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  SBWM 3103


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1.0 Introduction ……………………………………………………… 1-22.0 Goal and Scope definition…………………………………………… 2-53.0 Inventory Analysis………………………………………………….. 6-8

.0 !nviron"ental i"pact …………………….………………………… 8-#13

5.0 Interpretation ……………………………………………………….. 1-166.0 $eferences ………………………………………………………… 1%-18

1.0 Introduction

&'e ter" (life cycle analysis) 'as *een used "ore fre+uently in "ultiple industries. &'us,

it is i"portant to fully understand t'e process in order to tae its advantaes in order to fullyunderstand. /ife cycle analysis /A is defined as t'e syste"atic approac' of looin at a

 products co"plete life cycle, fro" ra4 "aterials to final disposal of t'e product. It offers a

(cradle to rave) loo at a product or process 4'ile, considerin environ"ental aspects and

t'e potential i"pacts . i"pacts. 'en /As 4ere first developed in t'e 160s, t'ey 4ere

"otivated *y t'e econo"ic strules of t'e ti"e. 7o4ever, t&'rou' t'e 1%0s and 80s, t'is

analytical process 'ad *eca"e*eco"e  less popular due to t'e lac of standardiation.

 9evert'eless, t&'e /A concept 'as once aain *eco"e i"portant to industry and acade"ia.

&'e +uestion of t'e environ"ental i"plications of t'e 'and dryer versus paper to4el is

faced *y "any people, as evidenced *y its coverae in t'e "edia. As suc', t'ere are a nu"*er 

of studies t'at 'as *een conducted taretin t'is particular +uestion, includin a strea"lined

life cycle assess"ent conducted for Airdri /td. and :o*ric as'roo" !+uip"ent t'at

co"pares a standard 4ar" air dryer to paper to4els see fiure 1. ;or e<a"ple, aA

co"parison analysis *et4een cotton roll to4els and paper to4els 'ad *een co""issioned *y

=endor, and so"e calculations 'ad *een "ade *y t'e li"ate onservancy for Salon. A>ore

"ore co"pre'ensive life cycle assess"ents t'at co"ply 4it' t'e IS? 100 and 10 life

cycle assess"ent standards are also availa*le.,  Ianot'er investiationn  involvin "ultiple

types of tissue products produced *yfor  @i"*erly‐lar and a 'and dryer called for !<cel

ryer t'at co"pares its B/!$A&?$C  produced *y !<cel ryer 'and dryer to a standard

4ar" air dryer and paper to4elsfor instance, is an e<a"ple of life cycle assess"ent t'at


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confor" to t'ese standards. A"on all of t'ese studies, only t'e one carried out  *y

>yli"ate co"pares all various types of dryin syste"s 4it' a 'i'-speed 'ands- in dryer 

represented produced *y t'e yson Air*ladeD 'and dryer  4it', a standard 4ar" air dryer,

cotton roll to4els, and paper to4els. 7o4ever, it does not include t'e 'ands‐under variant of 

'i'‐speed dryers  'o4ever . :ecause of t'e studies differin functional units, assu"ptions,

and data, life cycle assess"ent outco"es cannot *e easily co"pared. yson co""issioned

t'is study as a "eans of addressin t'is ap.

Figure 1 Drying systems included in this study (left to right): Dyson Airblade hand dryer !ith a

plastic co"er# $%cel &'$A*+ hand dryer# generic standard !arm air hand dryer# generic

cotton roll to!els and dispenser# and paper to!els and dispenser. ,ote: pictures are not sho!n !ith a

consistent relati"e scale.

 A life cycle assess"ent t'at follo4s t'e /A standards IS? 100 and 10 standards

contains four "ain stepsEi. Goal and scope definition articulatines  t'e o*Fectives, functional unit under 

consideration, and reional and te"poral *oundaries of t'e assess"ent.ii. Inventory analysis entailins t'e +uantification of enery, 4ater, and "aterial resource

re+uire"ents, and e"issions to air, land, and 4ater for all unit processes 4it'in t'e life

cycle.iii. I"pact assess"ent evaluatines  t'e 'u"an and ecoloical effects of t'e resource

consu"ption and e"issions to t'e environ"ent associated 4it' t'e life cycle.iv. Interpretation of  t'e results includines an evaluation of t'e i"pact assess"ent results 4it'in

t'e conte<t of t'e li"itations, uncertainty, and assu"ptions in t'e inventory data and scope.

