Scene Two for Voice II 1.From the Movie Sinister Leigh and Justin Bedroom Tracy (Ellison, do you know what your daughter just said to me? She said she was painting in the living room because the little girl who lived here last didn’t want her to paint in her brother’s room.) What the hell were you thinking? Did you think I wouldn't find out? Ellison Shh. Of course I knew you were gonna find out eventually, OK? But don't blame me for not telling you. You never wanted to know. Tracy Don't try and pin this on me. I asked you! I asked you if we were living near the house! Ellison You asked me if we were living two houses down from a crime scene.

Scene Two for Voice II Spr14 Thurs Night

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Scene two for voice ii spring 2014 Thursday night

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Scene Two for Voice II

1.From the Movie Sinister

Leigh and Justin



(Ellison, do you know what your daughter just said to me? She said she was painting in the living room

because the little girl who lived here last didn’t want her to paint in her brother’s room.) What the hell were

you thinking? Did you think I wouldn't find out?


Shh. Of course I knew you were gonna find out eventually, OK? But don't blame me for not telling you.

You never wanted to know.


Don't try and pin this on me. I asked you! I asked you if we were living near the house!


You asked me if we were living two houses down from a crime scene.


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Don't you dare!


I said no.


We never should have come here!


Tracy, nobody died here. It's not like we're sleeping where somebody was killed or they had to wipe blood off

the walls for the open house.


You're saying it didn't happen here?


No. It happened in the backyard.


That is so sick. Ellison. And you let our little girl play back there?

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Why shouldn't I?


Our son is having night terrors and drawing pictures of this crime at school. And our daughter just painted a dead girl on our wall.Do you understand what you've

done, the kind of jeopardy you've put your children in, your marriage?


Yes, I do!


Is there anything you won't do for your goddamn book? Apparently not. I guess this is all worth it to you.


It is worth it.


Putting your family at risk.

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Risk of what? Of more paintings?


Don't. Your daughter...


My daughter has a father who loves her, who is always around, who encourages her to be herself. The worst thing that has ever happened to her is one time she

moved into a house where a family was killed. She found out about the murders. So she felt sorry for the little girl. So she painted a fucking picture! That's what she

does. It's what she always has done.


That's it? That's all you have to say?


What else do you want from me?


How about a home where we feel safe, Ellison? How about neighbors that don't hate us in a town where I can buy groceries without getting strange looks? How about a

life that doesn't involve our kids drawing and painting

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the sick details of some horrific tragedy or working out their deep-seated anxieties by doing bizarre shit

in the night? How about that? Would that be OK?


I can give all that to you, I can! Just when I finish the book!


This book isn't for us. It's for you.


Tracy, don't say that. That's not true.


It is true. There are plenty of other ways you can provide for this family.


Doing What? Teaching? Editing journalism textbooks? Don't you understand that writing is what gives my life

meaning? These books are my legacy.


I have always supported you doing what you love.

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Ellison. But writing isn't the meaning of your life. You and me, right here, this marriage that's the

meaning of your life. And your legacy, that's Ashley and Trevor. Your kids are your legacy.

2.The Walking Dead

Chris (Shane) and Colton (Rick)

Season 2 Episode 12 Rick and Shane

R: Looks like it’s busted pretty bad

S: Its fine, don’t worry about me

R: Does this way feel right?

S: Right as any?

R: Is that your gun huh?

S: Yeah… it’s my favorite piece too. We should kill him when I find his sorry ass…

come on….

R: You say he got you with a rock

S: That’s what I said

R: Inside the shed, that door was shut when t-dawg rolled up

S: I saw that too, must have slipped through the rafters in the roof

R: So this is where you plan to do it

S: It’s a good place as any

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R: At least have the balls to call this what it is…murder. You really believe if you

walk back onto that farm alone no me no man

S: Man, hush up

R: You really believe theyre gonna buy whatever bullshit story you cook up

S: That’s just it it aint no story I saw that prisoner shoot you down, I ran after him,

I snapped his neck. it aint gonna be easy but lori and carl they’ll get over you, they

done it before, they just gonna have to.

