Schiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I Environmental and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment December 2012 BP Reference number: DECOM-SCH-HS-IA-BP-0079

Schiehallion Loyal Decommissioning Phase1 ESIA

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Schiehallion and Loyal DecommissioningProgramme Phase I

Environmental and Socio-EconomicImpact Assessment

December 2012

BP Reference number: DECOM-SCH-HS-IA-BP-0079

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Information Sheet

Project name Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Schiehallion

and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Type of project Decommissioning

Undertaken name BP Exploration Operating Company Limited (BP)

Undertaken address 1-4 Wellheads Avenue, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 7PB

BP Document Reference Number DECOM-SCH-HS-IA-BP-0079

Licences/owners Britoil Ltd. is the nominated operator

Schiehallion field interests

BP Exploration Operating Company Limited 3.543 %

Britoil Ltd. 32.738 %

Shell UK Limited 36.281 %Schiehallion Oil & Gas Limited 12.909 %

Statoil (UK) Limited 4.843 %

OMV (UK) Limited 4.843 %

Murphy Schiehallion Ltd 4.843 %

Loyal field interests

Britoil Ltd. 50 %

Enterprise Oil Middle East Ltd. 25 %

Shell UK North Atlantic Ltd. 25 %

Short description In order to optimise hydrocarbon production at the Schiehallion

and Loyal fields, it was deemed necessary to replace the existingSchiehallion FPSO. In order to do this production at the fields

will be suspended. Where possible infrastructure associated

with the fields will be reused. A number of items will be

decommissioned and recovered whilst others will be left

suspended and monitored on the seabed. This document

provides an environmental and social impact assessment of the

activities associated with the decommissioning activities.

Anticipated date for commencement

of works

FPSO towaway expected June 2013.

Date and reference of any earlier

environmental statements

Schiehallion Development: Wider Field Perspective

Environmental Statement. DECC reference number:D/2176/2004

Quad204 Project Environmental Statement. DECC reference

number: D/4098/2010

Significant environmental impacts


ESIA prepared by Genesis

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Executive SummarySchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 1

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Executive SummarySchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 2

Executive Summary

This document describes the Environmental andSocial Impact Assessment (ESIA) processundertaken in support of the Schiehallion and

Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I.

Decommissioning activities

The decommissioning and preparatory activitiesassessed in this ESIA are associated with:shutting in of the wells; flushing, preservationand deconstruction of the subsea and watercolumn infrastructure; topside activitiesassociated with the cleaning of the crude oiltanks and flushing and cleaning of the processtrains; and towing of the Schiehallion FPSO(Floating Production Storage Offloading) to an

interim storage location.

Physical and biological environment

The Schiehallion and Loyal fields lie in waterdepths of approximately 350 - 500 m,approximately 130 km west of the ShetlandIslands. The development spreads across twolicence blocks; Block 204/20 and 204/25.

The predominant residual surface flow in thearea flows in a northeast direction along thecontours of the continental shelf. Mean surface

flow speeds in the region are between 0.1 m/sand 0.2 m/s while seabed currents in the areaare around 0.3 m/s.

The development lies in an area where theseabed is dominated by iceberg ploughmarks(relict scars in the seabed historically caused bythe dragging of iceberg keels) which aregenerally orientated in a northeast to southwestdirection throughout the area. Seabed surveysindicate that the surface sediment comprises athin veneer of sand (although thicker within theidentified ploughmarks). Underlying sediments

are very soft to firm (occasionally stiff) sandyclays and silty clays with gravel and occasionalpebbles.

Surveys carried out in the area identified noenvironmentally sensitive habitats protectedunder Annex I of the EC Habitats Directive.

The area west of Shetland has a complex andproductive ecosystem which supports importantfish, seabird and marine mammal populations.

Benthic communities vary in species richnessand abundance across the area, with this

variation likely to be driven by the variation insediment type, seabed features, depth and

temperature associated with the area.

From fishing landings data it is evident anumber of commercially important fish speciesoccur in the area including saithe, hake,

megrim, monkfish and cod. Pelagic sharkspecies expected to occur in the area includethe porbeagle and the basking shark. The IUCNstatus of both these shark species in thenortheast Atlantic is given as vulnerable.

The most abundant cetacean in the deeperwater beyond the continental shelf area to thewest of Shetland is the Atlantic white-sideddolphin. The Faroe-Shetland Channel containsa number of species that are rare orendangered including the blue whale and rightwhale.

Low densities of grey seals have been observedin the area with higher densities possiblyassociated with periods of migration betweentheir breeding sites in Faroe and Shetland.Hooded seals have been recorded in deepwaters over the Faroe-Shetland Channel andmay therefore occur in the area of theSchiehallion and Loyal fields. Both these sealspecies are protected under the EC Habitatsand Species Directive.

Seabird vulnerability to surface pollution in the

area of the Schiehallion and Loyal fields variesthroughout the year and is considered lowoverall. Based on foraging distances, birdspecies expected to be found in the area of theSchiehallion and Loyal fields include Leach’spetrel, great skua, lesser black-backed gull,kittiwake, guillemot, razorbill, manx shearwater,puffin, gannet and fulmar.

The nearest offshore protected areas are theWyville Thomson Ridge and the Darwin moundsboth of which are cSAC/SCIs and are locatedapproximately 110 km and 160 km west of the

FPSO. The Wyville Thompson ridge is a stonyridge, thought to have been formed by theploughing movements of icebergs through theseabed at the end of the last ice age. TheDarwin mounds are sandy mounds topped withthickets of cold water coral.

The Shetland Islands have a number of coastalSSSIs, SACs, RAMSAR and SPA sites.

Socio-economic environment

The Schiehallion and Loyal fields are in an areaof relatively low fishing effort in terms of days atsea representing less than 0.2% of the total

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Executive SummarySchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 3

reported UK fishing effort by UK vessels over10 m. The area is predominantly targeted fordemersal species such as saithe, cod andmonkfish.

Shipping is the area is also considered low(DECC, 2012) and tend to be primarilyassociated with vessels going between theSchiehallion FPSO and Sullom Voe Terminal(SVT).

Other oil and gas activities in the area includethe Foinaven and Clair fields while offshoreoperations have begun at the Laggan andTormore fields.

There is no military activity, renewable oraggregate industries or tourism associated with

the area.

Results of the ESIA

None of the planned activities associated withthe Decommissioning Programme was found tohave a significant impact on the physical,biological or socio-economic environment in thearea. Accidental events resulting in a loss ofwell control, leaks from flowlines or loss ofdiesel inventory whilst the FPSO is under towwere found to have a significant impact prior tothe identification of mitigation measures to

control such events, but these risks are nodifferent to those managed in routine operationof the fields.

Cumulative and transboundary impacts ofplanned events were also found to beinsignificant. In the unlikely event of a loss ofwell control or loss of diesel from the FPSOthere is the possibility of some transboundaryimpacts.

Information Sheet 1 

Executive Summary 2 

Acronyms 6 

Glossary 8 

1  Introduction 10 

1.1  Background to the Decommissioning Programme 10 

1.2  Document Layout 11 

2  Project Description 12 

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Table of ContentsSchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 4

2.1  Schiehallion and Loyal Development 12 

2.2  Field Suspension and Decommissioning Activities 12 2.2.1  Field Preparation and Well Shut-In 12 2.2.2  Subsea Preservation and Deconstruction to 2016 13 

2.2.3  Topside Modifications 18 2.2.4  Disconnection of the FPSO 18 2.2.5  Towing of FPSO 21 

3  Environmental Description 22 

3.1  Metocean conditions 22 3.1.1  Hydrology 22 3.1.2  Meteorology 22 3.1.3  Temperature and salinity 22 

3.2  Environmental Legislation Protecting Habitats and Species 24 3.2.1  Habitats 24 

3.2.2  Scottish Marine Protected Areas 25 3.2.3  Species 25 

3.3  The Seabed 26 3.3.1  Seabed sediments 26 

3.4  Marine Flora and Fauna 26 3.4.1  Plankton 26 3.4.2  Benthic Communities 29 3.4.3  Fish Populations 30 3.4.4  Marine Mammals 33 3.4.5  Seabirds 35 

4  Socio-Economic Description 37 

4.1  Fishing Activity 37 4.1.1  Fishing effort 37 4.1.2  Fish landings 38 

4.2  Shipping 39 

4.3  Existing oil and gas activity 39 

4.4  Military exercises 39 

4.5  Submarine cables 40 

4.6  Other Potential Users 40 

5  The Environment and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment Process 41 

5.1  Overview 41 

5.2  The ESIA Methodology 41 

6  The Environment and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment 45 

7  Further Assessment of Potential Environmental Impacts 58 

7.1  Emissions to Air 58 7.1.1  Gas Flaring 58 7.1.2  Gas Venting 59 7.1.3  Power Generation on the FPSO 60 

7.1.4  Emissions from other vessels associated with the decommissioning 61 7.1.5  Management and mitigation 61 

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Table of ContentsSchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 5

7.2  Disturbance to the Seabed 63 

7.3  Discharges to sea 64 

7.4  Underwater noise 64 


Vessel Noise 65 

7.4.2  Piling 65 7.4.3  Discussion 71 

7.5  Production of Waste 72 7.5.1  RadioactiveMaterial 72 7.5.2  Non Hazardous Waste 73 

8  Further Assessment of Potential Socio-Economic Impacts 74 

8.1  Fishing 74 

8.2  Shipping 74 

9  Accidental Events 75 9.1  Discharges to Sea 75 

9.2  Disturbance to Seabed 75 

9.3  Socio-Economic Impacts 75 

10  Conclusions 76 

10.1  Mitigation Measures 76 

11  References 77 

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AcronymsSchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 6

AcronymsBSP Blind Seal Plates

CDA Controls Distribution Assemblies

CiSi Corrosion Inhibitor / Scale


COT Crude Oil Tank

COWing Crude Oil Washing

DECC Department of Energy and

Climate Change

DMaC Drag-to place system for Main


DUTA Dynamic Umbilical Termination


EC European Community

EIA Environmental Impact


ENVIID Environmental Issue


EoFL End of Field Life

EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery

ESE East Southeast

FPSO Floating Production Storage and


EPS European Protected Species

ESIA Environmental and Social

Impact Assessment

EU European Union

FTA Flowline Termination Assembly

FTP Fly-to-Place

GI/GE Gas Injection/ Gas Export

HP High Pressure

IAPP International Air Pollution


ICES International Council for the

Exploration of the Sea

ISL Interim Storage Location

IUCN International Union for

Conservation of Nature

JNCC Joint Nature Conservation


KISCA Kingfisher Information Service –

Cable Awareness

km Kilometre

LSA scale Low Specific Activity scale

LTC Lower Tether Clamp

m Metre

m3  Cubic Metres

MCAA Marine Coastal Access Act

MCZ Marine Coastal Zone

ml Millilitre

MEG Mono-Ethylene Glycol

m/s Metres per second

mmboe Million barrels of oil equivalent

MMO Marine Management


mmscf Million standard cubic feet

MPA Marine Protected Area

N2  NitrogenNMHC Non-methane hydrocarbons

N North

ND Nominal diameter

nm Nautical mile

NNE North Northeast

NNW North Northwest

NORM Naturally Occurring Radioactive


OCR Offshore Chemicals Regulations

OPEP Oil Pollution Emergency Plan

OPPC Oil Pollution Prevention and


OVI Offshore Vulnerability Index

PLEM Pipeline End Manifold

PEXA Practice and Exercise Areas

PON Petroleum Operations Notices

PPC Pollution Prevention and Control

PWA Pipeline Works Authorisation

PWRI Produced Water ReInjection

RAMSAR Wetlands of international


RET Riser End Termination

ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle

ROVDBs Remotely Operated Vehicle

Deployable Blinds

RPS Radiation Protection Services

RSA Radioactive Substances Act

SAC (c/p/d) Special Area of Conservation


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AcronymsSchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 7

SCI Site of Community Importance

SNH Scottish Natural Heritage

SPA Special Protection Area

SW Southwest

SSSI Special Sites of Scientific


SVT Sullom Voe Terminal

UET Umbilical End Termination

UK United Kingdom

UKCS United Kingdom Continental


UTC Upper Tether Clamp

WI Water Injection

WOSPS West of Shetland Pipeline


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GlossarySchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 8

GlossaryBiocide Chemical used to prevent

microbial growth e.g. that

could lead to corrosionBlind Seal Plate A sealing plate that fits

onto the end of a pipeline

to provide isolation

Crude oil washing Removing surface oil

deposits in tanks by

 jetting of hot crude oil

Dynamic umbilical A flexible pipeline

containing several cores

for control fluids, from the

FPSO to the seabed

DMac porch A proprietary pull-in

connection system forsubsea pipelines

(Diverless Maintained


Flowline A rigid pipeline on the

seabed that carries oil,

gas and produced water

or water for reinjection

into the field

Fly-to-Place Small flexible pipelines

connecting electrical and

hydraulic systems

subseaFoam pig A foam pad pushed

through a riser to

displace any gas pockets


Jumper A short length of pipeline

connecting a long

straight flowline to a


Manifold A structure on the

seabed that is a hub

connecting multiple

pipelines and allowinglines to be controlled and

routed via valves

Oxygen scavenger A chemical designed to

remove excess oxygen

from pipeline liquids, and

inhibit corrosion

Riser A flexible pipeline

between the FPSO and

the seabed that carries

oil, gas and produced

water or water for

reinjection into the field

Static umbilical A rigid pipeline

containing several cores

for control fluids, installed

on the seabed and

connected to a dynamicumbilical

Tote tank Tank used for storage

and transportation of


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 Schiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 9

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IntroductionSchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 10

1 Introduction

1.1 Background to the


The Schiehallion and Loyal fields lie withinQuadrants 204 and 205 of the United KingdomContinental Shelf (UKCS) approximately 130 kmwest of Shetland and 35 km east of the Faroe-UK median line, in water depths of 350 – 500 mon the slope of the Faroe-Shetland channel(Figure 1-1). These fields have been inproduction since 1998 through the SchiehallionFPSO with production to date totalling over300 mmboe of oil and associated gas. The

production history and experience obtained fromthe existing wells and recent reservoir studieshave confirmed that a significant oil potential stillremains to be exploited from these reservoirs.Additionally, a number of new oil and gas

discoveries have been made that couldpotentially be developed in the future by subseatiebacks to the Schiehallion and Loyalinfrastructure.

To fully exploit the remaining Schiehallion andLoyal reserves would require the existing FPSOto remain on-station for a further period inexcess of 35 years. In recent years operatingchallenges on the FPSO have resulted in adeterioration of the production operationefficiency and the existing FPSO is unable tofulfil the processing requirements of theanticipated economic field life. Thereforeredevelopment of the surface facilities wasdeemed necessary for the optimal exploitationof hydrocarbon reserves in the area. Following

consideration of a number of options it wasdetermined that the Schiehallion FPSO shouldbe replaced.

Section 6 of the ‘Decommissioning of OffshoreOil and Gas Installations and Pipelines under

Figure 1-1 Location of the Schiehallion

and Loyal development.

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IntroductionSchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 11

Petroleum Act 1998’ guidance notes indicatesthe requirement for an Environmental ImpactAssessment (EIA) to be carried out for theselected decommissioning options. This

document presents the results from theEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessment(ESIA) carried out for the proposed Schiehallionand Loyal Decommissioning Programme.

The purpose of the ESIA is to identify potentialenvironmental hazards, or ‘aspects’, and thesocio impacts associated with the defineddecommissioning activities. This was done byholding a study meeting to discuss the activitiesand their potential environmental aspects (e.g.emissions to air, discharges to sea, underwaternoise) and the control measures that will be

used to eliminate or mitigate the risks posed bythese aspects.

1.2 Document Layout

Chapter 2 provides a description of the activitiesassociated with the proposed decommissioningprogramme. In order to provide a referencepoint to allow the identification of potentialenvironmental impacts of the proposeddecommissioning programme, Chapters 3 and 4provide descriptions of the environmental andsocio-economic baselines in the area of the

Schiehallion and Loyal fields.Chapter 5 presents the environmentalassessment methodology applied to thedecommissioning activities. Each plannedactivity is assessed in terms of its duration andits consequence on the environment. Combinedthese give the risk associated with each activityon the physical, biological and socio-economicenvironments. Accidental events are assessedin terms of the likelihood of them occurring andthe impact should such an event occur.

The results of the ESIA are presented as a tablein Section 6. Where identified the table alsolists mitigation measures that will be put in placeto further minimise the impact of the activities.None of the planned activities were found tohave a significant impact. However due toenvironmental aspects such as emissions to airand discharges to sea being under regulatorycontrol and/or of public concern, the impacts arefurther described. In the absence of anymitigation measures some of the possibleaccident events identified were found topotentially lead to a significant risk. However

mitigation measures were identified that wouldlower the potential of these events occurring

thus reducing their risk.

Chapters 7 and 8 further describe the aspectsresulting from the decommissioning activitiesthat are under regulatory control and/or is of

public concern and their environmental andsocio-economic impacts. Potential accidentalevents associated with the Schiehallion andLoyal Decommissioning Programme arediscussed in Section 9.

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Project DescriptionSchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 12

2 Project DescriptionThis section describes the activities associatedwith the Schiehallion and Loyal

Decommissioning Programme Phase I.

2.1 Schiehallion and LoyalDevelopment

The existing Schiehallion and Loyal fielddevelopment comprises five drill centres;Central, North, West, North West and Loyal with53 active wells (52 trees) – 25 production wellsand 28 water injection wells (Table 2-1). Inaddition there is one gas disposal well located atthe Central drill centre. Appendix 2 (FieldIsometrics) of the Schiehallion and LoyalDecommissioning Programme Phase I containsa schematic of the infrastructure present at thedevelopment. The North drill centre is a waterinjection centre only. In total ten productionlines transport the hydrocarbons from theremaining four drill centres to the FPSO. Sixwater injection lines run from the FPSO to thedrill centres: one each to Central, North, NorthWest and Loyal and two to the West drill centre.A gas lift line runs to the Central, West, NorthWest and Loyal drill centres whilst a gas import /export line connects to the Magnus EOR export

line. The production, gas and water injectionlines are connected to the FPSO via a numberof risers; 10 production, 3 water injection, 1 gaslift and 1 gas import / export riser. The wells,flow lines and risers have a number of subseastructures associated with them including jumpers, manifolds, Flowline TerminationAssemblies (FTAs) Controls DistributionAssemblies (CDAs) and Riser End Terminals(RETs).

