Torres Strait Island Regional Council Planning Scheme Page 719 Schedule 3: Local government infrastructure plan mapping and supporting material SC3.15 Ugar (Stephens) Island maps

SC3.15 Ugar (Stephens) Island maps - Torres Strait Island Region - Schedule 3 -SC3.15 Ugar... · tyssemiUhsneohtlaaetest gt ram tr t ar,. Ugi•lmhaas r ietdsp acaveo wfadria albesetl

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Page 1: SC3.15 Ugar (Stephens) Island maps - Torres Strait Island Region - Schedule 3 -SC3.15 Ugar... · tyssemiUhsneohtlaaetest gt ram tr t ar,. Ugi•lmhaas r ietdsp acaveo wfadria albesetl

Torres Strait Island Regional Council

Planning SchemePage 719

Schedule 3: Local government infrastructure plan mapping and supporting material

SC3.15 Ugar (Stephens) Island maps

Page 2: SC3.15 Ugar (Stephens) Island maps - Torres Strait Island Region - Schedule 3 -SC3.15 Ugar... · tyssemiUhsneohtlaaetest gt ram tr t ar,. Ugi•lmhaas r ietdsp acaveo wfadria albesetl

Torres Strait Island Regional Council

Planning SchemePage 720

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Page 3: SC3.15 Ugar (Stephens) Island maps - Torres Strait Island Region - Schedule 3 -SC3.15 Ugar... · tyssemiUhsneohtlaaetest gt ram tr t ar,. Ugi•lmhaas r ietdsp acaveo wfadria albesetl

Ugar Road 3

Ned Street

Ugar Road 2

Naigar Road

Randal StreetWater Road

Apro Road

Rankif Road

Zenadth KesPlanning Scheme:

Planning Scheme forThe Torres Strait IslandRegional Council Area

LEGENDLocal Government Infrastructure Plan

LGIP AreaR oadCadastral Bound arie sLGA


Ugar (Stephens)

Location Map

Local Gove rnm e nt Infrastructure PlanLGIP Area – Ugar Island

´0 100 200

Kilom e tre s

0 30 6015Me tre s

°Projection:GDA 1994 MGA Zone 54 Datum:GDA 1994

Updated: 18/12/2015

1:3,000Approx. Scale @A3

Data Source s:Unle ss state d be low all land use, road , or natural feature d ata sh ownis from th e Strategic Land use Plan (SLUP) by th e R PS Group 2010.Cad astral Bound arie s:Surve y e d by Brazie r Motti, 2015Com m unity Consultation 2013:Local Nam e s, Place s and id e ntifie d facilitie sQue e nsland De pt. Natural R e source s and Environm e nt:Im age ry,LGA Bound arie s, Te rrain data and Flood ing lay e rsAECOM:all strategic fram ework , zoning and local area plan d ata ism od ifie d from th e SLUP and DNR M source d ata.Jam e s Cook Unive rsity :Coastal Hazard and Coastal Innund ation wh e resh own.Erosion Prone Are as:(c) State of Que e nsland (De partm e nt of Environm e ntand He ritage Protection), 2014Location Map Base Data:World Stre e t Map @ ESR I Online. Source s:Source s: Esri, HER E, DeLorm e,USGS, Inte rm ap, incre m e nt P Corp., NR CAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri Ch ina(Hong Kong), Esri (Th ailand ), Tom Tom , Mapm y Ind ia, © Ope nStre e tMapcontributors, and th e GIS Use r Com m unityMain Map Im age ry :Ugar (Ste ph e ns) 10 cm Mosaic @ SISP, 2011Disclaimer:AECOM does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information displayed in this mapand any person using it does so at their own risk. AECOM shall bear no responsibility orliability for any errors, faults, defects, or omissions in the information. Where not part of theDCDB, internal lot boundaries have been derived based on visible occupation of land from2011,2012 and 2013 orthorectified aerial imagery and CAD Detail Survey. They should notbe considered spatially accurate (Derived Lot Boundary)

