Science Oxford recently hosted a twilight information session for teachers interested in introducing CREST awards into their schools. Those attending heard what CREST Awards can offer young people, and had the opportunity to view previous successful projects as well as to discuss their own schools requirements with their local CREST co-ordinator and the British Science Association. Presentations were given by Lego Education on the First Lego League competition and by Practical Action, who described their vast array of technology resources based on the solving of real life problems in the developing world. If you would like to receive a copy of any of the material presented on the evening please contact [email protected] “Thank you for a really informative evening” Martin Pugh, Gillotts School For secondary schools & colleges in West Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire (WBOB) Supporting STEM Science, Technology Engineering and Maths Science Oxford works with schools to connect young people with science and enterprise SCIENCEOXFORD SPRING 12 NEWS We are the STEMNET contract holders for all schools in WBOB, providing tailored information and advice to enable you to access STEM enrichment activities and STEM Ambassador role models. Page 5 | For more information, please call 01865 810000, email [email protected] or visit www.scienceoxfordnext.com Page 6 | For more information, please call 01865 810000, email [email protected] or visit www.scienceoxfordnext.com As part of this role STEM Resources Manager, Cathy Sturrock, has embarked on a regional tour of all secondary schools to talk individually about current enrichment provision and potential opportunities for your STEM departments. Having already visited approximately 50% of our secondary schools this approach has provided a very useful insight into the enrichment needs of our schools. As a result we have managed to match a number of schools with STEM Ambassadors to deliver activities varying from workshops on nanotechnology to speaking at career fairs. These meetings have also allowed us to tailor our service to the particular needs of the school and offer specific advice on funding opportunities, industrial links and STEM Ambassador support. If you would like to arrange a visit from Cathy to discuss enrichment opportunities in your school then please contact her on cathy.sturrock@ scienceoxford.com “I found it really worthwhile taking an hour out of my day to talk to Cathy about our enrichment provision.” Adam Wood, Head of Science, Bartholomew School CREST TWILIGHT SESSION MINISTERS AND MAYHEM The fun of a County Science Day AS STEMNET CONTRACT HOLDERS FOR THE REGION OF WEST BERKS, OXON AND BUCKS, SCIENCE OXFORD ‘S PURPOSE IS TO HELP ALL SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES IN OUR REGION TO UNDERSTAND THE RANGE OF STEM ENHANCEMENT & ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE TO THEM AND THE BENEFITS THESE CAN BRING TO EVERYONE INVOLVED. STEM EVENTS WHAT HAVE OUR LOCAL SCHOOLS BEEN UP TO? You can sign up to our regular secondary schools & colleges STEM e-newsletter by visiting www.scienceoxfordnext.com Science Oxford, in partnership with Oxford University neuroscientists, has funding from the Wellcome Trust to visit 20 WBOB secondary schools during 2012 with free workshops that are designed to enable Y9-11 pupils to explore the issue of ‘smart drugs’ and to help them to understand more about the brain and the work of neuroscientists. Ten schools have booked these sessions so far, so we can still take bookings from ten more schools. “The workshops were really informative for the students. They enjoyed being able to talk to a ‘real’ neuroscientist and were definitely impressed with the knowledge that their opinions were going to count towards a ‘real’ study. The debates were fun and really gave the students a chance to think about what they had been told and decide on different situations for themselves. Thank you for coming into our school!” Sam De Chenu, Warriner School “A key aim of science week is to get students to consider how science affects all of our lives and the ethical questions that are brought about by new technologies and discoveries. An example of this was the incredible work of Science Oxford, who came in to work with our Year 10 students on the ethics of so-called ‘smart drugs.” Dr Gillespie, Head of Science, Burnham Grammar School “What we enjoyed most was being asked to discuss and share our ideas and then vote about our thoughts on the ethics of these drugs by answering a range of questions: such as how do you feel about the availability of such a controversial drug and who should take it. Our responses are being collected as a part of Science Oxford’s research too. All in all it was a great experience, an introduction to the fascinating field of neuroscience and one we will be covering later on in the year in Biology.” Avi Marwaha, Y10 pupil, Burnham Grammar School SMARTER UK WORKSHOPS – THE STORY SO FAR STEM SUPPORT IN WEST BERKS, OXON AND BUCKS MEET A STEM AMBASSADOR Name: Dr Kerry Broom Employer: Health Protection Agency Position: Principal Radiation Scientist Main responsibilities: Half of my job is laboratory research on the biological effects of Electro Magnetic Fields, and the other half of my job is scientific management of a research programme. What I like best about my job: I like having the opportunity to be able to do both lab work and administrative aspects as well and I get to travel a lot to different meetings and conferences. I enjoy working as part of a team in both areas of my job. Ambassador Activities: What’s my Line? careers events, hosting work experience students, talks about my work and my career and encouraging “dads and lads” to get involved in science. SMARTER UK USING DRUGS FOR BRAIN ENHANCEMENT STEM SUPPORT TALKING TO TEACHERS MEET A STEM AMBASSADOR DR KERRY BROOM If you would like Science Oxford to visit your school for a day with a neuroscientist and run three free workshops (1 or 2 hour sessions available) with three classes from Y9-11 then please contact bridget. [email protected] for more information and to arrange a date and session times in 2012 that suit you. Photo courtesy of STFC Secondary.indd 1-3 12/04/2012 09:55:27