A series of umbilicals, Fly-to-Place (FTPs) andDynamic Umbilical Termination Assemblies

(DUTAs) connect the wells to the FPSO.

2.2 Field Suspension andDecommissioningActivities

This section describes the activities associatedwith the suspension of production at theSchiehallion and Loyal fields in order to allowthe Schiehallion FPSO to be taken off station.The activities described include preparatoryworks required in order for the decommissioningactivities to progress along with those activities

associated with the removal of infrastructure notto be returned to service at field start-up.

Infrastructure to be left suspended an monitoredon the seabed following start-up is alsoconsidered.

2.2.1 Field Preparation and Well Shut-In

Prior to shutting in the wells measures will betaken in order to minimise the adverse impactsat field start-up in 2016 resulting from thesuspension of production. Such measures willinclude the continued injection of calcium nitrateto minimise the production of hydrogensulphide. Activities associated with themitigation of start-up issues are not part of theSchiehallion and Loyal decommissioningprogramme and are not discussed further.

In total 53 active wells (52 trees); 26 productionwells (25 trees) and 28 water injection wells willbe shut-in.

The wells are located at the five drill centres asshown in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Existing Production and Water Injection

Wells associated with the development.

Drill centreNo. of

production wells

No. of water

injection wells

Central 14 9

West 6 9

North West 1 (ML)* 2

North 0 3

Loyal 4 4

*Muti-lateral; 2 wells originating from a single multi-

lateral well.

Well isolation

Well isolation is scheduled to commence in

January 2013. The isolations will be controlledfrom the FPSO and will involve closing theappropriate valves within the tree. Following theshut off of the gas lift at each well, theproduction rate will decline. The valves at eachproduction well will then be closed. The integrityof the valves will be tested by maintainingpressure and checking that the valves restrictthe passage of hydrocarbons. Blind seal plates(BSPs) will be installed at the ends of theproduction jumpers attached to the wells toisolate the hydrocarbons from the flowlines.

This will be carried out by a remotely operatedvehicle (ROV) operated from a vessel.

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Project DescriptionSchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 13

The shutting of the tree valves will result in smallreleases of subsea control fluid (HW540).

The production wells will be isolated before thewater injection (WI) wells, as the latter will be

required for reservoir conditioning and pipelineflushing.

The isolation sequence for the production wellswill follow a drill centre by drill centre schedule:Loyal (4 wells), North West (1 well), Central (14wells) and West (6 wells). Two wells at theWest drill centre WP13 and WP14 will not beshut-in initially. These wells do not require gaslift and will continue producing in order thatcrude oil washing (COWing) of the crude oiltanks (COTs) may be carried out usingsufficiently hot oil (Section 2.2.3).

The isolation sequence for the WI wells will alsofollow a drill centre by drill centre schedule andwill be isolated in the following order; Loyal (4wells), North West (2 wells) and Central (10wells), West (7 wells) and North (3 wells).

Following the shut-in of the production wells,water injection will continue for up to threemonths in order to maintain reservoir pressureto mitigate start-up issues.

At present the gas disposal well is shut-in andwill remain shut-in whilst the field is suspended. Prevention of hydrate formation

Methanol will be used to prevent hydrateformation at the tree valves and production jumpers. Hydrates can form in pipelines incertain conditions where gas and some water ispresent and can form a physical blockage that isdifficult to remove.

Following disconnection of the jumpers andflowlines, methanol will be pumped to thewellheads via one of the cores within the

umbilical lines. Sufficient methanol will bepumped to the wellheads such that theproduction jumpers are also suspended filledwith methanol.

The static umbilicals that contain the cores usedto dose the methanol at the wellheads will besuspended with methanol in them. The dynamicumbilicals that contain the same cores will beflushed free of methanol, however, and themethanol will be displaced using the control fluidHW540. No methanol is expected to enter theflowlines during this process as only one jumper

volume will be pumped, and filling of the jumpers with methanol will simply result in a

displacement of inhibited water back to theFPSO for conveyance onshore.

2.2.2 Subsea Preservation and

Deconstruction to 2016Before the Schiehallion FPSO can be towedaway, the subsea infrastructure will bemaintained in a safe condition so that it may beeither re-connected and re-commissioned whenthe new FPSO arrives, or removed as part ofthe Decommissioning Programme, or removedat the end of field life (EoFL) as part of fielddecommissioning.

Gas export from the Foinaven FPSO to theMagnus EOR pipeline will remain operationalwhilst the fields are suspended. Isolations will

therefore be put in place between the currentSchiehallion / Loyal subsea infrastructure andthe live gas system. As this isolation is not partof the decommissioning programme it will not bediscussed further.

Table 2-2 summarises the existing subseainfrastructure connecting the Schiehallion andLoyal drill centres to the FPSO. Additionalstructures at the development include DynamicUmbilical Termination Assemblies (DUTAs); Fly-to-Place umbilical connectors (FTPs), manifolds,Controls Distribution Assemblies (CDAs),

Umbilical End Terminations (UETs), Riser EndTerminals (RETs), Flowline TerminationAssemblies (FTAs) and a Pipeline End Manifold(PLEM) (Table 2-7 and Table 2-8).

Suspension of the production, WI and gas liftlines, risers and the static and dynamicumbilicals will include activities such as purging,flushing, placing of preservation chemicals,installation of isolations, leak testing andremoval of redundant structures.

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Table 2-2 Existing flowlines, umbilicals, risers,

manifolds and jumpers.

Infrastructure Quantity

Production flowlines 10

Water injection flowlines 6

Gas lift flowlines 4

Gas import/export flowlines 1*

Gas disposal flowline

(currently unused)1

Dynamic umbilicals3

(1 currently unused)

Static umbilicals10

(4 currently unused)

Risers 15

Manifolds 23

Jumpers (single and

bundle jumpers- each

bundle is counted as one)


(1 currently unused)

* does not include the gas export line from Foinaven

to SVT via FTAs located at the Central drill centre.

A comparative assessment was undertaken toreview the fate of the subsea infrastructure.This is presented in Appendix 4 of the Phase I

Decommissioning Programme. The comparativeassessment considered four categories in whichthe infrastructures fate could fit:

  Infrastructure will be preserved andreturned to service either:

•  at the same location when the newFPSO is on station e.g. the gas lift andwater injection flow lines and themajority of the jumpers; or

•  relocated before being returned toservice e.g. a number of the FTPs;

  Infrastructure will be suspended andmonitored on the seabed e.g. theexisting production flow lines;

  Infrastructure will be decommissioned insitu  (note no items are to bedecommissioned in situ )

  Infrastructure will be decommissionedand removed:

•  between 2013 - 2015 prior toinstallation of the new FPSO e.g. the

risers and some of the jumpers;•  removed after the new FPSO is on

station i.e. post 2015. Thesestructures are outwith the scope of theDecommissioning Programme.

A schematic showing the fate of the Schiehallion

and Loyal infrastructure at field start-up isshown in Appendix 2 of the DecommissioningProgramme Phase I. Flowlines and jumpers

Production flowlines and jumpers

The production and test lines to the Central,Loyal and West drill centres will be bulk de-oiledand then flushed from and to the FPSO withinjection quality water, achieving an estimateddispersed oil in water content of 100 mg/l. As

only one line runs to the North West drill centrethis line will be flushed using another vesselfrom the drill centre back to the FPSO.

Prior to this flushing, the corrosion and scaleinhibitors (CiSi) in the umbilical cores will bedisplaced to the production system at thewellheads using HW540 injected at the FPSO.The CiSi will be flushed back to the FPSOduring the bulk flushing of the flowlines. This isto avoid any contact between the inhibitors andthe methanol during subsequent operations.

The wellhead jumpers will also be flushed to theFPSO via the production lines using injectionquality water. At least two flushes of theproduction jumpers will be carried out. The jumpers are then filled with a mixture ofpreservation chemicals, from the FPSO in thecase of Central, Loyal and West, whilst theproduction jumpers at North West are filled froma vessel located at the drill centre. Thepreservation liquids in the wellheads and jumpers are then displaced into the manifoldswith methanol injected from the FPSO via one ofthe umbilical cores to provide hydrate inhibition.

The jumpers are subsequently isolated at themanifolds leaving them boxed in with methanol.Isolation involves the flowlines beingdisconnected at the manifolds and BSPs beinginstalled in order to provide positive isolationswhilst the fields are suspended. Leak testing(MEG/water mix) against the BSPs using avessel will be carried out, with discharge of thevessel downline contents after the operation.Volumes to be discharged are captured in thePON15C (PON15C/470/0).

The production flowlines will then bedisconnected at the riser end and isolated using

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January 2013 Page 15

ROVDBs (ROV Deployable Blinds).

In total ten production lines flow back to theFPSO (Table 2-3). Each of these lines will besuspended and monitored on the seabed.

Table 2-4 summarises the number of production jumpers associated with each drill centre, andidentifies those that occur as single jumpers andthose occurring in loose bundles that are tiedtogether. The bundles contain two 6” productionlines and one 2” gas lift line. Table 2-5 showsthe number of production jumpers to berecovered as part of the Phase IDecommissioning Programme. In addition oneof the jumper bundles currently in service atCentral will be recovered in 2018. Theremaining production jumpers will be returned to

service at field start-up. No production jumpersare to be left suspended on the seabed after re-commissioning.

Gas flowlines and jumpers

During Well Shut-In, gas lift will be suspended atthe wells and the pressure further reduced bystandard blowdown via the high pressure flareon the FPSO.

One gas lift flowline runs to each of the followingproduction drill centres; Central, Loyal, North

West and West (Table 2-3). All lines will bereturned to service at field start-up. In addition acurrently unused 8” gas disposal line runs to thegas disposal well at the West drill centre. Thisline will remain unused whilst the field issuspended.

No isolations are required between the drillcentre gas lift jumpers and gas flowlines.Similarly no flushing of the lines is required asthe gas lift system will be suspended with gas init. At the FPSO end the flowlines will haveROVDBs installed on the gas FTAs.

Table 2-4 shows the number of jumpersassociated with gas lift at each drill centre andidentifies those that occur as single jumpers andin bundles. Table 2-5 summarises the numberof gas jumpers to be recovered before the endof 2015. All single gas lift lines will be returnedto service at field start-up. Two single gas lift jumpers; one at West and one at the FPSOassociated with North West will be relocatedbefore returned to service. Thirty one gas lift jumpers bundled with production jumpers will beremoved.

Water injection flowlines and jumpers

One water injection line runs to each of theCentral, Loyal, North and North West drillcentres and two run to the West drill centre; thesecond being associated with the gas disposal

well (Table 2-3). Prior to suspension of thewater injection lines, production, gas lift andPWRI (Produced Water Re-Injection) will haveceased. The gas and production flowlines willhave been positively isolated at the manifoldend of the flowlines. Once WI has ceased theWI flowline contents will be displaced withfiltered / inhibited injection quality seawater(dyed) into the wells. The displacement of thiswater is controlled via the tree valves (as initiallyall the wells will be shut-in), with the wells beingopened individually to displace as required. Theinhibited seawater will contain corrosion

inhibitor, biocide, oxygen scavenger and a dyeand will remain in the lines during suspension.

For the WI system general containment at thedrill centres will not be broken. The flowlines atthe FPSO end will have ROVDBs installed onthe water injection FTAs.

All the water injection lines will be returned toservice at field start-up. The water injectionsystem has 39 jumpers associated with it (Table2-4). Of these 35 will be returned to servicewhile three will be recovered prior to the end of

2015 (Table 2-5). Of those returned to service,one associated with the North drill centre will bebrought on shore in 2018.

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Table 2-3 Flow lines associated with the Schiehallion and Loyal Fields.

Drill Centre Production Water Injection Gas Lift


4 1 1

(10,213 m) (2,548 m) (2,872 m)

West3 2 1

(8,196 m) (6,347 m) (3,270 m)

Northwest1 1 1

(2,280 m) (3,141 m) (3,041 m)

North0 1 0

n/a (2,271 m) n/a

Loyal2 1 1

(11,550 m) (4, 883 m) (5,979 m)

Note: This table does not include the line to the gas disposal well at West.

Table 2-4 Jumpers associated with the Schiehallion and Loyal Fields.

Drill CentreProduction Gas Lift

Water Injection 

Single Within bundle* Single Within bundle

Central4 36 7 18 10

(337 m) (1,544 m) (814 m) (77 m) (408 m)


1 14 2 7 14

(572 m) (534 m) (176 m) (267 m) (869 m)

North West3

2  2 2 1 4

(217 m) (228 m) (344 m) (114 m) (388 m)


0 0 0 0 65 

n/a n/a n/a n/a (278 m)

Loyal2 10 2 5 5

(99 m) (446 m) (201 m) (223 m) (250 m)*Note two production jumpers within each bundle.

. 1 Includes 1 associated with FPSO.

2 Includes 2 associated with FPSO.

3 Includes 2 associated with FPSO.

4Includes 1 associated with FPSO.

5 Includes 1 associated with FPSO.

Table 2-5 Jumpers associated with Schiehallion and Loyal fields to be removed as part of the

Decommissioning Programme.

Drill Centre Production Bundle Water Injection

Central4 5 0

(337 m) (268 m) n/a


1 1 1

(572 m) (34 m) (180 m)

North West3

2 0 0

(220 m) n/a n/a

North0 0 1

n/a n/a  (78 m)

Loyal1 0 1

(44 m) n/a (82 m)1 Includes 1 associated with FPSO.

2 Includes 2 associated with FPSO.

3 Associated with FPSO. 4 Associated with FPSO.

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Static umbilicals and FTPs

Following injection of methanol at the well headsvia the umbilicals, methanol in the dynamic

umbilicals will be displaced back to the FPSOvia an alternative core within the umbilical bypumping in HW540 hydraulic fluid. Thismethanol is collected within tote tanks andshipped separate to shore for disposal. Themethanol cores within the static umbilicals willbe suspended containing methanol, whilst thecores used for CiSi injection will be suspendedcontaining HW540.

At present there are four suspended staticumbilicals (total length of approximately6,236 m) and six in service static umbilicals at

the site (Table 2-6). Each of the staticumbilicals will be suspended and monitored.Following re-commissioning the umbilical to thegas disposal well will remain unused though inan operational state should it be required.

Table 2-6 Fate of static umbilicals currently in service.

Drill CentreLength of

umbilical (m)

Fate at Start-


Central 4,750

Suspend and


West 3,441

North West 3,977

North 2,382

Loyal 4,812

4 suspended

static umbilicals

6,236 (total


Gas disposal

well3,679 Operational*

*Note the gas disposal is not currently used;however, is kept on line should it be required.

The number and fate of the FTPs associatedwith the controls system are summarised inTable 2-7. Relocation of FTPs generally refersto lifting one end of the line and moving it toconnect to another structure such as a differentUET.

Table 2-7 Fate of FTPs currently on location.

Drill centreNumber on


Fate of FTPs Approximate

total length to

be recovered


Returned to


Relocate and

returned to



Central 371  7 9 21 2,008

West 262  12 7 7 728

North West 6 2 4 0 0

North 4 1 2 1 89

Loyal 13 5 1 7 785

FTPs in the

immediate vicinity


123  0 3 8 914

1Includes one unused and one suspended FTA.

2Includes one out of use.

3Includes one that shall remain suspended on the seabed.

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Project DescriptionSchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 16 Other subsea infrastructure

In addition to the flowlines, jumpers, staticumbilicals and FTPs described, a number ofother subsea structures are located at the

Schiehallion and Loyal fields. These includeDUTAs, manifolds, FTAs, UETs, CDAs andRETs. Table 2-8 provides a summary of thenumber of these structures associated with eachdrill centre whilst Table 2-9 summarises howmany of these structures will be recovered aspart of the Phase I DecommissioningProgramme.

The 20 FTAs associated with the productionflowlines will remain suspended on the seabeduntil EoFL. The eight gas lift FTAs and 11 of the12 water injection FTAs will all be returned to

service at field start-up. The final WI FTAlocated at North West will remain suspended onthe seabed until EoFL. The two FTAsassociated with gas disposal will remainsuspended at field start-up. Finally two FTAsassociated with the gas lift/gas import/ exportline will be returned to service.

Of the UETs listed in Table 2-8 eight arecurrently out of use (two at Central, two at Westand four at the FPSO) and will be recovered aspart of the Decommissioning Programme. Ofthe 12 in service UETs, five will be returned to

service at field start-up, three will be suspendedand left on the seabed and four will berecovered. The three UETs associated with thegas disposal system will be returned to anoperational state at field start-up.

The three DUTAs and three RETs and four ofthe eight CDAs will be recovered. The otherfour CDAs will be suspended and monitored onthe seabed. At the time of writing one manifoldwas potentially to be recovered; however itsreuse was under further consideration. Fate after leaving field

Recovered subsea equipment will be returned toan existing logistics base in Shetland for initiallaydown. It will be transferred within the site toan area designated for cleaning and dismantlingwhere it will be prepared into components thatare suitable for recycling. From this point it willenter established waste recycling chains, alongwith the many other wastes landed at Shetlandby the oil industry. The site will haveappropriate environmental and other operating

licences in order to carry out this work and willbe managed within BP's contractor assurance

processes. Monitoring for LSA / NORM

The presence of LSA / NORM (Low Specific

Activity / Naturally Occurring RadioactiveMaterial) deposits is a recognised phenomenonin the oil and gas industry. As a result RadiationProtection Services (RPS) trained personnelcompetent in the use of radioactivity detectionmonitors will be onboard the vessels used torecover the subsea infrastructure and willmonitor all items as they come on board for thepresence of LSA / NORM. In the unlikely eventthat one or more items is found to becontaminated, the items will be contained andsealed and shipped to shore for

decontamination at BP’s approved contractorunder BP’s and the contractor’s managementsystems.

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Project DescriptionSchiehallion and Loyal


January 2013

Table 2-8 Subsea infrastructure (excluding flowlines, umbilicals, jumpers and FTPs) presently on location at the Sch



DUTAs Manifolds FTAs

Controls ProductionWater





InjectionGas Lift



Central 0 6 2 3 4 1 1 0

West 0 2 2 0 3 2 1 1

North West 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0

North 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0

Loyal 0 2 1 0 4 1 1 0

FPSO 3 0 1 1 8 5 4 11 includes both suspended and in service UETs.