-.0 oal and /cope definition

-.1 oal

&'e overall oal of t'is study is to co"pare t'e life cycle environ"ental i"pact of 

several 'and‐dryin syste"s usin a consistent *asis. Specific oals are toE1. !valuate 'o4 'and‐dryin syste"s i"pact t'e environ"ent under different

"anufacturin and use scenarios.


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2. Identify i"pact drivers and 4ays to taret t'ose factors.3. Infor" product desin decisions. &'e report 'as t4o audiences. &'e first audience

is any interested party 4'o 4is'es to understand t'e data, assu"ptions, and

"et'odoloies used to calculate life cycle environ"ental i"pact for t'e 'and ‐

dryin syste"s. &'e second audience is t'e yson enineers 4'o are interested in

understandin t'e drivers of environ"ental i"pact for t'e 'and‐dryin syste"s.

-.- /cope

&'e seven syste"s for dryin 'ands are evaluated in t'is report 4'ic' includesE1.  A yson Air*ladeD 'and dryer 4it' an alu"inu"alu"iniu" cover a 'i'‐

speed 'ands‐in dryer.2.  A yson Air*ladeD 'and dryer 4it' a plastic cover a 'i'‐speed 'ands‐in


3.  An !<cel B/!$A&?$C 'and dryer a 'i'‐speed 'ands‐under dryer.4.  A eneric standard 4ar" air 'and dryer a 'ands‐under dryer.5. Generic cotton roll to4els.6.  Generic paper to4els "anufactured fro" virin content .content.7. Generic paper to4els "anufactured fro" 100 recycled content .content.

In addition to t'e dryers and to4els, t'e pacain is also considered in all cases. ,

asIn t'e case of t'e to4el syste"s 4ell as t'e dispensers in t'e case of t'e to4el

syste"s, and a 4aste *in and *in liners for t'e paper to4el syste"s  4ere also

considered &a*le 1.

able 1 Additional product life cycles included in hand dryer or to!el systems


-.-.1 Functional unit


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A sinle pair of dry 'ands represents t'e functional unit. &'e

correspondin reference flo4s t'erefore, include t'e allocated fraction of a

'and dryer or t'e nu"*er of cotton or paper to4els associated 4it' dryin

t'at pair of 'ands. ;or t'e 'and dryers, (dry) is defined *y t'e 9S;

Hrotocol H335, 4'ic' sets fort' a standard for dryer operation and 'yiene,t'ere*y providin a consistent *asis for deter"inin use ti"es. Alt'ou'

'yiene is part of t'e protocol and is anot'er purpose of t'e syste"s t'at is

of interest to t'e scientific co""unity, it is not considered in t'is analysis.

Since 'and dryers clearly dry "ore t'an one pair of 'ands over t'eir 

lifeti"e, t'eir i"pact 'as to *e allocated across all t'ese pairs of 

'ands. &'e sa"e 'olds true for t'e cotton roll to4els, to4el dispensers,

4aste *in, *in liners, and t'e pacain used *y t'ese products. Allocation

is acco"plis'ed *y assu"in dryers 'ave a 5‐year life span iven t'e 5‐

year 4arranties on t'e 'i'‐speed ,speed dryer,  over 4'ic' t'ey dry

350,000 pairs of 'ands e+ual to appro<i"ately 1,350 pairs of 'ands a

4ee. &'erefore, 1J350,000 or 2.86 K 10‐6   ❑  of t'e i"pact of a dryer 

is allocated to t'e functional unit. &'e sa"e assu"ptions are used for t'e

to4el dispensers, 4aste *in, and t'e pacain. &'e effect of dryer lifeti"e

usae on environ"ental i"pact is investiated in t'e sensitivity analysis.

