1 Schedule of EXOTIC CAT SOCIETY 19th Championship Show (Under licence and rules of the G.C.C.F) To be held at TYDD ST GILES COMMUNITY CENTRE, Broad Drove East, Tydd St Giles, Wisbech, Cambs. PE13. 5LN. on SATURDAY 11th. JANUARY, 2020 WE CATER FOR PERSIANS, EXOTIC LONGHAIRS, EXOTIC SHORTHAIRS & ALL HOUSEHOLD PETS SHOW MANAGERS STUART & BARBARA McEWEN The Cottage Cattery, Mill Road, West Walton Nr. Wisbech, Cambs. PE14 7EU Telephone: (01945) 780027 E-mail: [email protected] CLOSING DATE 23rd DECEMBER 2019

Schedule of EXOTIC CAT SOCIETY Schedule.pdf · Telephone: (01945) 780027 e-mail: [email protected] AWARDS:- SPECIAL ROSETTES for Olympian, Imperial Grand and Grand Classes

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Page 1: Schedule of EXOTIC CAT SOCIETY Schedule.pdf · Telephone: (01945) 780027 e-mail: pennydown.cats@btinternet.com AWARDS:- SPECIAL ROSETTES for Olympian, Imperial Grand and Grand Classes


Schedule of


19th Championship Show (Under licence and rules of the G.C.C.F)

To be held at


Broad Drove East, Tydd St Giles, Wisbech, Cambs. PE13. 5LN. on






The Cottage Cattery, Mill Road, West Walton

Nr. Wisbech, Cambs. PE14 7EU

Telephone: (01945) 780027

E-mail: [email protected]


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Mrs Nora Gardner


Mr Peter Calver Mrs Caroline Palmer


Mrs Barbara McEwen

The Cottage Cattery, Mill Road,

West Walton, Nr. Wisbech, Cambs. PE14. 7EU.


Mr Stuart McEwen

The Cottage Cattery, Mill Road,

West Walton, Nr. Wisbech, Cambs. PE14 7EU.


Mr Peter Culver

49, Thirlmere Drive, Stowmarket, Suffolk. IP14. 1SF.

COMMITTEE: Mrs D Andrews, Mrs P Blacklock, Mr J Burton, Ms J Daniels,

Mrs J Johnson, Mrs E Naumenko, Miss P Sharp, Mrs S Smith


Show Managers: Mr Stuart & Mrs Barbara McEwen


Mrs J Green (FIFe), Mrs H Marriott-Power, Mrs S Moore,

Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell, Mrs S Tokens, Miss I Roos, Miss W Maruszewska


Pedigree: Persian: Mrs H Marriott-Power, Mrs S Tokens, Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

Exotic: Mrs J Green (FIFe), Mrs S Moore, Mrs H Marriott-Power

Household Pet: Miss W Maruszewska, Miss I Roos, Mrs S Tokens



Mr James Alexander MRCVS



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Pedigree Section Members Non-Members

Open plus 3 classes, 1st. exhibit £26-00 £30-00

Subsequent Exhibit(s) £24-00 £28-00

Additional Classes £3-00 £3-50

Household Pet Section

Open plus 3 classes, 1st. exhibit £26-00 £30-00

Subsequent Exhibit(s) £24-00 £28-00

Additional Classes £3-00 £3-50

Charity Classes £3-00 £3-50

(To be entered as an additional class)

Double Pens (Extra) £15-00

Exhibition Pens

For one cat or litter of kittens £18-00 £18-00

(1 extra cat) £5-00 £5-00


(in the case of joint ownership only one free ticket)


In the above list of entry fees, MEMBERS refers to fully paid up members of the Society. Entries will not be

accepted unless accompanied by the proper fees. Exhibitors are advised to enclose a stamped addressed postcard

or envelope for acknowledgement of entry. Any cheques returned by the bank will incur a £10 charge. Cheques

or Postal Orders should be made payable to: EXOTIC CAT SOCIETY

ADMISSION 12-30pm - 4pm. Adults: £3-00 Children & Senior Citizens £1-50.



The Officers and Committee extend their thanks to all those helping and supporting the show.


Please send completed entry forms & monies to: Mr. & Mrs. S.W. McEwen

The Cottage Cattery, Mill Road, West Walton, Nr. Wisbech, Cambs PE14 7EU.

Telephone: (01945) 780027 e-mail: [email protected]

AWARDS:- SPECIAL ROSETTES for Olympian, Imperial Grand and Grand Classes

OPEN CLASSES 1st to 3rd place. MISCELLANEOUS & CLUB CLASSES 1st to 3rd place


All awards will be presented at the show on the understanding that in the event of a disqualification these must

be returned, on demand, by the recipient to the Show Manager. Failure to comply with such a demand renders

the exhibitor liable to disciplinary action by the GCCF.


Entry fees will be refunded for entries withdrawn before the published closing date. All refunds will be posted

after the show.


Full Page advert £15-00 Trade (Full page only) £22-00

TRADE STALLS £25-00 per 6ft table CLUB/CHARITY STALLS £19-00


This Show is held under the Rules of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and is open to all. As a copy of the

Rules is NOT included with this Schedule, all exhibitors are reminded that they should read Section 4 of the Show

Rules, as they will be strictly applied. Ignorance will not be accepted as an excuse for a breach of the Rules. (Copies

may be obtained from the GCCF Offices, 5, Kings Castle Business Park, The Drove, Bridgwater, Somerset. TA6.

4AG. website: www.gccfcats.org

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No Cat or Kitten, Entire or Neutered, with one or both parents unregistered shall be eligible for entry into pedigree

Breed Classes. All Pedigree Cats, Kittens or Neuters are eligible for the Show if registered with the GCCF, except

those on the Reference Register. All registered exhibits which have changed hands, must have been transferred

to their new owner at least 10 days before the Show. If the registration number has not been received when

completing the entry form, write NAF (number applied for), in the appropriate column and forward the number

as soon as possible to the Show Manager. Your first choice of name should be entered in the appropriate column.

All registrations and/or transfers must have reached GCCF Office at least 10 days before the show.


The Exhibitor must complete the entry form as stated on the registration/transfer certificate. Exhibitors are

responsible for the correct description of the exhibits and for entering them in the correct classes. Please do not

omit to read and sign the declaration — if joint owners, both must sign the form. Exhibits must be entered into

the appropriate Title/Breed Class and at least three other classes. Any cheques which are not honoured will be

subject to a £10 charge to cover any bank charges and administration.


Exhibits will be received at the Show from 8.00am until 9.30am on the morning of the Show. Each exhibit must

be brought into the show hall in a suitable container, (top opening recommended) and must be accompanied by

the owner or the owner’s agent. Each exhibit will be examined by the Club`s Honorary Veterinary Surgeons who

are authorised to exclude any exhibit that they consider unfit. No exhibit may be penned before being examined.

Each exhibit must have clean ears and coats free from pests. No queen may be exhibited within 12 weeks from

the date of kittening, neither may a pregnant or lactating queen be exhibited. No exhibit that has been de-clawed

will be accepted, neither will male cats which are either monorchids or cryptorchids.

Vetting-in slips will be given out on the day of the show.

CHANGES TO GCCF VACCINE RULE 5/3 - GUIDANCE NOTES FOR OWNERS Kittens must have received two doses of vaccine against Feline Calicivirus (FCV), Feline Herpes Virus (FHV) and Feline Panleukopenia * (FPV). (*Previously termed Feline Infectious Enteritis), Done at approx. 9 and the second at approximately 12 weeks. If the interval between doses exceeded 6 weeks the vaccination is invalid as the period elapsed is too long for the 2nd dose to be fully effective.

In these circumstances either: i. If the elapsed interval from the second dose is less than 6 weeks when the error is corrected a single third dose of vaccine is sufficient to confer full immunity. ii. If the elapsed interval from the second dose is more than 6 weeks the kitten course of 2 doses of vaccine, 3-4 weeks apart must be repeated.

