Scorpio Horoscope 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 Scorpio Horoscope 2012



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    Vedic Horoscope 2012
  • 8/3/2019 Scorpio Horoscope 2012


    Horosc ope 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 Scorpio Horoscope 2012

  • 8/3/2019 Scorpio Horoscope 2012



    Char acteristic of Scorp io

    Sc orpions have a youthful appea ranc e, a gene rous d isposition

    and erce eyes. Natives of Scorpio are sarcastic and impulsive. A

    fem a le born in this sign w ill be masc uline in na ture. It is very ha rd to

    inuence them.

    You are handsome in appea rance. The b ones are we ll developed

    and the eyes are broad. You have a good tall gure and a forceful

    persona lity. You ha ve a hot c onstitution a nd liab le to suffer with p iles.

    You exhibit a generous disposition. You are exceedingly ckle

    minded and exc ited in love. You a re inc lined towards sensua l p lea s-

    ures. But, do not hesita te to philosophise virtues of c ontrolling sensua l

    pleasures. They are often brutal, brusque and keen to contest. They

    are enterprising and are procient in ne arts and dancing. They are

    good c onversationa list as well as writers.

    Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

    This period is favourable for you in terms of money and nance. Those

    who a re in leg a l p rofession w ill be fortuna te. Inc om e through illeg a l

    sources such as black marketing, deceit, dissimulation and suspi-

    c ious dea ling a re a lso possib le. You c an b e sentenc ed for crimes or

    breach o f trust if your second house in the b irth c ha rt is not strong .

    Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

    Earning will be an uphill struggle during this period . Those who are

    dealing in mines, metals, storage or man power management will

    make good deals. Mars the lord of your sign is strongly placed. Those

    who are self emp loyed will a lso genera te good business but the col-

    lec tion of money will be ted ious. Don t worry, this is a temporary situ-

    a tion. The situa tion w ill be in your favour by the next q uarter.
  • 8/3/2019 Scorpio Horoscope 2012



    July 2012 to Septem ber


    This period will keep you on the

    back-foot in terms of money or -

    nanc e. The volume o f expenses is

    mo re tha n ga in. You a re a dvised to

    minimize your expenses. Inve stments

    on agricultural pursuits will be ben-

    ecial. Some landed properties can

    be a c quired during this qua rter. You

    will get losses in trade since Sa turn is

    p lac ed in the twe lfth house.

    October 2012 to Decem ber


    The period has completely changed in terms of money and nance.

    The lord of house o f wea lth is strong ly plac ed whic h ind ic a tes ga ins

    in money. Muc h money will be a c c umulated during this period . Youwill become stingy since Rahu is also placed. There some chances

    of money loss due to theft or burg la ry.

    REMEDIES:You are very efcient in earning money the way it suits

    you. You ha ve a n a rt of rec overing your money. A d ona tion o r of-

    ferings to the temple c hurch or destitute c hild ren on Thursdays c an

    make the inow of money smooth.

    Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

    The suitab le c a reers for you a re a s detec tives, nurses, exp lorers, ge-

    ographers, armed and polic e forces. Sinc e, Ma rs the strongest and
  • 8/3/2019 Scorpio Horoscope 2012



    most favourable planet is placed

    in the house of career and pro-

    fession, you will be rash, bold and

    shrewd in your approach but will

    take wise steps in career to earna lot o f mo ney. Those w ho a re in

    defenc e o r sec urity will get na me ,

    fame, recognition and honours in

    there profession.

    Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

    The period in te rms of ca ree r and

    professiona l suc c ess c ontinues to be excellent. You w ill ge t p romo-

    tion in your a ll your end eavours p rovided your Sun in the b irth c ha rt

    is not weak or debilitated. Those who are dealing in foreign trades

    should keep their ngers crossed. The period will bring excellent re-

    turns and a grand suc c ess. Promotion is sure to a grea t extent if you

    are in a government job .

    July 2012 to Septem ber 2012

    This qua rte r will p roduc e some unexpec ted results. You might b e

    transferred from your work place. Those who are planning to go

    abroad or p rep aring for inte rna tiona l business c an be suc c essful or

    will get g ood op portunities. Be p rep ared for the c hange in d ep a rt-

    ments. A foreign trip is expec ted .

    October 2012 to Decem ber 2012

    Venus placed in the house of career and profession is fortunate.

    Construc tion a nd build ing will be suc c essful and ea rns lot o f ric hes

    for those w ho a re in the c a reer house. Those in ma n power man-

    agem ent w ill be suc c essful during this period . You will be endowed

    with high sense of honour. Your friends can turn to enemies if your
  • 8/3/2019 Scorpio Horoscope 2012



    10th lord is aficted in your birth chart. Overall, it is a fortunate pe-


    You get good opportunities in c a ree r and mo st o f you will utilize

    the maximum of your opportunities. If you imp lement the rem ed ies

    of the Sun such as Surya Namaskar or wearing Ruby can amplifytheir career opportunities.

    Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

    Your health overall will remain good during this period. But, some

    stomac h rela ted p rob lem with d isturb you. Hea lth w ill suffer due to

    over indulgence. You will from suffer dyspeptic in the second half

    of the quarter.

    Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012Jup iter p lac ed in the sixth house will lead to the d isea se in the stom-

    ac h d uring this period . The Tridoshas will get imba lanc ed due to the

    p lac em ent of the Jup iter in the sixth house. More of Kaph(phe lgm)

    and little of va tha (wind ) will be there. You c an ha ve fever, ea r d is-

    ea se, sorrow and fa inting due to Kapha dosha in the sec ond ha lf

    of the quarter.

    July 2012 to Septem ber 2012

    You will be suffering from c onvic tions during this period . Due to the

    p lac em ent of Venus and Ketu in the seventh house, you w ill have

    the danger of loss of virility due to d isease. Some p rob lems rela ted

    to the abdomen or uterus infec tion is possib le in the sec ond ha lf of

    this qua rte r for Sc orp ion fema les.
  • 8/3/2019 Scorpio Horoscope 2012



    October 2012 to Decem ber 2012

    Ketu s ill p lac ement w ill lead you to humility and loss of virility. There

    are c hance o f some c ut or burns on your fac e o r hea d so b eware

    if you are using chemicals or working with some re or acids. Rahu

    being placed in the Lagna makes your health unsatisfactory and

    c a lls for trea tment other than by med ic a l methods.

    Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

    You are an ideal love mate but as husband or wife your not t. The

    rea son b eing you a re q uite egoistic and have a feeling of revenge .

    Your love life d uring this period will be dull. The menta l qua lity w ill be

    good but hea lth will be poo r. In the sec ond ha lf of the q uarter you

    will take delight in singing, music and dancing with your near and

    dea r ones. You a re highly sensua l in this qua rte r.

    Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

    This period will b ring joy a nd ha pp iness with your love ma te . This is

    the quarter when you can nd your dream mate. You will be fond of

    qua rrelling whic h w ill be sensuous and passiona te. Your love ma te

    will be devoted to you. You will enjoy pleasure and drink. You will

    be c ha rming with winning manners. Your magnetic persona lity willa ttrac t the op posite sex to b uild a pa rtnership .

    July 2012 to Septem ber 2012

    You will have a good looking and a chaste partner during this pe-

    riod . You will be sensitive to your pa rtne r s fee ling . Plac ement o f Ve-

    nus strongly will give charming and magnetic personality. Women
  • 8/3/2019 Scorpio Horoscope 2012



    will ock towards you seeking for alliance. Your life partner will add

    reputation and social standing of your family. If your Venus is weak

    in your birth chart it will give you lonely life and loss through mar-


    October 2012 to Decem ber 2012

    You are romantic and enjoy love affairs. You are lucky to nd a pas-

    siona te and sensuous pa rtne r. The period is fortuna te for those who

    have their love mate working with them. You will have a devoted

    and a fa ithful pa rtner. The a spec t o f Ma rs c an c rea te som e d iffer-

    enc e o f op inion w ith your love ma te.

    Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

    You will create some misunderstandings and troubles between

    friends and rela tives through q uestionab le and susp ic ious dea lings.

    You w ill get good sup port from your b rothe rs and siste rs. Your moth-

    er will stay away from you during this period. Your father will be

    annoyed from you. You w ill have som e exc hange o f harsh speec h

    with yo ur spouse. Your child ren w ill be ill.

    Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012During this period , your family life will not be very fortunate some or

    the other health problems will continue in the family. Your brother

    will go a b road with your assistanc e. Your c hild will add some fa me

    to your name by som e ac hievement. Your spouse will go hand in

    hand with you to help you in your problems and troubles. You will

    have good time with your father.
  • 8/3/2019 Scorpio Horoscope 2012


    10 SCORPIO

    July 2012 to Septem ber 2012

    Your spouse a nd your c hild ren will be ve ry cooperat ive d uring this

    period . They w ill g ive you full love and respec t. Your fa ther s hea lth

    is not very we ll. You need to c a re of your fathers hea lth. Your moth-

    er will rema in ha ppy with your servic e and support. Good time with

    your family a nd friends.

    October 2012 to Decem ber 2012

    This period is the best period for you in te rms of your family and ha p-

    p iness with family. You will ha ve some fa mily func tion where you will

    enjoy with your family. Your father will recover from your ill healthand your child ren and spouse will sta nd next to you fo r your support

    and streng th

    Enjoy your good time and keep supporting your brothers and sis-

    ters who a re a wa y from you and a re d ep endent on you.