:in liners and cotton roll to4els are also used for "ultiple pairs of dry

'ands *ut do not last t'e full 350,000 uses. &'erefore t'ey re+uire t'eir 

o4n allocation strateies. If five *in liners are consu"ed eac' 4eeone

for eac' 4orday eac' liner 4ill correspond to, on averae, 2%0 pairs of 

dry 'ands. onse+uently, 1J2%0 or 0.003% *in liners are allocated to t'e

functional unit. Additionally, t'e presence of paper to4els 4ill increase t'e

need to c'ane t'e liners. /ie4ise, t'e fact t'at cotton to4els can *e

laundered and reused an averae of 103 ti"es *efore t'ey are disposed 'as

to *e taen into account 4'en calculatin t'e fraction of a to4el re+uired to

fullfill t'e functional unit. 9o allocation is necessary for paper to4els.

-.-.- /ystem oundary


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&'e analysis includes cover t'e entire staes of t'eall life cycle staes,fro"

cradle to rave, alontoet'er  4it' t'e transportation process *et4een eac'

stae. &'ese staes and t'eir correspondin locations are s'o4n in ;iure

2 for t'e 'and dryer, cotton roll to4el, and paper to4el syste"s. In order to

 put t'e 'and‐dryin syste"s on e+ual footin fro" a supply c'ain

standpoint and to "ae t'e analysis strictly to *e a co"parison *et4een t'e

 perfor"ance of t'e product syste"s rat'er t'an *et4een specific supply

c'ain scenarios, all syste"s  ,  4it' t'e e<ception of paper to4els, are

assu"ed to *e "anufactured in 'ina and used in t'e >alaysia. 'ina is a

co""on location for t'e "anufacturin of tec'noloicaly products andL it

is also a reasona*le assu"ption for t'e "anufacture ofin t'e case of  cotton

roll to4els  . Haper to4els, on t'e ot'er 'and, are assu"ed to *e *ot'

"anufactured and used in t'e >alaysia. *ecause &t'is represents t'eindustry standard for a product t'at is used in a location 4'ere t'e ra4

"aterials are plentiful and 'aveat a co"petitive price and 4'ere t'e

 production is not la*orla*our  ‐intensive.


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Figure - and dryer# cotton roll to!el# and paper to!el life cycle stages and the corresponding

assumed locations s


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assumptions forfor the baseline scenario.

2.0 I"entory analysis


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In particular, all products,  4it' t'e e<ception of paper to4els, are assu"ed to *e

"anufactured in 'ina see ;iure 2, even t'ou' t'is is not necessarily t'e case for t'e

dryers in reality real practice e.., t'e B/!$A&?$C dryer is produced in t'e MS and t'e

yson Air*ladeD 'and dryer is produced in >alaysia. &'e use of a consistent *asis for 

"anufacturin location and transportation distances is "otivated *y an o*Fective of t'e studyto co"pare t'e influence of different "anufacturin and use scenarios of t'e different 'and‐

dryin syste"s. &'is analysis is only "eaninful if t'e supply c'ain scenarios are t'e sa"e

and plausi*le for si"ilar products. 'ina is a 'i'ly plausi*le location for t'e production of 

'and dryers *ecause it is a co""on location for t'e "anufacturin of tec'noloical

 products. Msin a consistent *asis ena*les a co"parison a"on products t'at is focused on

 product attri*utes includin "aterial co"position, "anufacturin process, and enery

consu"ption, and not on supply c'ain confiuration 4'ic' is not no4n for all

 products. 7o4ever, a sensitivity analysis on "anufacturin location is included to e<plore

t'e i"pact of t'is assu"ption. Haper to4els are t'e e<ception to t'is practice 4'ereE t'is study

assu"es t'at t'e paper to4els are produced and used in t'e MS *ecause t'is is t'e industry

standard for a product t'at is used in a location 4'ere t'e ra4 "aterials are plentiful at a

co"petitive price and t'e production is not la*or ‐intensivela*our-intensive.