Science Oxford works with in West Berkshire, Oxfordshire ... · inaugural science fair at chalfonts community college Year 7 members of the Chalfonts Science Club proved that they

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Page 1: Science Oxford works with in West Berkshire, Oxfordshire ... · inaugural science fair at chalfonts community college Year 7 members of the Chalfonts Science Club proved that they

Science Oxford recently hosted

a twilight information session for

teachers interested in introducing

CREST awards into their schools. Those

attending heard what CREST Awards

can offer young people, and had the

opportunity to view previous successful

projects as well as to discuss their own

schools requirements with their local

CREST co-ordinator and the British

Science Association.

Presentations were given by Lego

Education on the First Lego League

competition and by Practical Action,

who described their vast array of

technology resources based on the

solving of real life problems in the

developing world.

If you would like to receive a copy of

any of the material presented on the

evening please contact

[email protected]

“Thank you for a really informative

evening” Martin Pugh, Gillotts School

For secondary schools & colleges in West Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire (WBOB)

Supporting STEM Science, Technology Engineering and Maths

Science Oxford works with schools to connect young people with science and enterprise



We are the STEMNET contract holders for all schools in WBOB, providing tailored information and advice to enable you to access STEM enrichment activities and STEM Ambassador role models.

Page 5 | For more information, please call 01865 810000, email [email protected] or visit www.scienceoxfordnext.com Page 6 | For more information, please call 01865 810000, email [email protected] or visit www.scienceoxfordnext.com

As part of this role STEM Resources

Manager, Cathy Sturrock, has

embarked on a regional tour of all

secondary schools to talk individually

about current enrichment provision and

potential opportunities for your STEM


Having already visited approximately

50% of our secondary schools this

approach has provided a very useful

insight into the enrichment needs of our

schools. As a result we have managed

to match a number of schools with STEM

Ambassadors to deliver activities varying

from workshops on nanotechnology to

speaking at career fairs.

These meetings have also allowed us to

tailor our service to the particular needs

of the school and offer specific advice

on funding opportunities, industrial links

and STEM Ambassador support.

If you would like to arrange a visit

from Cathy to discuss enrichment

opportunities in your school then please

contact her on

cathy.sturrock@ scienceoxford.com

“I found it really worthwhile taking an

hour out of my day to talk to Cathy

about our enrichment provision.” Adam

Wood, Head of Science, Bartholomew



MINISTERS AND MAYHEMThe fun of a County Science Day



You can sign up to our regular secondary schools & colleges STEM e-newsletter by visiting www.scienceoxfordnext.com

Science Oxford, in partnership with

Oxford University neuroscientists, has

funding from the Wellcome Trust

to visit 20 WBOB secondary schools

during 2012 with free workshops that

are designed to enable Y9-11 pupils

to explore the issue of ‘smart drugs’

and to help them to understand

more about the brain and the work of


Ten schools have booked these

sessions so far, so we can still take

bookings from ten more schools.