The cat must have received a third vaccination, often termed ‘first booster’ one year after the second vaccination was given. To comply with GCCF rules this must be administered no more than 15 months after the second vaccination. If this period is exceeded ie the third vaccination is more than 3 months overdue a 2-dose kitten course must be repeated. NB If a young queen is mated resulting in her third vaccination (1st booster) being due in pregnancy or lactation it is highly recommended that consideration is given to administering it early ie at least 2 weeks before mating. This is good practice as it will help to ensure that the kittens receive adequate maternally derived antibodies in the colostrum. Failure to do this may result in her vaccination certificate being invalid for show purposes as the queen should not receive a vaccine during pregnancy and lactation. In all cases the cat’s last booster vaccine must have been given less than 12 months and 7 days preceding the show. For older cats who have received the full primary course of 3 doses of vaccine at 9 and 12 weeks and 15 months and at least one subsequent booster the intervening vaccination history is not considered relevant and vets are instructed to only check the current entry, which must have been administered in the 12 months and 7 days preceding the show. The Certificate must have been issued by a Veterinary Practice/Hospital and the last vaccination entry signed by

a Veterinary Surgeon or by a listed Veterinary Nurse under the direction of a Veterinary Surgeon.

Certificates must be completed with the name and address of the owner and identification of the cat.

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All vaccination certificates MUST be shown at vetting in or the exhibit will be rejected under Section A, unless

the exhibitor undertakes to provide proof of vaccination by sending the certificate to the GCCF office within 7

days of the show. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification from the show and the cat’s name will be placed

on the veterinary rejection list until proof of vaccination is received in the Office.

Please note: Homeopathic vaccination is not acceptable for the purpose of showing.

Any exhibit rejected by the Veterinary Surgeon must be removed by its owner and the Entry Fees are forfeit. If in

the Veterinary Surgeon`s opinion, it is desirable, all other exhibits from the same household and owner shall be

debarred from attending the show. The Veterinary Surgeon’s decision is final.

Owners are responsible for the cost of any veterinary treatment required by their cat(s) in their absence from

the show hall.


Where an exhibit has been rejected or disqualified by a Veterinary Surgeon, the Show Managers shall obtain

from the vet, the reasons, and accordingly notify the GCCF within 48 hours of the Show, ensuring that a copy of

the rejection form is forwarded to the exhibitor concerned.

Exhibitors whose cats have been rejected at Shows please note the following points

(1) When sending your clearance certificate to the Veterinary Officer, please include your copy of the rejection


(2) Please DO NOT send these certificates by recorded delivery as this can cause considerable delays in receipt

of your certificate. If you wish to satisfy yourself that your letter has reached the Veterinary Officer, please

enclose a stamped addressed postcard for acknowledgement receipt, this will be signed and returned to you.

(3) Exhibitors should not attend Shows until they have received a letter from the Secretary confirming clearance.

It is recommended that this letter be taken to Shows within a month of the issue of the clearance letter.




Each competitive exhibit must be provided with a white sanitary tray and clean plain white or near white blanket

or blankets without distinctive marking or edging, which may be arranged in such a manner as to assist the

comfort of the cat. Cellular blankets are not allowed but white vet-bed or like material may be used if preferred.

A hot water bottle or heat reflecting material may be used, provided they are covered by the blanket, in

accordance with the GCCF Rules. Any other form of heating will lead to disqualification. All exhibits must have

water, but food containers must be removed when judging commences at 10.00am and may not be returned

until 12.30pm. Judges are instructed to pass any pen that is distinguished in any way. Other than official notices

or awards cards, no written or printed matter may be placed on competitive pens. Exhibition Pens only may be

decorated and may carry printed matter relating to the exhibit. Exhibits actually received into the Show Hall

cannot be removed without sanction of the Show Manager. They are only received on the condition that the club

shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage to exhibits, boxes or baskets or in any other way.

Any exhibit prepared for show in any artificial manner which changes its appearance relative to the Standard of

Points shall be disqualified by the show manager as there had been a breach of the rules. Such preparation

includes the uses of powder, dyes, other colouring matter or whitening or darkening substances, or any oils or

greasy preparations, or any other cleaning substances which remain in the exhibit’s coat during the show; it also

includes trimming, clipping, singeing or rasping down of the fast coat. Any treatment to change the temperament

of the exhibit, such as skullcap and valerian is forbidden.


In the event of a change of judge of a Title/Breed class occurring after the closing date of the Show, and provided

that the exhibitor informs the Show Manager prior to judging that a Certificate has previously been awarded by

the replacement judge, the Show Manager shall appoint one other judge who shall judge the cat and if the cat is

considered worthy, countersign the certificate, which shall then count towards championship status. If the

replacement judge at the first show has also been previously booked for a subsequent show, the closing date of

which is before the date of the first show and where the actual entry has been made and received before the

date of the first show, then at the subsequent show this judge can be considered as a replacement judge for the

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purpose of requesting a countersignature. When a cat which has been awarded a certificate at the Supreme Show

is entering under the same judge, for the equivalent certificate, during the following three months, then at one

subsequent show this judge can be regarded as a replacement for the purpose of requesting a countersignature.


Judging will commence at 10.00am. Judges are empowered to withhold any prizes or championship in any class,

if the exhibits do not, in their opinion, possess sufficient merit. Prizes will be awarded from the judge`s slip, not

from any catalogue or prize card. In the event of a change of judge of a Title/Breed Class occurring after the

closing date of the show, and provided that the exhibitor informs the Show Manager prior to judging that a

certificate has previously been awarded by the replacement judge, the Show Manager shall appoint one other

judge who shall judge the cat and if the cat is considered worthy, countersign the certificate which shall then

count towards championship status. The show closes at 5pm. No cat may be removed from its pen before this

time. Any exhibitor interfering with or removing any cat from its pen during the Show, except with the consent

of the Show Manager,

will forfeit any award that may be due to his or her exhibit. Exhibitors must leave the hall at 10.00am and not

return until 12.30pm.


(a) Appoint other judges should the advertised be unable to fulfil their engagements and to appoint further judges

if deemed necessary.

(b) Fix and limit the number of exhibits at the show and refuse entry without giving a reason.

(c) Cancel, amalgamate or divide classes.

(d) Disqualify cats entered in the wrong classes by the exhibitor.

(e) Refuse admission to the Show Hall without giving a reason.

(f) Retain a percentage of the entry fees to cover essential expenses, in the event of the Show being cancelled for

any reason.


1. No Kitten shall be exhibited under the age of 14 weeks. This applies to Household Pet exhibits and litters for

Exhibition also.

2a. Any Cat or Kitten, which in the opinion of the judge, is very under-developed or in poor condition, shall be

disqualified from competition.

2b. Any Cat or Kitten disqualified by a judge on grounds of condition must be reported by the Show Manager to

the Honorary Secretary of the GCCF.

BITING AT SHOWS (Effective 1.6.88)

Any cat biting or inflicting injury by deliberately scratching a judge, Veterinary Surgeon, Steward or any other

Show Official must be reported to the Show Manager. The Show Manager must withdraw the cat from the show

and inform the owner of the cat in writing sending a copy to the Secretary GCCF for consideration by the Executive

Committee. If the cat is reported at any subsequent show, it shall be disqualified from all future shows unless the

Executive Committee rule otherwise.


Exhibitors must provide a copy of the GCCF approved standard of points when making their entry.


a). You are advised against purchasing any shampoos that change a cat’s coat colour as this can lead to


b). Homeopathic Vaccinations are not acceptable to the GCCF for the purpose of vetting-in.

c). Any alteration to your entry form must be in writing which will be attached to the form by the Show Manager.

You may also make corrections to the form up to the close of the show.

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d). Kittens under the age of 14 weeks may not be shown.

e). Any person whose cats have been rejected under section C or D must not officiate as a judge or steward or in

any other capacity which requires the handling of cats at shows until a clearance certificate as required by the

GCCF has been obtained.

f). The use of small battery driven fans in pens can be dangerous, and could also be considered a distinguishing


g). Please note that in addition to the classes you have entered, your cat may also be handled for the purpose of

assessing candidates in the GCCF appointment scheme.

h). Queens who have kittened within 12 weeks of the date of the show may not be shown.


Owners are warned by the GCCF against selling whole litters to one buyer, as unfortunate consequences may



LH- Longhaired, SLH- Semi-Longhaired, SH- Shorthaired; AV- Any Variety, AC- Any Colour; M- Male

AOC- Any Other Colour; AOV- Any Other Variety; F- Female; GCCF- Governing Council of the Cat Fancy.


OLYMPIAN: Open to holders of IGRCH/IGRPR titles only in the case of Adults or Neuters.

IMPERIAL: Open to holders of GRCH/GRPR titles only in the case of Adults or Neuters.

GRAND: Open to holders of CH/PR titles only in the case of Adults or Neuters.