R: Why? Why now? I thought we worked this all out

S: We tried to kill each other man, what you think we just gonna forget about it all

and we gonna ride off into the sunset together, you gonna kill me in cold blood

R: You screw my wife, have my children, my children call you daddy is that what

you want? That life wont be worth a damn, I know you. You wont be able to live

with this

S: What you know about what I can live with? You got no idea what I can live with,

what I live with. Wanna talk bout what I can do rick, how about what you can do,

Here I am… come on man raise your gun

R: No No I will not

S: What happened rick I thought you weren’t the good guy anymore, aint that

what u said, even right here right now u aint gonna fight for em, im a better

father than you rick, im better for lori than you man, cause im a better man than

you rick, cause I can be here and ill fight for her, but you come back here and you

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just destroy everything, you got a broken woman, you got a weak boy, you ain’t

got the first clue on how to fix it, raise your gun

R: Your gonna have to kill an unarmed man. Watch my hand nice and easy. Easy

does it. Now listen to me Shane, there is still a way back from this, nothing has

happened here, were gonna lay down our guns, were gonna walk back to the

farm together, back to lori, back to carl, put this all behind us. (As Shane grabs

Ricks gun, Rick stabs Shane) Damn you for making me do this Shane, this was you

not me, you did this to us, this was you not me, not me! Not me!

3. Six Feet Under

Jesse and Helena

Scene Five: Phil's Apartment

CLAIRE and PHIL lie head to toe in his bed, sharing pillow talk.

Claire: I didn’t even go to my prom. (He laughs and nods.) If somebody asked me, I probably would’ve freaked out.

Phil: I took Nancy Pollard. She smelled like fried chicken.

Claire: (laughs) Why?

Phil: (joking) I don’t know. She just did.

She laughs.

Claire: I got a bottle of champagne with my friend, Parker, and we climbed the fence to school, and we just sat in the quad, and got drunk, and said good fucking bye to high school.

Phil: Nice!

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Claire: Then we both totally started crying.

Phil: Why?

Claire: I don’t know. I guess we were like saying goodbye to our childhood, or whatever. It just seemed sad.

Phil: Yeah?

Claire: I mean, I hated fucking high school, but still, it was my life. And it was all I knew, and it was just over. God, could I be more pathetic?

Phil: (sits up) You’re not pathetic. You’re just sensitive.

Claire: I know. (sits up) I’m too sensitive.

Phil: No, you’re perfect.

They kiss.

Phil: What time do you have to get up?

Claire: Oh, oh, fuck, I have to get up in like 3 hours, and I haven’t even done the assignment yet. You keep distracting me.

Phil: I keep distracting you?

Claire: Yeah, my hands are like magnetically drawn to your dick!

They both laugh.

Phil: What is the assignment?

Claire: I have to read and critique some theoretical conceptual bullshit. They make you take all the boring classes with theory before they let you do anything cool with clay.

Phil: I know exactly how you feel.

Claire: No, you don’t.

Phil: That’s why I dropped out of music school. All I wanted to do was write great music, but they had me studying all this shit that had nothing to do with anything. They try to program your mind so you’re exactly like everybody else. Don’t let them do that to you. You’re too talented.

Claire: Do you think so?

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Phil: What? You think I like you just ‘cause you have the softest skin I’ve ever felt?

Claire: (laughs, a little shy) I don’t know.

Phil: You’re amazing, Claire.

She looks into his eyes, and fully believes him. They start kissing again and sink back down to the bed.

4.Grey’s Anatomy

Brianna and Stephen

Callie: Izzie Stevens? I share something with you that I am clearly uncomfortable about and you tell Izzie Stevens.

George: No, I didn't tell Izzie, I told Meredith, Meredith...

Callie: Oh, so that's better?

George: No, it was an accident. It was an accident. I was pissed off. Why can't you give me the benefit of the doubt that maybe sometimes I'm on your side?

Callie: Because you choose your friends over me every chance you get.

George: No I don't. I married you and I haven't talked to my best friend in weeks. Meanwhile, you lied to me about where we live and why.

