Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

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Page 1: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)

An Introduction toScientific Computing

workshop 2

Page 2: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)

R Programming Workshop 2An introduction to computer programming using the R computing environmentSolving problems using a computerUsing computers as a tool for:

– Plotting graphs and pictures– Analysis of data– Learning maths and physics…

Page 3: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Getting started with R

Logon to a UoL computer.

Start All Programs RStudio [click]

Type commands at the ‘prompt’ in the R ‘console’.

Page 4: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Getting Help

• From Rstudio – click “Help” menu (top) – select “R Help”

• From the console – type ?plot for help with the “plot” command

• From the web - http://www.r-project.org/ Or http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/r

Page 5: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)

Refresher: variables and objects

Page 6: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> x <- 1.2[1] 1.2

in R, the things you manipulate and store are objects. There are different classes of object and R has methods for

treating an object in a manner appropriate to its class.

“1.2” is just a number, a scalar. In fact, it’s a floating point number (not an integer). When we assign an object this

value, the object instantly takes the right form. In this case ‘x’ becomes an object storing our single floating point


Page 7: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> x <- c(1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.0)[1] 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0

in R, the things you manipulate and store are objects. There are different classes of object and R has methods for

treating an object in a manner appropriate to its class.

We use the c(…) function to combine several elements (in this case numbers) into one object, often called a vector (a 1D list) or more generally an array (which can have more

than 1 dimension). The old ‘x’ has been replaced with a new one, which is now an array storing 5 values.

Page 8: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> my.name <- “spider man”[1] “spider man”

in R, the things you manipulate and store are objects. There are different classes of object and R has methods for

treating an object in a manner appropriate to its class.

“spider man” is a string of characters. There are 10 characters (including space) stored as a single string. The object ‘my.name’ is created as a string object and assigned

this value.

Page 9: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> my.name <- c(“spider man”, “cat woman”)

[1] “spider man” “cat woman”

in R, the things you manipulate and store are objects. There are different classes of object and R has methods for

treating an object in a manner appropriate to its class.

You can have an array of strings too…

Page 10: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> x <- array(1:20, dim=c(4,5))

Here we define a 2 dimensional array,

with size 4x5 (4 rows, 5 columns).There are 20


This produces the numbers 1, 2, …, 20

(20 of them)

Create an array. We need to define the

values going in to it, and its dimensions.

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Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> x <- array(1:20, dim=c(4,5))> x [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5][1,] 1 5 9 13 17[2,] 2 6 10 14 18[3,] 3 7 11 15 19[4,] 4 8 12 16 20

> x[2,3]

Here is the 4x5 array. Notice the order the values

are placed.

What does this do?

Page 12: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> 4 > 3[1] TRUE

Evaluate whether 4 is greater than 3. The answer is


This is a logical object. Possible values are TRUE

and FALSE.

Page 13: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> 4 >= 3[1] TRUE

Evaluate whether 4 is greater than or equal to 3. The

answer is still TRUE

This is a logical object. Possible values are TRUE

and FALSE.

Page 14: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> 4 <= 3[1] FALSE

Evaluate whether 4 is less than or equal to 3. The answer is FALSE

This is a logical object. Possible values are TRUE

and FALSE.

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Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> x <- c(1.0, 2.3, 4.5, 10.0)> x > 4.0[1] FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE

For each element in the array ‘x’

evaluate whether it is greater than 4

This is an array of logical values. The

array has the same size/shape

as ‘x’.

This is an example of an ‘element-wise’ operation. The operation is simply repeated for each an every element of the

arrays involved.

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Scientific Computing (w2)

Some simple data analysis

Page 17: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Means, variance & all that

> print(morley) Expt Run Speed001 1 1 850002 1 2 740003 1 3 900004 1 4 1070005 1 5 930006 1 6 850

The morley data have100 measurements in three

columns:Exp = experiment no. (1-5)Run = run no (1-20)Speed = measured speed -299000 km/s

R has several datasets built-in and ready to play with, to help you practice data analysis at the computer. Here we use 100

speed of light measurements.

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Scientific Computing (w2)Means, variance & all that

> print(morley$Speed)

If we consider just the ‘Speed’ column of the morley array we have 100 numbers in the form of a 1d array (a


R has several datasets built-in and ready to play with, to help you practice data analysis at the computer. Here we use 100

speed of light measurements.

