ENROLMENT FORM ST JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL ELSTERNWICK Address: 28 Sandham Street, Elsternwick, 3185 Email: [email protected] Tel: 03 9528 1614 Office use Date received: Birth certificate attached:Yes No Enrolment date: Immunisation history statement attached: Yes No Start date: Baptism certificate attached: Yes No Student/family code: English – Second Language: Yes No VSN: Visa information attached (if relevant): Yes No STUDENT DETAILS Surname: Entry year (YYYY): Entry level / grade: First name/s: Preferred first name: Date of birth: Religion: Male: Female: Other: HOME ADDRESS OF STUDENT Street number and name: Suburb: Postcode: HOME CARE ARRANGEMENTS Living with Mother and Father Single Parent: Mother / Father (Please circle) Living in a Step Family Shared parenting, e.g. one week with each parent: Days with Parent A / Guardian 1: Days with Parent B / Guardian 2: Carer / guardian Other (please specify) COURT ORDERS OR PARENTING ORDERS (if applicable) Are there any current court orders or parenting orders relating to the student? Yes No If yes, copies of these court orders/parenting orders (e.g. AVOs, Family Court/Federal Magistrates Court orders or other relevant court orders) must be provided. Page 1 of 25 /home/website/convert/temp/convert_html/6119dbc05e15ee1395656652/document.docx

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ST JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL ELSTERNWICKAddress: 28 Sandham Street, Elsternwick, 3185Email: [email protected] Tel: 03 9528 1614

Office use Date received: Birth certificate attached: Yes No Enrolment date: Immunisation history statement attached: Yes No Start date: Baptism certificate attached: Yes No Student/family code: English – Second Language: Yes No VSN: Visa information attached (if relevant): Yes No

STUDENT DETAILSSurname: Entry year (YYYY): Entry level / grade:First name/s: Preferred first name: Date of birth: Religion: Male: Female: Other:

HOME ADDRESS OF STUDENTStreet number and name: Suburb: Postcode:

HOME CARE ARRANGEMENTSLiving with Mother and Father Single Parent: Mother / Father (Please circle)

Living in a Step FamilyShared parenting, e.g. one week with each parent:

Days with Parent A / Guardian 1: Days with Parent B / Guardian 2:

Carer / guardian Other (please specify)

COURT ORDERS OR PARENTING ORDERS (if applicable)Are there any current court orders or parenting orders relating to the student? Yes No If yes, copies of these court orders/parenting orders (e.g. AVOs, Family Court/Federal Magistrates Court orders or other relevant court orders) must be provided.Is there any other information you wish the school to be aware of?

FAMILY DETAILSWho will be financially responsible for payment of the school fees and levies? Fee invoices will be emailed to families early each term.

Surname First name Address and email Phone Relationship to the student

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PARENT A / GUARDIAN 1Surname: Title: (e.g. Mr /

Mrs / Ms) First name:

Address: Home phone: Work phone: Mobile: Email:

Government Requirement Occupation:

What is the occupation group? (select from list of parental occupation groups in the School Family Occupation Index on p. 12 & 13)

Religion: Nationality: Ethnicity if not born in Australia: Country of birth: Australia Other (please specify): What is the highest year of primary or secondary school Parent A / Guardian 1 has completed?(Persons who have never attended secondary school, tick ‘Year 9 or below’.)Year 9 or below Year 10 or equivalent Year 11 or equivalent Year 12 or equivalent What is the level of the highest qualification Parent A / Guardian 1 has completed?No post-school qualification

Certificate I to IV(including trade certificate) Advanced diploma/diploma Bachelor degree or


PARENT B / GUARDIAN 2Surname: Title: (Mr / Mrs

/ Ms) First name:

Address: Home phone: Work phone: Mobile: Email:

Government Requirement Occupation:

What is the occupation group? (select from list of parental occupation groups in the School Family Occupation Index on p. 12 & 13)

Religion: Nationality: Ethnicity if not born in Australia: Country of birth: Australia Other (please specify): What is the highest year of primary or secondary school Parent B / Guardian 2 has completed?(Persons who have never attended secondary school, tick ‘Year 9 or below’.)Year 9 or below Year 10 or equivalent Year 11 or equivalent Year 12 or equivalent What is the level of the highest qualification Parent B / Guardian 2 has completed?No post-school qualification

Certificate I to IV(including trade certificate) Advanced diploma/diploma Bachelor degree or