BREED: Open to all of the specified breed who have not yet obtained the titles of CH/PR

in the case of Adults or Neuters.

CATS: Not less than 9 calendar months on the day of the show.

KITTEN: Not less than 14 weeks and under 9 calendar months on day of the show. Since 1 June

2001, neuter kittens are entered in kitten Open & Miscellaneous classes and compete for

BIS Kitten. Neuter kittens of Preliminary Breeds should be included in Kitten Assessment

classes where separate classes for Adult, Kitten and Neuter are scheduled.

NEUTER Neuter adults may only enter Neuter Classes and may not compete with entire cats

ADULTS: or kittens except in Club Classes, which are scheduled to include Neuters. Where Best in

Show is held, the best Neuter shall be considered against the Best Entire Adult and Kitten

for best Exhibit in Show.

NOVICE: Exhibits that have not won a first prize in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules.

LIMIT: Exhibits that have not won more than four First Prizes in any class at a show held under

GCCF Rules.

DEBUTANTE: Exhibits that have never been shown at a show held under GCCF Rules. (Debutante entry

as a kitten does not count when the exhibit is shown as an Adult or Neuter and Debutante

entry as an Adult does not count when the exhibit is Neutered and shown).

MAIDEN: Exhibits that have not won a First, Second or Third prize in any class at a show held under

GCCF Rules.

BREEDERS: Exhibits bred by exhibitor/s. Cats originally registered in the breeders` joint ownership but

changed to single ownership through divorce or the death of one owner can still be entered

in this class. Cats originally registered in the Breeders` single ownership and changed to

joint ownership with the Breeder, should be entered in the Non-Breeders class.

ADOLESCENT: Cats over 9 months of age and under 15 months of age on the day of the show.

JUNIOR: Cats over 9 calendar months of age and under 2 years on the day of the show.

SENIOR: Cats 2 years old and over on the day of the show.

VETERAN: Cats 7 years old and over on the day of the show.

ARISTOCRAT: Exhibits with 1 or 2 Challenge or Premier Certificates but have not achieved

Champion/Premier status.

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RADIUS: For exhibits living within 25 miles of the Show Hall.

VISITORS: For exhibits living over 25 miles from the Show Hall.

ASSESSMENT: For Experimental breeds only. Entrants may also enter the appropriate Miscellaneous

and Club Classes. Entries must include a Standard of Points which has been approved by the GCCF

The status of the exhibit for entering restricted classes (i.e. Maiden, Limit etc) shall be the cats` status on the date

of entry, except where section 2 Rule 15e regarding entry into \grand Classes applies. The wins as a Kitten do not

count when the exhibit is shown as an Adult or Neuter. The wins as an adult do not count when exhibit is neutered

and shown. Merit Awards do not count as `wins` for entering restricted classes.


In order to enter ‘Olympian’ class your cat must be an Imperial Grand Champion/Imperial Grand Premier/Imperial

Grand Master Cat. Once your cat has attained IGRCH/IGRPR/IGRMC status, it may only enter Olympian classes

and be considered for Best of Breed if BOB is held.


In order to enter the “Imperial” class your cat must be a Grand Champion/Grand Premier/Grand Master Cat.

Once a cat has attained GRCH/GRPR/GRMC status, it may only enter the Imperial Class and be considered for

Best of Breed if BOB is held.


In order to enter the ‘Grand’ class your cat must be a Champion/Premier/Master Cat. Once a cat has attained

CH/PR/MC status, it may only enter the Grand Class and be considered for Best of Breed if BOB is held.


Untitled Cats only may enter the breed class.


Any complaint relating to the show, must be sent to the Show Manager within seven (7) days of the close of the

show. Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope for reply.


Where possible, always complete your show entry form from your GCCF registration document (i.e. Registration

or Transfer certificate) for the cat that is to be exhibited. PRINTING the details carefully to avoid any

misinterpretation of your handwriting.

If you have not received your registration document at the time of entry, complete the show entry form with the

details from your pedigree, giving the first choice of name if it is a non-prefix registration, and put RAF

(Registration Applied For) or TAF (Transfer Applied For), or both, in the Regd No. box. It is wise to include a

stamped self-addressed acknowledgement postcard with all registration and transfer applications, particularly

for cats entered for show, so that you know the application has been received by the GCCF.

Try to keep a copy of your entry form - then, when you receive registration details and number, check these

against the entry form and notify the Show Manager in writing of any differences in the details as well as giving

the registration number, if applicable. This may not be in time for the printing of the Show Catalogue, but the

Show Manager should attach your letter to your entry form, which will save unnecessary notification of

discrepancies when that show is checked.

All Catalogue errors are checked against the original entry form and any exhibitors` letters are used for

reference. Show managements are permitted to accept corrections, at their own discretion, up to close of the

show (on the day); such a change must not be a change of exhibit.

If you are entering several cats from your household and the registered owners (exhibitors) differ within that

household/family, check with the Show Manager whether using one entry form is acceptable or not and, if it is

indicate VERY CLEARLY which exhibitor owns which cat, ensuring all owners sign the entry form. It may be less

confusing and more acceptable to the Show Manager for each owner to use separate entry forms, but joint

owners of an exhibit/exhibits should always use the same form and both must sign.

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Minor Errors. These warrant a notification for your reference if the error occurs more than once and it is apparent

that registration details were available at the time of entry or before the date of the show. Continuous repetition

of the same error after notification will be referred to the Executive Committee.

Examples of minor error include:

(a) spelling errors

(b) separation of cats` names that should be one word, and vice versa

(c) administrative/breeder`s prefix omitted from, or partially incorrect name given for exhibit

(d) overseas title preceding the name of an exhibit, sire or dam etc

(e) full breed number known, but not given

(f) Sire and Dam reversed (revised 5.1.94) or named incorrectly (revised 12.1.96)

(g) breeder joint when single and vice versa (revised 5.1.94)

INCORRECT DATE OF BIRTH. This is usually classed as a minor error unless it affects an entry into classes based

on age groups when it could warrant disqualification of the exhibit from such classes; but if the incorrect date of

birth affects the age suitability as a whole, then the exhibit will be disqualified from the Show.

NB AGE LIMITS Kittens - not less than 14 weeks old and under 9 calendar months on date of show.

Adults - not less than 9 calendar months on the day of show.

INCORRECT NAME OF EXHIBIT/OWNER/BREEDER. If the registration/transfer were obviously available at the

time of entry or before the date of the Show, disqualification is inevitable. The following discrepancies are those

which usually arise:

EXHIBIT Totally incorrect name

REGISTERED OWNER Joint when they should be single and vice versa

(EXHIBITOR) Declaration not signed by registered owner(s)

NB The exhibitor(s) must be the registered owner(s) of the cat and not necessarily the

person who actually take the cat to the show.

BREEDER Totally incorrect name or names

NB The breeder of a cat is always the registered owner of the dam on the date of the cat`s birth.


disqualified. Remember the effective date of all registrations and transfers is the first date of valid receipt by the

GCCF, and if you enclose a stamped addressed acknowledgement card with your application form, this will be

stamped with the GCCF Office date of receipt.


OF THE SHOW Entries such as these will also be disqualified as the exhibitor’s entry form becomes invalid.

INCORRECT CLASS ENTRY These will be disqualified from the class concerned - so always check with the Show

Manager if in doubt about which class to enter. If a breed number is changed officially, it is important that you

notify the Show Manager immediately.

Exhibits entered in the Grand class must have qualified on or before the published closing date of the show.

CAT REGISTERED ON THE REFERENCE REGISTER No cat registered on this Register is eligible to be shown and

therefore these entries will be disqualified.

The only exception to this is when a new breed becomes recognised; and then, cats of the breed may be shown

even if they are registered on the Reference Register as long as this was the only reason for the Reference


Exhibitors may appeal against any disqualification resulting from show checking, giving their reasons. The appeal

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will be referred to the Executive Committee if considered valid and, if not a letter of explanation will be sent to

the exhibitor(s).

The advice above, however, is aimed to keep your show entries trouble-free, not to mention the show checking.