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Scientific Computing (w2)Means, variance & all that

> print(morley$Speed)> mean(morley$Speed)[1] 852.4

The mean(…) function will compute the mean value of whatever you feed it. In this case it uses the 100 values

stored in morley$Speed

R has several datasets built-in and ready to play with, to help you practice data analysis at the computer. Here we use 100

speed of light measurements.

The output (or returned value) is just one number, the mean. As

usual, R treats this as a 11 array.

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Scientific Computing (w2)Means, variance & all that

y <- c(3.4,4.5,2.3,-0.01)> mean(y)

Try entering your own list of values. Remember to combine them into a single object – using c(…) – which can be processed by the mean(…)


R comes with a lot of functions for data analysis and manipulation. And you can add more by installing packages.

There are 5000+ packages you can install to add new commands, some packages add dozens of new commands.

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Scientific Computing (w2)Means, variance & all that

> var(y)> length(y)> sqrt(var(y))> sd(y)

The sd(…)function returns the standard deviation (sqrt of variance). This is a ready-made function that does the same

calculation as the previous line.

Work from the inside out. The var(…)function returns the number

of elements in ‘y’. This is then used as input to the sqrt(…)


The length(…) function returns the number of

elements in ‘y’.

The var(…) function will compute the variance value of whatever you feed it. In this case it uses the values

you assigned to ‘y’.

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Scientific Computing (w2)Means, variance & all that

> var(y)> length(y)> sqrt(var(y))> sd(y)> sd(y)/sqrt(length(y))

This computes the “standard error” on the mean of y


ii yy







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Scientific Computing (w2)Means, variance & all that

> mean(morley$Speed)[1] 852.4> sd(morley$Speed)[1] 79.01055> sd(morley$Speed) / sqrt(length(morley$Speed))> [1] 7.901055

This computes the “standard error” on the mean of the speedkm/s 8852,299

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Scientific Computing (w2)Plot the speed of light data

> plot(morley$Speed)> hist(morley$Speed)

The hist(…) function will generate a histogram (and

plot it).

Try plotting the data

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Scientific Computing (w2)Plot the speed of light data

> plot(morley$Speed)> hist(morley$Speed)> hist(morley$Speed, col=“steelblue”,

border=“white”, main=“my histogram”)> hist(morley$Speed, col="steelblue",border="white", breaks=seq(500,1200,by=100))

Define exactly where you want the breaks (between histogram bins) to go.

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Scientific Computing (w2)

Extracting subsets of an array

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Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> morley$Speed > 900[1] FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE...

Page 28: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> morley$Speed > 900[1] FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE...> mask <- (morley$Speed > 900)> print(morley$Speed[mask])

store the result of the test in the (logical) array

‘mask’only keeps elements of morley$Speed for which the corresponding element

of mask=TRUE

I.e. this is the subset of speeds > 900

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Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> morley$Speed > 900[1] FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE...> mask <- (morley$Speed > 900)> print(morley$Speed[mask])> mean(mask)

the logical value TRUE is treated as a numerical value 1, and FALSE is treated as 0. So mean(mask)

gives the fraction of TRUE’s.I.e. the fraction of speeds > 900

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Scientific Computing (w2)Variables, Objects and

Assignment> morley$Speed > 900[1] FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE...> mask <- (morley$Speed > 900)> print(morley$Speed[mask])> mean(mask)> morley[mask, ]

morley is a 100x3 array (100 rows, 3 columns). Here we use mask to select the matching rows only. Leaving the column

index empty means it will use all columns

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Scientific Computing (w2)

A simple physics simulation

Page 32: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Brownian motion & random

walksEinstein (1905) developed physical theory of Brownian motion

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Scientific Computing (w2)A 1-dimensional random


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

start at “time” x=0position y=0

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Scientific Computing (w2)A 1-dimensional random

walkmove ahead to x=1randomly jump +1 or -1 in ynow at y=1

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

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Scientific Computing (w2)A 1-dimensional random


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

move ahead to x=2randomly jump +1 or -1 in ynow at y=0

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Scientific Computing (w2)A 1-dimensional random


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

move ahead to x=3randomly jump +1 or -1 in ynow at y=-1

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Scientific Computing (w2)A 1-dimensional random


