petition to CMS to include RDs in behavioral treatment for obesity, to getting our senators to promote the Farm Bill, it was a busy time for nutrition policy. If there was ever a time for members to get involved in advocacy, it is now! We need all members’ voices to be heard! Reach out to the legislator in your district and get to know him or her. They are people from your community just like you, with families facing similar problems and sharing comparable concerns. Their job is to work for the interests of their constituents in SC. So it is up to you to identify what you want them to do and provide them with supporting evidence so they are prepared to do the job you want. continued page 3 “Navigating Nutrition Noise” – I believe this to be the central mission of all RDs and nutrition professionals in our varied positions as nutrition experts. When people ask me what I do as an RD, I usually say, “I help people make sense of all the nutrition noise out there, and turn it into an action plan for healthy eating that makes sense for someone”. No matter what area of dietetics you work in, it is vital that we help people take all the messages about nutrition that they have learned from their families, culture and customs, the eating culture in schools, their workplace environment, and the never ending constant stream of nutrition information from all the media. Many of our patients and clients know what they ‘should’ be eating, but they have trouble actually doing it. I am surprised how popular food and cooking shows are and how many people tweet and pin recipes on social media, yet how few of those people are translating that to a home- cooked meal. In every sense of the word, we are navigators, facilitators, helpers, partners, collaborators, and guides for healthy living. Welcome to the SC Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (SCAND). We are an affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the nation’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. We are comprised of Registered Dietitians (RDs), Dietetic Technicians, Registered (DTRs) and dietetic students. We are committed to promoting the optimal nutrition, health and wellbeing of our consumers. We serve as the resource of food and nutrition information that is scientific and evidence-based. Our members can be found everywhere! We work in acute care, long-term care, private practice, business, schools, community settings, supermarkets as well as in research and educational facilities. Reflecting on this past year I believe, thanks to the tireless efforts of our board and all the district associations, that we continued our mission, “to promote optimal nutrition and empower members to be food and nutrition leaders” and we improved the visibility of dietetic practitioners in South Carolina. This year has also shown us that it is the time for nutrition to come to the forefront of public policy. There were several opportunities this year to make a difference in policy, from getting signatures for the PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE - Nina Crowley, MS, RD, LD Inside this issue: President’s Message 1,3 We Need You! 9 FNCE 2012 9 SCAND 2012 Membership Survey 10 Food Day—October 24, 2012! 11 2013 Annual Meeting 13 Nutrition & Chronic Kidney Disease 14 SCAND Board of Directors 2 SCAND Social Media 3 Election Year—Get Involved! 4 SC Let’s Move— Opportunity 4 Recognizing RD’s in SC 5-6 2012 SCAND Award Recipients 7 Save the Date 7 Commonly Used Codes 8 Food Day Ad 12 CTDA Update 13 SCAND Diet Manual 15-16 Ads 17-20 Palmetto Leaf The September 2012 A PUBLICATION OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS

SCAND Fall Newsletter

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The first edition of the newsletter for this fiscal year is now posted on our website. The newsletter can be found under the Media, Communications and Sponsorship tab or you can read here.

Citation preview

Page 1: SCAND Fall Newsletter

petition to CMS to include RDs in behavioral treatment for obesity, to getting our senators to promote the Farm Bill, it was a busy time for nutrition policy. If there was ever a time for members to get involved in advocacy, it is now! We need all members’ voices to be heard! Reach out to the legislator in your district and get to know him or her. They are people from your community just like you, with families facing similar problems and sharing comparable concerns. Their job is to work for the interests of their constituents in SC. So it is up to you to identify what you want them to do and provide them with supporting evidence so they are prepared to do the job you want.

