Consulting Storage Software Services Training 05-69026.UK - Version 1 Software Data capture methods CHILE TEL +56 2223 4304 [email protected] AUSTRIA TEL +49 74 61 9674 0 [email protected] BELGIUM TEL +32 3 457 67 67 [email protected] CANADA TEL +1 450 628 8800 [email protected] ICELAND TEL +354 569 3100 [email protected] GERMANY TEL +49 74 61 9674 0 [email protected] FRANCE TEL +33 474 990 330 [email protected] HONG KONG TEL +852 23 95 63 39 [email protected] NETHERLANDS TEL +31 306 345 345 [email protected] ITALY (the Tyrol) TEL +49 74 61 9674 0 [email protected] JAPAN TEL +81 92 573 6941 [email protected] IRELAND TEL +353 1 836 1333 [email protected] POLAND TEL +49 74 61 9674 0 [email protected] SWITZERLAND TEL +41 61 301 63 01 [email protected] NORWAY TEL +47 99 37 00 88 jao@byrumlabflex.com PORTUGAL TEL +351 21 916 76 58 [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM TEL +44 870 770 8777 [email protected] SWEDEN TEL +46 8 702 99 10 [email protected] SPAIN TEL +34 93 244 00 40 [email protected] U.S.A. TEL +1 631 273 8890 [email protected] GREECE TEL +30 210 69 84 775 - 6 [email protected] AUSTRALIA TEL +61 (0) 3 6229 1439 [email protected] DENMARK TEL +45 48 22 88 77 [email protected] ITALY TEL +39 0458 378 500 [email protected] Designed with care - for people who care REPRESENTED IN: SCAN MODUL SYSTEM RØNNEVANGS ALLÉ 8 3400 HILLERØD DENMARK TEL + 45 48 22 88 77 FAX + 45 48 22 88 07 E-MAIL [email protected] www.scanmodul.com

SCAN MODUL SYSTEM - sanitariascaligera.com · Consulting Storage Software Services Training 05-69026.UK - Version 1 Software Data capture methods CHILE TEL +56 2223 4304 [email protected]

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Page 1: SCAN MODUL SYSTEM - sanitariascaligera.com · Consulting Storage Software Services Training 05-69026.UK - Version 1 Software Data capture methods CHILE TEL +56 2223 4304 danimpo@netline.cl

Consulting Storage Software Services Training





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SoftwareData capture methods

CHILETEL +56 2223 [email protected]

AUSTRIATEL +49 74 61 9674 [email protected]

BELGIUMTEL +32 3 457 67 [email protected]

CANADATEL +1 450 628 [email protected]

ICELANDTEL +354 569 [email protected]

GERMANYTEL +49 74 61 9674 [email protected]

FRANCETEL +33 474 990 [email protected]

HONG KONGTEL +852 23 95 63 [email protected]

NETHERLANDSTEL +31 306 345 [email protected]

ITALY (the Tyrol)TEL +49 74 61 9674 [email protected]

JAPANTEL +81 92 573 [email protected]

IRELANDTEL +353 1 836 [email protected]

POLANDTEL +49 74 61 9674 [email protected]

SWITZERLANDTEL +41 61 301 63 [email protected]

NORWAYTEL +47 99 37 00 [email protected]

PORTUGALTEL +351 21 916 76 [email protected]

UNITED KINGDOMTEL +44 870 770 [email protected]

SWEDENTEL +46 8 702 99 [email protected]

SPAINTEL +34 93 244 00 [email protected]

U.S.A.TEL +1 631 273 [email protected]

GREECETEL +30 210 69 84 775 - [email protected]

AUSTRALIATEL +61 (0) 3 6229 [email protected]

DENMARKTEL +45 48 22 88 [email protected]

ITALY TEL +39 0458 378 [email protected]

Designed w

ith care - for people who care


SCAN MODUL SYSTEMRØNNEVANGS ALLÉ 8 3400 HILLERØDDENMARKTEL + 45 48 22 88 77FAX + 45 48 22 88 07E-MAIL [email protected]

Page 2: SCAN MODUL SYSTEM - sanitariascaligera.com · Consulting Storage Software Services Training 05-69026.UK - Version 1 Software Data capture methods CHILE TEL +56 2223 4304 danimpo@netline.cl

Software Modules

The Supply module manages the internal supply chain, it ensures that internal supply departments focus wholly and effectively on the hospital’s core business. By coupling supply as part of the “treatment chain” patient care will be improved. The goal of having the right item, in the right quantity, at the right place, at the right time will be realized.

