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First published 2007 by Croz

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A faithful translation of the Wallace Wattles classic written in 1910

By CROZ A beneficiary of these teachings

This book also contains an intro by Croz and other useful tips to help you understand these teachings

The original text of this book is in the Public Domain. This book is not and is protected by copyright.

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Are you are here because you have read loads of ‘Self Help’ ‘Get Rich Quick’ books - and nothing has happened. That is the common thread among all my clients and almost everyone I meet. It is really amazing how many of us just keep reading these books and expecting things to happen. We seem to say that the last one we read did not work, therefore I will try another one, and so it goes on. All these books are trying to tell the same story or message.

That is, that we can have and do anything that we want as long as we follow set procedures. It is my experience that most authors take the basic principles, and then in a way to justify their thoughts they get very deep and involved in the explanation. This then eventually complicates the simple message that has to be delivered. It is no surprise then, that eventually after having read all these different explanations of the same story, we become totally confused. The more we read the more confused we get.


A few years ago, I read a book written in 1910 by a guy called Wallace Wattles, it was called ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ and it was the simplest set of guidelines that I had read to date. My reason for re-writing the book in plain English was to make it easier to read. In my translation I went to great lengths to keep the content and the intentions of the author true.

I am going to attempt to give you some knowledge and an insight into the book, prior to you reading the translation.

This book then is my journey in search of the most basic way possible to present the KEY to a Happy and Prosperous life. It will rely on you having to accept certain things that I have tested and found to be true, but in an effort to get you quick results it is necessary for you to experience the power that we all possess. Once you have experienced this amazing power, if you feel the need you can go in search of the finer details.


Whatever you decide to call the Power is irrelevant, but you must accept that there is a force that wants us to have everything we desire. This is the same power that looks after our plants and animals. You will notice that both plants and animals have the ability to receive, and will react in direct proportion to what they are given. Whatever you do to a plant, it is programmed to be the best plant it can be, even when things are not going well, it still does everything to become the plant it is programmed to be, and if the circumstances change it gets back on track really quick.

We will discuss later the confused messages that we send out, and how we sometimes send out a message that is the exact opposite to what we want. It will be difficult to understand parts of this book if you do not accept the presence of a power. If you are having difficulty with this concept, just do the exercises that are explained later and experience your own results. It is not necessary to understand the Power, for it to help you. The power is governed by universal laws, they are no different from physical laws, like the law of gravity.

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Whether you believe in the law of gravity or not, if you step off a cliff you are only going one way. I would have no idea as to the calculations that explain why we head south when we jump, but it sure as hell does not stop it happening. So please enter into the spirit of what we are doing and although we are not going to provide any scientific data, although there is plenty available, just go with the flow and experience what happens.


We seem to accept physical laws because we see them happening all the time, well when you know where and how to look, you can also see evidence of these universal laws every day. I will make a promise here and now, I will not tell any untruths and I will not embellish anything that I have experienced. All that I write will be based on my experiences and any personal thoughts will be stated in that manner.

All I want to do is to tell of personal experiences that have taken me from a sceptical, competitive and reasonably happy, comfortably off person. To a person that looks forward to every day with an excitement that is almost addictive. Also since following the new way of life, I have increased my wealth, I am much happier now and I find I am in total control of my life and the things that happen to me.

Where you are today, is a direct result of what you have been told and learnt from the past.

If you are not happy with where you are, you must change, because all your knowledge has only got you to here. This is called programming, all what you think and believe is based on information by people during your life. What if these people had an agenda to prevent you from knowing the truth or they had beliefs of their own that they want to force onto you?

You will find that many people that offer life changing advice about NOT doing something, have no experience of the advice they are giving. They are in fact just telling you what they have been told previously. With repeated input, we can be made to believe and accept some outrageous things. All we can say with any degree of certainty is that if the information you have got, has not led you to where you want to be, something has got to change. T

his part is relatively simple to instigate but it gets confusing because some people think that they are where they want to be, but they are not happy. What I believe you are about to learn is a complete package. This package will show you how to be happy, it will assist you to become successful and last but not least it will lead on to you becoming wealthy.


The great thing with this method is that you set the limits. Obviously we all have different desires and goals, what is success for one, is failure to another, that is why we will set our own goals, for the first time in our lives we will be doing things for us. The great thing is that there are no limits to what we can achieve. It is all governed by what action we are prepared to take. Do not apply your position or goals to suit anyone but you, and do not try and compete to get the most, because that is a futile task. Set your goals to what you know will make you happy.

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Make your goal a real stretch however vague. You can sharpen it up as you increase your beliefs and understanding of these teachings. Many of you, as we said earlier, will have read various books and not got anything from them, this is because they did not resonate with you, or you did not follow the instructions given. It is always the things that appear simple that seem to be the hardest to do. You must make a pledge now to just follow the story and join in where and when needed. I can then guarantee that your life will change, I cannot say by how much, but I can say that it will be in direct proportion to the effort you put in.

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Over the past few years, when I have been teaching these principles, it is worrying to find the number of people who expect things to happen without any action. If you are one of these people, I have news for you this book will be no different to the rest. If however you are prepared to make a commitment, and follow the instructions, you are in for the ride of your life.


Everyone of you will have experienced things in your life that you have called coincidences, an example could be that you were thinking about calling someone and then out of the blue, they rang you, or you got something as a present or gift from someone, that was something that you had not told or discussed with anyone.

These are not coincidences they are the result of your thoughts. Your thoughts totally control your life. If you have never considered this, check out times in your life when you are happy, and you are thinking happy thoughts, and check out when you are stressed. In both situations you are ‘thinking’ your state of mind.

You can change your mood by changing your thoughts. We are not going to bog ourselves down with any scientific mumbo jumbo, so I will just give you a very quick exercise to do that will illustrate this. Take any situation at the moment that is worrying you. Whatever it is ask yourself two questions,

1. “Have I done all I can to solve this problem?” 2. “Is there anything else I can do to solve this problem?” 3.

If you answer YES and NO in that order, it makes sense then, that at this point in time, there is nothing more you can do to alter the situation. What do you do then? The answer is going to shock you, but you FORGET about it until such time as it re- presents itself as an actual problem.

This might sound irresponsible, but that is only your past programming telling you that you should be worried. Why do we all try and solve problems that do not exist?

If you have a real problem, however difficult it seems, you can plan a way to solve it. That is because it exists. The problem with stress is that it is caused by imagined problems that do not exist. They are the problems where we say “What if?” or “If that happens, what shall we do?” These are things you cannot solve, because in reality they do not exist.

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This exercise sounds very simple but it takes a while to master it. As in all things practice makes perfect. Eventually you will clear your mind of all these problems that are in your imagination and only deal with things that you are in control of. Many of my clients say, “

Well that’s OK but what if we owe some money and we cannot pay it?”

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The formula is just the same.

“Have I done all I can to solve it

“Is there anything more I can do to solve it?”

If you can honestly answer YES and NO then you may as well forget it until it presents itself as a real problem. The odds are that the money will be available in time anyway, provided that you have budgeted correctly, so why stress out during that period?

This is not a charter for you to be irresponsible, because you are in control of your budgeting. If you put yourself into a position that is through you just being irresponsible, you can only blame yourself. If the debt becomes apparent because of a change in circumstances, you can apply this test, trying to second guess what might happen, will only give you an imaginary problem to solve. If you owe money to a lending institution, you can always try and sort out things as soon as you are aware of your situation.

Whatever they then decide to do will be a real problem and you will be able to act accordingly. If you think back over your life, real problems always have a logical solution, whereas imaginary problems can never be solved. T

he solution may not always be agreeable, but at least it is a solution. I call this state of trying to solve imaginary scenarios, CIRCULAR THOUGHT. As in a circle there is no beginning and no end. The preceding exercise stops the mind going round in circles, trying to find a solution to an imaginary situation. This exercise allows you to get off the treadmill.

Please keep practicing this as it is one of the most important exercises.


This is a fundamental law and it states, in its most simple form, that you will attract things that are vibrating at the same frequency as you. This makes using this law to our advantage very simple. If we send out good positive vibrations, we will attract the same back, if however we send out negative depressing vibrations, guess what?, correct, that is exactly what you will attract back..

One of the finer details that we must learn to master, when using the law of attraction, is the fact that the message sent out, must be your firm belief. It is no use sending out a thought of something that you would like to attract, if your subconscious mind is saying something different. If you do not have 100% faith in your thoughts, then the message sent out will be confused and the law of attraction will not be able to deliver. The law of attraction has no agenda, other than to give us everything we desire, it has no concept of monetary value, size, distance or anything else.

Once you understand this, it makes it a lot easier to request your desires. The biggest stumbling block with using this amazing power, is that because of our doubts, we always reject the delivery. Every time we have any doubt, that sends a new order and the dominant thought then is one of NOT getting what you desire and that is exactly what you attract.

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It is being 100% confidant that you will eventually get what you request, that will get the law of attraction working for you. Being able and ready to receive is the real secret. It is your belief and the absence of doubt that will open the doors for you to receive.


Clarity of the thoughts you give out are so important. If someone says I want a million dollars, and then you ask what for? They might reply to buy a house, go on holiday, and buy a new car. The message that they are putting out therefore is confused. Do they actually want a million dollars or do they want the house and car? Because the message is jumbled the power cannot determine exactly what they want.

It would be very similar to going into a restaurant and just saying, “bring me some food” If what comes is not to your liking, who is to blame? You are because you were not clear and concise in your request. This clarity of thought is really the secret to getting what you want.

This is the hardest part of what we have to do to become happy. We have to create a really clear vision of what it is we truly want. You may have to spend some time on this because as I said, it is no good visualizing one thing but really wanting something else.

Remember the power does not care what it is as long as you are absolutely locked in to it as a desire. As you know that things are now being put into action for these things to occur, you can actually relax and carry on in the knowledge that they will appear. What happens here usually, is that people start doubting whether this will happen and immediately the vision is negated, because now you are putting out confused and mixed messages.

Unfortunately there is no way that you can teach someone this because it relies on faith. Once you have tested this out on small things, you start to realize the power, and it generates a solid belief in the power of your thoughts. I was very sceptical when I first studied this but as things kept unfolding I found it easier and easier to control situations.

It was always my fault when things went wrong because deep down I knew that I was not totally concentrating on the positive. During this learning period you will notice things happening that are beyond the odds of chance. Every little thing that you notice, will help to give you the ability, to really utilize this power.


At this point most people say OK I thought about ‘so and so’ and nothing happened, and they put the book away firmly convinced that it is all bunkum. Isn’t it funny that we totally accept things that are far more unbelievable than this, for example moving pictures beamed around the world in real time, with no wires or any visible means of transporting the signal.

We just accept this as normal. Why do we believe this? Because we have evidence of the final signal i.e. the picture on our TV screen.

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Evidence of the law of attraction is all around us. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Just look around at various situations and see how many you can relate to the law of attraction. The situation you are in, the house you live in, all your possessions, infect, everything that happens to you has been the result of your thoughts and what you have allowed into your life.

The most important place to start is to become at peace with yourself , as soon as you create a happy mood for yourself EVERYTHING changes. Happiness will become a great friend because he never travels alone he always has his friends success and wealth with him. Everything in life revolves around happiness. I know plenty of people who have great success but are not happy, and likewise I know many very wealthy people who are really miserable.

So what is the secret of happiness? Basically it is that you are at peace with yourself. If you are truly at peace with yourself you monitor whether you are successful, and you say whether you have enough wealth. You are not trying to compete, or prove anything to anyone. You know the truth and you make the calls. It is a purely human thing that some of us regard the collection of things that have no relevance to our welfare, or are of no use to sustain life as a major part of happiness. Once again we are doing what we think we need to do, to impress others.

Have a good look around your home and label things as useful or bought on impulse. I would include as useful anything that you have bought that you derive pleasure from. I am not advocating that we should not treat ourselves, but I am saying that we carry an awful lot of stuff that has been bought for no other reason than to impress others.

Once again we can make the statement that happiness is being at peace with yourself. If you feel really comfortable about all your possessions you must be on the road to happiness. Many people think that the purchase and accumulation of things will somehow give them happiness, even more think that moving to another location or buying a different house will give them happiness.


Happiness does not move from location to location, and you do not have to go looking for it. It lives WITHIN you and once you have got it, you can take it wherever you go. As you observe people it is strange that you can find truly happy people in all walks of life, some very poor people are blissfully happy and some extremely wealthy people are happy. It is usually found that the less well off would do more giving if they had more, but they are content with what they have, and the very wealthy who are happy are nearly always givers.