“The workshops were really informative

for the students. They enjoyed being

able to talk to a ‘real’ neuroscientist

and were definitely impressed with the

knowledge that their opinions were

going to count towards a ‘real’ study.

The debates were fun and really gave

the students a chance to think about

what they had been told and decide

on different situations for themselves.

Thank you for coming into our school!”

Sam De Chenu, Warriner School

“A key aim of science week is to get

students to consider how science

affects all of our lives and the ethical

questions that are brought about by

new technologies and discoveries.

An example of this was the incredible

work of Science Oxford, who came in

to work with our Year 10 students on

the ethics of so-called ‘smart drugs.”

Dr Gillespie, Head of Science, Burnham

Grammar School

“What we enjoyed most was being

asked to discuss and share our ideas

and then vote about our thoughts on

the ethics of these drugs by answering

a range of questions: such as how

do you feel about the availability of

such a controversial drug and who

should take it. Our responses are being

collected as a part of Science Oxford’s


too. All in all it was a great experience,

an introduction to the fascinating

field of neuroscience and one we

will be covering later on in the year

in Biology.” Avi Marwaha, Y10 pupil,

Burnham Grammar School




Employer: Health Protection Agency

Position: Principal Radiation Scientist

Main responsibilities: Half of my job is laboratory research on the biological effects of Electro Magnetic Fields, and the other half of my job is scientific management of a research programme.

What I like best about my job: I like having the opportunity to be able to do both lab work and administrative aspects as well and I get to travel a lot to different meetings and conferences. I enjoy working as part of a team in both areas of my job.

Ambassador Activities: What’s my Line? careers events, hosting work experience students, talks about my work and my career and encouraging “dads and lads” to get involved in science.




If you would like Science Oxford

to visit your school for a day with

a neuroscientist and run three free

workshops (1 or 2 hour sessions

available) with three classes from

Y9-11 then please contact bridget.

[email protected] for

more information and to arrange a

date and session times in 2012 that

suit you.


to c



sy o



Secondary.indd 1-3 12/04/2012 09:55:27

Page 2: Science Oxford works with in West Berkshire, Oxfordshire ... · inaugural science fair at chalfonts community college Year 7 members of the Chalfonts Science Club proved that they

Page 2 | For more information, please call 01865 810000, email [email protected] or visit www.scienceoxfordnext.com For more information, please call 01865 810000, email [email protected] or visit www.scienceoxfordnext.com | Page 4

WHAT HAVE OUR LOCAL SCHOOLS BEEN UP TO?WE ARE KEEN TO FEATURE AS MANY STORIES FROM SCHOOLS AS POSSIBLE IN OUR NEWSLETTER. Please get in touch with us if you have something that you would like us to share with others as an example of good practice in STEM enrichment. Please also contact us if you would like our support in order to help you to set up something similar in your own school.

Page 3 | For more information, please call 01865 810000, email [email protected] or visit www.scienceoxfordnext.com

THE FUN OF A COUNTY SCIENCE DAY!The Oxfordshire County Science Day

took place on 25 January, hosted

by Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

(RAL), coordinated by the Oxfordshire

Independent and State School

Partnership (OISSP) and delivered by

Science Oxford.

It was attended by 64 Year 7 pupils

from sixteen schools across Oxfordshire

and was also visited by Nick Gibb,

Minister for Schools. Pupils were

engaged by a range of activities

from quizzes and coke can racers

to construction challenges, science

show demonstrations and ‘Backstage

Science’ videos from RAL -

http://www.backstagescience.com/ .

Pupils also got an opportunity to meet

and interact with a range of STEM

Ambassador role models from RAL,

Diamond Light Source and beyond

by taking part in Science Oxford’s

innovative ‘What’s My Line?’ event

format facilitated by Cathy Sturrock.

“The tower building competition was

challenging – it encouraged great

team work and allowed them to use

their own ideas.

Meeting the STEM

Ambassadors really

gave them an

insight into the kinds

of professions they

could choose to go

into and adding

the competitive

element made

them engage

even more with

interesting topics

and jobs. The

science show was

really interesting

and engaging and they found out

some new science they didn’t know.”