Subsea structures associated with gas import/export have not been included i.e. those structures listed in the PWA as

Foinaven, SVT.

Table 2-9 Subsea infrastructure (excluding jumpers and FTPs) to be recovered as part of the Decommission

DUTAs Manifolds FTAs UETs

Number to be

recovered3 1* 0 12

*Reuse still under further consideration.

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2.2.3 Topside Modifications

Prior to taking the Schiehallion FPSO off site anumber of topside modifications are required.

These include:

  the installation of a temporary generatorwhich will supply the powerrequirements when the main powergenerators are not required;

  depressurisation, purging and N2 blanketing of the topsides processsystems;

  offloading, COWing cleaning andblanketing of the COTs;

  flushing and removal of the export hoseand;

  sea fastenings and modificationsrequired to allow the FPSO to be towedand to allow access to the yard and theyard’s utilities.

In addition the topsides process system will bemonitored for the presence of LSA scale/NORM.

Of the activities listed above the Schiehallionand Loyal Decommissioning Programme PhaseI are primarily concerned with the cleaning and

flushing of the tanks and topsides processingsystem. Depressurisation, draining, flushingand inerting of the topsides

Once production has ceased the topsides will bedepressurised, flushed, drained and filled withwater (approximately 5,000 m

3) and nitrogen in

order to make safe. Flushing will be carried outby the fluids used to flush the subseainfrastructure i.e. by water injection fluids thatare tapped off and fed into the subsea system

and transported back to the FPSO. Nitrogenquads will be used as the source of nitrogen. Offloading, COWing and stabilising ofthe crude oil tanks

Following offload of the final tanks ofuncontaminated crude the subsea infrastructurewill be flushed back to the COTs. The tanks willthen undergo COWing using oil ofapproximately 50 - 60

oC over a period of 4-5

weeks. Two wells at the West drill centre,(WP13 and WP14 chosen as they do not require

gas lift), will remain flowing in order to providethe oil required. The COWing will be followed

by two seawater flushes. These fluids will beoffloaded to the tanker, as part of the finaloffload.

The crude oil tanks will be filled with seawater to

a height of 2.9 m equivalent to a volume ofapproximately 15,000 m

3 of water, in order to

ensure bulkhead integrity during the tow. TheCOTs will be inerted using gas emissions fromtwo inert gas generators onboard. Flushing and disconnection of theexport hose 

Following the final offload to the shuttle tankerthe export hose will be flushed to the tankerbefore being disconnected. The line has a selfsealing Pusnus coupling thus mitigating any

discharges to sea. Following disconnection theexport hose will be laid on the seabed prior torecovery. Monitoring for LSA / NORM

During decommissioning activities there will beRPS trained personnel onboard the FPSO.Topsides will be monitored for the presence ofLSA / NORM; however, containment will not bebroken. In the unlikely event that LSA / NORMis detected the Schiehallion FPSO has in placethe required Authorisation (Radioactive

Substances Act, 1993) to allow it to dispose ofthe contamination offshore.

2.2.4 Disconnection of the FPSO

A total of 15 risers and 3 dynamic umbilicals willbe disconnected and recovered as part of theDecommissioning Programme (Table 2-10).

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existing safety zone relating to the FPSOlocation, and some will be outside this area. AnMCAA licence will be applied for to cover theplacing of the lines on the seabed. A safety

zone will be maintained at the FPSO locationafter tow away. Recovery of the risers and umbilicalsfrom the seabed

The risers and dynamic umbilicals are fixed tothe seabed at two points similar to that shown inFigure 2-1. Along the risers / dynamicumbilicals there are located two clamps – anupper tether clamp (UTC) and a lower tetherclamp (LTC). The UTC is fixed to a swivelmechanism that allows for movement of the

riser / dynamic umbilical resulting from drag,thus reducing the load on them. The UTCswivel mechanism is attached to the seabed bypiles. The LTC is positioned on the dynamicrisers / umbilicals just before they connect to thestatic risers / umbilicals and serve to reduce theload where the dynamic structures connect tothe static lines. It is attached to the seabed viaa suction anchor.

When recovering the risers / dynamic umbilicalsthe ends that were originally attached to theFPSO, will be winched onboard the vessel and

the remainder will be gathered in by reeling the

lines back in on a carousel. In order to carrythis out a temporary clump weight will beattached to allow the UTC to be disconnectedfrom the piled swivel mechanism. This

temporary weight will hold the risers / dynamicumbilicals in place following disconnection. TheLTC will be disconnected from the suction clampallowing the risers / dynamic umbilicals to bereeled in. The temporary clump weight attachedto the UTC will remain attached to the risers /dynamic umbilicals as they are being reeled in.

None of the piles or the suction clamps currentlyserving to anchor the risers / dynamic umbilicalsare to be reused at re-commissioning. It isproposed to recover the swivel mechanism todrive the piles a metre below the surface of the

seabed. The suction anchors will be recoveredas part of the Decommissioning Programme. Disconnection of the fibre optic cable

The fibre optic cable will be disconnected at theFPSO and stored in a basket on the seabed forreconnection to the new FPSO. Given thenature of the seabed in the area it is likely thebasket will be laid on a mattress to prevent itsinking into the soft substrate.

Figure 2-1 Schematic representation of the risers at the Schiehallion FPSO.

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January 2013 Page 21 Disconnection and recovery of themooring lines

There are 14 mooring lines arranged in fourbundles securing the Schiehallion in position:

two bundles contain three lines each and twobundles contain four lines each (Appendix 2 ofthe Decommissioning Programme). The linesare approximately 1.8 km in length and areanchored to the seabed using suction anchors.

The suction anchors are approximately 3 m indiameter and 10 m in height with 1.5 mprotruding above the seabed. The mooringlines are secured to the anchors by a chain thatis fastened to a point near the base of theanchor beneath the seabed, and the chain thenemerges from the seabed around 8 m from the

anchor and continues on the seabed towardsthe FPSO. To remove the mooring line, a link ofthis chain will be cut near the point where itemerges from the seabed using a specialiseddiamond wire cutting tool. The lines will be laidon the seabed before being recovered. Themooring lines are heavy enough to not requireany weights to keep them on the seabed untilrecovery.

New suction mooring anchors will be installedfor the new FPSO which will be close to theexisting anchors. Options for decommissioningboth sets of anchors will be considered at EoFL.

2.2.5 Towing of FPSO

Following disconnection the FPSO will be towedto an interim storage location (ISL) for cleaningand engineering down. The FPSO will be towedwith half its main diesel capacity i.e. 1,700 m

and both service tanks which hold 50 m3 of

diesel each. In addition it will contain 20,000 m3 

of oily water (5,000 m3 in the processing train

and 15,000 ms in the COTs). It will be towed by

two tug boats with an additional tug remainingon stand-by in port during the period of the tow.

Once the final decision has been made on thelocation of the ISL a towing route will be drawnup similar to that shown in Figure 2-2. Figure2-2 shows a potential towing route should theISL be located in the Netherlands. Thisparticular route would cover a distance ofapproximately 1,150 km and will take up to 7days.

Figure 2-2 Example of a potential towing route should the ISL be in the Netherlands.

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3 EnvironmentalDescription

This section provides a review of the keyfeatures of the environment at the Schiehallionand Loyal fields which are located primarily inQuadrant 204 with a small part of the fieldoccurring within Quadrant 205. It was preparedfrom data presented by BP in the Quad204Project Environmental Statement - DECCreference number D/4098/2010 (BP, 2010).which draws upon a wide range ofenvironmental baseline and environmentalmonitoring surveys carried out in the area by BPand other industry groups.

3.1 Metocean conditions

3.1.1 Hydrology

The development is located on the UKcontinental slope approximately 130 km west ofShetland in water depths of approximately 350to 500 m. The seabed in the vicinity of theproject exhibits a gentle slope downwards to thenorthwest.

Water movements west of Shetland can besimplified into ‘surface and upper’ currents and

‘lower and bottom’ currents. The lower andbottom currents tend to be associated withdepths below 500 m. Metoc (2002) report strongseabed currents of around 0.3 m/s in the area ofthe Schiehallion and Loyal fields.

The predominant residual surface flow in thearea is the North Atlantic Slope current whichflows in a northeast direction along the contoursof the continental shelf (Figure 3-1). Meansurface current speeds in the region arebetween 0.1 m/s and 0.2 m/s.

The deep water over the continental slope isexposed to a large westerly fetch and strongwinds, particularly from the west and southwest.These conditions generate an extreme waveregime in the area with significant wave heightsexceeding 2.5 m for 50% of the year and 4.0 mfor 10% of the year (BODC, 1998).

3.1.2 Meteorology

The seasonal distribution of wind speed anddirection in the area of the Schiehallion andLoyal fields is summarised in Figure 3-2. Winds

can occur from any direction with thepredominant winds during the summer, autumn

and winter months coming from the south andwest. In spring there is a greater evenness ofwind distribution, with winds originating from theESE, NNW, N and NNE occurring with a higher

frequency than those from the SW. Thepredominant wind speeds throughout the yearare from 5.5 m/s (moderate) to 13.5 m/s(strong). Strong winds can occur throughout theyear however their frequency is most prominentin the winter months.

3.1.3 Temperature and salinity

Mean sea surface temperatures range between7.5°C in winter and 12.5°C in summer whilstbottom temperatures can be as low as - 0.5°C at500 m water depth (BP, 2010).

Mean salinity in the area varies annually andwith depth, but is typically between 34.5 and35.25 (BP, 2010).

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Figure 3-2 Wind speed and direction for the offshore area west of Shetland. 

Figure 3-1 Prevailing currents west of Shetland.

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3.2 Environmental LegislationProtecting Habitats andSpecies

The EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and theEU Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) are the maindriving forces for safeguarding biodiversity inEurope. Through the establishment of anetwork of protected sites, these directivesprovide for the protection of animal and plantspecies of European importance and thehabitats that support them.

The EU Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC and theEU Birds Directive 79/409/EEC have beenenacted in the UK by the following legislation:

  The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &.c.)Regulations 1994 (as amended 2012):

These regulations transpose the Habitatsand Birds Directives into UK law. Theyapply to land and territorial waters out to 12nautical miles (nm) from the coast andhave been subsequently amended severaltimes.

  The Conservation of Habitats and SpeciesRegulations 2010 (as amended 2012):These regulations consolidate all theamendments made to the Conservation

(Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 inrespect of England and Wales. InScotland, the Habitats and Birds Directivesare transposed through a combination ofthe Habitats Regulations 2010 (in relationto reserved matters) and the 1994Regulations.

  The Offshore Marine Conservation (NaturalHabitats, &c.) Regulations 2007 (asamended 2009 and 2010): Theseregulations are the principal means bywhich the Birds and Habitats Directives are

transposed in the UK offshore marine area(i.e. outside the 12 nm territorial limit) andin English and Welsh territorial waters.

  The Offshore Petroleum Activities(Conservation of Habitats) Regulations2001 (as amended 2007): Theseregulations apply the Habitats Directive andthe Birds Directive in relation to oil and gasplans or projects wholly or partly on theUnited Kingdom Continental Shelf andsuperjacent waters outside territorial waters(‘the UKCS’) (i.e. outside the 12 nm

territorial zone).

In Scotland, the Directives are transposedthrough a combination of the HabitatsRegulations 2010 (in relation to reservedmatters) and the 1994 Regulations (which have

recently been amended by the Conservation(Natural Habitats &c.) Amendment (Scotland)Regulations 2011).

The Habitats Directive lists those habitats andspecies (Annex I and II respectively) whoseconservation requires the designation of specialareas of interest. These habitats and speciesare to be protected by the creation of a series of‘Special Areas of Conservation’ (SACs), and byvarious other safeguard measures (Sites ofCommunity Importance (SCIs)) for particularspecies. The Birds Directive requires member

states to nominate sites as Special ProtectionAreas (SPAs). Together with adopted SACs,the SPA network forms the ‘Natura 2000’network of protected areas in the EuropeanUnion.

The UK regulator (DECC) considers all types ofSAC in the same way, as if they have alreadybeen designated. Therefore as with an SAC,any activity likely to have a significant effect onthe site of a cSAC, pSAC or dSAC must beappropriately assessed.

Under these regulations, it is an offence to

deliberately disturb any European ProtectedSpecies (EPS) while it is within its SAC or tocapture, injure or kill an EPS at any time. Newprojects/developments must demonstrate thatthey will not significantly disturb an EPS in away that will affect;

  the ability of the species to survive, breed,rear or nurture its young or affect itshibernating or migration patterns (termedthe injury offence), or

  the local distribution or abundance of any

protected species (termed the disturbanceoffence).

3.2.1 Habitats

Of the habitat types listed in the HabitatsDirective (Annex I) requiring protection, four ofthem occur or potentially occur in the UKoffshore area (JNCC, 2012);

  sandbanks which are slightly covered byseawater at all times;


- bedrock reefs; made from continuous

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outcroppings of bedrock which may be ofvarious topographical shapes (e.g.pinnacles and offshore banks);

- stony reefs; aggregations of boulders and

cobbles which may have some finersediments in interstitial spaces;

- biogenic reefs; formed by cold watercorals (e.g. Lophelia pertusa ) and thepolychaete worm Sabellaria spinulosa;  

  submarine structures made by leakinggases;

  submerged or partially submerged seacaves.

The nearest offshore protected areas are the

Wyville Thomson Ridge and the Darwin moundsboth of which are cSAC/SCIs and are locatedapproximately 110 km and 160 km west of thedevelopment area respectively. The WyvilleThompson ridge is a stony ridge, thought tohave been formed by the ploughing movementsof icebergs through the seabed at the end of thelast ice age. The Darwin mounds are sandymounds topped with thickets of L. pertusa.

The Shetland Islands located approximately130 km west of the Schiehallion and Loyal fieldshas a number of coastal SSSIs (Special Sites of

Scientific Interest), SACs, RAMSAR (wetlandsof international importance) and SPA sites.

Survey results from the area have identified noenvironmentally sensitive habitats protectedunder Annex I of the EC Habitats Directive. Itshould be noted that small colonies of L. pertusa  have been observed on infrastructure at boththe Foinaven and Schiehallion FPSO (BP,2010).

3.2.2 Scottish Marine Protected Areas

The Marine (Scotland) Act and the UK Marineand Coastal Access Act (2009) include newpowers for Marine Scotland, the Joint NatureConservation Committee (JNCC), HistoricScotland and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) todesignate Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in theseas around Scotland as part of a range ofmeasures to manage and protect Scotland’sseas for current and future generations. Anumber of areas termed ‘search areas’ arebeing considered for MPA status (SNH, 2011).

The Marine (Scotland) Act outlines provisions todesignate MPAs for the following purposeswithin Scottish territorial waters (inside 12 nm):

  Nature Conservation MPAs for theconservation of nationally important marinewildlife, habitats, geology and undersealandforms;

  Demonstration/Research MPAs todemonstrate or research sustainablemethods of marine management orexploitation;

  Historic MPAs for features ofhistoric/cultural importance such asshipwrecks and submerged landscapes.

The UK Marine and Coastal Access Act alsoincludes equivalent provisions for ScottishMinisters to designate MPAs for theconservation of nationally important marine

wildlife, habitats, geology and undersealandforms in offshore waters (outside 12 nm)adjacent to Scotland. Although legally MarineConservation Zones (MCZs), for consistencythey will collectively be referred to as NatureConservation MPAs and will be establishedusing the same Site Selection Guidelines.

These search areas were chosen based on:

  The contribution of existing protected areaanalysis;

  Contribution of other area-based measures;

and  Contribution of least damage/more natural


The nearest MPA ‘search area’, is the Faroe-Shetland trench. The Schiehallion FPSO islocated just within the eastern edge of this area.The Loyal and Northwest drill centres and thegas disposal well are located within this searcharea, while the West and Central drill centresare outside the area.

3.2.3 Species

The designation of fish species requiring specialprotection in UK waters is receiving increasingattention with particular consideration being paidto large slow growing species such as sharksand rays. In addition the status of a number ofmarine mammals has resulted in them beinggiven special protection.

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981consolidates and amends existing nationallegislation to implement the Convention on theConservation of European Wildlife and Natural

Habitats (the Bern Convention) and the BirdsDirective. The Act makes it an offence to

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intentionally kill, injure, possess or trade in anyanimal listed in Schedule 5 and to interfere withplaces used by such animals for shelter orprotection. There are 12 Schedule 5 fish

species occurring in UK marine and estuarinewaters. Of these 12, those possibly occurring inthe area of the Schiehallion and Loyaldevelopment are the Allis shad (Alosa alosa ) thebasking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) and theangel shark (Squatina squatina ) (FishBase,2012).

Fish species listed under the EC HabitatsDirective with a distribution encompassing thearea of the development include the baskingshark, and the Allis shad. Mammal speciesdesignated under the EC Habitats Directive that

could occur in the area include Atlantic white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus acutus ), long-finned pilot whales (Globiecphala melas ), killerwhales (Orcinus orca ), fin whales (Balaenopteraphysalus ), sperm whales (Physetermacrocephalus ), Risso’s dolphins (Grampusgriseus ), common dolphins (Delphinus delphis ),minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata ) andwhite-beaked dolphins (Lagenorhynchusalbirostris ).

IUCN listed vulnerable and endangered specieslikely to occur in the area include the common

skate (Dipturus batis ), basking shark, porbeagle(Lamna nasus ), sandy ray (Leucoraja circularis ),spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias ), blue shark(Prionace glauca ), and the Portuguese dogfish(Centroscymnus coelolepis ) (FishBase 2012).

3.3 The Seabed

A number of seabed surveys have been carriedout at the Schiehallion and Loyal development.Seabed relief is illustrated in Figure 3-3 and thelocations and references of surveys are shownin Figure 3-4.

3.3.1 Seabed sediments

The Schiehallion and Loyal fields lie in an areadominated by iceberg ploughmarks: inactivefeatures that are very common along the outershelf and upper slope area in water depthsranging from 200 – 450 m (Masson, 2001;Stoker et al ., 1993 and Fugro Geoteam, 2000).They are considered relict scars in the seabedwith raised margins that were originally causedby the dragging of iceberg keels. Typicalploughmarks are several tens to a few hundred

metres in width and are nowadays infilled withsediment. In the area of the development the

ploughmarks are generally orientated in anortheast to southwest direction and areparticularly prominent in the southeast of theproject area, becoming less frequent to the

north and west. To the northwest, the seabedsand veneer shows evidence of sedimenttransportation with the formation of ripples ofapproximately 0.1 m height and 30 mwavelength.