The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better!


This is the bit that really spun me out. I was told that all I needed to do was to form a vision and keep concentrating on it and at some point in the future it would manifest. You are probably thinking the same things that I did and I do not blame you. I sort of took on board the bit about thinking being in control of your feelings and emotions, but now to be told that those same thoughts could create actual things.

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This was starting to get a bit mystical for me. I then thought how can I judge all this? if I only do the bits that my previous programming allowed me to accept. This is a very common mistake, we expect things to work even though we do not do certain things because our old programming told us it was not possible. I gave myself a good talking to and said that I was going to do exactly what I was told regardless of what I thought.


If I can offer any advice at this point, it is to not try and work out what happens or use your knowledge to ‘cherry pick’ the bits that you sort of believe. Just relax and believe that all the advice you are going to get has been tested by a total cynic, ME. I also made a promise that I would not tell any lies or embellish any happenings. OK let’s get on with how we can programme our mind to make all these things happen.

Firstly you must accept that what you know has got you to here, therefore anything that can move you on from this point, is a bonus. The facts you are about to learn will move you onto a totally new existence. Most of what we want in life is really a big jumble, we think of something that we want, and then we tell ourselves why we cannot have it. Now remember the power is there to give you exactly what you want.

The problem is that our mind has been programmed over a period of many years by people who have not been privy to this amazing information, and they really are convinced that what they have taught you is true. How then can your mind be ready to take advantage of all that is on offer? You may have heard such expressions as “The filthy rich” or “The smell of money” and many other such sayings that put a bad smell on anything to do with wealth.

Let me tell you, life is much easier and a lot more fun, if you have access to money. Many people think that you cannot combine spirituality and wealth, once again bad programming. The reason that we are taught all these things is to protect us from apparent failure.

We can justify us not attempting to obtain wealth and that is what happens when you first try and put a vision together for your future. We visualise a lovely house, a new car and lots of other things that up until now we have only dreamed of and suddenly someone tells us if you can focus on it and BELIEVE that you can have it, YOU CAN. Is it any wonder that our past programming buts in and says, “Don’t be silly, how can you get that? you are just Joe Bloggs why would think that you could obtain such things?

My battle cry now is WHY NOT.

One thing I have learnt is that your thoughts are so powerful that they actually control your entire life. I have got to the point now that when I idly think something that I do not want to happen, I immediately change my thoughts back to positive happy thoughts. While you are trying to get your vision together start noticing the things that you think of, actually happening. My wife and I walk each morning and a few days ago there were some trees overhanging the path, we both said it’s about time the council trimmed those trees, lo and behold, the next day they had been trimmed.

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Yes everything is in perfect order. It is also worth just thinking for a while about the people who gave you your programming, the ones that said you would amount to nothing, or that money is the root of all evil etc.. Or the ones that advised you against starting your own business or told you were not the same as the rich people. In all cases you will find that these people have proved their prophesies, in their own lives, and have not achieved or created anything.

Why do we pay so much attention to people who have not done anything themselves. Does it not make sense to find people who have achieved what you want and listen to them? Most successful people are more than happy to pass on advice about how they obtained their success, the trouble is that very few people actually ask them.


Before we all get carried away, I must tell you that this is not magic, and it takes a bit of work to actually start this working for you. If anyone reading this thinks that they will get results without putting in the effort, forget it. What I will try and do is tell you about it using little anecdotes and stories that I found helped me. I have also through my coaching and mentoring worked out analogies that help to understand the bigger picture.

As I said earlier I have experienced the power at work and once you have found out how to control it, your first thoughts are you want to tell everyone about it. I can never understand why a basic form of this is not taught in schools.

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Before we start talking about what we want, we must be thankful for what we have. It is a very important part of this whole teaching to make sure that you are grateful for everything. It is even essential that we are grateful for what we are about to receive. I found it very helpful to write down my Gratitude’s every day. It is always a good idea to start by being thankful for the fabulous things that we just take for granted.

We can say thank you for the new day and all that it holds for us, we can be thankful for the sunshine, we can be thankful for our family and numerous other things. One of my clients does a daily gratitude list and sends it to her friends, she is now doing 50 ‘I am Grateful for’ a day.

Some of the ‘I am grateful for’ statements may repeat on a day to day basis, but it sure does keep you focused on the good things, when you jot them down every day. I suggest that you do not try and do too many initially, because believe it or not, it is quite difficult at first.

Eventually things start to flow and you find that you are grateful for things that you never even considered before. Try and start with 10 to 15. Being grateful is like the power cord on an electric appliance, it will not work until you supply the electricity. Gratitude it is the conduit that focuses you on the Power and gives it the energy to work on your behalf.

You must also be grateful for what you are going to receive. An added part to this section is to be grateful to people that you meet, see the difference in attitude with people when you are friendly and courteous. I very rarely meet a grumpy person now. Imagine all those people who you smile at and return the smile, are just like you used to be.

They are not really grumpy it is just that we as a society have forgotten how to interact and all the garbage they throw at you on the news is made to make you scared or suspicious. The media is actually one of the ways governments have kept part of these teachings hidden. We have been programmed to only look for, and be excited, by bad news.


Do you know the main thing that clears your mind on holiday, generally you do not watch or read the news, you do not have images in your head of young children being blown up in some remote part of the world, you do not have the government telling you of an impending rate rise, you do not hear about Mrs Smiths cat caught up a chimney and all the other irrelevant information.

Did you know that we receive and have to file in our brain approx 50.000 bits of information a day WHY do we file a good percentage of this useless information, by that I mean info that does not directly concern us, like that on the news. I assure you that if the government decreed that all males over 40 were going to be castrated, all of your acquaintances will bring it to your attention if you fell into that category.

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When I thought about this I wondered how much time I actually spent reading watching or listening to the news. I was staggered I rose early to read The Sun on the internet [how far gone was I?] then I put on the daily TODAY programme at 6am until 9am I then went to my office and bought a paper on the way, I listened to ‘talk back’ radio when I was in my car, I put on the news on at 5 pm and then kept the news channels and current affairs channels on until 8pm, this worked out to a staggering 55 hours a week.

Mind you I was a NEWSAHOLIC and I don’t really know what I was searching for. Perhaps it might be a good time for you to work out how much time you spend gathering news, remember this is time you will claw back to give you a breather. Try for one week to avoid the news, do not actively pursue it, see how you feel at the end of the week, you will notice that you have more time for your family and you will notice that little jobs get done, but most of all you will notice that you do not miss it.

Anything that enters your mind that you have no control over or is not of benefit to you, why waste time trying to file it, the best thing is ignore it, and the easiest way to ignore it, is don’t go looking for it .Please try this, I did it for a week and now I very rarely turn on the news and only sometimes read a Sunday paper, and thank God I have not read The Sun since I went news free. My life has changed so much so that I even have time to write this book. Do you know what? I don’t miss the News one bit.


? The unfortunate thing, not learning about the power early in our lives, is that many people leave searching for it until they are in a dodgy situation. Of course it still works, but like anything in life, if you are desperate it is harder to catch. Banks are very similar to life, you have to convince them that you do not need any money, before they will consider lending it to you.

That is one of the secrets about asking the power for anything.

Ask for it as something that you want, but are not desperate for. It is that relaxed state that the power really responds to. If you ask with desperation, the signal that you are sending out is desperation, and all you attract is more of the same. When you are truly convinced as to the workings of the power it is so much easier. I found in the early days that I had this little voice in the back of my mind, trying to belittle all my requests and telling me that it was all hogwash. As you can imagine I got no results at all and it was very frustrating.

This is the part that you really have to work at. If you are not totally convinced that you are going to receive what you ask for, then your thoughts of doubt actually negate the request. When I was convinced that I had a handle on the workings of the power, I wrote down my vision. At the time of writing my vision, I was not in a comfortable position. That was to say not on a day to day basis, but my pending old age looked decidedly bleak. I wrote out a vision that had me owning a portfolio of property, plenty of time to myself, travel, influential friends, a passive income and strangest of all, it had me in some way spreading this message.

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When I looked at it for the first time in many years the other day, it was scary as to how close that vision had unfolded in my life. I had created a vision of what I really wanted and thought about it so much, that day to day decisions were made in accordance with this vision, some of them subliminally. It is strange that once you are clear what you want and have locked in this information, your mind seems to guide you in the right direction.

One of the best ways to illustrate this occurred a few years ago. In line with my new way of life, that is following the guidelines of SOGR, I helped a friend by purchasing a small farm so that he could use the outbuildings for his business.

During the period that we were arranging finance, it became very disruptive to us and we considered pulling out of the deal. When we discussed it we decided that we should continue along the line of our new found beliefs, and ended up purchasing it.

The thing is, that although this became part of our property portfolio [a major part of our vision] we would never have purchased it, if we had not been trying to help someone. It was way outside our thinking. This property has now increased in value to an unbelievable price and looks like it may get passed for development, in a government rezoning paper.

This is a classic example of how your subconscious will guide you if you allow it to. I also feel that it is the Formless Wonder rewarding us for helping this person. If you know where you are going, it is impossible to take the wrong turning. You may encounter detours, but you soon get back on the right road. If you have no goals in life you will always feel confused and unfulfilled, and every road leads to be a dead end.

The thing that gives us happiness and fulfilment in life, is when we discover that we are linked to an amazing power , and that with the right actions and thought, we can actually control this power for our own benefit. Happiness is not about having or doing things, it is about being aware and knowing that you are in control.

I hope that that will give you a little taster as to what The Science of Getting Rich is all about. This book has totally changed my life and I just love sharing these teachings with anyone who wants to listen. If at all possible try and get your partner to read the book, I must admit that the experience of discovering the contents of this book with my wife, was a totally wonderful experience. Please read the foreword before reading the book as it may just give you a small AHA moment regarding the contents of the book and the power of your mind.

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PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU READ THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH If you do not truly believe that there is a power that controls everything, this book will not mean anything to you. The article that follows was written in an attempt to give some clarity to this belief. Also consider that we all thought that the world was flat until comparatively recently.

It is natural to question the information we are given regards self improvement.

We are told how to visualise and that will be your focus to make things happen.

We are told not to worry how this all works, just have faith.

We are told that we are all the same, but some people have learnt how to control the power.

We are told that in line with the law of attraction what you give so shall you receive. And so it goes on.

We are bombarded with all these things, that are in fact ALL true. The problem is that we have trouble believing it all. We seem to want to know how this all works before we allow it to work in our lives. Most of the self help lessons are based on you just letting things happen without question.

It is our nature then to say I will believe when I have proof, and this is the stumbling block for most people. You place yourself in a catch 22 situation and this is where your experience will end. I was discussing this with someone the other day and I noticed that they had their arm in a sling and that got me thinking. I said “what is up with your arm?” they replied, “I fell off my bike and cut it badly and fractured the bone” I then said “have you ever thought how your body heals itself?” and they replied “No” Have we found here a great way to link our body to the teachings of SOGR.

As an alien what would you find more difficult to believe? The fact that the human body repairs itself joining solid bone back together and joining the flesh back together so that it all functions as good as it did before, or the fact that we can communicate with a power using vibrational signals. I think at best you would put this as an even money bet.

Many people I am sure, if they really think about it would find the healing of the body much harder to believe. What would happen to our healing if we said that we did not believe that the body would mend itself, I think that the repair would be affected in some way and possibly not mend at all. This in its own way is total faith, the fact that we just accept it, is us receiving the healing, no questions asked. When we take this thought pattern further, what can we learn from a placebo? This is only someone reprogramming your mind, to get the body to do something that it normally would not do. Does this sound familiar?

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That is the whole basis of SOGR reprogramming your mind to accept things that it previously found difficult to comprehend. Do we question the Doctor as to exactly what is going to happen when we take the placebo? No we are so keen to get better that we take it on blind faith.

It is only the mind taking over and you saying to your mind this will work, that activates the body to do the necessary things to make you better. Why then do we so actively question and reject the fact that we can all have a better life just by reprogramming our minds?

If we could somehow get ourselves into the same frame of mind that we are in when the Doctor tells us what the placebo will do, how good would that be for our putting SOGR into practice. In effect just believe someone who has experienced the fantastic results you get when you fully commit.

The previous gives us so much evidence as to the power of your mind, that I find it hard to believe that some people still doubt its power. I read recently that placebo tablets had similar results to the drugs they were testing them against, in almost all cases.