Relationship to child: Relationship to child: Home phone: Home phone: Mobile: Mobile:

STUDENT SACRAMENTAL INFORMATIONBaptism: Date: Parish: Reconciliation: Date: Parish: Communion: Date: Parish: Confirmation: Date: Parish: Current parish:

PREVIOUS SCHOOL / PRESCHOOL PERMISSIONName and address of previous school/preschool: I / We give permission for the school to contact the previous school or preschool and to gather relevant reports and information to support educational planning: No Yes

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STUDENT NATIONALITYGovernment Requirement Nationality: Ethnicity: In which country was the student born? Australia Other – please specify: Is the student of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?(For persons of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin, tick ‘Yes’ for both.)No Yes, Aboriginal Yes, Torres Strait Islander

Does the student or their parent(s)/guardian(s) speak a language other than English at home?Note: Record all languages spoken.

Student Parent A / Guardian 1 Parent B / Guardian 2No English onlyYes Other – please specify all languages

Does the student attend language classes out of school hours? ? No Yes If yes, what language and where attending?

STUDENT CITIZENSHIP STATUS (IF NOT BORN IN AUSTRALIA) *Please tick the relevant category below and record the visa subclass number as per government requirements:(original documents to be sighted and copies to be retained by the school)Australian citizen not born in Australia:

Australian citizen (Australian passport or naturalisation certificate number / document for travel if country of birth is not Australia)

Australian passport number: Naturalisation certificate number: Visa subclass recorded on entry to Australia: Date of arrival in Australia: Not currently an Australian citizen, please provide further details as appropriate below:

Permanent resident: (if ticked, record the visa subclass number) Temporary resident: (if ticked, record the visa subclass number) Other/visitor/overseas student: (if ticked, record the visa subclass number)

* Please attach visa / ImmiCard / letter of notification and passport photo page.

STUDENT MEDICAL INFORMATIONAmbulance cover: Yes No Number:

Medical condition(s):

Please specify any relevant medical conditions for the student, e.g. asthma, diabetes, anaphylaxis, and/or any medications prescribed for the student. A Medical Management Plan signed by a relevant medical practitioner (doctor / nurse) will be required for each of the medical conditions listed.

Please list specific details for any known allergies that do not lead to anaphylaxis, e.g. hay fever, rye grass, animal fur.

Has the student been diagnosed as being at risk of anaphylaxis? Yes No If yes, does the student have an EpiPen? Yes No

EMERGENCY AUTHORITYIn the event of an illness or accident, I authorise the teacher in charge to consent, where it is impracticable to communicate with me, to my child receiving such medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary. I accept all operation, blood transfusion and / or anaesthetic risks involved and the responsibility for payment of any expenses thus incurred, including ambulance.

Signed by Parent / Guardian: Date:

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IMMUNISATION (please attach an immunisation history statement for your child)All vaccines are recorded on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). You are required to obtain an immunisation history statement for your child (visit myGov) and provide it to the school with this enrolment form.

Immunisation history statement attached: Yes No If no, please provide explanation:

Please provide all required information to allow us to meet our duty of care obligations and facilitate the smooth transition of your child into our school. It will assist the school to implement appropriate adjustments and strategies to meet the particular needs of your child. If the information is not provided or is incomplete, incorrect or misleading, current or ongoing enrolment may be reviewed.

ADDITIONAL NEEDSIs your child eligible or currently receiving National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) support? Yes No Does your child present with:autism (ASD) behavioural concerns hearing impairmentintellectual disability /developmental delay mental health issues oral language / communication

difficultiesADD/ADHD acquired brain injury vision impairmentgiftedness physical impairment other condition (please specify) Has your child ever seen a:paediatrician physiotherapist audiologistpsychologist / counsellor occupational therapist speech pathologistpsychiatrist continence nurse other specialist (please specify) Have you attached all relevant information / reports? Yes No

SIBLINGS ATTENDING A SCHOOL / PRESCHOOLList all children in your family attending school or preschool (oldest to youngest) – please include applicant:Name School/preschool M/F Year/grade Date of birth



Disclaimer: Personal information will be held, used and disclosed in accordance with the school’s Privacy Collection Notice and Privacy Policy available on its website www.sjelst.catholic.edu.au.

