SE Minnesota’s Premier Animal Magazine FALL 2019 wags, whiskers, hooves, fins www.thewagazine.com and feathers! the Cockatoo 29-year-old bird has cockatude to spare READING TO ROVER Dogs listen without judgement HEALING ENERGY Massage, Reiki, pets and people HOME TO DWELL Cat spirits have settled in a local boutique TAKING THE REINS Inspired to volunteer with retired rescue horses

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SE Minnesota’s Premier Animal Magazine FALL 2019

wags, whiskers, hooves, fins


and feathers!

the Cockatoo29-year-old bird has cockatude to spare

READING TO ROVERDogs listen without judgement

HEALING ENERGYMassage, Reiki, pets and people

HOME TO DWELLCat spirits have settled in a local boutique

TAKING THE REINSInspired to volunteer with retired rescue horses

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SE Minnesota’s Premier Animal Magazine

wags, whiskers, hooves and fins


SE Minnesota’s Premier Animal MagazineFALL 2019

wags, whiskers, hooves, fins


and feathers!

the Cockatoo29-year-old bird has cockatude to spare

YOUR PHOTOS 6 Pets on Parade Reader-submitted photos

LIVING WITH PETS 7 Bark At Me Pet Q&A on canine health care, insurance, and lifelong training BY DONNA CHICONE

IN THE BUSINESS 10 Reading to Rover Dogs listen without judgement, silently encouraging children to love reading BY PATTI ANDERSON

19 Healing Energy The connections between massage, Reiki, people and animals BY KEVIN KREIN

RESCUE 8 Taking the Reins Volunteering with retired rescued horses restores hope and renews a childhood love BY ANDREA GATES

TRAINING 22 Ask the Trainer Solutions for dogs who are aggressive on leashes BY SARA REUSCHE

BOOK REVIEW 24 Pirate chickens, the importance of insects, and a saved dog who belongs somewhere else BY TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER

HAPPY TAILS 30 Home to Dwell Cat spirits have found a home, mischief and all, in a local boutique BY BRYAN LUND

IN EVERY ISSUE 5 Barks from Starks 26 Nose for News 27 Rescue Directory 29 Get the Scoop 29 Index to Advertisers

Cowboy the Cockatoo/see article page 16/Photography by Kelvin Andow.

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ON THE COVER 14 Cowboy the Cockatoo Scamp, charmer, prodigy with a yellow crest BY KL SNYDER PHOTOGRAPHY BY KELVIN ANDOW

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SE Minnesota’s Premier Animal Magazine

wags, whiskers, hooves and fins

FALL 2019Volume 7 Issue 3

PUBLISHERS Kelvin Andow Kate BrueEllington Starks

EDITOREllington Starks




WRITERSPatti AndersonDonna ChiconeAndrea GatesKevin KreinBryan LundSara ReuschueTerri SchlichenmeyerKL Snyder

the wagazine is published quarterly by the wagazine L.L.C.P.O. Box 9073 Rochester, MN 55903

Yearly subscriptions $20

© the wagazine L.L.C. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher.Printed in the USA.

For advertising information:Ann Indykiewicz [email protected]

Article information, ideas and comments: Ellington [email protected]


Find us on Facebook: the wagazine


“The Wagazine changed my life.” These words surprised me when I saw Andrea Gates, a former coworker, unex-pectedly one day. She shared how, in a time of depression and grief, she read in the Wagazine about the opportunity to volunteer at This Old Horse in Hastings. “Even though it is only a couple of hours

a week, spending time with the horses has changed my outlook on life,” she says in the article on p. 8. I loved her story, not only because the Wagazine connected a worthwhile rescue with a valuable volunteer, but because working with the horses eased Andrea’s sadness and unearthed her childhood love of the animals.

“Have you always been a dog lover?” people often ask me when they hear that I have been involved in dog rescue for more than a decade and work for a pet publication. My parents had a dog before they had kids, so I was born in to dog ownership. As with so many families, the dog came first. They tell the story of a young Ellie sneaking out of her bedroom in the middle of the night and feeding Barney, a docile Springer/Sheltie, hot dogs from the fridge. Barney survived two more human kids and a move to a bigger house. He got me through third grade before his old body wore out. We added a puppy: Torie, the Brittany Spaniel who was all spunk and sass. And I loved her from the day she arrived. I don’t remember the daily routine, but I do recall trying to do homework near her. With her. In her kennel. Turns out, I was ahead of my time, as reading to a dog has been shown to improve reading performance. Dogs and other animals are helping our area kids love to read, just by sitting with them. The “Reading to Rover” article on p. 10 introduces Bert and Ernie, dogs who listen to students read at Pine Island Elementary. As I sit typing today, there are two dogs by my side, helping me in the way they know best. They are silent companions who offer support just by being. The scene is a reflection of my own childhood love of dogs. Like Andrea, my work with animals today is an extension of the relationship that started many years ago. For people—like you readers—who love, live with and care for animals, it’s probably a familiar sentiment. Enjoy the menagerie of animals in this issue: dogs, ghost cats, horses, a cockatoo. Maybe one of these stories will change your life too.

A young Ellie and her Brittany Span-iel puppy, Torie.

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Want to see your pet in print? Send photos to [email protected].{ {

PCHS alumni, Shamrock. I miss her terribly. She loved her greenie ball, her Mama, and all her destroyed babies. ~ Marta Bollesen

Halloween Zest. ~ Wagazine reader The BEST 3 rescue pups. ~ Todd & Polly Kramer

Our 8 week old Corgi, Gibby! He may be little, but his attitude is Big! ~ Jena VanDyke

9-year-old Lilly welcomes chocolate lab, Arya, to the family. ~ Mary R.

Angel watching out the window for chipmunks. ~ Erin Sinnwell

The fur crew at Ettas: Alvin, the Cat pile, Moose and my ESRA rescue Snoopy and ESRA foster Dolly. ~ Etta Meinecke

Workout buddys, Cash and Presley. Cash is all smiles. ~ Sue Seykora My “plants” in the window: Parker, Garfield, Spencer, Lena & Kohl. ~ Etta Meinecke

In Loving Memory

Sweet Gypsy. ~ Abby Shelpler

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CANINE HEALTH CARE + INSURANCEDogs need to have annual medical check-ups just like humans do. Senior dogs should be seen twice a year and more if necessary. An annual check up will allow you and your veterinarian to identify problems early rather than later. It allows your dog to have anexperience with the vet when he is not having discom-fort. You and your vet get to know each other during these preventive visits. Socialization and preventive care occur in the same experience for your dog. Pet Parent Question“I take my dog in to see our veterinarian annually. As my dog is getting older I have more reasons to see our veterinarian during the year. Would health insurance for my dog be a good idea?”

Answer: Canine health care can be costly. If you have more than one dog, the expense multiplies. Health insurance can be effective, and many pet parents say they would not be without it. Insurance can allow you to make decisions for your dog’s health that you may not be able to afford otherwise. Another option is to earmark a set amount for medical expenses for your dog. Either way, it costs money to keep our dogs healthy.

Woofs & Smiles!


TRAINING: A LIFELONG ADVENTUREBasic obedience training for dogs is like school for human children. Basic obedience behaviors like sit, stay, come, leave-it and more can be the difference between a dog who remains in a forever home and one who is sur-rendered to a shelter for “behavior problems.” Training helps dogs know what is expected of them, gives them structure and sets limits. Most of all it makes living with a dog a positive experience. Pet Parent Question:“I took my dog to puppy kindergarten and he seems to be doing fine. Do I need to do any more training with him?”

Answer: Yes. Training is a lifelong experience. It is never too late to start, and it is something you can do throughout your dog’s lifetime. Training is a dog’s right and a pet parent’s responsibility. Therefore making it a fun experience for both of you will also make it successful. There are so many training options: basic obedience, canine good citizen training, therapy, agility, nose work, barn hunt, and even tricks classes. It is important to transfer the learning from the classroom to daily life by asking your dog for the newly learned behaviors like “sit” until they become part of his daily routine. A trained dog is a joy to live with.

