271 Now begin work on the questions. (1) On the recording, you hear: (woman) : This is a nice little spot. Do you get much company here? (man) : Only few people come here. (narrator) : What does the man mean? 1. On the test book, you read: (A) He doesn’t have many friends. (B) He is very happy. (C) He builds a company there. (D) He lives only with the woman. (2) On the recording, you hear: (man) : What was happening? (woman) : There was a wolf crying. (narrator) : What does the woman mean? 2. On the test book, you read: (A) She saw a wolf crying. (B) She heard a wolf roaring. (C) The wolf was sad. (D) The wolf was singing. (3) On the recording, you hear: (woman) : You know where to find me. Just where you found me today. (man) : Sure. (narrator) : What does the man mean? 3. On the test book, you read: (A) The man wanted to make sure where the woman could be found. (B) The man knew how to find the woman i.e. where he found her today. (C) The man didn’t know where the woman is. (D) The man was with the woman. (4) On the recording, you hear: (man) : Oh doctor, what shall I do? (woman) : We’ll have a look at the colour of your blood. (narrator) : What is probably the woman’s job? 4. On the test book, you read: (A) She is probably a reporter. (B) She is probably a nurse. (C) She is probably a therapist. (D) She is probably a doctor.

Script Listening Simulasi 2

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Page 1: Script Listening Simulasi 2


Now begin work on the questions.

(1) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : This is a nice little spot. Do you get much company here?(man) : Only few people come here.(narrator) : What does the man mean?

1. On the test book, you read:(A) He doesn’t have many friends.(B) He is very happy.(C) He builds a company there.(D) He lives only with the woman.

(2) On the recording, you hear:(man) : What was happening?(woman) : There was a wolf crying.(narrator) : What does the woman mean?

2. On the test book, you read:(A) She saw a wolf crying.(B) She heard a wolf roaring.(C) The wolf was sad.(D) The wolf was singing.

(3) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : You know where to find me. Just where you found me today.(man) : Sure.(narrator) : What does the man mean?

3. On the test book, you read:(A) The man wanted to make sure where the woman could be

found.(B) The man knew how to find the woman i.e. where he found her

today.(C) The man didn’t know where the woman is.(D) The man was with the woman.

(4) On the recording, you hear:(man) : Oh doctor, what shall I do?(woman) : We’ll have a look at the colour of your blood.(narrator) : What is probably the woman’s job?

4. On the test book, you read:(A) She is probably a reporter.(B) She is probably a nurse.(C) She is probably a therapist.(D) She is probably a doctor.

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(5) On the recording, you hear:(man) : I’ll tell you if I get that.(woman) : But you keep your eyes open, Leo.(narrator) : What does the woman mean?

5. On the test book, you read:(A) She always opens her eyes.(B) She wants to check the man’s eyes.(C) She suggests the man to stay cautious.(D) She asks the man to see her.

(6) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : I warn you for your own good.(man) : I know. Thanks a lot.(narrator) : What does the man try to say?

6. On the test book, you read:(A) He wants to say apologize.(B) He wants to express grateful.(C) He wants to express sympathy.(D) He wants to say praise.

(7) On the recording, you hear:(man) : What are you doing?(woman) : I’m trying to turn off this machine but it is still on.(narrator) : What does the woman mean?

7. On the test book, you read: (A) The machine fails to be off.

(B) The machine has been off.(C) The machine is being repaired.(D) The machine should be fixed.

(8) On the recording, you hear:(man) : Look at the queue for the tickets. I can’t stand waiting in a

long line like that.(woman) : Come on. Don’t be mad. Just stay for awhile, please.(narrator) : What does the woman try to suggest?

8. On the test book, you read:(A) She suggests the man to be patient.(B) She asks the man to be wild.(C) She suggests the man go first.(D) She suggests the man to study math.

(9) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : Don’t worry about that. You are going to be OK.(man) : But this failure makes me shy.(narrator) : What does the man express?

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9. On the test book, you read:(A) He expresses happiness.(B) He expresses fear.(C) He expresses embarrassment.(D) He expresses anger.

(10) On the recording, you hear:(man) : I would buy a diamond ring for you if I had money now.(woman) : You mean you have no money, don’t you?(narrator) : What does the woman mean?

10. On the test book, you read:(A) She is happy because the man gives her a diamond ring.(B) She doesn’t like a diamond ring.(C) She wants to buy a diamond ring with the man.(D) She knows that the man will not give her a diamond ring be-

cause he has no money.

(11) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : Why don’t you go out for a walk?(man) : I go for walk if it is fine.(narrator) : What does the man mean?