The Invoice Control module is a substructure of the Purchase module and gives the in-dividual invoice controller a detailed overview for approving vendor invoices. The module contains functions that recognize vendor invoices to the payment systems.

The Tender module (Bid module) is a superstructure of the Purchase module. It is an effective tool for the professional purchasers used for creating tenders, evaluating offers from vendors and for implementing and follow up on contracts.

The Purchase module gives you features that enable total control of purchasing. The module optimizes supply flow to the departments by having the right items for the inventory at the right time.

The Inventory module offers comprehensive options for controlling the inventory across the entire organization. The module makes it possible to track data of deliveries and purchases on a daily basis. The module can be fully integrated with other modules thus providing comprehensive options for controlling inventory and minimizing stock.

The OR/Case module makes it easy to plan future operations, print packing lists and register extra consumption during an operation. The exact price of an operation can be calculated and the module provides you with the opportunity to follow up on economical as well as clinical objectives.

The Patient module guarantees the documentation of consumption of items and services during the treatment of individual patients. With this module it is easy to calculate and analyse the cost of different treatments. It is a user-friendly module, which takes the preparation of patient treatment into consideration. As a result it fits naturally into the daily working environment of nurses.

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FlexibiltyA solution built for future develop-ment and tailored to meet the needs

of your organization.

OptimisationTools that increase individual perfor-mances and lift the organization as a whole, enabling it to set newrecords.

Get a head start with Scan Modul Data System

Easy data capture

Ensures quality information through the supply chain

Real-time overview of stock levels

Usefull statistics

Cost information of consumption

Time reduction on replenishment

Standardization of processes and procedures

Page 3: SCAN MODUL SYSTEM - sanitariascaligera.com · Consulting Storage Software Services Training 05-69026.UK - Version 1 Software Data capture methods CHILE TEL +56 2223 4304 danimpo@netline.cl


Pen & paper method 1

Keyboard method 2

Keyboard & contact scanner method 3

Short range keyboard scanner method 4

Touchscreen method 5

PC tablet method 6

Batch terminal method 7

Intranet method 8

RFID method 9

Combining the methods

Bar codes

Integrating the supply chain

NoCount - Our logistical concept

Software modules

Table of contents
















Scan Modul


The active compartment is emptied during the daily consumption…..

……and replenished from the backup compartment.

The item label is moved onto the scanning rail to indicate that the backup compart-ment needs to be replenished.

At certain times per week a warehouse employee scans the label.

In the warehouse data is downloaded and a picking list is printed.

The items are picked in the warehouse…..……and then transported along with a delivery note to the department.

The items are placed in the backup com-partment.

The label is replaced on the backup com-partment, and the supply cycle is finished.

Today several different logistic and replenishment systems are used in Hospitals all over the world. Among them ”Topping off” and ”Exchange Carts” - Scan Modul System storage solutions supports of course all these concepts.


Nevertheless - it has shown that our “No Count” concept in practice is the easiest, most secure and most time saving concept.

“No Count” always ensures:The right item, in the right quantity at the right place, at the right time.

Logistical Concept NoCount®

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Page 4: SCAN MODUL SYSTEM - sanitariascaligera.com · Consulting Storage Software Services Training 05-69026.UK - Version 1 Software Data capture methods CHILE TEL +56 2223 4304 danimpo@netline.cl

Scan Modul Data System is a unique software application for handling and controlling differentiated material flow in institutions within the healthcare sector.


Cost-effective and integrated business solution

Concentrates on the core business of hospitals

Logistical support application for the whole supply-chain

Fast to implement, easy to customize and simple to use and maintain

Streamline internal and external business processes, so the organization can work closely and more effectively with customers, partners and vendors

Real-time information’s


Key benefits:

Full IT integration ensures you:

The right item

In the right quantity

At the right place

At the right time

Information about consumption

Articles for treatment

Information about reordering

Articles for replanishment



Information about consumption

Articles for treatment

Information about reordering

Articles for replenishment



Patient tr









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Application overviewThe Inventory module draws a real time picture of the overall stock situation. By integration with the Purchase module a complete control of purchases is ensured.

Connect the Tender module (Bid module) for a brilliantoverview of bids, offers and contracts. Finally the invoice module ensures optimized control of invoices.