The reason that the placebo works is that we BELIEVE it will work. If someone came along and convinced you that a tablet you were taking for years, all of a sudden would not work anymore, you would find that it would no longer work..

In The Science of Getting Rich, we are told to just study this book until we are able to understand and make it work for us, and then feel free to search out and study any other advice.

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A faithful translation of the Wallace Wattles classic written in 1910


A beneficiary of these teachings

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Whatever your feelings or thoughts on poverty, the bottom line is that you cannot live a complete and contented life without money. It is impossible to develop fully if you are restricted from doing or obtaining things through lack of money. A person develops fully in mind body and soul by making use of the things and situations that money can provide. The acquisition of money therefore is paramount to complete development, we can therefore conclude that the desire to obtain money is not only natural, but imperative.

The reason we are all here is to develop to the fullest extent that we are capable. It is our right to have all we desire, as this is the only way to have complete mental, spiritual and physical development. This again points to the need for money or wealth. In this book we will discuss obtaining money, as being rich does not mean being satisfied or content with having ‘just enough’ No-one should be satisfied with a little if he is capable of using and enjoying more. Life’s purpose is to advance and unfold in an unrestricted way, and everyone should have ALL they need to enjoy all the pleasures they desire from life.

To be content with anything less is wrong. It is only when you are in a position to do all you want to do, when you want to do it, that you can be considered rich. Life today has advanced to a position where even the most ordinary person requires a great amount of money in order to just exist. It is natural for everyone to want to become all they are capable of. This desire to realize our potential is human nature, we cannot help wanting to be all that we can be. Success in life is becoming all that you want to be, you can only do this by having freely available all the things that you feel you need, and once again, you will need money to enable this to happen. To understand the Science of Getting Rich is the most essential information you can obtain. There is nothing wrong in wanting to get rich.

The desire for riches is simply the desire for a fuller and more abundant life and that desire is praiseworthy. Any person who does not strive to live more abundantly is abnormal. Therefore any person who does not have the desire to create enough money to buy and do all he wants must be considered abnormal. Our lives can be divided into 3 equally important parts. That is the mind, the body and the soul. None of these parts are more important than the other. We should concentrate on equally developing all 3 parts. There is no value to developing one in preference to the other. It requires a conscious effort to ensure that a balance is maintained and if this balance is not maintained you will feel dissatisfied

A person cannot feel that they are living to their full potential without good food, comfortable clothing, a good home, and the ability to obtain money without excessive effort. Fun and games are an important part of a full life. You will need books, time to study, the pleasures of travel and the stimulation of interesting friends to fully feed your mind. To fully feed the soul you must have love in your life, and love cannot be fully expressed by poverty. The height of happiness is to be found in the giving of gifts to someone you love, loves most natural and spontaneous expression is in giving.

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The person who has nothing to give cannot fill their space as a partner, a parent, a citizen or even as a human being. It is in the use of giving and receiving of material things that you will experience a full life, develop your mind and unfold your soul. It is therefore of supreme importance for every individual to become rich.

It is perfectly right that you should desire to become rich, if you are normal you cannot help but do so. You should study The Science of Getting Rich for it is the noblest and most necessary of all studies. If you do not learn how to get rich you are denying yourself the ability to lead a full life, and you can give no greater service to humanity that to make the most of yourself.





The science of getting rich is an exact science, the same as algebra and arithmetic, there are also certain laws that govern the acquisition of riches, and once these laws are learnt and put into action you get rich with mathematical certainty.

Money and property are obtained as a direct result of doing things in a ‘certain way’, and those people who do things in this ‘certain way’ – whether knowingly or accidentally- will get rich, and those who do not do things in this ‘certain way’, no matter how hard they work or how capable they are, will remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes will always produce like effects therefore any man or woman who learns to do things in the ‘certain way’ will infallibly get rich. The following examples show the above statement to be true.

Getting rich is not a matter of environment, if it were all the people in certain neighbourhoods would become wealthy, the people of one city would all be rich and those living in other towns would all be poor. Or on a larger scale all the people in one state would be wealthy whilst those in an adjoining state would live in poverty.

The truth is we see rich and poor living side by side in the same environment and often doing the same jobs. When 2 people live in the same area and run the same business, if one gets rich and the other remains poor, it shows that getting rich is not primarily a matter of environment, but as a result of doing things in a ‘certain way’. To do things in a ‘certain way’ does not rely on any special knowledge or intelligence, and further the ability to do things in a ‘certain way’ is not due solely to the possession of talent, for many people who have great talent remain poor while others who have very little talent get rich.

If we study people who have become rich, we find that they are very average in all aspects, as they have no greater talents and abilities than other people. It is evident that they do not get rich because they possess talents and abilities that others do not have, BUT because they happen to do things in a ‘certain way’.

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Getting rich is not the result of saving or thrift. Many thrifty people are poor, while free spenders often get rich. Getting rich is not due to doing things that others fail to do, for 2 people in the same business often do exactly the same things, and one gets rich while the other remains poor or becomes bankrupt. So from all the above information, we can come to the conclusion that getting rich is the result of doing things in a ‘certain way.’

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If we therefore agree that getting rich is the result of doing things in a ‘certain way’, and like causes always produce like effects then any man or woman who can do things in that ‘certain way,’ can become rich, and the whole matter is brought within the domain of an exact science. Many people will question whether only limited people will be able to learn how to do things in a ‘certain way’.

Fortunately this cannot be true as anybody with the ability to read and understand these words can get rich. We have also discussed it is not a matter of environment. Of course, location will count for something. You would not go to the heart of a desert and expect to do successful business. Getting rich involves the necessity of dealing with people where there are people to do business with. If anybody else in your town can get rich, so can you.

It is not a matter of choosing a particular business or profession. People get rich in every business and profession whilst others in the same business or profession remain in poverty. It is always preferable to be in a business or job that you enjoy, and if you have certain abilities or talent which are well developed you would be advised to enter a job or business that utilises those talents. Also a business suited to locality must be considered, obviously, an ice cream parlour in Greenland may not be an ideal location.

Those general limitations aside, getting rich is not dependent upon getting involved in any particular business, but upon learning to do things in a ‘certain way’. If you are in business and somebody else in your locality is getting rich in the same business, and you are not, it is simply because those other people are doing things in a ‘certain way’. No-one is prevented from getting rich by lack of capital. It is true as you get capital your increase of wealth becomes easier and more rapid.

No matter how poor you may be if you begin to do things in the ‘certain way’ you will begin to amass capital. Getting capital is a major part of the process of getting rich and it will always come by doing things in the ‘certain way’. You may be the poorest person on the continent and be deeply in debt, you may not have friends, influence, or assets but if you begin to do things in the ‘certain way’ you will infallibly begin to get rich, for like causes must produce like effects.

All things start in your present business, job and location. To do things in the ’certain way’ will always ensure success and you must begin to live in harmony with the laws governing the universe.



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No one can be kept poor because there is no more money to be made. You may be restricted from engaging in certain businesses but there are always other opportunities. The areas of opportunity are always changing to suit the evolution of society. There are always plenty of opportunities available to the person who goes with the flow and does not insist on swimming against the current. Everyone has the chance to make a change, even people who are employed by small or big business. If they feel dissatisfied it is because they are not doing things in a certain way. People who are employed can start to obtain wealth at any time, they just have to start living their life ‘the certain way’.

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The science of getting rich will work for anyone at anytime, and as soon as you have faith in the contents of this book you can start to change your life. No one can be held back because others do not understand how to live in ‘the certain way’ No one is kept poor because there is a lack of anything, the universe has an abundance of everything. Every person on earth could be housed in a luxurious home, with the wealth contained in the USA alone, and if the correct methods of farming and manufacture were employed, the USA could feed and clothe the entire population on earth.

The actual physical supply of the things we need is practically inexhaustible, but the invisible available supplies are infinite. Everything that you see on earth is made from one original substance out of which all things proceed. New forms are constantly being made and others are disappearing, but all things are made from this one thing. This original substance has an unlimited supply.

The entire universe was made of it but not all was used at that time. Everything we can see, and all the spaces between any object or thing, is all one thing, and that is the original formless substance. Ten thousand times the amount of things that have been produced to date could be made and still not exhaust the supply of this universal raw material. Nature has a never ending supply of riches and this supply will never run out.

The original substance is alive with creative energy and is constantly creating new things. If the supply of building materials gets low, more will be produced. If the soil on earth got to a point that it could no longer produce food, more will be created. If all the precious metals on earth appeared to be mined and used, and humanity still had a need for these things, more would be produced. The formless substance responds to the needs and demands of nature and humanity and will not let the world be without any thing it needs.

The above is true for everyone, the human race is always abundantly rich, and if you have not got what you want from life, it is only because you are not living in ‘the certain way’ The formless stuff is a thinking stuff and is always creating and producing MORE life. It is the universes impulse to live more and grow, it also desires to learn more and extend the boundaries of knowledge so that it can express itself fully. All things that have or are to be created are made by the formless substance expressing itself.

The universe is a great living presence, always looking to create more and give everyone and everything all it desires. All things are created for the advancement of life and because of this everything that is required will be supplied in abundance. There can be no lack unless the Power wishes to nullify all it has done. You can never be kept poor because of a lack of riches. I shall explain later that the full resources of the formless substance are available to every man and woman who decides to live and act in ‘the certain way’.



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Thought is the power that can create tangible riches from the formless substance. The formless substance is a thinking substance and any thought received by the substance will be created. The original substance moves according to its thoughts; every form and process you see in nature, is the visible expression, of a thought in the original substance. As the formless stuff thinks of a form, it takes that form, likewise as it thinks of a motion it takes that motion. That is the way all things were, and are created.

Thinking of a circling system of suns and planets, it takes the form of these bodies and moves them as it thinks. Thinking of the form of a slow growing oak tree, it moves accordingly, and produces the tree, even though it may take hundreds of years for the tree to fully develop. In its creations the formless substance seems to follow established timescales.

For example the thought of an oak tree does not create an instant fully grown tree, it just starts the process along established lines of growth.

Every thought of form, held in the thinking substance, will create that form along established lines of growth. The thought of a house impressed on the formless substance, would not necessarily cause the instant creation of that house, but it would align all the creative energy that exist to start the creative process. If there were no existing channels through which the creative energy could work, then the house would be formed from the original substance, along established lines of growth. No thought or form can be impressed upon original substance without causing the creation of the form All people have the ability to think and can create mental images.

Everything that is ever made is always the result of a thought. Nothing can ever be made unless it is thought about and visualised first. To date, we have confined our work to the work of our hands, applying manual labour to create forms and also modify existing forms. We have not considered the possibility of creating forms by impressing our thoughts on the formless substance.

We have so far made little or no effort to utilise and cooperate with the formless substance. We do not believe that we can do what we see the formless wonder doing. We just continue to modify and recreate existing forms and give no attention to the possibility that we can produce things by communicating our thoughts to the formless substance. I propose to prove that any man or woman can communicate with the formless substance and will show you how. Initially we must lay down three fundamental propositions.

First we assert that there is one original formless stuff or substance, from which ALL things are made. All the seemingly many different elements are but different presentations of one element.

All the many forms found in organic or inorganic nature are but different shapes made from the same stuff. And this stuff is thinking stuff- a thought held in it produces the form of the thought. Thought, in the thinking substance, produces shapes. A human being is a thinking centre, capable of original thoughts.

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If a person can communicate his thought to the original thinking substance, he can cause the creation, or formation, of the thing he thinks about.

To summarise. There is a thinking substance from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

It may be asked if I can prove these statements, and without going into detail, I answer that I can do so, both by logic and experience. Reasoning back from the phenomena of form and thought, I come to one original thinking substance, and reasoning forward from this thinking substance, I come to a person’s power to cause the formation of the thing he thinks about. By experiment I find the reasoning to be true. Here is my strongest proof. I

f one person who reads this book gets rich by doing what it tells him to do, that is evidence in support of my claim, but if every person who does what it tells him to do gets rich – that is positive proof, until someone goes through the process and fails. The theory is true until the process fails, and this process will not fail, for everyone who does exactly what this book tells him to do will get rich. I have said that people get rich by doing things in a ‘certain way’ and in order to do so, people must become able to think in that ‘certain way’.

A person’s way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things. To do things in the way you want to do them, you will have to acquire the ability to think the way you want to think. This is the first step towards getting rich. To think what you want to think, means to think TRUTH regardless of appearance .