2.1 3roduction: materials and manufacturing

&'is analysis accounts for t'e i"pact of "aterial production, includin upstrea"i"pact startin fro" ore e<traction. ryer "aterials are conservatively assu"ed to *e

"anufactured fro" virin content. &'ey are transported 250 " fro" t'eir respective

 production or storae facility to t'e "anufacturin plant 4'ere dryer or to4el

"anufacturin taes place. &4o 'undred fifty ilo"eters 4as c'osen as an

inter"ediate distance *et4een t'e %50 " *y road assu"ed in Airdri and !<cel studies

and t'e 30 " used in t'e report for ar*on &rust. it' t'e e<ception of t'e paper 

to4el syste"s, all "aterials production and "anufacturin taes place in 'ina. L

conse+uently, t'e 'inese averae rid "i<, alon 4it' 'inese e"ission factors 4'en

availa*le, is assu"ed for t'e production of electricity. Haper to4els, *y contrast, are

assu"ed to *e "anufactured in t'e MS and t'us rely on t'e MS. ?nce t'e products are

finis'ed, t'ey are t'en s'ipped to a distri*ution centercentre  and fro" t'ere to a

4as'roo". All transportation steps in t'is analysis are consolidated into a separate life

cycle stae.8

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2.- 4se

Mse intensity represents t'e a"ount of resources eac' 'and‐dryin syste" re+uires

to dry a pair of 'ands. ;or 'and dryers, t'is is related to t'e ti"e users spend

operatin t'e dryers. 7and dryer dry ti"es 'ave *een incorporated into t'e study in

t4o 4aysE 1 "easured accordin to a standard t'at defines 4'en 'ands are dry and

2 reported *y dryer "anufacturers &a*le 3.

able - 5easured and reported dry times for hand dryers.

&o ensure a consistent, scientific *asis 4'en co"parin 'and dryers, t'is study

adopts "easured dry ti"es as its pri"ary *aseline. &'ese ti"es 4ere "easured

accordin to t'e 9S; Hrotocol H335, 4'ic' defines 'yienically dry 'ands 'as 'avinless t'an 0.1 ra"s of "oisture re"ainin after dryin. 9S; protocol "easure"ents

4ere perfor"ed *y yson. >anufacturer ‐reported dry ti"es are used as a secondary

 *aseline for so"e analyses. &'ese reported dry ti"es 4ere o*tained fro" dryer 

specifications taen fro" "anufacturers 4e*sites. 9eit'er !<cel ryer nor t'e

standard dryer "anufacturers, 'o4ever, provide docu"entation on 'o4 t'ey arrived at

t'eir dryers respective dry ti"es or 4'at t'eir *asis 4as for dryness. =ariation in use

intensity is also evaluated in order to assess t'e conse+uences of differin user 

 preferences and t'us, differin usae patterns. ?nce dry ti"e is deter"ined, it is t'en

"ultiplied *y t'e dryers in‐use rated po4er to arrive at t'e enery consu"ed durin

operation. In‐use enery consu"ption, t'ou', is only part of a dryers total enery

re+uire"ent as dryers also consu"e enery even 4'en not actively dryin 'ands. In

addition to dry ti"e, *ot' t'e B/!$A&?$C and t'e standard dryers are assu"ed to

'ave a 1.5 second spin do4n ti"e at 'alf po4erL t'e yson Air*ladeD 'and dryer, *y9

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contrast, uses a diital "otor and does not consu"e po4er durin spin‐do4n. All

dryers are also assu"ed to 'ave sensors t'at re+uire enery 4'en in stand*y

"ode. &'e B/!$A&?$C is assu"ed to 'ave t'e sa"e 1‐ stand*y po4er 

consu"ption as t'e yson Air*ladeD 'and dryer, 4'ereas t'e standard dryer is 'as a

lo4er consu"ption at 0.‐. &i"e spent on stand*y is calculated *y su*tractin t'e

total use and spin‐do4n ti"e for 350,000 pairs of 'ands fro" t'e total ti"e in t'e 5

year dryer life span. &'is total stand*y ti"e is t'en nor"alied *y t'e 350,000 uses

and "ultiplied *y stand*y po4er ratin. ;ro" 'ere, spin‐do4n and stand*y enery

consu"ptions are added to a dryers in‐use enery consu"ption to arrive at t'e total

enery allocated to dryin a pair of 'ands.

