Decorating Company though Itaim I artlttlo must surely transact Its bUI

In some measure seconding to corn

infrclul considerations Indeed It Is Jutthrough this leavening of commerce withart or thl bringing of business enterprise ti

servIce of art whichever way you cboosi-

o regard It that the arttatlo developmentif the In a large degree can bn ex

The Favrtl itlass so prollflo In sirprlsand endleis tn variety defies any tttemp

scheduls It acctirafly Yet tho exsmhere nay perhaps l n roughly divided

Into those specimens of which the materialipproxlmates to opacity and thoso whichreach toward transparency Of the latterhere tire some very beautiful exampleswIth more feeling for form than Is usual In

tils ware many Indeed of really ejqulslta-mrlty of outline and eleganco of mattheir color too Involves liquidity which

mAny will feel to be ore of the essentialmantle of the material yet not withoutchief In one piece for example a oalyt-

n a slender stem transparency and transncency are combined while the flare of theIp Is frosted ThIs group of vnses may not-

e so distinctive and original as many olIr Louis C Tiffanys other creations buthey represent a vein Into which ono may

ho will dig for their beautyio animated with sunshine and vivacitymvlne also qualities of mystery and sublety By a train of thought perhaps not

iltogethr sequential one find sellhlnkln of a large Jarshaped vas which

lands coon a cncn containing example ofrldefent nnttiuen That the latter are

eautlfill need not bo snld hut their beautysiip rsonsltlve In comparison with

he Jar which I of pale azure color deepertrnnslurent In the two thick handlesand transparent on the boulder then

lacdnc toward the foot In A fro ted well

if ttrieidhbluUh white This lower fartmystery above is purity of color and

u the deep color of the handle as well

a the boldly modelled webalanced formof virility and wholesotnenex-

ne remembers that lrlde en e l n ririMliift

if decay and has ei n It In th scum on statart noUoine water wbl th man who

that jar hud PtMv yltnls and i i putnf thitn Into work ont It still

remAinA e e Is shown by Collier A Co filled with

perlnien moth of table wore byrof KopptnB of Berlin Their

to lie lower form though It has beenwithout any thought of securing

urlou analogies the shapes being verynd drawlni upon the flower chiefly

nr proportion of stem to calyx nnd for e

uMtenos of outline It IH H fn rinalln-

nre and one regrets that the artl t H

ringer pursuing It In the small pieces Two

llur Inter tin3 eiainpli of flermnn work

rotH CnlniinoKhrenfelil ore shown In a

mail collect inn lent br Mr Henry Wyekrff-

lelknnp n tumbler of while daseoornted with green enatnnlled knohi andItnlnlihlnc thread linn the other a lung

erkcd wine itlnss the tent pale HP en Hnd nimply designed rlen ts hlnssom nn Ih

itoni of the howl Modern Krenoh workrepresented by s me pieie from shop

f Kuillf liiill evitiiile hiih of cniirayed-nrk whom Hit upper surfare has hon re

loved by nrld and h nn undr layerr itlnt of another rolnr and of nninellliit-

ml fruit delcn emriha iAO oftenr es nf filam-

Soni examples of windows nro shownnionit thiu by Inlui ln withvery foul esi n of a woman In voluinl

drapery ealedonrttouerlilin Ktrnrturn-l h ut with tho k around herh conieptlon Is In 1 remarkah egren-Invateil nnd upllftlntr for the ooor onn-

nnot speak flu light upon ih frontf the si I stronger than that whirl Is

ehlnd surfire it ne svl lhle-

he Chnrrh nnd Wit l ecoratln Companyi reprt ented by two window n vi lt orlie Man designed In Von Oakleynil A landxrapn window liv p sperrv

forirnT t n himiwnn piere if y I

nlamvd design and c lir frankly simplei Its rang nf tone hut admirably enuring

effect Intended The IH litterling a an of results obtainedy building up with tfpnrste piece of glni-ubscqiiently f ed Into a M mass It


whimsical In





It I








pablO the cub







hop freely I



a Ion

mid hi






In which tliiairh-

I h


I Inn

Inly I ii I







lie heel









coins theii opt ii




I lie diimriit Inn tc verhiiii iiwit

one I rae

loua ni pie v

ii flit II










ow to Preserve and Beautify-the Skin and Complexion-

Tn preserve purify and beautify tho skin ami preventrousliiiess oily chapping ninl

many other tormo of Milii no other or I

for i moment to bu coinpircil with CUTICUKA SOAT because no other snaprcichtg the cause viz tAf rloggtd irritated or inflamed condition of the