continued page 3

“Navigating Nutrition Noise” – I believe this to be the central mission of all RDs and nutrition professionals in our varied positions as nutrition experts. When people ask me what I do as an RD, I usually say, “I help people make sense of all the nutrition noise out there, and turn it into an action plan for healthy eating that makes sense for someone”. No matter what area of dietetics you work in, it is vital that we help people take all the messages about nutrition that they have learned from their families, culture and customs, the eating culture in schools, their workplace environment, and the never ending constant stream of nutrition information from all the media. Many of our patients and clients know what they ‘should’ be eating, but they have trouble actually doing it. I am surprised how popular food and cooking shows are and how many people tweet and pin recipes on social media, yet how few of those people are translating that to a home-cooked meal. In every sense of the word, we are navigators, facilitators, helpers, partners, collaborators, and guides for healthy living.

Welcome to the SC Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (SCAND). We are an affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and

Dietetics, the nation’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. We are comprised of Registered Dietitians (RDs), Dietetic Technicians, Registered (DTRs) and dietetic students. We are committed to promoting the optimal nutrition, health and wellbeing of our consumers. We serve as the resource of food and nutrition information that is scientific and evidence-based. Our members can be found everywhere! We work in acute care, long-term care, private practice, business, schools, community settings, supermarkets as well as in research and educational facilities.

Reflecting on this past year I believe, thanks to the tireless efforts of our board and all the district associations, that we continued our mission, “to promote optimal nutrition and empower members to be food and nutrition leaders” and we improved the visibility of dietetic practitioners in South Carolina.

This year has also shown us that it is the time for nutrition to come to the forefront of public policy. There were several opportunities this year to make a difference in policy, from getting signatures for the


Inside this issue:

President’s Message 1,3

We Need You! 9

FNCE 2012 9

SCAND 2012 Membership Survey


Food Day—October 24, 2012!


2013 Annual Meeting 13

Nutrition & Chronic Kidney Disease


SCAND Board of Directors


SCAND Social Media 3

Election Year—Get Involved!


SC Let’s Move—Opportunity


Recognizing RD’s in SC


2012 SCAND Award Recipients


Save the Date 7

Commonly Used Codes


Food Day Ad 12

CTDA Update 13

SCAND Diet Manual 15-16

Ads 17-20

Palmetto Leaf The


Page 2: SCAND Fall Newsletter

PRESIDENT Nina Crowley [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT Kathy Mercer [email protected] TREASURER Laura Nance [email protected] PAST PRESIDENT Alexandra Lautenschläger [email protected] EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Donald Wood [email protected] DELEGATE Mary Etta Moorachian [email protected] NOMINATING CHAIR Bob Bowers [email protected] NOMINATING CHAIR-ELECT Sandy Spann [email protected] PUBLIC POLICY COORDINATOR Sandra McMillan [email protected] PUBLIC POLICY PANEL POSITION-ELECT TBD STATE POLICY REPRESENTATIVE Kristen Quisenberry [email protected] STATE REGULATORY SPECIALIST Kayce Boggs [email protected] SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS CHAIR Deborah Hutcheon [email protected] ACADEMY FOUNDATION LIAISON Charlotte Caperton-Kilburn [email protected] REIMBURSEMENT REPRESENTATIVE Heidi Elich [email protected] PR/SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR Vanessa Connolly-Jones [email protected] PR/SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR-ELECT Christy Maloney [email protected]

NEWSLETTER EDITOR Kimberly Baker [email protected] ANNUAL MEETING CHAIR Claire Tidwell [email protected] ANNUAL MEETING CHAIR-ELECT Kathleen Bray [email protected] ANNUAL MEETING PAST CHAIR Chris Bannister [email protected] MEMBERSHIP CHAIR Susan Frost [email protected] NEW MEMBERSHIP LIAISON Sara Hendrix [email protected] COUNCIL ON PRACTICE Agnes Folk [email protected] LICENSURE LIAISON Courtney Armstrong [email protected] LETS MOVE COORDINATOR Cat Grych [email protected] ABSTRACTS CHAIR Susan Steck [email protected] DIET MANUAL EDITOR Kathy Birkett [email protected] DISTRICTS: CATAWBA PRESIDENT TBD CHARLESTON-TRIDENT PRESIDENT Ashleigh Ricevuto [email protected] COLUMBIA MIDLANDS PRESIDENT Jill Sullivan [email protected] PEE DEE PRESIDENT Kara Swertfeger [email protected] PIEDMONT PRESIDENT Monica Amburn [email protected] PIEDMONT PRESIDENT-ELECT Brittany Chin [email protected]

