SBCOn Environmentalism And Evangelicals.pdf

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  • 8/9/2019 SBCOn Environmentalism And Evangelicals.pdf


    On Environmentalism AndEvangelicals

    Greensboro, NC -2006WHEREAS, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1),declared it good (Genesis 1:4,10,12,18,21,32), and it reveals His glory (Psalm 19:1-6);


    WHEREAS, God created men and women in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-27),

    placing them in value above the rest of creation and commanding them to exercise caring

    stewardship and dominion over the earth and environment (Genesis 1:28;cf. Psalm 8); and

    WHEREAS, Mankind as free moral agents willfully disobeyed God, plunging the whole

    creation into corruption because of our sin (Genesis 3:1-19), from which the fallen creation

    awaits restoration (Romans 8:19-22); and

    WHEREAS, Since the fall into sin, humans have often ignored the Creator, shirked their

    stewardship of the environment, and further defiled the good creation; and

    WHEREAS, Some in our culture have completely rejected God the Father in favor of

    deifying Mother Earth, made environmentalism into a neo-pagan religion, and elevated

    animal and plant life to the place of equalor greatervalue with human life; and

    WHEREAS, The scientific community is divided on the effects of mankinds impact on the

    environment; and

    WHEREAS, Some environmental activists are seeking to advance a political agenda based

    on disputed claims, which not only impacts public policy and in turn our economic well-

    being, but also seeks to indoctrinate the public, particularly students in public institutions;


    WHEREAS, Environmentalism is threatening to become a wedge issue to divide theevangelical community and further distract its members from the priority of the Great

    Commission; now, therefore, be it

    RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in

    Greensboro, North Carolina, June 13-14, 2006, renew our commitment to Gods command

    to exercise caring stewardship and wise dominion over the creation (Genesis 1:28); and be
  • 8/9/2019 SBCOn Environmentalism And Evangelicals.pdf


    it further

    RESOLVED, That we urge all Southern Baptists toward the conservation and preservation

    of our natural resources for future generations while respecting ownership and property

    rights; and be it further

    RESOLVED, That we encourage public policy and private enterprise efforts that seek to

    improve the environment based on sound scientific and technological research; and be it


    RESOLVED, That we resist alliances with extreme environmental groups whose positions

    contradict biblical principles (2 Chronicles 19:2)and that we oppose solutions based on

    questionable science, which bar access to natural resources and unnecessarily restrict

    economic development, resulting in less economic opportunity for our poorest citizens; and

    be it finally

    RESOLVED, That we not only reaffirm our God-given responsibility of caring for the

    creation, but above all, that we continue to commit ourselves to the Great Commission to

    take the Good News of Jesus Christ to people of every tribe, tongue, and nation thus

    bringing glory to the One who will make all things new at His coming (Revelation 21:1).