11. On the test book, you read:(A) He goes for a walk.(B) He will go for a walk later.(C) He doesn’t go for a walk because of rain.(D) He is going for a walk although it is raining.

(12) On the recording, you hear:(man) : Where does Kim live?(woman) : He never tells me where he lives.(narrator) : What does the woman mean?

12. On the test book, you read:(A) She doesn’t know Kim’s address.(B) She wants to ask Kim’s address.(C) She has already known Kim’s address.(D) She never visits Kim’s house.

(13) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : It is a fact that this gold is expensive.(man) : I don’t think so. This diamond is the most expensive.(narrator) : What doe the man imply?

13. On the test book, you read:(A) The gold is more expensive than the diamond.(B) The gold and diamond have similar price.(C) The diamond is more expensive than the gold.(D) The gold is the most expensive.

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(14) On the recording, you hear:(man) : What should we do to this plants?(woman) : We should give it water to grow.(narrator) : What does the woman mean?

14. On the test book, you read:(A) Plants don’t need water to grow.(B) Plants grow depending on the weather.(C) The weather influences the plants.(D) Plants need water to grow.

(15) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : I think the weather will be good. Lets have a picnic.(man) : You’re right. Lets go.(narrator) : What does the man imply?

15. On the test book, you read:(A) The man is going for a picnic without the woman.(B) The man doesn’t agree with the woman.(C) The man needs some water.(D) The man has similar opinion as the woman.

(16) On the recording, you hear:(man) : What is Marryl doing there?(woman) : She is asking the man a lot of questions about television.(narrator) : What does the woman imply about Marryl?

16. On the test book, you read:(A) Marryl hates everything about television.(B) Marryl works in television company.(C) Marryl is very fond of television.(D) Marryl has a reporter of television station.

(17) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : Didn’t you hear me blow my whistle?(man) : I’m so sorry. It’s very crowded here.(narrator) : What does the man imply?

17. On the test book, you read:(A) He didn’t hear the whistle.(B) He heard the whistle very clear.(C) He thought the whistle’s very crowded.(D) He asked apologize because of the whistle.

(18) On the recording, you hear:(man) : Did you go by yourself?(woman) : I went with my family.(narrator) : What does the woman mean?

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18. On the test book, you read:(A) She went by herself.(B) She didn’t go by herself.

(C) She went with the man.(D) She didn’t go anywhere.

(19) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : (kring....kring....) Hello, Sam, I don’t want to go to the campus

today because it is raining.(man) : Yes. The same thing happened yesterday.(narrator) : What does the man imply?

19. On the test book, you read:(A) Yesterday, it was also raining.(B) Yesterday, it wasn’t raining.(C) The rain dropped all week.(D) The rain was not a problem for him.

(20) On the recording, you hear:(man) : What’s wrong, Nathalie?(woman) : It’s none of your business. This is a private conversation!(narrator) : What does the woman express?

20. On the test book, you read:(A) She is happy. (C) She is sad.(B) She is angry. (D) She is fine.

(21) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : How was the movie?(man) : I couldn’t hear the actors. The man and the woman who were

sitting behind me were talking loudly.(narrator) : What does the man imply?

21. On the test book, you read:(A) He enjoyed the movie.(B) He sat beside the actors.(C) He got seat at the back.(D) He didn’t enjoy the movie.

(22) On the recording, you hear:(man) : Why are you still carrying that penguin about? Didn’t you

take it to the zoo?(woman) : I certainly did. (narrator) : What did the woman do with the penguin?

22. On the test book, you read:(A) She took care the penguin at her house.(B) She gave the penguin to the man.(C) She took the penguin to the zoo.(D) She took the penguin to the pole.

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(23) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : I just found this wallet. What should I do?(man) : Take it to the police.(narrator) : What does the man try to give to the woman?

23. On the test book, you read:(A) He gives her advice.(B) He gives her a wallet.

(C) He gives her direction.(D) He gives her nothing.

(24) On the recording, you hear:(man) : Could you afford to buy some cakes?(woman) : Don’t worry. I’ve already bought it for you.(narrator) : What does the woman mean?

24. On the test book, you read:(A) She could afford to buy some cakes.(B) She couldn’t afford to buy some cakes.(C) She felt so worry about the cakes.(D) She has already made some cakes.

(25) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : Have you had any miserable experiences?(man) : I have many experiences but not the miserable one.(narrator) : What does the man imply?

25. On the test book, you read:(A) He has miserable experiences.(B) He doesn’t have any miserable experience.(C) He always passes the miserable experinces.(D) He has a miserable experience.

(26) On the recording, you hear:(man) : Look, caterpillars are everywhere!(woman) : That’s really a bother.(narrator) : What does the woman imply?