3.4 Marine Flora and Fauna

The area west of Shetland has a complex andproductive ecosystem which supports importantfish, seabird and marine mammal populations.The flora and fauna that interact to make up theecosystem in the area are discussed below.

3.4.1 Plankton

Plankton are drifting organisms that inhabit thepelagic zone of a body of water and includesingle celled organisms such as bacteria as wellas plants (phytoplankton) and animals(zooplankton). Phytoplankton

Phytoplankton are the primary producers oforganic matter in the marine environment andform the basis of marine ecosystem food chains.

The composition and abundance ofphytoplankton communities varies throughoutthe year and is influenced by several factors, inparticular sunlight and vertical mixing in thewater column due to wind and currents. Allthese factors are at their optimum in the springmonths, leading to a pronounced period ofphytoplankton growth, known as the springbloom. The size and timing of the blooms mayvary from year to year depending on localweather and oceanographic conditions.

Huthnance (1986) notes that phytoplanktondistributions vary between areas due to effectsof slope topography on the propagation ofoceanic eddies and internal waves, differencesin shelf edge tidal currents and slope currents,and seasonal and latitudinal variations in thedegree of stratification across the shelf edge.However a broadly similar pattern ofphytoplankton blooming is reported for theNorthwest European shelf edge and adjacentAtlantic from the Rockall Trough through theFaroe-Shetland Channel to the northern NorthSea.

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Figure 3-3 Seabed relief in the Schiehallion area

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Figure 3-4 Location of surveys carried out at the Schiehallion and Loyal field

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Robinson (1970) observed that, in deeperoceanic waters north of 60

oN, (which includes

the area of the project), phytoplanktonabundance is lower and the productive season

is shorter than that seen in the central orsouthern North Sea.

Information on phytoplankton specific to thedevelopment area is limited. Howeverphytoplankton species as a whole in the areaextending out from the west of Shetland issimilar to that encountered in the North Sea.Table 3-1 lists some of the more abundantphytoplankton species recorded in the area.

Table 3-1 Some of the more abundant phytoplankton

species found in the North Atlantic (DTI, 2003).


Ceratium fusus

Thalassiosira  spp. 

Chaetoceros (Hyalochaete ) spp. 

Ceratium furca

Chaetoceros  (Phaeoceros ) spp. 

Rhizosolenia alata alata  

Ceratium tripos

Thalassionema nitzscioidesRhizosolenia styliformis

Nitzschia delicatissima Zooplankton

Zooplankton are divided into two distinct groups – meroplankton, which refers to members of theplankton community that have a pelagic larvalstage and a benthic adult stage (e.g. fishspecies), and holoplankton, which refers to

organisms that are entirely planktonic.Zooplankton are dependent upon phytoplanktonas a food source and therefore show a similartemporal distribution pattern. Zooplankton arenot restricted to the photic upper layers of thewater column and as a rule undergo diurnalvertical movement, moving towards the surfaceto feed at night and sinking during daylighthours.

Large populations of the herbivorouszooplankton copepod Calanus finmarchicus  over-winter in the nearby deep waters of the

Faroe-Shetland channel and come to thesurface during spring. Sampling undertaken

approximately 3 km west of Schiehallionindicates peak biomass of C. finmarchicus  insummer months (July – August). Anothercopepod species, C. helgolandicus , is also

found in waters in the region. This speciesgenerally has a greater abundance furthersouth; however, it is found in the area of thedevelopment.

T. longicaudata  is the numerically dominanteuphausiid in the near–surface waters of theNorth Atlantic. Euphausiids are an importantgroup of zooplankton in the north Atlantic and inthe Faroe-Shetland Channel being the mainfood source for several fish species on theirfeeding migration through the channel e.g. inblue whiting, krill have been shown to make up

about 50% (by weight) of the diet (Bjelland andMonstad, 1997). In addition to being animportant prey item for fish in the area, krill arean important food source for cetaceans such asfin-whales as well as for several seabirdsspecies e.g. fulmars and storm-petrels (Debeset al ., 2007).

3.4.2 Benthic Communities

Bacteria, plants and animals living on or withinthe seabed sediments are collectively referredto as benthos. Species living on top of the sea

floor may be sessile (e.g. seaweeds) or freelymoving (e.g. starfish) and are collectivelyreferred to as epibenthic organisms. Animalsliving within the sediment are termed infaunalspecies (e.g. clams, tubeworms and burrowingcrabs) while animals living on the surface aretermed epifaunal (e.g. mussels, crabs, starfishand flounder). Semi-infaunal animals, includingsea pens and some bivalves, lie partially buriedin the seabed.

A number of surveys have been undertaken toinvestigate the benthic ecology in the

Schiehallion and Loyal area (Figure 3-4: AFEN,2000; Bett, 2000; BP, 2000a; BP, 2000b; AFEN,2001; Hartley Anderson, 2002; Fugro, 2003;Gardline, 2003; ERT, 2007; Gardline, 2007).From these surveys there is evidence that theregional distribution of benthic communitieswest of Shetland is strongly affected bysediment type, seabed features, depth andtemperature with faunal distributions in the areavarying down-slope and along-slope (AFEN,2001). Along-slope variation can be linked toseabed features and, in the area of thedevelopment, this variation is dominated by thepresence of iceberg ploughmarks. There are

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local variations in benthic fauna in the differentzones of iceberg ploughmarks. The relativelyopen sediment areas that mark the icebergscour tracks frequently have extensive gravel

cover and are dominated by irregular burrowingechinoids, whereas the iceberg track marginswhich appear to be marked by lanes of glacialerratics are dominated by cidarid urchins and avariable encrusting epifauna (Bett, 2001).

The continental shelf and slope area ischaracterised by two main macrofaunalassemblages, which are approximatelyseparated by the boundary between the northflowing warm North Atlantic waters and thedeeper cold water flowing from the NorwegianSea. The boundary area between these two

main macrofaunal assemblages occurs in the300 – 600 m depth range, (within which theSchiehallion and Loyal fields lie), and benthicdiversity appears to peak at these depths, whichcorrespond with the greatest temperaturevariations (Hughes et al., 2003).

Surveys around Schiehallion have reported thatthe sediments support a species-rich andrelatively abundant macrofauna (BP 2000a;2000b) consisting mainly of annelids (47%),crustaceans (26%), molluscs (16%) andechinoderms (4%). This is broadly typical of

macrobenthic communities in offshore softsediments for the northeast Atlantic area(Pearson et al ., 1996). In addition these surveysidentified a small epilithic component present inthe area, mainly comprising sponges,bryozoans, spirobid polychaete worms andhydrozoans inhabiting the small stones on theseabed. Other epifauna reported from theregion include the sea cucumber and a numberof crab species (e.g. Lithodes spp.).

In contrast Gardline (2007) reported the benthicfaunal community within the Foinaven /

Schiehallion survey area to be sparse with anaverage of 52 individuals and 25 taxa identifiedper 0.1 m

2, and typical of a deep water location.

The ten most abundant species within thesurvey area included the polychaetes Galathowenia oculata agg; the crustaceansAmpelisca spinipes , undetermined Ampeliscaspp., Haploops setosa  and Haploops tubicola ;the burrowing brittlestar Amphiura sp and thebivalves Astarte cf. sulcata , Limopsis aurita  andThyasira succisa .

Surveys at the Schiehallion North West drill

centre, found macrofauna to be of a moderate torelatively high density (Fugro, 2003); however,

when compared to surveys at the Central drillcentre, the numbers at North West could beconsidered low (ERT, 2007). The majority oftaxa found were typical for the area, although

several species characteristic of faunalcommunities elsewhere at Schiehallion were notpresent at the North West drill centre.

The limited areas of hard substrata (e.g.boulders) found in the development areasupports sessile epifaunal populations the mostabundant of which are sponges (e.g. Geodiaspp, Stryphnus spp), sea urchins (Cidariscidaris , Echinus spp), sea cucumbers(Stichopus tremulus) starfish (Hippasteriaphrygiana ) and crabs (e.g. Chaceon affinis ) andsquat lobsters (Munida sp.) (Hartley

Anderson, 2002).The surveys described above support the viewthat the benthic communities vary in speciesrichness and abundance across thedevelopment area. ERT (2007) concluded thisvariation is not a result of anthropogenic activityin the area. Rather, as previously mentioned itis likely to be driven by the variation in sedimenttype, seabed features, depth and temperatureassociated with the area (AFEN, 2001).

Surveys undertaken in the area suggest thatthere are no species or habitats of conservation

importance identified (under the UK’s OffshorePetroleum Activities (Conservation of Habitats)Regulations 2001) in the region (Gardline,2007). Small colonies of L. pertusa  have beenobserved on infrastructure at both the Foinavenand Schiehallion FPSO (BP, 2010).

3.4.3 Fish Populations

Fish occupying areas in close proximity tooffshore oil and gas activities could be exposedto aqueous discharges and may accumulatehydrocarbons and other contaminatingchemicals in their body tissues.

Fish communities consist of species that havecomplex interactions with one another and thenatural environment. They consume a widerange of benthic invertebrates and / or act aspredators at higher trophic levels, whilethemselves being a source of prey for largeranimals.

At present more than 330 fish species arethought to inhabit the shelf seas of the UKCS(Pinnegar et al ., 2010). Pelagic species (e.g.

herring (Clupea  clupea ), mackerel (Scomberscombrus), blue whiting (Micromesistius

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poutassou ) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus )) arefound in mid-water and typically make extensiveseasonal movements or migrations. Demersalspecies (e.g. cod (Gadus morhua ), haddock

(Melanogrammus aeglefinus ), sole (Soleasolea ) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus )) liveon or near the seabed and similar to pelagicspecies, many are known to passively move(e.g. drifting eggs and larvae) and/or activelymigrate (e.g. juveniles and adults) betweenareas during their lifecycle.

From fishing landings data (ScottishGovernment, 2012) it is evident a number ofcommercially important fish species occur in thearea of the Schiehallion and Loyal fields someof which are listed in Table 3-2. Pelagic shark

species expected to occur in the area includethe porbeagle (L. Nasus ) and the basking shark(C. Maximus ). As a result of target fisheries theIUCN status of both these shark species in thenortheast Atlantic is given as vulnerable.

The most vulnerable stages of the life cycle offish to general disturbances such as disruptionto sediments and oil pollution are the egg andlarval stages, hence recognition of spawningand nursery times and areas within a

development area is important. Data on the useof this area by fish species as a spawning ornursery ground is limited as large monitoringsurveys such as the UK ground fish surveys and

the European coordinated ichthyoplanktonsurveys (egg surveys) do not tend to cover thisarea.

Species such as monkfish and Norway pout usethe area as a spawning ground whilst thepresence of mackerel and blue whiting juvenilesindicate these species uses the area as anursery ground (Coull et. al , 1998: Ellis et al .,2012). The Schiehallion and Loyal developmentalso lies across an important mackerel migrationand wintering area. Following spawning, adultmackerel migrate through the West of Shetland

area to summer feeding grounds in theNorwegian Sea and northern North Sea (Belikovet al., 1998 and Reid et al., 1997).

Table 3-2 Some of the commercially important species occupying the area in the vicinity of the Schiehallion

and Loyal fields.

Demersal Fish Species 

Saithe (P. virens ) Hake (M. merluccius ) Ling (M. molva )

Megrim (L. whiffiagonis ) Monkfish (Lophius spp) Haddock (M. aeglefinus )

Cod (G. morhua ) Redfish (Sebastes spp) Sea bream (Spondyliosoma spp)

Halibut (H  .hippoglossus ) Whiting (M. merlangus ) Pollack (P. pollachius )

Blue Ling (M. dypterygia ) Torsk (B. brosme ) Lemon sole (M. kitt )

Skates and rays Greater forkbeard (P. blennoides ) Greenland halibut (R.hippoglossoides )

John Dory (Z. faber ) Conger eel (C. conger ) Turbot (S. maximus )

Plaice (P. platessa ) Red gurnard (A. cuculus ) Roundnose grenadier (C. rupestris )

Roughead grenadier (M. berglax ) Black scabbard (A. carbo ) Red mullet (M. surmuletus )

Rabbitfish (C. monstrosa ) Spurdog (S. acanthias )

Pelagic Fish Species 

Mackerel (S. scombrus ) Herring (C. harengus ) Horse mackerel (T. trachurus )

Greater silver smelt (A. silus )

Note: the species listed are taken from landings data reported by UK vessels from ICES rectangle 49E5 (Scottish

Government, 2012). It is not an exhaustive list of all the species landed or occurring in the area.

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Spawning and nursery ground are known to shiftover time and as a result the recognisedspawning and nursery grounds of somecommercial fish species in the northeast Atlantic

are shown in Figure 3-5 and Figure 3-6 (Coull etal ., 1998). It should be noted that thoughspawning and nursery areas do alter over time it

is unlikely that the spawning and nurserygrounds of some of the species shown wouldextend into the area of the Schiehallion andLoyal fields due to the depths associated with

the region.

Figure 3-5 Recognised spawning grounds of some commercial fish species in the northeast Atlantic.

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3.4.4 Marine MammalsPinnipeds (seals) and cetaceans (whales,dolphins and porpoises) are vulnerable to thedirect effects of oil and gas activities such asnoise, contaminants and oil spills. They arealso affected indirectly by any processes thatmay affect prey availability. Pinnipeds

Three seal species regularly occur to the west ofShetland of which two; the grey seal (H. grypus )

and the hooded seal (C. cristata ) occur in thevicinity of the Schiehallion and Loyal fields.

Both these seal species are protected under the

EC Habitats and Species Directive.

The grey seal breeds mainly in the WesternIsles, Orkney and the Shetland Islands. Greyseals tend to be present all year round in waterdepths of less than 200 m. Only low densitieshave been observed in the area of thedevelopment with higher densities possiblyassociated with periods of migration betweentheir breeding sites in Faroe and Shetland (BP,2004; McConnell et al., 1992, 1999).

Hooded seals breed and moult on the packed

ice of Arctic waters, but are also known to rangeextensively outwith their breeding and moulting

Figure 3-6 Recognised nursery grounds of some commercial fish species in the northeast Atlantic. 

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periods of March and July (Folkow et al., 1996).Hooded seals have been recorded in deepwaters over the Faroe-Shetland Channel andmay therefore occur in the area of the

Schiehallion and Loyal fields. The species hasnot been recorded in water depths less than200 m (Pollock et al., 2000). Cetaceans

Twenty seven species of cetacean have beenrecorded in UK waters, 16 of which are knownto be present in the area to the west ofShetland. The most abundant cetacean in thedeeper water beyond the shelf area to the west

of Shetland is the Atlantic white-sided dolphin.The Faroe-Shetland Channel contains a numberof species that are rare or endangered includingthe blue whale and right whale. Macleod et al .,

(2003) noted that of three regions surveyed:west of the Outer Hebrides, west of theShetland Islands and the central Faroe-ShetlandChannel, the Faroe-Shetland Channel had thegreatest relative abundance of large whales anddolphins.

Table 3-3 gives an indication of the species thatmay be present in the area and the times of theyear that they are most likely to occur.

Table 3-3 Seasonal occurrence of cetaceans in the waters west of Shetland (Pollock et al ., 2000; Hammond et

al ., 2003; Reid et al ., 2003; Stone, 2003a; 2003b; Macleod et al ., 2003).

Species Comment

   S  e  a  s  o  n  a   l  m   i  g  r  a  n   t  s

Fin whaleRare/uncommon. Most sightings to the northwest of the development in the Faroe-Shetland channel.

Believed to be both a seasonal migrant and summer resident.

Blue whaleVery rare. Presence recorded around Shetland and Faroe Islands. Thought to migrate to northern

latitudes during the summer, some over winter in the north.

Sei whaleVery rare/ rare. Mainly sighted in deep waters on the western side of the Faroe-Shetland channel.

Seasonal numbers fluctuate.

Humpback whale Very rare. Generally recorded in water depths > 1,000 m. Migrate southwest through the region in

November to March. Some sightings on the continental shelf.

   D  e  e  p  w  a   t  e  r  s  p  e  c   i  e  s

White-sided dolphin Common. Found all year round in the deep waters of the Faroe-Shetland Channel and the Faroe BankChannel. These dolphins are regularly sighted in large pods.

Long-finned pilot


Common along shelf break and the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Also occur in shallower waters with

sightings to the west and north of the Schiehallion and Loyal fields.

Killer whale Found over the continental shelf and in deep waters all year. In May and June observations are

predominantly along the continental slope.

Sperm whale Rare – mainly in deep waters of the Faroe-Shetland Channel and Rockall Trough. Peak sightings

occur in summer, acoustic data also indicate presence in winter.

Bottlenose whale Very rare. Most sightings over the Wyville Thompson Ridge. Very few sightings at Orkney, Shetland or

the Faroes. Sightings are reported throughout the year.

   M  a   i  n   l  y  c  o  n   t   i  n  e  n   t  a   l  s   h  e   l   f  s  p  e  c   i  e  s

White-beaked dolphin Common. Mainly concentrated in shelf waters. Rare in waters over 200 m deep although it has been

sighted in the vicinity of the Schiehallion field in late summer.

Harbour porpoise Commonly found in waters west of Shetland, although rarely recorded in waters deeper than 500 m.

Minke whale Uncommon in the vicinity of the development, with sightings generally occurring in waters less than 200

m. Sightings have been made throughout the year and it is believed a small proportion of those

associated with the west of Shetland area may overwinter there.

Bottlenose dolphin Uncommon in the Atlantic margin area. Mostly recorded along the Atlantic margin shelf ridge and over

the Wyville Thompson Ridge.

Risso’s dolphin Rare / uncommon in the Atlantic margin region with most sightings occurring on the continental shelf in

depths of 50 – 100 m.

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3.4.5 Seabirds

Seabirds are generally not at risk from routineoffshore production operations. However, they

may be vulnerable to pollution from less regularoffshore activities such as accidental dischargesof diesel or oil spills.