2012-2013 SCDA Board of Director s



Page 3: SCAND Fall Newsletter

As of May 2012, we had 697 members of the Academy and SCDA. This year, I expect we will grow and continue to move forward, from the SCDA changing our name to the SC Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to reflect the name change of our parent organization, to keeping up to date with our social media, to keeping involved in the nutrition policy arena, we will be hard at work! I would encourage all the members to take part in action alerts through the grassroots manager, take advantage of Legislative Day in Columbia to talk to your state legislators, and become a ‘public policy partner’ and commit to talking to a legislator this year! Attend our Annual Meeting and network with the other nutrition professionals from around our state while getting CEUs. Our annual meeting planning committee is working hard for you, and the meeting, “i_Nutrition_Empowering U” will be held in Columbia from April 5-6, 2013.

More than ever, there has been a push for non-RDs to encroach on our scope of practice, and you need to report harm as you see it! It is our job to keep our Licensure Panel busy by reporting harmful acts as you witness or hear about them. Also there have been more frequent attacks on RDs and the Academy this year, so be aware and be ready to defend your RD/LD/DTR credential!

Our board is expanding, and this year as part of our strategic plan, we will be working hard in sub-committees to meet our goals related to Advocacy, Education, Marketing, Membership, and Operations.

As your president, I will work to help ‘navigate the noise’ at the national and state level, and keep you up to date with what is going on with the Academy. I urge you to work on your navigating skills through work as

a ‘public policy partner’, helping elected officials navigate the nutrition noise in policy. To assist in your navigator skill-set, I hope you plan to attend the Annual Meeting this year to empower yourself to be a better nutrition navigator and network with your fellow RDs/DTRs. Finally, I encourage each of you to ‘like’ our new facebook fan page, follow us on twitter, and visit our website regularly as you help your patients/clients navigate the vast arena of nutrition noise.

If you have not already done so, please take a minute to complete SC Dietetic Association 2012 Survey available at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SCDA2012.

Respectfully Yours, Nina Crowley, MS, RD, LD

South Carolina Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics President 2012-2013

President’s Message (continued from page 1)


* To access the President’s Message, go to the website www.eatright.org, click on ‘About SCDA’ and then ‘President’s Message’. You will need to log in: your username is your email address on file with the Acad-emy, and your default password was provided to you via E-mail (but is – palmetto, unless you changed it). Note *Unless you click directly on the Newsletter Link, you will be prompted to enter your password twice.

SCAND Social Media Join us in helping each other and the public ‘Navigate Nutrition Noise’ in Social Media

Website: www.eatrightsc.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/EatrightSC

Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/eatrightsc (@EatRightSC)

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/SCANDietetics/

Website Log In – www.eatrightsc.org Username: your email address on file with the Academy Default password: provided to you via E-mail (palmetto) (unless you changed it)

*Unless you click directly on the Newsletter Link, you will be prompted to enter your password twice


Page 4: SCAND Fall Newsletter

As we’re bombarded constantly with campaign ads these days, it’s a perfect time to get involved in the political process, and especially in a way that will help our profession. Candidates pay the most attention to their own constituents and that’s why it’s so important to get involved in local events in your area. Find out who’s running for U.S. Congress in your district and attend one of his or her local events. You can download a form to request the funds

required for event admittance via the ANDPAC (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Political Action Committee) page at http://www.eatright.org/ANDPAC/content.aspx?id=7640.