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Exotic Cat Society says a massive thank you to our

fantastic sponsors for supporting our show

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EXHIBITION 0 On Exhibition Only: Best Decorated Pen - Any Adult, Kitten or Neuter…………….Mrs N Gardner



1 : Olympian Class: Any Imperial Grand Champion, Male ................................................................... Mrs J Green

2 : Olympian Class: Any Imperial Grand Champion, Female ............................................................. Mrs S Tokens

3 : Imperial Class: AC Persian or Exotic Grand Champion, Male ...................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

4 : Imperial Class: AC Persian or Exotic Grand Champion, Female .................................................... Mrs S Tokens

5 : Grand Class: Self Exotic Champion, Male .................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

6 : Grand Class: Self Exotic Champion, Female ................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

7 : Grand Class: Non-Self Exotic Champion, Male ............................................................................. Mrs S Tokens

8 : Grand Class: Non-Self Exotic Champion, Female ............................................................................ Mrs J Green

9 : Grand Class: Self Persian Champion, Male ................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

10 : Grand Class: Self Persian Champion, Female .............................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

11 : Grand Class: Non-Self Persian Champion, Male ........................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

12 : Grand Class: Non-Self Persian Champion, Female ..................................................................... Mrs S Tokens


13 : AC Exotic Self Adult, Male .......................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

14 : AC Exotic Self Adult, Female ...................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

15 : AC Exotic Tabby or Tabby/White Adult, Male ............................................................................ Mrs S Tokens

16 : AC Exotic Tabby or Tabby/White Adult, Female......................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

17 : AC Exotic Patched Adult (excluding Tabby & White), Male ....................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

18 : AC Exotic Patched Adult (excluding Tabby & White), Female ................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

19 : AC Exotic Colourpointed Adult, Male ........................................................................................... Mrs J Green

20 : AC Exotic Colourpointed Adult, Female ....................................................................................... Mrs J Green

21 : AC Exotic Tipped or Smoke Adult, Male ..................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

22 : AC Exotic Tipped or Smoke Adult, Female ................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

23 : Black Persian Adult..................................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

24 : White (Blue-Eyed) Persian Adult ................................................................................................ Mrs S Moore

25 : White (Orange-Eyed) Persian Adult ............................................................................................. Mrs J Green

26 : White (Odd-Eyed) Persian Adult ................................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

27 : Blue Persian Adult ...................................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

28 : Red Self Persian Adult ................................................................................................................ Mrs S Moore

29 : Cream Persian Adult .................................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

30 : Black or Chocolate Smoke Persian Adult .................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

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31 : Blue or Lilac Smoke Persian Adult .............................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

32 : Red, Cream, Tortie, Blue/Lilac-Cream or Choc Tortie Smoke Persian Adult …………….Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

33 : AC Silver Tabby Persian Adult ..................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

34 : Brown, Blue, Chocolate or Lilac Tabby Persian Adult ................................................................... Mrs J Green

35 : Red, Cream or Tortoiseshell Tabby Persian Adult ...................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

36 : Chinchilla or Shaded Silver (including Blue Series) Persian Adult ............................................... Mrs S Moore

37 : Tortoiseshell Persian Adult ........................................................................................................ Mrs S Tokens

38 : Chocolate Tortoiseshell Persian Adult......................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

39 : Lilac-Cream Persian Adult ......................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

40 : Tortie or Chocolate Tortie & White Persian Adult ...................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

41 : Blue or Lilac Tortie & White Persian Adult ................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

42 : Bi-Coloured Persian Adult ............................................................................................................ Mrs J Green

43 : AC Tabby/Smoke/Cameo & White Persian Adult ........................................................ Mrs H Marriott-Power

44 : Blue-Cream Persian Adult ............................................................................................................ Mrs J Green

45 : Seal Colourpoint Persian Adult .................................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens

46 : Blue Colourpoint Persian Adult .................................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

47 : Tortoiseshell Colourpoint Persian Adult .................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

48 : AOC Self Colourpoint Persian Adult ............................................................................ Mrs H Marriott-Power

49 : Tabby Colourpoint Persian Adult ................................................................................................. Mrs J Green

50 : Chocolate Persian Adult ............................................................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

51 : Lilac Persian Adult ...................................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

52 : Black/Choc/Red/Tortie/Choc Tortie Shaded or Tipped Cameo Persian Adult ........ ………..………..Mrs S Moore

53 : Blue/Lilac/Cream/Blue-Cream or Lilac-Cream Shaded or Tipped Cameo Persian Ad..Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

54 : Pewter or Blue Pewter Persian Adult .......................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

55 : Golden or Blue Golden Persian Adult ........................................................................................... Mrs J Green


56 : AC Exotic Self Kitten, Male, 14 weeks - 6 months ....................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

57 : AC Exotic Self Kitten, Male, 6 months - 9 months ....................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

58 : AC Exotic Self Kitten, Female, 14 weeks - 6 months .................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

59 : AC Exotic Self Kitten, Female, 6 months - 9 months .................................................. ..Mrs H Marriott-Power

60 : AC Exotic Tabby or Tabby/White Kitten, Male, 14 weeks - 6 months…………………....…..Mrs H Marriott-Power

61 : AC Exotic Tabby or Tabby/White Kitten, Male, 6 months - 9 months………………………...Mrs H Marriott-Power

62 : AC Exotic Tabby or Tabby/White Kitten, Female, 14 weeks - 6 months ... …………………Mrs H Marriott-Power

63 : AC Exotic Tabby or Tabby/White Kitten, Female, 6 months - 9 months ... …………………Mrs H Marriott-Power

64 : AC Exotic Patched Kitten (excluding Tabby/White), Male, 14 weeks - 6 months………………………Mrs S Moore

65 : AC Exotic Patched Kitten (excluding Tabby/White), Male, 6 months - 9 months….…… .............. Mrs S Moore

66 : AC Exotic Patched Kitten (excluding Tabby & White), Female, 14 weeks - 6 months…. ............. Mrs S Moore

67 : AC Exotic Patched Kitten (excluding Tabby & White), Female, 6 months - 9 months…. ............. Mrs S Moore

68 : AC Exotic Colourpointed Kitten, Male, 14 weeks - 6 months ...................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

69 : AC Exotic Colourpointed Kitten, Male, 6 months - 9 months ...................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

70 : AC Exotic Colourpointed Kitten, Female, 14 weeks - 6 months ................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

71 : AC Exotic Colourpointed Kitten, Female, 6 months - 9 months .................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

72 : AC Exotic Tipped or Smoke Kitten, Male, 14 weeks - 6 months ................................................... Mrs J Green

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73 : AC Exotic Tipped or Smoke Kitten, Male, 6 months - 9 months ................................................... Mrs J Green

74 : AC Exotic Tipped or Smoke Kitten, Female, 14 weeks - 6 months ................................................ Mrs J Green

75 : AC Exotic Tipped or Smoke Kitten, Female, 6 months - 9 months................................................ Mrs J Green

76 : Black Persian Kitten.................................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

77 : White (Blue-Eyed) Persian Kitten ................................................................................................. Mrs J Green

78 : White (Orange-Eyed) Persian Kitten .......................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

79 : White (Odd-Eyed) Persian Kitten ............................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

80 : Blue Persian Kitten ..................................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

81 : Red Self Persian Kitten .............................................................................................. Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

82 : Cream Persian Kitten .................................................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

83 : Black Smoke or Chocolate Smoke Persian Kitten ....................................................................... Mrs S Moore

84 : Blue Smoke or Lilac Smoke Persian Kitten ................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens

85 : Red, Cream or AC Tortoiseshell Smoke Persian Kitten ................................................................. Mrs J Green

86 : AC Silver Tabby (Classic, Mackerel, Spotted) Persian Kitten ..................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

87 : Brown, Blue, Chocolate or Lilac Tabby Persian Kitten ................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

88 : Red, Cream or Tortoiseshell Tabby Persian Kitten ..................................................................... Mrs S Moore

89 : Chinchilla or Shaded Silver Persian Kitten (incl. Blue series) ...................................................... Mrs S Tokens

90 : Tortoiseshell Persian Kitten ......................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

91 : Chocolate Tortoiseshell Persian Kitten...................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

92 : Lilac-Cream Persian Kitten .......................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

93 : Tortie or Chocolate Tortie & White Persian Kitten ..................................................................... Mrs S Moore

94 : Blue or Lilac Tortie & White Persian Kitten ................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

95 : Bi-Coloured Persian Kitten ......................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

96 : AC Tabby/Smoke/Cameo & White Persian Kitten ..................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

97 : Blue-Cream Persian Kitten .......................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

98 : Seal Colourpoint Persian Kitten.................................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

99 : Blue Colourpoint Persian Kitten ................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