SAVE YOUR HAIRHow Prevent Hair Scalp

Humors and DandruffCleanse the scalp anil hair thoroughly itl a warm shampoo of CrTt-

cun SMi warm water nnd n

of CtincurtA purest of emollients gently rubbed Into the Thissimple refreshing nnd Inexpensive will clear thn scalp mind buttof crusts and Huothe Irritated itching curfaceii thohair follicle supply the roots with unit iiiiurlliwent anil mako tho

grow whulenome and healthy scalp

SAVE YOUR HANDSH-ow to Make the Hands Soft and

White in a Single NightBathe and soak the hand on retiring lu u hot lather of CDTicnnA

SOAI Dry thoroughly and anoint freely with Ointment thocure of Wear during the nl ht old loose

kll gloves with the ends cut ofl Fur red chapped handsdry itching feverl h nails fingerend this owe night treatmtnt IH Dimply wonderful aad u blessing to altadlicted with core chapped rou h or hands

Complete Eilernal and Internal Treatment Humir 125

ntCtTlClDA SiVI Ke lh skin or rnnn and Jrslfs alit rnttrn lh-

tnirkNitif cutirU CVTICI OIXTMKM live Inntittillv chit lie u Hin ramiitloa

and Irtltntljii nojtlif and anilCtTICIMA ltKfOlVKN I Zr lotmil rdilriuMlot Us i A H1NU1K SIT li ofln tljt evctejthumor lo ot Mir

hfn nil hub Sold lhtoa hout the wurM




euer I



for Every








cod tealuiiitiripiI to slut


ha untO surprUliiElv good ijualltle Infoliage and sky though It lacks the foreand decorative lading obtained by leadlncTwo very charming flower wludoware shown bv Henry Whitman

iJcipltn the emissions noted above th-

ihlhltloti U full of Interest and suugentlonIt will remain open until May o and run b

vlslteil by iireientlni ft member card o

by writing to the Secretary of the club S

Thirtyfourth street

A Illi Atlfndsnr t tile Perfnrnuniw nf

lluuiinr 1 utThe Theodor Drury Opera

which annually make its dusky dMjul when

brighter llchl of oiieri tire extinguishedwas hnflrd Ust Caiingle lyp ii-ulliiioioeziistaauuiitrr o erik II HiarunTTho selntlon s urtistirnlly appropriateand parlti of Krense paint Tact Mny tin-

sameslngirsappeared the LilnittonliUeOp r Cnrtneuaudience room lait ni lit wits union It

bad been then U VWIH cioMjvd to uTo-

cutlonToilet were brilliant proeramru ei-

hautetl enily In the evening unit the o

tickets stopped before the ciirtninrusoliktorson the Kldewolk did u llnurl hlnir bust

and nrrival dl persei-ro Tint irnatiT iiiidltorluni

bull inielit lieen tov-

iniixic Judtifront tli tlmt Mood nli connof street and Seventh avenueIryliiir to its way down Into tlu

iiii iitihes nnd Hut the ullii-

of thd IiulUliiiit were lint lute arrivalhid to pay the of ibeu lanliiiit-

Inild wer flower and entliuslasmfor the HliiRers All of them wereSo were tlin of the ori liestni Itsconductor Muurl Arnold kept tho players

o theirwho ha made in tier profesnliti-during the misled tin bmiornn rita shower on a prlinti-

loniiu firstroi e and the ln t nf fell at her feetTheodore ho was impresario firsttenor eeneral direntor ofboie d respon to the satis-faction of his iidtnirer In the ainllenee who