As always, ANDPAC encourages every Academy member to contribute to your PAC. ANDPAC funds can only be used to donate to the campaigns of candidates for U.S. Congress and Senate. Your ANDPAC Board of

Directors examines every request for campaign donations carefully, reviewing the candidate’s record of support for issues important to the Academy. If every Academy member donated just $10 to ANDPAC, we’d increase our influence in Washington, DC, especially as compared to other health-related PACs. Election season is always an exciting time, so don’t just watch from the sidelines!

Marty Yadrick 2012 ANDPAC Chair



It’s An Election Year – Get Involved!

South Carolina Let’s Move Volunteer Opportunity

Catawba District- Jill Sullivan

Charleston Trident District- Ashleigh Ricevuto

PeeDee District- Kara Swertferger

Piedmont District- Monica Amburn

You may also address questions to the South Carolina Let’s Move Coordinator, Catherine Grych at [email protected]

get more South Carolina cities, towns, or counties signed up as Let’s Move areas. Getting RDs visible in their communities and involved in community wellness programs is key in showing our communities the value of dietitians. Involvement also gives an opportunity to give back to our profession.

If you are interested in serving as a Let’s Move Liaison please notify your district president:

Are you interested in getting involved in local wellness initiatives? Becoming a Let’s Move Liaison is a great opportunity to get involved in wellness planning on a local level.

Let’s Move is a national initiative led by Michelle Obama to create healthier communities throughout the country, with an emphasis on child nutrition. SCAND is taking an active role in getting dietitians at the forefront of this movement! Our goal is to

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Do you know of a RD or DTR who has impacted your life or the lives of others through nutrition promotion, and you think that they should be recognized for their efforts? Are you in the process of furthering your own education to better lead the public in nutrition awareness and practice, and you could use a little extra money? Would you like to see South Carolina RDs and DTRs recognized by the AND for their impact in the field? The South Carolina Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics can help! SCAND has numerous awards and scholarship opportunities available to you to assist you in furthering our professional recognition and development. Whether you are a working professional or a student, you can impact the profession today by recognizing a dedicated dietetic colleague, mentor, professor, or student for an award. Or, you can impact your professional development by applying for educational funding through a scholarship. Below is an overview of the different award and scholarship opportunities available through SCAND. For additional criteria, guidelines, and application

forms for each award, please visit the SCAND Web site at www.eatrightsc.org or contact Deborah Hutcheon, the SCAND Scholarships and Awards Chair, directly at [email protected]. Submit an application today so that we can recognize South Carolina RDs and DTRs for their roles as competent, involved, and committed food and nutrition leaders! RECOGNITION AWARDS Outstanding Dietetics Educator (ODEA) Nominations Due: January 1, 2013 The following faculty with either academic or supervised practice appointments or preceptors in ACEND-accredited or approved dietetics education programs are eligible: Coordinated Program in Dietetics, Dietetic Internship, Didactic Program in Dietetics, Dietetic Technician Program. The award winner will have demonstrated innovative teaching skills and techniques, mentoring as documented by letters from students (limit three letters per nominee), and active participation and leadership

in all levels of association activities, the community, and/or employment. Outstanding Dietitian of the Year (ODY) Nominations Due: January 31, 2013 The ODY recognition is bestowed annually on a SCAND member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership at all levels of the association as well as in the profession and has demonstrated concern for the promotion of optimal health and nutritional status of the population. Emerging Dietetic Leader (EDL) Nominations Due: January 31, 2013 This award is reserved for a registered dietitian or dietetic technician, registered with initial practice experience of five to ten years who was not previously selected as a RYDY or RDTY. The award winner must be a current AND member and have actively participated in the district, state, or national dietetic association for at least five years and have demonstrated leadership in the Academy, community and/or employment.

continued page 6



Recognizing Registered Dietitians as the Food & Nutrition Leaders in South Carolina