100 : Tortoiseshell Colourpoint Persian Kitten .................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens

101 : AOC Self Colourpoint Persian Kitten ....................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

102 : Tabby Colourpoint Persian Kitten ............................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

103 : Chocolate Persian Kitten ............................................................................................................ Mrs J Green

104 : Lilac Persian Kitten .................................................................................................. Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

105 : Black, Choc, Red, Tortie or Choc Tortie Shaded/Tipped Cameo Persian Kitten ................. …….Mrs S Tokens

106 : Blue/Lilac/Cream/Blue-Cream or Lilac-Cream Shaded/Tipped Cameo Persian Kitt..Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

107 : Pewter or Blue Pewter Persian Kitten ....................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

108 : Golden or Blue Golden Persian Kitten ...................................................................................... Mrs S Moore


109 : Olympian Class: Any Imperial Grand Premier, Male ................................................................ Mrs S Moore

110 : Olympian Class: Any Imperial Grand Premier, Female ............................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

111 : Imperial Class: AC Persian or Exotic Grand Premier, Male ......................................................... Mrs J Green

112 : Imperial Class: AC Persian or Exotic Grand Premier, Female.................................................... Mrs S Tokens

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113 : Grand Class: Self Exotic Premier, Male..................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

114 : Grand Class: Self Exotic Premier, Female ................................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

115 : Grand Class: Non-Self Exotic Premier, Male ............................................................................... Mrs J Green

116 : Grand Class: Non-Self Exotic Premier, Female ......................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

117 : Grand Class: Self Persian Premier, Male ................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

118 : Grand Class: Self Persian Premier, Female ............................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

119 : Grand Class: Non-Self Persian Premier, Male .......................................................................... Mrs S Moore

120 : Grand Class: Non-Self Persian Premier, Female ...................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

NEUTER BREED CLASSES 121 : AC Exotic Self Neuter, Male ....................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

122 : AC Exotic Self Neuter, Female .................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

123 : AC Exotic Tabby or Tabby & White Neuter, Male..................................................................... Mrs S Moore

124 : AC Exotic Tabby or Tabby & White Neuter, Female ................................................................. Mrs S Moore

125 : AC Exotic Patched Neuter (excluding Tabby & White), Male. ................................. Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

126 : AC Exotic Patched Neuter (excluding Tabby & White), Female ……………………………..Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

127 : AC Exotic Colourpointed Neuter, Male .................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

128 : AC Exotic Colourpointed Neuter, Female ................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens

129 : AC Exotic Tipped or Smoke Neuter, Male .................................................................................. Mrs J Green

130 : AC Exotic Tipped or Smoke Neuter, Female ............................................................................... Mrs J Green

131 : Black Persian Neuter ............................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

132 : White (Blue-Eyed) Persian Neuter ........................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

133 : White (Orange-Eyed) Persian Neuter ....................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

134 : White (Odd-Eyed) Persian Neuter ............................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

135 : Blue Persian Neuter ................................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

136 : Red Self Persian Neuter .......................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

137 : Cream Persian Neuter .............................................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens

138 : Black Smoke or Chocolate Smoke Persian Neuter ................................................................... Mrs S Moore

139 : Blue Smoke or Lilac Smoke Persian Neuter ................................................................................ Mrs J Green

140 : Red, Cream or AC Tortoiseshell Smoke Persian Neuter ............................................ Mrs H Marriott-Power

141 : AC Silver Tabby (Classic, Mackerel, Spotted) Persian Neuter ................................. .Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

142 : Brown, Blue, Chocolate or Lilac Tabby Persian Neuter ............................................................ Mrs S Tokens

143 : Red, Cream or Tortoiseshell Tabby Persian Neuter .................................................................. Mrs S Moore

144 : Chinchilla or Shaded Silver Persian Neuter (incl. Blue series) .................................................... Mrs J Green

145 : Tortoiseshell Persian Neuter ..................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

146 : Chocolate Tortoiseshell Persian Neuter .................................................................. Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

147 : Lilac-Cream Persian Neuter ...................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

148 : Tortie or Chocolate Tortie & White Persian Neuter ................................................................... Mrs J Green

149 : Blue or Lilac Tortie & White Persian Neuter............................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

150 : Bi-Coloured Persian Neuter....................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

151 : AC Tabby/Smoke/Cameo & White Persian Neuter ................................................. Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

152 : Blue-Cream Persian Neuter ...................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

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153 : Seal Colourpoint Persian Neuter .............................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

154 : Blue Colourpoint Persian Neuter ............................................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

155 : Tortoiseshell Colourpoint Persian Neuter ................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

156 : AOC Self Colourpoint Persian Neuter ...................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

157 : Tabby Colourpoint Persian Neuter ........................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

158 : Chocolate Persian Neuter ........................................................................................................ Mrs S Moore

159 : Lilac Persian Neuter ................................................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens

160 : Black, Choc, Red, Tortie or Choc Tortie Shaded/Tipped Cameo Persian Neuter ... …..Mrs H Marriott-Power

161 : Blue/Lilac/Cream/Blue-Cream or Lilac-Cream Shaded/Tipped Cameo Persian Neut.Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

162 : Pewter or Blue Pewter Persian Neuter .................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

163 : Golden or Blue Golden Persian Neuter .................................................................................... Mrs S Moore



164 : AC Adolescent Adult, Male...................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

165 : AC Adolescent Adult, Female ................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

166 : AC Junior Adult, Male ............................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

167 : AC Junior Adult, Female ............................................................................................................. Mrs J Green

168 : AC Senior Adult, Male ............................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

169 : AC Senior Adult, Female .......................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

170 : AC Veteran Adult, Male............................................................................................................ Mrs S Tokens

171 : AC Veteran Adult, Female ........................................................................................................ Mrs S Moore

172 : AC Aristocrat Adult, Male ........................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

173 : AC Aristocrat Adult, Female ...................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

174 : AC Adult not having won a CC, Male ....................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

175 : AC Adult not having won a CC, Female .................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

176 : AC Adult bred by Exhibitor, Male ............................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

177 : AC Adult bred by Exhibitor, Female ........................................................................................... Mrs J Green

178 : AC Adult not bred by Exhibitor, Male ........................................................................ Mrs H Marriott-Power

179 : AC Adult not bred by Exhibitor, Female .................................................................. Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

180 : AC Debutant Adult, Male ......................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

181 : AC Debutant Adult, Female ...................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

182 : AC Maiden Adult, Male .............................................................................................................. Mrs J Green

183 : AC Maiden Adult, Female.......................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

184 : AC Novice Adult, Male ............................................................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

185 : AC Novice Adult, Female .......................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

186 : AC Limit Adult, Male ................................................................................................................ Mrs S Moore

187 : AC Limit Adult, Female ............................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

188 : AC Radius Adult, Male ............................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

189 : AC Radius Adult, Female ......................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

190 : AC Visitor Adult, Male .............................................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens

191 : AC Visitor Adult, Female .......................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

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192 : AC Self Adult, Male .................................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

193 : AC Self Adult, Female ................................................................................................ Mrs H Marriott-Power

194 : AC Patched Adult, Male .......................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

195 : AC Patched Adult, Female ........................................................................................................ Mrs S Tokens

196 : AC Tabby or Spotted Adult, Male ............................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

197 : AC Tabby or Spotted Adult, Female ........................................................................................... Mrs J Green

198 : AC Colourpointed Adult, Male .................................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

199 : AC Colourpointed Adult, Female ............................................................................. Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

200 : AC Tipped or Smoke Adult, Male ............................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens

201 : AC Tipped or Smoke Adult, Female .......................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

202 : AC Exotic with both parents Exotic, Male ............................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

203 : AC Exotic with both parents Exotic, Female .............................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

PERSIAN & EXOTIC KITTENS 204 : AC Kitten bred by Exhibitor, Male ............................................................................................ Mrs S Tokens

205 : AC Kitten bred by Exhibitor, Female ........................................................................................ Mrs S Moore

206 : AC Kitten not bred by Exhibitor, Male ........................................................................................ Mrs J Green

207 : AC Kitten not bred by Exhibitor, Female ................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

208 : AC Debutant Kitten, Male ....................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

209 : AC Debutant Kitten, Female ..................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

210 : AC Maiden Kitten, Male ........................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

211 : AC Maiden Kitten, Female .......................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

212 : AC Novice Kitten, Male ............................................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

213 : AC Novice Kitten, Female ........................................................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