Callie: I didn't tell you because my parents money has affected every single relationship in my life and so I've stopped talking about it and living it.

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George: You're an heiress.

Callie: Ok, see this is why I don't tell people.

George: No, you're an heiress. You lied to me about your background, you lied to me about your family and still I'm the dog who gets whacked on the nose with the newspaper, all the time. When is this gonna stop?

Callie: Oh, so this is my problem?

George: Yeah, maybe it is.

Callie: Oh, the fact that your best friend violently disses our marriage every chance she gets, publicly, repeatedly. Why do you think she does that George, you ever think about that?

George: She's having a problem with this, I understand that.

Callie: She has feelings for you.

George: What?

Callie: She wants you. She's wants you, that's what this is about. That's why she hates me. George! George, do not laugh at me. Do not laugh at me.

George: No, I'm not, I'm not. Oh god. It's just...she's Izzie. She's blonde, she's stacked, she's a supermodel, I'm George.

Callie: So, what does that make me.

George: No, come on. You're gorgeous and your curvy and I never thought you'd go for me.

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Callie: Just shut up.

George:. You and me, we're like ham and eggs. I was the chicken and I just want you to know that I know I was the chicken. You put yourself out there and you were committed. I was just put the eggs on the plate. Not the ham 'cause you were the pig. I was involved but now I'm committed.

Callie: Did you just call me a pig?

George: It's a metaphor.

Callie: Calling me a pig.

George: The point is you're not the pig any more. What I'm trying to say is, I am the pig. Now...I am the pig. (She walks away.)

George: I am the pig.

Callie: This is my hotel room that I paid for with my huge piles of money. Get the hell out of it

5.Grey’s Anatomy

Danielle and Sydney

Danielle (Meredith) and Sydney (Christina)


Meredith Voice Over (MVO): I have an aunt who whenever she poured anything for you would say ‘say when’.

(Opens with Meredith lying down on the floor of her bathroom)

MEREDITH: It’s not us. It’s them. Them and their stupid boy … penises. They didn’t tell me they had a wife. They gave absolutely no warning that they were going to break up with you.

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(All of sudden Cristina slides open the shower door. She is sitting there in the bathtub dressed in her casual clothes)

CRISTINA: It’s not that Burke broke up with me. It’s how he broke up with me. Like it was business. Like it was a business trans, like he’s the boss of me!

MEREDITH: He is the boss of you.

CRISTINA: And what’s worse? Is that I care.

MEREDITH: I’m gonna throw up again.

(She crawls over to the toilet bowl and Cristina slides the shower door shut again)

MVO: My aunt would say ‘say when’ and of course we never did.

(Meredith looks like she’s going to throw up) MEREDITH: No wait, false alarm.

(She pulls away from the toilet bowl and Cristina opens up the shower door again. Meredith sits against the wall)

CRISTINA: The problem is estrogen.

MEREDITH: No the problem is tequila.

CRISTINA: I used to be all business and then he goes and gets me pregnant.

MEREDITH: With the stupid boy penis.

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CRISTINA: I am having hormone surges. He ruined me. I’m ruined. He turned me into this fat, stupid pregnant girl. Who cares! Estrogen!

(She slides the shower door shut again)

MEREDITH: Penises. Penisesisies. MEREDITH: You know what’s ruined for me? CHRISTINA (in pain): Ah?

MEREDITH: Ferry boats. I used to love ferry boats and Derek’s got a thing for ferry boats. Now every time I see a frigging ferry boat...

CHRISTINA (cuts off Meredith): You know what’s ruined for me? Coronary artery by-pass grafts … and aortic aneurysms. God I used to love aortic aneurysms. . MEREDITH: Have you cried yet?


MVO: You’re 10 feet tall and bullet proof.

CHRISTINA: Do you think we’ll feel better if we cry? You know like just let it out?

MEREDITH: Probably. Yeah.

MVO: And then you leave the O.R.

CHRISTINA (unsure): Do you wanna cry now?


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MEREDITH: I know. I just think you should still tell him about the baby because he should at least have the responsibility of having to pay.