Page 6: SCAND Fall Newsletter

Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year (RYDY) Nominations Due: January 31, 2013 The RYDY award is limited to registered dietitians age 35 years or younger on May 1 of the award year. The award recipient must be a current AND member, be active in the Academy, and have demonstrated leadership in the Academy, community, and/or employment. A dietitian may only receive this award once in a lifetime. Recognized Dietetic Technician of the Year (RDTY) Nominations Due: January 31, 2013 The RDTY award is limited to dietetic technicians, registered. The award recipient must be a current member of the AND, be active in the Academy, have demonstrated concern for the promotion of optimal health and nutritional status of the population, and have provided leadership in the Academy, community and/or employment. Outstanding Dietetics Student (ODSA) Nominations Due: January 31, 2013 This outstanding student award goes to a student enrolled in an ACEND-

accredited or approved dietetics education program (CP, DI, DPD, DT) and who is a member of AND by January 1 of the award year. The student must demonstrate academic achievement, leadership, and professional potential. FINANCIAL AWARDS Burris-Cromer Award Applications Due: January 31, 2013 This award provides financial assistance to one or more dietetic students or dietetic interns who are members of AND and SCAND, are enrolled in an ACEND-accredited DPD or dietetic internship program in South Carolina, and who will be completing the DPD or DI requirements this academic year. Additionally, student recipients must demonstrate academic achievement, leadership, and professional potential. Award amount to be determined based on number of qualified applicants. Each award given will be a minimum of $200. Julia Brunson Award Applications Due: Year-Round Applications Accepted

This award provides financial assistance to dietitians, who are current members of SCAND, for continuing education or academic credit. Preference is given to current board members of SCAND or SCAND members who have demonstrated either past leadership or future leadership potential.

-submitted by Deborah Hutcheon

Scholarships & Awards Chair



Recognizing Registered Dietitians as the Food & Nutrition Leaders in South Carolina (continued from page 5)

Page 7: SCAND Fall Newsletter

The SCAND Board is proud to recognize the following South Carolina dietitians and dietetics student for their leadership and achievements as recipients of the following 2012 AND/SCAND Awards! These recipients were honored at the SCAND Annual Meeting in Charleston, South Carolina, on April 13, 2013, with the presentation of a commemorative plaque from the SCAND and a certificate from the Academy. We also honor them on our website at www.eatrightsc.org.

Outstanding Dietetics Educator (ODEA)—Carolyn W. Finch, MS, RD, LD, CSP, CNSC Outstanding Dietitian of the Year (ODY)—Suzanne D. Baxter, PhD, RD, LD, FADA Emerging Dietetic Leader (EDL)—Vanessa L. Jones-Connolly, RD, LD, CSR

Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year (RYDY)—Ashleigh Ricevuto, RD, LD, CDE Outstanding Dietetics Student (ODSA)—Alexandra E. Musarra

-submitted by Deborah Hutcheon

Scholarships & Awards Chair



South Carolina Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Award Recipients—2012

Save the Date ! ! ! Upcoming Conferences and Educat ion Opportunit ies

offered by ADA’s Center for Professional Development at your convenience! Teleseminars and webinars are now also offered as audio recordings with complete handout materials online. Your registration for this service included unlimited access for 30 days following purchase. Of course, audio CDs with all materials will continue to be offered for those who wish to add the topic to their permanent audio libraries.

SCAND 2013 Annual Meeting in Columbia, SC April 5-6, 2013 A variety of low cost and free CPE opportunities can be found on the ADA website (www.eatright.org) under the Professional Development tab. Please visit the website to find more information about these great learning options! You can now access any teleseminar or webinar

From Antioxidants to New Functional Benefits: Tea Flavonoids— Free Webinar with 1 unit CPE. Go to http://www.scandpg.org/e-learning-and-events/from-antioxidants-to-new-functional-benefits/ For more information. Available until October 14, 2012 FNCE 2012 in Philadelphia, PA October 6-9, 2012

Page 8: SCAND Fall Newsletter


The medical nutrition therapy (MNT) CPT codes are used by many third party payers, including Medicare. These codes best describe the MNT services that registered dietitians provide to patients.