214 : AC Limit Kitten, Male ............................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

215 : AC Limit Kitten, Female ............................................................................................................ Mrs S Moore

216 : AC Radius Kitten, Male ............................................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens

217 : AC Radius Kitten, Female .......................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

218 : AC Visitor Kitten, Male ............................................................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

219 : AC Visitor Kitten, Female ......................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

220 : AC Self Kitten, Male ................................................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

221 : AC Self Kitten, Female ................................................................................................................ Mrs J Green

222 : AC Patched Kitten, Male ........................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

223 : AC Patched Kitten, Female ...................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

224 : AC Tabby or Spotted Kitten, Male ............................................................................................ Mrs S Tokens

225 : AC Tabby or Spotted Kitten, Female ........................................................................................ Mrs S Moore

226 : AC Colourpointed Kitten, Male .................................................................................................. Mrs J Green

227 : AC Colourpointed Kitten, Female .............................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

228 : AC Tipped or Smoke Kitten, Male ........................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

229 : AC Tipped or Smoke Kitten, Female ......................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

230 : AC Exotic Kitten with both parents Exotic, Male ...................................................................... Mrs S Moore

231 : AC Exotic Kitten with both parents Exotic, Female .................................................................... Mrs J Green

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PERSIAN & EXOTIC NEUTERS 232 : AC Adolescent Neuter, Male .................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

233 : AC Adolescent Neuter, Female .................................................................................................. Mrs J Green

234 : AC Junior Neuter, Male ............................................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

235 : AC Junior Neuter, Female ....................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

236 : AC Senior Neuter, Male ............................................................................................................ Mrs S Tokens

237 : AC Senior Neuter, Female ........................................................................................................ Mrs S Moore

238 : AC Veteran Neuter, Male ........................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

239 : AC Veteran Neuter, Female ...................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

240 : AC Aristocrat Neuter, Male ..................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

241 : AC Aristocrat Neuter, Female................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

242 : AC Neuter not having won a PC, Male ..................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

243 : AC Neuter not having won a PC, Female .................................................................................... Mrs J Green

244 : AC Neuter bred by Exhibitor, Male ........................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

245 : AC Neuter bred by Exhibitor, Female ...................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

246 : AC Neuter not bred by Exhibitor, Male .................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

247 : AC Neuter not bred by Exhibitor, Female................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

248 : AC Debutant Neuter, Male ......................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

249 : AC Debutant Neuter, Female .................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

250 : AC Maiden Neuter, Male......................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

251 : AC Maiden Neuter, Female ...................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

252 : AC Novice Neuter, Male ........................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

253 : AC Novice Neuter, Female ......................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

254 : AC Limit Neuter, Male ............................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

255 : AC Limit Neuter, Female ......................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

256 : AC Radius Neuter, Male ........................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

257 : AC Radius Neuter, Female ......................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

258 : AC Visitor Neuter, Male .......................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

259 : AC Visitor Neuter, Female ........................................................................................................ Mrs S Moore

260 : AC Self Neuter, Male ................................................................................................................ Mrs S Moore

261 : AC Self Neuter, Female ............................................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

262 : AC Patched Neuter, Male ........................................................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

263 : AC Patched Neuter, Female ..................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

264 : AC Tabby or Spotted Neuter, Male .......................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

265 : AC Tabby or Spotted Neuter, Female ......................................................................................... Mrs J Green

266 : AC Colourpointed Neuter, Male ................................................................................ Mrs H Marriott-Power

267 : AC Colourpointed Neuter, Female .......................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

268 : AC Tipped or Smoke Neuter, Male ........................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

269 : AC Tipped or Smoke Neuter, Female ....................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

270 : AC Exotic Neuter with both parents Exotic, Male ...................................................................... Mrs J Green

271 : AC Exotic Neuter with both parents Exotic, Female .................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

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272 : AC Exotic Adult ......................................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

273 : AC Exotic Kitten .......................................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

274 : AC Exotic Neuter ...................................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore


275 : AC Adult .................................................................................................................. Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

276 : AC Kitten ................................................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

277 : AC Neuter................................................................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens

MICHAEL STEER MEMORIAL CLASSES In memory of Michael, who always loved cats and left the Society a sizeable donation

for us to carry on our welfare work 278 : AC Adult ................................................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

279 : AC Kitten ................................................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

280 : AC Neuter................................................................................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell


All entry fees will go to the Society's Cat Welfare Fund 281 : AC Adult, Kitten or Neuter ...................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

CLUB CLASSES Exhibitors must be fully paid up members of the appropriate club to enter these classes

EXOTIC CAT SOCIETY 282 : AC Self Adult, Male ................................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

283 : AC Self Adult, Female ............................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

284 : AC Non-Self Adult, Male ............................................................................................................. Mrs J Green

285 : AC Non-Self Adult, Female ........................................................................................ Mrs H Marriott-Power

286 : AC Self Kitten, Male ................................................................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

287 : AC Self Kitten, Female ................................................................................................................ Mrs J Green

288 : AC Non-Self Kitten, Male .......................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

289 : AC Non-Self Kitten, Female ........................................................................................................ Mrs J Green

290 : AC Self Neuter, Male ................................................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

291 : AC Self Neuter, Female ........................................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

292 : AC Non-Self Neuter, Male ........................................................................................................ Mrs S Moore

293 : AC Non-Self Neuter, Female .................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

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BEDFORD & DISTRICT CAT CLUB 294 : AC Adult .................................................................................................................. Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

295 : AC Kitten .................................................................................................................................. Mrs S Moore

296 : AC Neuter................................................................................................................................... Mrs J Green


297 : AC Adult ................................................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

298 : AC Kitten ................................................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

299 : AC Neuter................................................................................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell


300 : AC Adult of Society's Breeds ..................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

301 : AC Kitten of Society's Breeds ................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

302 : AC Neuter of Society's Breeds .................................................................................................... Mrs J Green


303 : AC Adult ..................................................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

304 : AC Kitten .................................................................................................................................. Mrs S Tokens

305 : AC Neuter................................................................................................................ Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell


306 : AC Adult ................................................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

307 : AC Kitten ................................................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

308 : AC Neuter................................................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

EXOTIC CAT CLUB 309 : AC Self Adult, Male ................................................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

310 : AC Self Adult, Female ................................................................................................................. Mrs J Green

311 : AC Non-Self Adult, Male ........................................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

312 : AC Non-Self Adult, Female ....................................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

313 : AC Self Neuter, Male & Female ............................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

314 : AC Non-Self Neuter, Male & Female ......................................................................... Mrs H Marriott-Power

315 : AC Kitten .................................................................................................................................... Mrs J Green


316 : AC Adult .................................................................................................................. Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

317 : AC Kitten .................................................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

318 : AC Neuter.................................................................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power


319 : AC Tabby or Tabby & White Adult ........................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

320 : AC Tabby or Tabby & White Kitten............................................................................................. Mrs J Green

321 : AC Tabby or Tabby & White Neuter ......................................................................................... Mrs S Moore

Page 21: Schedule of EXOTIC CAT SOCIETY Schedule.pdf · Telephone: (01945) 780027 e-mail: pennydown.cats@btinternet.com AWARDS:- SPECIAL ROSETTES for Olympian, Imperial Grand and Grand Classes


Governing Council of the Cat Fancy 5 Kings Castle Business Park email: [email protected] The Drove web: www.gccfcats.org Bridgwater Tel: 01278 427 575 TA6 4AG

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GCCF SUPREME CAT SHOW – NEC Birmingham - Saturday 26th October 2019

Schedules available online from the beginning of August at www.supremecatshow.org or send an C5 size s.a.e to the Supreme Cat Show Manager, at the Bridgwater address above.


HOUSEHOLD PETS (Pedigree & non-pedigree)

Important Note: From 1st June 2017 Household Pets will require to be registered with the GCCF in order to obtain titles.

From 1st June 2017 untitled Household Pets may be entered in classes but in order to claim that title they must be registered with the GCCF as a Household Pet. Pedigree Pets already registered with

GCCF need only quote their pedigree registration number.

Further advice will be issued on the GCCF website in May 2017.

HOUSEHOLD PET (Pedigree & Non-pedigree) EXHIBITORS – If your cat has won a Master, Grand Master, Imperial Grand Master, Olympian Master or UK Grand Master title at a GCCF Show, please make your claim to the GCCF Office address above. Please include the information below with your photocopies of the relevant certificates. All claims are acknowledged and, periodically, a list of Master title winners will be published on the web site, shortly after which medals that have been paid for will be sent to the owners.