Birds are vulnerable to oily surface pollution, asit can cause direct toxicity through ingestion andhypothermia as a result of the birds’ inability towaterproof their feathers. Birds are mostvulnerable in the moulting season when theybecome flightless and spend a large amount oftime on the water surface, significantlyincreasing their vulnerability to oil spills. Fulmar(Fulmarus glacialis ), guillemot (Uria aalge ) and

puffin (Fratercula arctica ) are particularlyvulnerable to surface pollutants as they spendthe majority of their time on the surface of thewater. Herring gull (Larus argentatus ), kittiwake(Rissa tridactyla ) and great black-backed gull(Larus marinus ) are less vulnerable as theyspend a larger proportion of their time flying andtherefore less time on the sea surface (Stone etal ., 1995). After the breeding season ends inJune, large numbers of moulting auks, guillemot(Uria aalge ), razorbill (Alca torda ) and puffin(Fratercula arctica ) disperse widely away from

their coastal colonies and into offshore waters.

At this time these high numbers of birds areparticularly vulnerable to oil pollution.

The JNCC has produced an OffshoreVulnerability Index (OVI) for seabirds

encountered within each offshore licence blockwithin the southern, central and northern NorthSea and the Irish Sea. For each block, an indexof vulnerability for all species is given whichconsiders the following four factors:

  the amount of time spent on the water;

  total biogeographical population;

  reliance on the marine environment;

  potential rate of population recovery.

Each of these factors is weighted according to

its biological importance and the OVI is thenderived (Williams et al ., 1994). As seen in Table3-4 the OVI of seabirds within each offshorelicence block changes throughout the year. Thisis due to seasonal fluctuations in the speciesand number of birds present in the area. Figure3-7 shows the location of the blocks listed inTable 3-4 in relation to the Schiehallion andLoyal fields and also shows the overall annualvulnerability of birds in the area to surfacepollution.

Table 3-4 OVI for seabirds in the area of the Schiehallion and Loyal fields.

Block No.Month

OverallJ F M A M J J A S O N D

204/14 3 ND 3 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 4

204/15 3 4 2 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 4

205/11 3 4 2 4 3 3 3 4 2 4 ND 4 4

204/19 3 4 3 4 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 4

204/20 3 4 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 4

205/16 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 4 2 4 3 4 4

204/24 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 4 4

204/25 3 4 3 2 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 4 4

205/21 3 4 3 2 3 3 2 4 3 3 3 4 4

204/29 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 4 4

204/30 3 4 3 2 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 4 4

205/26 3 4 3 2 3 3 2 4 4 3 3 4 4

ND no data 1= Very high 2 = High 3 = Medium 4 = Low

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Table 3-4 suggests seabird vulnerability tosurface pollution in the area of the Schiehallionand Loyal fields varies throughout the year. Theperiods of lowest vulnerability coincide withseabirds generally leaving offshore watersfollowing the winter period and returning to their

coastal colonies for the breeding season.Overall annual vulnerability in the area of thedevelopment and surrounding blocks isconsidered low. Figure 3-9 shows the foragingranges of a number of bird species found on theShetland and Orkney Islands. Based on thisinformation, bird species expected to be foundin the area of the Schiehallion and Loyal fieldsinclude Leach’s petrel, great skua, lesser black-backed gull, kittiwake, guillemot, razorbill, manxshearwater, puffin, gannet and fulmar.

Figure 3-7 Overall annual seabird

vulnerability to surface pollution in the area

of the Schiehallion and Loyal fields.

Figure 3-8 Maximum foraging distances of some bird species

occupying colonies on the Shetland and Orkney Islands. 

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4 Socio-EconomicDescription

The need for a socio-economic assessmentcomes directly from the decommissioningobligations under the Petroleum Act 1(998)which require that as part of the EIA thepotential impact of decommissioning activitieson mariculture and other sea users is assessedin addition to the environmental impacts.

This section describes the baseline socio-economic environment at the development inorder to allow the assessment of any potentialsocietal impacts of the decommissioningprogramme.

4.1 Fishing Activity

One of the main areas of potential adverseeffects associated with the offshore oil and gasindustry is in relation to fishing activities.Offshore structures have the potential tointerfere with fishing activities as their physicalpresence may obstruct access to fishinggrounds.

Satellite tracking for all EU licensed vesselsover 15 m and the requirement for UK fishermen

to report catch information such as totallandings (including species type and tonnage ofeach), location of hauls and catch method (typeof gear / duration of fishing) means it is possibleto get an idea of the value of the area at theSchiehallion and Loyal fields to the UK fishingindustry. In addition BP commissioned twocommercial fisheries studies (Brown and May,2003 and SFF/Brown and May, 2010) to reviewthe fishing levels in the area.

The northeast Atlantic is divided into ICES sub-divisions for the purposes of fisheries

management. ICES statistical rectangles arethe smallest area units used for collatingfisheries data in the Western Margins. Formanagement purposes, ICES collates fisheriesinformation for individual rectangles measuring30 nm by 30 nm. Each ICES rectangle coversapproximately one half of one Quadrant, i.e. 15licence blocks. The importance of an area tothe fishing industry is assessed by measuringthe fishing effort which may be defined as thenumber of days (time) x fleet capacity (tonnageand engine power). Landings reported by UKfishermen are reported by ICES rectangle. Itshould be noted, however, that fishing activity

may not be uniformly distributed over the wholearea of the ICES rectangle. The Schiehallionand Loyal development lies primarily withinICES rectangle 49E5.

4.1.1 Fishing effort

The fishing effort data presented in this sectioncovers UK over 10 m vessels only and includestime spent travelling to the fish grounds as wellas time spent fishing. Effort data could only beobtained for those ICES rectangles where fiveor more UK vessels over 10 m undertook fishingactivity in a given year. Rectangles in which lessthan five such vessels undertook fishing activitycannot be sourced due to the data protection actas the data is considered disclosive.

Based on 2010 and 2011 data reported to theMarine Management Organisation (ScottishGovernment, 2012) the main fishing gears usedin ICES rectangle 49E5 are bottom otter trawls,midwater twin trawls, longlines and fixed gillnets. Some twin boat trawling also takes place.

Analysis of effort data from 2009 – 2011(Scottish Government, 2012) from ICESrectangle 49E5 suggests an average fishingeffort of 385 days per annum i.e. approximately0.2% of total reported effort by UK boats over10 m. To put this into context fishing effort per

ICES rectangle in 2011 is presented in Table4-1.

Table 4-1 Fishing effort per ICES rectangle for 2011.

Fishing effort (number

of days)

Number of ICES


< 100 93

100 - 500 126

501 - 1000 40

1,001 - 2,500 40

2,501 - 6,800 14

Note: this table does not include those ICEs rectangles in

which less than five UK over 10 m vessels were active.

On a more localised scale Figure 4-1 shows thisfishing effort compared to reported effort fromthe surrounding ICES rectangles.

It can be concluded fishing effort by UK vesselsin the area of the Schiehallion and Loyal fields isrelatively low.

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The fishing effort presented is restricted to UKvessels; however, data on effort by internationalvessels fishing in 49E5 and landing in UK portsis available in SFF/Brown and May (2010)(Table 4-2).

Table 4-2 Nationality effort distribution in ICES

rectangle 49E5 by vessels into UK ports (2004-2008).

Country Percentage effort

United Kingdom 89.92Spain 5.32

France 4.09

Germany 0.26

Faroe Islands 0.05

Poland 0.02

4.1.2 Fish landings

Rectangle 49E5 is predominantly targeted fordemersal species such as cod, monkfish, saitheand hake. Many of the targeted species will notnecessarily be evenly distributed throughout therectangle for example it is unlikely that cod willbe found in those areas of water depths over400 m. Pelagic species caught between 2009and 2011 have primarily comprised mackerel.Figure 4-2 shows the quantity and value of

demersal and pelagic landings into UK ports byUK and non UK vessels taken from 49E5.Shellfish landings are small and averaged 8tonnes per annum between 2008 and 2011.Landings from the rectangle vary annually andin 2011 represented 0.5% of the total UKlandings in that year.

Figure 4-1 Fishing effort by UK vessels over 10 m in the region of the Schiehallion and Loyal fields. 

Figure 4-2 Quantity and value of landings into UK ports from ICES rectangle 49E5.

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The information presented in Figure 4-2 shouldbe treated with caution as it is believed that49E5 has historically been known to incursubstantial levels of misreporting with landings

from nearby rectangles being attributed to it(communication between Scottish FisheriesProtection Agency and Brown and May;SFF/Brown and May 2010).

Based on effort data and the landings dataavailable it can be concluded that theSchiehallion and Loyal development lie is an

area of low to medium importance to the UKfishing industry.

4.2 Shipping

Overall shipping activity is considered low in thearea of the Schiehallion and Loyal fields (DECC,2012). Those shipping routes that do pass nearthe Schiehallion and Loyal development areawere found to typically comprise vessels enroute to and from SVT and vessels in transitacross the Atlantic (Table 4-3; Anatec, 2010).

Table 4-3 Shipping routes identified within 10 nm of the Schiehallion FPSO (Anatec, 2010).

Route name

Closest point of

approach to

Schiehallion FPSO (nm)

Bearing (°°°°)No. ships

per annum% of total

Aberdeen-Foinaven* 3.4 227 166 17

Schiehallion Field-SVT* 3.8 86 130 13

Moray Firth-Schiehallion (tanker) 3.8 87 20 2

Aberdeen-Schiehallion* 3.8 87 102 10

Moray Firth-Schiehallion (supply)* 3.8 93 182 18

Sullom Voe-America North* 6.4 162 85 9

Canada-SVT 8.1 343 20 2

Humber-Faroes 8.5 47 5 1

Faroes-Rotterdam* 9.0 236 50 5

Kattegat-Iceland* 9.8 201 225 23

Total 985

*Where two or more routes have identical closest point of approach and bearing they have been grouped

together. In this case, the description lists the sub-route with the most ships per year.

4.3 Existing oil and gas activity

There is a long history of oil and gas activitynorth and west of Scotland, with the first wellbeing drilled in 1972 and the first commercialdiscovery (the Clair field) made in July 1977. Todate, the Foinaven, Schiehallion/Loyal and Clairfields are the only producing fields in the region,with first oil in 1997, 1998 and 2005respectively. In 2002, the West of ShetlandPipeline System (WOSPS) was installed totransport surplus gas from the Foinaven andSchiehallion fields to the Magnus field in thenorthern North Sea, via SVT, as part of theMagnus Enhanced Oil Recovery Project.

Recently, offshore operations have begun atLaggan and Tormore (Figure 1-1). In addition,there are a number of other recent finds and on-going appraisals to the west of Shetland,

including Chevron Rosebank which was drilledin 2007, the large gas find in the Glenlivet field,successfully drilled in 2009 and a recent gasdiscovery located in Block 204/13a and 14b

known as Tornado.

4.4 Military exercises

There are no military exercise areas near theSchiehallion and Loyal development (DECC,2012). Hydrophones to track submarines arepresent on the seabed in the Atlantic Marginarea, although information on their location isconfidential. The nearest practice and exercisearea (PEXA) is located over 110 km to thesouth.

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4.5 Submarine cablesThe closest known submarinetelecommunication or power cable to theSchiehallion FPSO is the SHEFA-2 Segment 5

cable which connects the Schiehallion FPSO toClair (Figure 4-3).

4.6 Other Potential Users

There is no tourism, renewable energy oraggregate industries associated with the area.

Table 4-4 Identified structures on the seabed within 10 km of the Schiehallion FPSO.

Seabed featureApproximate

depth (m)




from Quad204



Foul Ground -

Anchor500 m 17/5/95 3.2 km NW

Lost during mooring recovery


Foul Ground -

Drill Casing490 m 14/10/94 9 km W

String of drill casing dropped onto

seabed by the rig ‘Sovereign Explorer’.

Wreck 405 m 25/07/17 2.9 km NW

Norwegian schooner captured and

sunk by a German U-boat while on

passage from Stavanger to Halifax.

Figure 4-3 Cables in the area of the Schiehallion and Loyal fields. (Source: KISCA, 2010).

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ESIA ProcessSchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

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5 The Environment andSocio-Economic

Impact AssessmentProcess

This chapter describes ESIA process applied toeach of the field suspension activities in order todetermine their significance.

5.1 Overview

The Environment and Socio-economic ImpactAssessment (ESIA) process is a process whichidentifies the environmental effects of a

proposed development and aims to prevent,reduce and offset any adverse impactsidentified. The requirements for an EIA aredefined by the Council Directive 85/337/EEC asamended by Directives 97/11/EC and2003/35/EC.

For the EIA process, activities likely to have animpact on the environment, other users (socio-economic) of that environment, and potentialcumulative and transboundary impacts are firstidentified. Once identified, these activities areassessed to define the level of potential risk

they present to the environment so that, wherenecessary, such risks can be removed orreduced through design or the adoption ofoperational measures (mitigation).

5.2 The ESIA Methodology

Central to the ESIA process is the requirementto identify activities that could cause harm to theenvironment or other users of that environment.Once identified these activities are assessed todefine the level i.e. the significance of potentialimpact that they present so that measures can

be taken to remove or reduce negative impactsthrough design or operational measures(mitigation).

The significance of any potential impact isdetermined through the use of a riskassessment approach which employs thestandard risk assessment philosophy of:Likelihood of occurrence (frequency/probability)x magnitude of impact (consequence) = Risk

The significance of potential risk is assessedagainst three drivers:

i. Regulatory compliance (R) - consideringcurrent and anticipated future legislativerequirements and also corporatepolicies

ii. Environmental impact (E) - consideringenvironmental sensitivities andscientifically established measures ofrisk, but also perceived risk or concern(precautionary principle)

iii. Stakeholder concern (S) - consideringother sea users (potentialconflict/concern resolution), interestgroups and general public (perceptionsand concerns)

Defining what constitutes unacceptable harm tothe natural environment ultimately depends onwhat value society places on ecosystem

integrity and biodiversity. In addressing theenvironmental impact driver (E, above), broadscientific criteria have been applied; whereas inrating the factors represented under stakeholderconcern (S, above), wider concerns have beenconsidered.

For every issue or aspect identified for theproject, the potential risk was evaluated bycombining the likelihood of occurrence(frequency / probability) (rated 1 to 5 as definedin Table 5-1) with the magnitude of theconsequences for each of the three drivers

indicated above - the highest consequencerating score in any of the driver categories wasused (rated positive to severe as defined inTable 5-2). Both components are at best semi-quantitative, representing best judgements onthe basis of available knowledge andexperience, but provide a consistent anddocumented approach across the whole project.The overall significance of any potential risk wasthen determined from the risk matrix (Table 5-3)Definitions of overall significance are provided inTable 5-4.

Once overall impact significance has beenassessed appropriate mitigation measuresshould be applied to each area of impact withthe aim of reducing the level of significance.Once mitigation measures have been appliedissues are reassessed to see if overall impactsignificance has been reduced.

The outcomes for each of the potential issuesidentified are presented in the EIA matrix(Chapter 6).

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Table 5-1 Likelihood of occurrence (frequency / probability).

LikelihoodRoutine (Planned ) Operation

(Frequency)Accidental Event (Unplanned

2) (Probability)

5Continuous emission or permanent

change over more than 5 years

Likely: 10-

 - >1 per year

Event likely to occur more than once on the facility


Continuous emission or permanentchange over less than 5 yearsORRegular over more than 3 years

Possible: 10-2

 - 10-1

 per yearCould occur within the lifetime of the facility

3Regular over less than 3 yearsORIntermittent over more than 3 years

Unlikely: 10-

 - 10-

 per yearEvent could occur within lifetime of 10 similarfacilitiesHas occurred at similar facilities


One off event over lifetime ofdevelopment over several weeksdurationOR

Once per year for <24 hours

Remote: 10-5

 - 10-3

 per yearSimilar event has occurred somewhere in industryor similar industry but not likely to occur withcurrent practices and procedures

1One off event over lifetime ofdevelopment for < 5 days

Extremely remote: < 10-

 per yearHas never occurred within industry or similarindustry but theoretically possible

0 Will not occur Will not occur

Planned environmental aspects are those that are guaranteed to occur over the course of operations andinclude single, intermittent and continuous eventsUnplanned environmental aspects are those arising from abnormal activities or from hazardous or emergencysituations

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Table 5-2 Magnitude of consequences.

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Table 5-3 Risk Matrix.

Table 5-4 Overall significance definitions.

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6 The Environment andSocio-Economic

Impact AssessmentThis section presents the results from theidentification and assessment of environmentalimpacts from the proposed DecommissioningProgramme. The environmental and socio-economic risks associated with thedecommissioning activities was determinedfollowing the screening process outlined inSection 5. Table 6-1 presents all the potentialimpacts identified and assessed.

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ESIA MatrixSchiehallion and Loyal D


January 2013

Table 6-1 The EIA matrix.

Activity Aspect

   P   l  a  n  n  e   d  o  r   U  n  p   l  a  n  n  e   d


   F   i  n  a   l   (   H   i  g   h  e  s   t

   C  o  n  s  e  q  u  e  n  c  e   R  a

   t   i  n  g   )

   F  r  e  q  u  e  n  c  y   /   P  r  o   b

  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

   S   i  g  n   i   f   i  c  a  n  c  e Mitigation an

   R  e  g  u   l  a   t  o  r  y

   E  n  v   i  r  o  n  m  e  n   t  a   l

   S   t  a   k  e   h  o   l   d  e  r

Field Preparation and Well Shut-In

Shutting of tree valves Discharges to sea resulting from the releaseof small volumes of subsea control fluid(HW540).

P 1 1 1 1 3 3 Permitted undRegulations.

Methanol injection tomanage hydrate risk

Emissions to air from generators used toinject methanol.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 No mitigation

Discharges to sea: some discharge ofmethanol to sea will occur when blind sealplates (BSPs) are installed to isolate subseainfrastructure.

P 2 1 1 2 1 2 Risks are assunder OffshoRegulations (procedures / place.

Accidental events Discharges to sea resulting from loss ofcontainment from wells resulting fromdropped object and possible fishing gearinteraction.

UP 5 4 5 5 1 5 Existing guarin place durinaddition desigzones and anarea are in plkeep other seIncreased vewith field susto greater riskhowever it wi

users enterinmaster valvesemergency sbe required. Oemergency p

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ESIA MatrixSchiehallion and Loyal D


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Activity Aspect

   P   l  a  n  n  e   d  o  r   U  n  p   l  a  n  n  e   d


   F   i  n  a   l   (   H   i  g   h  e  s   t

   C  o  n  s  e  q  u  e  n  c  e   R  a   t   i  n  g   )

   F  r  e  q  u  e  n  c  y   /   P  r  o   b  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

   S   i  g  n   i   f   i  c  a  n  c  e

Mitigation an

   R  e  g  u   l  a   t  o  r  y

   E  n  v   i  r  o  n  m  e  n

   t  a   l

   S   t  a   k  e   h  o   l   d  e  r

Discharges to sea: corrosion may lead toleaks from the well.