ConsentThe signature of: parent as defined in the Family Law Act 1975

Note: In the absence of a current court order, each parent of a child who is not 18 has equal parental responsibility. both parents for parents who are separated, or a copy of the court order with any impact on the relationship between the family and the

school an informal carer, with a statutory declaration. Carers:

may be a relative or other carer have day-to-day care of the student with the student regularly living with them may provide any other consent required e.g. excursions.

Notes for informal carer: statutory declarations apply for 12 months the wishes of a parent prevail in the event of a dispute between a parent legally responsible for a student and an informal carer.Note: Secondary students may complete parts of the form and co-sign.

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Dear Parent / GuardianAt certain times throughout the year, our students may have the opportunity to be photographed or recorded / filmed by the school or its service providers for school publications, such as the school’s newsletter or website and social media, or to promote the school in newspapers and other media.

Catholic Education Melbourne (CEM) and the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) may also wish to use student photographs / recordings in print and online promotional, marketing, media and educational materials.

We would like permission to use your child’s photograph / recording for the above purposes. Please complete the permission form below.

Thank you for your continued support.


I give permission for my child’s:

name photograph recording / video

to be published by the school on / in:

the school website school newsletter school DVD social media promotional materials newspapers and other media.

I authorise CEM / the CECV to use the photograph / recording in material available free of charge to schools and education departments around Australia for CEM / the CECV’s promotional, marketing, media and educational purposes.

I give permission for a photograph / recording of my child to be used by the school / CEM / the CECV in the agreed publications without acknowledgment, remuneration or compensation.

I understand and agree that if I do not wish to consent to my child’s photograph / recording appearing in any or all of the publications above, or if I wish to withdraw this authorisation and consent, it is my responsibility to notify the school.

LICENSED UNDER NEALS: The photograph / recording may appear in material which will be available to schools and education departments around Australia under the National Educational Access Licence for Schools (NEALS), which is a licence between education departments of the various states and territories, allowing schools to use licensed material wholly and freely for educational purposes.

Name of parent / guardian (please circle):

Signed: parent / guardian Date:

Any permission and consent given may be withdrawn by the parent / guardian by notifying the school in advance of any photograph or recording being made.

Disclaimer: Personal information will be held, used and disclosed in accordance with the school’s Privacy Collection Notice and Privacy Policy available on its website www.sjelst.catholic.edu.au .

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Explanatory Statement1. Preamble

1.1. Catholic education is intrinsic to the mission of the Church. It is one means by which the Church fulfils its role in assisting people to discover and embrace the fullness of life in Christ. Catholic schools offer a broad, comprehensive curriculum imbued with an authentic Catholic understanding of Christ and his teaching, as well as a lived appreciation of membership of the Catholic Church.

1.2. Parents and guardians, as the first educators of their children, enter into a partnership with the Catholic school to promote and support their child’s education. Parents and guardians must assume a responsibility for maintaining this partnership with the school by supporting the school in furthering the spiritual and academic life of their children.

2. Enrolment2.1. You are required to provide particular information about your child during the enrolment process, both at the

application stage and if the school offers your child a place. Please note that lodgement of the enrolment form does not guarantee enrolment at the school. If the information requested is not provided, we may not be able to enrol your child.

2.2. To meet school and government requirements, you will need to provide the school with a completed enrolment form including, among other things, the information listed below.

evidence of your child’s date of birth, e.g. birth certificate, passport

information about the language(s) your child speaks and/or hears at home

religious denomination nationality and/or citizenship including the visa subclass granted upon entry to Australia (prior to citizenship being granted) where applicable

certificate of baptism (and reconciliation, eucharist, confirmation, if these sacraments have been completed)

doctor’s name and telephone number

names and addresses of the child and parents/guardians; telephone numbers (home, work, mobile) of parents/guardians

parent / guardian occupation and level of education attained

medical information about your child (for example, does the child suffer from asthma, diabetes, allergies, poor eyesight / hearing, a diagnosed disability, etc.) and details of any medication that the school will be requested to administer to the child or health / attendant care needs

immunisation certificate (from Medicare Australia) showing whether your child has been immunised against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough and haemophilus influenza type B

names of emergency contacts and their details

information on additional learning needs (for example, whether your child requires additional support in relation to mobility, language, social skills development, welfare needs, challenging behaviours, adjustments to the curriculum, etc.)

specific residence arrangements parenting agreements or court orders, including any guardianship orders

2.3. After lodgement of this form, school staff may need to request further information, for example in relation to any parenting orders, medical conditions or additional learning needs that you have noted on the enrolment form. In addition, it is often useful for parents/guardians to attend a meeting with school staff prior to enrolment to discuss any additional needs your child may have. An interpreter may be organised, if required.

