SCHOOL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN FORMAT Disaster Mgt... · b. Aim and objective of the plan To collate all the information needed for effective management of disasters in Schools To

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Page 1: SCHOOL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN FORMAT Disaster Mgt... · b. Aim and objective of the plan To collate all the information needed for effective management of disasters in Schools To



Prepared by GSDMA

[School Safety Initiative, Gujarat]

Page 2: SCHOOL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN FORMAT Disaster Mgt... · b. Aim and objective of the plan To collate all the information needed for effective management of disasters in Schools To

School Disaster Management Plan

Section1. Introduction

a. School Profile

Name of the School

School No.

Board Affiliation GSEB / CBSE / ICSE / Others

Board Registration No.

Address Location

Survey No./ Municipal

Board No.


Census Code



SVS No. (If any)

GPS coordinates




Web Address

Type of School Private / Government

Granted / Non-Granted

Boys / Girls / Co-ed.

Primary / Secondary / Higher Secondary

English / Gujarati / Others

Morning Shift Afternoon Shift Others

School Time

Total Student Male Female Male Female

Teaching Staff

Non-Teaching Staff

Management Staff

Name of the Principal

Contact Details Telephone




Page 3: SCHOOL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN FORMAT Disaster Mgt... · b. Aim and objective of the plan To collate all the information needed for effective management of disasters in Schools To

b. Aim and objective of the plan

To collate all the information needed for effective management of disasters in


To establish an emergency response system in school

To prepare the school community for any emergency response

To define roles and responsibilities for effective response

To create awareness and build the capacity of school community

To implement mitigation activities in school

To promote partnership among various stakeholders

Section2. Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment

Hazards are events or physical conditions that have the potential to cause fatalities, injuries,

property damage, infrastructure damage, agricultural loss, and damage to environment,

interruption of business or other type of harm or loss.

Risk is the relative degree of probability that a hazardous event will occur. Risk is defined as the

probability of meeting danger or suffering harm or loss.

Vulnerability is a condition wherein human settlements, buildings, agriculture or human health

are exposed to a disaster by virtue of their construction or proximity to hazardous terrain.

The aim of Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability assessment is to make risk based choices of

alternate unwanted outcomes of any hazard and to address vulnerabilities, mitigate

hazards and to prepare for response.

It is done to anticipate the problems and possible solutions to minimize the damage and to

save lives.

a. Non-Structural Assessment

Over 90% of post earthquake damage is of non-structural in nature. The greatest number

of injuries during an earthquake is caused by falling objects.

Non-structural elements are those elements of a building that will not cause a building to

collapse if they fail. These elements rely on structural elements for support, and include

exterior elements such as parapets, windows, doors, interior elements such as suspended

ceilings, lights, building utilities such as ACs, gas & water connection pipe and building

contents such as table, chairs, file cabinets, computer, wall hangings etc.

The assessment of these elements in order to identify and minimize the risk is known as

Non-structural assessment.

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S.NO. Type of Non- structural

problem in

Location Steps required to

solve the problem


1 File cabinets

2 Shelving

3 Shelf contents

4 Computers

5 Storage cabinets

6 Wall hangings

7 Fire extinguishers

8 Refrigerators

9 Suspended ceiling


10 Light fixtures

11 Track lights

12 Blackboards

13 Projection screen

14 ACs

15 Electric wires

16 Large panes

17 Glazed partitions


Note: The above list is indicative. Schools may add more details to the above list if they find

it appropriate while conducting the hazard, risk & vulnerability assessment.

b. Structural Assessment

Structural elements of buildings are the structural members of the building of which the

building is composed of. It includes foundation, columns, beams, floor system, roof system

and connections between the structural members. The failure of any one member of the

building may lead to collapse of the structure completely.

