SAYINGS OF HIS HOLINESS RIAZ AHMED GOHAR SHAHI 1) About the "Asteroid coming towards Earth" and "End of World" (Excerpt from book "The Religion of God" as written by His Holiness Gohar Shahi in 2001):- Our scientists with their scientific knowledge now are interfering with God's affairs. In order to instill a fear into human beings now, a small disaster has been instigated, and for the complete destruction, an asteroid, already sent towards the Earth, is expected to hit the Earth in about twenty to twenty five years. When it does, that will be the last day of the Earth. A part of that asteroid has fallen on Jupiter within the last two years. Our scientists are aware of this fact. They are wishing to move to the Moon or some other planet before the impending disaster. As such, there have been plot bookings on the Moon, when they know that life cannot be sustained on the Moon as there is no oxygen, water or vegetation. What is the purpose of all the frenzy? As far as research is concerned, what benefit did humanity gain by reaching the Moon or Jupiter? Has any medication or prescription been discovered for longevity, or has a 'cure' been found to prevent death? Even if we reach the creatures of the Mars, the difference in environments (Oxygen) would make our life on the Mars impossible. All the wealth is being squandered (in this matter). If the United States and Russia spend it on the poor, then everybody would be prosperous. Some external links mentioning details about the Asteroid "Apophis": http://www.theallfaith.com

Sayings of Imam Mahdi Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi

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Sayings of Imam Mahdi Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahihttp://www.theallfaith.com

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Page 1: Sayings of Imam Mahdi Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi


1) About the "Asteroid coming towards Earth" and "End of World" (Excerpt   from

book "The Religion of God" as written by His Holiness Gohar Shahi in 2001):-

Our scientists with their scientific knowledge now are interfering with God's affairs. In order

to instill a fear into human beings now, a small disaster has been instigated, and for the

complete destruction, an asteroid, already sent towards the Earth, is expected to hit the Earth

in about twenty to twenty five years. When it does, that will be the last day of the Earth. A

part of that asteroid has fallen on Jupiter within the last two years. Our scientists are aware

of this fact.

They are wishing to move to the Moon or some other planet before the impending disaster.

As such, there have been plot bookings on the Moon, when they know that life cannot be

sustained on the Moon as there is no oxygen, water or vegetation. What is the purpose of all

the frenzy? As far as research is concerned, what benefit did humanity gain by reaching the

Moon or Jupiter? Has any medication or prescription been discovered for longevity, or has a

'cure' been found to prevent death?

Even if we reach the creatures of the Mars, the difference in environments (Oxygen) would

make our life on the Mars impossible. All the wealth is being squandered (in this matter). If

the United States and Russia spend it on the poor, then everybody would be prosperous.

Some external links mentioning details about the Asteroid "Apophis":





2) The advent of Imam Mehdi (A.S)

The advent of Imam Mehdi (A.S)  is very near. Jesus along with His followers will help

Imam Mehdi (A.S) against Antichrist. Righteous people from different religions will also

help Imam Mehdi (A.S).


Page 2: Sayings of Imam Mahdi Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi

3) The spiritual personalities will unite the world near end times.

4) Flooding and devastations are expected. People should turn towards God.

5) The mission of Prophets and Saints has been to eradicate injustice and tyranny.


6) Sayings about Imam Mehdi (A.S):-

It is mentioned in Hadis (Prophetic tradition) that Imam Mehdi's mother's name will be

Amina and His father’s name would be Abdullah. There are two explanations for it. One

answer is logical and the other is spiritual. It is also narrated in same Hadis (Prophetic

tradition) that antichrist would come while riding on a donkey and would be blind from one

eye. If he would really come riding on Donkey and blind from one eye, we can easily

recognize that he is antichrist. We say that can't anybody give even a car to him as he will be

having thousands of followers? If he has to go to Islamabad from here, imagine how much

time it will take while riding a donkey! Whereas the fact is that this is an age of cars and

airplanes. Then people say that once this age of science will end then that other stone-age

will come, and then he (antichrist) will come riding donkey. We say that ok if this science

age will end and there will not be any cars, but if there will be donkeys then for sure there

will be horses as well present at that time (of stone-age), then why would he not prefer horse

to ride as that will be superior ride. Then people argue that it is just a hint. Actually

“Donkey” means that it will be Satan (devil). Antichrist will bear complete satanic forces

and blind from one eye means that he will be lacking spiritual knowledge.


7) Sayings about the appearance of Imam Mahdi and Dajjal/Antichrist

His Holiness said that now a days the arrival of Imam Mahdi is being conversed in whole of

the world. Many a groups are celebrating the arrival of Imam Mahdi; many a groups are

celebrating the birth of Imam Mahdi and a lot of others groups think that the period of

manifestation of Imam Mahdi is still far away.

His Holiness Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi further stated that since long it has been being taught

in Hadith (Prophetic traditions) in the past and the Godly scholars (ulma-e-haq) also used to


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allocute in the mosques that Imam Mahdi will come near the end of times and will unite all

the religions into one through “Deen-e-Ellahi” (Religion of God) which is above the Books

and religions and after achieving this, Data Ganj Bakhsh (Ali Bin Usman Shekih Ali

Hajweri) and Khawaja Gharib Nawaz (Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishty) got high ranks.