Woofs & Smiles!

Donna Chicone is an award-winning author, TEDx speaker and advocate for dogs. She is a former nurse, family and addictions counselor, 23-year corporate America professional, and host of Jazz and Jive’s TV Show. She is a devoted pet parent to her two Portuguese water dogs, Jazz and Jive, and is an advocate for the humane treatment of animals. She lives in Minnesota with her husband. When she is not writing or speaking about dogs, she’s engaged in pet assisted therapy work and K9 Nosework with Jazz and Jive.

BARK AT MEB y Donna Chic one


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Volunteering with retired rescued horses restores hope and renews a childhood love B y A nd rea Gates


THE WAGAZINE CHANGED MY LIFE. About six years ago we moved from Southern California to Rochester to be closer to my nonagenarian parents. Because of my husband’s career, we have moved around a lot, and we’ve thrived every place we landed. I grew up in Southeastern Minnesota, so imagine my surprise when moving “back home” proved to be my one unhappy transplant. Rochester can be a tough place to put down roots; the soil can be pretty rocky and impen-etrable. I started to lose touch with the happy and successful person I had been. Life began to feel grey and without possibilities. A chance encounter with The Wagazine in a doctor’s office helped to change that.

BACK IN THE SADDLEIt is a late Tuesday afternoon as I step into the quiet of the barn. The smell of hay and horses relaxes me, helps me shift gears and feel grounded and optimistic in a way that has mostly eluded me of late. It is my favorite part of the week: volunteer-ing with This Old Horse, a non-profit organiza-tion that provides a home for retired horses. I learned about TOH from an article in the fall 2018 Wagazine. I have loved horses since I was a little girl, but over the years had drifted further and further from my deep-rooted connection to them. It was one of those things that happened so gradually that I didn’t even notice. As I read the article I realized how much I missed being around them.



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Andrea joins Button and Spot for cocktail hour.

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In addition to my general feeling of hopelessness, my father had recently died. I thought that reconnecting with horses would be a way to start climbing out from under the weight of sadness and grief. So I began the process of becoming a volunteer.

A DAY AT THE FARMTo start, one fills out an application explaining one’s interest in and experience with horses (no prior experience needed, as there are roles that allow volunteers to learn on the job.) There is an online educational piece. Horses are big beasties, so the organization wants to make sure you know how to read their behavior and how to interact safely with them. I’d had a horse for years, but that was a long time ago, so I was happy to have the refresher. Finally, there was an orientation at the TOH headquarters, Wishbone Ranch, in Hastings. I signed up to work at Eaton Farm near Cannon Falls (TOH has various worksites) as part of an afternoon feed crew. It consists of fill-ing water buckets, bringing the horses in from the pasture, giving them their evening grain,

and “picking” (cleaning up the fresh manure in the pastures closest to the barn to reduce flies). Kathy Oney, the farm manager, let me bring in only the quietest horses at first, until she felt confident that I knew what I was doing. After volunteering for a couple of months and getting to know the horses, I started doing some grooming as well. Working at the farm only once a week, I had worried that the horses and I wouldn’t really get to know each other. But I’ve come to know them as individuals with unique personalities, and they know and trust me. I know this because they interact differently with me now than they did in the beginning.

HAPPY HOURThough I love them all, I have my favorites. Spot is a big beautiful gelding who can be spunky; he is a little ADD and a bit of a clown. Tiz and Stormy tug at my heartstrings. Their owner died suddenly last winter and their world was turned upside down. They were lucky to land at Eaton Farm. Tiz was pretty comfortable and affectionate from the get-go, but Stormy was more high-strung and stand-offish. Over the months they have settled in and are enjoying life at the farm. Stormy has relaxed and now clearly enjoys attention. In addition to their interactions with humans, it is also fascinating to observe the

horses relating to each other. They have assigned pastures and pasture-mates with whom they form bonds. Tiz and Stormy share a pasture and have stalls across from each other and derive comfort from this. Spot shares a pasture with three mares, and his stall is next to Button, one of his pasture-mates. After coming in from the pasture they continue to hang out together, both snacking from Spot’s hay bag, like they are having pre-dinner cocktails. It is fun giving the horses their grain; they make eating oats sound so yummy that I almost want to join in.

NEW DIRECTIONThen it is out to the pastures to scoop the poop. Not the most glamorous or pleasant of tasks, but not really so bad either, and it is a good reminder that caring for horses is not all fun and games. After that we top off their water buckets and I say good-night to the horses and my fellow volunteer, Katie. It has been another wonderful evening at the barn. As I drive the 45 minutes home to Rochester I am filled with contentment and am already looking forward to next week when I get to do it all again. Even though it is only a couple of hours a week, spending time with the horses has changed my outlook on life. I think maybe it’s that the horses have helped me get back

in touch with the wild-at-heart girl I was, to see that there are possibilities beyond the grey and to look forward to being a wild-at-heart older woman. So thank you Wagazine and This Old Horse for bringing sunshine back into my life. And thank you to the Eaton Farm crew, Gretchen, Kathy and Katie, for taking me in and making me feel valued and appreciated.

Andrea Gates lives in Rochester.


Top photo: Out in the pasture with Tiz and Stormy.Bottom photo: "Picking" the pasture.

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Dogs listen without judgement, silently encouraging children to love reading

B y P atti A nd ers on


"Go Dog Go! " said a very enthusi-astic first grade girl to her furry faced friend. She was reading a popular children’s book to Ernie, a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog that seemed enthralled with the story. The little girl hugged and petted Ernie while she read, only stopping to show him the pictures. Ernie and his lookalike brother Bert both

visit at Pine Island Elementary School with their owner, John Fraley. Both dogs are registered therapy animals and love their work.

REASONS IN THE RESEARCHU.C. Davis did a study in 2010 that had a group of children reading to a dog for 10 weeks, once a week for 20 minutes. Another group of children read to an adult in the same

controlled environment. At the end of the 10 weeks there was a 12% increase in reading fluency skills for those children that read to a dog, and no improvement in the other group. Findings supported that reading to a dog may have a positive effect on reading performance and attitudes toward reading, though more comprehensive research was needed.

Reading Rover to

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There are many more benefits that have been reported by teachers, parents and the children in therapy animal reading pro-grams across the country. These anecdotal reports highlight improved self-esteem and self confidence, volunteering to read in class and a new positive interest in reading for many children. According to the 2010 special report that the Annie E. Casey Foundation published called “Kids Count,” children need to learn to read by third grade for their continued academic success. Many therapy animal reading programs target the early childhood grades. Although there’s not much research yet on the topic, it is likely that reading to species other than dogs is also beneficial. Regardless, research shows petting any warm blooded animal can lower your blood pressure and reduce anxiety, which supports the reading setting.

READ TO A RABBIT. OR LLAMA.The following species can be registered as therapy animals and volunteer in the com-munity: dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, certain birds, miniature pigs, alpacas, llamas and miniature horses/donkeys. If you have an animal that is well behaved around other animals, loves people (especially children) and has been well handled and trained in obedience, you could make a difference in a child’s life by reading with them.

GETTING STARTEDThere are three steps to becoming a reading team (handler and animal):

1. Live with or own an animal that is one of the nine approved species, and that has an aptitude for therapy work.2. Train your animal and pass an evaluation with a national organization.3. Start reading!

INSTILLING A LOVE OF READINGThe national R.E.A.D. (Reading Education Assistance Dogs) Program started in 1999 was the first comprehensive literacy program partnering with dogs. Currently they are in 24 countries and endorse any species that can be registered as a therapy animal team. They offer two workshops a year in the Twin Cities. Visit www.therapyanimals.org for free training videos and other resources. Many libraries and schools across the country welcome reading with a registered therapy animal. Check with the facility for policies. Most common concerns are addressed with safeguards that have been implemented in thousands of schools. The benefits far outweigh the concerns, especially with improved reading skills—and there is no cost to the facilities. For families with children at home, how about having them read out loud to the family pet? Find a cozy corner, spread out a blanket for your child and animal to sit on and make it a fun experience. If there are no available pets, have your child read to their favorite stuffed animal instead. Any way you can encourage your child to read, especially to an animal, may help instill a love of reading.