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4what happens to y as we keep advancing x…?

move ahead to x=4randomly jump +1 or -1 in ynow at y=-2

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Scientific Computing (w2)

Page 39: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)

Writing you first script

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Scientific Computing (w2)

Help files, history, memory manager here

graphics –Plots appear hereThe console –

Type new commands here

Editor -Write scripts here

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Scientific Computing (w2)R Script Files

Edit a script file and save (“mysource.R”)

– to begin a new script: • File New file R Script

– to save the script: • File Save / Save As (in working directory)

– to open/edit an existing script:• File Open

Source the script file (run the script)> source(“mysource.R”)– Or click on Source button in editor


Page 42: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)

We are going to write a short script

Click in the “editor” window (top left of RStudio)

Start typing the commands on the next slide

NOTE: Anything starting with a # symbol is a comment – the computer ignores it

Comments are helpful to the reader/writer

Remember to Save the script periodically (e.g. Save


Page 43: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)# generate n.step steps

n.step <- 100jump <- 1x <- 0:n.step

# compute the y stepsdy <- jump * sample(c(-1, 1), size=n.step,


# compute the cumulative y positiony <- c(0, cumsum(dy))

# plot the walkplot(x, y, type="s")

a command may run over more than one line

when you have finished typing, save and source (run) the script.

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Scientific Computing (w2)A (short) random walk

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Scientific Computing (w2)

How does the script work?

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Scientific Computing (w2)

Randomly choose a jump of +1 or -1

# generate n.step stepsn.step <- 100jump <- 1x <- 0:n.step

# compute the y stepsdy <- jump * sample(c(-1, 1), size=n.step,


# compute the cumulative y positiony <- c(0, cumsum(dy))

# plot the walkplot(x, y, type="s")

Try this at the console to see how sample(…) works

> sample( c(-1, 1), size=10, replace=TRUE)

then try it again (use the up arrow key)

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Scientific Computing (w2)# generate n.step steps

n.step <- 100jump <- 1x <- 0:n.step

# compute the y stepsdy <- jump * sample(c(-1, 1), size=n.step,


# compute the cumulative y positiony <- c(0, cumsum(dy))

# plot the walkplot(x, y, type="s")

Add up all the jumps- a cumulative sum

Try this at the console to see how cumsum(…) works

> x <- 1:10> sum(x)> cumsum(x)

Page 48: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)# generate n.step steps

n.step <- 100jump <- 1x <- 0:n.step

# compute the y stepsdy <- jump * sample(c(-1, 1), size=n.step,


# compute the cumulative y positiony <- c(0, cumsum(dy))

# plot the walkplot(x, y, type="s”)

now change number of steps to 10000 and Source again

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Scientific Computing (w2)A (longer) random walk

run (Source) again, and again, …

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Scientific Computing (w2)# plot a line at y=0

abline(h=0, lty=2)

# plot the start and end pointspoints(n.step, y[1], pch=16, cex=1.5)points(n.step, y[n.step+1], pch=16, cex=1.5)

# join with a line the start and end pointslines(c(n.step, n.step), c(0, y[n.step+1]))

# compute the distance travelledr <- y[n.step+1] - y[1]

# print on the plotlabel <- paste("distance=", signif(r, 3))text(max(x), max(y), labels=label, pos=2)

Now that it works, we are going to add some more lines to the bottom of our script.

Click in the “editor” window (top left)

Start typing the following commands at the end your existing script

Page 51: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)# plot a line at y=0

abline(h=0, lty=2)

# plot the start and end pointspoints(n.step, y[1], pch=16, cex=1.5)points(n.step, y[n.step+1], pch=16, cex=1.5)

# join with a line the start and end pointslines(c(n.step, n.step), c(0, y[n.step+1]))

# compute the distance travelledr <- y[n.step+1] - y[1]

# print on the plotlabel <- paste("distance=", signif(r, 3))text(max(x), max(y), labels=label, pos=2)

Page 52: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)A (longer) random walk

Page 53: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Brownian motion & random

walksNow let’s try in 2 dimensions

Pick a random direction to move in, call it theta

Select this from a uniform distribution from 0 to 2 radians (equal probabilities)