Every individual has the power to control what he thinks, but it requires great effort to think of the truth, rather than the thoughts suggested by appearances. To think according to appearances is easy, but to think of the truth when it is in conflict to those appearances, is difficult, and requires the expenditure of more power than any other thing when called upon to do. There is nothing that more people fail at than the sustained and consecutive thought that is contrary to appearance. Every appearance in the visible world tends to produce a corresponding thought in the mind, this can only be prevented by holding on steadfastly to the thought of truth.

To look upon the appearances of poverty will produce corresponding thoughts in your own mind, unless you hold to the truth that there is no poverty, there is only abundance. To think health when surrounded by the appearances of disease, or to think riches when in the midst of the appearance of poverty, requires power, but whoever can acquire this power becomes a mastermind.

That person can conquer fate and can have anything he wants. This power can only be acquired by accepting the basic fact which is behind all appearances, and that fact is that there is one thinking substance from which and by which all things are made. We must then accept the truth that every thought held in this substance becomes a form, and that a person can impress his thoughts upon this substance so as to take form and become visible things.

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When we acknowledge this we lose all doubts and fears, for we know that we can create whatever we want to create, we can get whatever we want, and we can become whatever we want to be. It is imperative to believe and understand the three fundamental statements given previously in this chapter in order to move on.

You must ignore all other preconceived ideas and concepts of the universe and dwell upon these statements until they become your firm belief. If a doubt comes to you regarding these statements – ignore it, do not listen, or get into arguments, where people teach or discuss contrary concepts to these beliefs. Do not read other teachings on these subjects until your belief and faith are secure.

If you get mixed up and confused at any time, all your efforts will be in vain. Do not ask at this point why these things are true, and do not try to speculate as to how they can be true. Simply take them on trust. The Science of Getting Rich begins with the absolute acceptance of these statements.



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You must get rid of any past programming that informs you that poverty is good or that living in poverty is a natural or preferable state. The intelligent substance which lives in us all is a consciously living substance. It has the natural and inherent desire that is contained in every living thing and that is the increase of life. Every living thing is continually seeking to improve and enlarge its life, because life in the mere act of living must increase itself.

A seed dropped into the ground springs into activity, and in the act of living produces 100 more seeds. Life by living multiplies itself, it is forever becoming more. No living thing can remain static, all living things must increase to realise their full potential. Our minds need to expand and grow in the same way. Every thought we think makes us think of another thought, every fact we learn leads us to learn another fact therefore our knowledge is continually increasing. We are all subject to the urge of life, that is, seeking information and expression.

This gives us the continual drive to learn more and be more. In order to know more, do more and be more we must have more. We must have things to use for we learn, do, and become only by using things. Therefore we must get rich so that we can live more. The desire for riches is simply us seeking a larger and more fulfilling life, so every desire is the action of making a possibility come true. It is just power seeking to manifest itself that causes the original desire. That which makes you want more money is the same desire that makes the plant want to grow, it is just life seeking fuller expression. The original substance contains this natural law of life. It is filled with the desire to live more, and that is why it is always creating more.

The original substance desires to live more in you, and through you, therefore it wants you to have all the things you can use. It is the desire of this controlling power that you should get rich, it wants you to get rich so that it can express itself through you, and the more you have the more you can express yourself.

The universe desires you to have everything you want: Nature is friendly to your plans Everything you desire is rightfully yours Make up your mind that this is true. It is essential however, that your purpose should be in harmony with others. Your desire must be for a total life and not just for pleasure and sensual gratification. A complete life is performing all functions equally well, that is, physical, mental and spiritual, without excess in any one.

The purpose of getting rich is not to enable you to live to excess and obtain instant gratification in a gluttonous way. That is not life. The performance of every physical function is a part of life and no-one can live completely who denies the body normal and healthy expression. You should not wish to get rich to gain knowledge just to outshine others and be famous. Although these desires are a legitimate part of life the person who lives for these pleasures alone will only live a partial life and will never feel satisfied.

You should not wish to get rich solely for the good of others, if you lose yourself in charitable and philanthropic services you will not fully experience physical, mental and spiritual life.

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Although these are commendable acts they are no more important than any other part. However, you do want to get rich in order to eat, drink and be merry. You also need to surround yourself with beautiful things, travel, study and develop your intellect and knowledge, in order that you are able to love others and do kind things. Being able to do this enables you to help others find their way.

Take note that extreme concern for others and their needs, is no better than extreme selfishness – both are mistakes. Do not consider that the universe wants you to sacrifice yourself for others to secure its favour. The universe requires nothing of the kind. What the universe wants is that you make the most of yourself, for yourself and also for others. You can help others more by making the most of yourself than in any other way.

You can make the most of yourself and help others only by getting rich, so it makes sense that your first and best thoughts should be about the acquisition of wealth. Remember that the original substance is in us all and it desires that we all make the most of our lives, you cannot however use your thoughts to deprive anyone else of anything, you must wish more to all, and less to none. In obtaining wealth you must get rid of any thought of competition, you must be creative, and not compete for anything that is already created. You do not have to take anything away from anyone You do not have to drive sharp bargains You do not have to cheat or take advantage You do not need to let anyone work for you for less than he is worth You do not have to envy others, or wish that you had their things, as no-one has anything that you cannot have, and there is no need to take their belongings away from them.

You must become a creator, not a competitor. You will get everything you want, but in such a way that everyone you deal with ends up with more. I am perfectly aware that there are people that get money acting in complete contradiction of the statements above and I will add a word of explanation here. Individuals that obtain vast wealth can sometimes do it because of their extraordinary ability to compete and not because they are acting in a ‘certain way. It is as well to note that these people have never been really rich and a look into their private lives will show that they have not lived a complete and fulfilling life. Riches secured on the competitive plane are never satisfactory and permanent.

They are yours today and another’s tomorrow. Remember if you are to become rich in the scientific and ‘certain way’; you must be entirely above competitive thought. You must never think for a moment that the supply of money is limited, because just as soon as you begin to think that no money is available and is in the hands of others, you will get into competitive mind and the power that causes the creation of money will desert you for the time being. Even worse, you will possibly stop all the creative movements that you had already started. KNOW that there are millions of dollars worth of gold yet to be mined and if there were not, the thinking substance would create more to supply your need.

KNOW that the money you need will come, even if it is necessary for a thousand men to be led to the discovery of new gold mines tomorrow. Never look at the visible supply, look always at the limitless riches in formless substance, and know that they are coming to you as fast as you can receive and use them. Nobody by obtaining all the visible supply can prevent you from getting what is yours.

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Never allow yourself to think that all the best building spots will be taken before you build your house. Never worry about big industry and banks having all the money. Never think you will not get what you want because someone beats you to it. This cannot possible happen. You are not seeking anything that is owned by anybody else.

You are creating what you want from formless substance and that supply is without end. Remember the statement: There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.





It states in an earlier chapter that you do not have to drive sharp bargains this does not mean that you do not have to drive any bargains at all, or you do not need to have any dealings with others. It means that you do not need to deal with anyone unfairly. You do not have to get something for nothing, but can give every person more than you take from them. You cannot give anyone more in cash than the market value that you take from him, but you can give him more in use value than the cash you take from him.

The paper, ink, and other material in this book may not be worth the money you have paid for it, but if the information and knowledge contained in it bring you thousands of dollars, the person who sold it to you has not wronged you.. they have, in fact, given you a great use value for a small cash value.

Let us suppose that I own a picture by a great artist, which in a developed society is worth thousands of dollars, I then take it to a remote place and by salesmanship coerce a native to give me a bundle of fur worth $500 for it. I have, in fact, wronged him because he has no use for the picture. It has no use value to him and therefore will not aid or assist him in any way. Suppose then, that I trade him a gun worth only $50.00 for his $500.00 bundle of fur, he has then received a good trade, because the gun will get him many more furs and plenty of food, it will add to his life in every way. It will also help him to become rich.

Once you understand these principles and you go from the competitive to the creative plain you will be able to look at your business in a different way, if you are selling anything to any person which does not add more to his life than what he gives you in exchange you can afford to stop it. You do not have to beat anybody in business, and if you are in a business that requires that you do, get out immediately.

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Let us again emphasise, give everyone more in use value than you take from them in cash value, you are then adding to the life of the world with every business transaction you do. Organise your business with the culture that enables every employee to advance a little every day. You can make your business do for your employees what this book will do for you.

You can organise your business so that it is a ladder by which every employee, who wishes to, can obtain riches themselves. If given the opportunity they do not take advantage of the situation, it is not your fault. Finally, do not expect the universe to create your desires immediately. If you want a laptop computer for instance, just by forming the thought of the laptop computer it will not immediately be formed in the room that you sit, or anywhere else. BUT if you really desire the computer, hold the mental image of it with the utmost certainty that it is on its way to you.

After forming the thought you must have the absolute and unquestioning faith that it is on its way to you. From this point on never think of it, or speak of it in any other way than it is sure to arrive. Think of it as already yours. It will be brought to you by the powers of the supreme intelligence and it is not your job to work out how. You can rest assured that however it arrives it will be to every persons advantage.

Remember that the thinking substance creates, and is creating all that is made. The desire of the thinking substance for a fuller life and better living has caused the manufacture and creation of all the computers in existence, and it can cause and create millions more whenever people set in motion by desire, faith and acting in the ‘certain way’ a request for more. You can have anything that you want, or need to use in the advancement of your own life and the lives of others. Do not be afraid to ask largely.

The universe wishes you to have everything you desire. The original substance wants to live full through you and wants you to have all that you can use, or will use for the living of a most abundant life. When you acknowledge that your desires are actually ‘as one’ with the universe your faith will become invincible. Once I saw a young boy sitting at a piano vainly trying to play a tune, and I could see that he was upset with his inability to play real music. I asked him why he was so upset and he answered “ I can feel the music in me, but I can’t make may hands go right”.

The music in him was the presence of original substance that contains all the possibilities of our potential, therefore the music was original substance seeking expression through the child. The original substance is trying to live and do things through us. It is saying I want hands to build wonderful structures, to play beautiful music and to paint glorious pictures. I want eyes to see all the beauty in the universe that I have created. I need tongues to tell the wonderful stories and to sing the marvellous songs.

All that is possible is seeking expression through us. The universe wants those who can play music to have every instrument that they desire and also have the means to cultivate their talents to their fullest extent. It wants those that can appreciate beauty to surround themselves with beautiful things. It wants those who wish to improve their knowledge to have every opportunity to travel and observe different cultures. It wants those who appreciate quality clothing to be beautifully dressed and those who appreciate good food to be luxuriously fed. The universe wants all these things because it enjoys and appreciates them they are after all its creation.

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It is the universe that wants to play, sing and enjoy beauty. It is the universe that wants to proclaim truth, wear fine clothes and eat good foods. It is the original substance that is in you seeking expression. The desire you feel for riches is the original substance seeking to express itself through you, the same way it sought to find expression in the little boy at the piano. So once again, do not be afraid to ask largely.

Your part is only to focus on, and express your desire onto the formless substance. This is a stumbling block for many people, because they retain the old idea that poverty and self-sacrifice are pleasing to the universe. They look upon poverty as part of an overall plan a necessity of nature.

They have the mistaken idea that the universe has finished creating and that all that can be made has been made and they feel that people must remain poor because there is not enough to go round. They convince themselves that this is true and they feel ashamed to ask for wealth, they believe that if they just live modestly everything will be OK They are living in the mistaken knowledge that somehow this is what the universe wants from them. I recall the case of someone I was helping and told him that he must get a clear picture of what he desired so that it could be impressed on the original substance.

He was a poor man and lived in rented accommodation, living from day to day and he could not grasp the fact that all wealth was his. After thinking the matter over he simply asked for a new rug and a gas heater, to heat his house during the cold weather. By following the instructions given in this book he obtained these things in a few short months.

It suddenly dawned on him that he had not asked for enough. He then went through the house again and planned all the improvements he had wished he had asked for originally. He mentally added improvements in each room until they became clear in his mind and was, in fact, his ideal home. He then mentally visualised and planned the furnishings.

Holding the whole picture in his mind he began living in the ‘certain way’ and began moving towards what he truly desired. He now owns the house and is rebuilding it exactly as he visualised it. Now he knows how things work and has great faith, he is moving on to bigger and better things.