Patti Anderson, C.P.D.T., is a R.E.A.D. teacher, Pet Partners evaluator and Paws Abilities instructor.

Students at Pine Island Elementary School read with Bert the therapy dog, owned by John Fraley.

12 | wagazine | FALL 2019

Three established national groups register therapy teams:

Pet Partners www.petpartners.org Their reading program is called Read With Me. It includes a downloadable free manual and webinars. This organization tests dogs and is the only one that will test the eight other species.

Therapy Dogs Internationalwww.tdi-dog.orgTheir reading program is called Tail Waggin Tutors

Alliance of Therapy Dogs www.therapydogs.com

Once you have passed an evaluation and are a member of any one of these three groups, you will have one to two million dollars worth of general liability insurance when you are volunteering as a therapy animal team.

JOIN THE FUNAre you interested in reading with your dog and children at schools or libraries? Learn about what is involved and how to get started. Already working as a team? Share your expe-rience and network with other teams.

OCTOBER 24, 7-8:30 P.M.Paws Abilities Training Center, 1200 Lake Shady Ave. S., Oronoco.

RSVP to Patti: [email protected]

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Cowboy has been entertaining family, friends, bands, ministers and firefighters for more than 2 decades.

the CockatooScamp, charmer, prodigy with a yellow crest

B y KL Sny d er

Bristling with high IQ and high jinx, Cowboy the Cockatoo turns “birdbrain” into a compliment and antics into an art.

When this winged rascal cocks an ear at you, speak discreetly because he doesn’t. And he’s a whiz at linguistics. Some years ago Cowboy and his dad (his featherless father) Mark Chambers went river cruising. Because the boat was new to Mark, he used extra care as he steered it into the dock—an overkill of caution in the opinion of the trailing boater who bellowed, “Drive the effing boat!” Except he didn’t say “effing.” Guess who picked up the phrase, committed it to memory, airs it on special

occasions and has, wouldn’t you know, exceptional enunciation. Mark got Cowboy 22 years ago from a pet groomer whose menagerie of dogs, cats, chickens and ducks had taught the bird to bark, meow, cluck and quack. Cowboy, now 29, is a Medium Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, a parrot family member whose potential life span is 60 years. An Australian native, Cowboy came to the States just before the law curtailing import of wild exotic birds went into effect. When do those long-lived Medium Sulphur-crested Cockatoos reach maturity? “I have no idea,” says Cowboy’s mom Phyllis Chambers. “Personally, I’d say never. Cowboy is like a 3-year-old. Forever a 3-year-old,” with the unceasing Why? to prove it.

YOU DIDN’T BRING COWBOY?In the summer, Phyllis, Mark and their 29-year-old 3-year-old live Mississippi riverside in Hager City, Wis., where they’re renovating a 1983 Bluewater boat that they may live on someday, pending Cowboy’s approval. Cowboy, quite the party bird, loves his Wisconsin lifestyle. His parents take him along everywhere they can. “A lot of restaurants and bars on the Wisconsin side welcome him,” Phyllis says. When she and Mark arrive sans cockatoo, people ask, “Where’s Cowboy?” “He’s a major ham,” she says. He’s been on stage with bands at Hager City’s Harbor Bar, bobbing his head to the rhythm, dancing, singing. His favorite tune is “King of the Road.”


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Judging by Cowboy, political correctness is not for the birds. He likes bosomy blondes, isn’t shy about showing it and ogles conspicuously. AN UNFORGETTABLE WEDDINGMark and Phyllis met on the Mississippi six years ago and married on a friend’s boat, mid-river, five years ago. Among the guests was Cowboy, sporting a tuxedo instead of his usual Western bandana, and displaying his best manners until the minister asked if anyone wanted to say something. Cowboy did. “Drive the effing boat!” he shouted. Except he didn’t say “effing.” TALK-TALK-TALKMost of his vocabulary isn’t so blue, but he does chatter a blue streak. “Hey, baby.” “Toast and coffee?” “Bye-bye.” Phyllis is “Mom.” No is an unequivocal “naaaah.” Cowboy laughs, sasses and sometimes switches to cockatoo jabber. “I’ve had arguments with him,” Phyllis says. “I don’t know how many I’ve won.” Cowboy Chambers makes humbug of the old-hat notion that talking birds can’t under-stand context. Not only does he follow context, he creates it, specializing in sarcasm. When he’s made a mess, he watches Dad and Mom clean it up. “Happy now?” he jeers. “Having fun?”

His bird sitter Juli, who has an aviary in her basement and owns a large flock of parrots, says Cowboy has the most human characteristics of any bird she’s ever seen. TRICKSCowboy measures 9 inches high and 12 inches long from beak tip to tail tip and weighs less than 2 pounds. But when he performs his big wings trick—raising his yellow crest, fluffing out the white feathers that cover his body, extending his wings, stretching his neck, thrusting his chest forward—he looks much larger, though surely not as big as he thinks he is. Phyllis has a perch on her beachcomber bike, and when they go riding (“slowly and carefully for short distances,” she emphasizes), Cowboy spreads his wings like he’s flying. He can fly but doesn’t unless he has to. Instead he hops and waddles and, applying beak and claws, climbs with the skill of a Mount Everest Sherpa. He uses his beak to untie knots and likes to hitch rides on the oscillating fan. To see some of Cowboy’s capers, visit his Facebook page, Cowboy the Cockatoo. A WORKING BIRDHe’s rough on his toys (beads, plastic keys, rattles, a little piano) and on his toy box, a sturdy wood box half gnawed away. Parrot beaks grow like human nails and require conscien-tious whittling down, a routine that destroys playthings in no time. (Phyllis suggests bird toy manufacturing as a lucrative pursuit because of the frequent need for replacement.) Wooden and plastic toys aren’t the only beak grinders. Before Mark and Phyllis sold their house, they needed to hire finishing carpenters to redo the woodwork. All the damage was beak-level to guess who. When Mark and Phyllis aren’t home, Cowboy stays in his cage, watching cartoons and, he claims, “working.” He’s happy when they return but angry that they left. “He gets even,” says Phyllis. “He ruins something. We both have shoes with great big bite marks and clothes with holes in them.”

TRICKSParrots, like people, are omnivores. Cowboy’s diet includes nuts, grains, pellets, vegetables,

fruit, pizza (he can open the box) and the fat from bacon. When Mark brings home a burger with the works, Cowboy chows down his favorite parts and tosses the leftovers for Mark to reassemble and enjoy. To eat like a cockatoo means creating a shambles. “He gets food all over the room,” Mark says, “then wipes his beak on something expensive.” BIRDS BEHAVING “There are people who have gotten cockatoos because of Cowboy,” Phyllis says. “I try to tell them”—about the shenanigans, the destruction, the racket. “Making noise is part of what a cockatoo does.” Their speaking voices are pleasant, but that changes when they get outraged and an-nounce it by screeching and screaming. “If you don’t want a noisy bird, don’t get a cockatoo.” “Cockatoos, so needy and fragile, are a lot of work,” Mark says. “When I had three dogs, umpteen cats, and Cowboy, he was more work than the others put together.” Cockatoos’ attitude inspired a new word: cockatude. Medium Sulphur-crested Cockatoos abound in cockatude, sufficient to earn them a place on the birdsinbackyards.net list, Birds Behaving Badly. “I’M A GOOD BIRD.”To date, Cowboy’s costliest escapade was burn-ing down the kitchen. Late one night he slipped out of his cage (“My fault,” Mark says. “I didn’t close it properly.”), shuffled to the kitchen, climbed to the countertop, and turned a knob on the stove. Ph




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The heat from the burner melted a plastic coffee pot, and flames erupted and spread to the curtains and beyond. All this as Mark’s Dalmatians snoozed. (“Firehouse dogs,” he says with an ironic laugh.) At least and thank goodness the Husky puppy whimpered. Mark awoke, located Cowboy hiding under the living room couch, and called 911. Firefighters saved the rest of the house, but the kitchen was a total loss. As the firefighters left, Cowboy told them, “I’m a good bird.” ENTERTAINMENT VAL-UE AND COCKATOOWhy do Phyllis and Mark keep the avian rogue? “No one else will take him,” Mark

quips, then adds, “and we love him.” “He’s hilarious,” Phyllis says, again equating him to a 3-year-old. “You wouldn’t get rid of your kids. He talks back, and because he does talk back, he doesn’t seem like a pet.” Cowboy excels in entertainment value, prevents dull moments and, when he’s not raising Cain, likes to snuggle. “He doesn’t think he’s a bird,” Mark says, “but he’s better than a person. He’s a person with wings.”