97802 Medical nutrition therapy; initial assessment and intervention, individual, face-to-face with the patient, each 15 minutes.

97803 reassessment and intervention, individual, fact-to-face with the patient, each 15 minutes.

97804 group (2 or more individuals), each 30 minutes.

Additional Codes Used by RDs (full code descriptions can be found in CPT book)

G0270 Medical nutrition therapy; reassessment and subsequent intervention(s) following second referral in same year for change in diagnosis, medical nutrition, or treatment regimen, individual, face-to-face with patient, each 15 minutes.

G0271 group (2 or more individuals, each 30 minutes.

G0108 Diabetes outpatient self-management training services, individual, per 30 minutes.

G0109 Diabetes outpatient self-management training services, group session (2 or more), per 30 minutes.

98960-98962 Education and training for patient self-management by a qualified, nonphysician health care professional using a standardized curriculum, face-to-face with the patient (could include caregiver/family)

98966-98968 Telephone assessment and management service provided by a qualified nonphysician health care professional

98969 Online assessment and management service provided by a qualified nonphysician health care professional, internet or electronic communications.

99071 Educational supplies, such as books, tapes, and pamphlets, provided by the physician (or other qualified health care professional) for the patient’s education at cost to physician.

99366 and 99368

Medical team conference, with and without the patient and/or family.

CPT codes, descriptions and material only are copyright 2009 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved.

-Submitted by Heidi Elich, MS, RD, LD

Reimbursement Representative


Commonly Used Codes for Nutrition Services

Page 9: SCAND Fall Newsletter

The SCAND board is seeking an interested individual to be part of our growing Public Policy Panel! Our public policy panel is growing stronger each year, and we are looking for someone to serve as the State Policy

Representative (SPR) Elect to work with our current SPR, Kristen Quisenberry. This position is integral in planning meetings with state legislators and working with the team to plan our annual Legislative Day in Columbia in the

Spring. Please contact Kristen at [email protected] for more information. And if you are interested in other board positions, please contact our Nominating Chair, Bob Bowers, at [email protected].



We Need You!

FNCE – Philadelphia PA October 6-9, 2012

announcing details. Hope to see you there!

night, October 8th. Please email SCAND President Nina Crowley at [email protected] if you are attending FNCE – and look for an email

South Carolina RDs and DTRs – Let’s get together in Philly! If you are planning to attend FNCE this year, we are planning a get together on Monday

Page 10: SCAND Fall Newsletter

A sixteen question survey was sent out to South Carolina dietitians this spring. One hundred thirteen dietitians (about 25%) responded and gave us some very useful feedback. 78% of the respondents were AND members, 96% were registered dietitians, and 78% worked full-time. Other characteristics of those who responded were as follows:

Age – over 50% were 45 and older, 14% were 35-44, and 32% were under 34.

Credentials – 55% hold Masters Degrees, 7% doctorates, 14% have Certificates in Adult Weight Management, and 7% in Child Weight Management, 7% in Nutrition Support and 8% are CDEs.

Practice Areas – 78% Diabetes, 72% Weight Management, 63% Renal, 60% Cardiovascular, and 23% Eating Disorders.

Practice Settings - 19% Outpatient, 16% Acute Care, 9% Public Health, 9% Education/ Academics.

The primary reasons respondents gave for being Academy members were: professional commitment, professional development and continuing education. The

top benefits of SCAND were felt to be: professional development, the Annual Meeting, and job postings. Additional services that respondents felt would keep them committed included: more continuing education such as teleconferences and local events, more networking opportunities such as mentoring and student focused activities, updates on reimbursement, increased visibility of the RD in South Carolina, and a better website. They felt SCAND should give the highest priority to: providing more continuing education, placing RDs on health-related boards, state legislative issues, new technologies to offer continuing education, SCAND sponsored webinars, and a website upgrade.