The title Master (M) shall be attained by the awarding of three Master certificates by three different judges at participating GCCF Championship shows.


The title Grand Master (GM) shall be attained by the awarding of three Grand Master certificates by three different judges at participating GCCF Championship Shows.


The title Imperial Grand Master (IGM) shall be attained by the awarding of five Imperial Grand Master certificates by five different judges at participating GCCF Championship Shows.


The Olympian title shall be attained by the awarding of five Olympian certificates by 5 different judges at participating Championship or Sanction GCCF shows. Only one certificate is allowed at one breed show at each level. The first five awards will be noted with the title Olympian Bronze, the 2nd five will be noted with the title of Olympian Silver and the 3rd five will be noted with the title of Olympian Gold (total fifteen certificates to reach Olympian Gold).

MEDALS COST £16.50 per medal including 1 free bar (excluding Olympian bars), £8 per subsequent bar. Olympian bars (Bronze, Silver or Gold) are £10, if a medal is required with the Olympian bar then the fee is £26.50. UK Medals are £20. Payment with orders please.

Please enclose a C5 size self-addressed envelope for acknowledgement.


Please note prices above were current at the time of publication but may be subject to change, please see GCCF website ( www.gccfcats.org ) for latest price list.

The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy is a company limited by guarantee Registration No. 07431259 registered in England at the above address VAT Reg. No. GB 130 7379 79

GCCF show advert HHP 02Mar17

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HOUSEHOLD PET SECTION All certificate classes will be split where Male and Female are entered in the same class. All kitten colour classes will be split if Male and Female are entered in the same class.


OLYMPIAN CLASSES 322 : Olympian Class: Any Imperial Grand Master Cat, Male ............................................... Miss W Maruszewska

323 : Olympian Class: Any Imperial Grand Master Cat, Female ........................................................... Miss I Roos

NON-PEDIGREE PETS Unregistered cats or kittens of traditional "moggie" appearance


324 : Imperial Class: Any Non-Pedigree Grand Master Cat, Male ........................................................ Miss I Roos

325 : Imperial Class: Any Non-Pedigree Grand Master Cat, Female… .................................. Miss W Maruszewska

326 : Grand Class: Any Non-Pedigree Master Cat, Male ...................................................................... Miss I Roos

327 : Grand Class: Any Non-Pedigree Master Cat, Female................................................... Miss W Maruszewska


Longhair or Semi-longhair Non-Pedigree Pet Classes 328 : AC LH or SLH Self (single colour) Non-Pedigree Cat .................................................................... Miss I Roos

329 : AC LH or SLH Tabby Non-Pedigree Cat of any pattern ................................................ Miss W Maruszewska

330 : LH or SLH Non-Pedigree Ginger or AC Tortoiseshell Cat ............................................................. Miss I Roos

331 : AC LH or SLH Non-Pedigree Kitten .............................................................................................. Miss I Roos

Shorthair Non-Pedigree Pet Classes

332 : AC SH Self (single colour) Non-Pedigree Cat ............................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

333 : AC SH Tabby Non-Pedigree Cat of any pattern ........................................................................... Miss I Roos

334 : SH Ginger or AC Tortoiseshell Non-Pedigree Cat ........................................................ Miss W Maruszewska

335 : AC Shorthaired Non-Pedigree Kitten ........................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

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PEDIGREE PETS Cats of known full or half pedigree background, registered or unregistered;

or cats of pedigree appearance but of unknown background. Pet names must be used without any reference to prefix, breed or breed number etc.


336 : Imperial Class: Any Pedigree Pet Grand Master Cat, Male .......................................... Miss W Maruszewska

337 : Imperial Class: Any Pedigree Pet Grand Master Cat, Female ...................................................... Miss I Roos

338 : Grand Class: Any Pedigree Pet Master Cat, Male ........................................................................ Miss I Roos

339 : Grand Class: Any Pedigree Pet Master Cat, Female .................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

PEDIGREE PET COLOUR CLASSES Longhair or Semi-longhair Pedigree Pet Classes

340 : AC LH or SLH Self (single colour) Pedigree Pet Cat ...................................................................... Miss I Roos

341 : AC LH or SLH Tabby Pedigree Pet Cat of any pattern .................................................. Miss W Maruszewska

342 : LH or SLH Red or AC Tortoiseshell Pedigree Pet Cat.................................................................... Miss I Roos

343 : LH or SLH Any Other Colour or Pattern Pedigree Pet Cat ............................................ Miss W Maruszewska

344 : AC LH or SLH Pedigree Pet Kitten ................................................................................ Miss W Maruszewska

Shorthair Pedigree Pet Classes

345 : AC SH Self (single colour) Pedigree Pet Cat ................................................................................. Miss I Roos

346 : AC SH Tabby Pedigree Pet Cat of any pattern ............................................................................. Miss I Roos

347 : SH Red or AC Tortoiseshell Pedigree Pet Cat .............................................................. Miss W Maruszewska

348 : SH Any Other Colour or Pattern Pedigree Pet Cat ....................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

349 : AC Shorthaired Pedigree Pet Kitten ............................................................................................ Miss I Roos


350 : AC Cat or Kitten never shown before ...................................................................... Mrs S Rainbow-Ockwell

351 : AC LH, SLH or SH Kitten ............................................................................................. Mrs H Marriott-Power

352 : AC Cat 9 months - 3 years ........................................................................................................... Miss I Roos

353 : AC Cat 3 years - 5 years ............................................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

354 : AC Cat 5 years - 7 years .............................................................................................................. Mrs J Green

355 : AC Veteran Cat (over 7 years) ..................................................................................................... Miss I Roos

356 : Most Handsome Male Cat........................................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

357 : Prettiest Female Cat .................................................................................................................... Miss I Roos

358 : Friendliest Kitten ......................................................................................................................... Miss I Roos

359 : AC Cat or Kitten owned by a Junior (under 16 years) .................................................. Miss W Maruszewska

360 : AC Cat or Kitten owned by a Senior (over 16 years) .................................................................... Miss I Roos

361 : Cat or Kitten with the Most Unusual Coat Pattern ...................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

362 : Cat or Kitten with the Most Appealing Eyes ............................................................................... Mrs J Green

363 : LH or SLH Cat or Kitten shown in Best Condition ........................................................................ Miss I Roos

364 : SH Cat or Kitten shown in Best Condition ................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

365 : LH or SLH Rescued Cat or Kitten .................................................................................................. Miss I Roos

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366 : SH Rescued Cat or Kitten............................................................................................. Miss W Maruszewska

367 : Cat or Kitten living with a Pedigree Cat .................................................................................... Mrs S Tokens

368 : Cat or Kitten living with a Dog ..................................................................................................... Miss I Roos

369 : AC Cat or Kitten never having won a first prize ........................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

370 : AC Radius Cat or Kitten .............................................................................................................. Mrs J Green

371 : AC Visitor Cat or Kitten ............................................................................................................... Miss I Roos

372 : AC Cat or Kitten owned by a Novice Exhibitor ............................................................ Miss W Maruszewska

373 : AC Cat the judge would most like to take home ......................................................................... Miss I Roos

374 : AC Kitten the judge would most like to take home ..................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

375 : AC Cat or Kitten with the Longest Whiskers ................................................................................ Miss I Roos

376 : AC Cat or Kitten with the Biggest Paws ....................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

377 : The Most Laid-Back Cat ............................................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

378 : The Most Laid-Back Kitten .......................................................................................................... Miss I Roos

RON GARDNER MEMORIAL CLASSES 379 : AC LH or SH Cat ........................................................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

380 : AC LH or SH Kitten ....................................................................................................................... Miss I Roos


381 : AC LH or SH Cat ........................................................................................................................... Miss I Roos

382 : AC LH or SH Kitten ....................................................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska


All entry fees will go to the Society's Cat Welfare Fund 383 : AC Cat or Kitten, LH or SH .......................................................................................................... Mrs J Green

CLUB CLASSES Exhibitors must be fully paid-up members of the appropriate club to enter these classes

EXOTIC CAT SOCIETY 384 : AC LH Cat or Kitten, Male ............................................................................................ Miss W Maruszewska

385 : AC LH Cat or Kitten, Female ........................................................................................................ Miss I Roos

386 : AC SH Cat or Kitten, Male ............................................................................................................ Miss I Roos