This was the first time freelancer KL Snyder got to interview a cockatoo, and she hopes it won’t be the last. She sends a “hey, baby!” to Cowboy.

• Cockatoos belong to the parrot family, come in 21 varieties and live in Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia, Solomon Islands and the Philippines.

• They have strong, curved beaks that don’t stop growing.

• Their feet are zygodactyl—four toes on each foot with two toes pointing forward and two pointing backward. That configuration, along with the power-ful beaks, helps the birds climb.

• A group of cockatoos is called a family or a crackle.

• Depending on their variety, cockatoos in captivity live from 40 to 70 years.

• In the wild, their life span falls to 20 to 40 years.

• Among their virtues are curiosity, intellect, sensitiv-ity, playfulness and ability to bond with people.

• Among their vices are biting, screaming, mess-mak-ing, gnawing and neediness. They demand hours a day hobnobbing with their humans.

• The most talented conversationalists are the African Gray Parrots.

Cowboy, 29, is a colorful sidekick who accompanies Mark and Phyllis Chambers everywhere he can.Ph




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Prior to the passing of our compan-ion rabbit Annabell in the spring of 2018, as my wife and I were trying

to figure out why her health was suddenly deteriorating, we consulted with a veterinar-ian who performed minor chiropractic adjustments on Annabell during a visit. It was a surprise at the time because it happened rather quickly and rather subtly—much more casually than, say, a person visiting a chiropractor, tensing up with anxiety prior to an adjustment of the neck. However, it really shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise—as with people who seek out more natural, or holistic methods of treatment, there are individu-als who explore these alternatives for animals as well.

ANIMAL MASSAGEJessica Brandvold worked as a veterinary tech-nician for about six months before realizing it wasn’t the experience she had hoped for.

“It wasn’t as hands on as I wanted,” she explained. For the last five years, Brandvold has been getting that desired hands on experience through her work in animal massage. She said she was selective about the classes she took. They included Thersage EMC, an equine massage certification program in Wisconsin. Brandvold began primarily with horses, hence the name of her practice: Y.E.S. Massage, or Yee-haw Equine Sports Massage (yesmassage.org or face-book.com/yesmassage). She eventually worked with other animals as well, like a dog suffering from Cushing’s disease. “(The dog) would be able to take five steps before needing to lie down,” Brandvold recalled, adding that after work-ing with the dog through massage, it would be able to walk for half a mile without issue. Knowing that it can be difficult to get any kind of animal to be still, Brandvold attests that her calm demeanor is what

makes her work possible. Working with a high-energy animal—like a puppy, for example—takes more effort. “Once they figure out what’s going on, they usually collapse and let you do it,” she said. Brandvold recalled one of her most challenging clients was a farm animal—a goat who, as she put it, was “essen-tially feral,” though she was able to get through to him too. “He didn’t like being touched, but once he figured it out, he relaxed into it, and he’s much friendlier now.” Brandvold said massage work, outside of the overall healing aspect, helps improve blood flow in her clients, releases endor-phins and removes toxins from the body. She primarily makes house calls for her work. “If the animal is unable to get into the car, it doesn’t help to shove them in and make them anxious,” Brandvold said. She also has an office in Rochester, and can commonly be seen at dog-friendly events in the area.


The connections between massage, Reiki, people, and animalsB y Kevin Krein

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“I’ve had animals my

entire life, and I have seen how

medications work with pain manage-

ment,” she said. “But I’ve also see the side effects of

that—like liver or kidney damage. I want people

to know that there are other alternatives.”

SHARING ENERGYWorking in different

avenues of the Mayo Clinic,

Stephanie Sutherland and Beth Ely con-

nected over a number of shared interests, includ-

ing natural and holistic methods of teaching (they

became friends through the yoga class Sutherland teaches) and the giving and receiving of energy between people and animals. Sutherland and Ely both have a strong belief in Reiki, a Japanese form of alternative medicine based around the idea of channeling healing energy through the palms of the practitioner to the patient. It is sometimes regarded as a form of mindfulness meditation. Ely said she began training in Reiki

to help her kids settle

down before bed. “From there,

it blossomed into many other things. I

do Reiki for animals or get Reiki from animals

when I’m around them—because you get attuned to universal life force energy, you’re able to more easily give and receive it with practice.” She added she’s had previous experiences with animal communica-tion as well. “We think we are the ones taking care of the animals,” Ely continued. “But they are our guardians. They remind us that present moment is all that is.” Sutherland called the path that led her to an interest in Reiki an “evolu-tion,” beginning with work in martial arts, then yoga, then meditation, and now energy work. “Through that, and working with people, it made sense that it was a natu-ral fit with animals,” she continued. Both women are proponents of trying natural and holistic approaches. “Our automatic response is to put a pill to it, but there’s so much that can be done with calm, healing energy,” Sutherland said. However, she noted that energy work—or treatment of any kind—with animals, is a big responsibility. “Animals can’t speak for themselves. They can’t tell you what’s going on, and you are making a choice for them. It is a big vulnerability for them.” Sutherland stressed the impor-tance of what she called the “con-scious intention of healing energy without expectations.”

“Life unfolds

the way it’s supposed to,”

she said. “It’s the natural cycle of

life—to bring healing energy without expecta-

tion, and I think it can offer us a lot of peace and acceptance.” Ely reiterated the importance of momentary awareness. “Any animal you see, and for sure any animal with which you come in contact is connected with you on an energetic level,” she said. “I do my best to learn from them. For that, I need to be to be present with them, and notice if I can pick up what the lesson today is.”

REIKI FOR ANIMALSIn Minnesota, Animal Intuition (animal-intuition.com) in Eden Prairie offers, among other natural and holistic animal based services, Reiki for animals. The Animal Intuition website says “(Reiki) can never cause harm and works for the highest good for yourself and others.” This form of healing “does not con-flict with any other form of healing, whether traditional or alternative.” The site also makes it clear that Reiki is not a replacement for proper medical care, but it “supports the body’s ability to heal.” For additional informa-tion on Reiki for animals, visit animalreikisource.com.

Kevin Krein is a writer living in Northfield. He’s operated the award-win-ning music blog Anhedonic Headphones since 2013, and hosts a corresponding podcast available in iTunes and Google Play. His writing has also appeared in River Valley Woman and on The Next Ten Words. He is a “cool rabbit dad” at heart, but is now a “foster failure;”he and his wife live with a special needs cat named Ted. Follow Kevin (and Ted) on ‘the socials’—@KevEFly (Twitter) and @kev_e_fly (Instagram.)


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CAN'T GET HER ATTENTION. She's friendly off leash, but when we're walking she looks like Cujo! Help!

A: “When friendly dogs turn crazy on leash, it is often frustration coming

out,” explains Carrie Davis, CPDT-KA of Paws Abilities Dog Training. While your dog would be able to approach and greet the dog were she off-leash, she can’t do so when she’s on the leash. That leads to the equivalent of a doggy tantrum. This is common with excitable adolescent and young adult dogs, and Davis reassures us that it’s very workable. Davis recommends that you consider the first impression your dog gives to strangers. “While your dog may be friendly, [on-leash frustration] often leads to growls and [aggressive-appearing] body language.” The other dog doesn’t know that your dog just wants to play, and that can lead to fear, aggression or even fights. Training tools that humanely turn your dog away from the other dog when she lunges can help to neutralize this first impression. Davis recommends a front-attach harness or a Gentle Leader head halter.