The assessment of these structural members of a building is known as structural


S.NO. Type of Structural


Location Steps required to

solve the problem


1 Presence of seismic band

2 Floating column

3 Short column

4 Expansion joint

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5 Large openings

6 Dimension of beam

7 Dimension of column

8 Short column stub

9 Staircase

10 Roof

11 Bulging of concrete from


12 Storey height

13 Passage dimension

14 Cracks in any part of


15 Open and Corroded steel


c. Identification of hazards outside the school campus

S.NO. Type of Hazard Location Mitigation measure required

1 Chemical Factory

2 High tension line

3 Petrol pumps

4 Processing units

5 Too old buildings

6 Leaning electric poles

7 Agro products plants

8 Oil pipeline

9 Open drains/sewers

10 Highways

11 Godowns of

hazardous substance

12 Gas pipeline

d. Database of the past disasters/accidents which has affected the school

S.NO. Disaster/Accidents Date No. of affected


Description of event & what

was the response during the


1 Earthquake

2 Cyclone

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3 Floods

4 Tsunami

5 Lightening

6 Road accident

7 Bomb explosion

8 Riots

9 Suicide

10 Animal bite

11 Stampede

12 Chemical Accident

13 Food poisoning

14 Epidemic (Swine flu,

chicken pox etc)

15 Nuclear and


e. Identification of vulnerable areas within school campus

S.NO. Vulnerable Areas Location Mitigation measures

1 Chemistry lab

2 Physics lab

3 Biology lab

4 Narrow staircases

5 Suspended ceilings

6 Open electric wires

7 Kitchen area

8 Corridors with

improper lightening

9 Elevators


Section3. Preparedness

Preparedness means performing those activities that are aimed at reducing the risk of various

hazards, improving response activities and coping capabilities. Disaster preparedness is

building up of capacities before a disaster situation prevails in order to reduce impacts. It is

necessary for school community to prepare for any disaster situation. Children being the future

of tomorrow should be ensured a safe learning environment and prepared well to respond to

any emergency situation. To put this into practice it is suggested that every school must

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constitute School Disaster Management Committee along with sub-committees/teams to ensure

better preparedness and response in disaster.

a. Constitution of School Disaster Management Committee (SDMC)

School must create a School Disaster Management Committee for conducting various

preparedness and mitigation activities pertaining to the response plan. It is vital that SDMC

must be functional throughout the year. SDMC must conduct various activities to ensure

that the school students, teachers and other staff are well aware and trained in responding

to any emergency situation. The SDMC will also bring various stakeholders under one roof

so that the continuous effort of every stakeholder will create a resilient school and safer

environment for education.

S.NO. NAME Position in SDMC Contact No.

1 Chairperson (Principal)

2 Management/ commander

(Vice principal)

3 Safety officer (Sports teacher)

4 School Administrator

5 DPEO/DEO or its


6 TDO or its representative

7 Representative of panchayat

8 Representative of nearest fire


9 Representative of nearest

police station

10 Representative of nearest

health centre

11 President of parent teachers


12 Science teacher

13 Head of Awareness

generation and

communication team

14 Head of First aid team

15 Head of Search and rescue


16 Head of Evacuation team

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17 Head of Site security team

18 Head of Transport

management team

19 Head of Fire safety team

b. Constitution of SDMC - Sub Committees

The following sub-committees/teams must be created and shall work under SDMC

1. Awareness generation and communication team

2. First aid team

3. Search and rescue team

4. Evacuation team

5. Site security team

6. Transport management team

7. Fire safety team

c. Resource inventory

i. List of resources available in the school campus

S.NO. Resource Number Physical



1 First aid box

2 Fire extinguishers

3 Torch

4 Thick rope

5 Sand buckets

6 Computer lab

7 Physics lab

8 Chemistry lab

9 Biology lab

10 Canteen

11 Drinking water facility

12 Toilet

13 School playground

14 Library

15 Rooms in school (Class, staff,

principal, admin)

16 Hostel

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ii. List of resources available outside school campus within vicinity of 5km

S.NO. Resource Location Contact details

1 Hospital

2 Police station

3 Fire station

4 Blood bank

5 Pharmacy


7 Civil defense

8 Ration shop

9 Restaurant

10 Religious place (temple, mosque,

church, etc)


d. School Map

The School map is the essential part of the plan. It requires elemental situational analysis of

whole School and its nearby premises. There should be 3 types of maps which need to be

prepared under School Disaster Management Plan.