Katy Black, Teacher, The Cherwell


“The auditorium Science Show using

reactions was great and we learnt

that physics graduates can basically

choose who they work with.” Year 7

pupil, Wallingford School

THE FUTURE OF OISSPOISSP has been the largest and

longest running secondary school

partnership in the country, operating

since 1997. Over the past five years the

partnership has focussed on improving

science teaching, enrichment and

uptake in Oxfordshire and this has

been facilitated by a close link with

Science Oxford. Government funding

for partnership models of this type

has now ceased and so from April

2012, Science Oxford will be moving

the OISSP science legacy forward by

developing the OISSP celebratory

events for pupil achievement and

by continuing to run the Oxfordshire

County Science Day with RAL. For more

information please contact

[email protected]

STUDENT INTERVIEWS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS OF THE SHARDAs part of the STEM Leaders Award, William Morley from Henley College was recently chosen to be one of six students given

the opportunity to interview two of the structural engineers responsible for the iconic new Shard building in London.

William, who hopes to go on to study structural engineering at university, met Kamran Moazami And Roma

Agrawal at Design Engineers WSP in London and after the interview was required to produce a written article

which could lead to publication on the Leaders Award website.

The Leaders Award for STEM gives students the opportunity to meet

and interview professionals across many Science, Technology, Engineer

and Mathematics fields but only occasionally do these exceptional

opportunities arise to meet outstanding people at the very cutting

edge of their fields.

“This was a fantastic opportunity for William and he obviously gained an

awful lot from it.” Louise Heffernan, G&T co-ordinator, Henley College

LOCAL SIXTH FORM STUDENTS AT THE NATIONAL BIG BANG FAIRThree Oxfordshire sixth formers, who completed a Nuffield

science Bursary Project at Oxford University’s Department of

Oncology last summer, were selected to go forward to the

finals of the National Science & Engineering Competition at

the Big Bang Fair in Birmingham.

Johnny Odu from Cheney School, Amaad Hussain of Cherwell

School, and Adam Parkes Bowen from Henley College came

up with two games to make the latest cancer research easy

to understand.

Under the guidance of Dr Martin Christlieb, Public

Engagement Manager for the Department of Oncology, they

designed a board game that illustrates how cancer begins,

and how the disease and its treatment can take different

courses in different people. They also used freely available

software to develop a guide to take users through the

planning and delivery of radiotherapy to treat tumours.

Martin Christlieb joined Johnny, Amaad, and Adam in

Birmingham for the finals of the competition at one of Britain’s

largest science festivals where their project was viewed by

over 29,000 visitors over the 3 days between 15 and 17th


INAUGURAL SCIENCE FAIR AT CHALFONTS COMMUNITY COLLEGEYear 7 members of the Chalfonts Science Club proved that they had the “S-Factor” at the schools’

first ever Science Fair which was attended by teachers, parents and supporters.

More than 27 students had worked on their projects since the beginning of February on topics such

as volcanoes, satellites and guinea pig psychology . The standard of work was amazing and all those

taking part hope to go on to gain their CREST Bronze Awards.

Organiser of the fair, Sinead Marry, wanted to run an event to help enthuse the students about

science, encourage cross curricular working and to introduce the students to independent research.

The school also recruited the help of their sixth form curriculum leaders who helped to promote the

event and work with the younger students.

All the students were winners on the night, but the first prize

of a chemistry set was awarded for a detailed and expertly

communicated project on healthy eating.

“It was brilliant to see so many exciting, well-researched projects

at the Science Fair.” Mrs S. Tanner, Principal

Science Oxford provides the STEM

Advisory Service for all schools in

West Berkshire, Oxfordshire and

Buckinghamshire (WBOB). The

service is free for schools and

includes linking schools with STEM

Ambassadors. Our STEM Resources

Manager, Cathy Sturrock, can

make visits to STEM teachers from

all WBOB secondary schools to

discuss how we can best support

STEM enrichment in your school.

If you would like to request a visit

or find out more about the support

we can offer please e-mail

[email protected]

Photo courtesy STFC

Photo courtesy STFC













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