Regarding the website, only 10% visited it weekly, 43% monthly, and 30% yearly. What respondents wanted to see on the website were better flow, ease of use, more information about CEU opportunities, updated calendar, member and district highlights, a Facebook link, and a statewide blog.

While the Annual Meeting is thought to be a top benefit of membership, only 32% of respondents attended this

year. Almost half of those who did not attend sited insufficient employer reimbursement as a reason for not attending. Also noted were scheduling problems, not needing CEUs, and family commitments. Top factors that would increase the likelihood of Annual Meeting attendance were: topics and content of interest, employer reimbursement, and low cost per CEU. Particular topics of interest for future meetings were: new ways to use RD skills, technology and social media, and nutrition policy.

The SCAND Board thanks all dietitians who answered the survey and promise that we will be using your feedback as we work to plan a great Annual Meeting, upgrade our website, plan more continuing education and activities, and increase our visibility in South Carolina. We urge those of you who indicated a willingness to serve SCAND in leadership to volunteer and make yourself known so we can build a stronger organization for our profession.

-Submitted by Kathy Mercer President-Elect



SCAND 2012 Membership Survey Summary

The SCAND Board thanks all dietitians who answered the survey and promise that we will be using your feedback as we work to plan a great Annual Meeting, upgrade our website, plan more continuing

education and activities, and increase our visibility in South


Page 11: SCAND Fall Newsletter



Food Day is a nationwide celebration and a movement toward more healthy, affordable, and sustainable food. Food Day was created by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest and is powered by food movement leaders, a diverse coalition of organizations, and citizens from all walks of life. The goals of Food Day are to raise awareness about food issues, advocate for better food policies at the local, state, and national levels, and strengthen and unify the food movement as a whole. Food Day aims to stimulate events and activities on and around the date October 24 to achieve these goals and draw national attention to the issues. Last year, the inaugural year of the campaign, there were 2300 events in all 50 states! The final report highlighting 2011 activities is available at www.foodday.org. Getting involved is easy. Check out our interactive event map (http://www.foodday.org/all_events)and register to host your own Food Day event, whether it is a healthy potluck meal, film screening, lecture, health fair, or another related activity. You can visit www.foodday.org to sign up for email updates, find a community coordinator

Food Day – October 24, 2012!

(http://www.foodday.org/find_coordinator) in your area, or sign up to coordinate yourself. There are helpful guides for organizers at schools, campuses, and more in the site's Resources (http://www.foodday.org/resources) section. Here is a list of community coordinators in your state; feel free to reach out to them for organizing support or to tie-in your efforts 1. Catherine Grych, Charleston, [email protected] 2. Cathy Fisher, Mt. Pleasant, [email protected] 3. Cindy Powell, Myrtle Beach, [email protected] 4. Kris Kavanagh, Myrtle Beach, [email protected] 5. Lynn Adcox, Clemson University, [email protected] Food Day is an excellent opportunity to highlight the work you are doing to improve the food system in South Carolina. If you're already planning activities around that date, you are welcome to co-promote these events using some of our Food Day resources. Food Day is

also a great chance to collaborate with a new organization, publicize the work you do in your community, and advocate for better policies in your community. In SC we have heard that the Charleston Trident Dietetic Association (CTDA) is collaborating with Les Dames D’Escoffier at the Medical University of SC Urban Farm to link local female chefs with members of the community to promote eating local. Contact [email protected] if you are interested. The Columbia Midlands Dietetic Association (CMDA) is working with Sustainable Midlands and Whole Foods to educate middle school special education kids and their parents about fall recipes using their own fall garden! Contact Jill Sullivan [email protected] for more info. The Piedmont Dietetic Association (PDA) will be working with their student representative, Laura Falconi, at Clemson University to promote Food Day 2012. Contact Brittany Chin [email protected] if you are interested.