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2.4. Subject to any special exercise of discretion by the parish priest, the following list provides an agreed order of priority for enrolment in our school, which is consistent with the enrolment policy for all Catholic primary schools. The order of priority is:

a) Catholic children who are residents of the parishb) Catholic children who do not reside in the parish but are recognised as parishioners by the parish priestc) Catholic children from other parishes (for pastoral reasons)d) children from non-Catholic Eastern churches who reside in the parishe) children from non-Catholic Eastern churches who reside outside the parishf) other Christian children who reside in the parishg) other Christian children who reside outside the parishh) non-Christian children who reside in the parishi) non-Christian children who reside outside the parish.

3. Fees3.1. The setting of fee levels and other compulsory charges in Catholic schools is the responsibility of the school, taking

into account the allocation of government funds. The school offers a number of methods for paying fees to reduce any financial burden and to assist financial planning. If you have difficulty in meeting the required fee payment, you are welcome to discuss this with the principal of the school.

3.2. The fees must be paid for a child to enrol and to continue enrolment at the school. The school has discretion whether to allow a child to participate in optional or extracurricular school events, such as paid school excursions or extracurricular activities, while fees remain due and payable.

4. Enrolment under minimum school entry age4.1. The minimum starting age for a child to be enrolled in a Victorian school is four years and eight months, i.e. a child

must turn five by 30 April in the year of starting school. Enrolment of children under the minimum school entry age and pre-Prep programs require approval from Catholic Education Melbourne via the ‘Application for Early Age Entry to School’.

4.2. In the rare situations where:

a) a parent/guardian seeks enrolment of a child under the minimum starting ageb) the principal supports the enrolment of that child at the school if approval were granted.

The approval of the Executive Director of Catholic Education Melbourne is required before enrolment under the minimum starting age can occur. Approval for early age enrolment will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

5. Child safe environment5.1. Catholic school communities have a moral, legal and mission-driven responsibility to create nurturing school

environments where children are respected, their voices are heard, and where they are safe and feel safe.

5.2. Every person involved in Catholic education, including all parents at our school, has a responsibility to understand the importance and specific role they play individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.

5.3. Our school’s child safe policies, codes of conduct and practices set out our school’s commitment to child safety, and the processes for identifying, communicating, reporting and addressing concerning behaviour and allegations of child abuse. These documents establish clear expectations for all staff and volunteers for appropriate behaviour with children in order to safeguard them against abuse.

5.4. Our school has established human resources practices where newly recruited staff, existing staff and volunteers in our school understand the importance of child safety, are trained to minimise the risk of child abuse, and are aware of our school’s relevant policies and procedures. Our school also provides ongoing training, supervision and monitoring of staff to ensure that they are suitable to work with children as part of our human resources practices.

5.5. Our school has robust, structured risk management processes that help establish and maintain a child safe environment, which involves consideration of possible broad-based risk factors across a wide range of contexts, environments, relationships and activities that children within our school engage in.

5.6. Our school, in partnership with families, ensures children and young people are engaged and are active participants in decision-making processes, particularly those that may have an impact on their safety. This means that the views of staff, children, young people and families are taken seriously and their concerns are addressed in a just and timely manner.

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5.7. Our school’s child safety policies and procedures are readily available and accessible. Further details on the Catholic education community’s commitment to child safety across Victoria can be accessed by visiting:

a) Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd’s child safety page www.cecv.catholic.edu.au/Our-Schools/Child-Safety

b) Catholic Education Melbourne’s child safety page www.cem.edu.au/Our-Schools/Choosing-a-School/Child-Safety.aspx.

6. Terms of enrolment regarding acceptable behaviour6.1. Our school is a community that exemplifies the gospel values of love, forgiveness, justice and truth. The school

community recognises that everyone has the right to be respected, to feel safe and be safe; and, in this regard, understands their rights and acknowledges their obligation to behave responsibly.

6.2. Every person at the school has a right to feel safe, to be happy and to learn; therefore, we aim to:

a) promote the values of honesty, fairness and respect for othersb) acknowledge the worth of all members of the community and their right to work and learn in a positive

environmentc) maintain good order and harmonyd) affirm cooperation as well as responsible independence in learninge) foster self-discipline and develop responsibility for one’s own behaviour.