UP 3 2 3 3 3 9 The effects oH2S and CO2

studied. ROVwill aid detecleak is identifusing the lowin the well.

Subsea Preservation

Depressurisation of gasexport line. Closure ofvalves at M1C/M1J whichisolates the gas export line.

Emissions to air from flaring. P 1 1 1 1 1 1 No mitigation(Calculated a

Installation of isolations ongas export line.

Emissions to air - minor release of gasduring the process as sea water is left inand gas is left out.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 Installation prwill be in plac

Vessel operations duringsuspension and recoveryactivities.

Exhaust emissions to air from vessels. P 1 1 1 1 3 3 Optimise ves

Chemical purge intoproduction header at trees;bulk deoiling of theproduction and test lines;and flushing of theproduction and test systemvia the risers into the cargotank.

Emissions to air - from generators used topower the flushing. Involves flushing withchemicals first, followed by two seawaterflushes followed by a biocide/corrosioninhibitor mix.

P 1 2 1 2 2 4 No mitigation

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ESIA MatrixSchiehallion and Loyal D


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Activity Aspect

   P   l  a  n  n  e   d  o  r   U  n  p   l  a  n  n  e   d


   F   i  n  a   l   (   H   i  g   h  e  s   t

   C  o  n  s  e  q  u  e  n  c  e   R  a   t   i  n  g   )

   F  r  e  q  u  e  n  c  y   /   P  r  o   b  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

   S   i  g  n   i   f   i  c  a  n  c  e

Mitigation an

   R  e  g  u   l  a   t  o  r  y

   E  n  v   i  r  o  n  m  e  n

   t  a   l

   S   t  a   k  e   h  o   l   d  e  r

Flushing of lines associatedwith NW drill centre fromvessel.

Discharged to sea - small volumes oftreated water will be released at the drillcentre during connection of lines fromvessel to subsea infrastructure.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 No mitigationRisks are assunder the OC

Disposal of chemicalpurging fluids from COTs.

Water treatment and flaring issues ifmethanol is routed through SVT. Liquidwaste issues if the methanol cannot beflared.

P 2 2 1 2 1 2 Permitted undRegulations. MeOH will beby purging thonly and retu

the static umbof methanol wwill be recovereturned to sh

Isolate production and testflowlines using BSPs at themanifold end of the lines.

Discharges to sea : this activity will result insmall volumes of oil and chemicals beingdischarged.

P 2 1 1 2 3 6 Permitted undRegulations aIsolation stratflow in pipes procedures.

Isolate FW12 well (waterinjection well) - using BSPsat manifold.

Discharges to sea: this activity will result insmall volumes of chemicals beingdischarged.

P 1 1 1 1 3 3 Risks are assunder OCR. Iavoid unwantfollowing corr

Flushing WI systems with

inhibited seawater.

Emissions to air from generators used to

pump inhibited seawater.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 No mitigation

Shut-in of water injectionwells

Normal discharge of well control fluids(permitted under PON15D).

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 No mitigation

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Storage of jumpers andFTPs in baskets subsea forrecovery.

Disturbance to seabed i.e. seabed footprint. P 1 1 1 1 3 3 Use of baskedisturbance. moving lines.relation to facterm activity.

Recovery of subseainfrastructure to shore fordisposal up to end of 2015.

Solid waste including steel and mixedplastics.

P 1 1 1 1 3 3 Waste ManagHierarchy wil

Underwater noise - disturbance to marine


P 1 1 2 2 2 4 Optimise ves

Accidental events Discharges to sea of MEG/water mixtureand methanol should BSP at jumper fail orthere is a failure downline from the vesselduring pressure testing.

UP 3 1 1 3 4 12 Procedures / place. MEG PLONAR andminimised.

Discharge to sea: damage to pipelines fromcorrosion, dropped objects etc. whilst still inservice.

UP 4 2 3 4 3 12 During subsefacilities fromto shut pipelinother sites. Oemergency pRoutine visuapipelines will addition therenumber of ROField Suspen

Discharges to sea: damage to pipelines stillconnected to wells (wells shut-in) resultingfrom interaction with fishing trawlers, vesselanchors or dropped objects or corrosion ofpipeline.

UP 3 2 2 3 3 9 No additionalregional risksactivity will besuspension. Dexclusion zondevelopment

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These serve out of the areactivity assocsuspension wentering the asufficiently deactivities do nseabed or suaddition there

zones for depequipment andropped objewith SFF. EqOPEPs detaiprocedures a

Discharges to sea resulting from damage topipelines containing suspension fluids.

UP 2 1 1 2 3 6 Equipment mmonitoring

Topside Modifications

Depressurisation of topsides Emissions to air: flaring of gas from processsystem.

P 2 2 1 2 1 2 Schiehallion fminimise qua

Routine operations andCOWing and flushing of theCOTs

Emissions to air from routine operations ofthe FPSO, power required to heat the oil forCOWing to 50-60oC, power generation tocarry out the COWing.

P 1 1 1 1 4 4 Power supplitemporary geefficient than therefore redpermit.

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Liquid and solid waste: Oily water and oilysludge will be offloaded to the shuttle tankeralong with normal product and processed atSVT.

P 1 1 1 1 2 2 Waste ManagHierarchy wilbe made awa

Process train draining andflushing

Discharges to sea: Liquids produced duringprocess train draining and flushing will betreated at SVT and subsequentlydischarged to sea.

P 2 1 1 2 1 2 Permitted undMinimum ambe used.

N2 blanketing of topsides

process train.

Emissions to air: venting of hydrocarbons.

Use of nitrogen quads.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 No mitigation

Offload of final COTcontents

Venting from shuttle tanker and combustionemissions.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 Normal ventinInternational (IAPP) Certifivessel.

Stabilise cargo tanks byfilling tanks to a height of2.9 m with filtered treatedseawater.

Emissions to air: power generation tooperate seawater pump.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 No mitigation

Inerting of COTs by exhaustgas blanketing.

Emissions to air: purging of tankatmosphere.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 No mitigation

LSA scale/NORM removal Discharges to sea of natural low specific

activity radioactive material found to havebuilt up within the processing system.

UP 2 1 1 2 2 4 LSA scale / N

present. If fouto sea accordAuthorisation

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Drain chemical stores(including back loading toIBCs and redistributionwhere possible).

Liquid waste: backloading of chemicals toshore.

P 2 1 1 2 2 4 Chemicals w

Export hose flushing Liquid waste: oily water flushed into tankson shuttle tanker.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 Oily water wil

Export hose removal Solid waste: steel reinforced flexible hosematerial.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 Waste ManagHierarchy wil

Accidental events Discharges to sea: loss of flushing fluids orhydrocarbons.

UP 3 2 2 3 4 12 Procedures / place. OPEPemergency p

Disturbance to seabed: potential droppedobjects, e.g. chemical containers,equipment etc.

UP 2 1 1 2 3 6 Lifting procedbe in place. Tsafe zones foof equipmentdropped obje

Interactions with other sea users: collisionwith vessels.

UP 1 3 3 3 3 9 No additionalregional risksvessel duringthere will be s

with drilling ricontractor vevessel that wvessels stayin

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January 2013

Activity Aspect

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FPSO Disconnection

Vessel operations duringdisconnection and recovery

Exhaust emissions to air P 1 1 1 1 3 3 Optimise ves

Disconnection of productionrisers at seabed

Discharges to sea: oily water andpreservation chemicals.

P 2 1 1 2 1 2 Managed und

Disconnection of gas risersat seabed

Discharges to sea: treated seawater. P 2 1 1 2 1 2 Managed und

Disconnection of waterinjection risers at seabed

Discharges to sea: treated seawater. P 2 1 1 2 1 2 Managed und

Pigging of production risers Discharges to sea: oily water andpreservation chemicals.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 Managed und

Pigging of gas and waterrisers

Gas emissions to sea. P 1 1 1 1 1 1 No mitigation

Installing mesh basket tocatch pig

Seabed disturbance. P 1 1 1 1 1 1 Basket to be

Disconnection of all risers atFPSO and subsequent laydown on the seabed.

Seabed disturbance: risers on seabed. P 1 2 1 2 3 6 Part of risers water columnseabed impaon seabed caManaged und

Discharges to sea: residual riser contents. P 1 1 1 1 1 1 Managed und

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January 2013

Activity Aspect

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   F   i  n  a   l   (   H   i  g   h  e  s   t

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Mitigation an

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Interactions with other sea users as part ofthe risers will be left floating in the watercolumn.

P 1 1 1 1 3 3 Existing guacontinue duriIncreased vewith field sussea users entEstablished s

Removal of all risers fromthe seabed.

Solid waste: steel reinforced flexible hosematerial.

P 1 1 2 2 2 4 Waste ManagHierarchy wil

Removal of the risers lowertether clamps (LTCs)(suction pile)

Solid waste: steel P 0 0 0 0 1 0 Waste ManagHierarchy wilConsidered amakes steel a

Removal of the swivel capson the risers upper tetherclamps (UTCs) and drivingof associated pile.

Solid waste: steel P 0 0 0 0 1 0 Waste ManagHierarchy wilConsidered amakes steel a

Noise: driving of piles to 1 m below surfacelevel.

P 1 2 2 2 3 6 Adherence tomarine mammsoft start etc.

Disconnection at FPSO &lay down of dynamicumbilicals.

Seabed disturbance and interaction with other sea users as for disconnection of risers.

Removal of dynamicumbilicals

Solid waste: steel reinforced flexibleumbilical material and multiple cores.

P 1 1 2 2 2 4 Waste ManagHierarchy wil

Removal of LTCs & UTCsand driving of UTC piles

Solid waste and noise as described for removal of riser tethers and driving of associated piles.

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January 2013

Activity Aspect

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Disconnection of fibre opticcable and storage in basketon seabed.

Seabed disturbance: basket on seabed. P 1 1 1 1 1 1 Basket will bereconnection

Mechanical cutting of themooring lines

Underwater noise associated with cutting ofanchor wires: disturbance to fish andmarine mammals.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 No mitigation

Laying of mooring lines onseabed

Disturbance to seabed: disturbance frommooring lines

P 1 2 1 2 3 6 Mooring linesseabed caref

Managed undShort term ac

Interactions with other sea users. P 1 1 1 1 3 3 Increased vewith field sussea users entEstablished s

Removal of mooring linesand suction anchors

Disturbance to seabed. P 1 2 1 2 2 4 Managed undShort term ac

Resources: steel wire available for reuse. P 0 0 0 0 1 0 Waste ManagHierarchy wilConsidered amakes steel a

Accidental Events Discharge to sea: when disconnecting risersat elbow (after flushing) due toinaccessability.

UP 2 1 1 2 4 8 Procedure / wwill include anassessment.

Disturbance to seabed: dropping mooringlines or risers.

UP 2 2 2 2 3 6 Removal planRequirement field life.

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January 2013

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Towing of FPSO

General operations whenunder tow

Emissions to air from towing vessels (twoworking tugs and one on standby) andpower generation equipment on FPSO.

P 1 2 1 2 2 4 International Certificates inand tow vessMarine diesefuel oil.

Discharges to sea - bilge water and blackand grey water discharges from the tugs(normal operations). Oily discharges fromthe FPSO are not expected; however, therewill be black and grey water discharges.

P 2 1 1 2 2 4 MARPOL (MerequirementsExemptions waspects not mresult of the sfeatures, ensclass prior to No dischargenautical milesAnnex IV.

Interaction with other sea users. P 2 1 2 2 2 4 Route plan. SNotifications t

Underwater noise - disturbance to marinemammals.

P 3 2 2 2 2 6 FPSO thrustethe tow.Established sused so mino

pre-existing bWaste - galley waste returned to shore andlandfilled.

P 1 1 1 1 2 2 Waste managfollowed.

Dragging of hawse pipes. Seabed disturbance in shallower harbourwaters.

P 1 1 1 1 1 1 Should the drhawse pipes yard the haw

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Accidental events Ship collision or grounding - release of fuelfrom diesel tanks and oily water from slopstanks, seabed disturbance.

UP 5 3 4 5 2 10 IMO resolutioto that requireFPSO will be

NGO activity - boarding vessel and causingdisruption.

UP 1 1 3 3 4 12 NGO manageplan.

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Potential EnvironmentalImpacts

Schiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 58

7 Further Assessmentof Potential


From the impact assessment it was found thatnone of the planned activities associated withthe preparatory and decommissioning activitiesare likely to have a significant impact. However,due to some aspects e.g. emissions to air,discharges to sea and underwater noise beingunder regulatory control and/or of publicinterest, this section further describes theimpacts. The aspects considered include:

  Emissions to air  Disturbance to the seabed

  Discharges to sea

  Underwater noise

  Production of waste

7.1 Emissions to Air

Gaseous emissions contribute to globalatmospheric concentrations of greenhousegases, regional acid loads and in somecircumstances low-level ozone and

photochemical smog formation. The maingreenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2),methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) andhalogenated fluorocarbons (the latter are nowstrictly controlled under the Montreal Protocol).

Emissions from the decommissioning activitiesand associated preparatory works will resultfrom:

  flaring of the gas during depressurisation ofthe gas export line and topsides;

  the installation of the isolations (blind seal

plates) on the gas export line, which mayresult in a minor release of gas as seawateris left in and gas is left out (assessed asnegligible and therefore not consideredfurther);

  venting during offloading and as a result ofN2 blanketing of the process train andinerting of the cargo tanks using exhaustemissions; and

  fuel use associated with power generation;to run the WI pumps; to carry out the

methanol and CaNO3 injections; to powerthe purging and flushing activities; to power

the offloading of hydrocarbons to the shuttletanker and to operate the FPSO facilities

  the use of vessels to carry out activitiessuch as flushing of the North West drill

centre, recovery of subsea infrastructure,disconnection and recovery of water columnstructures, i.e. risers and dynamic umbilicals

7.1.1 Gas Flaring

Depressurisation of the gas export line ispredicted to result in flaring of up to 1.5 mmscf(31 tonnes) of gas.

To make safe, the topsides must bedepressurised which will result in the gas beingflared. This activity is routinely carried out on

the FPSO, for example, when the fire alarms areactivated. The gas risers will also bedepressurised to flare; this is not commonpractice but the system can accommodate this.Flare systems are designed to collect, combustand safely dispose of hydrocarbons that arerouted to the atmosphere. Flaring is preferableover cold venting as gas streams that undergocombustion have a reduced Global WarmingPotential (GWP).

Depressurisation of the topsides is expected toresult in flaring of approximately 150 tonnes

(8 mmscf) of gas. Any increased flaring will becontrolled within the flare consent forSchiehallion FPSO. Flaring quantities andresulting emissions associated with theSchiehallion decommissioning and preparatoryactivities are summarised in Table 7-1. Thesehave been calculated based on the expectedflaring quantities and emissions factors providedby EEMS (2008). These emissions areexpected to represent approximately 1.0% oftypical annual gas flaring emission on the UKCSand would not, therefore, be expected contributesignificantly to greenhouse gas emissions(Table 7-1; DECC, 2011).


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Potential EnvironmentalImpacts

Schiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

January 2013 Page 59

Table 7-1 Flaring emissions associated with decommissioning and preparatory activities.





Emissions (tonnes) (3 s.f.)

CO2  CO NOx  N2O SO2  CH4  VOC

Baseload flare 12,100 33,900 81.1 14.5 0.98 0.155 121 121

Blowdown of

topsides164 459 1.10 0.197 0.013 0.00210 1.64 1.64

Blowdown of

subsea gas


31 86.1 0.206 0.0369 0.0025 0.000394 0.308 0.308

Emergency shut

down410 1150 2.75 0.492 0.033 0.00525 4.10 4.10

Total from

flaring during

FS Project

12,705 35,600 85.1 15.2 1.0 0.163 127 127

Total flaring emissions on

UKCS in 20093,518,928 9,173 2,712 100 201 13,691 10,317

FS flaring emissions as %

of total UKCS in 20091.0% 0.93% 0.56% 1.0% 0.081% 0.93% 1.23%

7.1.2 Gas Venting

During normal operations the transfer ofhydrocarbons from the crude oil tanks to theshuttle tanker results in the release of non-combusted hydrocarbon vapours (CH4 and

NMHC). Final hydrocarbons and minimal liquidsfrom the cargo tanks on board will be offloaded,and will therefore contribute to this effect. TheSchiehallion and shuttle tanker haveInternational Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP)Certificates in place regulating these emissions

In order to ensure no oxygen ingress into theprocess train and hence avoid potentiallyexplosive reactions between the oxygen andany residual hydrocarbons the process train willbe filled (blanketed) with N2 gas. This is alsorequired for preservation of equipment, i.e. to

prevent ingress of air.

The crude oil tanks will also require to be inertedas is normal operational practice. The FPSOhas two inert gas generators (maximum3.5 MWth each) available for use in order toproduce the exhaust emissions required;however, N2 quads will be available if needed.These generators are diesel operated. Ifrequired, N2 levels can be topped up whilstunder tow.

Venting emissions associated with all aspects ofthe programme are summarised in Table 7-2.These have been calculated based on the

expected venting quantities and emissionsfactors provided by EEMS (2008).

It is estimated that up to 3,302 tonnes of gaswould be vented during purging of the topsides.This is based on the volume of the topsidesequipment, assuming a worst case scenario of

the topsides being 100% hydrocarbon gas, andis likely to be an overestimate.

Venting as a result of offloading to the shuttletanker and inerting of the crude oil tanks andhas been estimated based on Schiehallionnormal operational venting figures from thecrude oil tanks and offloading. This gives anestimate of approximately 295 tonnes / monthfor at most four months from the start of fieldsuspension until final offload from the FPSO.

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Table 7-2 Venting emissions associated with decommissioning and preparatory activities.

Venting categoryQuantity




Emissions (tonnes) (3 s.f.)