u point if eniplmsl init their Indebtedto th entcrtauiment

MM Homer IMnkey Sheldon Savarro Winother Important

and their achievement rtd not thisprevailing mood Mr Drury

ih close of the thath would repeat II Ouarany atIarlt In AUKUst company

cuviirn riY musKD rncrxixJl-

fmbrM Who Thonghl It Imprnprr want 8 S

Snpcrlnlendfnl In lf lin but lie Wont

The trouble In the Franklin Avenue Pres-

bvterlan Church In llronklyn over the re-

cent interdiction by session of the churchof tho play The Ilter whlih was to havebeen pre etited under the direction of theVoting IVoplts Society nit yet beennsltleil The Rev Clmrles IMwards thepartor and till the member of the sessionderided tliet The MMer was riot a proper

to ne jireseriled I nn oiidliiifo ofiliurrh meinber Mr K M

f tin1 Siindny schoolvnsrfhpoiiMiilifiirltsselHitiiiii

Over churchnow united in n to the seHsinn reoui tlnif hut body i k for Mr iNtisr-eslgtmtlon us of Sundayschool VII on ha fir d llned tnsend In hi re iiinlin and In hl rifu il-

he tins the liirkltitf of tin lliird fliv whom n iomiiilltee was iii iolntd to waitnil the session find tick It in ncnll reriio tfur the re lirniitlii They huve threatened

Mid t In i nodr if Mr ilun4w-illidMwid i upon

The rnnirnverity It I iiiny leadto the serension of H score or more memberfrom church

Amrrlran Knglnrers Its Irartlrable Tm-llr Thnn asoooonoo

II F and twenivibren other Amenran etiRln TH who hnve litcn nearlytwo yenta surveying the Siinniirtinn routefor nn Isthmian Hnil retuniid vesterday-ibinrd Hif tln Line iinmldi Alleghimv-Ihiy ny hull tht rnle prnlirulili antthai tht niay In withlietnltturn of han f i which i

the ninoiint set Hi I itd Suites Chieflnirmeer 1 Itolirle Miller wh been in

Knrge of ilm Hiirviyitii imrty will lucreiion with other r of ennlnnersi-

nillitiliMl oniminilnn lop iUrn by JudgeMinnm llnlil ln

NEW INvrs May B lu tlie Simeon II-

Inhlwln f Ccinnei t ut Suprttne Courtnd irofi ir li1 tie Viilf liw si hool IKM-

u t pte iMi l 11ram i tho lulitd-hiinb f this iirv fr Dm iMinhiiw of indi-Idiial Mlver in lie uc l at ioinmuniiii-

i rvi e They tier yoliirdny for tuturM llnie-

hlrago llnmieopathlr Cnllrce AdmitWomen-

CiurAon Mitt flAt nnnuil meetingf of the ChinB lltiur pnihli I ulleai It vvsl-otermineil inndiut women in MII e iuul IM inn

itli men II i ine of fit Inrircs nnd b st-

julppod sfhnnl m tliTonn ry

Wrcllhy Iurmfr rommltud SnltlileA-

MIANT ft Merman llier a farmeryears old ttlin n uburhnn rond-

f Albnnv miiiinlHed snirtie by hangingu hi this wbilo ttniporarily-leringed ww worth snis

Mint T nm

Jam WVIfh t nl on the srhonner Stwills Llwern this l J airf SIP i

tnt tryIng to knit l Ilgnrs in s trunklie ni hei by NUtf ommiwltinfr NnifHt-

Iustnma IMtfrlnr rtrllM tfrotlnl yrttrrilaykflwil f fnly piff which

tttr mniMlfd III a to Irk nf c JVMsir nijnarrKfit hy impugns

KJ air Mltrrit lo ihiut J





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A rhtrpthat

hailtales bottom the

la >




< >






MATflir ALUANAC Till naTSun rises 4M Sun 701 I Moos rhei 1017

limn wAiritTiiis nAYSandy llnok llil loor rdlOin Hell iat

Arrl dltiMAV May 8-

S ii IhmnpXKi LUtipiml April J-

STra f ttrjrrUnx1fim Itakkrr April 7t-JeMfy limlirk lirl inl

ho Mnntaiia Ornna 17S lanBtiti Grange Crlrhtun U ril l riS Ii utvll nd SrMrnhiitst Ilullriiinra Aptil 3SsKhln William Ilurlra April IT-

vi lirlawate DaTls Dublin April 3Ss Nurth Aniilla April 17Ss lluiln jrrwin 1MiilmHi rsr lbn Tftrlll Mnrsriilxi April-S Carilibor Smit OusdiloupSs Innrr Sstifnt AqundllliHi Ml Vfnion rn I-

