AIRBRUSH STEP BY STEP 03/15 E 64 "Cheeeese!": Joachim in a photo-shooting with Gerald Mendez Waiting queue at the hotel entrance on Friday Jörg and Mark in the workshop held by Gerald Mendez Helpful tips from the master: Georg Huber and his student Felix Just another Star Wars illustration: No problem for Craig Fraser Custom Painting rocks: Simon Murray and his students Participant Ari from Finland concentrating while working SCENE | Events International Airbrush Days 2015: 80 Pros and Hobby Artists from 14 Nations That was quite an event! After approximately a year and a half of planning, roughly 80 airbrush pros and hobby artists from 14 countries met up from May 1 st –3 rd at the International Airbrush Days in Hamburg. The unique workshop event offered a program consisting of over 40 seminars and presentations, from which the participants could select right there on site. Already a good half hour before entry, a long line formed on the rst day of the event right up to the doors of the Arcotel Rubin. Over 60 participants had their ticket in their hand and waited to see their "stars". In- side, they were surprised by top artists Craig Fraser, Dru Blair, Gerald Mendez, Simon Murray, Ingo Körner, and Georg Huber, with whom the participants spoke and discussed things even before the rst workshops, allowing everyone to get into the swing of things right off the bat. After an opening speech from ASBS Chief Editor Roger Hassler and his wife and colleague Katja Hassler, the rst four hour workshops and two-hour demos began, led by the six main lecturers. In addition, Heidi Christensen from Denmark provided a beginners workshop for even the newest of airbrushers could get up and going for the next two days.

SCENE | Events - eng.airbrush-days.comeng.airbrush-days.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/... · International Airbrush Days 2015: 80 Pros and Hobby Artists from 14 Nations That was

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Page 1: SCENE | Events - eng.airbrush-days.comeng.airbrush-days.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/... · International Airbrush Days 2015: 80 Pros and Hobby Artists from 14 Nations That was


"Cheeeese!": Joachim in a photo-shooting with Gerald Mendez Waiting queue at the hotel entrance on Friday

Jörg and Mark in the workshop held by Gerald Mendez

Helpful tips from the master: Georg Huber and his student Felix Just another Star Wars illustration: No problem for Craig Fraser

Custom Painting rocks: Simon Murray and his students

Participant Ari from Finland concentrating while working

SCENE | Events

International Airbrush Days 2015: 80 Pros and Hobby Artists from 14 NationsThat was quite an event! After approximately a year and a half of planning, roughly 80 airbrush pros and hobby artists from 14 countries met up from May 1st–3rd at the International Airbrush Days in Hamburg. The unique workshop event offered a program consisting of over 40 seminars and presentations, from which the participants could select right there on site. Already a good half hour before entry, a long line formed on the first day of the event right up to the doors of the Arcotel Rubin. Over 60 participants had their ticket in their hand and waited to see their "stars". In-side, they were surprised by top artists Craig Fraser, Dru Blair, Gerald Mendez, Simon Murray, Ingo Körner, and Georg Huber, with whom the participants spoke and discussed things even before the first workshops, allowing everyone to get into the swing of things right off the bat. After an opening speech from ASBS Chief Editor Roger Hassler and his wife and colleague Katja Hassler, the first four hour workshops and two-hour demos began, led by the six main lecturers. In addition, Heidi Christensen from Denmark provided a beginners workshop for even the newest of airbrushers could get up and going for the next two days.

Page 2: SCENE | Events - eng.airbrush-days.comeng.airbrush-days.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/... · International Airbrush Days 2015: 80 Pros and Hobby Artists from 14 Nations That was


Effect paints specialists amongst themselves: Holger Schmidt and Gerald Mendez Good moods early in the morning

Dru Blair’s right and left hand: Rüdiger and Silvia

Not only a copyright expert, but also a hobby brusher: Peter Gahbler Undivided attention for Craig Fraser

Bodypainting from Steek from Guadeloupe

Dru Blair shows Fitto’s painting technique

Events | SCENE

On the second and third days of the event, the seminars held by the pro teams were enhanced by a few lo-cal experts. Varnishing expert Holger "Candyman" Schmidt shared his know-ledge about effect paints, Uwe Scheu-ten taught the participants T-shirt airbrushing, lawyer Peter Gahbler in-formed everyone about copyrights, photographer Claus Döpelheuer took a look at professional photog-raphy and Steek, the one and only bodypainting artist all the way from the Caribbean, whipped up an impres-sive piece of body artwork in no time flat. Despite the many thoroughly in-teresting topics, the highlights of the weekend certainly were the stars from across the ocean as well as their Ger-man colleagues. The "battle" for the respective 18 spots in the workshops fortunately remained very peaceful, as many participants were very satisfied just watching from the sidelines at the workshops and demos.

Inquisitively, the participants asked a whole lot of questions and used every opportunity to get a photo with their favorite artist. The sponsor team from Iwata and Createx was also very hap-py about the interest in airbrushes, compressors, paints, templates, and accessories, which could be purchased on-site in the event store. As such, it was a huge honor for the organiza-tion team that not only the Euro-pean Iwata representatives from Italy and Germany were there, but also that the product developer and for-mer CEO of Iwata Medea USA, Will

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SCENE | Events

Horse portrait demo from Gilles Bachmann

"Hairy" workshop held by Ingo Körner

Skulls with Simon Murray

Who actually really painted this? Simon Murray, Gerald Mendez and participants on Gerald’s Artwork

Welcome to Hamburg: Lecturers, sponsors, and organizers greet the participants

At the beginner course with Heidi Christensen

Results from the mixed technique workshop held by Georg Huber

T-shirt airbrush workshop held by Uwe Scheuten

Naemura, made the trip to Hamburg. There was a disappointing setback for all involved through very short-notice cancellations by Fitto and Steve Driscoll. For health reasons, Fitto had to cancel his journey to Germany just two days before the event while Steve Driscoll simply didn’t show up at the airport, leaving the organization team simply waiting empty-handed with-out a word at the airport. Thanks to the very professional and creative work of the other artists and helpers, it was possible to fill the few holes in the event plan within but a few hours such that the participants didn’t have to miss anything.

Participants, lecturers, the team, and sponsors alike were just ecstatic about the event and thus, one glaring ques-tion seemed to loom over everyone: When will the next International Air-brush Days be held? One thing is for certain and that is that it will definitely take place again. When and where – that’s something you’ll find out in good time right here in this magazine…