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The examples and information given in previous chapters have illustrated that the first step towards getting rich is to convey the ideas of your wants to the formless substance. You will also note that it is important that you feel as one with the formless substance. To ensure that we realise the importance of this harmonious relationship with the formless substance, I am going to spend time and give you advice and instruction that will enable you to become in perfect unity with the universe.

The whole process of mental adjustment and atonement can be summed up in one word GRATITUDE.

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First you believe that there is but one intelligent substance, from which all things move forward. Secondly, you believe that this substance gives you everything you desire and thirdly you connect yourself to it by a feeling of deep and profound gratitude.

Many people who believe they are living their lives correctly are kept in poverty because of their lack of gratitude. Having received one gift from the formless substance they cut the wires that connect to it by not making any further grateful acknowledgments.

It is easy to understand that the nearer we live to the source of wealth, the more wealth we shall receive, and it is also easy to understand that the person who is grateful for the gifts given by the universe will be in closer touch than those that show no thanks. It is important to remember that when good things are happening we continue to show gratitude and that will make more good things come to us.

By continuously being grateful we stay in touch with the formless substance, from where all good things originate.

If it is a new thought to you that gratitude brings your whole mind into closer harmony with the creative energies of the universe, consider it well, and you will see that it is true. The good things that you have already received have come to you because of the gratitude you have already shown. Gratitude will keep you focused and in touch with the formless substance and it will keep you in close harmony with your creative thoughts, thus preventing you from having competitive thoughts.

It is gratitude that keeps you focused on prosperity and prevents you from falling into the trap of thinking that supply is limited. To think this would be fatal to the realisation of your desires. There is a law of gratitude, and it is imperative that you observe this law if you are to get the results that you desire or seek.

The law of gratitude is the natural principle that action and reaction are always equal and in opposite directions. The action of being grateful causes a message to be sent to the formless substance and it cannot fail to reach its destination as explained earlier. The reaction from the formless substance is an instant movement towards you.

Be close to the universe in mind and spirit and the universe will be close to you. If you are continuously grateful to the formless substance it will ensure that the things you want will always be moving towards you. Remember that it is gratitude that keeps you connected to the power.

Do not just be grateful when it appears things are going well, you must also be grateful when things appear to be going wrong. You must not permit your mind to be dissatisfied if things appear to be going wrong, as you will lose ground. If you fix your attention on poverty, fear, meanness and hopelessness etc., you will transmit these images to the formless substance and they will be brought back to you.

If you permit your mind to dwell on inferior things, you will become inferior and you will surround yourself with inferior things. On the other hand if you fix your attention on the best you will surround yourself with the best and therefore become the best.

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The creative power within us makes us into the image of that to which we give our attention.

The formless substance always takes the form of that which we think about. A grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best and therefore becomes the best. It is focused on the best and will receive the best.

Faith is born of gratitude the grateful mind continually expects good things and expectations become faith. The reaction of gratitude upon one’s own mind produces faith, and every outgoing wave of grateful thanksgiving increases your faith.

The person who has no feeling of gratitude cannot retain faith and without faith you cannot get rich by the creative method, as we shall see in the following chapters. It is necessary to make a habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and give thanks continuously. Because all things contribute to your advancement you should consider all things in your gratitude.

You will always receive according to your faith Do not waste time thinking or talking about the shortcomings or wrong actions of those in power. Their organisation of the world has created your opportunities all you get comes to you because of them. Do not condemn politicians, if it were not for politicians we would fall into anarchy and your opportunities would be greatly reduced. The universe has worked long and patiently to bring us to where we are in industry and government and it is continuing to do this work..

There is no doubt that eventually we will be able to do away with politicians, banks, wealthy industrialists and the like. But, in the meantime they are all very necessary. Remember they are all helping to arrange the lines of transmission along which your riches will come to you, be grateful. If you do this it will create harmonious relations with the good in everything. Therefore the good in everything will move toward you.



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Turn back to chapter 6 and read again the story of the man who formed the mental image of his house and you will get a fair idea of the initial step toward getting rich. You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want.

You cannot transmit an idea unless you have it yourself. You must have a clear mental image before you can send it, many people fail to impress their thoughts on the thinking substance, because they only have a very vague and cloudy idea of what they actually want to do, to have or become. It is not enough that you should have just a general desire for wealth to do good with. Everybody has that desire.

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It is also not enough that you should wish to travel, see things, live more etc., once again everybody has those desires. If you were going to send an email to a friend you would not just send the letters of the alphabet and hope he could construct your message for himself, nor could you just send random words. You would need to send a coherent sentence, one that could be understood and mean something.

When you try and impress your wants remember, that it must be done by a very clear and coherent statement. You must know what you want and be specific and definite. You will never get rich, or even start the creative process by sending your unformed longings and vague desires. Go over your desires Just as the man with the house did.

See exactly what you want and get a clear mental picture of it as it will look when you receive it. The clear mental image must be continually in your mind. As the sailor has in mind the port toward which he is sailing, you must keep facing toward the port at all times. You must no more lose sight of your vision that the helmsman loses sight of the compass. It is not necessary to take exercises in concentration, or to set apart special times for prayers or affirmations.

There is no need to do anything special. Some of these things are alright, but all you need to do is know that what you want is a true desire so that it will automatically stay in your thoughts. Spend as much of your leisure time as you can contemplating your mental image. No-one will need help in concentrating their mind on a thing that they really want.

It is only things that you do not really care about that will require effort to focus on. Unless your desire to become rich is really strong and you have a purpose that holds you as the needle is held on a compass, it will hardly be worthwhile for you to try and carry out the instructions given in this book. The information given in this book is aimed at people whose desire for riches is strong enough to overcome mental laziness and who are prepared to put in the effort required to make this information work.

The clearer and more definite you make your mental image and the more you think about it imagining all the delightful details, the stronger your desire will be. The stronger your desire the easier it will be to keep the mental image firmly fixed in your mind. Something more is necessary however, than merely to see this clear image. If that is all you do, you are just a dreamer and that will have little or no power to create any result.

Behind your clear mental image must be the purpose to realise it and to bring it forward as if into reality. Behind this purpose there must be an unwavering faith that the thing is already yours, and is at hand, you only have to take possession of it. Live in your new house mentally, until it takes form around you physically. In your thoughts have full use and enjoyment of the things you image.

Whatever things are in your clear mental image, believe that they are yours, and they will be You should imagine that the things you desire are around you all the time, see yourself as owning and using them, use them in your imagination exactly as you will use them when they become yours. Dwell on your mental picture until it is so clear it appears real, then take mental ownership of everything in the picture.

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Take possession of it in your mind and have full faith that it is actually yours, hold on to this mental ownership, and do not doubt for one second or lose faith in the fact that it is real. As was stated in the previous chapter on gratitude you must be as thankful for these things all the time you are waiting for them, as you will be when they arrive.

The person who can sincerely thank the universe for the things he only owns in his imagination, has real faith, and he will get rich, he will cause the creation of whatever he wants. You do not need to ask repeatedly for the things you want, it is not necessary to tell the universe about it every day.

Your job is to think about the things you require and desire to make for a better life, you then have to arrange these thoughts into a clear and consistent image and then impress this image upon the formless substance, which has the power and desire to bring you all you want.

You do not make this image by repeating strings of words, you make it by holding the vision with unshakeable purpose to attain it, and with steadfast faith that you will receive it. You cannot impress the universe by having a special day set apart to tell it what you want, and then forgetting and not acknowledging it during the week.

You cannot let the universe know what you want if you just involve it at regular times during the day and then ignoring it until that time comes again. Affirmations are OK and the beneficial effects are useful for you to clarify your vision and strengthen your faith, it is not the oral petitions that get you what you want.

In order to get what you desire you do not need set times for prayer, you need to pray without ceasing, and by prayer I mean holding steadily to your vision with the purpose to cause its creation into solid form and the faith that it will happen.

Once you have clearly formed your vision the whole matter turns on receiving. When you have clearly formed your vision you can make an oral statement showing gratitude to the power. From that moment on you must have faith that you will receive what you have asked for. Live in the new house, wear designer clothes, ride in the new car, travel extensively and confidently plan for even greater things.

Think and speak of all the things you have asked for as if you actually own them. Imagine in real terms both financially and materially and live in that environment until the things take physical shape. Do not do this merely as a dreamer or castle builder. Hold onto the faith that all will be realised and keep your purpose to realise it.

Remember that it is the faith and purpose that will make the difference between the scientist and the dreamer. It is here that you must learn the proper use of the will.



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To set about getting rich in a scientific way, you do not try and apply your willpower to anything outside yourself. You have no right to do so anyway, it is wrong to apply your will on others, in order to get them to do what you wish to be done. It is as wrong to pressurise people by mental power as it is by physical power.

If you force people with physical force, to do your bidding, that makes them your slave, if forcing them with mental power accomplishes the same result, then the only difference is the method. Therefore if taking things from people by physical force is robbery, then taking things from them with mental force, is robbery also. The principles are exactly the same. You must not attempt to use your willpower on others, even if you think it is for their own good, you do not know what is for their good.

The science of getting rich does not require that you apply force or power onto anyone. There is absolutely no need to do so, in fact any attempt by you to do so, could serve to defeat your own purpose. You do not need to use your will to force things to come to you, that would simply be trying to do the formless substances work for it, and that would be foolish and useless. You do not need to force the universe to do anything, any more than you have to assist it to make the sunrise, or the stars shine.

You do not need to use your will to conquer the universe , or to solve international disputes, the formless substance is your friend and is more eager to give you what you want, than you are to get it. In order to get rich, you must only use your willpower on yourself. When you know exactly what you want, you must then use your will power to force you to stay on track. That is the true use of your willpower, in getting what you desire, keeping you focused. Use your will to keep you thinking and acting in the certain way.

Do not try to project your will, your thoughts, or your mind out into space to control anything or anyone. Keep your mind at home, it can accomplish more there than anywhere else. Use your mind to create a clear mental image of what you desire and to hold that vision with the utmost faith and purpose and use your willpower to keep your mind focused. The more steady and continuous your faith and purpose, the quicker you will become rich, because you will be making only positive impressions on the formless substance, and they will not be cancelled by any negative impressions. The image that you have created of your desires, must be held with faith and purpose, it will then be taken up by the formless substance, and permeated to great distances, throughout the entire universe for all we know. As this impression spreads, everything is set into action to cause its realization.

Every living thing, every inanimate thing, even things that are not yet created are involved in bringing you what you desire. All force is moved towards you and all things begin to move towards you. The minds of people everywhere will be influenced toward doing the things necessary to fulfilling your desires, and they will do this unconsciously. Be careful, because you can cancel all this creative process, simply by impressing a negative thought on the formless substance.

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Doubt and disbelief are as certain to stop the process as faith and purpose are to continuing it. It is in not understanding this principle that causes most people to fail. Every hour and moment that you have doubts or fears and all the time you spend worrying or disbelieving will stop the creative process. All promises are made to the believers and to them alone. . As belief is all important, it is necessary that you guard your thoughts.

As your beliefs and vision are created to a great extent by the things you see, do and think, it is important that you should be aware of what you pay attention to. This is where willpower will assist you in determining what to pay attention to. If you want to become rich, you must not study poverty.

Things are not manifested by thinking about their opposite. Health can never be obtained by studying disease and thinking about disease, a moral life can never be promoted by studying sin and thinking about sin, and no one ever got rich by studying poverty and thinking about poverty.

So medicine as a science of disease has increased disease, religion as the study of sin, has promoted sin and economics as a study of poverty has filled the world with misery and want. Do not talk about poverty, do not investigate it, or concern yourself with it. Never mind what its causes are, you have nothing to do with them.

The only concern that you have are for the cure. Do not spend your time in so called charity work or movements, most charity only tends to continue that misery it aims to solve. I do not advocate that you should be hard hearted or unkind and refuse to hear the cry of the needy, but you must not try to solve poverty in any of the conventional ways. Put all thoughts, and anything pertaining to poverty, behind you, and get rich.

Getting rich is the best way you can help the poor. It is impossible to hold on to your vision of wealth if you fill your mind with pictures of poverty and all its problems. Do not read books or papers that give detailed and specific accounts of the misery found in slums or ghettos, or the horrors of child labour etc.

Do not read anything that can fill your mind with gloomy images of want and suffering. You cannot help the poor at all by knowing about these things, and the widespread knowledge of them does nothing to assist solving poverty. The best way to solve poverty is not by creating pictures of poverty in your mind, but to get pictures of wealth abundance and hope into the minds of the poor. You are not deserting the poor when you refuse to allow your mind to be filled with pictures of misery.