1. School Physical Map (Refer Annexure-II)

The School Physical Map must include the following features:

Number of classrooms in the school

Number of Staff rooms

Principal’s and Vice principal’s room

Toilets and other rooms

Various labs such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer

Playground and open spaces.

2. Resource Map (Refer Annexure-III)

The Resource Map must include the following features:

Material resources such as Fire extinguisher, rope, first Aid box etc available within

the School Premises.

Nearest available resources such as Fire station, Hospital/PHC, Police Station, Civil

defense office, EOC etc

Nearest Bus stand, Railways station, auto stand

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Geographical characteristics such as lake, rivers, higher/lower grounds, beach etc

located near to school premises.

3. Evacuation Map(Refer Annexure-IV)

The Evacuation Map must include the following features:

The evacuation map must show all the stairs, door and windows.

The exits shall be clearly demarcated in the map.

It must show the various exit routes from the Classroom, Staffroom, etc by arrows

on the map.

The map must be kept at various locations in school and it must be mark with “you

are here” in red so that the user will have an idea of the nearest exists and the

evacuation route if anyone who uses the map.

Also mark the alternative routes if possible.

e. Annual calendar for conduction of various preparedness activities in school

An annual calendar must be prepared by school administration (SDMC) in consultation

with other stakeholders for conducting various preparedness activities. This calendar will

help in capacity building of students and will create awareness through various resources.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec




Film screening


Visit to sites

Guest lectures


f. Action plan for conducting mock drills

Mock drills are part of preparedness activity and it is an important component under

school safety and capacity building. Therefore, mock drills must be regularly conducted in

schools. Please refer to the guidelines for conducting mock drill prepared by GSDMA for

detailed information.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec




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g. Capacity building and training

Capacity building and training of teachers, students, and other staff is an important aspect.

For responding to any emergency situation school community must be trained in basic

disaster management skills. The SDMC must have the basic understanding of disaster

management. The sub committees under SDMC must be trained in their respective fields

for effective management of disaster situations.

School administration must arrange training programs for students, teachers, and other

staff in consultation with GSDMA, local fire brigade, health centre, police station and civil


A training calendar must be prepared for this purpose.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

First aid


Search &











Basic CPR


Fire safety


Section4. Response

Response includes the activation of SDMC Sub-committees and other stakeholders such as

Fire services, Police station and other emergency services

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a. Hazard specific response plan

School can create its Incident response system for better coordination among various

committees. In case of any disaster, the incident response system could be useful for

organizing and mobilizing existing manpower and resources. This is the framework which

could help in coordinating and linking management. This standard framework can be used

in any disaster situation for monitoring and executing responsibilities.

School Disaster Management Committee (Principal)

Awareness generation and

Communication Team

First aid team

Search & Rescue Team

Site security team

Evacuation team


management team

Site Security Team

Management/ Commander

(Vice Principal)

Safety Officer (Sports


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The hazard specific response plan must be prepared. In that, only the core exertion must be

included for every disaster.

1. Earthquake

Earthquake 1. At the first indication of ground shaking, all the teams must be activated

and warning signal must be issued in the school

2. People in classroom should perform DROP, COVER and HOLD

3. After shaking gets stop all the classrooms must be evacuated and

Students/Staff will be moved to the area designated in the evacuation map.

4. Special arrangement must be made for people with disability.

5. On staircases, everybody should be disciplined and must come outside

calm and quietly.