CHRISTINA: No! You know what? He’ll never know. It’s over. Once this pregnancy is taken care of, Burke won’t even be a blip on my radar. He’ll be smudge.

MEREDITH (sarcastic): Right.

CHRISTINA: You know, Meredith? … Leave the sarcasm up to me ... Really it doesn’t suit you.

6. He’s Just Not That Into You

Sal and Willow

(as one long scene)



It is really late. Gigi enters from the kitchen.


I think I've rounded up the last of the beer bottles.


Thanks for staying and helping clean up - but I really gotta get to bed.

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Is that an invitation?




I'm sorry. That was cheesy. I'm not good at this.

But then -- before Alex knows what's happening, Gigi is LUNGING at him. She puts his face in her hands, and starts to KISS HIM. REALLY KISS HIM. Finally, Gigi pulls away. She looks breathless.


Yes! I knew it. The best relationships grow out of friendships.

She goes in to kiss him again. This time he stops her.


Wait - what?

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Now you and I are in a relationship?


Well, I'd say if we're not at relationship station--ship, we're at least on the track.

Alex gets up off the couch.


And why exactly would you think that?


Because of the signs.


Really? Like what?


Ummm - it was good to hear from me. You talked to me even when you were with a girl. I felt something...


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What are you talking about? What have I been saying since I met you? If a guy wants to date you HE WILL





Why would you do this? Shit. Why do women do this? Why do they build this stuff up in their minds, take each little thing a guy does and twist it into something

else – it’s insane.


I'd rather be like that - than like you.


Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?


Maybe I dissect each little thing, and put myself out there too much, but at least that means I still care. You think you've won because women are expendable to

you? Sure, you don't get hurt or make an ass of yourself that way, but you don't fall in love that way,

either. You have not won, Alex. You're alone.

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Gigi grabs her bag to leave.


I may do a lot of stupid shit - but I know I'm a lot closer to finding someone than you are.

Gigi turns and heads out the door.



She comes inside, drops her stuff and sits on the couch. Then, A KNOCK on the door. Gigi reluctantly gets up.


Did you forget something?

She opens the DOOR. It's ALEX.


Yeah. I did.

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Really? What did you forget?



Alex reaches into his pocket and pulls out a PEN.


You came all the way here to give me back a promotional pen?


I thought I better come up with some excuse to get over here. Isn't that how it's done?




Look, I can't stop thinking about you. I drive by your place. I call and hang up. I'm turning into -

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Well, a wise person once told me that if a guy wants to be with a girl, he will make it happen. No matter what.




Hmmm. Because when I was hurling my body onto yours - you did not seem to want to "make it happen."


Here's the thing about that. You were right. I've gotten so used to keeping myself at a safe distance

from these women, having the power - that I didn't know what it felt like when I actually - fell - for one.

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Look, I've just been out with your friend

Bill. And it just might be exactly what I need. No drama. He calls. He does what he says.


I could do that stuff too.


But you didn't. And that same wise person told me that I am the rule. That I have to stop thinking that every guy will change - stop thinking that I will be the --

But before she can finish her sentence, Alex KISSES HER. A LONG, SLOW, PASSIONATE KISS.


- That I will be the exception.

Alex looks at her.


You are my exception.

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7.Ordinary People

Imirio and Sarah

(There are a couple of extras in this scene – just grab a couple of classmates and condense there section – also – keep the location in the same place – don’t go to the car)

INT. DINER – NIGHT. 84Jeannine is eating a hamburger.92.82 CONTINUED: 82(CONTINUED)JEANNINECan you ever break the ball?CONRADCan't break the ball, can’t breakthe floor, can’t break anything ina bowling alley. And that's what Ilike about bowling alleys. Can'teven break the record.Jeannine giggles with laughing eyes.CONRAD (cont’d)Anyway...JEANNINEHmm? What?CONRADJust “anyway”, it's a conversationstarter.JEANNINECatchy!CONRADYou like it?JEANNINEMmm, mmm.