But king Akbar and Guru Nanak tried to unite the people of all religions with their

imaginary plans but they fail and the reason for this failure was that this was their own

vision. Whereas the vision of Imam Mahdi would be from Allah; and for this reason He will

succeed to bring together all the religions. His Holiness Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi said that

Prophet Isa/Jesus[AS] will come with His nation to help Imam Mahdi against Dajjal. They

all will become ‘one religion’ entering into His (Imam Mahdi) Circle of Disciples. But one

group of Christians which deny Life and return of Prophet Isa/Jesus[AS] will accompany

Dajjal/Antichrist by refusing to revive faith in Prophet Isa/Jesus[AS].

In the same way the people of other religions also according to their faith, some will

accompany Dajjal/Antichrist considering him and some will accompany Imam Mahdi [AS]

considering Him to be their Reliever/Savior (Masseiha). As Hazrat Imam Mahdi [AS] would

be amongst Muslims and Dajjal/Antichrist would also be amongst Muslims. Both will be

same on the basis on apparent. Both will recite the same Moto/Kalima; that is why it came in

Hadith Sharif that seventy thousand scholars will go along with Dajjal/Antichrist but there

will be Allah in the heart of Imam Mahdi and Satan in the heart of the Dajjal/Antichrist.


His Holiness Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi stated: Now, since the time of manifestation of

Imam Mahdi is nearby, therefore one group of scholars says that Imam Mahdi will not bring

all the religions together but will culminate all the religions. On this verdict, there appears a

question that if Imam Mahdi will eradicate all the religions then why and how Prophet

Isa/Jesus[AS] and his nation will help Imam Mahdi? This, in-fact, is the result of

perturbation of the scholars.

Because what was the need to send Imam Mahdi only for the guidance of Muslims when

there is Holy Quran available for the guidance of Muslims. But Quran guides only when it

penetrates deep into the heart.

His Holiness Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi said: It is the duty of the scholars that for God sake


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tell only correct Hadith(s) regarding Imam Mahdi and there would be no any confusion; so

that the Muslims could recognize truth/haq and false/batil and any act that would be done

against this will cause them to drown and it would be effort to drown others as well.

May 16 to 31, 1995


8) The enemies of Imam Mehdi (A.S) are agents of Dajjal (Anti Christ)


9) Hindus recognize Adam as "Shankar Ji", Eve as "Parvati", Khider as "Vishnu Mahraj"

and Hazrat Fatima (R.A) as "Durga Maa".


10) The love of God is the basis of all religions. The spiritual knowledge should also be

learnt along with apparent knowledge to have the essence of God.

11) Where are Gog Magog (Yog Majooj)?:-

It is not known which Adam's community is confined in the mountains of China, and Dhul-

Qarnain (the King with Two Horns) built stonewall to prevent them from entering his

region. They have very long ears. They spread one beneath them, and cover themselves with

the other. They are known as Gog Magog (Yog Majooj). Science discovered many regions,

but many more are yet to be discovered.

Behind the Himalayas are 'snowy humans'. There are many humans in the jungles too, and

no one knows their language except they do. They worship per tenet of their Adam. In their

custom, they have a tribal system (for survival). Besides these Continents, there are many

bigger planets such as the Moon, the Sun, Jupiter, Mars etc. Adams came there also. Their

Day of Judgment already occurred by stopping the supply of oxygen somewhere, and by

totally ruining the Land elsewhere.

Still there is human life on Mars and there is a fiery life form on the Sun

One party holds that when an Astronaut landed on the Moon, he wanted to research the

planets above. He heard the voice of Adhan (the call to prayers), which influenced him to


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accept Islam. That was the world of Mars, where the inhabitants are from every religion. Our

scientists could not reach Mars yet, whereas the Martians have visited the Earth many times

and have taken our people back with them for experimentation. Their Science and inventions

are superior to ours. Even if our satellites or scientists reach there, they cannot escape their



12) The peace in the world will be established by virtue of God's Love. The scholars, who

lack light of God (Divine Light), have promoted Sectarianism, Extremism and hatred.

13)   God does not exist in forests and wilderness but resides in Human's heart. The person

who has love for God in the heart cannot go to hell. Sufism is a way to achieve essence of


14) The Earth is stationary whereas the Moon and Sun are revolving. The Moon's speed is

fast as compared to the Sun due to which the distance between them varies.

15) The image on Black Stone (Hajre Aswad) is by God. It is infidelity to deny its existence.

I also testify its existence and appeal for the proper investigation. I have taught heart

meditation (Dhikr-e-Qalbi) to millions of truth seekers by virtue of which they have given

up sins and achieved love of God and Prophet. And thousands have reached up to the courts

of Prophets and achieved essence of GOD.


16) Was Allama Iqbal a Saint?:-

There was an incident. He (Iqbal) was student of fourth grade. His mother had already

passed away. He had father and two brothers. His father used to make pancakes, one for

each of two brothers. He used to make in the morning and keep as they would come in the

afternoon and eat.