Poverty will be solved, not by increasing the number of rich people who think about poverty, but by increasing the number of poor people who will think with purpose and faith to get rich. The poor do not need charity, they need inspiration. Charities only send them food that keeps them alive in their misery or organises a concert or some form of entertainment that will hopefully help them forget for maybe an hour or two.

However, if we can encourage them and give them hope they will be able to help themselves. If you really want to help the poor, tell them that they can become rich, and prove this by getting rich yourself.

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The only way in which we can put an end to poverty, is to get a large and increasing number of people to practise the teachings of this book.. Remember people must be taught to become rich by creation, not by competition.

A person who becomes rich by competition knocks down the ladder that helped him get there and stops others following, but every person who becomes rich by creation opens the way for thousands to follow and inspires them to do so.

You are not showing indifference or being unfeeling when you refuse to take on the culture of poverty. You must use all your willpower to keep your mind off this subject and to keep it fixed with faith and purpose on the vision you have created.





You cannot retain a true and clear vision of wealth, if you are constantly turning your attention to opposing pictures, whether they be external or imaginary. If you have had financial problems in the past, do not discuss them or think about them. Do not discuss any hardships in your early life or relay the poverty of your parents. To do any of these things will mentally class them with the poor at that moment and it will certainly stop the movement of things in your direction.

Therefore, you must put all things appertaining to poverty completely behind you. You have accepted a certain theory of the Universe as being correct, all your hopes and desires of happiness are dependent on this being correct. What can you gain by not believing this theory. Do not read books that peddle doom and gloom, do not read the writings of theorists and philosophers who say that the world is going to ruin. The world is not going to ruin, it is in fine shape and will continue to stay that way.

There may be many things at this moment which appear wrong or disagreeable but why study them when they are only temporary, and the study of them will only slow their passing and keep them with us. Why give time and attention to things that which will eventually pass with evolution, only pay attention to the parts where you can assist. No matter how terrible conditions may appear in certain places or countries, you waste your time thinking about them. and it will negatively affect your vision.

You should only interest yourself in the world becoming rich. Think of the riches the world is coming into, instead of the poverty it is growing out of, and the only way you can assist the world to grow rich is by getting rich yourself through the creative and not the competitive method. Give all your attention to wealth, do not focus on poverty. Whenever you think or speak of those who are poor, think and speak of them as those who are becoming rich, they should be congratulated not pitied.

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This will then give them inspiration to begin their search for a way out of their situation. Because I tell you to spend your time with thoughts of riches, you must not become mean or miserly. To become really rich is the highest aim you can have in life for it includes everything else. On the competitive plane , the struggle to get rich is a ‘dog eat dog’ affair trying to get power over others, but on the creative plane however we can be calm and relaxed and in fact help others.

All that is possible , and all that is needed to live a great and fulfilling life, comes by way of getting rich., because everything is made possible by the use of things. You can aim at nothing so great or morally rewarding, as to become rich, you must maintain your mental image of wealth and not allow anyone or anything obscure your vision.

Some people remain in poverty because they do not realise that they can become rich, and these people can be shown that wealth is available to everyone, by you showing them your own results. Other people remain poor because although they realise that there is a way to get rich, they are not prepared to put in the effort or the study required to attain it.

The way to help these people is to show them how happy life is when you obtain wealth correctly. Another group of people have some concept of the science required to get rich, but they bog themselves down in a maze of information, taking a bit from everything they read and try to make it work. They try a mixture of all systems and end up failing in all. Help these people by showing them your results and how these teachings are improving your life. An ounce of doing is worth a pound of theorising.

The very best thing you can do to help the world, is to make the best of yourself. You can help the universe and humanity, in no better way than to become rich by using the creative method, not the competitive one. We know that this book contains all the principles and details appertaining to the science of getting rich, and if that is true, you have no need to read or study any other system. This may initially sound a bit narrow minded and egotistical but think of this; The four major parts in mathematics are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and they will provide all the answers. There is also only one shortest distance between two points.

There is only one way to think scientifically, and that is to find the way that leads to the goal, in the most direct and simple route. No one has devised or formulated, a quicker or more direct system to get rich, than the one contained in this book. It has been stripped of all non essential information. We advise that you do not try and study these teachings in connection with any others, lay them aside for now.

Read this book every day, keep it with you. Learn the contents by heart and do not try and study or theorise on other systems. If you do it will confuse you and may give you doubts, this may cause you to have failures. When you have mastered this system and proved that it works, study as many alternative systems as you please.

Try and limit your intake of bad news, try and search for news that is in line with your vision. Do not experiment with the spirits of the dead or try and involve yourself in any form of occultism. Perhaps the spirits of the dead do live on and can be contacted, but if they do, leave them alone and mind your own business.

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Wherever the spirits of the dead live, they will have their own work to do and we have no right to interfere with them. We cannot help them and it is doubtful whether they can help us.

It is not right for us take up their time even if they can. Let the dead and the spirits rest in peace and just concern yourself with your own work of becoming rich. If you start to experiment with these things it will create confusion in your mind and will definitely interfere and possible cancel out all your efforts to date.

We can now update our statement;

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which in its original state permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created. In order to do this, a person must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; he must form a clear mental picture of the things he wants, and hold this picture in his thoughts with the fixed purpose to get what he wants, and the unwavering faith that he will get what he wants, closing his mind against all that may tend to shake his purpose, dim his vision or quench his faith.

And in addition to this we now realise that we must live and act in a certain way





Thought is the driving force that fuels the creative power. Thinking in a certain way will bring riches to you, but you must not rely on thoughts alone, you must put in some personal action. That is the downfall of many people who study these teachings, they neglect to connect their thoughts with personal action.

We have not yet reached the stage in our development, presupposing that one exists, where we can create directly from formless substance without nature’s involvement and the work of human hands. You must not only think, but you must act to assist your thoughts. It is possible to move the gold in the mountains and under the ground towards you, but it cannot mine itself, refine itself and cast itself into gold coins and come rolling along the road and jump into your pocket.

Under the forceful power of the universe, peoples affairs will be organised so that someone will go and mine the gold. Other business transactions will directed so that the gold will move toward you. It is your job to make sure that you are ready to receive it when it arrives. Your thoughts make all things, animate and inanimate, work to bring you what you want, but your personal actions must be aligned so that you can be ready to receive it when it arrives.

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You must not receive it as charity, and you must not steal it. You must give everyone more in use value, than he gives you in cash value. The scientific use of thought consists of forming a clear mental vision of what you desire, then holding onto that vision with a steadfast purpose and having absolute faith that you will get what you want.

Do not try and project your thought in any occult or mystical way, to try and have it do things for you. That is wasted effort and will dilute your ability to think normally. The action of thought in ‘getting rich’ is fully explained in the previous chapters. Your faith and purpose positively impress your vision on the formless substance, it has the same desire for more life that you have.

When this vision is received by the formless substance, it sets all the creative forces to work through their regular channels of action, with all this action directed toward you. It is not up to you to control or guide the creative process.

All you have to do is to retain your clear vision, stick to your purpose and maintain your faith and gratitude, but you must at all times act in the ‘certain way’ so that you can recognise what is yours when it arrives, and be able to place everything in position according to your vision. When things arrive they will be in the hands of others, and they will ask an equivalent value for them. You can only get what is yours by giving the other person what is rightfully his.

Your wallet will not be transformed into a Fortunatas’s purse which will be automatically full of money without effort on your part. Here then we have the crucial point in The Science of Getting Rich, where thoughts and personal action must be combined. There are many people who knowingly or unknowingly set the creative forces in action by the strength and persistence of their desires, but who remain poor because they do not provide to receive the thing when it comes. By thought, the thing you want is brought to you, by action, you receive it.

Whatever action you take it is obvious that you must act now. You cannot act in the past and it is essential for clarity of your mental vision that you forget the past completely. You cannot act in the future, for the future is not here yet, and you cannot tell how you will react to any future situation until that situation has arrived.

If you are not in the right business or the right environment now, do not think that you need to postpone any action until you get into the right business or environment. Do not spend time now thinking about how to solve future problems, have faith to solve every problem or emergency when it arrives. If you act in the present but with your mind on the future, your present action will be unsure and will not be effective.

Concentrate your whole mind on your present actions. Do not send your creative thoughts to the original substance, and then sit down and wait for results. If you do, you will never get them. ACT NOW. There is never any time but NOW and there never will be any time but NOW,

Therefore if you wish to begin to get ready to receive what you want, you must begin NOW. Do not wait to take action, whatever business or employment you are in you can involve the people and things in your present environment. You cannot act where you are not, you cannot act where you have been and you cannot act where you are going to be.

You can only act where you are.

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Do not worry whether yesterdays work was done well, just do today’s work well. Do not try to do tomorrows work now there will be plenty of time to do that when tomorrow comes. Do not try, by occult or mystical means to control people or things that are out of your reach. Do not wait for a change of environment before you act. Get a change of environment by action.

You can act upon the environment that you are in now so that you will be transferred to a better environment. Hold with faith and purpose the vision of yourself in that better environment, but act in your present environment with all your heart and all your strength and all your mind.

Do not spend any time daydreaming or castle building, hold firmly onto the vision of what you want and act NOW. Do not try and find some strange or unusual action to perform as a first step towards getting rich. It is probable that your actions, at least for some time to come, will be the same as the ones you have been performing up to now.

You must now begin to perform these actions in the ‘certain way’ and that will surely make you rich. If you feel that you are in the wrong job or have the wrong business, do not wait until things change before you begin to act. Do not feel discouraged or worry because you think you are in the wrong place.

No one is ever where he cannot find the right place and no one is so entrenched in the wrong business that he cannot get into the right business. Create the vision of yourself in the right business with the knowledge that with faith and purpose you will get there, but act in the ‘certain way’ in your present business.

Use both your present business and your environment as a means to getting in to a better one. Your vision will cause the formless substance to move the right business towards you and your actions, if performed in the ‘certain way’ will cause you to move towards the business. If you are an employee and you feel that you must change places in order to get what you want, do not just project your thoughts into space and rely upon that to get you another job, it will fail to do so.

Hold the vision of yourself in the job you want while you act with faith and purpose in the job you have, this will certainly get you the job you want. Your vision and faith will set the creative force in motion to bring the job towards you, and your action will cause the forces in your existing environment to move you toward the place you want to be.

In closing this chapter we will add another statement.

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created. In order to do this, a person must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; he must form a clear mental picture of the things he wants, and hold this picture in his thoughts with the fixed purpose to get what he wants, and the unwavering faith that he will get what he wants, closing his mind against all that may tend to shake his purpose, dim his vision or quench his faith. So that he may receive what he wants when it comes, a person must act now upon the people and things in his present environment.

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You must use your thought as instructed in previous chapters, and do all you can NOW. You can only advance if you do all you can where you are, and if you do not do all you can where you are, you cannot possibly move forward. The world is advanced by all the people who do more than is expected of them where they are now. If you do not do all you can, you will standstill or go backwards.

Anyone who does not do all he can and therefore fill his present place, becomes a burden on society, industry, government and commerce. They have to be carried along by others at great expense. The world is slowed by those people who do not do all they can to fill their present place, they are not good for society and are from a bygone era.

No society could advance and grow, if everyone failed to fill their space. Social growth and evolution is guided by the law of physical and mental evolution. In the animal world, evolution is caused by excess of life. When an organism has more life and ability than can be expressed in its present environment, it develops the organs of a higher species and a new species is originated.

No new species would ever be created if the organisms had not more than filled their present place. This same law applies to you, your ability to get rich depends upon you applying this principle to your own affairs. Every day is either a successful day or a failure, it is the successful days that get you to where you want to be. If every day were a failure you would never get rich, however, if every day is a success, you cannot fail to get rich.

If you do not do something today that should be done, you have failed regarding that thing, and the consequences could be more disastrous than you can imagine. You cannot foresee or predict the results of even the most trivial act. You do not know what is going on to create things on your behalf. It could be the simplest act that opens the door of opportunity and possibility.

You can never know everything that the formless substance is arranging for you, therefore your neglect or failure to even the tiniest thing could cause a long delay in getting what you want. Do every day all that can be done that day. We must however qualify that statement and you must take the following into account.