“This equipment can decrease the ability to pull and help your dog maintain [friend-lier] body language.” Some training can help, too. “Practice leash walking skills in your yard so that you and your dog find a good rhythm together.”

TRAINING WITH A PAYCHECKOn the subject of training, Davis recommends pulling out the big guns to address this issue. “Find out what your dog’s favorite high-value rewards are.” These should be something special that your dog will only get during training. Some of her suggestions include smoked cheese, chicken, beef hot dogs, tennis balls, frisbee, or other exciting things. Try a few things to find out what’s most valuable for your pup. Most leash-reactive dogs won’t take even their favorite treats when they’re already worked up, so Davis advises starting at a distance. “Start by watching dogs that are quite far away – so far that your dog can see them but isn’t pulling or barking.” You may need to start by standing on the opposite side of the PetSmart parking lot, for example, or a block away from the vet clinic. If your dog is lunging and worked up, you’re too close. Once you find your distance, teach your dog a simple rule: after she sees another dog, she

gets her reward from you. Seeing another dog on leash always predicts this reward. Davis explains that “this does a couple things. It makes your dog start to check in with you each time she sees a dog, so she can earn her reward. It also builds more attention towards you, the paycheck giver!” Over time, she recommends that you get closer to other dogs. If your dog lunges or barks, back up a bit. You should see your dog starting to tune in to you pretty quickly with this program. As Davis says, “dogs can’t greet every dog that they meet on leash. But they can learn to ignore them, and to check in with you for fun things.” Everybody wins.

Sara Reusche, CBCC-KA CPDT-KSA CVT, is owner of Paws Abilities Dog Training.

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Lily the Hen was like no other chicken in the coop. While other hens were happy to peck in the dirt and roost, Lily loved science, reading and exploring. She knew there were big things to see, and she aimed to see them. And so, on the day the pirates came to the farm, Lily volunteered to join them. She taught the other hens to navigate and un-derstand maps. She taught them about sailing, and they visited strange new places. It was an adventure, but the other hens were unhappy. Lily made them do all the work, the cleaning and scrubbing! She made them sleep in tiny little nests and do homework! The other hens staged a mutiny and made Lily walk the plank. But just before she was about to make a big splash, Lily began to think. Was she really a pirate, or was she something else—some-thing better? Some of us are born leaders. Some of us hap-pen to be chickens. Won’t it delight your child to find someone who’s both? Indeed, this book is a great preschool romp, but it’s not for featherbrains. Lily is a smart hen who wants more for herself, and she works to get it. And yet, she’s no m-egg-lomaniac, which gives parents a chance to present sharing, quietly asser-tive behavior, and other traits of a good leader. Certainly, children who love chickens will want this book read again and again. Little pirate wanna-be’s will arrrrrrrdore it, as will adventur-ous kids who love swashbuckling tales.

Pirate Chicken: All Hens on Deck

By Brian Yanish, pictures by Jess Pauwels, c.2019, Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, $17.99, 32 pages


Researchers say there are “more than 200 million in-sects for every human being…on the planet today.” So what, exactly, is an insect? The author says that a “good rule of thumb” is to count the legs. If you get to six and they’re attached to the creature’s midsection, it’s an insect. There’s a lot to learn when it comes to insects. Insects’ blood is yellow, for starters, which explains the gunk on your windshield. Bugs may have multiple eyes. Some insects have ears on their bodies or tongues on their feet; some have no mouth because they don’t live long enough to need one. Smash, slap, spray, swear, but we still need bugs. Without them, we’d be buried beneath dead crea-tures and dung. Many of the world’s industries would die and, with nothing to pollinate our plants, so would we. If, when presented with a book like this, your first inclination is to shiver or flinch, give yourself a minute. Bugs are our buddies, and you need to repeat that. As you’ll read in this fascinating book, it’s actually true. But it’s not just bugs you’ll find here. Because the crawlies don’t live in a vacuum, the author also includes other critters in her run through our ecosystem, showing how bugs benefit other living things and vice versa. This symbiosis is highly interesting, as are the peeks into insect anatomy, bugs’ beds and bed bugs, and the dark side of bug-dom—all told in a way that’s butterfly-light but seriously fun to read.

Buzz, Sting, Bite: Why We Need InsectsBy Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, c.2019, Simon & Schuster, $26, 235 pages

Dr. Kate Blunt gave the dog a 14-day re-prieve. Space was tight at the shelter Kate ran, and two weeks was all any dog got. This dog was in pretty bad shape, skinny, with scars on his muzzle. However, the second he saw Kate’s son, Jasper, the dog came alive. Jasper, 11, knew nobody would believe him, but the connection he had with the animal was immediate and weird. It was like the dog was putting words in Jasper’s head, like when the dog said that its name was Whistler. What was bad was that the dog was microchipped. Whistler belonged somewhere else, to a program in Texas that trained service dogs, and there was a little girl that desperately needed him. Kate saw the likely ending. At first sniff, this story seems pretty new-agey and maybe, with the mind-reading bit, a hair on the odd side. Yes, it’s fun to Doctor-Doolittle with a dog, but that un-canny communication becomes oversized here, in narrative that’s too long and that contains at least one pointless side plot. And yet, that won’t matter one bit to fans of dog stories. Nope, this book is irresistible because it’s about a dog and about love. If you’re not a dog lover, move along. For puppy parents with patience, though, this book could be the pick of the litter.

The Wonder of Lost Causes

By Nick Trout, c.2019, Wm. Morrow, $16.99, 464 pages

The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and she never goes anywhere without a book. She lives in Wisconsin with two pampered pooches and 13,000 books.

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N SE for NEWS...

FIRST ALLIANCE COVERS ADOPTION FEES, DONATES FOOD, OFFERS PET SAVINGS ACCOUNTSIn 2018, First Alliance Credit Union became the first business to join the Paws and Claws Humane Society’s Guardian Angel Program by sponsoring pets available for adoption. The credit union once again covered adoption fees for pets available at Paws & Claws. They included a bonded pair of sister dogs, a senior Pomeranian named Dolche and and a young cat named Ryan. In addition, the credit union again pledged to donate 10 pounds of pet food to Paws & Claws for every new membership account opened at the credit union in June. They donated 2,000 pounds of food to the shelter through their Pet Month initiative. To extend their giving throughout the year, the credit union has introduced a new savings account to help pet owners save and plan for their pet related expenses, and with each new pet account opened, the credit union will donate $10 to Paws & Claws. “Our staff are all animal lovers, and we are excited to support Paws & Claws Humane Society once again,” said First Alliance Credit Union’s President/CEO Michael Rosek. “Paws & Claws has been a valuable resource in our community and we are proud to help advance their mission.”

Sister Dominique Pisciotta blesses a beloved pet.


September 29, 1:30–3pmCome feathered, furred, or finned!

Join other animal lovers to celebrate the special grace that pets bring to

our community. Whether your paws are padded, hoofed or webbed, all are welcome. All are winners of a genuine

blessing at “Assisi’s Best in Show!” Rochester Franciscan ‘Animal Whisperers’ will conduct the

blessings in Canticle Park at Assisi Heights. Donations appreciated.

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ANIMAL HUMANE SOCIETYFive locations: Buffalo, Coon Rapids, Golden Valley, St. Paul, and Woodburyanimalhumanesociety.org763-522-4325Adoption, surrender, education programs, pet training, a free behavior helpline, boarding, low-cost spay/neuter, cruelty investigation/rescue and pet loss services.

AUSSIE RESCUE OF MINNESOTA, [email protected] Aussies and Aussie mixes.

BASSET BUDDIES RESCUE, INC.bassetbuddiesrescue.org262-347-8823To rescue, foster and place adoptable Basset Hounds in loving, permanent homes.

BROWN COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY (New Ulm)[email protected] and welfare of animals through education, sanctuary, adoption and promotion of responsible ownership.