6. At the assemble point, a roll count must be taken and if anybody is found

missing it should be immediately reported to SDMC or search and rescue



Fire 1. Immediately after fire is discovered, the alarm must be triggered and all

the teams must be activated.

2 Local fire brigade authority must be informed immediately

2. On hearing the alarm, all the pupils must leave the classrooms in an

orderly manner.

3. If anybody catches fire, he/she must perform STOP, DROP and ROLL on

floor until fire on clothes extinguishes.

4. Special arrangement must be made for people with disability.

5. On staircases, everybody should be disciplined and must come outside

calm and quietly.

6. At the assemble point, a roll count must be taken and if anybody is found

missing, it should be immediately reported to SDMC or search and rescue



Tsunami 1. After receiving Tsunami warning from local disaster management

authority all the teams must be activated and warning signal must be issued.

2. On hearing the alarm pupil must evacuate the classroom in an orderly


3. Special arrangement must be made for people with disability.

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4. On staircases, everybody should be disciplined and must come outside

calm and quietly.

5. At the assemble point, a roll count must be taken and if anybody is found

missing it should be immediately reported to SDMC or search and rescue


6. The transport management team must take students to the safer place

away from tsunami area.


Cyclone 1. After receiving Cyclone early warning from local disaster management

authority, all the teams must be activated and warning signal must be issued.

2. On hearing the alarm, pupils must evacuate the classroom in an orderly


3. Usage of electric appliances such as computer, mobiles, landlines etc must

be avoided because lightening can cause power surges in appliances which

might cause severe electric shock when used.

4. Special arrangement must be made for people with disability.

5. On staircases, everybody should be disciplined and must come outside

calm and quietly.

6. At the assemble point, a roll count must be taken and if anybody is found

missing, it should be immediately reported to SDMC or search and rescue


7. The transport management team must take students to the safer place

away from cyclone area.


Floods 1. After receiving flood early warning from local disaster management

authority, all the teams must be activated and warning signal must be issued.

2. On hearing the alarm, pupils must evacuate the classroom in an orderly


3. Special arrangement must be made for people with disability.

5. On staircases, everybody should be disciplined and must come outside

calm and quietly.

5. In case of sudden flooding, evacuate the affected areas and shift the people

on the upper floors of the building and wait for the emergency rescue

services to come.

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Bomb Threat

Bomb Threat 1. After receiving warning of bomb threat in school, immediately inform

the nearby police station and fire brigade and activate all the teams.

2. All the pupils must be evacuated from the school in an orderly manner.

3. Do not touch anything until everybody gets evacuated from school and

emergency services steps in the school.

4. Special arrangement must be made for people with disability.

5. On staircases, everybody should be disciplined and must come outside

calm and quietly.

6. At the assemble point, a roll count must be taken and if anybody is found

missing it should be immediately reported to SDMC or search and rescue



Epidemic 1. Students should be advised to remain at home and consult a doctor in

case any symptom is found.

2. Teachers should be alert about any epidemic spread and they should

make students aware about the symptoms and its remedial measures.

3. The students found to be suffering from any symptom must be separated

from other children in the classroom.

4. There should be a provision for regular medical checkup of all school

students, teachers and other staff.

b. Alternate arrangement for continuation of school education

After any hazard, it is vitally important to continue the routine classes of students. Schools

must have a contingency plan for providing education irrespective of hazard impact.

Alternate sites must be identified in consultation with various agencies such as

government, NGO’s, Community etc to conduct classes.

Special provisions and arrangements must be made to deliver the lessons at

alternate sites.

Temporary shelter must be built and operated as classroom for continuing the

education at appropriate location within or nearby the school campus.

c. reporting of emergencies/disasters to govt.

The disaster or any other emergency if occurs in school must be reported to local district

administration, District EOC. . The school must provide a report to district administration

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about the incident, no. of casualty, date & time, no. of affected people, how they responded

to disaster etc. in a specific format. Refer to Annexure-I for the format.

d. special provision for disabled children

The disables are the most vulnerable people in disaster situation. This part is often

neglected in disaster management. Existing disaster management plans pay less attention

to the needs of disabled people in spite of the fact that disasters may create new disability.