2.2 $nd *f life Cycle

?nce t'e 'and dryers or to4els are no loner in use, t'e products are transported

100 " to a 4aste facility, consistent 4it', and disposed accordin to >alaysia

averae 4aste and recyclin fractions fro"data o*tained in  2008. &'us, %6.% of 

card*oard pacain is recovered for recyclinL eac' ilora" of card*oard is

assu"ed to displace 0.%8 of ne4 card*oard. 9ineteen percent of t'e re"ainin

card*oard and all ot'er 4aste is incinerated, 4it' t'e re"ainin 81 sent to t'e

landfill. :ot' enery recovery fro" incineration and "et'ane capture fro" landfill

e"issions are considered in t'e *aseline scenario. Incineration enery recovery is

assu"ed to produce 0.65 ' of electricity per ilora" of 4aste incinerated. Since

t'is 0.65‐' represents t'e avoided production of electricity, eac' dryin syste" is

credited 4it' 0.632  ?2e e+  per ilora" of 4aste incineratedt'e e"issions

associated 4it' producin 0.65 ' of electricity iven t'e >alaysia averae rid

"i<. >et'ane captured fro" landfill e"issions is also assu"ed to *e *urned 4it'

enery recovery to produce electricity. A  side fro" t'e recyclin of card*oard

 pacain, no ot'er recyclin is assu"ed to tae place. 'ile 'and dryers can *e

recycled, t'ere is no clear evidence t'at t'is is t'e co""on practice in t'e>alaysia. /ie t'e 'and dryers, t'ere is also no stron evidence t'at recyclin paper 

to4els is  a  co""on practice in t'e >alaysia.L  co"postin, 'o4ever, is ainin

round and is t'us addressed in t'e sensitivity analysis. otton to4els are not recycled,

 *ut can potentially *e reused as industrial cleanin clot's alt'ou' t'is scenario is not

considered in t'is analysis.


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6.0 $n"ironmental Impact Assessment

;iure 3 s'o4s t'e resultin Glo*al ar"in Hotential GH, *roen do4n *y life cycle

staes, associated 4it' dryin one pair of 'ands. :ot' "easured and reported dry ti"es are

included in ;iure 5a and  *, respectively. In *ot' cases, t'e t4o yson Air*ladeD 'and

dryer syste"s are associated 4it' t'e lo4est GHs of all t'e 'and‐dryin syste"s, follo4ed

 *y t'e B/!$A&?$C syste". &'e standard dryer syste", on t'e ot'er 'and, is associated

4it' t'e 'i'est GH. Since eac' dryer dries up to 350,000 pairs of 'ands over its life span,

t'e i"pact fro" t'e production and end‐of ‐life staes allocated to eac' pair of dry 'ands is

very s"all.L  conse+uently, dryer i"pact is do"inated *y use and dryers 4it' si"ilar dry

ti"es and po4er ratins t'at 4ill 'ave si"ilar i"pacts. otton roll to4el syste" i"pact is

also do"inated *y use, 4'ic' is driven *y t'e 4as'in of t'e to4els. :y contrast, "aterials

and "anufacturin 'ave t'e larest i"pact for paper to4els.

Figure 2 lobal !arming potential associated !ith drying a single pair of hands.

espite t'e different "anufacturin processes, t'ere is a "ini"al differences *et4een t'e

virin and t'e recycled paper to4els *ecause t'ey t'is study assu"es t'at t'ey use t'e sa"e


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tissue "anufacturin process. 7ence,, and t'e pulp produced fro" 4aste paper 'as nearly t'e

sa"e GH as pulp produced 4it' virin 4ood. It is difficult to assess e<actly 'o4 t'is

assu"ption i"pacts t'e results  *ecause due to t'e fact t'at t'e @i"*erly‐lar study

calculates at 30 increase in GH i"pact for recycled paper to4els over virin paper to4els,

4'ereas t'e Haper &as ;orce noted in a 15 report on printin paper t'at deined pulp

 production consu"es less enery and "ore *leac'in c'e"icals t'an *leac'ed raft pulp

 production. &'e c'ec indicates t'at t'ere is  a variation in ot'er pu*lis'ed results of paper 

to4el i"pacts, *ut t'e outco"es in t'is study are si"ilar to t'ose calculated in t'e @i"*erly‐

lar study. I"proved inventory data on recycled paper to4els 4ould 'elp to clarify t'ese

discrepancies a"on studies. 26 I>HA& 2002N results, calculated usin "easured and

reported dry ti"es, are presented in ;iure .