S Krs r U VIII JlnnUBO llav April It-S Allrthanv l w Kliuitim Apnl 20KnUn ranrnUrl Iliiiif Apll MS r t llennftt Ol en Hanri Miy t-

Ss Pml ii liars New OrlMm May IV Kl 1iwo lloyd i ntlfans May IS n ll ira Wm 1i aril Mruaswlflr MarSi Mtnnt Mats linilimore 4hunk J II ilatifl Mllihll Satlll flier ArmIirl S iiJIfht il hl Huliln

fl ta Oanooine fronT New York at Ilarr-S Prtninslo Victoria Luke twin New York al

5U Wtlhrtm den Oromf from New Tot al-Roitli

Si SKifU1 ru Irran Iftw York tat ItotterdamUrard-

anBD mow roRKm POBTI-M Ilobrntollnn frura Olbrtltar for Ntw Tork-

UUTOOIKU almusiura

141I OOP ll-


1 CO p M3 CO U

in 00 A M12 COMir in-

s wS P if-fO P M

1 CO p M1 on p M3 00 P M

10 00 A M10 PO A M-

Ofl A II11 WM-u fiO A M1 00 P M1 on p M-

S 00

clouHIT of WathlniMn lon IMAM-Ranald Oreeada lOfflKl Mar NVw OrleansComtnotiFl nif Wwn Norfnllr

SI Paul Southampton C 30 A Mfittmanlc s So A M-

rr1f nd Anmnp 10 00 A M

Mallla Naplr1-l wrnj n U Ofl Mlllldfbrind North Mraill MM-iulldhall Yucatan

Jf ITf ri on Norfolk

Fufrst Phtaarrk Htmhurt OAH-

LaCbsmpainf lienrr rirrmrn-

Vlnrrnio Ilorln Armr IMAMIrfMrla I rmirta 7 oft A M

Kintlaco NissanKl Pasollamlllon SorfolU-


ruia de Palermo1eronlc-HI MontAdtane

Maello-ManllflUSouth atSNymnhrr-WoidiwortbKtrabo

II II MeterEl Slid


ji 1malne-rampanlaSt l nilIlniua-llrkU


GibraltarMrs OrlfanaColon

This Tt marttnr-LlTfrp ollondonSouthamptnn-M Mlcnnl-M lurla-Si tuna

Frltav May 10




April 2121

April ri

soApril fApril 27

IMay 1

April 27May II

April 3DApril 2A

April Afl-

April Id

4May 4

4April 27


T a Popular t IlnrnardThe Treasurer of the tndercradunte Asto-

latlon of Barnard College ha Jn t rotciloted her annual report It appears thathe receipts amounted to 1473 9 coil thexpen i wore 3vi M Mint n

for tea Other Items fire Lettero freshmen ti w antI three telephoneall at 10 cents wieh

Business jlotirts-

itr Wlnlnni Soothing flyrup for rhlldrenteething softrn tar gums rrilucr Inntmitiallnn

tRIO wind colic illarrhrrA a bottle

For llraln Worker ant ovutaifi ntfou ys-irm IlMJ NT KIM I KM HA I In will proveesltil soil luiftnc IAIIK V Tllriiltll


rOSTER On Mnnittv May I n rsnf VI

Fo vr in th Slit yr r of ti

of funrnl himflrrhON On Sdlurilny Mny 4 1BOI Ranmrt Ruyp ra

Ionrunrral atvlrr at Lite inldrnre 48 East 7Ui-

M on Tiindiy moraine May 7 1101 at haltptal In orlnrk lEInilly oral flower

UrCAM On Salnrrlr May 4 0 at her te1-drnrr U PaM 414 Emma widow of JamesMrholna MiCal-

l1iinrnl nrrrlrrs al her ruldenrr st 10 A M

Tuesday May 7 110-

1rMMH Al Chicago no Sunday thy 8 1901

itlienly nl heart failure at her AsmMonroe av Marl Sheldon wldon nf YnuniSrammon

riMPSONOn Sunday monilnn May B 1001

Marl IMywond nf Jatd A Tlmpson naedjean

lleiatlrea and fitemla ate Inrlled to atirnd thefunftal ser lee at her late resIdent 4 WestISatli Mteet nn Tue iay evenlni May 7 nt-

nelorlJ Interment In Wimdlnwn cnmenlftire-nf family

VAXDEUL On Smdy Uy S IDOI Carolinedaughter nf Henjamln i ROll Carnllre M Veindell