Therefore to avoid further disability cases and to secure the existing, special provisions

must be included for disabled people in any disaster management plan.

Some of the key points which must be kept in mind are:

1. The school building must be designed keeping in view the accessibility and movement of

disable people.

2. Special provision must be provided in the school building for hurdle free entry and exit

of disable people and free movement in and around school campus.

3. The drinking water facility and washroom facility must be accessible to them.

4. Always use the buddy system to facilitate disability in every situation.

5. Sensitize school community and other stakeholders about mainstreaming disability.

6. Training programs must be organized to strengthen their capacity.

7. Awareness generation programs must be organized for parents, students and local

community about disability.

8. Special IEC material must be prepared to spread the information about disability care in

different disaster scenarios with the help of GSDMA/local district administration.

Section5. Mitigation

a. Non-structural mitigation measures

1. Electrical equipments including insulated electric wires and transformers must be

properly anchored.

2. Conduits/ piping must be securely fastened to the wall or ground.

3. Shelves must be fastened to frame.

4. Wall mounted cabinets must be fastened to wall

5. Wall mounted TV, screen must be securely fastened

6. Fire extinguisher must be securely placed in the bracket

7. File cabinets must be fastened together

8. Bookcases must be kept back to back and fastened together

9. Computer must be fastened to the table and the table must be securely located and


10. Water tanks must be restrained and anchored.

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b. Safety audit

Safety audit is an important aspect of mitigation measure. It determines how safe the

school is from physical threat. Periodic safety audits must be done in order to assess the

vulnerability of school from potential threat.

Some of the safety audits are suggested below which can be done in consultation with

various agencies:

1. Building Audit – It can be done with the help of PWD/R&B, Municipal Engineer, local

engineering college.

2. Fire Safety Audit – It can be done with the help of local fire department.

3. Inspection of Mid-Day Meal Food – It can be done through mid-day meal

inspector/health official of that region.

4. Inspection of Drinking Water – It can be done through Municipal


5. Washroom Inspection – It can be done by school administration.

6. Electrical Safety Audit – It can be done with the help of Electricity department, local

engineering college.

Type of Audit Suggested Time frame

Building audit Once in 3 years

Fire safety audit Once in a year

Inspection of mid-day meal


Every month

Inspection of drinking


Every month

Washroom inspection Every month

Electrical safety audit Once in a year

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Annexure I Format for reporting of emergencies/disasters to the Govt. Name of School Address of school Contact Date Time No. of people affected Deaths Teachers Students Other staff


Type of Incident/disaster Response agencies 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Damage caused to school Describe the event Describe the response

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Annexure II Model Physical map of school

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Annexure III Model Resource map of School

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Annexure IV Model School Evacuation Plan

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Annexure V Roles and Responsibilities of SDMC sub committees (team)

1. Awareness Generation and Communication Team

Team Members

2-3 teachers & 5-6 students

Before Disaster

Acquire school map, evacuation plan, building plan, information on number of

students, teachers and other staff, No. of Classrooms, Labs, and contact information

of nearest Fire Station, Hospital, Police Station, etc

Collect and develop IEC material like posters, booklets, leaflets, paintings,

pamphlets, charts etc in coordination with GSDMA/district administration.

Organize activities like painting, debate, essay, skit, slogans etc related to disaster

management in coordination with school management for students, teachers and

other staff.

Conduct awareness generation programmes for school staff in coordination with

local representatives, fire station and police department, rotary club etc.

Organize health camps for students and teachers on first aid techniques.

Support other teams in carrying out their regular drills

Keep school up to date with information on daily weather, reports on earthquake,

floods or any other disaster.

Prepare a list of contact details of parents of all the students and inform the parents

about the contact details of team members for better communication & coordination

during emergencies.