Figure 6 Impact associated !ith drying a single pair of hands based on impact -00-7 endpoints

human health and ecosystem 8uality. (a) and (c) are calculated using measured dry times (in

accordance !ith the ,/F 3rotocol) and (b) and (d) are calculated using manufacturer reported dry



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?nly 'u"an 'ealt' and ecosyste" +uality are included *ecause t'e ot'er t4o endpoint

cateories 4'ic' are, cli"ate c'ane and resources, are "ade redundant *y t'is reports use of 

GH and !. Additionally, "idpoint cateory outputs, used in t'e calculation of t'e

endpoints, are included in &a*le 3. In t'ese results, t'e i"pacts of t'e yson Air*ladeD 'and

dryers are enerally lo4er t'an t'ose of t'e ot'er dryin syste"s 4'ere*yE only t'e cotton rollto4els are associated 4it' lo4er i"pacts in t'e carcinoen, ioniin radiation, and "ineral

e<traction "idpoint cateories. $ou'ly speain, yson Air*ladeD 'and dryer i"pacts are

follo4ed *y t'e B/!$A&?$C and cotton roll to4el i"pacts, and t'en *y t'e standard dryer 

and paper to4el i"pacts.L  &t'e e<act order of t'e syste"s 4ill ulti"ately depend on t'e

"idpoint cateory.


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able 2 Impact -00-7 midpoint category results for each drying system (gi"en measured dry


! results, also calculated usin "easured and reported dry ti"es,  are presented in

;iure 5. Aain, t'e 'i'‐speed dryer syste"s are s'o4n to 'ave t'e lo4est i"pacts, and t'e

 paper to4el and t'e standard dryer syste"s are t'e 'i'est, 4it' t'e cotton roll to4el syste"


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fallin so"e4'ere in *et4een. In t'e case of !, virin paper to4els 'ave t'e 'i'er 

i"pact *ecause t'e "et'odoloy accounts for t'e enery e"*odied in virin 4ood.

Figure 9 Cumulati"e energy demand associated !ith drying a single pair of hands# assuming (a)

measured dry times and (b) reported dry times.


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$esults fro" 4ater consu"ption and land occupation are s'o4n in ;iures 6 and %,

respectively , for "easured dry ti"es only. ater consu"ption is calculated directly fro" t'e

life cycle inventories, and land occupation is a "idpoint cateory 4it'in I>HA& 2002N and

contri*utes to t'e ecosyste" +uality endpoint cateory.

Figure ;ater consumption associated !ith drying a single pair of hands (calculated from life cycle

in"entories based on measured dry times).

Figure < 'and occupation (I53AC -00-7 midpoint) associated !ith drying a single pair of hands

(calculated based on measured dry times).


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9.0 Interpretation

&'e life cycle interpretation section focuses on t'e understandin of t'e life cycle i"pact

assess"ent results 4it'in t'e conte<t of t'e analysis li"itations, uncertainty, and

assu"ptions. &'is is acco"plis'ed 4it' t'rou' sensitivity and uncertainty analyses. &'e

for"er evaluates varia*ility in *aseline scenario assu"ptions, one para"eter at a ti"e, 4'ile

t'e latter e<plores si"ultaneous variation of para"eters as 4ell as addresses t'e uncertainty int'e *ill of activities data. A pediree "atri< and >onte arlo si"ulation are respectively used

to +uantify and to propaate uncertainties in t'e analysis

9.1 /ensiti"ity analysis

 ?ne scenario alone cannot account for t'e 4ide rane of usae patterns or ot'er 

 para"eters t'at can affect environ"ental i"pact. Sensitivity analyses are t'erefore

conducted to address t'e varia*ility in t'e *aseline scenarios

assu"ptions. Assu"ptions addressed includeEi. /ifeti"e usaeii. >anufacturin p'ase electric rid "i<iii. Mse p'ase electric rid "i<iv. Mse intensityv. !nd‐of ‐life scenariovi. ryer electronics unit process < otton roll to4el reusesvii. Haper to4el "ass