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Page 5: SCAN MODUL SYSTEM - sanitariascaligera.com · Consulting Storage Software Services Training 05-69026.UK - Version 1 Software Data capture methods CHILE TEL +56 2223 4304 danimpo@netline.cl

Integrating the supply chain

16 5

Information about consumption

Articles for treatment

Information about reordering

Articles for replanishment



Information about consumption

Articles for treatment

Information about reordering

Articles for replenishment



Patient tr









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Application overviewThe supply module is our basic module, controlling the internal sup-ply chain between central storage and the department stores.

If consumption should be linked to a single patient, treatment or operation we offer the Patient module or the OR/Case module.

Pen & Paper method 1

Time consuming for nurse and supply

Not suitable for emergency orders

Probability of writing errors

Probability of misinterpretation

High cost of order handling

Long order processing time


Page 6: SCAN MODUL SYSTEM - sanitariascaligera.com · Consulting Storage Software Services Training 05-69026.UK - Version 1 Software Data capture methods CHILE TEL +56 2223 4304 danimpo@netline.cl

Keyboard method 2

Client connection to ordering system

Probability of typing errors

Advantages Disadvantages

Real-time information

Can also be used for emergency orders

Instant viewing / validation of information

User friendly search facilities

Information level adjusted to user


Usefull for stock items with an arranged location in the wards store room and a predetermined reorder qty.

Nurses and central supplies agree on the items location and the reorder qty.

Simple working routines for ordering and replenishing

Well proven and secure principle

Bar code label

Usefull for standard and stock items where the reorder qty. and the time of consumption varies.

Central supplies prepares item cataloque on paper for each ward with a predetermined reorder qty.

Simple working routines for ordering and replenishing

Supplement to the NoCount system

Bar code Catalogue

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Page 7: SCAN MODUL SYSTEM - sanitariascaligera.com · Consulting Storage Software Services Training 05-69026.UK - Version 1 Software Data capture methods CHILE TEL +56 2223 4304 danimpo@netline.cl

Combining the methods

Electronic recording of bar codes for stock items in the NoCount system using a batch terminal

Manual or electronic order-ing of stock, non-stock and emergency orders using the intranet

Automatic ordering of stock, high value and emergency items in the NoCount system using RFID tags

Keyboard & contact scanner method 3

Client connection to ordering system

Freedom of movement limited to cable length

Advantages Disadvantages

Flexible recording (manual + bar codes)

High data accuracy using bar codes

Fast recording using bar codes

Can also be used for emergency orders

Real-time information

Instant viewing / validation of information

User friendly search facilities

Information level adjusted to user

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Page 8: SCAN MODUL SYSTEM - sanitariascaligera.com · Consulting Storage Software Services Training 05-69026.UK - Version 1 Software Data capture methods CHILE TEL +56 2223 4304 danimpo@netline.cl

Short range keyboard scanner method 4

Client connection to ordering system

No data viewing when scanning

Not ideal for emergency orders

Advantages Disadvantages

Freedom of movement (up to 100 metres)

High data accuracy using bar codes

Fast recording using bar codes

RFID method 9

Order panels connected to network

Higher maintenance cost

Advantages Disadvantages

High data accuracy using tags

Fast recording using tags

Ideal for emergency orders

Eliminates scan-rounds

Simple working routines

Possibility to view order details

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Page 9: SCAN MODUL SYSTEM - sanitariascaligera.com · Consulting Storage Software Services Training 05-69026.UK - Version 1 Software Data capture methods CHILE TEL +56 2223 4304 danimpo@netline.cl

Intranet method 8

Client connection to ordering system

Freedom of movement limited

Advantages Disadvantages

Manual recording or scanning of bar codes

Ideal for emergency orders

Simple (guided) working routines

Real-time information

Instant viewing / validation of information

User friendly search facilities

Information level adjusted to user

Touchscreen method 5

Client connection to ordering system

Freedom of movement limited

Advantages Disadvantages

Simple (guided) working routines

Ideal for emergency orders

Real time information

Instant viewing / validation of information

User friendly search facilities

Information level adjusted to user

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Batch terminal method 7PC Tablet method 6

No data viewing when scanning

No real time information (off-line)

Not ideal for emergency orders

Advantages Disadvantages

High data accuracy using bar codes

Fast recording using bar codes

High freedom of movements

Simple working routines

Adjustment to organization (nurse or supply)

Client connection to order system

Advantages Disadvantages

Freedom of movement (within WIFI range)

Ideal for emergency orders

Real-time information

Instant viewing / validation of information

User friendly search facilities

Information level adjusted to user

10 11