During Disaster

Alert the school and authorities with appropriate alarming methods.

Assist other teams to carry out their duties in emergency.

After Disaster

Monitor the situation & communicate with emergency responders for post-disaster

activities such as medical first aid, search & rescue etc.

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2. First Aid Team

Team Members

2-3 teachers & 5-6 students

Before disaster

First aid kit should be kept in school (at a place which is easily accessible & known

to all) and its stock must be up to date.

All the members of the team must be trained in basic first aid techniques through

local health department/fire brigade/NGO’s working in health sectors.

The refresher training must be provided regularly to every member of this team.

Conduct regular drills to improve the effectiveness and capability.

During Disaster

Establish emergency first aid post at appropriate place in the school.

Provide first aid facilities based on the extent of injuries.

After Disaster

Call 108 or help from nearby health centre/hospital depending on the extent of


Find an appropriate place to establish centre for catering the injured people.

Record all the cases and treatment provided.

For seriously injured people, send them to nearby health hospital in coordination

with 108 with help from the transport team.

3. Search and Rescue Team

Team members

2-3 teachers & 5-6 students

Before Disaster

Acquire map of school, building plan with indication of entries, exits, staircases,

corridors, gates, door, windows etc, and a copy of school evacuation plan.

Get information on number of students in each class, teachers, other staff,

classrooms, labs.

All the keys of classrooms, labs, school gates must be kept at appropriate place so

that it can be easily accessed and the entire team members should be aware about it.

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Vital equipment such as whistle, rescue helmets, torches, lanterns, ropes, and ladder

(In case of two storey building) and equipments required to rescue disabled people

must be kept ready.

The team member should be trained in basic search and rescue techniques through

local fire department.

Mock drills must be organized regularly to ensure effectiveness and better


During Disaster

Carry out search and rescue operation as per the situation.

Rescue people as per their vulnerability i.e. disable people must be given preference

over the others. The rescued people must be move out to safer place.

After Disaster

All rooms should be checked so that no one is left in any of the room.

For seriously injured people, injured people should be handed over to first aid team

for medical assistance.

Update rescue procedures as learned during rescue operations, if any.

4. Evacuation Team

Team members

2-3 teachers & 5-6 students

Before Disaster

Acquire map of school, building plan with indication of entries, exits, staircases,

corridors, gates, door, windows etc, and prepare an evacuation plan for the school.

Get information on number of students in each class, teachers, other staff,

classrooms, labs.

All the keys of classrooms, labs, school gates must be kept in appropriate place so

that it can be easily accessed. Also, the entire team member should aware about it.

Sign posts should be put on walls by assessing hazard so that people from every

room can get guidance for easy and early evacuation.

Make arrangement for necessary supplies for evacuation giving importance to the

needs of disabled people.

Regular evacuation drills must be practiced in coordination with other teams for

different hazards.

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During Disaster

Evacuate people as per the procedure confirmed in practice drills.

Students must be guided till the last student is out of risk.

After Disaster

Take a roll call of all the evacuated people, note and match it with the actual number

mentioned in the school records.

If any discrepancy arises in the number, report it to search and rescue team.

Monitor the evacuation process and note special points which were missed in

practiced drills.

5. Site Security Team

Team Members

2-3 teachers & 5-6 students

Before Disaster

Acquire map of school, building plan with indication of entries, exits, staircases,

corridors, gates, door, windows etc, and evacuation plan document.

Get information on number of students in each class, teachers, other staff,

classrooms, labs.

All the keys of classrooms, labs, school gates must be kept in appropriate place so

that it can be easily accessed. Also, the team members should be aware about it.

Prepare guidelines for releasing students in case of emergency involving Transport

Management Team and same must be shared with parents and guardians.

Preparing a list of contact details of parents of all the students & also provide the

contact details of site security team members to the parents for better coordination

during emergency situation.

During Disaster

Restrict the entry and exit in school premises and make it available for only

emergency services.