26. On the test book, you read:(A) She expresses the love.(B) She expresses anger.

(C) She expresses annoyance.(D) She expresses sadness.

(27) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : Hi, James. This should be a greatshow.(man) : Absolutely.(narrator) : What does the man mean?

27. On the test book, you read:(A) He takes apart into the show.(B) He is the show holder.(C) He is a great player in the show.(D) He is agree with the woman’s opinion.

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(28) On the recording, you hear:(man) : What is your opinion about those people.(woman) : Well, I want to put them on a desert island and let them fight

out!(narrator) : What does the woman imply?

28. On the test book, you read:(A) She doesn’t like those people.(B) She really admires those people.(C) She likes them very much.(D) She wants to be part of them.

(29) On the recording, you hear:(woman) : What does Peter look like?(man) : He is a blond-haired, blue-eyed guy, tall, thin guy, a ten-year-

older than us.(narrator) : What does the man imply about Peter?

29. On the test book, you read:(A) Peter is the youngest among the man and the woman.(B) Peter has the same age with the woman.(C) He is younger than Peter.(D) She is older than Peter.

(30) On the recording, you hear:(man) : What happened there?(woman) : There was not any radio contact there.(narrator) : What did probably happen with the woman?

30. On the test book, you read:(A) Nothing happened with her.(B) She ran away from there.(C) She called help from there.(D) She didn’t get any new coming out of there because there was

no contact.

Part BDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation, you will hear several questions. The conversa-tions and questions will not be repeated.

After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book.

Now begin work on the questions.

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On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : Questions 31 through 32. Listen to a talk between two

people.(woman) : Kate didn’t care about her school anymore since her mother died few months ago.(man) : Really? That’s not good. I think we should talk to her.

(31) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : Who didn’t want to study at school anymore?

31. On the test book, you read:(A) The woman (C) Kate’s mother(B) Kate (D) The man

(32) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : What do the man and the woman probably do?

32. On the test book, you read:(A) They probably visit Kate.(B) They probably go back to school.(C) They probably go home.(D) They are probably still chatting.

On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : Questions 33 through 34. Listen to a talk between two

people.(man) : I’m thinking about how this electric oven works. Do you

know?(woman) : An electric oven uses one kilowatt-hour of electricity in

about 20 minutes, but one kilowatt-hour will power a TV for 3 hours, run a 100-watt bulb for 12 hours, and keep an electric clock ticking for 3 months.

(33) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : What are they talking about?

33. On the test book, you read:(A) The use of electric clock.(B) A TV power.(C) The use of an electric oven.(D) Electricity consumption.

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(34) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : What is the smallest consumption of electricity?

34. On the test book, you read:(A) An electric oven (C) A bulb(B) A television (D) An electric clock

On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : Questions 35 through 36. Listen to a talk between two

people.(woman) : Who are James Watson and Francis Crick? Do you know

them, Erick?(man) : Sure. They are the men who discovered the double-helix

structure of DNA. The length of a single human DNA molecule, when extended, is 1.7 metres (5 feet 5 inches)

(35) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : Who are James Watson and Francis Crick?

35. On the test book, you read:(A) They are the double-helix structure of DNA discoverers.(B) They are actors.(C) They are scientists.(D) They are historians.

(36) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : What is the length of a single human DNA molecule, when


36. On the test book, you read:(A) It’s 1.7 feet. (C) It’s 5 inches.(B) It’s 1.7 metres. (D) It’s 5 metres.

(37) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : Questions 37 through 38. Listen to a talk between two peo-

ple. (man) : What are you watching?(woman) : It’s a great event in this century. You know, Prince William will

get married his girl friend, Catherine Elizabeth Middleton. That will be gorgeous. None wants to miss it. Everybody in this world is waiting for that moment.

37. (narrator) : What are they talking about?(A) They are talking about Prince William’s marriage.(B) They are talking about Prince William’s girl friend. (C) They are talking about everybody in the world.(D) They are talking about a gorgeous moment.

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(38) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : How is everybody’s reaction of the marriage?

38. On the test book, you read:(A) Everybody is not happy for that.(B) Everybody is really impress to the marriage.(C) Everybody has no special reaction.(D) Everybody thinks it’s common event.

Part CDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will hear some questions. The talks and questions will not be repeated.

After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Here is an example.

On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : Questions 39 through 42. Listen to a talk about capital

town of Malaysia.(woman) : Kuala Lumpur offers kinds of activity, food, shopping

center, museum, park, and local theater. There is also federal government center in Putrajaya which is loca-ted south of Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur has modern infrastructure like KLIA – Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

Now listen to a sample question.