Do not overwork, or rush blindly into a task in the effort to do the greatest possible number of things in the shortest possible time. You must not try to do tomorrows work today, or even try and do a week’s work in one day. It is not really the number of things that you do, but the efficiency of each action that counts. Every action is either a success or a failure.

Therefore every act is either effective and efficient or ineffective and inefficient. Every inefficient act is a failure therefore, if you spend your life doing inefficient acts, your life will be a failure. It follows then that the more things you do inefficiently the worse your life will be. On the other hand, every efficient act is in itself a success therefore if you conduct your life in an efficient manner, your whole life will be a success. Failure is caused by doing too many things in an inefficient manner, and not enough in an efficient way. It is therefore concluded that if you do not do any inefficient acts, and you do as many efficient acts as possible, you will become rich.

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You must ensure that each act you perform is an efficient one, this will then bring the getting of riches into an exact science, no different to mathematics. You may ask yourself whether you can make each separate act a success, the answer is yes, because you will concentrate all power on doing them, and all power cannot fail. Power is at your service, and to ensure each act is a success, you only have to put power into it.

Every action is either weak or strong, when every action you perform is strong, you are acting in the certain way, and you cannot fail to become rich. You can make every action strong and efficient, by holding onto your vision and putting all your power into it with faith and purpose. It is at this point that the people who separate mental power from physical action fail. They use the power of their mind at one time and they act in a different way at another time, therefore their acts are not successful. If all power, mental and physical, goes into every act however mundane, every act will be a success.

It is natural that every success will open the door to more success, this then takes you closer to your vision and brings the things you want closer to you, and in the process accelerates any results. Remember that successful action is cumulative in its results. The desire for more life is inherent in all living things, so when a person begins to move toward a larger life, more things attach themselves to him, and the influence of his desire is multiplied.

Do all that you can do each day , and ensure that all you do is done in an efficient manner. You must hold onto your vision whilst doing each act, no matter how trivial or commonplace, although it is not necessary to see your vision in minute detail. You should spend your leisure time to fine tune your vision and to firmly fix it upon your memory. The more time you spend doing this the quicker you will see results.

By continually creating your vision, even to the smallest detail and fixing it firmly in your mind, you will transmit it to the formless substance. You will only need to refer to the vision while you are working to give you the faith and purpose that will encourage speedy results. Keep thinking of your clear mental image during your free time so that you feel you are living it and can almost touch it. You will become so enthusiastic with the thought of it, that it will send out the strongest possible message to the formless substance.

Let us again repeat our statement, but slightly change the last paragraph, to bring us the point we have now reached.

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created. In order to do this, a person must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; he must form a clear mental picture of the things he wants, and must do- with faith and purpose- all that can be done each day, doing each separate thing in an efficient manner.

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Success in any particular business is largely dependent on you possessing the abilities required in that business. If you had no musical knowledge and ability you could not succeed as a music teacher. If you had no mechanical knowledge it would be difficult to obtain success in any of the mechanical trades. Without tact and ‘people skills’ it would be difficult to succeed in any sales industry. However by having great skills and talent do not ensure that you will get rich.

There are great musicians with exceptional talent who remain poor, there are tradesmen and salesmen also with exceptional ability who also fail to get rich. In fact talent and ability alone in any given industry will not guarantee any success. The tools required are actually the power of your mind, so it is essential to have good tools, but it is also essential that you know how to use those tools.

One person can take a sharp saw, a chisel a good plane and build a beautiful piece of furniture. Another person could be given exactly the same tools and asked to produce the same piece of furniture and his attempt could be a failure, because he does not know how to use good tools in a successful way. The various powers of your mind are the tools which will enable you to become rich. So it will always be easier to succeed if you get into a business for which you are mentally equipped. Generally speaking you will do best in any business that uses your strongest ability, the one for which you have a natural aptitude or gift.

There are however limitations to this statement, as no-one should feel trapped in his present employment believing he cannot change his situation because he was born without the necessary tools. It is possible to get rich in any business. If you do not have the talent required you can develop that talent. It merely means that you will have to adjust your thinking and talents as you go along, instead of relying on any natural talent.

Once again, it will be easier for you to succeed in any business that you already have well developed talents to operate, but you can succeed in any business because you can develop any basic talent. There is no talent that you cannot develop if you desire it. It then follows, that in terms of effort, you will get rich more easily in a business for which you have natural talent. But, you will gain more satisfaction from your wealth if you have a business or job that you enjoy doing. A happy life is doing the things you want to do, and there is no real enjoyment in having to continually do something that we do not enjoy. It is always possible to do what you want to do, any desire within you to do it, is evidence that you have the power to do it, because a desire will produce the power.

The desire to play music is the power within you seeking expression and development through you. The desire to create beautiful buildings is also the power within seeking expression and development. Where there is no power, either developed. or undeveloped to do something there can never be any desire to do that thing, and where there is strong desire to do something, it is proof that the power to do it, is strong, and only requires to be developed and applied in the correct way.

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It is, of course, better to be in a business or job for which you have the best talent, but if you really desire to change your occupation, you should select that occupation as your ultimate goal. You can always do what you want to do, and you should never be in an occupation that is something you dislike, except as a way of getting to the place you want to be.

If there are things in the past that have placed you in a position or environment that you dislike, you may have to continue doing that for some time, but you can do it happy in the knowledge that it is making what you really want to do possible. If you feel that you are not in the right job or business, do not be too hasty to change your circumstances.

The best way to change any situation or environment is by gentle growth. However, there is a rider to that statement. Do not be afraid to make a radical change, if the opportunity is presented, and after careful thought and consideration, you consider it to be the right move. Never take sudden or radical action if you doubt it is the correct move. There is never any hurry on the creative plane, and there is never any lack of opportunity. When you get out of the competitive frame of mind, you will realise that you never need to act hastily, no-one else can beat you to the thing you want, as there is enough for all. If one space is taken, another better one will be opened up a little further on, there is plenty of time.

Whenever you are in doubt, wait, and fall back on the contemplation of your vision to reaffirm your faith and purpose. At all times of doubt and indecision be grateful. A short time spent going over your clear mental vision, in the knowledge that it is on its way to you, will reaffirm the image on the formless substance and that will guide you when you make your decision to act.

There is a supreme power that knows all there is to know, and you can connect with this power in faith and purpose to advance your life if you have deep gratitude towards it.

Do all that you can do in a perfect way, every day, .but do not hurry, worry or be frightened. Go as fast as you can, but never hurry.

Remember that as soon as you begin to hurry you cease to be creative and you become competitive, you drop back into your old ways. Whenever you find yourself hurrying STOP Fix your attention once again to the mental image of the things you desire and begin to give thanks that you are receiving them. The exercise of gratitude will never fail to strengthen your faith and renew your purpose.



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Whether you change your job or not, your actions for the time being must be those relevant to the business or job you are in. If your business consists of dealing with people personally, or by the written word, your main effort must be to convey to them the impression of increase.. Increase is what all of us are seeking, it is the urge of the formless substance within us seeking fuller expression.

The desire for increase is in all natural things, it is the basic impulse of the universe. All human activities are based on the desire for increase. People are seeking more food more clothes, better houses, more luxury, more beauty, more knowledge, more pleasure –

By increasing these things you are creating a fuller and more abundant life. Every living thing needs to continuously advance, where increase of life stops, dissolution and death set in at once. We instinctively know this, and therefore we are always seeking more.

This law of perpetual increase is told by Jesus in the parable of ‘The Talents’, only those who gain more retain any, from him who has not gained more shall be taken even what he had (see addendum for the story of ‘The Talents’ in plain English) It is normal for people to desire more wealth, it is not, as some people think a bad thing. It is simply the desire for a more abundant life, in other words it is an aspiration. Because this is one of nature’s deepest instincts we are all attracted to people who can enrich our lives.

By following the ‘certain way’ as described in previous chapters you will get continuous increase in your life and you will share that with everyone who you come into contact with. You become the creative centre by which increase is given to all. Convince yourself of this and assure everyone you come in contact with. No matter how small the transaction, even if it is only selling sweets to a child, put into it your thought of increase, and make sure that your customer receives this thought.

Give the impression of advancement in everything you do so that you portray the image of an advancing personality, whereby you advance everyone you deal with. You must do this even in your social life whoever you come in contact with you must give them the thought of increase. You must convey this impression by having complete faith that you are an increasing personality, and letting this faith inspire, fill and be present in everything you do.

Know that you are getting rich and in the process you will benefit everyone you come into contact with and help them also to become rich. You do not need to boast or brag about any of your successes, true faith is never boastful. Whenever you find a boastful person you find someone who is secretly doubtful and afraid. Just simply feel the faith and let is work for you in every transaction.

Let everything you do, even to the way you look, be your quiet assurance that you are getting rich. Words will not be necessary to convey your position and feelings to anyone. They will feel a sense of increase when they are in your presence and they will be attracted to you.

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You must impress the feeling on others that by associating with you they will get increase for themselves. Make sure that you give them a use value greater than the cash you take from them. Take pride in the fact that you are doing this and let everybody know about it, you will never then have a lack of customers.

People will always go where they are given value and the universe, which desires increase for us all and which knows all, will make people who have never heard of you, come to you. Your business will increase rapidly and you will be surprised at the unexpected things that will happen.

Whilst doing this opportunities will appear for you to move into a better job or business if that is your desire. During this time, you must never lose sight of the vision of what you want, or the faith and purpose that will get you there.

Let me give you here another word of caution regarding motives. Do not try and seek power over other people. The exercise of power over others always seems pleasant to the unformed or partially developed mind. The desire to rule and dominate for selfish gratification is the curse of the world.

For countless ages kings and lords have spilled blood in battle to extend their kingdom, not to seek more life for all, but to get more power for themselves. Today the main motive in business and industry is the same, men marshal their army of dollars and give little regard for their fellow man in the same mad scramble for their power over others.

Commercial kings like historical kings are inspired purely by their lust for power. Beware of the temptation to become someone who considers themselves above others, by showing off in displays of decadence.

Anyone who seeks to be better than and to control others is in the competitive mind, and the competitive mind cannot be creative. In order to get everything you want it is not necessary that you should control your fellow man.

If you do join the competition for the high places you will be conquered by fate and environment, and your getting rich becomes a matter of chance and speculation. Beware of the competitive mind no better statement was made regarding creative action than the statement made by “Golden Rule” Jones of Toledo,

“What I want for myself, I want for everybody”



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What was said in the last chapter applies to everyone whether they be a wage earner, a business owner, politician or any other occupation. No matter whether you are a Doctor, teacher or a priest, if you can give increase of life to others and make them understand this fact they will be attracted to you and you will get rich. The doctor who has a vision of himself as a great and successful healer, and works towards the realisation of this vision with faith and purpose will come into such close contact with the formless substance that he will be phenomenally successful, and patients will beat a path to his door.

No-one has a greater opportunity to utilise the teachings of this book than people engaged in medicine. It does not matter which area of medicine they belong, for the principle of healing is common to them all. The ‘advancing man’ in medicine who has a clear mental image of himself as a success and who obeys the laws of faith, purpose and gratitude will be successful in every curable case he undertakes. In religion the world is always searching for the clergyman who can teach his congregation the true science of an abundant life.

The clergyman who masters the Science of Getting Rich and teaches these principles from the pulpit, will never lack for a congregation. This is knowledge that the world needs, it will give increase of life to all, people will be attracted to the teachings and give thanks and support to the person that brings it to them.

What is needed now is for people who have experienced the results of ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ to go out and share their findings with others. If a person can make himself rich, healthy and loved through these teachings he will find many people willing to listen. It would be impossible to pass on this knowledge, if you had not experienced the power and results personally. A teacher who can inspire children with the faith and purpose of an advancing life, will never be out of a job. Any teacher who has this faith and purpose can pass it on to his pupils. He cannot help but pass it on if it is how he lives his own life.

What is true for the teacher and the preacher is true for every person, whether employed or unemployed. The combined mental and personal actions described in the book are infallible, they cannot fail. Everyone who follows these instructions steadily, relentlessly and ‘to the letter’ will get rich. The law of increase of life is as mathematically certain in its operation as the law of gravity. Getting rich is an exact science.

The wage earner will find this as true for him as for any of the others mentioned. Do not feel that your chances of becoming rich are limited because you can see no visible opportunity for advancement. Form your clear mental vision of what you want and begin to act.

Do all the work you can do, every day and do each piece of work successfully, put the power of success and your purpose to get rich into everything that you do. Do not do this simply to impress your employer, in the hope that he, or your superiors, will see your good work and advance you. It is not likely that they will do so.

