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St Andrews Lhanbryd & Urquhart Parish Church of Scotland

Easter 2017

Scottish Charity SC008850 Cover designed by Kirsty Watkins

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Who’s Who

Interim Moderator Rev. Isabel Buchan 01542 832118

Session Clerk Alastair Rossetter 542939

Treasurer John Third 843341

Gift Aid Convener Margaret Murray 880273

Guild Convener Yvonne Pearson 842673

Hall Lets Carol Eccleston 842314

T.O.F.M. June Taylor 842688

Messy Church Sheila Silvestri 843640

Young Church & Tic Tacs

Fiona Cumming 540023

Thrift Shop Helen Fordyce 843036

Church Officer Margaret Murray 880273

St Margaret’s Hall Caretaker

Eric Thomson 842791

Tea Rota Moira Lawson 842477

Organist & Choir Leader Evelyn McHattie 842235

Stewardship and Finance Group Convener

Yvonne Pearson 842673

Fellowship Group Convener

Meg Anderson 842143

Outreach Group Convener

Sheila Silvestri 842640

Worship Support Group Convener

Grant Cumming 540023

Pastoral Visitor Donna Grant 842114

Church Magazine Editor Elsbeth Jackson 813374

Roll Keeper Kathleen Collins 543798

Flower Convener Marlene Hay 842336

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Dear Friends,

Greetings once again.

As I write, we are already into the Season of Lent and the journey to Easter. It hardly seems possible that we are already in March and not only is Christmas and ||New Year seeming a long time back, the children have already had the February mid-term break and are back at school again. In fact, the schools are already fixing their Easter Service dates with their Chaplain, as happened this week with my local Cluny primary in Buckie.

February ended on Pancake Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday which marks the start of the six-week period of Lent. Lent is a time when Christians begin to prepare themselves for Easter.

I know there are many who, whether part of the Christian community or not, try to ‘give up something’ during Lent. Often this amounts to something we don’t need, but which we like and enjoy, but, as a discipline, it is a symbol of the traditional practice of fasting during Lent. Some of you will also give the money saved from not buying this item, to some Charity or good cause. Chocolate, of course, is one of the favourite things to give up, but it can be anything at all. The time not used in indulging in this can then be used for prayer and preparing our hearts for the events of Easter and what that means in our lives.

This idea originates in the forty-day period Jesus spent in the wilderness /desert just before the start of his ministry, being tempted to use his powers for his own ends and use. During these 40 days, Jesus ate nothing, and so we can appreciate that he would have been very hungry at the end of them. So much so that even the stones in the desert looked like little rolls or loaves of bread – and he was tempted by the devil to change them into bread so he could eat.

Jesus’ response? ‘Man, does not live on bread alone, but on every word, that comes from the mouth of God.’ (Matthew 4:4 niv)

Twice more, Jesus was tempted:

- to throw himself off the highest point of the Temple! The devil said that God would not allow him to be harmed and would command his angels to take care of him and lift him up.

- thirdly, showing him all the kingdoms of the world from a high vantage point, Jesus was tempted to bow down and worship the devil in exchange for having all these.

Jesus response? ‘It is also written, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”’ And lastly, again using words from Scripture, he said: ‘” Away from me, Satan!” for it says, “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”’ (Matthew 4: 6-10 niv)

All of us are all too familiar with temptation, but most of us are not so good at resisting all the temptations that come our way. ‘Giving up something for Lent’ is a way of reminding ourselves of all that Jesus achieved, not only over temptations in the wilderness, but ultimately, on the cross, nailed there for our sin, and gaining forgiveness for us and all who come to him in faith. And in his resurrection on the third day, he gave to all who believe in him the promise of eternal life with him in heaven. He did it all for us.

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So, perhaps, as well as ‘giving up’ something for Lent, we might consider ‘taking up’ something. This may sound easy as if it doesn’t take much effort, but one of the best things any of us can ‘take up’ is to pray more, listen more – to God – both in our churches and communities, and in our personal and family lives. Prayer is not the ‘easy’ option – it takes time, determination and discipline.