CAMP COMPANION, INC. (Rochester)campcompanion.orgquestions@campcompanion.org507-951-7801Trap-Neuter-Return for farm and feral cats.Adoption program for cats and dogs with adoption events every Saturday at different pet stores in Rochester.

CARING FOR CATS (St. Paul)caring-for-cats.org651-407-8485All-volunteer, no-kill, non-profit shelter for cats and kittens in North St. Paul, funded 100% by donations.

CATS MEOW DOGS BARK RESCUEkelvarmair.petfinder.comadoptablepets@aol.com651-343-1964Foster-based rescue focused on owner surrenders.

CHICKEN RUN [email protected] abandoned chickens with love, shelter and vet care, and adopts the birds, as companion animals only, within 90 miles of the Twin Cities.

COCO’S HEART DOG RESCUEcocosheartdogrescue.orgashley@cocosheartdogrescue.orgFoster-based rescue that has saved dogs and cats from unfortunate circumstances, rescuing more than 800 dogs and cats in 2.5 years.

COTTONWOOD COUNTY ANIMAL RESCUE (Windom) cottonwoodanimalrescue.com [email protected] 507-831-4110 Dedicated to re-homing and preventing unwanted and abandoned animals.

DOBERMAN RESCUE MINNESOTAdobermanrescueminnesota.comsupport@dobermanrescueminnesota.com651-256-2294To promote responsible pet ownership and eliminate the abuse, abandonment, neglect and deaths of Doberman Pinschers.

ENGLISH SPRINGER RESCUE AMERICA, INC.springerrescue.orgspringerrescuemidwest@gmail.com507-271-8107Foster care placement organization for Springer Spaniels.

FELINE RESCUE INC. (St. Paul)[email protected] 501c3 shelter, foster, outreach, and education for stray, abused and abandoned cats until they are adopted.

FUR-EVER HOME [email protected] advocates for and rescues local animals with urgent medical needs or behavior issues - animals that needed a little more effort.

GEMINI ROTTWEILER AND PITBULL [email protected] are dedicated to saving the lives of these misunderstood breeds, and offering them a second chance at a forever home.

GREAT DANE RESCUE OF MN & WIgdromn.org / [email protected] rescue for Great Danes in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

GREAT PLAINS POINTER RESCUEgreatpointers.orgRescue and adoption in Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota.

GREYHOUND PETS OF AMERICA MNgpa-mn.org / [email protected] /placing retired racing greyhounds.

HEADING HOME K9 RESCUEheadinghomek9rescue.com, petfinder.com/shelters/MN333.html, facebook.com/[email protected] to rescuing homeless, unwanted and former puppy-mill dogs, senior dogs, big black mixed breeds, special needs and those sick or injured.

HIAWATHA ANIMAL HUMANE SOCIETY (Lake City, Wabasha, Kellogg, surrounding)www.hahumanesociety.orghiawathaanimal@hotmail.com651-448-0396Takes in local stray and unwanted animals, places them in foster homes, and adopts them out into loving, forever homes. 501c3, volunteer organization.

ITALIAN GREYHOUND RESCUE OF MN/NDKristin (MN): [email protected] (ND): [email protected] rescue and rehoming service, and an IGCA affiliate.

LUCKY’S PLACEluckysplace.org / [email protected], non-profit cat rescue.

LUV A CHIN JAPANESE CHIN RESCUE (Twin Cities based, nationwide foster network)www.luvachinrescue.orginfo@luvachinrescue.org507-641-4428Rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming Japanese Chins in need.

MARTIN COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY (Fairmont) [email protected] for the homeless animals of Martin County at the Carl Nettifee Animal Shelter, finding placement for them in new homes.

MIDWEST PUG RESCUE - MN DIVISION [email protected] rescue and provide safe and loving homes to abandoned, surrendered, stray and neglected pugs and find them new ‘ fur’ever homes.

MINNESOTA BOXER RESCUEmnboxerrescue.rescuegroups.orgMNBoxerRescue@yahoo.com763-647-3437Rescue, rehabilitate and re-home displaced and unwanted Boxers.

MINNESOTA COMPANION RABBIT SOCIETY mncompanionrabbit.org651-768-9755Volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of companion rabbits.

MINNESOTA GREYHOUND RESCUEMinnesotagreyhoundrescue.orgMinnesotaGreyhoundRescue@yahoo.com507-272-3467Dedicated to finding responsible homes for Greyhounds who are no longer used by the racing industry.

MINNESOTA HOOVED ANIMAL RESCUE FOUNDATIONmnhoovedanimalrescue.orginfo@mnhoovedanimalrescue.org763-856-3119Non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, retraining and re-homing horses and other hooved animals in need.

MINNESOTA POCKET PET [email protected] dedicated to rescuing and rehoming small animals.

MINNESOTA SHELTIE RESCUEmnsheltierescue.orginfo@mnsheltierescue.org612-616-7477Finding the best and last home for Shelties in need.

MINNESOTA WISCONSIN COLLIE RESCUEmwcr.org [email protected] to finding new hope and new homes for Collies in need of homes.

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MOWER COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY (Austin)mowercountyhumanesociety.orgemailmchs-dogs@yahoo.com507-437-9262No-kill shelter staffed entirely by volunteers.

MORRISON COUNTY ANIMAL HUMANE SOCIETY (Little Falls)mcpets.org [email protected] or [email protected] We take in unloved and unwanted animals to place in forever homes.

NATIONAL BRITTANY RESCUE AND ADOPTION [email protected], rehabilitates and re-homes Brittanys in need.

NORTHERN LIGHTS GREYHOUND [email protected] to finding responsible homes for retired racing Greyhounds and educating the public about Greyhounds as pets.

NORTHSTAR GREAT PYRENEES RESCUE OF MNnorthstargreatpyrs.commarnie@northstargreatpyrs.com612-379-0010Dedicated to providing rescue/rehoming, breed education and fun activities for Great Pyrenees and their owners.

NORTHSTAR SHIH TZU RESCUEfacebook.com/[email protected] rescue Shih Tzu and Shih Tzu blend dogs, evaluate them in foster homes and then match them to their perfect family.


NORTHWOODS HUMANE SOCIETY (Wyoming) [email protected] Chisago County and surrounding communities by caring for animals in need and helping them find a home.

PAWS AND CLAWS HUMANE SOCIETY (Rochester)[email protected] promote and provide humane protection and shelter for abandoned or lost companion animals, seek adoptive homes, provide public education regarding animal overpopulation, promote responsible animal care, and advocate spaying and neutering.

PAWS=PRECIOUS ANIMALS WORTH SAVINGpawsofjackson.compawsofjackson@gmail.com507-841-1834Working together to save as many animals as possible in the Jackson County area.

PET HAVEN INC. OF [email protected] in 1952 to rescue, rehome and advocate for companion animals.

PRAIRIE’S EDGE HUMANE SOCIETY (Northfield)[email protected] dogs and cats.

RESCUED PETS ARE WONDERFULrpaw.org • [email protected] rescue companion animals and find them loving forever homes.

RETRIEVE A GOLDEN OF THE MIDWEST (RAGOM)ragom.org • [email protected] and re-homing Golden Retrievers and Golden mixes in MN, IA, ND, SD and western WI.

RIVER BLUFF HUMANE SOCIETY(Red Wing)rbhspets.org / [email protected], limited-admission, low-kill shelter taking in all strays from Goodhue County and other areas as well as owner surrenders when space is available.

RUFF START [email protected] 763-355-3981

SAFE HAVEN PET RESCUE (Rochester) safehavenpetrescue.orgsafehavencat@yahoo.com507-529-4079Committed to finding safe, loving and secure homes for lost, abandoned and stray companion animals.

SAVE-A-BULL RESCUEsaveabullmn.comDedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and re-homing of American Pit Bull Terriers and other Bull breeds.

SAVE OUR [email protected] forever homes for the strays of Mitchell County, Iowa.

SAVING SHEPHERDS OF [email protected] German Shepherd Dog Rescue committed to rescuing, rehabilitating and placing dogs into new, loving homes.

