Psychology Tools Schema Bias Information sheet detailing how core beliefs (schemas) are maintained Our core beliefs (schemas) are stable and resistant to change. They remain stable by influencing the way we see the world – often through bias or prejudice. Information that does not ‘fit’ with the schema goes unseen, or is distorted or rejected. Information that does ‘fit’ is accepted and can make the schema stronger. bias prejudice Evidence that is incompatible with the schema Distorted Discounted Un-noticed Schema


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Psychology Tools

Schema BiasInformation sheet detailing how core beliefs (schemas) are maintainedOur core beliefs (schemas) are stable and resistant to change. They remain stable by influencing the way we see the world often through bias or prejudice. Information that does not fit with the schema goes unseen, or is distorted or rejected. Information that does fit is accepted and can make the schema stronger.



Evidence that is incompatible with the schema





Information that is consistent with the schema

I am competent

Making a mistake

Failing a test

That was a one-off and doesnt really reflect upon me

I didnt practice, so it wasnt a true test of my ability

Memory of doing well and being congratulated

I am not safe

Crime statistics for local town have gone down

But burglaries have gone up

Walks past intimidating-looking young person

Not personally been hurt or threatened for over 10 years


Its because Ive tried so hard to protect myself

I am unlovable

Been in relationship for 5 years

If he knew the real me he would leave

Had argument with boyfriend

Colleagues came to visit me in hospital

They just did it to be polite