Page 4: SC3.15 Ugar (Stephens) Island maps - Torres Strait Island Region - Schedule 3 -SC3.15 Ugar... · tyssemiUhsneohtlaaetest gt ram tr t ar,. Ugi•lmhaas r ietdsp acaveo wfadria albesetl

Ugar Road 3

Ned Street

Ugar Road 2

Naigar Road

Randal StreetWater Road

Apro Road

Rankif Road






Water Treatment Buildings


ElevatedWater Tank

Zenadth KesPlanning Scheme:

Planning Scheme forThe Torres Strait IslandRegional Council Area

LEGENDLocal Government Infrastructure Plan

Wate r InfrastructureR oadCadastral Bound arie sLGA


Ugar (Stephens)

Location Map

Local Gove rnm e nt Infrastructure PlanWate r Infrastructure – Ugar Island

´0 100 200

Kilom e tre s

0 30 6015Me tre s

°Projection:GDA 1994 MGA Zone 54 Datum:GDA 1994

Updated: 18/12/2015

1:3,000Approx. Scale @A3

Data Source s:Unle ss state d be low all land use, road , or natural feature d ata sh ownis from th e Strategic Land use Plan (SLUP) by th e R PS Group 2010.Cad astral Bound arie s:Surve y e d by Brazie r Motti, 2015Com m unity Consultation 2013:Local Nam e s, Place s and id e ntifie d facilitie sQue e nsland De pt. Natural R e source s and Environm e nt:Im age ry,LGA Bound arie s, Te rrain data and Flood ing lay e rsAECOM:all strategic fram ework , zoning and local area plan d ata ism od ifie d from th e SLUP and DNR M source d ata.Jam e s Cook Unive rsity :Coastal Hazard and Coastal Innund ation wh e resh own.Erosion Prone Are as:(c) State of Que e nsland (De partm e nt of Environm e ntand He ritage Protection), 2014Location Map Base Data:World Stre e t Map @ ESR I Online. Source s:Source s: Esri, HER E, DeLorm e,USGS, Inte rm ap, incre m e nt P Corp., NR CAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri Ch ina(Hong Kong), Esri (Th ailand ), Tom Tom , Mapm y Ind ia, © Ope nStre e tMapcontributors, and th e GIS Use r Com m unityMain Map Im age ry :Ugar (Ste ph e ns) 10 cm Mosaic @ SISP, 2011Disclaimer:AECOM does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information displayed in this mapand any person using it does so at their own risk. AECOM shall bear no responsibility orliability for any errors, faults, defects, or omissions in the information. Where not part of theDCDB, internal lot boundaries have been derived based on visible occupation of land from2011,2012 and 2013 orthorectified aerial imagery and CAD Detail Survey. They should notbe considered spatially accurate (Derived Lot Boundary)

Page 5: SC3.15 Ugar (Stephens) Island maps - Torres Strait Island Region - Schedule 3 -SC3.15 Ugar... · tyssemiUhsneohtlaaetest gt ram tr t ar,. Ugi•lmhaas r ietdsp acaveo wfadria albesetl

Ugar Road 3

Ned Street

Ugar Road 2

Naigar Road

Randal StreetWater Road

Apro Road

Rankif Road


Septic PumpoutDisposal Area

within Waste Depot

Zenadth KesPlanning Scheme:

Planning Scheme forThe Torres Strait IslandRegional Council Area

LEGENDLocal Government Infrastructure Plan

Sewer Infrastruc tureRoadCadastral Bound ariesLGA


Ugar (Stephens)

Location Map

Local Gov ernm ent Infrastruc ture PlanSewer Infrastruc ture – Ug ar Island

´0 100 200

Kilom etres

Note: • Ug ar is not currently serv iced by a reticulated sewerag e system .• All c om m unity sewag e is treated v ia septic tanks and underg round

absorption techniques.• The septic tank system s should func tion appropriately prov id ed they

are c orrectly d esig ned, installed and m aintained and that future housing blocks have suffic ient areas allocated for the underg round trenches.

• There are no im m ed iate plans to construc t a reticulated sewerag e system at Ug ar, at least in the short term .