Here in SALU, you have been taking up the challenge of praying both on Wednesday’s lunchtime, and in our Prayers for the Future in our morning services. Let us not give these up, or be disappointed that we have not seen any obvious signs of progressing towards finding a new minister. Sometimes, we have to keep praying for some time; sometimes, we have things to learn and discover about ourselves, or church community, the way God is leading us and preparing us for the new minister – as well as time while God prepares and leads the person he knows is the right person to be our new minister.

We can be sure that God is at work – in us, and in that person and, perhaps, his/her family.

Let us use this period of Lent, when we follow through Jesus ministry and all that he did and does for you and me and all who come to him, as a time of rededicating ourselves, of refreshing our understanding and growing in our faith. Let us open ourselves to be challenged, perhaps to see something we have not seen before and to be open to what God wants us to see or do.

As we do this more and more, we will find our lives individually and as a church opening up and blossoming in new ways.

Be encouraged, you have a wonderful church community; open and welcoming, enthusiastic and one that will welcome and support and protect any new minister. All of us involved in the services with you, and I with the greater involvement in other aspects of your church life, have had the same reaction – we love coming among you and sharing in your worship and fellowship. Your new minister, when he/she arrives will also find this.

Meanwhile, we look forward to a service of confirmation and then baptism on the first Sunday of April – again a sign of new life and growth among you. And there will be more to follow in the next few months.

May God bless us all, and keep us faithful as we seek to draw nearer to Him.

Isabel C. BuchanInterim Moderator

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Article for church magazine I was asked to put together an article for the magazine. I hope this will be of interest to readers. As many of you may know, last year I experienced a cardiac arrest. This was completely without warning and to say it was unexpected would be an understatement. A cardiac arrest is when your body stops pumping blood around your body and you stop breathing. It is fatal unless cardiopulmonary resuscitation commonly known as CPR is given or an Automated external defibrillator (AED) is used. Or in my own case both were required to restart my heart. I was very fortunate to be in a place where there was a person trained in CPR and also the fact that an ambulance attended the emergency quickly and had an AED on board. Since this traumatic event I have been making a slow but steady recovery and know how lucky I am to be still be here. At this stage in my recovery I am determined to raise awareness of the importance of learning CPR. I would like to inform people about how I intend to do this and of my progress so far. The first stage is a CPR training event for locals, this is to take place in St Margaret’s hall, 8th March. There was high demand for this event. In the near future, I will organize another training event. My next wish is for children in schools to receive CPR training and to give them the confidence with this skill. I am working alongside The Sandpiper Trust to promote this and have a number of interested local schools. Lhanbryde Primary plan to provide CPR training as part of their health week later in the year. This is a very encouraging start. I also plan to work with Elgin High School to help promote the importance of CPR. British Heart Foundation have approached me to talk about my personal experience and how it is crucial for people to know CPR. They are hoping to secure a corporate sponsor which would provide much needed funding into providing CPR training and research into heart disease. I truly hope my experiences can help with this. How can the church help to raise awareness of CPR? I am hoping later in the year to hold an event in the church, perhaps a coffee morning or soup and sweet lunch to fundraise money to provide an AED locally. Part of this event will be giving people the opportunity to learn CPR. Having access to a local AED or defibrillator could make the difference between life and death if someone experiences a cardiac arrest.

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Every minute a person stops breathing there is 10% less chance of survival. Having a person trained in CPR nearby makes all the difference. Having access to an AED locally could make all the difference. If an ambulance takes more than 8 minutes to respond to a cardiac arrest, a person has less than 20% chance of survival. This is why we need an AED locally! Please help if you can when it comes to fundraising. Please have CPR training. Thanks for the support, care, love and prayers from the church community. Doreen McClelland-Jones

TOFM (Together on Friday Mornings)

Were you there?Reflecting together on 14th April, Good Friday, we will meet in St Margaret’s Hall at 10 am. After coffee and hot cross buns, we will spend time sharing some of the pain, abuse and degradation that Jesus experienced. There will be music, readings and silence.