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The person who is merely doing good work and is filling his space to the best of his ability, and is satisfied with that, is a very valuable employee. It would not be in the employer’s best interests to promote him, because his value is where he is. It follows then to secure advancement, something more than being too large for your present place is necessary.

The person who is certain to advance is the one who is too big for his place and has a clear vision of what he wants to be and where he wants to go and has the determination to follow through. Do not try to fill your present place with a view to pleasing your employer, do it with the idea of advancing yourself.

Hold your vision with faith and purpose at all times, hold it in such a way that every person that comes in contact with you, whether it be a superior, fellow worker or social acquaintance will feel the power of your purpose radiating from you. This will give everyone that you come in contact with the feeling of advancement people will be attracted to you. If there is no possibility for advancement in your present job an opportunity to advance will soon appear.

There is a power which never fails to present opportunity to an advancing personality who is living in a ‘certain way’. The Universe cannot help helping you if you are acting in a ‘certain way’, it must do so in order to help itself.

There is nothing in your circumstances, or in the industrial climate that can keep you down. If you cannot get rich working for a large company, you can get rich on a small farm. If you begin to move in the ‘certain way’ you will certainly escape the clutches of the large company and get onto the farm, or wherever else you wish to be. If a few thousand employees of the large company started living in the ‘certain way’, the company would soon be in a bad situation.

It would have to give its workers more opportunity or go out of business. It is in the interests of a large company to get employees who are ignorant of acting in the ‘certain way’, or employees that do not believe it or are unwilling to practise it.

Once you are thinking and acting in a ‘certain way’ your faith and purpose will guide you to see any opportunity that will better your position. These opportunities will appear very quickly, for the Supreme Power working in all, and for all, will bring them to you. It is not necessary for your opportunity to be everything you want it to be. If an opportunity to improve yourself is presented and you feel positive about it, take it.

That will be the first step toward an even greater opportunity. It is impossible for you not to be presented with opportunities, if you are advancing your life as instructed here.

Do not worry if you feel your position, at this time, is not conducive to taking advantage of the teachings in this book. Just follow the advice given with confidence and faith and it will not fail you.



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There are many people that ridicule the idea that there is an exact science to getting rich. The reason many of them believe this is they think that the supply of wealth is limited, and that the distribution of wealth is in the hands of governments and big businesses.

This is not true. It is true, however, that all governments keep the masses in poverty, but this is only because the masses do not know how to think and act in the ‘certain way’. If everyone followed the instructions given in this book and moved forward, no-one, not even the government, could hold them back as everything must be adjusted to accommodate the forward movement. If people have an advancing mind, have faith that they can become rich and move forward with the fixed purpose to become rich, nothing can possibly keep them in poverty.

It is possible for anyone to enter any situation under any government and make themselves rich When enough people become rich under any government the system would need to be modified and that would open the way for others. The more people who get rich on the competitive plane, the worse for others. The more people who get rich on the creative plane, the better for others.

The economic situation of the masses can be improved by getting a large number of people to read this book, and get rich using the teachings contained in it This will then show people what can be achieved and will inspire many others who have the desire for an abundant life with the faith and knowledge that it is attainable. For the present, however, know that neither the present government, nor any competitive system of business can prevent you from becoming rich.

When you enter upon the creative plane of thought you will rise above all these things and become a citizen of another place. Remember that your thoughts must be focused on the creative plane and you must never for an instant consider that the supply of anything is limited, or be forced into acting in a competitive way. If you do fall into your old ways of thought and behaviour, correct yourself immediately.

When you are in the competitive mind and not acting in the ‘certain way’ you will lose the co-operation of the Universe. Do not spend any time wondering how you will solve possible emergencies in the future. Just do whatever you can to protect yourself today.

You are concerned only with doing today’s work in a successful manner, and not with emergencies which MAY arise tomorrow - you can attend to them as they arise. Do not concern yourself with questions on how you shall overcome obstacles which MAY appear on your business horizon, unless you can see an obvious course of action today that will enable you to avoid them.

No matter how big an obstruction or problem may appear in the distance, you will find that if you keep acting in the ‘certain way’ it will disappear as you approach it, or a way over it, under it, through it or around it will be presented. There is nothing that can defeat or prevent any man or woman who is getting rich by following these scientific principles. No-one who follows these teachings can fail to get rich anymore than you can fail to multiply 2 x 2 and get 4.

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Don’t get anxious or stressed over possible disasters or unfavourable circumstances there is time enough to solve these things when, and if, they present themselves to you. Remember that every difficulty carries with it a solution. Be careful what you say, never speak of yourself your affairs or anything in a negative or discouraging way. Never admit the possibility of failure, or even talk in a way that implies failure as a possibility.

Never speak of times being hard, or your business being in trouble. Times may be hard and business in trouble for those that are on the competitive plane, but they can never be like that for you, because you can create what you want, and you are above fear. It is when others are having hard times and poor business you will find your greatest opportunities.

Teach yourself to think of, and look at the world as something that is growing and regard evil as something that is undeveloped. Always speak in terms of advancement, to do otherwise is to deny your faith, and to deny your faith is to lose it. Never allow yourself to get disappointed if things that you want to happen do not happen at that time, this may appear like failure, but if you hang on to your faith you will find that the failure was only momentary.

Carry on in the ‘certain way’ and if you do not receive what you want you will receive something much better, this will make the seeming failure a great success. A student of this science worked for many weeks on putting a business plan together, when it was time to launch the business everything conspired to prevent him doing it.

He was not disappointed, on the contrary, he thanked the Universe that his desire had been overruled, he said a gratitude and carried on. A few weeks later an opportunity arose that was so much better than his first plan, he realised that a mind greater than his had prevented him from following his original plan.

This is the way that every seeming failure will work out for you, if you keep your faith, hold on to your purpose, have gratitude and do every day all that you can do in a successful manner. When an apparent failure occurs, it is because you have not asked for enough. Carry on and something better than you were seeking will come to you.

Remember this. You will not fail because you lack the talent and ability to do what you wish to do. If you follow these instructions, you will develop all the talent and ability that is necessary. We do not cover the science of cultivating talent in this book, but it is as certain and simple as the process of getting rich. Don’t hesitate or waver thinking that you will fail through the lack of talent or ability.

Keep going and whenever you come to a place where you need the talent and ability it will be given to you. The same source of ability which enabled the uneducated President Lincoln to do his greatest work, is available to you.

Carry on in the sure knowledge that this true. Study this book. Make it your constant companion until you have mastered all the ideas contained in it. While you are studying this book and establishing your faith in its content it is best that you do not frequent places where people will have conflicting ideas.

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Do not read other systems or pessimistic views, and NEVER get into arguments about the contents of this book. Spend as much of your leisure time as possible reading this book, focussing on your vision and cultivating gratitude.

This book contains all you need to know about ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ you will find all the essentials summed up in the following chapter.





There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state permeates, penetrated and fills the interspaces of the universe. A person can form images in his mind, and by impressing that thought upon the formless substance, can cause that thing to be created. In order to do this a person must pass from the competitive to the creative mind, otherwise he cannot be in harmony with formless intelligence, which is always creative and never competitive in spirit.

A person may come into full harmony with the formless substance by acknowledging with sincere gratitude the blessings it bestows on you. Gratitude connects the mind of a person with the intelligence of the formless substance and this ensures that your thoughts are received by it. A person can only maintain connection with the formless substance by being on the creative plane and continually being grateful for all he receives.

A person must form a clear mental image of the things he desires, and he must hold this mental image in his thought, at the same time he must be deeply grateful to the formless wonder that these desires are coming to him.

The person who wishes to get rich must spend his leisure hours contemplating that vision and secure in the knowledge that the vision will become reality. The importance of regular contemplation of your vision, coupled with unwavering faith and sincere gratitude cannot be emphasised too much.

This is the process that gives that image to the formless substance, and sets all the creative forces in motion. The creative forces work through the established channels of natural growth and also through business and society. Everything contained in your vision will be brought to you, provided you follow exactly, the instructions given above and your faith does not desert you.

What you want will be created through established ways of trade and commerce. In order to receive your vision when it is ready to come, you must not forget to more than fill your present place and do any action that will be beneficial to realising the vision. You must keep in mind the purpose to get rich through realization of your mental image. You must do, every day, all that can be done that day taking special care to do each act in a successful manner.

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You must give to every person a use value in excess of the cash value you receive, so that each transaction makes for more life to all. Finally you must hold the advancing thought so that this impression of increase will be given to everyone you meet.

Any person who follows the preceding instructions in this book will certainly get rich, and the riches they receive will be in exact proportion to the detail of their vision, the strength of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith and the depth of their gratitude.



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Well there it was a classic wealth and lifestyle creation system, guaranteed to work, provided that you put in the necessary effort. I hope you enjoyed it, that will by no means be the last time you read it, and the great thing is that every time you read it, you will learn something new.

I have personally lived by these teachings for approximately seven years now and my life has been transformed. I always used to be competitive, I had a hot temper, I did not really have a direction to follow and my life was exciting but did not appear to have purpose.

Once I found the power of these teachings, I could not stop talking to people about it, I could not believe the control we had over our circumstances, and how things could be perceived differently, by just changing your thoughts. It was strange that mentally the more relaxed I was the easier life seemed to be. I was used to chasing things and bulldozing my way through situations, now I had this knowledge, I just relaxed and let things sort themselves out.

Refer to the foreword and reread the bit about solving a problem. That is still my yardstick for solving any situation. Eventually people started asking me about my change of attitude and outlook on life, it was then that I started writing articles and giving talks to groups about my new found life control system. I could not seem to stop trying to share this knowledge.

In May 2007 a young lad, Josh Williams, found me on the internet and approached me. He started asking for my advice and help on the teachings of The Science of Getting Rich. I had been approached by a number of people before who had asked me to mentor them in some way, but after doing one on one mentoring for approximately 5 years, I found that it was not an economical use of my time.

After about 4 hours of talking to Josh, he impressed me with his tenacity and willingness to learn. I had always wanted to put these teachings to the test, and to prove one way or another whether they would work for anyone as long as they committed to doing exactly what was written.

We struck a deal, I would mentor him, to guide him through the teachings and advise him on his business hopes and aspirations, as long as he did EXACTLY what he was told and the first time he deviated I would wash my hands of the deal. I kept my fingers crossed and hoped that he would follow the advice, that I knew would create a whole new life for him.

When we met he was working for wages and putting in 20 to 30 hours unpaid overtime a week, as at the time of writing, he has formed his own company, closed the books on any new clients and has just landed what could be the best marketing management job in Western Australia. Pretty powerful stuff! He is also about to launch a new company involving eight staff, and is moving into new offices in Feb 2008.

During the course of monitoring Josh’s progress I thought about why he was being so successful and I realised that he was not trying to achieve this alone, he had a confidante in me. I then thought back to when I had first studied The Science of Getting Rich, and had experienced such dramatic results, I was also not trying to do this alone. I was studying with my wife, in effect having someone as a study buddy.

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The more I thought about this, the more I linked obtaining success, to being part of a group, even though this group may only consist of two people. I have spent the last few years studying this and I have now created a course that links the three most important books ever written on creating wealth and I have also incorporated the understanding of how to balance your life and the acquisition of money.

The techniques that I discovered, have, to say the least been amazing. Just the simple action of finding someone to study with has generated more success than I could have ever imagined. I realised also that, SYSTEMS WORK: PEOPLE FAIL.

Through small group research and constant monitoring I think that we have found the ultimate system to change your life and show you how easy it is to obtain financial security. My belief is that we all have different values on what being rich is. I say to students , being rich is the ability to afford to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, and most importantly, have the time and freedom to do it.

It is funny when you think about time, whether you are a billionaire, or broke, we all have exactly the same. The interesting part is that the person who is broke will normally have far more available time than the billionaire. We therefore put immense value on time in the course, when we start out to obtain new found riches.

There must always be a balance to be truly happy, “Time will always allow us to create money, but no amount of money can create time”

When you think about it, if you think that you are broke, you actually have more of an essential ingredient to create happiness than someone who is very wealthy but has no time to enjoy their money. All you have to do is decide how much money you need to enjoy your time.

It really puts a new perspective on how much you will need to feel rich. I sincerely hope that you find as much benefit from this book as I have.

All I can say is that if you follow these instructions to the letter, things cannot fail.

Abundance to

All Croz