Science Starters Nataliia Kravchenko, Te Awamutu College

Science Starters

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Science Starters. Nataliia Kravchenko , Te Awamutu College. Acknowledgements: 1. Julie Luxton , Language and Lab Coats Literacy Workshop, Hamilton, 2010 2. Eric Frangenheim , TAC Workshop, Te Awamutu , 2009 3. Literacy Workshops , TAC, Te Awamutu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Science Starters

Science Starters

Nataliia Kravchenko, Te Awamutu College

Page 2: Science Starters


1. Julie Luxton, Language and Lab Coats Literacy Workshop, Hamilton, 2010

2. Eric Frangenheim, TAC Workshop, Te Awamutu, 2009

3. Literacy Workshops, TAC, Te Awamutu

4. Keogh & Naylor, Concept Cartoons in Science Education, 1999

Page 3: Science Starters

Odd one out1. Nucleus, proton, electron, neutron

2. Solar System, Milky Way ,Galaxias Kuklos, Galaxy, Via Lactea

3. Dolphin, bat, kiwi, cat, cow

4. CuO, Na2O, K2S, Ca2O2, Fe2O3

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5 to 1List:5 metals4 non metals3 elements from Period two2 elements with one electron in the outer shell1 element with three shells and one electron in the outer shell

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Jumble words1. Study the words on the screen for one minute.2. When the words are taken of the screen, write down all of the words you can remember.3. Check for extra words with a partner.4.When the words are back on the screen check them and add what you have missed.

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sulfuric acid

sodium hydroxide

litmus paper







baking sodaindicat





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You have 3 minutes to find and list forcesTagxedo - Creator

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Use these words to write a sentence about why Pluto is not a planet anymore.

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Which one is happier plant or animal cell?

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Double Bubble Map

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Double Bubble Map Read about atomic structure. Use this information to COMPARE and CONTRAST protons and electrons. Draw a Double Bubble Map to show three similarities and three differences between these particles. The Structure of an AtomAlthough the word 'atom' comes from the Greek for indivisible, we now know that atoms are not the smallest particles of matter. Atoms are made from smaller subatomic particles. At the centre of an atom is a nucleus containing heavy particles: protons and neutrons. Electrons are very light particles arranged around the nucleus in energy levels or shells. Both protons and electrons have an electrical charge. Both have the same size of electrical charge, but the proton is positive and the electron negative. The neutron is neutral. The total number of electrons in an atom is always the same as the number of protons in the nucleus. This means atoms have no overall electrical charge.

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Disappearing definition

Combustion is a chemical reaction between a fuel and oxygen to produce heat and light energy.

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_____ is a chemical reaction between a fuel and oxygen to produce heat and light energy.

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Translation starterIn 5 minutes you have to write translation of the following Maori words: Ao tukupū  ↓ Tira Whetū  ↓ Ra  ↓ Apārangi  ↓ Meremere (Kopu)  ↓ Papatūānuku + Marama  ↓ Matawhero  ↓   Kopu Nui  ↓    Rongo  ↓   Whērangi  ↓   Tangaroa

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Universe Ao tukupū ↓Milky Way Tira Whetū ↓Sun Ra ↓Mercury Apārangi ↓Venus Meremere (Kopu) ↓Earth + Moon Papatūānuku + Marama ↓Mars   Matawhero ↓Jupiter   Kopu Nui ↓ Saturn   Rongo ↓Uranus   Whērangi ↓Neptune   Tangaroa

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Concept Cartoons

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In summer the Earthis closer to the Sun. That is why!

In winter we have less heat from the Sun.

In summer the Southern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun,therefore it is closerto it and it is hotter. In Summer the heat

from the Sun is more concentrated.

Why do we have seasons?State which argument you believe in and explain why you think it is correct.

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3,2,1 RIQ 3R Recall three things you have learned from the last lesson.2I Write down two insights or ideas received during the last lesson. ( I now have better understanding of... I was surprised to know... I observed... I now aware of... )1Q Write one question that you still have.