Welcome to you all, men and women.

AwarenessOn the 12th May at 10 am in St Margaret’s Hall, Doreen will be sharing the memories of her heart attack. The immediate recognition of the situation, (from a stranger), his knowledge and first aid helped to save her life. From Doreen and a friend, we will be given advice and an introduction to a defibrillator.

It’s something we should all be aware of.

Christian AidHelping to raise money for those in need, TOFM will be hosting a coffee morning on the 19th

May in the Church Hall at 10 am. Please ‘Bring Something/Buy Something’. All contributions and purchases will be greatly appreciated.

Bits and Pieces

Thank you all for your good well messages and prayers while I was in hospital. Now well on my way to a complete recovery. A new hip for me. No more falls. It meant a lot to Ken, the family and myself knowing that you all cared. Cards, cakes, soup, phone calls and visits were very much appreciated. Magazine time again so thanks for your articles. The cover is by Kirsty. Well done and thank you Kirsty.


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Where to find us. St. Andrews-Lhanbryd and Urquhart Church, IV30 8LA. Leave the A96 and take the turning marked Lossiemouth. You will find St. Margaret's Hall in the village of Urquhart.

Romans 12 V 7. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. Thank you to all the ladies and gentlemen who faithfully serve our teas and coffee each week after our church service. What a real pleasure it is to have time to share some special moments in the company of one and another while drinking our cuppa. Moira Lawson.

Thrift Shop. The thrift shop has always supported the Blythswood Shoebox appeal with volunteers knitting hats, gloves and garments. A plea is being made for wool for this year's boxes. Wool can be left at the back of the church or handed in to the Thrift Shop at the opening times.

Guild Outing

Guild Outing is on 13th June. Afternoon Tea at Gordon Castle, with a visit to Gordon Chapel and a walk round the garden. Please let Ruth Keir know if you would like to come.

Vacancy Update

The Nominating Committee have written to probationers, currently have an advert in Life and Work and online, and continue to be listed on the Church of Scotland website.

We have received positive comments about our Parish Profile but so far individuals we have approached have not pursued interest, due mainly to links they already have with other churches, family ties and the decision not to be too far from the Central Belt.

Wherever you may be on Wednesdays at 1pm, please continue to play an active part in our search by spending a few minutes in prayer for the future of our church.

Session News

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Since the last SALU magazine the Kirk Session has met three times, in September, November and January.

We have considered Messy Church, Connect and the Urquhart evening service. The decision was taken to discontinue Messy Church on a regular basis, in view of the falling numbers, while leaving open the possibility of “one-off” events in future. Connect is continuing now on the first and third Sundays each month. Following discussion with Isabel Buchan, we decided the themes of each Connect service would now be linked to that of the 11.00 am service. It was also felt that the monthly Urquhart evening service might lend itself to a more informal style. We have embarked on a series looking at the “I Am” statements of Jesus in John’s gospel, addressing these through informal conversational-style talks in which those present are invited to participate.

Following on from the Stewardship of Money and Stewardship of Talents programmes in recent years, we are now required to consider Stewardship of Time. The Church of Scotland’s stewardship advisor for our area, Fiona Penny, came to our November meeting to discuss this with us. A small group is now being formed to bring proposals to Session as to how we will take this forward throughout the year.

In the January meeting we considered and agreed a proposal to create a Development Fund. Recognising that our contributions to central church funds are considerably reduced during a time of vacancy, we decided that the money thus “saved” should be put into a fund which could then support any outreach initiatives which either we might wish to introduce during the vacancy, or which a new minister might suggest to us.

Still on financial matters, Session decided to continue our regular support for Amanda Christie until her longer-term future becomes clearer. Amanda for her part has indicated that funds she receives for her support, if not required, could be used instead to support other projects in Nepal. This we would be happy to do.

With the General Assembly approaching in May, Session agreed to nominate Grant Petrie to be our Presbytery representative at the assembly. Presbytery has now agreed our nomination.

Presbytery undertakes reviews of individual congregations on a 5-yearly basis. We are to be reviewed later this year and initial preparations for this, which require us to complete a fairly extensive questionnaire about our activities, are now under way.