• Ug ar has lim ited space available for waste d isposal.• Ug ar has a waste depot located on the western sid e of the island,

past the helipad .• The current waste m anag em ent practice is a basic trench,

burn and bury operation.Source: ‘Sustainable Land Use Plan’ (SLUP) 2010, pag e 8

0 30 6015Metres

°Projection:GDA 1994 MGA Zone 54 Datum:GDA 1994

Updated: 18/12/2015

1:3,000Approx. Scale @A3

Data Sources:Unless stated below all land use, road , or natural feature d ata shownis from the Strateg ic Land use Plan (SLUP) by the RPS Group 2010.Cad astral Bound aries:Surveyed by Brazier Motti, 2015Com m unity Consultation 2013:Local Nam es, Places and id entified fac ilitiesQ ueensland Dept. Natural Resources and Env ironm ent:Im ag ery,LGA Bound aries, Terrain data and Flood ing layersAECOM:all strateg ic fram ework, zoning and local area plan d ata ism od ified from the SLUP and DNRM source d ata.Jam es Cook Univ ersity:Coastal Hazard and Coastal Innund ation whereshown.Erosion Prone Areas:(c) State of Q ueensland (Departm ent of Env ironm entand Heritag e Protec tion), 2014Location Map Base Data:World Street Map @ ESRI Online. Sources:Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorm e,USGS, Interm ap, inc rem ent P Corp., NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China(Hong Kong ), Esri (Thailand ), Tom Tom , Mapm yInd ia, © OpenStreetMapc ontributors, and the GIS User Com m unityMain Map Im ag ery:Ug ar (Stephens) 10 cm Mosaic @ SISP, 2011Disclaimer:AECOM does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information displayed in this mapand any person using it does so at their own risk. AECOM shall bear no responsibility orliability for any errors, faults, defects, or omissions in the information. Where not part of theDCDB, internal lot boundaries have been derived based on visible occupation of land from2011,2012 and 2013 orthorectified aerial imagery and CAD Detail Survey. They should not

Page 6: SC3.15 Ugar (Stephens) Island maps - Torres Strait Island Region - Schedule 3 -SC3.15 Ugar... · tyssemiUhsneohtlaaetest gt ram tr t ar,. Ugi•lmhaas r ietdsp acaveo wfadria albesetl

Ugar Road 3

Ned Street

Ugar Road 2

Naigar Road

Randal StreetWater Road

Apro Road

Rankif Road

Zenadth KesPlanning Scheme:

Planning Scheme forThe Torres Strait IslandRegional Council Area

LEGENDLocal Government Infrastructure Plan

HelipadTransport InfrastructureCadastral Bound arie sLGA


Ugar (Stephens)

Location Map

Local Gove rnm e nt Infrastructure PlanTransport Infrastructure – Ugar Island

´0 100 200

Kilom e tre s

0 30 6015Me tre s

°Projection:GDA 1994 MGA Zone 54 Datum:GDA 1994

Updated: 18/12/2015

1:3,000Approx. Scale @A3

Data Source s:Unle ss state d be low all land use, road , or natural feature d ata sh ownis from th e Strategic Land use Plan (SLUP) by th e R PS Group 2010.Cad astral Bound arie s:Surve y e d by Brazie r Motti, 2015Com m unity Consultation 2013:Local Nam e s, Place s and id e ntifie d facilitie sQue e nsland De pt. Natural R e source s and Environm e nt:Im age ry,LGA Bound arie s, Te rrain data and Flood ing lay e rsAECOM:all strategic fram ework , zoning and local area plan d ata ism od ifie d from th e SLUP and DNR M source d ata.Jam e s Cook Unive rsity :Coastal Hazard and Coastal Innund ation wh e resh own.Erosion Prone Are as:(c) State of Que e nsland (De partm e nt of Environm e ntand He ritage Protection), 2014Location Map Base Data:World Stre e t Map @ ESR I Online. Source s:Source s: Esri, HER E, DeLorm e,USGS, Inte rm ap, incre m e nt P Corp., NR CAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri Ch ina(Hong Kong), Esri (Th ailand ), Tom Tom , Mapm y Ind ia, © Ope nStre e tMapcontributors, and th e GIS Use r Com m unityMain Map Im age ry :Ugar (Ste ph e ns) 10 cm Mosaic @ SISP, 2011Disclaimer:AECOM does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information displayed in this mapand any person using it does so at their own risk. AECOM shall bear no responsibility orliability for any errors, faults, defects, or omissions in the information. Where not part of theDCDB, internal lot boundaries have been derived based on visible occupation of land from2011,2012 and 2013 orthorectified aerial imagery and CAD Detail Survey. They should notbe considered spatially accurate (Derived Lot Boundary)