Fiinersl fer lre al tier late reliente IS7 KaM on Tuesday May 7 IWH al OSI A M

Monday afternoon May IMI Marlanna Maria wife of Stephen Wood

funeral services at e 0 Park at on ThursdayMay II IDOl at 12 oYlock Interment private




WIllIam lIu u

I Il ell ill


Ihunts 1Ia

It March



all rMali 1




12In SC A It

7hwJ t

700 A ItS



April 21I





Thtscsity M1 g

S lrlnlnIl

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Sull1mt lon MAilhiraittitlopnbllln


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f l ell









erripn pi-

Ml tty

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Its mhuric







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tlccoMucrisrac wvtiraPhi Todiy

tpnll 22






Due Sutiurtln Slav


slit cures

latha emIt








> <




Decide ImmediatelyIt is today tomorrow Tliursdiw or never so far as tli half price nnd little pay-

ment privilege are concernedAnd if you now hesilnto to spnre just one single dollar to seiiiru inunodiatc posses-

sion of this marvellous educational work how long will it take you to get ready to spare

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Do not delay another day Delays are dangerous Cut out the firat payment blank

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full month And then only two dollarsIf you are nt a great distance from New York this paper may not reach you until

Wednesday or Thuivdiy but if the postmark on the envelope containing your order indi-

cates that it va mailed before C P M Thursday May 9lh you will still be eligible to this

special offer


is right up to the present year in every respect Thousands of new subjects and topics not

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We especially recommend tho Half Russia It is a handsome dark red very dur-

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HOW TO ORDERSend 1 with this order

bhmk hInd specify tile bind-

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ments which is 1 7 for cloth bound sots or 22

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G P Putnuni Sons New


Ontlemen I eoclou t for hefln4-r payment on the faD net ol tV New

Cbimbes Euclyclopifdbi and AtbIn birdrnf I sfrte to

balance In monthly paymentsti each beginning ont month from the date

of this order


G P PUTNAMS SONS2729 West 23d St New York Address Chambers Enc Dept

ID1CII tlbtlitloll








d4I1tln lIepJtaea


tWllbtiflItfDit JCW UbUCUUOt

li I

IT1IIi U I J t1L ik ki k I 1




4 theII







TO MJOIK Vfirfowr5 rutKC-

nltacer Ietltlnn tti In Keep Faith With

Thrin In ll Min f to a illl-

NKwionT I I Mm n In i n vcrnlI n rottnscr In Hi outliprn tnrt f the

ptntiH huMi mi Nirrncniiott liny-

avny il In tht riiy la nl lK Unnif on time

writer fur tlw iinrpnop nf iiinkiiii a hirbnrIrk Th JIOKW ii l tort it

In an uiiflnllu ami irnrlliei It

has grown up with wocil anti on

fyojor-Thn onttncfn liivn talipn the malt r In

unfit nml pr niir il n petition to prpwnt-HI th iiitctlnv f thi tllj oiinill inrnorrnw-niitht a klntf that ih city rnrry out it rindInth rniniililiiic th wnik mutt making an

puMli park Ainont th lfnir-nri Veli trr Tol liilumv A tor-

Kmo IMwIn 1 Mnrcnn Teal fny in Jnini riinrli Smith Arthur K itip-

iil on KnhiifKtopJc Mrs Kntii h

lirlllaM Spi iii r Inline V Puliir Simitil-V llnritfr V r Slnrnierhnrii I Iuillow Mi limp A irontmr I