The goals of Food Day are to raise awareness about food issues, advocate for better food policies at

the local, state, and national levels, and strengthen and unify

the food movement as a whole. Food Day aims to stimu-late events and activities on and around the date October 24 to achieve these goals and draw

national attention to the issues.

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Page 13: SCAND Fall Newsletter

The Annual Meeting planning committee is hard at work planning the 2013 meeting to be held in the State’s Capitol, Columbia. The meeting will be Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6 at the Columbia Marriott located in downtown Columbia on 1200 Hampton Street. The 2013 meeting theme is

“iNutrition_Empowering_U.” This meeting will not only focus on ways technology is incorporated into the practice of Dietetics, but also cover a variety of topics that span the field of Dietetics. We hope you can join us! If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact Claire Tidwell at

[email protected]. The committee will do its best to incorporate suggestions to make the conference a conference you find useful and enjoyable!

-Submitted by Claire Tidwell

Annual Meeting Chair



The 2013 Annual Meeting is Approaching!

CTDA Update

Also, CTDA is excited to be partnering with the culinary group Les Dames d’Escoffier for our Food Day event on October 24 in the new urban garden located on the campus of the Medical University of South Carolina. CTDA dietitians will be paired with local chefs from the culinary group to present a featured ingredient from the garden and healthy cooking demonstration. In addition to these upcoming events, we are planning more book club meetings, CEU dinners, legislative events, and community service opportunities. It is sure to be another great year for the Charleston Trident Dietetic Association.

-Submitted by Ashleigh Ricevuto

CTDA President

local stylist, Leigh Ann Garrett. We are pleased to announce our new slogan for the 2012-2013 year: “CTDA: The Only Association with a Full Serving of Nutrition Knowledge in Every Member.” This slogan was created by our CTDA Education and Legislative Chair Elect, Vanessa Clark, RD LD. We are planning many exciting events and educational opportunities for our members this year. For example, we have our first Diet Book Club event tentatively scheduled for September 24. We will be reading the book Food, Women, and God, and the discussion will be led by CTDA’s immediate past-president Catherine Grych.

The Charleston Trident Dietetic Association (CTDA) is off to a great start. We currently have 54 members, and we continue to add new members daily! Our registration will remain active until October 31. During registration, all members are encouraged to contribute toward the CTDA’s dietetic intern scholarship fund, which awards a deserving dietetic intern with a stipend at our Spring CEU dinner. CTDA started the year in style with our kick-off event which was held on August 9 at SieMatic Kitchen Showroom in the heart of downtown Charleston. The event featured locally sourced hors d'oeuvres created by Lexie Webb. Members were also able to browse the latest styles from Stella & Dot Jewelry thanks to a

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The 2008 SCAND Diet Manual For Long Term Care Facilities

The SCAND Diet Manual for LTC facilities has been revised and is available for purchase for your facility.

There have been many updates, revisions and new information added to the diet manual to meet the needs of your facility including:

Nutrition Care Process guidelines

Adaptive Eating Devices guide

DASH diet plan

Revision of the Food Guide Pyramid, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, American Heart Association Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations, and Dietary Reference Index sections

Classification of Obesity per BMI and new BMI chart

Dysphagia Diet Information updates

JCAHO “Do Not Use” Abbreviations and National Patient Safety Goals

Gluten Free Information and references

Lactose Intolerance Information and references

Nutrition Guidelines for Adult Day Services/Congregate Meal Programs

Nutrition Tips for Parkinson’s Disease

Strategies for Thickening Liquids and Pureeing Foods

And more…

All this valuable information has been collated into a hard copy manual as well as a CD version for ease of use. Individual manuals can be purchased or in a combination package with both manual and CD.

Please use the order form provided (or download from the SCAND website) to purchase copies for your facility.

Thank you for your support!

Kathy Birkett, RD, LD Diet Manual Editor


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