We have been asked by Presbytery to discuss the report of the church’s Panel on Review and Reform on empowering local leadership, which could involve a change of role for ministers, elders and OLMs. Feeling this was something requiring more extended discussion than might be possible at a regular meeting, we decided it would be a main item for another “Talkabout” – a day or half-day Session conference. We plan to hold this at the end of April.

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1 What is the name of the 137m high sandstone sea stack off Rora Head in the Orkney’s?

2 ‘Mardi’ is French for which day of the week? 3 In J K Rowling’s Harry Potter books, which three currency units are issued by Gringotts

Bank? 4 What are the two common English words that end with the letters ‘shion’? 5 What was the name of Alexander the Great’s horse? 6 Who said ‘Out, damned spot, out I say’? 7 What name is given to a female swan? 8 According to the gospels, who asked for the body of Jesus after the crucifixion and placed

it in his own garden tomb.

9 What is the brand name of the coffee produced by Fair Trade?10 In which sport is an outdoor Bonspiel (Great Match) held when weather conditions are

suitable?11 Who did Pharaoh’s daughter discover in the bulrushes?12 In the nursery rhyme, which insect is told to fly away home because ‘your house is on fire

and your children all gone’?13 Which historic burgh was designated as the sixth Scottish city in March 2002?14 By what name is the fragrant, white-flowering garden shrub Philadelphus commonly

known?15 As the crow flies, is London closer to Barcelona or Prague?16 A dodecagon is a shape with how many sides?17 The newspaper of which organisation, first published in 1879, is The War Cry’?18 Who was the first black player to play (and win) a Wimbledon singles title?19 In which Shakespeare play are the words ‘what news on the Rialto?’ spoken?20 Osteoporosis is the thinning and weakening of which components of the human body?

Answers to September Quiz

1 Paris 2 Sicily 3 Cos 4 Kilometre 5 Chelsea 6 Dog 7 Sir Roger Bannister 8 Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh 9 Sochi 10 Butterfly 11 Genesis 12 2012 13 Threadneedle Street 14 Buzz Lightyear 15 Hamlet 16 Bombay 17 Venus 18 1994 19 Thursday 20 New Mexico and Texas

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The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe is more than just a film

There’s Christian meanings hidden within

Narnia stands for the world that we see

The Witch is the Devil and the sin in you and me

Also in the Bible, is the garden of Eden

And there was a tree from which no-one should be feeding

This is like Narnia before the Witch came in

It stands for the world before the Devil or Sin

Temptation’s a nasty thing which we should fight

For Ed. It was a prince or eating Turkish delight.


Aslan stands for God and Jesus and good

He is the Lord and the King of the wood

The 12 disciples of Jesus are the guys

Represented by the children, trying to be wise

Now Edmund stands for Judas, a betrayer and a sinner

Mr Beaver thought he was, when he sat down to dinner

Followers of Aslan stand for friends of God as well

Followers of the Witch would follow Satan into hell

Narnia has some prophecies one written on a table

Jesus has some prophecies, you’ll find them in the Bible.


When the witch had some enemies, stone was her solution

When Christians suffered, it was persecution

God’s gifts to us are shown by presents from St. Nick

Lucy’s potion means God has power to heal the sick

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In front of Aslan the children kneel

Like worshipping in front of God is how they feel

Edmund he says sorry to Aslan before too long

Like a sinner’s repentance to God for doing wrong

If sinners don’t repent, their soul is Satan’s claim

The witch she wants a traitor’s life, in Narnia that’s the same


The girls were with Aslan before his death caused by his enemy

Like disciples and Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane

Aslan was laughed at and Jesus was as well

Before both of them died, that’s what the stories tell

To the stone table or the cross both of them were led

But that’s not the end because they both rose from the dead

Now the children ruled Narnia when Aslan went away

When Jesus went to heaven the Christian Church began they say

So now you know the Narnia story’s more than just a film

And you’ve learnt about the Easter story hidden just within.