Operational venting (incl. operation

of two wells, final offload to shuttle

tanker and purging of COTS)

58 1,180 1,060 118

Purging of topsides 161 3,302 2,970 330

Total venting 219 4,482 4,030 448

7.1.3 Power Generation on the FPSO

The existing FPSO power generation capacity,delivered by two Gas Turbine generation sets(approx. 10MW – 36MW depending on engine 

condition and fuel supply) and an EmergencyGenerator of 1.4 MW, is considerably greaterthan will be required to meet the powerrequirements once the final offload to theRannoch shuttle tanker has taken place.Therefore, the decision was taken to install a 1.4MW diesel generator to meet the powerrequirements while under tow. The newgenerator will use approximately 6 te/day ofdiesel compared to 120 te/day used by the maingenerators, which will result in a major decreasein power generation emissions.

When estimating the emissions associated withpower generation on the FPSO it was assumedthe main generators would power all activitiesfor the first three months (approximately 90days) and following final offload at the end of

this period these generators would be switchedoff and power supplied by the new temporarygenerator for the last six months (approximately180 days) until the FPSO is secured at its ISL.

While the decommissioning and preparatoryactivities are being carried out the generatorswill run on diesel. Table 7-3 shows theestimated fuel use for power generation over thenine months from initial turning off of the gas liftto tying up of the FPSO at its ISL.

Table 7-3 Power generation emissions associated with decommissioning and preparatory activities

OperationFuel use


Emissions (tonnes) (to 3 s.f.)1 

CO2  CO NOx  N2O SO2  CH4  VOC

Main generators (running on

diesel) 10,8001  34,600 9.94 146 2.38 21.6 0.354 3.19

Temporary diesel generator

engine 1,0802  3,460 17 64.2 0.238 2.16 0.194 2.16

Total emissions from

power generation 11,880 38,000 26.9 210 2.61 23.8 0.549 5.35

Total emissions on the UKCS in 2009


11,800,000  15,200 46,300 889 1,710 1,710 720

Schiehallion power generation

emissions as % of total UKCS in 2009 0.32% 0.18% 0.45% 0.29% 2.78% 1.39% 0.74%

1 120 tonnes per day for 90 days

26 tonnes per day for 180 days

Note: emissions associated with the potential use of the main generators to offload the topsides and bulk stabilising fluids

when in the yard are not included as activities in the yard are not covered by the Decommissioning Programme. 

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7.1.4 Emissions from other vesselsassociated with thedecommissioning

The estimated fuel use and emissionsassociated with vessels during all phases of thedecommissioning and preparatory activities aresummarised in Table 7-4. These have beencalculated using expected vessel days providedby BP and contractors, fuel use per day fordifferent vessels and operating statuses fromthe Institute of Petroleum (2000) and emissionsfactors provided by EEMS (2008). Forcompletion the table includes the emissionsassociated with the tugs used whilst the FPSOis on tow as well as the barges required to

offload the oily water transported in the COTs(approximately 15,000 m3) and in the topsides

processing system (approximately 5,000 m3)

The CO2 emissions from the field suspensionvessel use represent approximately 0.26% oftypical annual emissions on the UKCS (Table7-4; DECC, 2011).

7.1.5 Management and mitigation

Measures taken by BP in order to minimise thepotential emissions to air associated with theSchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning

Programme Phase I include:  Auditing of contractors to ensure

compliance with UK legislation.

  Addition of a new temporary generatorrequiring 6 te/ day of fuel as opposed tothe 120 te/day required by the maingenerators. This temporary generatorwill power the FPSO once finaloffloading to the shuttle tanker has beencompleted.

  Minimising the volume of water required

to stabilise the COTs.

In addition the development of a tow plan andauditing of the tow contractors and ISL, will worktowards minimising the environmental impactsof the activities following the removal of theSchiehallion from its station.

Many of the emissions discussed are not strictlyassociated with the decommissioning activities;however they have been included forcompletion. Overall the emissions from flaring,power generation and other vessels over theperiod of the decommissioning and preparatoryactivities can be considered to be relatively low.

Emissions from venting are relatively higher,however, given that this is primarily associatedwith purging of the topsides over a short periodand therefore a one off activity, the impacts are

not considered to be significant.

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Table 7-4 Vessel emissions associated with decommissioning and preparatory activities and towing of

Field suspension phase VesselFuel use


Emissions (tonnes) (

CO2  CO NOx  N2O

Field prep & well shut in No additional vessels 0 0 0 0 0

Subsea preservation1 

MSV (Subsea Viking) 3,258 10,400 26.1 192 0.717

MSV (Skandi Seven) 3,258 10,400 26.1 192 0.717

Topsides modification Shuttle tanker 14 44.8 0.112 0.826 0.00308

FPSO disconnection1 

Utility vessel 170 544 1.36 10 0.0374

MSV (Fugro Saltire) 1,330 4,260 10.6 78.5 0.293

MSV (Fugro Symphony) 2,066 6,610 16.5 122 0.455

DSV (Wellservicer) 878 2,810 7.02 51.8 0.193

Tug x 2 1,160 3,710 9.28 68.4 0.255

Towing of FPSO2 

Tug x 2 (towing) 490 1,570 3.92 28.9 0.108

Tug (on standby) 28 89.6 0.224 1.65 0.00616

Yard activities Barge x 8 70 224 0.56 4.13 0.0154

Total vessel emissions during field suspension 40,700 102 751 2.8

Total emissions on the UKCS in 2009 15,786,751 24,756 4,9121 995

Field suspension vessel emissions as % of total UKCS in 2009 0.26% 0.41% 1.53% 0.28% 1Fuel use associated with vessel use during subsea preservation activities and FPSO disconnection, includes anticipat


Note, the fuel use calculated for the towing of the FPSO assumes a towing distance of approximately 1,150 km as illustrated in secrecalculated once a final decision has been made on the ISL.

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7.2 Disturbance to the Seabed

Seabed disturbance from the proposeddecommissioning activities is primarilyassociated with the recovery or relocation (for

reuse) of the subsea infrastructure.

This section quantifies and describes theseabed disturbance associated with theinfrastructure to be removed i.e. thosestructures to be decommissioned. Tables 2-5,2-7, 2-9 and 2-10 quantify the number of and,where applicable, the length, of structures to berecovered. The area of seabed disturbance wasdetermined assuming a worst case of 2 m widthdisturbance at each of the jumpers, FTPs, risersand dynamic umbilicals to be recovered. Notethat the area of seabed disturbance by the risersand dynamic umbilical was calculated assumingonly 50% of these lines will be in contact withthe seabed. To calculate the area disturbed by

the removal of the remaining infrastructure anadditional impacted area of 1 m was assumed toeach side of the structures.

An estimate of seabed disturbance (0.079 km2)

associated with the decommissioning activitiesis given in Table 7-5. It should be noted thatthese estimates do not include disturbancecause by baskets to retrieve FTPs, jumpers etc.At the time of writing it was as yet unknown howmany baskets would be required. It is unlikelythat activities associated with thedecommissioning activities will impact on anarea greater that 0.08 km2 after disturbancecaused by baskets is accounted for. Baskets forrecovery will have a length and width of 5.15 mx 3.5 m. Any impacts will be localised and short


Table 7-5 Anticipated area of seabed disturbance associated with the Decommissioning Programme.

Total length (km) / footprint(m


Approximate areaimpacted (km


Total length of jumpers to be recovered 1.815 km 0.0036

Total length of FTPs to be recovered 4.524 km 0.0090

Total length of risers expected to be on


5.538 km 0.0111

Total length of dynamic umbilicals

expected to be on seabed1 

1.694 km 0.0034

Total length of mooring lines (1.8 km X

14)25.2 km 0.0504

   T  o   t  a   l   f  o  o   t  p  r   i  n   t

3 x DUTA 20 m2 per DUTA


(calculated assuming a worst

case of 1m impact on each side

of each structure) 

12 x UETA 16 m2 per UETA

4 x CDA 132 m2 per CDA

3 x RET 10.5 2 m2per RET

1 x Manifold 22.5 m2

Total 0.0789

1 Note approximately 50% of risers and dynamic umbilicals are expected to remain floating in the water column

prior to recovery. Total lengths provided here refer to 50% of the structures lengths.

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Impacts from recovery activities may result inthe direct physical injury of benthic species andthe resuspension of sediments. In addition,interference with the seabed has the potential to

cause resuspension of seabed sediments,which can impact on habitats/species outwiththe immediate area of activity.

The resuspension of sediments can result in thesmothering of epifaunal benthic species (seeGubbay, 2003, for a review). Whilst somespecies may be exposed to settlement of only asmall layer of sediments and be unaffected,others may experience thicker smothering or beunable to tolerate any covering at all. Infaunalspecies that are found within the sediment maybe less susceptible to negative impacts of

smothering. Conversely, resuspension of fineparticulate matter may clog the delicate filteringapparatus of suspension feeders, which canresult in their removal from silty sediments.

Much of the seabed in the area of theSchiehallion and Loyal fields will haveexperienced similar impacts to date and anyadditional activity is not expected to significantlyimpact on the area. Removal of theinfrastructure means that the seabed beneaththe objects can begin recovery. Detailed sitesurveys conducted across the project area have

not identified any sensitive habitats or speciesor those of particular conservation concern. Inaddition those benthic species that wereidentified tend to be widely distributed andwould be expected to return to the disturbedarea after the work in the area is completed.

Since the installation of the subseainfrastructure all cuttings discharges have beenWBM (Water Based Mud) based and depositshave been widely dispersed with some localconcentrations at the well heads. There will be asmall amount of disturbance to sediments asdescribed above and inevitably this will includesome disturbance to the dispersed cuttingslocated away from the wellheads. However thisdisturbance is not expected to have a significantimpact.

7.3 Discharges to sea

A number of permitted discharges will occurduring the decommissioning and preparatoryactivities associated with the DecommissioningProgramme. These discharges will beassociated with activities such as:

  disconnections of the flowline to installseals (chemicals and oily water)

  testing of the blind seal plates from avessel whereby will have discharge of

one line length from vessel to subseainfrastructure

  pigging the risers (chemicals and oilywater)

  laydown and retrieval of the risers whichcould result in potentially further oilywater

  cutting FTPs prior to recovery ifnecessary to prevent snagging

  potentially cutting umbilical ends prior to

recoveryThe released chemicals will be permitted underthe Offshore Chemical Regulations while thedischarged oil will be permitted under the OPPCregulations. Once final chemical requirementsare known, and prior to commencement of theseactivities, BP will submit the relevant PON15applications supported by appropriate detailedchemical risk assessments to DECC under theOCR (offshore Chemicals Regulations) in orderto obtain approval prior to chemical discharge.

It is unlikely that there will be any significant

impacts to marine flora and fauna as a result ofdischarges to sea. Predicted dischargevolumes are relatively small and water columnimpacts are expected to be short term andlocalised as the chemicals are expected torapidly dilute in the high energy environment. Inaddition chemicals are selected both on theirtechnical specifications and their environmentalperformance.

7.4 Underwater noise

The impacts of underwater noise caused byvessel activity and piling are considered in thissection. The piling is associated with the UTCsecuring the risers and dynamic umbilicals tothe seabed. It is acknowledged that this topic isof significance to stakeholders, there are legalimplications if disturbance of cetaceans is likelyand the assessment requires some detail inorder to calculate the required metrics. Goodpractice in this topic is to calculate both soundpressure levels (in effect, loudness), and wherethese levels are above established impactthresholds also to calculate sound exposure

levels (in effect, an overall dose taking time of

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exposure into account) so that a full assessmentcan be made to judge the likelihood ofdisturbance.

7.4.1 Vessel NoiseIt is recognised that there is potential for noiseassociated with vessel operations to impact onthe hearing structures of marine mammals andpossibly fish (Popper and Hastings, 2009). As aresult, vessel operations during theDecommissioning Programme should beconsidered a potential source of noisedisturbance to the local marine environment(Richardson et al ., 1995).

It is expected that peak vessel activity will occurwhilst the risers, dynamic umbilicals and

mooring lines are being disconnected from theFPSO. Up to six additional vessels will be onsite during the disconnection activities. Thesewill include vessels required to carry out thedisconnections, two tugs required to hold theFPSO on station as the mooring lines aredisconnected, a utility and a diver supportvessel (Table 7-4). It can be assumed that all ofthese vessels will be DP vessels which areknown to generate a high noise output relativeto anchored vessels.

In terms of direct physical injuries to hearing

structures in marine mammals, it appears fromthe available data that the noise levels andexposure times associated with vessel useduring decommissioning are below those foundto cause even temporary changes in hearingsensitivity (Southall et al ., 2007). Combining therelatively short exposure time with the fact thatthe Schiehallion and Loyal development alreadyhas a number of vessels associated with it, isexpected that though the vessels associatedwith the decommissioning activities will add tothe background noise, the overall impact is not

expected to be significant.

7.4.2 Piling

As part of the Decommissioning Programme, 18existing piles (one associated with each riserand one associated with each dynamicumbilical) will be decommissioned by drivingthem to at least 1 m below the seabed. Thesepiles are 36 inches (0.9 m) in diameter and 28 min length. Piling will be conducted using an S90Hammer manufactured by IHC. It is expectedthat each pile will take approximately 65 minutes

of piling, including approximately 30 minutes of

soft-start. Therefore, the duration of piling for all19 piles is approximately 20 hours. Piling will notbe continuous; the majority of the time infield willbe spent on vessel movements, over-boarding

the pile, installation of suction piles, etc. Theoffshore schedule indicates that typically onebut at most two piles will be decommissioned inany 24 hour period. Piling is scheduled fromJuly until the end of September.

The impact on marine mammals of noisegenerated by piling is assessed here bymodelling the received sound exposure level(SEL) and comparing with precautionarythresholds for injury and disturbance. SEL is ameasure of integrated pressure squared overtime, normalised to 1 second, and is used as an

indication of energy dose.As the Schiehallion field is approximately130 km from the nearest coastline, it is notexpected that seals will regularly occur in thearea; therefore, this assessment focuses oncetaceans. Modelling

To represent the characteristics of soundproduced during the piling operations, a thirdoctave band source SEL spectrum was takenfrom Thomsen et al . (2006). These

measurements were made at 400 m from thesource during piling of a 1.5 m diameter pile forconstruction of the FINO-1 research platform(ITAP, 2005). They were back calculated to 1 mby Thomsen et al . (2006). Since the riser pileshave a smaller diameter (0.9 m), the sourcelevels generated are likely to be lower;therefore, use of this spectrum is conservative.

The source spectrum was weighted for marinemammal hearing by applying the Southall et al .(2007) M-weightings for each marine mammalhearing type – low frequency, mid frequencyand high frequency hearing (Table 7-6). The M-weightings and resulting weighted piling sourcespectra are shown in Figure 7-1. The resultingbroadband source levels for each hearing typeare given in Table 7-7

The duration of piling is assumed to be 65minutes for each pile. It is assumed that at mosttwo piling operations occur in any 24 hourperiod.

The propagation of sound away from the pilingoperations was modelled assuming a

transmission loss of 15log10(R), where R is

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distance from the source in metres. Thistransmission loss is intermediate between

cylindrical and spherical spreading (Richardsonet al ., 1995).

Table 7-6 Hearing types of marine mammals occurring in the Schiehallion and Loyal area (Southall et al ., 2008).

Marine mammal

hearing type


hearing rangeSpecies potentially occurring in the Schiehallion area

Low frequency 7 Hz – 22 kHz Minke whale, sei whale, fin whale.

Mid frequency 150 Hz – 160 kHz White-sided dolphin, long-finned pilot whale, killer whale, sei

whale, sperm whale, white-beaked dolphin, Risso’s dolphin,

common dolphin.

High frequency 200 Hz – 180 kHz Harbour porpoise.

Table 7-7 Estimated source SEL for piling.

Hearing type Broadband source SEL (dB re 1 µPa2s-m)

Unweighted 206.1

Low-frequency cetacean 206.0

Mid-frequency cetacean 203.6

High-frequency cetacean 202.8

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1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

   M  -   w   e   i   g    h   t   i   n   g    (    d   B    )

Frequency (Hz)

Low fq cetacean

Mid fq cetacean

High fq cetacean









1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

   1    /   3

   o   c   t   a   v   e   s   o   u   r   c   e   S   E       (    d   B   r   e   1   !   "   a   #   s    )

Frequency (Hz)


Low fq cetacean

Mid fq cetacean

High fq cetacean


Figure 7-1 M-weightings for marine mammal hearing types and resulting weighted source spectrum for piling.

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In order to calculate the total SEL experiencedby an animal, it is necessary to makeassumptions about the movement pattern of theanimal over time. To compare with the Southall

et al . (2007) recommendations, the calculationof SEL should be based on the animal’sbehaviour over a 24-hour period. This isextremely difficult to predict. Therefore, threescenarios have been modelled to capture arange of potential behaviour:

  Stationary animal – a worst caseassuming that an animal remains in onelocation for the duration of theoperation.

  Fleeing animal - a more likely scenario

of an animal displaying avoidancebehaviour by moving away from thenoise.

  Transiting animal – assuming that ananimal moves towards the sound andaway again, e.g. to investigate thesource.

Stationary animal

In this scenario, an animal is assumed to remainat a fixed distance from the piling operations for24 hours and is therefore exposed to two piling

operations. The received SEL for each hammerblow is determined by the distance of the animalfrom the source.

Figure 7-2 shows the received unweighted SELover one pulse and over 24 hours (two pilingoperations) for a stationary animal as a functionof distance from the source. Also shown are the

Southall et al . (2007) thresholds for injury fromsingle or multiple pulses and for disturbancefrom a single pulse. A summary of the resultsfor the piling sound weighted for each marinemammal hearing type is given in Table 7-8.

The results indicate that:

  the zones of injury and disturbance varywith marine mammal hearing type, withlow-frequency hearing cetaceansexperiencing a higher SEL than mid orhigh frequency hearing cetaceans;

  the Southall et al . (2007) SEL thresholdfor injury may be exceeded within 2.1 m

to 3.4 m of the source for a single pulseand 820 m to 1,400 m of the source for24 hours of piling operations, assumingthe animal remains in the same positionover this period; and

  the SEL threshold for disturbance maybe exceeded within 21 m to 35 m of thesource for a single pulse (Southall et al .(2007) do not define a threshold fordisturbance from multiple pulses).

These results are extremely conservative asthey assume that an animal remain fixed inone location for the full 24 hour period.


Figure 7-2 Received SEL with distance from the piling operations assuming a stationary animal.