Mrs i IMlin VVIiiinM Wnrrrn It C-

IVrby lniH litir I TiiwnM tiil Ilurdiii-

iiml T W riinivv-

Toltrnfj nml Sthoalsi-

Ior llnji luiiiia Irn City funntrrP nireil fur nlleje sail

EEGENTSA-T MV tout Itti riiA loin IMIOI

Tel 4tin IHIIi V 107 StaIn ItriinklTii

SACRED HEART ACADEMYSfl rl IV rvicS i thnmiuliiirailmilc

r mine n r our 0 fn trnil-pi ilrrali tn Icy I jnijiiin oul fir lien Ml-

rtnU Afili IK W t tier N


IASS 1 ill lltl A IT

REGENTS 1820 East 42d St

Ior I hlldren I Iii nn l ounlrj

Till MHIWUVN SCIIIMII Slimmer Se lonFOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDRENreniai Biil tltrn niiiiienl D

1tlmlllHn I I lriwnunn Ill Ulrritor4 or lorl MaihlniElon Air A llefxit IMn-

eUAMIAIIAN lltlllllKil MV 10IIU-

Iliitliiri fnllrue

The Miller School of BusinessSI lame llilllilln lial llriiailiiut-Shnrllianil Tipf trlllnic ll iikl eepln-IIAVnlll vtMVf i MMHl A Art

rinrnAns llrlter Shniil 41 An IrlifTHE PAINE UPTOWN isimllen-

uivrilIIIIOVIIMAV coit nvni ST-

HUniwraii newrltinf lloikUfpInc Kr jluh nr p4 nd nrc tic IMV ind etenlnc-

fcrhmil of rhrtlfil Ciiltur

w 44th ni SWIMMING and rhlldrto






nil nailSill

I 0





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Urklrr fr m-


Ij J J

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uu thourohuiiit oil




Rent miii


15 W 43d St3

liti ucat



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HEARTSTill Hrxik n lmr-ln 1 r r


II Mil 11111

osrmrn n-niei and Mr nt

SfairyPnrk r

s IK 4iir-

JomtMir yrtrauts HVautrrt-

m KAMI iji firptotif Call 1iHJ Mai 3l



ALL iuiriiins-5f nt biealilni fiir ilffiifiill will In dlv-

ml rd rum DJICJ and all cUlw u Itipull

Hr iKlvn nmre 14 N tin u-

II A MBKHM i7 S 7h ionk 7 JM to in-

lainlrene iiitrr r kltiiienmal iimka m-

ih And liiinilrp r wrio d

II Uniilil ICilH AM w AM rifsstii-n ilR rrfennie reiiii-


AM WAII IIKss In FI tJ fiiriilnh rrterenri-

Mr I SIKIV n lat M t t

Mr I SltniV 10 lan 1W st-

CIIAMIlKIIMMIi tn turiUfrto ParkInrush iriHil rrfrrmre

SEKIV l K S l-

ciilFTivr i nnk H ft in ItHkiilclpniiliiriiti C IK irinrnrt

I SKFIV IB K l 1 I l


Viiii i aiMv m lIT 311 sr

wajis S3 rflrifif re iilrril-Mr l Pat SJd

CiiiiK AM NlTltRHS ir litmilv ntIn to tn Ynnkrr N V IK rrlrreinen-

teiuli Ml I SCKIV 11 hJlsl JMIi-VMih en lo MnrriMoon N J Inn t lurniKh-

rn l refrrmrr I SKllY til d

nilSI IASS toirii tn vahinirtan 134 rrltjrnres rniullr-

Ml I Hlrl 19 111t Wd

IAfSIMinSi xil IHAMIIKHMAIU K ahull rtl laniT nil tIe city mate SJH relfrmier-rfimreit Mr L lit 1jitl M l-

PIUITFSTANT IAUSDKEflS for prltalc familyIn tw ate l root rffrrooi ren n

Mr I SKIitY 19 Eat t


1 Magii


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1 rnA nlit All rl4rll5 wanted