3-year old Reese:‘Our Father, who does art in heaven, Harold is His name. Amen’

A little boy was overheard praying:‘Lord, if you can’t make me a better boy, don’t worry about itI’m having a real good time like I am.

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After the christening of his baby brother in church, Jason sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car.His father asked him three times what was wrong.Finally the boy replied. ‘That preacher said he wanted us broughtup in a Christian home, and I wanted to stay with you guys.’

One particular 4-year-old prayed. ‘And forgive us our trash basketsAs we forgive those who put trash in our baskets.’

A Sunday school teacher asked her children as theyWere on the way to church service.‘And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?’One bright little girl replied. ‘Because people are sleeping.’

A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Evan 5 and Ryan 3.The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake.Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson.‘If Jesus were sitting her, He would say.‘Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait.’Evan turned to his younger brother and said, ‘Ryan, you be Jesus!’

A father was at the beach with his children when the 4-year-old son ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore where a seagull lay dead in the sand.‘Daddy, what happened to him?’ the son asked.‘He died and went to Heaven.’ the Dad replied.The boy thought for a moment and then said, ‘Did God throw him back down?’

A wife invited some people to dinner.At the table, she turned to their 6-year-old daughter and said,‘Would you like to say the blessing?’‘I wouldn’t know what to say,’ the girl replied.‘Just say what you hear your Mummy say,’ the wife answered.The daughter bowed her head and said, ‘Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?'

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Christian Aid Events for 2017

There is a full programme of events planned for the next few months and we hope there will be something to appeal to everyone.

There is an official Christian aid QUIZ which will be around to collect at a £1 a sheet. This will be handed in by 7th May and we hope to announce the winner on Christian Aid Sunday.

SEED BOXES have been ordered from Edinburgh and will be on the welcome table to collect and use. 2pence per person per meal is a suggested donation. The bulletin will suggest a date to hand them back in.

Meg Anderson and Sheila Silvestri have tickets for THE MAGIC OF CHRISTIAN AID on 31st MARCH at 7.30 in church with Grant and Shona Cumming. Teas and “fancy pieces” will be served in the interval.

There will be a COFFEE MORNING in Lhanbryde Primary School on Friday 12th May. This will run from 9.45a.m. to 11.15am. Donations of baking would be most welcome. Speak to Sheila Silvestri.

The BOAT RACE will be held on Saturday 13th May at 11.00 a.m. Lhanbryde Burn.

CHRISTIAN AID SUNDAY we will welcome a member of the Ch Aid staff from Glasgow coming to help with the service – Valerie Brown. 14th May at 11am.

From 14th to 20 th DOOR TO DOOR COLLECTIONS will take place. Please consider if you could help with even a dozen houses in your neighbourhood or think of teaming up with a friend and going together!

TOFM are having a BRING AND BUY coffee in St Margaret’s Hall on Friday 19th May at 10am.

We hope that as in the past all members of our church community will do their wonderful job of supporting these events.

Changes to Roll:







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‘Looking forward’ by Rosemary Merson.

Spring. Daffodils glowing in the dark. Crocus brightening up the park. Snowdrops flittering in the breeze. Blossoms dancing in the trees. Summer mornings. Skylarks singing. Swallows winging, darting to and fro, Gentle breezes sway the leaves As through the woods woods I go. Violets, ferns in shady nooks Water rippling in the brook Dappled rays from high above The soft coo-cooing of a dove Early morning walks like these Help to face the day with ease.

NO WONDER HE WAGS HIS TAILWhen GOD made the earth and sky The flowers and the tree He then made all the animals And all the birds and bees.

And when his work was finished Not one was quite the same He said I'll. Walk this earth of mine And give each one a name. And so, he travelled land and sea And everywhere he went A little creature followed him Until its strength of as spent When all were named upon the earth And in sky and sea The little creature said dear Lord There's not one left for me. The father smiled and softly said I left you to the end I've turned my own name back to front And called you Dog my friend.