SECOND CHANCE ANIMAL RESCUEsecondchancerescue.org651-771-5662Foster-based dog and cat rescue organization dedicated to rescuing, caring for and adopting out homeless dogs and cats.

SECONDHAND HOUNDS (Minnetonka)Secondhandhounds.org [email protected] 952-322-7643

SHIH TZU RESCUE OF MINNESOTAshihtzurescuemn.orgAll-volunteer organization with a mission to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome Shih Tzus and Shih Tzu mixes.

SMALL DOG RESCUE OF MINNESOTAsmalldogsminnesota.orginfo@smalldogsminnesota.orgAll-volunteer group committed to the rescue, rehabilitation, and placement of dogs 20 pounds and under.

SOUTHWEST METRO ANIMAL RESCUE swmetroanimalrescue.orgswmetroanimalrescue@hotmail.com952-368-PAWS (7297)Non-profit organization committed to the rescue of abandoned, abused and stray domestic animals.

STEELE COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY (Owatonna)[email protected] Foster home based rescue helping stray and abandoned animals in greater Steele County.

THE RESCUE [email protected] the Mistreated. Save the Injured. Love the Abandoned.

TRI-COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETYtricountyhumanesociety.orgpets@tricountyhumanesociety.org320-252-0896We believe in the human/animal bond and exist to support Central Minn. by practicing and promoting quality adoption services and education programs.

UPPER MIDWEST GREAT DANE RESCUEthegreatdanerescue.comcontact@thegreatdanerescue.com763-210-1978All volunteer foster-based rescue. So much to gain when you save a Dane.

WAGS & WHISKERS ANIMAL RESCUE OF [email protected] 501(c)(3), non-profit animal rescue organization dedicated to saving the lives of homeless animals and educating the community on responsible pet ownership.

WASECA COUNTY ANIMAL HUMANE SOCIETYwcahs.petfinder.comwcahsadoptions@gmail.com507-201-7287501c3, no-kill organization that helps homeless animals of all types in numerous counties in S. Central Minn.

WINONA AREA HUMANE SOCIETYwinonahumanesociety.org507-452-3135

LOST AND FOUND PETSReport lost and found petsof Southeast Minnesota: facebook.com/SEMNLost.Found

Report lost and found dogs of Minnesota: facebook.com/LDoMN

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Sept 8 Pocket pet nail trim clinic, hosted by MN Pocket Pet Rescue. 10 am–noon, Highland Park Chuck & Don's, 2114 Ford Pkwy, St Paul,


Sept 8 23rd annual Walk For The Animals, Mower County Humane Society fundraiser, 1pm reg-istration, 2pm walk, Todd Park, Austin. Special guest Roo Yori, American Ninja Warrior.

Sept 8 Goldzilla, Golden Retriever Fun Fair & Walk for Rescue, 8:30am–2pm, Long Lake Park, New Brighton, goldzilla.ragom.org

Sept 10 “Decoding the Driftless,” a film of science exploration and adven-ture about the Driftless Region, which includes SE Minnesota. 6:30–8:00pm, Free but preregistration required. Assisi Heights, rochesterfranciscan.org, 507-280-2195

Sept 10 Cat Film Festival, Pet Haven of MN, Landmark's Lagoon Cinema, Minneapolis. pethavenmn.org

Sept 13 Yappy hour to benefit Prairie’s Edge Humane Society. Imminent brewery, Northfield 5–7 pm. Raffle prizes, adoptable dogs. Imminent will donate a portion of sales to PEHS, prairiesedgehs.org

Sept 14 Bake sale for Martin County Humane Society, 9am–1pm, Fleet and Farm in Fairmont, mchsofmn.org

Sept 14 & 15 Rochester MN Kennel Club Annual All-Breed Conforma-tion Shows, Obedience Trials & Rally Trials. Specialty show by the Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Basset Hound Club. See a large variety of dog breeds. Vendors. Olmsted County Fairgrounds, rochestermnkennelclub.com

Sept 14 & 15 Pet Fest weekend, Min-nesota Renaissance Festival, Shakopee, renaissancefest.com/petfest

Sept 15 Paws For A Cause, Pet Haven of MN, Lakewood Park, White Bear Lake. pethavenmn.org

Sept 20 Girls Night at Farmaste, 7–10pm. Come out with your girlfriends for a night of vegan cheese, wine and good company. Tour the farm and meet the animals up close. Rather than hitting the town, hit the country! Farmaste.org

Sept 21 Pet Haven Dog Meet and Greet, Pet Haven of MN, Bentley's Pet Stuff, Excelsior, pethavenmn.org

Sept 21 Walk for Animals with Roo Yori, K9 Ninja Warrior, 2pm, Cedar Creek Park in Fairmont, benefits Martin County Humane Society, mchsofmn.org

Sept 21 Snakes! As you learn more about their benefits, your willingness to co-exist increases. 9:30–10:30am, $12 preregistered/prepaid.

Sept 22 Cakes & Cars for Critters, hosted by Mower County Humane Society and Austin Eagles, 9am–2pm. Pancakes served til 1pm. Cars and motorcycle show: Also craft sale, bake sale, vendors.

Sept 28 Rally for Rescue, fundraiser for Saving Shepherds of MN, 10am–2pm. Vendors, food truck, K9 demos, silent auction, raffle. Admission is free and friendly, leashed dogs are welcome. Ani-mal Inn Training School; 8633 34th St N, Lake Elmo, savingshepherdsofmn.org

Sept 28 Minnesota Boxer Rescue WiggleFest and walk, 10:30am–2:30pm, Thompson County Park, West St. Paul. Games, raffles, vendors, merchandise, mnboxerrescue.rescuegroups.org

Sept 28 Best Friends Animal Society Strut Your Mutt annual fundraising dog walk, 5K run and festival, 8am–1pm, St. Louis Park. strutyourmutt.org

Sept 29 Blessing of the Animals: Bring your finned, furred or feathered friends! Donations appreciated. 1:30–3pm, Assisi Heights, rochesterfranciscan.org, 507-280-2195

Sept 29 Springer and Springer Wan-nabe Picnic, 11am–3pm, Token Creek Park, Madison, Wis. Lunch, raffle, rescue store, doggie games. Meet Springers and Springer lovers. Proceeds benefit English Springer Rescue America.


Oct 4 Paws and Claws Humane Society’s 30th Fall Auction, International Event Center. Beautiful themed baskets, artwork, gift certificates. Silent auction bidding starts at 5:30. Live auction with local auctioneer John Kruesel. Tickets are $20 and include a meal and bid number.

Oct 5 Barktoberfest, hosted by Leashes & Leads. 1–4pm at LTS Brewery

Oct 5 Walk for the Animals, time and location TBD. Prairiesedgehs.org

Oct 5 A Night to Paws Gala, a benefit for Doberman Rescue Minnesota, Minneapolis, dobermanrescueminnesota.com

Oct 12 Owl Prowl, 6pm, Interna-tional Owl Center, Houston, Minn. internationalowlcenter.org

Oct 13 Pocket pet nail trim clinic, hosted by MN Pocket Pet Rescue. 10 am–noon, Highland Park Chuck & Don's, 2114 Ford Pkwy, St Paul, mnpocketpetrescue.org

Oct 19 Paws for Chili benefitting Camp Companion and Evergreen Cat Sanctuary, 3–8 pm, Olmsted County Fairgrounds. Chili feed, bake sale, craft sale, cooking decorating, face painting, cake walk, Rochester Fire Department presentation, live llamas, free gift bag to all kids who come in costume.