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Aloi sllvlilt Ii mre 4 P at

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sFttMlllM to-

PttilriI csiul retireMrs Smirv uti s-


I cages3711 tfirflii ICt Ii irell

g must





KlIVfat ate

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A u HIMH in

ID KAM d itIan rn-

srni ii lstfain in ly aite

Mr I

n t V I VjtlluT N iri

lr I SKKIV 10 ia t M itAX nwliil Rirl fur V1-

1Wnntrfl 3Halrs

i ins wANtrii OIT-Oa SSIN rrvUmn N V

I Al li U A pond iiinn lr-

IAVi Mil Ml i r im 11

Situations HVautrd tmnltu-

nulH iI M1 Sn

IIIAMAIII vitillll likevie l nnly In city rfffrnifi-

iinn Tft lln arl-aIVillcx I HAiTMKSS wntirn a tuati

i pritnie ininl In tv mil liutil li urellent Isletillen N It Sun 141 Hroa-

dtXPKIIIIrit MAlli and fara tre a wl He

nosiiliin III private lamily In riO he i of reletenre-M l i Nun niitii ii i i llrnarlva-

iiii1 ss Niii i s iijiiriiif aTt-

lim in irval tiinilly In i1 referent KC6-Ml Sul iifiUmn uinre Hi1 IMA t a

Its i he t i MiM n ntuattua la prfamily In rt K O biv-

Slii ii uille tr iirmdilax-

iiliiHut illlV i nMIl TKXT COOK r he-

oMin IMSDM In pi nlr timlly In 111

retrretii M MO S m uptown offIce tSfi-

jitUiiuoiH illtuitrd nftUf-

fSKH I MAX Armenian pe V KntllahIrenrh HIII HIT ti in city or wintryreferemr U V l M t 4Slh It-

Ilniiii MM inn STKKI riioiiicniRS rollMem nud iniiHl mnriiii onlnanre firrre War

imrlineiii iiMitJn Apr ia lOni Sealrdi-

tN i n will l rrreiffil untili c v ii nml im fiirnihiiii r i Kiri ier-

MKTI r ii s imift incii A ti l rappedMKlAltirli I jhill fi i HHll A I1 ahfll JWlin-Inill I olut iapieili Ill n Huh A I Ikrll

i In A I diet I I uriell limnpnnndA writflit Ml tmirii ShellIMiiuni VMiuhli ll l ill In r e fur all

r fireuiiiiiii r ruinhii u m appllra-llontohrlir urn A II I H IMI lnN

rnit rj i grHTIIISWent Inml Vjp 4 Iiil Sralfrl rirnprvMIlIn r plii le will imivnl here unill i M JuneS IIKH fir i im ilo-

Uunrtei n i p plmi tn tillIn n iei nr iin I nr all

purl lirreil KIHI wriih-

f CIa OfflftrI S rrnerrf-

MII urntMiAJil nrnl inni rtiinlahrd-

unmi apiiMeaiiiin ilrtrrv g M I s M A

rhnliisAi Full iMuMNMi iiitDNAM1-MA Kill l VniirUin Arwiini

Apnl senlirl iiru In Oupllroiewill t reeeved uiil M Mi UK lit p

nl iiimtemr I nrilnanie nnd MatIncluding prnlerl n mill nrn Iwriir tills ol-

hirne h rr ii till iHKVir r ij leatherlie I nUligucn on aptl 1 ll In I I KAI-IlHV Innlillf-

sAi s it-

VMienallHtrfil Sew m Ma I l oriij iii f riiiir ami drllterlriK Sii-

bsiiiiresiippnmn thin in tn UMt ilaya nr-

Ini I IPII l he rerriird al nBre iinlllII nrlurk M nn May U Idl Informationfurnhliril on utinn containInghuh should he marktd fLit SuhilatepfSloplt nd May K IPl anSi tdlrenard toMajor D I roirmlMarr U S A



StL11 II lrolll1II soil I

r t H-I sIll IS 1 111




atriagr Arply III



IIF 11 I 1







m gii Ittiineberiu-S t iiii Ci I i li etp ni1 utral-


it i

I if tri i 1

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it I cagrrii

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sunk store II


Ii riiiitia

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ii ill >


i doc

a 1 restlot t-

iii ii

antito thing

i ll


IIIi Iii itt here


eel iIWI 12 minilint lVi

ii iInn ris n


tttuIlstl75 I


rulIr ii I ill

nc lit c


t IS lift

Iii tetc hiS nIP 5

i rump

hull ItLltM-I ill p tiitchsiti nn i I o 3

h i

See loi I iitim