Note:An airfield is not trunk infrastructure for th e purpose s of th eLGIP. Th is ite m h as be e n includ e d for inform ation purpose sonly.

Page 7: SC3.15 Ugar (Stephens) Island maps - Torres Strait Island Region - Schedule 3 -SC3.15 Ugar... · tyssemiUhsneohtlaaetest gt ram tr t ar,. Ugi•lmhaas r ietdsp acaveo wfadria albesetl

Ugar Road 3

Ned Street

Ugar Road 2

Naigar Road

Randal StreetWater Road

Apro Road

Rankif Road







Water SupplyInfrastructure





Water SupplyInfrastructure











Zenadth KesPlanning Scheme:

Planning Scheme forThe Torres Strait IslandRegional Council Area

LEGENDLocal Government Infrastructure Plan

HelipadCom m unityInfrastructureR oad InfrastructureCadastral Bound arie sLGA


Ugar (Stephens)

Location MapLocal Gove rnm e nt Infrastructure Plan

Com m unity and Infrastructure – Ugar Island

´0 100 200

Kilom e tre s

0 30 6015Metre s

°Projection:GDA 1994 MGA Zone 54 Datum:GDA 1994

Updated: 18/12/2015

1:3,000Approx. Scale @A3

Data Source s:Unle ss state d be low all land use, road , or natural feature d ata sh ow nis from th e Strategic Land use Plan (SLUP) by th e R PS Group 2010.Cad astral Bound arie s:Surve ye d by Brazie r Motti, 2015Com m unity Consultation 2013:Local Nam e s, Place s and id e ntifie d facilitie sQue e nsland De pt. Natural R e source s and Environm e nt:Im age ry,LGA Bound arie s, Te rrain data and Flood ing laye rsAECOM:all strategic fram e w ork , zoning and local area plan d ata ism od ifie d from th e SLUP and DNR M source d ata.Jam e s Cook Unive rsity:Coastal Hazard and Coastal Innund ation w h e resh ow n.Erosion Prone Are as:(c) State of Que e nsland (De partm e nt of Environm e ntand He ritage Protection), 2014Location Map Base Data:World Stre e t Map @ ESR I Online. Source s:Source s: Esri, HER E, DeLorm e,USGS, Inte rm ap, incre m e nt P Corp., NR CAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri Ch ina(Hong Kong), Esri (Th ailand ), Tom Tom , Mapm yInd ia, © Ope nStre e tMapcontributors, and th e GIS Use r Com m unityMain Map Im age ry:Ugar (Ste ph e ns) 10 cm Mosaic @ SISP, 2011Disclaimer:AECOM does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information displayed in this mapand any person using it does so at their own risk. AECOM shall bear no responsibility orliability for any errors, faults, defects, or omissions in the information. Where not part of theDCDB, internal lot boundaries have been derived based on visible occupation of land from2011,2012 and 2013 orthorectified aerial imagery and CAD Detail Survey. They should notbe considered spatially accurate (Derived Lot Boundary)

Note:Ite m s such as airfield s, h e lipad s, electricity infrastructure,telecom m unications infrastructure, sch ools, ch urch e s,ce m e te rie s, quarrie s and local store s etc. are not trunkinfrastructure for th e purpose s of th e LGIP. Th e se ite m s h avebe e n includ e d for inform ation purpose s only.