Step a distance (jump=1) in direction theta

Resolve into components of the motion in x and in y

Page 54: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)# generate n.step random directions (angles)

n.step <- 100theta <- runif(n.step, 0, 2*pi)jump <- 1

# compute the x and y step sizesdx <- jump * cos(theta)dy <- jump * sin(theta)

# compute the cumulative x and y positionsx <- c(0, cumsum(dx))y <- c(0, cumsum(dy))

# plot the walkplot(x, y, type="l", bty="n", col="red")

Begin a new scriptfile New file R Script

Remember to save it periodically

Page 55: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)# generate n.step random directions (angles)

n.step <- 100theta <- runif(n.step, 0, 2*pi)jump <- 1

# compute the x and y step sizesdx <- jump * cos(theta)dy <- jump * sin(theta)

# compute the cumulative x and y positionsx <- c(0, cumsum(dx))y <- c(0, cumsum(dy))

# plot the walkplot(x, y, type="l", bty="n", col="red")

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Scientific Computing (w2)

Page 57: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)# plot the start and end points

points(x[1], y[1], pch=16, cex=1.5)points(x[n.step+1], y[n.step+1], pch=16,


# join the start and end pointslines(x[c(1, n.step+1)], y[c(1, n.step+1)],


# compute the distance from start to endr <- sqrt(x[n.step+1]^2 + y[n.step+1]^2)

# print on the plotlabel <- paste("distance=", signif(r, 3))text(max(x), max(y), labels=label, pos=2)

Add more lines to the new script

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Scientific Computing (w2)# plot the start and end points

points(x[1], y[1], pch=16, cex=1.5)points(x[n.step+1], y[n.step+1], pch=16,


# join the start and end pointslines(x[c(1, n.step+1)], y[c(1, n.step+1)],


# compute the distance from start to endr <- sqrt(x[n.step+1]^2 + y[n.step+1]^2)

# print on the plotlabel <- paste("distance=", signif(r, 3))text(max(x), max(y), labels=label, pos=2)

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Scientific Computing (w2)

Page 60: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)Interlude: loops

> 1:10> for (i in 1:10) { print(i) }

> data.array <- array(0, dim=100)> for (i in 2:length(data.array)) { data.array[i] <- data.array[i-1]+1 print(i)}> data.array

try this at the console. what happens between

the curly brackets is ‘looped’

you can use many lines inside a loop

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Scientific Computing (w2)

Now that your script works, we are going to make some changes to it.

There is no need to replace the entire script. The new script reuses some the lines from our last script. Keep these lines, add to and edit the rest. Recycle code!

Save this new one with a different file name.

Remember: Anything starting with a # symbol is a comment – the computer ignores it

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Scientific Computing (w2)n.step <- 100

n.walks <- 1000jump <- 1x <- array(0, dim=n.walks)y <- array(0, dim=n.walks)

for (i in 1:n.walks) { theta <- runif(n.step, 0, 2*pi) dx <- jump * cos(theta) dy <- jump * sin(theta) x[i] <- sum(dx) y[i] <- sum(dy)}

# compute the radial distancesr <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2)

# plot the end point of each walk in (x,y) coordinatesplot(x, y)

this is a loop - for each of i = 1,2,3,…,n.walksdo whatever is {inside}

prepare two arrays to store the outputs

Pythagoras’ theorem

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Scientific Computing (w2)

Page 64: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)

# plot histogram of x's hist(x, breaks=20, col="blue",

border="white", prob=TRUE)

# compare to the Normal curvex.norm <- seq(-50, 50, by=0.2)y.norm <- dnorm(x.norm, mean=0,

sd=sqrt(n.step)*2/pi)lines(x.norm, y.norm, lwd=4)

Still want more…?add this to your 2d script





0 dxxdx

Page 65: Scientific Computing (w2) An Introduction to Scientific Computing workshop 2

Scientific Computing (w2)What have we learnt?

• some different kinds of object and data in R• how to select subsets of arrays, use logical

operators• how to compute mean, variance, std. deviation, std.

error• how to make and plot a histogram• how to start, test, edit, load and save a simple script

Now you know how to do this, try using these to • improve your data analysis and presentation

in lab work. • perform repetitive/iterative tasks in

maths/physics• explore (map out) new mathematical


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Scientific Computing (w2)