6.3. The school administration, in consultation with the school community wherever appropriate, will prescribe standards of dress, appearance and behaviour for the student body. As a term of your child’s enrolment, parents and guardians are expected to comply with the school’s behaviour aims and code of conduct, and to support the school in upholding prescribed standards of dress, appearance and behaviour.

6.4. Unacceptable behaviour by a child, or repeated behaviour by a parent or guardian that, in the school’s view, is unacceptable and damaging to the partnership between parent/guardian and school, may result in suspension or termination of the child’s enrolment.

7. Terms of enrolment regarding conformity with principles of the Catholic faith7.1. As a provider of Catholic education, the principal will take into account the need for the school community to

represent and comply with the doctrines, beliefs and principles of the Catholic faith when making decisions regarding matters of school administration, including enrolment. Students and families who are members of other faiths are warmly welcomed at our school. However, the school reserves the right to exercise its administrative discretion in appropriate circumstances, where it is necessary to do so to avoid injury to the religious sensitivities of the Catholic school community.

8. Terms of enrolment regarding provision of accurate information8.1. It is vitally important that the school is made aware of each child’s individual circumstances insofar as these may

impact upon their physical, functional, emotional or educational needs, particularly where the school is required to provide additional support to the child.

8.2. Parents and guardians must provide accurate and up-to-date information when completing an enrolment form and must supply the school, prior to enrolment, any additional information as may be requested, including copies of documents such as medical/specialist reports (where relevant to the child’s schooling), reports from previous schools, court orders or parenting agreements. Provision of requested documentation is regarded as a condition of enrolment, and enrolment may be refused where a parent/guardian has unreasonably refused to provide requested information or knowingly withheld relevant information from the school.

8.3. Where, during the course of a child’s enrolment, new information becomes available that is material to the child’s educational and/or safety/wellbeing needs, it is a term of the child’s continuing enrolment that such information is provided to the school promptly.

8.4. The provision of an inaccurate residential address or failure to provide an updated residential address for the child will also be treated as a breach of the terms of enrolment.

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9. Enrolment for children with additional needs9.1. The school welcomes parents/guardians who wish to enrol a child with additional needs and will do everything

possible to accommodate the child’s needs, provided that an understanding has been reached between the school and parents/guardians prior to enrolment regarding:

a) the nature of any diagnosed or suspected medical condition/disability, or any other circumstances that are relevant to the child’s additional learning needs (for example, giftedness or an experience of trauma)

b) the nature of any additional assistance that is recommended/appropriate to be provided to the child (for example, medical or specialist equipment, specialist referrals, specific welfare support, modifications to the classroom environment or curriculum, aide assistance, individual education programs, behaviour support plans or other educational interventions as may be relevant)

c) the individual physical, functional, emotional or educational goals that are appropriate to the child, and how the parents/guardians and the school will work in partnership to achieve these goals

d) any limitations on the school’s ability to provide the additional assistance requested.

9.2. The process for enrolling students with additional needs is otherwise the same as for enrolling any student.

9.3. As every child’s educational needs can change over time, it will often be necessary for the school to review any additional assistance that is being provided to the child, in consultation with parents/guardians and the child’s treating medical/allied health professionals, in order to assess whether:

a) the additional assistance remains necessary and/or appropriate to the child’s needsb) the additional assistance is having the anticipated positive effect on the child’s individual physical, functional,

emotional or educational goalsc) it remains within the school’s ability to continue to provide the additional assistance, given any limitations that

may exist.

10. Assessment and updates10.1. Various opportunities are provided to keep you up to date with your child’s progress. You will receive two

comprehensive written reports each year and arrangements will be made for at least one interview where you can discuss your child’s development with their teacher. In addition, you can always contact the school to arrange a meeting if you have any concerns or wish to receive an update on progress.

11. Privacy policy11.1. The school collects personal information, which includes sensitive information such as health information, about

pupils and parents / guardians both before and during the course of a pupil’s enrolment at the school. This may be collected from parent /guardians or from the pupil or from others. The primary purpose of collecting this information is to enable the school to provide schooling for your child. Some of the information we collect is to satisfy the school’s legal obligations, particularly to enable the school to discharge its duty of care.

11.2. Where personal information is given to the school in confidence, it will not be disclosed without authority of the parent / guardian or person providing the information. Only staff who ‘need to know’ and have authorisation from the Principal will be given access to the relevant information.