Oct 19 Alley Cat Bash, fundraiser for Feline Rescue, with special guest Sterling “Trapking” Davis: “You don’t lose cool points for compassion.” Event at Kagin Hill Ballroom on the Macalester St Paul Campus, 6pm, felinerescue.org/glitterball

Oct 26 & 27 The Biology and Treat-ment of Behavior Problems in Dogs seminar with Dr. Jessica Hekman and Dr. Amy Cook. pawsabilitiesmn.com/events


Nov 2 Pet Haven Dog and Cat Meet and Greet, 11am, Petco, Richfield. pethavenmn.org

Nov 3 Pet Haven Cat Meet and Greet, 1pm , Petco, Richfield. pethavenmn.org

Nov 10 Pocket pet nail trim clinic, hosted by MN Pocket Pet Rescue. 10 am–noon, Highland Park Chuck & Don's, 2114 Ford Pkwy, St Paul, mnpocketpetrescue.org

Nov 13 Give to the Max Day. Donate to your favorite rescue.

Nov 13 Prairie’s Edge Humane Society will be at Imminent Brewery to accept donations, 5–7pm, Prairiesedgehs.org

Nov 16 Owl Prowl, 6pm, Interna-tional Owl Center, Houston, Minn. internationalowlcenter.org

Nov 23 Bake sale for Martin County Humane Society, 9am–1pm, Fleet and Farm in Fairmont, mchsofmn.org


Dec 7 Pet Haven Dog and Cat Meet and Greet, 11am, Petco, Richfield. pethavenmn.org

Dec 8 Pet Haven Cat Meet and Greet, 1pm, Petco, Richfield. pethavenmn.org

Dec 8 Pocket pet nail trim clinic, hosted by MN Pocket Pet Rescue. 10 am–noon, Highland Park Chuck & Don's, 2114 Ford Pkwy, St Paul, mnpocketpetrescue.org

INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Barking Dozen ...................................................................................... 21 BluePearl Referral + Emergency Hospital ......................................... 21 The Bluffs Pet Clinic of Red Wing ....................................................... 13 Chocolate Shoppe ............................................................................. 18 Coldwell Banker Burnet, Shawn Buryska .......................................... 11 Edina Realty ....................................................................................... IBC Heritage Pet Hospital .......................................................................... 21 Invisible Fence ..................................................................................... 18 Jon Kittleson Portrait Artist .................................................................. 18KM Regional Veterinary Hospital ....................................................... 23 Leashes and Leads ............................................................................ BC Meadow View Veterinary Clinic, LLC ............................................... 13 Med City Animal Hospital ................................................................... 25 Northern Valley Animal Clinic ............................................................ 25 Paws and Claws Humane Society .................................................... 25 PawsAbilities Dog Training .................................................................. 22 Quarry Hill Park Animal Hospital ....................................................... 23 Rochester Pet and Country Store ....................................................IFC Trupanion ............................................................................................... 4 VCA Cascade Animal Medical Center & Inn ................................... 4Zumbrota Veterinary Clinic ................................................................ 11


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Cat spirits have found a home, mischief and all, in a local boutique B y B ry an Lund


Like most cats, the ghost-kittens haunt-ing Dwell Local boutique in Rochester move about in stealth. Until it’s time

to bat something off a shelf. That’s how Paul Bennett, lover of cats and owner of Dwell, first realized he shares real estate with spirit-pets. Paranormal-ish happenings began shortly after he moved into the building in 2014. “I would come in in the morning and there’d be things knocked down. But like at really low levels usually or off tabletops,” says Bennett. “One night I was there working really late and I hear something in the back. I go back and I just felt a brush against my leg, kind of. And there had been stuff knocked off a tabletop.” To Bennett, who lives with four cats of his own, the mess bore the hallmarks of a meandering trail of disorder that follows a cat on the move. “You could see where it ran through the door, up on a short bookcase, onto a table, and then back down to the floor,” says Bennett.

ANIMAL OCCUPANTS SINCE 1954The idea that his store might be haunted snapped into focus when a spiritual empath friend visited the store and refused to enter one of the shop’s rooms, saying she felt like she couldn’t. Weeks later she asked Bennett what had occupied the building before Dwell. When he told her, she revealed that she’d felt animals and death, which made sense, she said, if euthaniza-tions had been performed there. They had. “That building, that was built as a veterinary hospital back in 1954,” says Dr. Mark Wenner of VCA Cascade Animal Medical Center and Inn, who bought the building and hospital in 1991.

According to Wenner, euthanizations would have taken place in one of four areas: a small treatment area near the center of the building and three exam rooms on the east side. The room Bennett’s empathic friend refused to enter? The back room in the shop’s east corner. An original Cascade technician named Lyle worked for Wenner until the hospital moved in 2012.

“Lyle had lots of good stories, but he never told me any stories like that,”

says Dr. Wenner. Paws and Claws

Humane Society then occupied the building until Dwell. Bennett says ex-volunteers of the organization have told him that, at times, they

could hear running in the ceiling. However, current

staff reported a ghost-free environment.

“I remember when we were at that building,” says Josie Stoeckel,

Paws and Claws cat adoption counselor. “And I checked with a few people that remembered that building, and none of us remembered having any experiences with spirits.”

HAPPY TO HOSTAfter Bennett’s empath friend gave the building a spiritual cleanse, she told him that any spirits remaining there were right where they wanted to be, because it had been a good place for them. The cleanse left the shop feeling happier, according to Bennett, and he reports one or two visitations a month now, typically in a rear-center room of the shop. “Now for me it’s like, they’re out playing. It’s a good thing,” says Bennett. He says he knows there is more than one cat spirit visiting, but he has trouble sensing anything more specific. The ghost cats have yet to break or spill anything.

“Not yet, but if they do, they do,” says Bennett. The spirits couldn’t have picked a better new steward of their spirit house. “My whole life is about making places better for cats,” he jokes. At home, he and his partner live with four cats: Ella, Walter, Percy and Cora. They treat their cats like their kids, he says, part of the family. Relationships like that allow humans to glimpse the subtle, mysterious personalities of the felines around them. That embrace could explain why Paul senses cats of yesteryear in Dwell, and why they continue to goof off in his shop at night. As far as what to do if you find yourself hosting ghost cats? “My advice is just to embrace them. It sounds weird, but just to enjoy them,” says Bennett.

Bryan Lund is a writer, ghostwriter and skier living in Rochester.

Photo above: Bennett gestures toward a favorite shelf-haunt of the shop’s spirit-cats. Visible behind his arm is the room his empath friend wouldn’t enter.

IN MEMORY OF MAXWELLGhost-cats aren’t the only ones benefiting from Bennett’s caring nature. In the past Dwell has raised funds for both Paws and Claws and Camp Companion, but a more personal collec-tion is being taken up at the counter at present. Weeks ago, a young couple in Bennett’s neigh-borhood found an injured kitten but couldn’t afford to take him to the emergency vet. So Bennett took him, but there was nothing that could be done. Bennett named him Maxwell.“So, I spent the night with him and then we euthanized him. So I’m just doing a little re-membrance for him,” says Bennett, choking up.

Bennett and his remembrance of Maxwell.


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We know what is all about

James Miller , Realtorwith German Shorthair Pointer, Deuce

[email protected]



with Collie mix, Sophie and Australian Cattle Dog, Willie507-254-1247

[email protected]

Team Eric Robinson(Matt Narveson not pictured)

with Black Lab,507-398-2300

[email protected]/eric-robinson-realtor#


1301 Salem Road SW, Rochester, MN 55902

Trina Solano, REALTOR®, CNHS, GRI, SRESwith Black Lab, Tar507-261-4030

[email protected]

Natalia Baker, Realtorwith Chocolate Lab, Stella

507-884-7874 [email protected]


SylviaTrina Natalia Eric James


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SEPTEMBER 26THEssential Oils & Your Pets

Leashes and Leads, 6 pm

SEPTEMBER 29THCanines and Coffee

Leashes and Leads, 8 am

OCTOBER 5THBarktoberfest

LTS Brewing, 1 - 4 pm

OCTOBER 9THHealthy Pet Food Seminar

Leashes and Leads, 6 pm

OCTOBER 25THHowl-o-ween

Leashes and Leads, 5 - 8 pm

L E A S H E S L E A D S&

For event and class informationfollow us on @Leashesandleads


leashesandleads.com • 507-282-2710

coming this fall: Pet Tech Canine First Aid and CPR Classes