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CONRADI thought it’d get to you. I'vebeen working on it all day.Jeannine laughs, then:JEANNINEDo you think people are punishedfor the things they do?CONRADYou mean by God?JEANNINEYeah.CONRADMmm, I don't believe in God.JEANNINENot at all?CONRADNo. Well, it’s not a question ofdegree. Either you do or you don't.93.84 CONTINUED: 84(CONTINUED)JEANNINEI believe in God.CONRADSo you’re afraid he'll punish youfor something you did?JEANNINEI've done a lot of things I'mashamed of.CONRADYeah? So have I.She looks up at him, then at his wrists.JEANNINEDid it hurt?

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CONRADNo, I dunno, I don't rememberreally.JEANNINEYou don't want to talk about it?CONRADAh, I don’t know… I've neverreally talked about it.To doctors, but not to anyone else.You're the first who's asked.JEANNINEWhy did you do it?CONRADUh... I don't know. It was like...falling into a hole.It was like falling into a hole,and it keeps getting bigger andbigger, .and you can't get out,and then, .all of a sudden, it'sinside...and you're the hole, andyou're trapped, and it's allover. Something like that. Andit's not really scary, except itis when you think back on it.'Cause you know what you werefeeling stange and new...

A group of noisy students enter the Diner.STUDENTS(singing and horsingaround)94.84 CONTINUED: 84(MORE)(CONTINUED)

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Like McDonald's can, nobody cando it. Like McDonald's can, youdeserve a break today. So get upand get away!The manager tries to calm them down. A student comes toConrad’s table and steals some fries.STUDENTHey. Jarrett. How you doing? Howabout some fries?Some students grab Jeannine and dance around, put a Macdonald’s hat on her head. She laughs.JEANNINEWhat are you doing?The manager pushes them towards the exit.STUDENTHey, what’s your problem? Lightenup!MANAGERHey. I don't like your attitude.Going out, a student pulls the manager’s ear. Jeanninelaughs, a bit stupidly. Conrad notices it. She sees that.85 INT. CAR – NIGHT 85Conrad drives sadly. He is disappointed and acts as if he wassulking. Jeannine tries to make it up.JEANNINEEnergetic. Those guys.CONRAD(not believing)Yeah, they were pretty funny.JEANNINENo...

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CONRADWhat? You thought they were funny?JEANNINENo. I...SilenceJEANNINE (cont’d)I'm sorry, I...95.84 CONTINUED: 84STUDENTS (cont'd)(CONTINUED)CONRADWhat for?JEANNINEAnyway...Conrad does not find this funny. Finally car stops. Conradsighs.JEANNINE (cont’d)Do you want to talk?CONRADAbout what?JEANNINEAre you okay?CONRADYeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Uh... I'llgive you a call.JEANNINEWill you? I want you to.CONRADSure.JEANNINEWell... Guess I'll see you inchoir.CONRAD

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Okay. Yeah. Thanks.JEANNINEOkay.CONRADI mean. Good night. Good night.JEANNINEGood night.

8. Girls

Victoria (Marnie) and Katie (Hannah)

GIRLS S01E09 *Hannah walks in and discovers Marnie’s new book. Marnie is sifting through clothes in her bedroom*

H: Wait, so you actually bought Tally Shiffren’s book?

M: It was a book party so I bought the book.

H: Well, you don’t like it. Do you?

M: She’s a really good writer, ya know? She captures something really true about the uncertainty of being our age. I cried twice.

H: Well, are you getting your period?

M: Ya know, I’m not, so…

H: What are you doing?

M: Just, uh, throwing out some old clothing I’ve been wanting to get rid of for a long time.

H: Well maybe you should give it to charity or-

M: I don’t think poor people need to wear my shitty old stuff on top of everything else.

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H: Well, I love that dress.

M: This one?

H: Yeah, I love it.

M: Really?

H: Don’t throw that away, it’s great.

M: You can have it. Don’t know what size it is though, might be tight. *throws dress to Hannah and walks out door*

H: Okay…Marnie, I did the stupidest thing at that reading.

M: I’m kind of doing this right now. Can we talk about it later? *continues to sift through clothing*

H: Alright, yeah…are you mad at me?