One day when Allama Iqbal came, a bitch too came along with him, following him. When

he (Iqbal) looked, he realized that she must be having some necessity as she was following

him. The bitch must be having the necessity of hunger. What else necessitate could be?

While he started climbing up the stairs of his house, that bitch sat down and she started

staring at him with wistfulness. He (Iqbal) went upstairs. He gave half of his pancake to the


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bitch and kept other half for himself, without letting his brother and father know, thinking

that he would eat half, but she ate quickly. She kept staring at him again wistfully.

17) There is a difference between Ishq-e-Majazi (love of soul with human) and Ishq-e-

Haqeeqi (divine love). Normally, the love (ishq) that people make, they think they’re

making love of soul, but in fact, they are doing love of self/nafs (Ishq-e-Nafsani - which is

called lust) because they are caught by physical love not by soul. The love that is made

without having any desire with the soul is called Ishq-e-Majazi (mundane love of soul) such

as the love of Laila-Majnu, Heer-Ranjha, and Sussi-Punnu. Those people when meet alone,

feelings of lust never borne in their heart; the same love when it happens with God --- is

called divine love/Ishq-e-Haqeeqi . But there are very few lucky people who achieve divine


Voice of truth: 1-15 August, 1999.

18) Sayings about ostentatious scholars

Ostentatious scholars who don’t have internal Light/Noor will be helpful/benefactor of


Answering to questions in the sitting with truth seekers, great spiritual leader of ASI His

Holiness Syedna Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi said that Imam Mahdi will be evident/

manifested and Dajjal/Antichrist will be self-proclaimed. The great battle between the

Truth/Haq and the False/Batil will be fought, in which ultimately truth will prevailed.

Answering about the manifestation of Imam Mahdi (A.S), His Holiness Syedna Riaz Ahmed

Gohar Shahi said that meditators of heart (Zakir-e-Qalbi), the beholders of Faith who has

internal Light/Noor inside them will recognize Him and will become His soldiers. Whereas

when the Dajjal/Antichrist will be culminated. Ostentatious, ignorant of the internal

Light/Noor scholars will go to see Dajjal/Antichrist and will become his supporter. That is

why their self/nafs and Devils’ satanic followers remain alive. The big Satan will be the

supporter of Dajjal/Antichrist. It will let the ostentatious scholars become his

(Dajjal/Antichrist) devotee, believer, and helpful.


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Answering to one question His Holiness Syedna Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi said that one’s

Faith goes with argumentation whereas with the Zikr/remembrance of God, Faith comes in.

It has been seen many times that regarding the worldly affairs and in different organizations,

the people who get involved in argumentation are more devil incarnate. His Holiness Syedna

Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi said that argumentation, indeed, is the job of the Satan while

chanting the name of God(doing zikr) is the job of a Momin/Believer. The Satan let the

people get confused who are got involved in argumentation. That is why it is necessary for

one to abstain from argumentation and concentrate towards chanting the name of God.

19) Talking in a personal meeting with the seekers of truth, the reliever of present time His

Holiness Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi said: when seminal fluid enter into the womb of the

mother, first of all the mineral spirit (the spirits which bond and solidify atoms) comes

which is found in stones. After sometimes there comes the botanical spirit which is found in

the trees due to which the child starts growing in the womb. After this the animal spirit

comes and at the time of birth human spirit comes from the sky. First three spirits come from

this world while the fourth human spirit comes from the realm of souls in the sky. When a

person dies, the human soul goes back again to skyward but the remaining three again enters

into any newcomer/newborn. That is why the Hindus claim the second birth. But the three

spirits which Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] had --- Allah has kept them for Imam Mahdi. As

the three spirits enters into the newcomer, likewise all these three spirits of Prophet

Muhammad [PBUH] will enter into Hazrat Imam Mahdi (A.S).

Imam Mahdi will be custodian of noble virtues of Prophet Muhammad[PBUH]. For this

reason when Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] explained the indications/signs of Imam Mahdi to

His Sahaba (companions), they asked "would You [PBUH] be that one!". Prophet

Muhammad [PBUH] remained silent upon hearing this.

His Holiness Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi said in response to one question that Imam Mahdi

will be Hasani, Hussaini Syed. The Imamat (successor-ship) has been transferred to the

ummah after the eleventh Imam Hasan Askri of Sadaat. Thus Imam Shafi'i, Imam Abu


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Hanifa etc were 'Imam' which were not among the Sadaat, whereas they were mere ordinary

Followers – Umati. Similarly Imam Mahdi will be among the ummah.

Question was placed that whether Shiite will endorse Imam Mahdi; there are millions of

Shiite in Iran and they are devotees of Imam Mahdi. In answer to this His Holiness Riaz

Ahmed Gohar Shahi said that in the beginning they will oppose Him strongly but later on

they will accept Him after looking at signs and gradually they will not only enter into His

devotees but also sacrifice life for Him (Imam Mahdi A.S).

Voice of truth: 16-31 July, 1999.