(narrator) : What does Kuala Lumpur offer?

On the test book, you read:(A) Kinds of food and fashion(B) A great hotel and park(C) Kinds of activity and shopping center(D) A modern airport and harbour

Sample Answer


The best answer to the question, What does Kuala Lumpur offer? is (C). This answer is based on the beginning part. Therefore, the correct choice is Kinds of activity and shopping center (C).

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Now listen to another sample question(narrator) : Where is Putrajaya’s location?

On the test book, you read:(A) south of Kuala Lumpur(B) center of Kuala Lumpur(C) north of Kuala Lumpur(D) west of Kuala Lumpur

Sample Answer


The best answer to the question, Where is Putrajaya’s location? is (A). This answer is based on the middle of the talk. Therefore, the correct choice is south of Kuala Lumpur (A).

Now begin work on the questions.On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : Questions 39 through 42. Listen to a talk about grammatical

expressions of aspect.(man) : If an aspectual meaning can be expressed with all – or a sig-

nificant number – of the predicates of a language, the expres-sion is grammatical. To be sure, that aspectual meaning may be somewhat different with different predicates, depending on their intrinsic semantic nature. In this meeting we exami-ne three aspects that are incorporated into the grammatical system of English, prospective, perfect (or perfective), and progressive.

(39) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : What is the subject of the talk?

On the test book, you read:

39. (A) An aspectual meaning(B) The predicates of a language(C) Grammatical expressions of aspect(D) Intrinsic semantic nature

(40) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : What is probably the man profession?

On the test book, you read:

40. (A) A doctor (C) A scientist(B) A lecturer (D) An economist

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(41) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : Where is the talk probably happened ?

On the test book, you read:

41. (A) In the canteen (C) In the meeting room(B) In a restaurant (D) In the classroom

(42) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : What are three aspects of the English grammatical system?

On the test book, you read:

42. (A) Prospective, progressive, and adjective(B) Prospective, perfective, and intransitive(C) Perfective, progressive, and transitive(D) Prospective, perfective, and progressive

On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : Questions 43 through 46. Listen to a talk about a representa-

tive English book.(woman) : A representative English book should contain many skills that

students can learn. As in the curriculum, there are four basic skills that students should gain after finishing their study. The four basic skills are considered as the basic competency needed by students. Those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing competencies. In this case, a representative Eng-lish book should cope with all the basic ones very well.

(43) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : What is the woman talking about?On the test book, you read:

43. (A) An English book for students(B) Curriculum(C) A representative English book(D) Four basic skills in learning English

(44) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : How many basic skills should students gain after complited their study?

On the test book, you read:

44. (A) Three (C) Five(B) Four (D) Six

(45) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : What are the basic skills considered?

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On the test book, you read:

45. (A) They are considered as the basic competency needed by stu-dents.

(B) They are considered as listening, speaking, reading, and writing competencies.(C) They are considered with all the basic ones very well.(D) They are considered as in the curriculum.

(46) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : The four basic skills cover____.

On the test book, you read:

46. (A) Speaking, pronunciation, reading, and writing.(B) Speaking, reading, writing, and drawing.(C) Listening, reading, singing, and writing competencies.(D) Listening, speaking, reading, and writing competencies.

On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : Questions 47 through 50. Listen to a talk about body

dismorphic disorder.(man) : Body dismorphic disorder (or BDD) is a relatively com-

mon, often severe, and underrecognize body image dis-order. It consists of distressing or impairing preoccupa-tions with perceived flaws in one’s appearance. People with BDD are obsessed with the belief that something’s wrong with how they look.

(47) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : What is BDD?On the test book, you read:

47. (A) It’s a relatively common, often severe, and under recognize body image disorder.

(B) It’s a relatively common, often severe, and recognize body image disorder.

(C) It’s distressing or impairing preoccupations.(D) It’s the belief that something’s wrong with how they look.

(48) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : How do the people with BDD usually see their looks?

On the test book, you read:

48. (A) They may be describe themselves as looking gorgeous.(B) They see their looks as looking attractive.(C) They describe themselves as looking hideous.(D) They describe themselves as looking good.

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(49) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : With what are people with BDD obsessed?

On the test book, you read:

49. (A) They are obsessed with the belief that something’s good with how they look.

(B) They are obsessed with the belief that something’s wrong with how they look.

(C) They are obsessed with perceived flaws in some appearance.(D) They are obsessed with distressing or impairing preoccupa-


(50) On the recording, you hear:(narrator) : Who is probably able to explain this case correctly?

On the test book, you read:

50. (A) A librarian (C) An engineer(B) A judge (D) A psychologist




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