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viii. Hulp "anufacturin processi<. !nd‐of ‐life allocation "et'odoloy for recycled content in paper 

to4els<. >anufacturin location<i. Mse location

In t'ese analyses, t'e 'and‐dryin syste" GHs are co"pared under different

scenarios to assess t'e ro*ustness of t'e o*servation t'at 'i'‐speed dryers 'ave t'e

lo4est i"pact of all t'e syste"s. &'ese analyses are also used to evaluate 'o4

different factors affect eac' syste"s environ"ental *urden and 4'ic' of t'ose factors

"atter t'e "ost. &'e results indicate t'at electric rid "i< and use intensity e<ert t'e

larest influence on dryin syste" GH. /ater, a >onte arlo si"ulation is used to

evaluate t'e uncertainty surroundin t'e *aseline scenario assu"ptions. ryer i"pact

is calculated assu"in "easured dry ti"e as assessed 4it' t'e 9S; Hrotocol H335.

9.- 4ncertain analysis

9.-.1 /cenario uncertainty

Scenario uncertainty results indicate t'at t'e variation in dryer syste"

GH is pri"arily driven *y t'e variation in use stae use-rid "i<,

follo4ed *y dryer use intensity. :y contrast, t'e variation in cotton roll

to4el syste" GH is due to c'anes in to4el use intensity and t'en to

c'anes in "anufacturin‐ and use‐stae rid "i<. ;or t'e paper to4el

syste"s, variation in t'e to4el use intensity and in t'e "anufacturin stae

rid "i< "atter t'e "ost. ryin syste" use intensity is decoupled for 

dryers and to4els under t'e assu"ption t'at t'e averae user treats 'and

dryers, cotton roll to4els, and paper to4els differently. ;or instance, a user 

4'o only spends a fe4 seconds in front of a 'and dryer "ay nonet'eless

ra* t'ree paper to4els to dry 'is 'ands +uicly.

:aseline results in t'is study s'o4 t'at t'e environ"ental i"pact of 'i' ‐

speed 'and dryers is enerally lo4er t'an t'at of ot'er 'and‐dryin syste"s,

alt'ou' t'e e<act ran order of t'e syste"s is sensitive to /IA "et'odoloy see

&a*le .


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able 6 an= order of en"ironmental impact of the products using the baseline scenario and


dry times for all of the impact assessment metrics (1 > lo!est impact# < > highest impact).


&'e yson Air*ladeD 'and dryer syste", 'o4ever, 'as t'e lo4est i"pact

reardless of i"pact assess"ent "et'od. !ven 4'en scenario uncertainty is taen

into account, t'e GH of t'is dryin syste" is nearly al4ays t'e lo4est, provided

users follo4 t'e dryin‐ *ased usae pattern and t'at 'and dryer ti"es are

correlated. It s'ould *e noted, 'o4ever, t'at under ti"e‐ *ased assu"ptions, t'e

i"pact of t'e B/!$A&?$C dryer syste" is very close to t'at of yson

Air*ladeD 'and dryer syste". Study results also indicate t'at t'e use stae is t'e

 pri"ary driver of dryer syste" i"pact. Haper to4el syste" i"pact, *y contrast, is19

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driven *y t'e production stae and cotton roll to4el syste" i"pact *y *ot' t'e

 production and use staes. &'erefore, it is not surprisin t'at electricity rid "i<

and use intensity 'ave t'e larest influence on t'e GH outco"es, as

de"onstrated in t'e sensitivity analysis. &'ese t4o para"eters also contri*ute t'e

"ost to varia*ility in t'e scenario analysis.



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