Get help from local police or fire brigade to manage crowd, if required.

After Disaster

Secure the building premises by restricting entry and exit.

Keep 2 members of the team at the gates to deal with parents and guardians and

coordinate with fire brigade, police personnel and other related agencies to help

them reach the affected areas.

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6. Transport Management Team

Team Members

Teachers going in school bus and 2 students from each standard.

Before Disaster

Prepare a contact list of all nearby hospitals, health centers, police stations, fire

station, bus depot, parents of all school children etc and establish a linkage between


A route map should be prepared for all the vehicles available at school and their

destination point must be marked on the map. An alternate route may also be

marked on map in case of cordon.

All the vehicle personnel must be involved in the route map making as they can get

acquainted with nearby routes.

All members must get basic first aid training from local health department.

The team must be aware about the releasing guidelines of students for effective


A separate strategy must be developed for disabled children.

During Disaster

Guide the vehicle personnel to move out of school safely to the destination point.

All the students must be positioned safely in designated vehicle. Special care should

be taken for disabled children.

After Disaster

Coordinate with other teams for further requirement of vehicles for transportation.

Instruct people to remain calm and guide them to reach their respective vehicle in

coordination with vehicle personnel.

Provide first aid help to injured people in coordination with members of first aid


7. Fire Safety Team

Team member

3-4 teachers and 5-6 students

Before disaster

Ensure that the school has sufficient number of fire extinguishers installed and the

same are in working condition.

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All the team members must know how to operate the fire extinguisher.

Ensure that the periodic fire safety assessment is done by local fire department in

consultation with district administration.

Team members must participate in the mock drill regularly.

Keep an eye on nearby hazardous areas such as industries, factories etc and update

local administration about any latest activity related to them.

Ensure that the electric wires and switches including main switches must be

covered and if found open report to the school management to get it repaired in

consultation with electricity department.

During disaster

Switch off the main switch if possible and cut down the supply of electricity for the

entire school.

If any student catches fire, order him to do STOP, DROP and ROLL.

Use fire extinguishers and try to extinguish the fire wherever seen.

If fire is taking huge magnitude, then get out of the school building.

Inform local fire brigade as early as possible.

After disaster

Ensure that all students are present in the school ground. If found missing in the

head count, must report to search and rescue team.

Assist search and rescue team and first aid team to carry out their operations

Prepare updates and report to school management/local district administration for

better coordination.

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Annexure VI

Class wise details of the students

Class Section Boys Girls No of Disabled children Total

1st A


























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Annexure VII

Details of teaching staff

Sr. No. Name Standard Contact No. with address

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Annexure VIII

Details of non-teaching staff

Details of Non-Teaching Staff Male Female Total






Trained Volunteers Boys Girls

NCC (Yes/No)

NSS (Yes/No)

Scout (Yes/No)

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Annexure IX Important Contact details for emergency/disaster situations S.NO. Resource Contact details Address 1 Fire Station 2 Primary health centre 3 Nearest hospital 4 Police station 5 Emergency Operation


5 Pharmacy 6 Blood bank 7 Collector office 8 Taluka panchayat 9 Gram panchayat 10 Civil Defence 11 Trained/Certified


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Annexure X Details of Teams under SDMC 1. Awareness Generation and Communication Team S.NO. Name Designation Contact No. Email

1 2 3 4 5 6 2. First aid team

S.NO. Name Designation Contact No. Email

1 2 3 4 5 6 3. Search and rescue team

S.NO. Name Designation Contact No. Email 1 2 3 4 5 6

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4. Evacuation team

S.NO. Name Designation Contact No. Email

1 2 3 4 5 6 5. Site security team

S.NO. Name Designation Contact No. Email

1 2 3 4 5 6 6. Transport management team

S.NO. Name Designation Contact No. Email

1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Fire safety team

S.NO. Name Designation Contact No. Email

1 2 3 4 5 6