387 : AC SH Cat or Kitten, Female ........................................................................................ Miss W Maruszewska


388 : AC LH Cat or Kitten ...................................................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

389 : AC SH Cat or Kitten...................................................................................................................... Miss I Roos

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EASTERN COUNTIES CAT SOCIETY 390 : AC LH Cat or Kitten ...................................................................................................................... Miss I Roos

391 : AC SH Cat or Kitten...................................................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

EXOTIC CAT CLUB 392 : AC LH Cat or Kitten ...................................................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

393 : AC SH Cat or Kitten...................................................................................................................... Miss I Roos


394 : AC LH Cat or Kitten ...................................................................................................................... Miss I Roos

395 : AC SH Cat or Kitten...................................................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska


396 : AC Cat ......................................................................................................................... Miss W Maruszewska

397 : AC Kitten ..................................................................................................................................... Miss I Roos

RED, CREAM & TORTOISESHELL SOCIETY 398 : LH or SH Cat or Kitten in the Society's Colours ............................................................ Miss W Maruszewska

TABBY CAT CLUB 399 : AC Tabby or Tabby & White Cat or Kitten ................................................................................... Miss I Roos

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After the wonderful support you all gave us in past years, we are once again asking you all, to help

us by sponsoring classes at our 19th Championship Show, so we can make it a really special show.

The cost of the rosettes are one of the biggest out goings we have at the show, so if any of you would

like to contribute, especially if you can not come to the show, it would be most appreciated, please

fill in the form below. Your name will be printed in the show catalogue, as an acknowledgement and


The prices to sponsor a class or classes are as follows:

Best in Show Winner Adult, Best Opposite Sex Adult,

Kitten, Best Opposite Sex Kitten,

Neuter, Best Opposite Sex Neuter £8-00 each rosette

Best in Show Non-pedigree Adult and Kitten ~ £8-00 each rosette

Olympian/Imperial/Champion/ Premier Classes ~ £6-00

Any Open Class ~ £5-00

Any Miscellaneous or Club Class ~ £4-50

Exhibition Rosettes ~ £3-50 each

To sponsor any of the above please fill in the form below and send with a cheque payable to the


Stuart & Barbara McEwen

The Cottage Cattery, Mill Road, West Walton, Nr. Wisbech, Cambs. PE14. 7EU.


I would like to sponsor the following:....................……………………………………...........................................




Name & Address:.........................................................………………………………….………..............................



Please give an alternative as a second choice:…............………………………………………………………….…





Page 27: Schedule of EXOTIC CAT SOCIETY Schedule.pdf · Telephone: (01945) 780027 e-mail: pennydown.cats@btinternet.com AWARDS:- SPECIAL ROSETTES for Olympian, Imperial Grand and Grand Classes




The Society’s 2020 calendar is now printed and ready for sale.

Anyone wishing to purchase this beautiful item,

should send a cheque for £6-00 per calendar (the same as last year) plus £1-20

for postage, made out to ‘Exotic Cat Society’ to:

Mrs. Barbara McEwen,

The Cottage Cattery,

Mill Road, West Walton

Nr. Wisbech, Cambs. PE14. 7EU.

These will be sent to you by return.

Please order early as stocks are limited, they make wonderful presents.

Page 28: Schedule of EXOTIC CAT SOCIETY Schedule.pdf · Telephone: (01945) 780027 e-mail: pennydown.cats@btinternet.com AWARDS:- SPECIAL ROSETTES for Olympian, Imperial Grand and Grand Classes



MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION I wish to become a member of the Exotic Cat Society and if accepted agree to observe the

Society rules and promote it’s interests.

Enclosed herewith the sum of …….…Annual Subscription and………….Entrance Fee.

Name (Mr, Mrs., Miss, Ms, Other Title)……….…………………………………………..


………………………………………………………….…Post Code:…………..…………

Telephone Number:…………………....E-Mail:………….……….……………………..…

Date of Birth for Junior Members (14 years old and younger)……………………….……..

Breeding Prefix:……………………………………………………………………………..



Both the Proposer and Seconder must be paid up members of the Society or another

affiliated GCCF club. Please state name of Club………………………..………………….

A recommendation from a Veterinary Surgeon may be accepted if no Proposer or

Seconder can be found.

Please return this form with the Annual Subscription and Entrance fee to :-

Hon. Membership Secretary:

Mr. P. Calver

49, Thirlmere Drive,

Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14. 1SF.

Membership Subscriptions: Single: £5-50, Joint £7-50, Junior £2-75

Entry Fee: Single: £1-00, Joint: £1-50, Junior Free.

5 Year: Single: £25-00, Joint £32-50

10 Year: Single: £50-00, Joint £67-50

Overseas Membership: Single: £11-00, Joint: £15-00, Junior: £5-50

Entry Fee: Single £1-00, Joint: £1-50, Junior Free.

5 Year: Single: £50-00, Joint 67-50

10 Year Single: £100-00, Joint: £135-00

Entry Fee: Single: £1-00, Joint: £1-50

I/We agree to the E C S using our provided data for its sole use in Society affairs.

Please CIRCLE Yes No



For Office use only

App. Received: Accpt. Committee: Rules etc. posted:

Ack. Sent:

Page 29: Schedule of EXOTIC CAT SOCIETY Schedule.pdf · Telephone: (01945) 780027 e-mail: pennydown.cats@btinternet.com AWARDS:- SPECIAL ROSETTES for Olympian, Imperial Grand and Grand Classes




Notice is given that I instruct the sum of *£5-50 single/ £7-50 joint membership to be debited

from my/our account immediately and thereafter on the 1st. January of each year UNTIL


Payment To: Barclays Bank PLC Account Number: 40362832

Sort Code: 20-97-34 Account Name: Exotic Cat Society


Bank Name: ................................................................………………………………………

Address: …....................................………………………………………………….................

Sort Code: ........………...................………………………………........

Account Number: .………………………………..................................

Signature: ……….............................……………………………..........

Account Name: ………………………………......................................


Cut Here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please send this Section to The Treasurer of the Exotic Cat Society, Mr. S. McEwen

The Cottage Cattery, Mill Road, West Walton, Nr. Wisbech, Cambs. PE14. 7EU.

Notice is given that I instruct the sum of *£5-50 single/ £7-50 joint membership to be debited

from my/our account immediately and thereafter on the 1st. January each year UNTIL


Payment To: Barclays Bank PLC Account Number: 40362832

Sort Code: 20-97-34 Account Name: Exotic Cat Society


Bank Name:...................................……………………….....................……………………

Address: ............................................................……………………….……………………

Sort Code: ............................…………………..…………...........

Account Number:……………….....…….................................

Signature: ....................................... …………………….

Account Name:………………..……….......................................

Members Name: ..........…………………………………………..



*Delete as applicable

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Don’t forget to check out our website at:


A copy of the schedule and entry form

Are available on our website

Page 32: Schedule of EXOTIC CAT SOCIETY Schedule.pdf · Telephone: (01945) 780027 e-mail: pennydown.cats@btinternet.com AWARDS:- SPECIAL ROSETTES for Olympian, Imperial Grand and Grand Classes


Directions To Show Hall

From the A17

Follow the A1101 to Wisbech, as you come into Tydd Gote and

the 40mph limit, you come to the Tydd Gote Inn on your left.

Just passed the Tydd Gote Inn, take the next right into Hannath

Road, signposted Tydd St Giles, Golf Course, Art Gallery.

On the left go passed the Skylark Studios (Art Gallery), then

come into the 40mph speed limit, you are then in Tydd St Giles.

Go passed golf course on the right. At T-junction turn left into

Church Lane, signposted Wisbech, Newton. Take the first right

into Newgate Road, signposted Community Centre. The Show

hall is approximately half a mile on the left.

From the A47

Take the B198 to Wisbech. Continue on to the roundabout in

town centre, with BP garage and Police Station on it. Follow the

exit signposted A1101 Sleaford (over the river). Continue on

passed Asda on your left to the traffic lights on bend, continue

on A1101 for approximately 2 miles where on the bend turn left

signposted Tydd St. Giles, Newton, B1165. Follow on through

Newton village, passed the Woadmans Arms pub on left.

Continue on and enter Tydd St. Giles crossing small river and

into 40mph limit. Go passed school on your right, then take the

next left into Newgate Road, signposted Community Centre.

The Show Hall is approximately half a mile on the left.