11.3. Certain laws governing or relating to the operation of schools require that certain information is collected. The school may also ask you to provide medical reports about pupils from time to time and may collect health information about them in the course of providing schooling and if they receive a health service through the school.

11.4. The school handles the personal information of pupils and parents / guardians that it collects and holds in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles in that Act. The school also handles any health records of pupils and parents / guardians that it collects and holds in its records in accordance with the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) and the Health Privacy Principles in that Act.

11.5. The school from time to time discloses personal and sensitive information to others for administrative and educational purposes. This may include other schools (including for secondary school application and enrolment purposes), government departments, the Catholic Education Office, the Catholic Education Commission, our local diocese and the parish, other diocese, medical practitioners and people providing services to the school, including specialist visiting teachers, sports coaches and volunteers.

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11.6. Personal information collected from pupils is regularly disclosed to their parents / guardians. On occasion, information such as academic and sporting achievements is published by the school and other local news providers. Permission and consent is sought from a parent / guardian (and from the pupil if they are aged 15 or over) for photographs and videos that may be taken of the pupil to be used and published for certain purposes (through annual completion of the Photograph / Video Permission Form). Photographs and videos may then be used and published for the permitted purposes without further notice being provided. Any permission and consent given may be withdrawn by the parent / guardian or pupil (if they are aged 15 or over) by notifying the school.

11.7. Parents / guardians may seek access to and request correction of personal information collected about them and their son / daughter by contacting the school. Pupils may also seek access to, and request correction of, personal information about them. However, there will be occasions when access to personal information is denied. Such occasions would include where access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others, where access may result in a breach of the school’s duty of care to the pupil or where pupils have provided information in confidence.

11.8. The school from time to time engages in fundraising activities and will also communicate with you about events or offers which the school consider relevant including in newsletters or fliers. Your information may be used for these purposes. It may also be disclosed to organisations that assist in the school’s fundraising activities solely for that purpose, e.g. the Social & Fundraising Committee. The school will not disclose your personal information to third parties for their own marketing purposes without your consent.

11.9. If you provide the school with the personal information of others, such as doctors or emergency contacts, you should only provide information that the school requires and we encourage you to inform them that you are disclosing that information to the school and why.

11.10. The school has a Privacy Policy which explains how it manages personal information that it collects and holds and which sets out what kind of personal information the school generally collects and how, the purposes for which the information is used and disclosed by the school, to whom the information may be disclosed (including overseas) and how privacy complaints can be made and are handled. We encourage you to read and be familiar with this policy and to ask the school if you have any questions. It is available on the school website or you can ask the school for a copy.

Disclaimer: Personal information will be held, used and disclosed in accordance with the school’s Privacy Collection Notice and Privacy Policy available on its website www.sjelst.catholic.edu.au.

AGREEMENTI acknowledge that I understand and accept the terms and conditions of enrolment as set out in the Explanatory Statement and, if enrolment is accepted, I agree that there are certain expectations, obligations and guarantees required of parents/guardians of the school’s students, so that a harmonious relationship may be established:

I will support and abide by school policies and rules, as amended from time to time, in relation to programs of studies, sports, pastoral care, school uniform, acceptable behaviour, child safety, discipline and general operations of the school (including Safeguarding Children and Young People Code of Conduct, Working with Children, Visitors and Volunteers Policies)

I will ensure that the information I have provided is kept up to date throughout the period of enrolment and I will notify the school promptly of any changes to that information (e.g. change of residential address, changes to parenting orders)

I will pay the current school fees and levies for my child/children and also pay any variation or increase of fees and levies as required upfront at the beginning of the school year or in four instalments (and will pay in full by the middle of Term 4 each year), or I will otherwise notify the school immediately if I am experiencing financial difficulties

I will support my child’s participation in the religious life of the school (e.g. school liturgies, retreat programs)

I will attend parent/teacher and information evenings which relate to my child/children

I will participate in a working bee once a year or make a financial contribution

In the event I have any concerns, I will raise them initially with the relevant teacher or the school principal

I will treat all members of the school community with respect as befits a Catholic primary school

If in time of emergencies, accidents or serious illness I cannot be contacted, I give permission for the principal (or their representative) to seek medical attention for my child as required (which may include transportation to the nearest hospital, medical centre or doctor by ambulance or private vehicle). I also understand that the signatories below are required to meet any costs incurred

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As a parent/guardian, I understand that if this application is successful, I will support the vision of the school and parish. In accepting the enrolment, I agree to abide by all of the school’s policies, procedures and protocols (Policies). These Policies are reviewed regularly and may be subject to change at the school’s discretion. I will work with the school to support any academic/social/behavioural needs of my child. I agree to support my child’s participation in the religious life of the school (e.g. school liturgies, Masses etc.). The consequence of not complying with the school’s Policies may result in the termination of the enrolment.