1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 10000.0 100000.0

   $   u   %   u    &   a   t   i   v   e   r   e   c   e   i   v   e    d   S   E      o   v   e   r   #   '    h   o   u   r   s    (    d   B   r   e

   1   !   "   a

   #   s    )

ange (%)

Mutipe pu!e! "o#e$ 24


&inge pu!e

&outha et a. "200'% &(L

in)u$* th$e!hod

&outha et a. "200'% &(L

di!tu$+ance th$e!hod "!inge


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Table 7-8 Estimated distance to injury and disturbance thresholds for different marine mammal hearing types.

Impact Threshold (dBre 1 µPa


Distance to threshold (m) (2 s.f.)







Injury (single

pulse)198 3.4 3.4 2.4 2.1

Injury (24 hrs) 198 1,400 1,300 930 820


(one pulse)183 35 34 24 21

1Southall et al . (2007)

Fleeing animal

This scenario assumes that an animal exposedto the noise from the piling would displayavoidance behaviour, swimming away from thesource at a fixed speed and height above thesource.

Figure 7-3 shows the received SEL for eachhammer blow and the cumulative received SELas the animal moves away from the source at5 m/s. This travelling speed has been assumedfor a similar assessment carried out for piling

noise (Theobald et al ., 2009). Various swimmingspeeds were used here and the conclusionswere unchanged. An assumption has to bemade about where the animal is situated in thewater column. Two examples are shown: (a) theanimal flees at 1 m above the source and (b) theanimal flees at 25 m above the source.

Table 7-9 shows the cumulative SEL receivedby the fleeing animal, i.e. the SEL fromexposure to repeated hammer blows. This iscalculated for various depths of the animal in thewater column, from just above the source to just

below the sea surface. Red cells showexceedance of the threshold for injury.

The results indicate that the Southall et al .(2007) SEL threshold for injury from a multiplepulse may be exceeded for an animal situatedless than approximately 25 m from the sourcewhen the piling operation begins. However, thisvaries with marine mammal hearing type; thezone of injury are smaller for mid and high-frequency cetaceans, which hear a lowerproportion of the sound from the piling than low-frequency cetaceans.

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Table 7-9 Estimated received SEL over one piling operation and over 24 hours for different marine mammal

hearing types assuming a fleeing animal.


distance above

source (m) 

Cumulative SEL (one piling operation)

(dB re 1 µPa2s)

Cumulative SEL (24 hours)

(dB re 1 µPa2s)

Unweighted Low-fq












1 207 207 204 204 210 210 207 207

5 200 200 198 197 203 203 201 200

10 198 198 196 195 201 201 199 198

25 196 196 193 192 199 199 196 195

50 194 194 191 190 197 197 194 193

100 192 192 189 188 195 195 192 191

Transiting animal

This scenario assumes that an animal transitsthe location of the piling operations, perhaps toinvestigate the source. The animal is modelledas travelling towards the source and then awayat a fixed height above the seabed, at aconstant speed of 5 m/s, starting 500 m from thesource.

Figure 7-4 shows the received SEL for eachhammer blow and the cumulative received SELas the animal transits the source. Again, the

results are shown for the examples of (a) ananimal at 1 m above the source and (b) ananimal at 25 m above the source.

Table 7-10 shows the cumulative SEL receivedby the transiting animal. The results indicate thatthe Southall et al . (2007) SEL threshold forinjury from a multiple pulse may be exceededfor an animal situated less than approximately50 m from the source when the piling operationbegins. Again, this varies with marine mammalhearing type.










0 20 40 60 80 100

      e   c   e   i   v   e    d   S   E       (    d   B   r   e   1   !   "   a   #   s    )

i%e (*&eeing *ro% source) (s)

&inge pu!e









0 20 40 60 80 100

      e   c   e   i   v   e    d   S   E       (    d   B   r   e   1   !   "   a   #   s    )

i%e (*&eeing *ro% source) (s)

&inge pu!e


a b

Figure 7-3 Received single pulse and cumulative SEL for one piling operation as animal flees from source

assuming animal is (a) 1 m above the seabed and (b) 25 m above the seabed.

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Potential EnvironmentalImpacts

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Table 7-10 Estimated received SEL over one piling operation and over 24 hours for different marine mammal

hearing types assuming a transiting animal.


distance above

source (m)

Cumulative SEL (one transit)

(dB re 1 µPa2s)

Cumulative SEL (24 hrs)

(dB re 1 µPa2s)













1 208 208 205 204 211 211 208 207

5 202 202 200 199 205 205 203 202

10 201 201 198 198 204 204 201 201

25 198 198 196 195 201 201 199 198

50 197 197 194 193 200 200 197 196

100 194 194 192 191 197 197 195 194

7.4.3 Discussion

This assessment is conservative for thefollowing reasons:

  The source spectrum is taken frommeasurements of piling of a largerdiameter pile, which is likely to benoisier than piling of the riser piles .

  Duration of the piling operation includesa 30 minute soft-start period. In reality,piling during the soft start contributestowards driving in the pile. Therefore,the duration is a precautionaryoverestimate.

  The source level has been modelled asconstant throughout the piling period.

During the soft start period, the hammerpower and, therefore, source level

would be lower than modelled here, inwhich case an animal may have theopportunity to move away from thesource before the noise level exceededinjury thresholds.

  The assessment is based on the worstcase of two piling operations per day.The offshore schedule indicates thatmore typically only one pile will bedriven per day. Therefore, over a 24hour period the received SEL would belower than presented here.










-500 -400 - 300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500

      e   c   e   i   v   e    d   S   E       (    d   B   r   e   1   !

   "   a   #   s    )

+istance *ro% ,i&ing o,eration (%)

&inge pu!e










-500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500

      e   c   e   i   v   e    d   S   E       (    d   B   r   e   1   !

   "   a   #   s    )

+istance *ro% ,i&ing o,eration (%)

&inge pu!e


a b

Figure 7-4 Received single pulse and cumulative SEL for one piling operation as animal travels towards source and

away again assuming animal is (a) 1 m above the seabed and (b) 25 m above the seabed.  

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Based on the conservative assessmentconducted here, assuming that an animal wouldavoid prolonged noise exposure by movingaway from the operations, it is concluded that

the potential for injury would be limited to withina few tens of metres of the source. Thispotential would be mitigated for by applying themeasures recommended by JNCC of marinemammal observation within a 500 m mitigationzone and soft start of the piling.

Low-frequency hearing cetaceans have thegreatest potential for injury from the piling noiseas their hearing range coincides with the mainfrequencies of sound generated by piling. Lowfrequency hearing types include the minke, seiand fin whale, all of which occur in the

Schiehallion area.

7.5 Production of Waste

The waste generated as a part of theDecommissioning Programme will be acombination of both hazardous (special) andnon-hazardous wastes.

BP has in place a Waste Management Plandeveloped to identify, quantify (where possible)and discuss available disposal options for wasteresulting from all of the field suspensionactivities (Field Suspension Waste Management

Plan; FSWMP) including those from thedecommissioning activities. The plan will beused in conjunction with the current asset WasteManagement Plan (WMP) and the Inventory ofHazardous Materials (IHM) to determine the fateof recovered structures and their contents.

Where possible, materials will be recycled orsold and reused. The FSWMP also reviews therelevant environmental legislation and describesany additional permit requirements. It will beused alongside the existing Schiehallion WasteManagement Plan, which manages routineoperational waste on the vessel.

Waste management options will take account ofthe waste hierarchy (SEPA, 2012) shown inFigure 7-5, with reduction in volume of wastebeing the preferred option. Existing wastedisposal routes and contractors will be usedwhere possible. The fate of key materials in theoperation is shown in Table 7-11.

Table 7-11 Fate of key materials and waste hierarchy

Waste Hierarchy Fate of Materials

Reduce/Prevent FPSO is being sold for

operations elsewhere.

All wells, majority of subsea

equipment being retained for

field restart

Re-use Flexible lines are being

repositioned where possible

Recycle Steel from recovered pipelines,

structures and moorings will be


Recyclable materials from riser

wall matrix, liners and umbilicalinternals will go into recycling


Recover Any non-recyclable materials

from deconstruction of risers

and umbilicals will go to energy

recovery where possible

Disposal Any residual material not

suitable for any form of

recycle/recovery will be


7.5.1 RadioactiveMaterial

There are three potential sources of radioactivematerial on the Schiehallion FPSO. These are

  the nucleonic sources within theFPSO’s processing unit associated withthe density profile measurement andlevel control instruments;

  the radioactive materials found withinthe smoke detectors that are currentlyfitted throughout the FPSO; and

  Low Specific Activity (LSA) scale, a

Figure 7-5 SEPA Waste Hierarchy (SEPA 2012).

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type of naturally occurring radioactivematerial (NORM) deposit which maybuild up inside pipes and otherproduction equipment.

The base case with respect to the nucleonicsources and the smoke detectors is that theFPSO is sold with them in situ . Hence thesesources are not considered further here. LSA / NORM

The presence of NORM deposits is arecognised phenomenon in the oil and gasindustry. To date two instances of LSA / NORMcontamination have been detected at theSchiehallion and Loyal development, both ofwhich were associated with subsea valves.

In current operations, when breakingcontainment of the systems, BP proceduresdictate that systems are monitored and in someinstances sampled for LSA / NORMcontamination. To date there has been verylittle NORM found on the Schiehallion. To verifythis, a number of samples were taken earlierthis year and NORM monitoring has beencarried out during breaking of containmentoperations

During decommissioning activities there will be

Radiation Protection Services (RPS) trainedpersonnel competent in the use of radioactivitydetection monitors onboard the FPSO.Topsides will be monitored for the presence ofLSA / NORM, however containment will not bebroken. In the unlikely event that LSA/ NORM isdetected the Schiehallion FPSO has in place therequired Authorisation (Radioactive SubstancesAct, 1993) to allow it to dispose of thecontamination offshore.

RPS trained personnel will also be on board thevessels used to recover the subsea

infrastructure and will monitor all items as theycome on board for the presence of LSA /NORM. In the unlikely event that one or moreitems is found to be contaminated, the items will

be contained and sealed and shipped to shorefor treatment following the yards ManagementSystems.

7.5.2 Non Hazardous Waste

As discussed in Section 2 a number of subseainfrastructures will be recovered as part of theSchiehallion and Loyal DecommissioningProgramme Phase I. In addition to the inventoryrepresented by the FPSO itself, which will beput back into service after sale, it is anticipatedthat approximately 9,000 tonnes of materials will

be recovered from the seabed, some of whichrelates to pipelines and associated structures,and rest of which relates to the installation (themooring system). The composition of thesematerials is summarised in Figure 7-6, dividedinto the installation and pipeline scopes.

Following the FSWMP the recovered items willwhere possible be reused, sold or recycled.

Primary sources of liquid waste associated withthe decommissioning activities are associatedwith the purging and flushing of the subseainfrastructure and the seawater used to filled the

topsides processing train (approximately5,000 m

3) and to stabilise the COTs

(approximately 15,000 m3) whilst the FPSO is

under tow.

The flushing fluids will be offloaded to the LochRannoch shuttle tanker and processed at SVT.The stabilising fluids from the COTs andprocessing train will be emptied into barges andtaken to an approved treatment plant once it hasreached its ISL.

Figure 7-6 Estimated composition of items to be recovered.

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Potential Socio-EconomicImpacts

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8 Further Assessmentof Potential Socio-

Economic ImpactsPotential socio-economic impacts associatedwith the planned decommissioning activitiesinclude interaction with fishers, commercialshipping, and other oil and gas infrastructure.There is no military activity, renewable oraggregate industries or tourism associated withthe area. Possible socio-economic impactsassociated with accidental events areconsidered in Chapter 9.

8.1 Fishing

The Schiehallion and Loyal development is in anarea (ICES rectangle 49E5) of relatively lowfishing effort in terms of days at searepresenting less than 0.2% of the total reportedUK fishing effort by UK vessels over 10 m.

Exclusion zones are in place at the FPSO andat each of the drill centres. Duringdecommissioning and after the FPSO has leftthe field these exclusion zones will remain inplace. No additional exclusion zones will beintroduced. Hence the Schiehallion and Loyal

Decommissioning Programme Phase I is notanticipated to impact on the area available tofishers working in the area. Schiehallion is withinan Offshore Development Area which warnsother sea users of increased vessel activity andpotential seabed obstructions. In addition aguard vessel will remain in operation in the areathroughout the Quad204 workscope.

8.2 Shipping

Shipping in the area is considered low (DECC,2012). A maximum of six additional vessels will

be on site at any one time during thedecommissioning activities. These sixadditional vessels will be associated with thedisconnection of the risers, dynamic umbilicaland mooring lines.

The increase in vessel activity associated withthe decommissioning activities will primarily bewithin the exclusion zones and are thereforeunlikely to impact on general shipping activitynot associated with the Schiehallion and Loyaldevelopment.

As well as having a number of importantEuropean shipping lanes, including ferry routes,the North Sea is a major fishing ground. Inaddition it is a well developed region in terms of

the oil and gas industry, aggregates andrenewable energy. These industries combinedwith the shipping lanes make it one of thebusiest sea areas in Europe.

Prior to towing, a towing plan will be submittedand it is expected the tow route will follow apredefined shipping lane. In addition a notice tomariners will be issued to ensure vessel traffic inthe area is aware of the presence of the FPSO.

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Accidental EventsSchiehallion and Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase I

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9 Accidental EventsImpacts associated with accidental eventsoccurring whilst the decommissioning activities

are being carried out could result in aspectssuch as discharges to sea and disturbance tothe seabed. The potential for socio-economicimpacts is also considered.

Accidental events specifically associated withthe decommissioning activities are considered.Potential accidental events associated with thepreparatory works such as shutting in of thewells and those associated with the FPSO onceit is off-station are not considered. They wereincluded in the EIA matrix for completion;however, are outwith the scope of theSchiehallion and Loyal DecommissioningProgramme Phase I. The risks from theseactivities are not changed from those alreadypresent and managed during routine operations.

The potential for accidental events leading todischarges to sea or disturbance to the seabedhas been identified.

9.1 Discharges to Sea

Following well shut-in there is the potential foraccidental discharges to occur from the

flowlines as a result of:

  Failure of the BSPs on the jumpersresulting in discharges of MeOH.

  Failure of ROVDB resulting indischarges of oily water andpreservation fluids.

  Damage to pipelines resulting fromcorrosion, dropped objects andinteraction with fishing vessels. Worstcase discharge volumes would matchthe largest flowline (1,167 m

3). During

decommissioning this discharge is likelyto be of oily water and flushing orpreservation fluids.

  Accidental releases when disconnectingthe risers (after flushing) at the elbowdue to inaccessibility.

All unplanned discharges will be reported toDECC via the PON1 process.

It is unlikely that there will be any significantimpacts to marine flora and fauna as a result of

discharges to sea. Predicted accidentaldischarge volumes are relatively small andwater column impacts are expected to be shortterm and localised as the chemicals are

expected to rapidly dilute in the high energyenvironment. In addition chemicals are selectedboth on their technical specifications and theirenvironmental performance.

Given the distance from the nearest median line(35 km from the Faroe-UK median) and theprevailing current conditions these potentialdischarges are not expected to have atransboundary impact.

It should be noted that OPEP duties will transferto the guard vessel when the Schiehallion FPSOleaves the field.

9.2 Disturbance to Seabed

Accidental disturbance to the seabed couldresult from dropped objects; for example, whenlaying the mooring lines or when recovering theinfrastructure.

Any additional disturbance to the seabed in thearea of the Schiehallion and Loyal fields is notexpected to significantly impact on the area.Detailed site surveys conducted across theproject area have not identified any sensitive

habitats or species or those of particularconservation concern. In addition those benthicspecies that were identified tend to be widelydistributed and would be expected to return tothe disturbed area following the disturbance.

All dropped objects will be reported to DECC viaa PON2 and BP will aim to recover all droppedobjects. Those not recovered will be enteredinto FishSafe.

9.3 Socio-Economic Impacts

None of the potential accidental events areexpected to impact on other sea users in thearea. Discharges are expected to dispersequickly whilst all dropped objects will berecovered where possibly. If not possible theywill be entered on FishSafe making fishers inthe area aware of their presence. In additionthe development lies in an OffshoreDevelopment Area, which often deters other seausers from entering the region.

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10 ConclusionsTo fully exploit the remaining Schiehallion andLoyal reserves and the more recently

discovered reservoirs in the area it was deemednecessary to replace the existing SchiehallionFPSO. Replacement of the FPSO requiressuspension of production at the fields in order toallow the Schiehallion to be towed away and toallow the replacement FPSO to be installed.This document considered the environmentaland socio-economic impact of the activitiesassociated with the DecommissioningProgramme (Schiehallion and LoyalDecommissioning Programme Phase I) to becarried out as part of the field suspension.

The ESIA process considered the consequenceof each activity in terms of regulatory,environmental and stakeholder effects and theduration / frequency of each activity. Combined,these gave a significance value. None of theplanned decommissioning activities were foundto have a significant impact on the environment.

Accidental events were also considered in termsof the regulatory, environmental and stakeholdereffects and the probability of the eventoccurring. Accidental events identifiedpotentially to have a significant impact includethe loss of flushing fluids. However the use ofchemicals of low toxicity, the flushing ofproduction lines to a low concentration ofresidual oil in water and the implementation ofemergency responses as detailed in theSchiehallion’s OPEP (Oil Pollution EmergencyPlan) reduces the risk to insignificant. When theSchiehallion FPSO leaves the field, OPEPduties will transfer to the guard vessel.

10.1 Mitigation Measures

In addition to the routine environmentmanagement activities for example contractorvessel audits and legal requirements to reportdischarges and emissions, BP will put in placethe following mitigation measures to minimisethe impact of the decommissioning activities:

  JNCC guidelines will be adhered to withrespect to the pile driving. Theseinclude the use of a soft start, thepresence of a marine mammal observeron board and delaying driving by 20minutes from when a marine mammal

has been observed within 500 m of thepiling area.

  To reduce emissions the decision wastaken to install a new temporary

generator to supply power when themain generators were not required

  The FPSO will be towed grosshydrocarbon free and minimum volumesof stabilising fluids will be used in theCOTs for towing. In addition the FPSOwill be towed with only half its dieselcapacity on board.

Following the ESIA process it can be concludedthat activities associated with the Schiehallionand Loyal Decommissioning Programme Phase

I are unlikely to significantly impact theenvironment. Impacts on other sea users forexample shipping traffic and fishers are alsoconsidered insignificant.

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