”Rude Awakening” Complete Script 1


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”Rude Awakening” Complete Script


Page 2: Script

Key: SW=Shaun White, DR=Doctor Roberts, UD=Unnamed Doctor, ( )=Screen Directions.

Scene 1

(SW repeatedly presses snooze on iPhones alarm clock, then zooms into face)

Scene 2

DR: (Clicks fingers) Hello, is anyone in there? (SW Regains Composure and Smiles), oh you are still among us?SW: YesDR: Well that’s one problem sorted, what else can I help you with?SW: Recently I seem to be a bit distant.DR: Yes I can see, why might that be?SW: (giving dirty look) I’m not sure to be honest.DR: Well talk me through your day.

Scene 3

(Enters SW’s imagination, same scene of alarm clock being snoozed appears. SW proceeds to get ready, Using POV shot sees him putting toaster on, putting tap on in the bath and brushing teeth, SW maintains dull facial expressions)(DR appears behind SW in mirror)DR: So what happened next?(Fades back to office)(SW opens eyes and stares at DR)SW: I left the house… the same as I do every day.


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Scene 4

(SW leaves house and walks down road, camera focuses on SW walking through the traffic)DR: To go where?(Back to SW in office)SW: Nowhere in particular, I have nothing to do, I do nothing… I have nothing.DR: So you don’t have a job?SW: As far as I know, I had a job but now I don’t.DR: How many people do you talk to on a daily basis?SW: Do I count as one?DR: (Pauses) No!SW: Then… nobody.DR: Why is that?SW: I just seem to slip under the radar, its like I’m invisible.

Scene 5

(Returns to SW’s bedroom, Alarm Clock sounds again)(SW continues to walk and then DR comes into shot on a bench)DR: White! Take a seat.SW: (Sitting next to DR on bench) What are you doing here?DR: The sooner you realise that the better.SW: What?DR: Never mind, you’ll realise soon enough.SW: (Seemingly Confused) Realise what?DR: I can’t tell you if you don’t know.SW: Well thanks… thanks a lot! (SW proceeds to storm off with DR remaining seated)(SW continues walking but DR appears again sat at another bench)DR: Why don’t you just take a seat?SW: (Reluctantly sitting) Am I imagining things.DR: Just because it’s in your imagination doesn’t mean that it’s not real.

SW: (holds chest and appears in pain) What’s happening?


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(Clock appears again at the same time as before, doctors can be overheard talking)UD: (Fades to black) Time of death… 12:35(Zoomed to SW’s face, his eyes open)

The End