I acknowledge that I have read all the information in the enrolment package and understand the policies that the signatories below will need to abide by should the enrolment application be successful.

I understand that if any misleading information has been provided, or any omission of significant information is made in the application for enrolment, acceptance will not be granted; or, if discovered after acceptance, enrolment may be withdrawn.

Parent A / Guardian 1 signature: Date:

Parent B / Guardian 2 signature: Date:

Disclaimer: Personal information will be held, used and disclosed in accordance with the school’s Privacy Collection Notice and Privacy Policy available on its website www.sjelst.catholic.edu.au.

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SCHOOL FAMILY OCCUPATION INDEXPARENT OCCUPATION GROUPSPlease select the appropriate group from the following list.

GROUP N: Unemployed for more than 12 monthsIf you are not currently in paid work but have had a job in the last 12 months, or have retired in the last 12 months, please use your last occupation to select from the list. If you have not been in paid work for the last 12 months, enter ‘N’ into the ‘occupation code’ field on the enrolment form.

OCCUPATION GROUP ASENIOR MANAGEMENT IN LARGE BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS, GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION AND DEFENCE AND QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALSSenior management in large business organisationsSenior Executive/Manager/Department Head in industry, commerce, media or other large organisations

Business [e.g. chief executive, managing director, company secretary, finance director, chief accountant, personnel/industrial relations manager, research and development manager]

Media [e.g. newspaper editor, film/television/radio/stage producer/director/manager]

Government administration Public service manager (Section head or above) [e.g.

regional director, hospital/health services/nurse administrator, school principal, faculty head/dean, library/museum/gallery director, research/facility manager, police/fire services administrator]

Defence Forces commissioned officerQualified professionals – generally have a degree or higher qualifications and experience in applying this knowledge to: design, develop or operate complex systems, identify, treat and advise on problems, teach others

Health, Education, Law, Social Welfare, Engineering, Science, Computing, Business, Air/sea transport professionals Health [e.g. GP or specialist, registered nurse,

dentist, pharmacist, optometrist, physiotherapist, chiropractor, veterinarian, psychologist, therapy professional, radiographer, podiatrist, dietician]

Education [e.g. school teacher, university lecturer, VET/special education/ESL/private teacher, education officer]

Law [e.g. judge, magistrate, barrister, coroner, solicitor, lawyer]

Social Welfare [e.g. social/welfare/community worker, counsellor, minister of religion, economist, urban/regional planner, sociologist, librarian, records manager, archivist, interpreter/translator]

Engineering [e.g. architect, surveyor, chemical/civil/electrical/mechanical/mining/other engineer]

Science [e.g. scientist, geologist, meteorologist, metallurgist]

Computing [e.g. IT services manager, computer

systems designer/administrator, software engineer, systems/applications programmer]

Business [e.g. management consultant, business analyst, accountant, auditor, policy analyst, actuary, valuer]

Air/sea transport [e.g. aircraft pilot, flight officer, flying instructor, air traffic controller, ship’s captain/officer/pilot]


livestock farmer/farm manager, stock and station agent, building/construction, manufacturing, mining, wholesale, import/export, transport business manager, real estate business]

Specialist manager [e.g. works manager, engineering manager, sales/marketing manager, purchasing manager, supply/shipping manager, customer service manager, property manager, personnel, industrial relations]

Financial services manager [e.g. bank branch manager, finance/investment/insurance broker, credit/loans officer]

Retail sales/services manager [e.g. shop, post office, restaurant, real estate agency, travel agency, betting agency, petrol station, hotel/motel/caravan park, sports centre, theatre/cinema, gallery, car rental, car fleet, railway station]

Arts/media/sportspersons Artist/writer [e.g. editor, journalist, author, media

presenter, photographer, designer, illustrator, musician, actor, dancer, painter, potter, sculptor]

Sports [e.g. sportsman/woman, coach, trainer, sports official]