M: No, Hannah, not at all.

H: Cause you kind of seem mad at me…

M: I pay all the bills in this apartment. Does that not give me like one night off from talking about you and your problems?

H: Ok. Wow.

M: As it happens, I’m not always in the mood to talk about you. *heads to kitchen*


M: You know I didn’t even want to go into this but you pushed me like you push everyone about everything! *looks through fridge*

H: I push everyone?

M: Why do you always eat me yogurt? Don’t look at me like I said something awful because I really didn’t. *heads back into bedroom and makes bed*

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H: You think we only talk about my problems, like, WHY do you think that?

M: Because we do!

H: That’s not true, Marnie, we only talk about YOUR problems. It has always been that way. Seriously. We talk about what’s right with Charlie then we start talking about what’s wrong with Charlie. Now we talk about how you’re never going to meet someone. Cause it’s like you think meeting a guy is the main point of life so we have to have like a summit every day to make a game plan.

M: Ok, you jus t flipped this around in like a really crazy way. I am the one who has the right to be mad here, ok? I’m taking a very brave chance discussing my feelings.

H: Well you should maybe bring things up while they’re actually happening and then we could avoid these over rot conversations.

M: Ok, then I don’t want to talk about it anymore.

H: Well, I do.

M: Well, now I don’t.

H: Well, now I need closure. Ok?

M: You are so selfish! This is why you have no friends from pre-school!

H: Uh, I have a lot of friends from pre-school. I’m just not speaking to them right now.

M: No, you judge everyone and yet you ask them not to judge you!

H: That is because no one could ever hate me as much as I hate myself, ok? So any mean thing someone’s gonna think of to say about me I’ve already said to me about me probably in the last half hour!

M: That is bullshit because I could literally think of a million mean things that have never once occurred to you.

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H: Oh yeah, like what?

M: Well, I wouldn’t do that. *walks to bathroom*

H: Seriously, say one. Honestly, Marnie, you are so obsessed with success-

M: Oh my god. *begins brushing teeth*

H: and who’s who and what they have and how they got it. Like I was looking at Tally Shiffren the other night and I thought you probably wished she was your best friend. It’s pretty transparent. So you could tell everyone to tune in and hear your friend on Fresh Air.

M: I like being around people who know what they want.

H: People like you? Because you what do you want besides like a boyfriend with a luxury rental? Seriously that’s where your priorities are. You have always been this way and now it is worse.

M: No, you know what YOU are worse. I can’t take you anymore. You think that everyone in the world is out to humiliate you. You’re like a big ugly fucking wound!

H: Adam says you are teetering on the edge of psychotic misery but you’re smiling so wide that no one can tell. You are the wound.

M: I am not the wound. YOU are the wound.




M: Stop saying that. I am not a wound. You are a wound.

H: Maybe we’re over analyzing this and the issue is just that I’ve got a boyfriend and you don’t and it’s as simple as that. *Marnie throws tooth brush and goes to

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living room * That’s awesome. That is a really really mature way to deal with your FUCKING FEELINGS. *Hannah throws tooth brush*

M: I would back the fuck off if I were you. *threatens with tooth brush*

H: Oh, I’m fucking terrified. Seriously, I mean I’m not but I probably should be considering you’ve been batshit crazy ever since Charlie broke up with you.

M: Yeah? Well, you’ve been crazy since before I even met you. You’ve been crazy since middle school when you had to masturbate eight times a night to “stave off diseases of the mind and body.”

H: Ok, THAT is my most shameful, painful, private, secret! Ok? And it might sound like a joke but it is not FUCKING FUNNY TO ME. AND THAT IS WHY I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL ANYONE.



M: Ya know what? Thank you. That is all I needed to hear. I’m done.

H: What is that supposed to mean?

M: I do not want to live here anymore. Not with you.

H: Yeah, well, I don’t want to live with you anymore either. And I am not just saying it because you said it. I was thinking it but I did not want to say it because I am a good friend and YOU are a bad friend.




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*both storm out opposite exits*