Screenshots of DPS Eloise Hatton

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Page 1: Screenshots of dps

Screenshots of DPS

Eloise Hatton

Page 2: Screenshots of dps

Main HeaderOn my main header for my DPS I have chosen the font

“impact”. I chose this font not only because it stands out to the audience, but also because it links in with my genre. I believe this links in with my genre (rap/hip-hop) as I have compared my magazine to “VIBE” magazine. “VIBE” magazine uses as block styled font, as “VIBE” is a rap styled magazine I chose it as I believe it will be portrayed more clearly. Also, as I have mainly targeted this magazine at males, I personally think this styled font connotes and reinforces that it is targeted for males. It has connotations of males as it looks bold, big and looks masculine. In addition, if I used a font such as “French Script MT” I think this would have looked more targeted towards the female gender. I believe this as stereotypically people stereotype this styled writing as to be more feminine. Moving on to the colour, I have chosen the quote “IT’S EAST WHEN YOU’RE WRITING HONEST LYRICS ABOUT REAL LIFE” in the colour white. This just gives the DPS a bit of class and allows the header to stand out more evidently in contrast to the foreground. However, I chosen to colour the text for “PROFESSOR GREEN” in the colour green. This clearly links in with the artist and makes the artist come across more important.

Page 3: Screenshots of dps

Main Image

Moving on to my main image of “Professor Green” and his support act I have placed them on the right side of the DPS. Placing the image of them on one side of the page makes them become more significant and important due to the fact that they need near enough a full side of the page to themselves.

Page 4: Screenshots of dps

Drop Quote

I have placed the drop quote in the middle of the main text. My reason behind doing this as it makes it more focused and will catch peoples attention straight away. Also, as it is a quote from the fans it shows that we take his fans thoughts and in general seriously. The drop quote states “I THOUGHT HE’D MOST LIKELY BE DRUNK”. I chose this quote as