Associate professionals – generally have diploma/technical qualifications and provide support to managers and professionals

Health, Education, Law, Social Welfare, Engineering, Science, Computing, Business/administration Medical, science, building, engineering, computer

technician/associate professional Health/social welfare [e.g. enrolled nurse, community

health worker, paramedic/ambulance officer, massage therapist, welfare/parole officer, youth worker, dental hygienist/technician]

Law [e.g. police officer, government inspector, examiner or assessor, occupational/environmental health officer, security advisor, private investigator, law clerk, court officer, bailiff]

Business/administration [e.g. recruitment/employment/industrial relations/training officer, marketing/advertising specialist, market research analyst, technical sales representative, retail buyer, office/business manager, project manager/administrator, other managing supervisors]

Defence Forces [e.g. senior non-commissioned Page 12 of 13


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officer] Other [e.g. library technician, museum/gallery

technician, research assistant, proof reader]

OCCUPATION GROUP CTRADESMEN/WOMEN, CLERKS AND SKILLED OFFICE, SALES AND SERVICE STAFFTradesmen/women – generally have completed a four-year trade certificate, usually by apprenticeship. All tradesmen/women are included in this group.

Trades [e.g. electrician, plumber, welder, cabinet maker, carpenter, joiner, plasterer, tiler, stonemason, painter decorator, butcher, pastry cook, panel beater, fitter, toolmaker, aircraft engineer]

Clerks, skilled office, sales and service staff Clerk [e.g. bookkeeper, bank clerk, PO clerk,

statistical/actuarial clerk, accounts/claims/audit/payroll clerk, personnel records clerk, registry/filing clerk, betting clerk, production recording clerk, stores/inventory clerk, purchasing/order clerk, freight/transport/shipping clerk/despatcher, bond clerk, customs agent/clerk, customer inquiry/complaints/service clerk, hospital admissions clerk]

Office [e.g. secretary, personal assistant, desktop publishing operator, switchboard operator]

Sales [e.g. company sales representative (goods and services), auctioneer, insurance agent/assessor/loss adjuster, market researcher]

Carer [e.g. aged/disabled/refuge care worker, child care assistant, nanny]

Service [e.g. meter reader, parking inspector, postal delivery worker, travel agent, tour guide, flight attendant, fitness instructor, casino dealer/gaming table supervisor]

OCCUPATION GROUP DMACHINE OPERATORS, HOSPITALITY STAFF, OFFICE ASSISTANTS, LABOURERS AND RELATED WORKERSDrivers, mobile plant, production/processing machinery and other machinery operators Driver or mobile plant operator [e.g. car, taxi, truck,

bus, tram or train driver, courier/deliverer, forklift driver, street sweeper driver, garbage collector, bulldozer/loader/grader/excavator operator, farm/horticulture/forestry machinery operator]

Production/processing machine operator [e.g. engineering, chemical, petroleum, gas, water, sewerage, cement, plastics, rubber, textile, footwear, wood/paper, glass, clay, stone, concrete, production/processing machine operator]

Machinery operator [e.g. photographic developer/printer, industrial spray painter, boiler/air-conditioning/refrigeration plant, railway signals/points, crane/hoist/lift, bulk materials handling machinery]

Hospitality, office staff Sales staff [e.g. sales assistant, motor vehicle/

caravan/parts salesperson, checkout operator, cashier, bus/train conductor, ticket seller, service station attendant, car rental desk staff, street vendor,

telemarketer, sales demonstrator, shelf stacker] Office staff [e.g. typist, word processing/data

entry/business machine operator, receptionist] Hospitality staff [e.g. hotel service supervisor,

receptionist, waiter, bar attendant, kitchenhand, fast food cook, usher, porter, housekeeper]

Assistant/aide [e.g. trades’ assistant, school/teacher’s aide, dental assistant, veterinary nurse, nursing assistant, museum/gallery attendant, home helper, salon assistant, animal attendant]

Labourers and related workers Defence Forces [other ranks (below senior NCO)

without trade qualification not included above] Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishing, mining

worker [e.g. farm overseer, shearer, wool/hide classer, farm hand, horse trainer, nurseryman, greenkeeper, gardener, tree surgeon, forestry/logging worker, miner, seafarer/fishing hand]

Other worker [e.g. labourer, factory hand, storeman, guard, cleaner, caretaker, laundry worker, trolley collector, car park attendant, crossing supervisor]

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