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April 2017March 31st

Friday Magic Evening with Grant Cumming – in the Church

9.30 – 10.30am 11am

April2nd Sunday Church Service Stated Annual Meeting 11am4th Tuesday Thrift Shop 10 – 11.30am6th Thursday Thrift Shop

Choir Church Hall1.30 – 3pm7.30pm

7th Friday TOFM St Margaret’s Hall 10 – 11.30am9th Sunday Church Service Souper Sunday

Prayer Meeting June Taylor’s11am7pm

11th Tuesday Thrift Shop 10 – 11.30am13th Thursday Thrift Shop

Maundy Thursday Service Church1.30 – 3pm7pm

14th Friday TOFM Good Friday St Margaret’s HallGood Friday Service Bellie Church

10 – 11.30am7pm

16th Sunday Church Service Church Service

11am 18th Tuesday Thrift Shop 10 – 11.30am20th Thursday Thrift Shop

Choir Church Hall1.30 – 3pm7.30pm

21st Friday TOFM St Margaret’s Hall 10 – 11.30am23rd Sunday Easter Service 11am25th Tuesday Thrift Shop 10 – 11.30am27th Thursday Thrift Shop Choir

Church Hall1.30 – 3pm 7.30pm

28th Friday TOFM June Taylor’s 10 – 11.30am30th Sunday Church Service

Evening Service St Margaret’s Hall11am7pm

May 20172nd Tuesday Thrift Shop 10 – 11.30am4th Thursday Thrift Shop

Choir Church Hall

1.30 – 3.00pm7.30pm

5th Friday TOFM Jan Smith’s 10 – 11.30am7th Sunday Connect

Church Service9.30 – 10.30am 11am

9th Tuesday Thrift Shop 10 – 11.30am11th Thursday Thrift Shop

Choir Church Hall1.30 – 3.00pm7.30pm

12th Friday TOFM Church Hall 10 – 11.30am14th Sunday Church Service

Prayer Meeting June Taylor’sPrayer Meeting June Taylor’s


16th Tuesday Thrift Shop 10 – 11.30am18th Thursday Thrift Shop

Choir Church Hall

1.30 – 3.00pm7.30pm

19th Friday TOFM Bring and Buy for Christian Aid – in the Church Hall

10 – 11.30am

21th Sunday Connect Church Service

9.30 – 10.30am 11am

23nd Tuesday Thrift Shop 10 – 11.30am

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25th Thursday Thrift ShopChoir Church Hall

1.30 – 3.00pm7.30pm

26th Friday TOFM June Taylor’s 10 – 11.30 am28th Sunday Church Service

Evening Service St Margaret’s Hall11am7.00pm

30th Tuesday Thrift Shop 10 – 11.30am

June 20171st Thursday Thrift Shop

Choir Church Hall

1.30 – 3pm7.30pm

2nd Friday TOFM Mary Mitchell’s 10 – 11.30am4th Sunday Connect

Church Service Communion 9 – 10.30am 11am

6th Tuesday Thrift Shop 10.30 – 11.30am8th Thursday Thrift Shop

Choir Church Hall1.30 – 3pm7.30pm

9th Friday TOFM Church Hall 10 – 11.30am11th Sunday Church Service

Prayer Meeting June Taylor’s11am7pm

13th Tuesday Thrift ShopGuild Outing

10.30 – 11.30am

15th Thursday Thrift Shop Choir Church Hall

1.30 – 3pm7.30pm

16th Friday TOFM St Margaret’s Hall 10 – 11.30am18th Sunday Connect Church

Service 9 – 10.30am 11am

20th Tuesday Thrift Shop 10.30 – 11.30am22nd Thursday Thrift Shop

Choir Church Hall1.30 – 3pm7.30pm

23rd Friday TOFM June Taylor’s 10 – 11.30am25th Sunday Church Service

Evening Service St Margaret’s Hall 11am 7pm

27th Tuesday Thrift Shop 10.30 – 11.30am29th Thursday Thrift Shop Choir

Church Hall1.30 – 3pm7.30pm

30th Friday TOFM Picnic Lunch 11.30amJuly2nd Sunday Church Service 11am

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